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CHAPTER ONE................................................................15

YOU ARE A LEADER SOMEWHERE.......................15

Discovering Your Leadership Gifts...............................20

Leadership Challenges & Perseverance.........................23

Leadership Integrity and Character................................28

7 Behaviors to Be an Integral Leader............................30

Leadership Impact.........................................................33

Cultivating Leadership Skills........................................36

Godly Wisdom in Leadership........................................40

CHAPTER TWO...............................................................45



The Ultimate Victory.....................................................54

How to resolve the fog?.................................................55

Leadership in Times of Conflict: Lessons from


The Divine Mandate of Justice and the Consequences of

The Divine Art of Forgiveness.......................................72

The Wisdom of Pursuing Peace.....................................76

Love Your Enemies: Embracing others with compassion.


Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Answering the Call to

Foster Peace...................................................................90

CHAPTER THREE...........................................................96


UNCLEAR VISION......................................................96

Divine Clarity: Seeking God's Guidance for Clear Vision


How to Become a Visionary Guided by the Holy Spirit.


CHAPTER FOUR............................................................115

THE RELATIONAL FOG...........................................115

Maintaining Strong Family Relationships Amidst Your

Entrepreneurial Leadership Crisis................................115

The Dual Challenge of Entrepreneurial Leadership and

Family Life..................................................................116

Overcoming Family Challenges in Entrepreneurship..119

Building Stronger Family Bonds.................................121

Overcoming Loneliness in Relationship (Business)....125

5 Recommendations to Manage the Loneliness of the


Navigating the Relational Fog through Trust and Faith.


CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................135

THE EMOTIONAL FOG............................................135

Emotional Management...............................................136

Symptoms of lack of Emotional Self-Control.........137

Causes and Consequences.......................................137

Treatment of lack of Emotional Self-Control..............138

CHAPTER SIX................................................................144

THE PYSICAL FOG...................................................144

Ergonomics and Workspace Design........................144

Nutritional Challenges.................................................145

The truth about time management for entrepreneurs...146

Why is time management important?......................147

How to manage time effectively?................................149

Learn to Delegate.........................................................152

A pending task among entrepreneurs!.........................153

CHAPTER SEVEN.........................................................159

HIDDEN RESOURCES IN FOG................................159

1.1. The Entrepreneurial Mindset............................159

What is the entrepreneurial and business mentality?


What is an Entrepreneurial Mindset?......................162

Mindset examples that will inspire you.......................164

Cultivating your Entrepreneurial Mentality.................169

Hidden Blessings Through God's Presence.................181

Two things that prevent the blessings of heaven from

manifesting in your life............................................184

What is the secret of standing before God?.................186

CHAPTER EIGHT..........................................................190

DISCOVER YOUR INNER BEING...........................190

Discovering your uniqueness...................................190

The importance of purpose......................................192

How to achieve your goals......................................193

Overcoming obstacles..................................................194

Building self-confidence..............................................196

Shape Your Mindset and Behavior...............................197

Developing a positive mindset.................................200

Creating a vision for your life..................................201

Taking action towards your dreams.............................203

The benefits of taking action...................................203

The rewards of success............................................205

The impact of failure...............................................207

The journey to your desired outcome......................208

CHAPTER NINE.............................................................210



Reframing your current life purpose........................210

Overcoming your past life...........................................212

Moving towards greatness.......................................214

Letting go of your past.............................................215

Creating a bright future............................................216

The 80/20 Principle..................................................217

How can the 80/20 rule help you find your life

What are some specific ways you can apply the 80/20
rule to your life purpose?.........................................220
How can the 80/20 rule help you focus on what's

How can the 80/20 rule help you simplify your life?

How can the 80/20 rules help you manage your time?

How can the 80/20 rule help you reduce stress?......225

How can the 80/20 rules help you improve your life?

“When you find yourself focusing on the people you lead

rather than just tasks to complete, then you have

transitioned into making people your priority.” ― Barry


"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."

