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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Throbbing- to beat with increased force or rapidity

Heave- to lift, pull or throw somebody/something heavy with one big effort
Rapturously- expressing extreme pleasure
Cunning- clever in a dishonest or bad way
Hedge- a row of bushes or trees planted close together at the edge of a garden or field
to separate one piece of land from another
Hitched- lift up
Pruned- to cut branches or parts of branches off a tree
Pitiful- causing you to feel pity or sadness
Emblazoned- decorate
Gerroff- get off
Gnarled- rough and having grown into a strange shape, because of old age or hard
Haphazardly- disorganized
Lunatics- maniac
Slyly- cleverly or secretly
Peril- great danger
Reverently- showing respect
Grievously- serious
Earnestly- seriously
Indignant- shocked or angry because somebody has said or done something that you
do not like and do not agree with
Cascaded- a large quantity of something that falls or hangs down
Haggle- to argue with somebody until you reach an agreement, especially about the
price of something
Prudent- sensible and careful when making judgements and decisions; avoiding
unnecessary risks
Unravelling- to remove the knots from a piece of string, thread, etc.; to come unfastened
in this way
Prone- likely to suffer from something or to do something bad
Retrieve- to get something back from the place where it was left or lost
Immobilising- to prevent somebody/something from moving or working normally
Pandemonium- a state of great noise and confusion
Roguish- dishonest or unprincipled person
Jovial- cheerful or friendly
Thuggish- violent behaviour
Scathing- feel silly or embarrassed
Imploringly- request
Gnashed- sign of anger
Traipsed- walk
Engulfed- cover it
Restorative- healthful
Trestle- support bench
Nonplussed- Confused or puzzled
Immaculate- neat
Twinge- a sudden, sharp pain
Swivelling- turning around
Bedraggled- (used about a person’s appearance) very untidy
Awestruck- wonder
Sarcastic- showing that you think you are better than other people and not taking others
Bespectacled- wearing glasses
Brandishing- to wave something in the air in an aggressive or excited way
Cajolingly- to persuade a person to do something or give something by being very nice
to him/her
Pummelled- beat or hit
Trundled- the act of moving slowly or heavily
Sumptuous- luxurious or deluxe
Reddening- make or become red
Deprived- not having enough of the basic things in life, such as food, money, etc.
Daubed- to spread a substance such as paint, mud, etc
Anguished- great mental pain or suffering
Incantation- special words that have a magic effect when spoken
Tunic- the jacket that is part of the uniform of a police officer, soldier, etc
Morosely- sadness
Squelched- to make the sound your feet make when you are walking in deep wet mud
Perturbed- to make somebody worried or upset
Incredulously- not willing or not able to believe something
Stupor- the state of being nearly unconscious or being unable to think properly
Bemusedly- puzzled
Groggily- weak and unable to walk steadily because you feel ill
Surpass- to do something better than somebody/something else
Disastrous- terrible, harmful or failing completely

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