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Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)

College of Engineering, Pune

Electronics & Communication Engineering

1. What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

-Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information or virtual objects
onto the real world, enhancing the user's perception of their surroundings.

2. What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

-Virtual Reality is a technology that immerses users in a computer-generated environment,
isolating them from the real world and providing a sense of presence in a digital space.

3. How does VR create immersive environments?

-VR creates immersive environments by using specialized hardware and software to block out
the real world and replace it with a computer-generated environment, often using headsets
and motion tracking.

4. Full Immersive reality: Immersive reality provides a complete and deep sense of immersion in
a digital environment, where the virtual world entirely replaces the real world. Users typically
wear headsets or enter physical spaces that block out external sensory inputs. This level of
immersion is associated with virtual reality.
Examples: VR headsets like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR offer immersive VR
experiences that fully immerse users in virtual environments for gaming, simulations, or

Semi-Immersive Reality: Semi-immersive reality falls between full immersion and the real
world. Users are partially immersed in the digital environment while remaining aware of their
surroundings. This level of immersion is associated with augmented reality (AR) or mixed
reality (MR).
Examples: AR glasses, like Microsoft HoloLens or Magic Leap, provide semi-immersive
experiences by overlaying digital information onto the real world. Users can still see and
interact with their physical surroundings while engaging with virtual elements.

5. Examples of applications of AR technology

-AR navigation, AR gaming (e.g., Pokémon Go), Augmented shopping experiences, and
educational AR apps.

6. How does AR differ from Virtual Reality (VR)?
-AR enhances the real world with digital information, while VR immerses users in a
completely virtual environment, isolating them from the real world.

7. Describe the hardware and software components necessary for a VR system.

-A VR system requires a headset or display, motion tracking sensors, a powerful computer
with GP, and VR software for creating and rendering the virtual environment.

8. Examples of VR games?
-VR games -Beat Saber, Half-Life: Alyx, Minecraft.

9. What are the key components of an AR system?

Camera, a display, sensors, and a processing unit. The camera captures the real world, the
sensors provide data about the environment, and the processing unit overlays digital content
onto the display.

10. What are the educational and training applications of AR technology?

AR is used in education and training for interactive simulations, visualizing complex concepts,
and providing real-time information overlays in fields like medicine, engineering, and
vocational training.

11. Popular Augmented reality games

Pokémon GO: One of the most famous AR games, it allows players to capture virtual
Pokémon in the real world using their smartphones.
Minecraft Earth: An AR adaptation of the popular game Minecraft, which lets players build
and explore virtual structures in the real world.

12. How is AR used in the field of healthcare and medicine?

- AR is used in healthcare and medicine for applications such as surgical navigation, medical
imaging visualization, patient education, and telemedicine.

13. What are the limitations of AR?

Accurate tracking in various environments, privacy and data security concern, and the need
for user-friendly AR interfaces.

14. Role of AR in marketing and advertising.

AR is used in marketing and advertising to provide interactive product visualization, location-
based promotions, and engaging brand experiences through AR apps and filters.

15. Key features of game engines used in AR and VR development

Common features of game engines for AR and VR are 3D rendering, physics simulations,
asset management, scripting, and support for various input devices.

16. Explain marker-based and markerless AR tracking.

Marker-based AR uses predefined markers like QR codes to trigger AR content, while
markerless AR relies on computer vision to detect and track objects in the real world without

17. Explain the concept of "presence" in VR experiences?

"Presence" in VR refers to the feeling of being fully immersed in the virtual environment to
the point where the user forgets about the real world, resulting in a sense of physical
presence in the digital world.

18. What are the benefits of VR in education and training?

-VR benefits education and training by providing immersive, safe, and realistic simulations for
various subjects, enhancing engagement and retention of information.

19. What are the limitations of VR?

Cost of high-quality VR setups, potential motion sickness, and the need for significant
computational power to render realistic environments.

20. What is the role of AR and VR in the development of the Metaverse?

AR and VR technologies are integral in building the Metaverse, a collective virtual shared
space, by enabling users to interact, socialize, and collaborate within immersive digital

21. Examples of applications that blend AR and VR technologies.

- Mixed reality experiences in entertainment, education, and industrial training, where users
can interact with both real and virtual elements simultaneously.
o Theme Park Attractions
o Live Performances
o AR Classroom Learning
o Museum Exhibits
o Aircraft Maintenance

22. How do VRML development tools support the integration of interactive elements into 3D
virtual environments?
VRML development tools support the integration of interactive elements into 3D virtual
environments by allowing developers to define behaviors and scripting for objects within the
scene, enabling user interactions and animations.
23. Challenges in creating realistic haptic feedback in AR and VR environments
- Challenges include the need for sophisticated haptic feedback devices, tactile feedback
accuracy, and ensuring a consistent experience across different hardware and software

24. What are some popular VRML development tools for creating 3D web content?
-Popular VRML development tools include Blender, 3ds Max, Unity, and VRMLPad.