- Warren Bennis

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking

care of those in your charge." ― Simon Sinek

“Successful leadership is rooted in how well you develop

others.” ― Barry Banther

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and
shows the way."

— John Maxwell
Come to think of this, whether we are aware of it or not,

every one of us has a special leadership role to play in the

enormous fabric of human existence. Our leadership skills

do not only take place on large stages or in positions of

authority; rather, it frequently manifests itself in the

complex attributes of our daily lives. We play leadership

roles in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and even

in the private corners of our own hearts.

We oftentimes find ourselves taking up the role of

leadership through a difficult phase of life as we go through

life; this fog are the challenges that obscures our eyesight,

shrouds our paths in ambiguity, and provides us with a

variety of problems. Our relationships with other people

may be strained as a result of these causes. Our minds and

souls are clouded by the emotional haze, which prevents

clarity and peace. Even the body feels the effect, which

includes the struggles that our bodies face, is covered by it.

However, this is a constant source of direction and

inspiration in the middle of this haze. The scriptures act as

a sturdy lighthouse in the midst of life's challenges because

of their profound wisdom and everlasting teachings.

When we read of people who were thrown into the middle

of battle throughout the Bible. These stories reveal deep

lessons on leadership in stormy times, from the

battleground where David battled the great Goliath to Job's

interior battles of doubt and faith. They show us that divine

wisdom and steadfast faith in God can bring us triumph

both inside and externally even in the midst of chaos and

conflict. (Proverbs 29:18) reminds us, "Where there is no

vision, the people perish."

In the Bible, we are provided with roadmaps for fostering

and fortifying the intricate web of connections that form

our existence. Leadership runs through all aspects of our

life like a thread.

From Abraham Lincoln's arduous journey from log cabin to

the presidency to the quiet strength of a single mother

raising her children, leadership emerges as a beacon of

hope, transcending circumstances and inspiring change.

The path of leadership is never a straight line; it's a

convoluted journey marked by peaks of triumphs and

valleys of challenges. The fog of conflict can shroud this

path, whether it's the clash of opposing ideologies on a

global scale or the internal battles we wage within

ourselves. Secular history presents us with figures like

Winston Churchill, who, amidst the chaos of World War II,

provided unwavering guidance to a nation teetering on the

edge. Simultaneously, the biblical narrative of David and

Goliath reminds us that even the most daunting challenges

can be overcome with faith and determination.

As we continue to explore and understand the “LEADING

THROUGH THE FOG” with applicable wisdom, let us

remember that the leadership is not rigid in nature but a

living source of guidance to becoming a productive leader.

This book will continue to inspire and empower leaders of

all kinds, guiding you through the fog of conflict, unclear

vision, strained relationships, turbulent emotions, physical

trials, and scarcity towards a path illuminated by Faith,

Wisdom, and Unwavering Trust in the God and your inner

potentials. By illuminating the threads that bind these tales

of perseverance, we aim to equip you, dear reader, with a

multifaceted lens through which to navigate the fog and

emerge as a guiding light in your own sphere of influence.

Do well to digest this beautiful quote as we continue

reading this book.

“Lasting leadership comes from a personal transformation,

not a personal agenda.” ― Barry Banther.



It's easy to forget the universal fact that leadership is not a

luxury of the selected few but a natural ability that lies

inside us all amid the immense stature of rising leaders and

prominent personalities. Leadership has a place, whether it

is in the environment of a busy office, a supportive family,

a close-knit neighborhood, or even within the confines of

our own hearts. We often go about our regular lives with

this cloak on.

The idea that "everyone is a leader somewhere" is

consistent with the teachings of the Bible. In (1 Peter 4:10-

11) we are reminded that God has given each of us

particular talents and abilities to use in the service of

others. Like leadership, these skills are designed to be used

for the benefit of all. The Bible exhorts us to use our

abilities skillfully whether we are in charge of a family, a

neighborhood, or a place of business. (Matthew 5:14-16)

emphasizes that we are the "light of the world" and we are

to let our light shine before others. This means that we are

to set an example in all aspects of life and reflect God's

love, wisdom, and grace.

