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© Copyright 2021 – Sozo Ministry

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printed reviews.

Graphic Design by Brad Webster

Manual Design by Raina Pratt,

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture is taken from NASB, the New American Standard
Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by
The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


We see life through what we call colored lenses. Some
people call them paradigms or mindsets. What is the truth? If
we can’t believe certain Scriptures, then possibly we are
reading them through our colored lenses.

The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you
with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

This verse can show people that they are wearing a

colored lens. Example: An angry father who was loud all
the time will make it hard for someone to believe that God
quietly loves us. So you would say, “I see life though a loud
angry lens, and I give that to you. What do you have for me
in return?”

If we are going to respond in a godly way in every

situation, we are going to need to be free from these lenses.


1. Holy Spirit speaking directly to you pointing out that
these belief systems are ungodly.

2. Reading the Word and discerning through Scripture

how these beliefs are contrary to His promises.

3. Relationships where you see that not everyone thinks

like you do.

4. Paying attention to your responses to situations.

Example of a prayer to remove colored lenses:

Holy Spirit, show me the lenses I see life, situations

and people through. (Pause) I repent for filtering
relationships through these lenses, for viewing others
through them, and making judgments that are false. I
hand you every false judgment that I have made in
filtering my life though these wounds, and I forgive
myself for being deceived by wearing these lenses.

(Prophetically take off the glasses) and say, “I hand

you these colored lenses. What do you have in
exchange for me?” (Pause) He will hand you
something or tell you what the exchange is. “I thank
you, Jesus, that I am going to see differently now, and
it is going to be good.

Be released to have awe and wonder with your vision.


Why do some people seem fairly well adjusted, but
had seemingly bad childhoods, whereas others had good
parents but have lots of wounds from growing up? It is
possible that there was a disconnection or abuse between the
parents’ and child’s love languages.


1. Touch

2. Acts of Service

3. Words of Affirmation

4. Quality Time

5. Gifts

When parents don’t connect to their child’s love

language, over a period of time wounds are formed. These
wounds form the lenses that they process family life through,
sometimes leading to a sense of neglect or being unwanted.

More harmful would be actual negative interactions

between family members. Examples could be:

• Physical, sexual abuse as connected to touch.

• Being made a slave in the home when the child’s love

language is acts of service.

• Verbal abuse for those with the love language of words

of affirmation.

• Neglect if the love language is quality time.

• Poverty where not even homemade gifts are given as

relating to the love language of gifts.
Say your love language is touch and you grew up in a
physically abusive home, then you probably felt abused and
not loved. But if your love language was words of
affirmation in the same home and you were told how
beautiful you were, what a great boy/girl you were, you
might have felt love even though there was physical abuse
because touch was not your main love language. When the
opposite of your love language is done, wounding most
likely occurs.


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