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Multimodal Evacuation Simulation and

Scenario Analysis in Dense Urban Area

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Case Study

Fang Yuan and Christopher M. Puchalsky

Simulation is an effective tool for estimating evacuation times, identifying and destination choice for vehicular traffic and then optimizes the
system bottlenecks, and evaluating traffic management strategies under routing and scheduling of mass transit vehicles. Zhang and Chang
a variety of operational and behavioral assumptions. The development presented an integrated model to produce the optimal distribution
of a multimodal simulation model for modeling evacuation activities in of vehicle and pedestrian flows with the capacity to account for the
Center City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is presented. The model applied interdependent relations between pedestrian and vehicle flows at
a dynamic sequential assignment method to simulate the movement and some conversion locations and the conflicts at intersections (15). The
interactions of pedestrians, private vehicles, and buses while consider- model was applied to an evacuation around a stadium area. Liu et al.
ing the variation of evacuation demand and network conditions during studied a corridor-based evacuation of Washington, D.C., by assuming
evacuation operations. The model was used to perform scenario analysis an attack on Union Station and evacuation of six surrounding traffic
and provide inputs to update current evacuation plans. This study shares analysis zones (16). The proposed geographic information system–
the experience and findings from the Philadelphia study in modeling based model considered both pedestrian and bus operations in corridor
multimodal evacuations in dense urban areas. planning. Meschini and Gentile presented the application of a within-
day dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model to simulate ordinary,
evacuation, and emergency scenarios for downtown Vancouver,
A great challenge presented during a mass evacuation is that trans-
British Columbia, Canada, in preparation for the Winter Olympic
portation supply is often insufficient to handle the unusual surge in
Games (17). The macroscopic vehicle DTA model was modified to
travel demand. In dense urban areas, roadway capacity and vehicle
present the pedestrian flow. Different types of car–pedestrian inter­
mobility are further affected by the interactions of pedestrian and
actions were also considered in the model. All in all, research and
vehicle flows during an evacuation operation. Travel behavior in
simulation methods for multimodal evacuations are relatively limited
emergency situations is also difficult to predict with regard to mode
in terms of the amount and level of multimodal interactions being
and route choice. To support emergency preparedness and evacuation
considered and the efficiency for large-scale (or demand) applications.
planning, it is critical to estimate evacuation times, identify system
Presented here is the development of a best-of-practice, multi-
bottlenecks, and evaluate traffic management strategies under a vari-
modal evacuation simulation model for Center City, Philadelphia,
ety of operational and behavioral assumptions. Simulation is a viable
Pennsylvania. The model applies a dynamic sequential assignment
tool to perform desired scenario analysis and communicate system
method to simulate the movement and interactions of pedestrians,
resiliency and planning needs to various stakeholders.
private vehicles, and buses while considering the variation of evacu-
In the literature, a variety of simulation techniques have been
ation demand and network conditions during evacuation operations.
applied to evacuation modeling. A few researchers provided a com-
It is used to simulate hypothetical emergency scenarios and evaluate
prehensive review of evacuation simulation models (1–4). Tradition-
potential traffic management strategies that improve system resiliency.
ally, evacuation research has been focused on vehicle evacuations
This paper is intended to share and extend the experience and findings
(i.e., people driving out of harm’s way) in cases of hurricanes (5–7)
from the Philadelphia study to a general discussion of the design of
or accidents at nuclear power plants (8, 9). Recently, researchers have
the evacuation model and the interpretation of simulation results for
started to investigate pedestrian evacuation behavior and model sce-
evacuation planning and emergency preparedness in urban areas.
narios such as evacuation of a transit center (10), stadium complexes
(11, 12), or a downtown area (13). Relatively limited research dealt
with multimodal evacuations in dense urban areas. Abdelgawad and
Model Overview
Adbulhai developed an optimization model for the evacuation of the
city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, by using multiple modes including Center City, Philadelphia, is loosely bounded by Spring Garden
vehicular traffic, rapid transit, and mass transit shuttle buses (14). Street to the north, South Street to the south, the Schuylkill River
The model first coordinates evacuation scheduling, route choice, to the west, and the Delaware River to the east. Center City is
the largest employment center in the region and the third-largest
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, 190 North Independence Mall West, residential downtown in the United States. To support evacuation
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520. Corresponding author: F. Yuan, planning, a simulation model was developed by the Delaware Valley
Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), the metropolitan planning
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2532, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 91–98. organization for the nine-county, two-state area, in cooperation with
DOI: 10.3141/2532-11 the City of Philadelphia.