Leadership encompasses our impact in our spheres of

influence as well as our positions of authority. Because of

this, acknowledging that "everyone is a leader somewhere"

serves as a reminder of our obligation to lead with humility,

virtue, and love, as Jesus Christ Himself demonstrated.

Leadership finds a special medium in our deepest feelings

and ideas. The decisions we make, the kindness we exhibit,

and the empathy we give are all examples of heart-centered

leadership. Leadership through compassion and selflessness

is shown by both the teachings of Jesus and secular

personalities like Mother Teresa.

Now, before we proceed by firstly explaining the true

meaning of Leadership

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do

something you want done because he wants to do it." -

Dwight D. Eisenhower

"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does

the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do

the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan

“Every leader leaves a legacy.” ― Barry Banther

"Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about

impact, influence, and inspiration." - Robin Sharma

“We can’t alter our past, but we can shape our future. We

can end well.” ― Barry Banther

Now, let's delve into a more detailed definition of


Leadership is the process of guiding, inspiring, and

influencing a group of individuals towards the attainment

of a common goal or objective. A true leader serves as a

role model, demonstrating not only the ability to articulate

a clear vision but also the competence to devise strategic

plans and mobilize resources to turn that vision into reality.

Effective leadership involves fostering a sense of purpose

and direction among team members, instilling a shared

sense of mission, and cultivating an environment of trust

and collaboration.

A leader displays qualities such as empathy, integrity,

resilience, and adaptability, which allow them to connect

with others on a deep level and navigate through challenges

with grace and determination. Leadership extends beyond

authority or formal position; it is about harnessing the

strengths and potential of each team member while

recognizing and respecting their diverse perspectives.

Communication is a cornerstone of leadership,

encompassing both active listening and effective

articulation. A leader must be able to convey ideas with

clarity, motivate through inspiration, and provide

constructive feedback to facilitate growth and development.

Moreover, leadership is not confined to individual

achievements; it involves uplifting the entire team,

fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and

celebrating collective successes.

In essence, leadership is the embodiment of service, as

leaders prioritize the well-being and growth of their team

members. Through a blend of strategic thinking,

interpersonal skills, and emotional intelligence, a leader

orchestrates harmonious collaboration, aligns actions with

values, and empowers individuals to reach their fullest

potential. A successful leader's legacy is not only measured

by achievements but also by the lasting positive impact

they leave on the people they lead and the organizations

they guide.

Discovering Your Leadership Gifts.

While we wander through life of journey, the first

encounter with leadership we need to discover is within

ourselves. Just as a captain steers a ship, we are at the helm

of our lives, steering through calm waters and stormy seas.

We are the architects of our destinies, the navigators of our

choices, and the leaders of our actions. The world has

illuminated this truth through figures like Mahatma Gandhi,

who led a nation towards independence by embodying the

principles he preached.
“Leadership is a gift. It’s given by those who follow.

You have to be worthy of it.”

— General Mark Welsh

In the same way, the Bible reminds us in Proverbs 16:9,

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes

his steps." The Bible declares that spiritual gifts are

heavenly gifts that enable people to hold positions of

leadership. Apostle Paul describes these abilities and

outlines their varied manifestations at Romans 12:6–8. It

highlights how crucial it is to acknowledge and diligently

use our inherent gifts. “For as in one body we have many

members, and the members do not all have the same function, so

we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually

members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the

grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to

our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his

teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who
contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one

who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness." (Romans 12:4-8).

These passages stress that leadership comprises of a range

of abilities rather than being confined to a particular job.

These gifts—whether they be those of teaching, leading —

are intended to edify and bind the body of Christ not only

that but as a wonderful way of growing up as an effective

leader to your followers that believe in you and your


THE FAMILY: A place where leadership is tested.

A home filled with joy and excellence demonstrate the

active leadership of the HEAD.