25. How does VRML enhance the creation of interactive 3D graphics on the web?
-VRML enhances the creation of interactive 3D graphics on the web by providing a
standardized language for describing 3D scenes, objects, and interactions, making it easier to
develop 3D content for web browsers.
26. What is a game engine in AR and VR development?
A game engine is a software framework that provides tools and features for creating
interactive 3D applications, making it a vital part of AR and VR development.

27. Role of VRML in the virtual reality.

-VRML played a crucial role in the early days of virtual reality on the internet by allowing 3D
content to be displayed within web browsers, enabling the development of virtual worlds
and immersive experiences.

28. Example of game engines used in AR and VR development

Unity and Unreal Engine game engines f are used for creating AR and VR applications which
offers a range of features and cross-platform compatibility.

29. Features of Unity game Engine:

• High-Quality Graphics, powerful rendering system with real-time ray tracing, advanced
lighting, and post-processing effects.
• Unreal Engine's visual scripting system, called Blueprint, allows developers to create
game logic and interactions without writing code, making it accessible for designers.
• Unreal Engine features a cinematic tool called Sequencer, which enables the creation of
high-quality cutscenes, animations, and in-game cinematics.
• The engine supports Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials, making it easier to
achieve realistic surface properties, including materials, textures, and lighting.
• Unity is known for its cross-platform capabilities, allowing developers to create games
for a wide range of platforms, including PC, consoles, mobile devices, and web. Unity
offers a visual scripting system called Bolt, which simplifies game logic and
interactions for those who prefer a visual approach to coding

• Unity supports both 2D and 3D game development, making it suitable from 2D mobile
games to complex 3D simulations.

30. Features of Unreal game Engine:

• Unreal Engine provides robust support for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality
(AR) development, making it a popular choice for creating immersive experiences.
• Advanced Physics Simulation- It includes NVIDIA PhysX for realistic physics simulations,
which is essential for creating complex interactions, destruction, and simulations.
• Unreal Engine offers the Unreal Marketplace, where developers can purchase and sell
assets, including 3D models, textures, and plugins, to streamline game development.
• Unreal Engine has a large and active community, extensive documentation, and official
support, making it easier for developers to find resources & solutions to their problems.

31. Significance of physics simulations in AR and VR game engines

Physics simulations in game engines provide realistic interactions and dynamics, including
object collisions, gravity, and object behavior in response to forces and user input.

32. Use of VRML in computer graphics and 3D modeling

-VRML is significant in computer graphics and 3D modeling as it provides a standardized way
to represent 3D objects and scenes, facilitating the creation of virtual environments & 3D
web content.

33. What is the role of 3D rendering in AR and VR applications?

-3D rendering is the process of creating a 2D image or video from a 3D scene, and it is
essential for both AR and VR applications to provide realistic visuals.

34. Key features of VRML development software for building virtual reality experiences.
-Key features of VRML development software are 3D modeling, texturing, animations,
scripting for interactivity, and the ability to define behaviours for 3D objects.

35. How do AR glasses differ from VR headsets in terms of input and output devices?
-AR glasses have transparent displays and rely more on hand gestures and voice commands
for input, while VR headsets create fully immersive environments with more extensive input
and output devices.

36. Role of input devices in AR and VR development using game engines?

Support for diverse input devices, such as motion controllers, gaze tracking, and hand
tracking, allows developers to create more immersive and natural interactions in AR and VR

37. Use of 3D modeling used in AR and VR applications
-3D modeling is used to create virtual objects, environments, and characters in AR and VR,
adding depth and realism to these digital experiences.

38. Applications of VR in healthcare and therapy

-VR is used in pain management, physical therapy, exposure therapy. It helps patients cope
with pain and anxiety and improves cognitive function

39. How has VRML influenced the development of 3D web content & immersive environments?
-VRML has influenced the development of 3D web content and immersive environments by
providing a common language for describing 3D scenes, making it possible to create
interactive and immersive experiences on the web.

40. Role of computer graphics in AR and VR

-Computer graphics is a fundamental component of AR and VR, as it is responsible for
rendering the 3D environments, objects, and visual effects in these technologies.

41. Challenges and advancements in the use of VRML in computer graphics –

-Browser compatibility issues and the need for more efficient rendering techniques.
Advancements have focused on improving performance, realism, and compatibility with
modern web standards.

42. How are haptic devices used to simulate different textures in AR and VR applications?
-Haptic devices can vary the vibration patterns to simulate textures, such as roughness,
smoothness, or softness, providing a tactile sense of different materials in virtual objects.

43. Importance of 3D modeling tool in AR and VR development

-A 3D modeling tool is software used to create three-dimensional objects and environments
that can be integrated into AR and VR applications.

44. What is the use of haptic feedback in AR and VR experiences?

-Haptic feedback in AR and VR provides users with tactile sensations, such as vibrations or
resistance, to simulate touch and improve the sense of presence within the virtual
environment. -Haptic feedback in VR flight simulations provides tactile sensations to mimic
the feeling of turbulence, stall conditions, and control inputs, improving realism and training

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