92 Transportation Research Record 2532

The Center City model is based on DVRPC’s regional travel fore-

casting model (a traditional four-step model implemented on the Emergency Scenario
VISUM platform) enhanced with intersection details and pedestrian Population, Workers,
components in the Center City area. The Center City model employs Building Occupants,
DTA (as compared with the static assignment used in the regional Tourists, Visitors, and Number of Evacuees
model) to simulate vehicle and pedestrian flows during evacuations. So Forth
With static assignment, which describes a link’s congestion proper-
ties using volume–delay functions, it is difficult to accurately estimate Evacuation Destinations
Regional Travel Model
and Evacuation Modes
evacuation times, since flows can pass through the network even if the
volume exceeds the capacity of a road or intersection. DTA is effec-
tive in modeling the formation and propagation of congestion in the
Simulation Model
network with regard to capacity constraints. It is also more efficient (in
terms of run time) for simulating the entire Center City network and
full evacuation demand (as compared with microsimulation models).
System Performance

Multimodal Network FIGURE 1   Evacuation demand modeling procedure.

Transportation supply of all modes in Center City was modeled at a

level of great detail. The model includes a multimodal network that congestion and overcrowding or delay in transit services. Without an
consists of a highway network, public transit network, and walkways empirical method to study mode choice specific to Philadelphia and
for pedestrians. The highway network was extracted from the regional specific scenarios, the potential mode shift and its impact may be best
model and enhanced with intersection details to include lane alloca- analyzed in a scenario design and planning fashion. A plausible range
tion, turn bays, and traffic control and a signal timing plan for accu- of mode shift may be estimated on the basis of survey data or the
rate capacity estimation. Vehicle loading to the highway network (i.e., regional model (by estimating transit population within a walkable
zonal connectors) was refined to represent the real-world locations of distance from the evacuation area and then assuming a partial or com-
parking facilities. A detailed public transit network was also carried plete mode shift of that group). This iterative simulation and scenario
over from the regional model, including route alignment, stop loca- analysis procedure could provide a more robust evaluation of system
tions, and service schedules based on the general transit feed specifi- performance and effectiveness of evacuation plans in accordance with
cation data (18). Last, pedestrian components were added, including uncertainty in evacuation operations.
pedestrian sidewalks, underground walking facilities, and connections
to pedestrian sources and sinks (i.e., buildings, transit stations, and
parking facilities). Temporal Variation

The estimation of potential evacuees is somewhat more complicated

Demand Modeling than it appears. Maximum daytime population is often the main con-
cern in evacuation planning. The Census Bureau suggests that the
Demand estimation, in terms of temporal variation and mode shift commuter-adjusted daytime population, which accounts for popula-
at evacuations, is a component often overlooked in many simulation tion change in the daytime due to employment, may be estimated by
models. The anticipated evacuation time, congestion level, bottleneck adding the total workers working in the area to the total residential
locations, and the effectiveness of proposed traffic control strategies population and subtracting the total workers living in the area (19).
could vary significantly by the evacuation demand. In this study, the In Center City, Philadelphia, the commuter-adjusted population is
four-step demand forecasting procedure used in the regional model estimated to be about 300,000. The same method can be extended to
was augmented with a feedback loop and a scenario design procedure include the population change in the daytime due to school activities
for modeling scenario-specific evacuation demand. Figure 1 shows based on the school enrollment and the school-age population. The
the proposed modeling procedure. daytime tourists may also be included on the basis of the recorded
For any given emergency scenario, in terms of emergency type, number of visitors at tourist attractions. When all these estimates are
time of day, and impacted area, a decision needs to be made first taken into account, the potential maximum daytime population may
between evacuation and other emergency response plans (e.g., shelter reach 318,000 in Center City.
in place). If evacuation is necessary, potential evacuees in the area However, in a typical weekday, the actual daytime population is
can be estimated on the basis of a variety of data such as population, likely to be lower since not all workers commute to the area on a
employment, tourists, and building occupants. For a no-notice (or no- daily basis or are present at the same time. This status can also be
advance-notice) emergency scenario, if there is no damage to trans- seen from travel counts. Along all roads crossing the cordon lines
portation infrastructure, it is reasonable to assume that people will around the Philadelphia central business district (which is the core of
try to go back home (or in that direction) by the same mode as they Center City), DVRPC has regularly collected highway vehicle counts,
used to enter the area. If one transportation system is out of service, transit ridership, pedestrian counts, and bicycle counts in weekday
initial assumptions can be made on mode shift in response to the conditions. By continuously tracking the cumulative inbound and
change of transportation network or service conditions. With the ini- outbound trips as people enter and leave Center City, one can see the
tial demand assumptions, the model can run and evaluate the acces- population accumulation in Center City during the course of a typical
sibility and performance of individual transportation systems or weekday (Figure 2).
modes (e.g., walk versus take the bus to a specific destination). The In Figure 2, the base of accumulation is the nighttime popula-
potential mode shift was then reestimated based on projected highway tion, which includes the resident population, nighttime workers, and
Yuan and Puchalsky 93