A family is where leadership manifests itself in its most

vulnerable but effective way. Leaders in their own way,

parents, guardians, and siblings encourage development,

provide direction, and instill ideals that will impact the

future. Think about the brave leadership shown by

Jochebed, Moses' mother, when she carried her son on the

Nile River in a basket, eventually changing the course of

history. Similarly, stories from the sphere of our world,

such as the story of Rosa Parks, demonstrate how a single

act of disobedience may ignite a movement for justice.

Leaders are able to serve effectively and lead with divine

knowledge thanks to these gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

How you discover your leadership begins from the

perception and the family culture established by the parent,

guidance. Recognizing and nurturing these gifts is critical

to effective leadership within a community. They are

bestowed by God for the common good, enabling us to lead

and serve others with divine wisdom and empowerment. As

leaders, let us earnestly seek and use these gifts, aware of

our responsibility to build up and unite our fellow

Leadership Challenges &


The Bible provides a rich picture of the leadership

challenges faced by notable figures such as Moses, David,

and Paul, and how their steadfast faith sustained them

through adversity. The first person we will examine is the

life of Moses.

When Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt,

he faced many difficulties, from the likes of Pharaoh's

resistance, the consistent complains of the children of

Israelites, and the hardships they experience in the

wilderness. This alone can cause a leader to be extremely

frustrated and giving up on the course of leading the people

of Israel but here we see that Moses never lost hope in

God's promises and direction. Moses' persevering faith is

attested to in (Hebrews 11:27), which states, "By faith, he

[Moses] left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for

he endured as seeing him who is invisible.”

Another is David, anointed as king. A small but blessed

soul with excellence where he faced series opposition from

Saul, betrayal by his own son Absalom, and personal moral

failures. Through it all, he remained "A man after God's own

heart" (1 Samuel 13:14) because of his genuine repentance

and reliance on God's grace.

Paul, after his conversion, embarked on missionary

journeys fraught with persecution, shipwrecks, and

imprisonment. His words in (2 Timothy 4:7-8) resonate as

a testament to his perseverance: "I have fought the good fight,

I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.”

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you

face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of

your faith produces perseverance." - James 1:2-3 (NIV)

These stories illustrate that leadership often involves trials

and tribulations. What sets these leaders apart is their

Faith, unwavering trust in God's promises, and reliance on

His strength. They are persevered because they knew their

leadership was a calling from God, and His faithfulness

would see them through.

In our own leadership roles, we can draw inspiration from

these biblical patriarchs, understanding that challenges are

inevitable. But, like Moses, David, and Paul, we can

overcome by faith, trusting in God's guidance and

sustaining grace, knowing that He who called us to lead

will be faithful to see us through every trial (Proverbs 3:3-


These challenges can test the very core of a leader's

character, resilience, and determination to a course. Just as

a ship is refined by the rough waters it sails through, a

leader is sculpted by the challenges they navigate. In these

moments, it's essential to draw from one's inner strength

and unwavering spirit.

"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man

perfected without trials."

- Chinese Proverb

The trials a leader faces might include uncertainty,

adversity, and even failures. It's in these moments of

adversity that a leader's perseverance shines the brightest.

To persevere is not merely to endure, but to thrive amidst

adversity, adapting and evolving to overcome obstacles. It's

a testament to the human spirit's indomitable will to

conquer challenges and emerge stronger.

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races

one after the other." - Walter Elliot

The Bible reminds us that God does not promise a life

devoid of trials, but He promises to walk alongside us

through them. Leaders are called to exemplify endurance,

displaying an unwavering commitment to their vision

despite the obstacles that arise. Through their resilience,

they inspire others to embrace challenges with courage and

faith, knowing that every trial is an opportunity for growth

and transformation.

Leadership Integrity and Character.

Integrity and character are foundational pillars of effective

leadership, deeply rooted in biblical principles. Leaders

with moral character and integrity are respected and trusted

by their following. They promote an honest and

accountable culture by acting in accordance with what they

say. These leaders also successfully manage difficulties and

moral conundrums while upholding their values in the face

of difficulty.

(Proverbs 11:3) tells us that "the integrity of the upright

guides them,” A leader's moral compass shapes their actions

and decisions. Integrity in leadership refers to continually

exhibiting of honesty, openness, and sincerity in one's

behavior in accordance with moral and ethical principles.

Leaders who place a high value on integrity and character

serve as lights in a society that is frequently characterized

by moral ambiguity. They take their cues from biblical

teachings, understanding that leadership entails more than

just achieving objectives; it also entails positively affecting

lives via a steadfast dedication to righteousness and moral


The significance of speaking the truth and acting honorably

is often stressed in the Bible (Proverbs 20:28; Ephesians

4:25). Character, on the other hand, reflects the inner

qualities and values that determine the actions of a leader.

(Galatians 5:22-23) describes the "fruit of the Spirit" as

love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control. These qualities should

permeate a leader's life and set an example for those he

leads. No matter the length of your leadership fi these roles

are found wanting, there are high tendencies such a team or

community will not stand.

7 Behaviors to Be an Integral Leader.

In the quest to be a good leader, while experiencing some

challenges within your spheres can make some means if not

carefully guided in changing your course of leading your

people. Below are some vital things to help you to always

be reminded.

1. Know Yourself:
We need to understand who we are, what motivates,

energizes, and inspires us to take action. I encourage

you to read this book to the very end as we discuss

further, Leadership with Emotional Intelligence, for

more details on how to achieve it.

2. Aligns Life and Leadership Beliefs:

Our decisions will show how strong our integrity is.

You must be constant in your ideals and views.

Integrity in leadership requires a harmony of personal

and guiding principles. Integrity is built on acting in

accordance with one's ideals and beliefs.

3. Enhance Your Strengths and Assess Your


Our moral compass is based on our moral strengths and

limitations. I advise conducting a SWOT evaluation of

your leadership. You can learn more about yourself and

become aware of what you have and lack by examining

your strengths, flaws, opportunities, and threats. You

will grow as a leader as a result of this.

4. Concise and Precise Communication:

Expressions must be controlled to avoid conveying fear,

apprehension, or worry. It's crucial that you project

security and calmness. Not only do you need to know

what you're talking about, but also how to successfully

convey it. Dare to communicate and speak. And what

you say, you also do. Align your messages and

behaviors. It's critical that your actions and words

remain consistent with one another.

5. Coordinate Your Heart and Your Words:

Speak truthfully and with consistency about your true

feelings. Being an effective leader requires coordinating

thoughts, emotions, and talking about what is genuine

for each of us.

6. Keep the Promises:

Having good intentions is not enough. In any case,

keeping promises is a highly valued competence of a

leader. Therefore, promises must be kept even when it

is difficult.

7. Focus On Others:

A true leader is skilled at building relationships with

others. He can relate to other people's feelings and

opinions. To comprehend others' motivations and

behaviors, a leader must put himself in their shoes.

You'll connect with them only after that. To stay

connected, your guiding principle should be to add

value to others. Leaders who listen to their hearts and

are connected to their basic motivations in such a way

that they let these forces guide them towards their inner

fulfillment, are leaders of integrity. These types of

leaders have the power to change the world.

Leadership Impact.

Quality leadership is not merely about holding a position;

it's about harnessing the power to make a lasting difference

to those you are leading. Every decision, every word, every

gesture sends ripples into the world, influencing lives and

shaping the course of history. The impact of leadership is

far reaching and leaves a deep impression on the lives of

those who follow it.

Galatians 5:9 gives a wonderful analogy with leaven

illustration to this principle: "A little leaven leaves the whole

lump." Just as a small amount of leaven affects the whole

lump, a leader's actions and attitudes affect those under his

authority. This truth underscores the importance of the

decisions leaders make and the behaviors they exemplify.

(1 Thessalonians 2:8) speaks to the relational aspect of

leadership impact: "So, being affectionately desirous of you, we

were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also

our own selves, because you had become very dear to us." This

verse emphasizes the depth of connection between leaders

and followers.

Effective leadership is not just about conveying

information or directives; it is about investing in

relationships, sharing lives, and demonstrating genuine


"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking

care of those in your charge." - Simon Sinek

Leadership has an impact that goes beyond what is seen

right away. It shapes culture, attitudes, and the environment

as a whole. A leader's honesty, humility, and compassion

serve as examples for others to follow. On the other hand,

poor leadership can breed dissension and disappointment.

As leaders, we are called to recognize the weight of our

influence. Our actions and words have the power to either

build up or tear down. By drawing wisdom from

(Galatians 5:9) and (1 Thessalonians 2:8), we gain a

biblical understanding of the profound impact we have on

those we lead. Let us strive to be leaven that leavens with

goodness, and let us invest in relationships that nurture

spiritual growth and a flourishing community.

Cultivating Leadership Skills.

An effective leader needs a variety of leadership skills and

characteristics to facilitate the success of a company,

encourage the team, and advance their career. Some people

are lucky enough to be natural leaders, but most of the

important qualities are learned through formal education

and work experience. Some great leaders in human history

possessed leadership skills innate. However, that does not

mean that they should not have been polished to inspire

their followers. Anyone who wants to be an excellent leader

to His team should get down to work and work their skills

to the very end.

In this like, the Bible offers valuable guidance for those

seeking to develop their leadership skills. Two passages,

(Proverbs 1:5 and 2 Timothy 2:15), provide practical

wisdom to guide this journey of growth.

Proverbs 1:5 imparts the importance of acquiring wisdom

and understanding: "Let the wise hear and increase in

learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance." This

verse underscores the continual process of learning and

growth as essential for effective leadership. Being a leader

carries many responsibilities, ranging from creating a

positive work culture and leading by example to delivering

tangible results. To be a successful leader, it is important to

cultivate leadership skills already incorporated while

acquiring new ones.

Here are some practical insights drawn from this verse.

1. Pursue Lifelong Learning:

As leaders, we must remain humble and open to new

knowledge. Cultivating leadership skills involves a

commitment to continuous learning. Whether through

reading, mentorship, or formal education, seek

opportunities to expand your knowledge.

2. Listen Actively:

Wisdom often comes from listening to others. Effective

leaders are attentive to the perspectives and experiences of

those around them. Encourage open dialogue and seek

counsel when making decisions.

3. Value Experience:

Leadership skills are honed through experience. Embrace

opportunities to lead, even in small capacities, as they

provide valuable lessons.

Don't fear failure; it's often a stepping stone to growth. (2

Timothy 2:15) offers further guidance: "Do your best to

present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no

need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." This

verse emphasizes the importance of diligence and accuracy

in leadership. Here's how to apply this:

 Diligence: Effective leaders are diligent in their

responsibilities. They show commitment,

thoroughness, and a strong work ethic. They don't

cut corners but strive for excellence in all they do.

 Ethical Leadership: "Rightly handling the word of

truth" extends beyond biblical knowledge. It

encompasses integrity and ethical conduct. Leaders

must model honesty, transparency, and


 Seek Divine Approval: Ultimately, leadership is a

calling from God. Leaders should lead with a sense

of accountability to God, seeking His approval

rather than the applause of people.

4. Mentorship:

Just as (2 Timothy) was a letter from Paul to his mentee

Timothy, mentorship is vital for leadership development.

Seek out mentors who can provide guidance, support, and

accountability in your leadership journey.

Developing leadership skills is a lifelong process rooted in

biblical wisdom. (Proverbs 1:5) reminds us of the

importance of learning and understanding, while (2

Timothy 2:15) calls us to diligence, ethical leadership, and

seeking divine approval. As we strive to cultivate these

skills, we honor God's calling to lead with wisdom,

integrity, and grace.

Godly Wisdom in Leadership.

In the area of leadership, seeking and using God's

knowledge is not only advantageous but also necessary.

(James 1:5 and Proverbs 3:5–6) provides the integral

important insights on the crucial part that Gods knowledge

plays a very vital role in decisions made by leaders. (James

1:5) exhorts, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who

gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given

him." This alone underscores the humble posture any

willing and aspiring leaders should adopt — one of

recognizing their need for divine guidance.

Here's how this relates to leadership:

1. Humility in Decision-Making:
Effective leaders acknowledge their limitations and seek

God's wisdom before making decisions. This humility

fosters an atmosphere of trust and reliance on God's


2. Generosity of God:

God's willingness to bestow wisdom generously is a

comforting assurance for leaders. It encourages leaders to

approach Him with confidence, knowing that He is ready to

grant the wisdom needed for effective leadership.

Proverbs 3:5-6 further explains the importance of

divine wisdom in leadership: "Trust in the LORD with all

your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all

your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your


3. Trust in God's Guidance:

These verses encourage leaders to trust in God completely,

relying on His wisdom over their own understanding. This

trust forms the foundation of sound leadership decisions.

4. Acknowledging God:

Acknowledging God in all aspects of leadership means

seeking His guidance, not just in spiritual matters but in

every decision. It promotes a holistic approach to

leadership where God's wisdom permeates all actions and


5. Straight Paths:

Leaders face myriad challenges and complex decisions. By

relying on God's wisdom, they can navigate even the most

intricate situations with clarity, assurance, and a sense of

6. Alignment with God's Will:

Seeking God's wisdom ensures that leadership decisions

align with His will. This alignment is crucial for leaders

who desire to honor God and lead with integrity.

In practical terms, leaders seeking Godly wisdom should

cultivate a habit of prayer, reflection on Scripture, and

seeking counsel from trusted spiritual mentors. They should

also create a culture of wisdom-seeking within their teams,

encouraging others to join in the pursuit of divine guidance.

The foundation of good leadership is DIVINE WISDOM.

The path of leaders who rely on God's wisdom and

acknowledge their need for HIS DIRECTION IN ALL

DECISIONS is illuminated by (James 1:5 and Proverbs

3:5–6). The ability to make wise decisions and to lead with

integrity, humility, and a constant devotion to God's will are

all gifts bestowed upon leaders who place a high value on

seeking and using God's wisdom.



Beyond the Surface Conflict.

Conflict is more than just an incompatible notice; it is the

fundamental force that develops our character, puts our

resiliency to the test, and advances us down the path to

leadership. How meticulous conflict may be to a person in

the depiction of a leader that it weaves complicated patterns

of obstacles and alterations to our lives.

Conflict takes center stage, testing our character, resolve,

and humanity. This is like a tempest, sweeps through the

fabric of our lives, leaving a trail of turmoil and tension in

its wake. There have been conflicts throughout human

history, whether they are external wars between states or

internal conflicts between individuals.

"Great leaders are not defined by the absence of weakness,

but rather by the presence of clear strengths." — John

Imagine standing at the edge of a vast battlefield, where the

air is charged with tension and uncertainty. This is the

battlefield of life, where conflicts emerge as the fog of war,

shrouding our path with ambiguity and apprehension. In

this chapter, we embark on a profound exploration of

conflict - a journey that takes us through the rugged terrains

of both secular and biblical narratives, unraveling the

complexities of the fog of war that engulfs us all.

Conflict is not limited to the skirmishes we witness in

headlines or history books. This is a multidimensional force

that permeates every corner of our lives, from the battles

within our minds to the clashes in global world. Beyond the

visible realm of disagreements and disputes, conflict is a

chameleon that disguises itself in myriad forms -

emotional, ideological, relational, and even spiritual. It is

a height of struggles, each shard reflecting a facet of the

human experience.
Consider the artist, brush in hand, standing before a blank

canvas. Just as they layer colors and textures to create

depth, conflict paints the canvas of our lives with shades of

adversity and challenge. Just as we learnt in the stories of

leaders like Malcom X, whose transformation from a

radical to a visionary symbolizes the power of conflict to

ignite change. Similarly, the biblical narrative of Jacob

wrestling with an angel mirrors the internal struggles that

shape our identity.

We find the Bible reminding us in Romans 7:19, "For I do

not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—

this I keep on doing." Here you can feel the internal conflict

that exists inside each of us and calls for self-awareness,

fortitude, and a desire for improvement. Let’s look at the

kind of soul conflicts we have below:

1. Internal Conflicts:

In the world, Jay Gatsby's pursuit of the American Dream,

portrayed in "The Great Gatsby," echoes the fervent desires

that often lead to inner conflicts. Desires, those flames that

burn within us, illuminating our innermost being. They

collide and compete, crafting a symphony of passion and


The internal mental conflict of an entrepreneurial leader

can vary by person and situation, but may include the

following aspects:

 Decision making: Entrepreneurial leaders are often

faced with difficult decisions and have to weigh

different options. They may feel internal conflict

when trying to balance risks and benefits, consider

the needs of their team and the impact on their


 Pressure and responsibility: Entrepreneurial

leaders can feel great pressure and responsibility for

the success of their business. They may experience

internal conflicts as they balance the desire to take

on big challenges with the fear of failure and

negative consequences.

 Time Management: Entrepreneurial leaders often

have multiple tasks and responsibilities, which can

lead to internal conflicts in terms of how to

prioritize and manage their time efficiently.

 Work-life balance: Entrepreneurial leaders may

have difficulty balancing their work and personal

lives. They may experience internal conflicts when

trying to devote enough time and energy to their

business without neglecting their relationships and

personal well-being.

 Self-confidence and self-doubt: Entrepreneurial

leaders can sometimes question their abilities and

decisions, which can lead to internal conflicts in

terms of self-confidence and overcoming self-

doubt. It is important to note that these internal

mental conflicts may be common in entrepreneurial

leaders, but each person may experience them

differently. Each individual may have their own

unique challenges and internal conflicts.

Meanwhile, the human heart often becomes a battlefield,

torn between desires, doubts, and decisions. Romans 7:15-

24 says "For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I

hate." This struggle resonates with humanity's universal

experience of the internal fog of war. The passage also

points us to the source of deliverance: "Who will deliver me

from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ

our Lord!”

 Resolving Inner Battles: One of the best solutions

to the inner peace is by seeking His wisdom and

guidance will greatly help us to dispel our internal

conflicts or discomfort, allowing us to walk in

clarity and purpose. James 4:7-8 calls this

submission to God, resisting the devil, and drawing

near to God. He knows the perfect way to cure all

our displeasures and worries. Connect to God and

gain your peace.

2. External Conflicts:

The aspect of our external conflicts arrives as a result of

some set of categories of things that make us to be

uncomfortable (Debt, lack, anger, envy, strife, uncertainty

etc.) Looking the fundamental guidance of the Bible, it

offers principles to guide leaders and individuals in

navigating through the fog of mind warring.

 Peacemaking: Jesus' Christ Sermon on the Mount,

in Matthew 5:9, heralds the blessedness of

peacemakers. They not only resolve external

conflicts but also contribute to inner peace in the

hearts of those around them.

 Justice and Mercy: Micah 6:8 encapsulates the

divine desire for justice, mercy, and humility. This

verse underscores the need to balance righteous

indignation with compassionate responses in times

of conflict.

 Turning Enemies into Friends: The radical

teaching of loving one's enemies, found in

(Matthew 5:44), challenges conventional notions.

By responding to hostility with love and prayer, the

fog of hatred can be dispelled.

 Leadership amidst Conflict: Nehemiah, facing

external opposition while rebuilding Jerusalem's

walls, demonstrated leadership resilience

(Nehemiah 4). His strategy included prayer,

preparedness, and unity among his people.

 Conflict Resolution: The biblical model for

conflict resolution, as described in (Matthew

18:15-17), emphasizes direct communication,

reconciliation, and the role of the church

 Wisdom and Counsel: (Proverbs 20:18 and 24:6)

underscore the significance of seeking wise counsel

in making decisions during times of conflict. Godly

advice helps to navigate the fog of uncertainties.

 Hope beyond Conflict: The prophet Isaiah

envisions a future of peace where swords are turned

into plowshares and warfare ceases (Isaiah 2:4).

This vision encourages us to work towards

reconciliation and peace even in the midst of


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