Accumulated Population







2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 noon 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 midnight
a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Time of Day

FIGURE 2   Hourly variation of population accumulation within Center City cordon lines.

nighttime visitors (mainly hotel guests). Within the Center City by the experience from fire drills (20). The vehicle loading time will
cordon lines, the resident population is about 60,000, the nighttime be longer considering the time required to walk to parking facilities
population is about 80,000, and the maximum daytime population and access vehicles. This time was estimated from pedestrian simu-
is likely about 215,000 (as shown in Figure 2). The maximum daytime lations. In the Center City model, the loading time for pedestrians
population reflected by the cordon line counts is much lower than the was up to 30 min for zones with high-rise buildings, and the loading
commuter-adjusted daytime population, which is about 276,000 as time for vehicles was up to 45 min. The loading time can make a
estimated according to the method suggested by the Census Bureau great impact on simulation results with regard to observed conges-
(including 252,000 workers, of which about 36,000 live in the same tion patterns and evacuation times. Given the high demand level in
area). The maximum population presented in Figure 2 may be con- Center City, the highway network could quickly end in gridlock if
sidered the average daily maximum daytime population as opposed the loading patterns are incorrect. Caution should be used when the
to the theoretical maximum daytime population estimated by other simulation loading curves are designed.
methods. Along with loading times, three types of pedestrian demand
In this study, the scenario-specific evacuation demand was esti- need to be estimated: walk-to-evacuate, walk-to-transit, and walk-
mated by using multiple data sources and calibrated by the cordon line to-vehicle. The latter two types constitute a significant portion of
counts. The demand estimation for simulation purposes focuses on the overall pedestrian volume and have a great impact on vehicle
the general public at prevailing locations that may be self-evacuated mobility during evacuations. In the current case, the transit access
(i.e., workers at workplaces, residents at home, and visitors at major walking trips were derived through a skimming process on a loaded
shopping and tourist attractions). Other population groups such as pedestrian network after transit assignment. The parking facility
persons with disabilities were excluded from the simulation since access trips were estimated by using a multinomial model that con-
special models are needed to estimate their evacuation times. Further-
sidered factors such as walking time to parking zones, driving time to
more, the daytime population was distinguished between the resident
parking zones, parking cost, and parking capacity.
and nonresident population based on census data and the regional
travel model. This distinction allows a more flexible simulation
setup with regard to evacuation destination and mode assignments
for residents versus nonresidents. Multimodal Simulation

To model the interactions between different transportation modes

during a no-notice evacuation operation, a sequential simulation
Demand Loading
approach was proposed as shown in Figure 3. For any emergency
In the demand modeling process, it is also important to estimate scenario, walking is always a means to evacuate and pedestrian flow
the loading pattern of different modes. This estimate includes the can have a significant impact on vehicle mobility. Even in normal
variation in the evacuees’ departure time, evacuation time from conditions, pedestrian movements on crosswalks may affect vehicle
high-rise buildings, and walking time to transit stations and parking turning movements at intersections. In emergency situations, vehicle
facilities. movements may be further constrained by the surge of pedestrian
In this study, the commonly used S-shaped loading curves were demand and possible failure of traffic control devices. Arguably,
employed to present the variation in individuals’ perception, decision, pedestrians always take the right-of-way over vehicles, especially in
and response to different emergency types and evacuation orders. no-notice evacuation scenarios. Pedestrians may inundate the road-
They were first applied in loading pedestrian demand. The loading way, reduce vehicle capacity, and slow down vehicles. Therefore, a
period also varied by zone, depending on the presence of high-rise scenario analysis can start with the pedestrian simulation to estab-
buildings and the required building evacuation time. The building lish pedestrian flow and evaluate the impact of the pedestrian flow
evacuation time was estimated with empirical equations and verified on the vehicle flow. The vehicle simulation can be followed with the
94 Transportation Research Record 2532

Pedestrian Pedestrian
Simulation Evacuation Time

Update: (TI)
Turn/Link Capacity
and Free-Flow Speed

Time-Varying Vehicle Vehicle

Intersection Control Simulation Evacuation Time

Update: (TI)
Route Travel Time

Transit Transit (Bus)

Simulation Evacuation Time

FIGURE 3   Evacuation scenario modeling procedure (TI 5 time interval).

simulation settings (e.g., turn capacity at intersections as well as link In addition, the Lighthill–Whitham–Richards model was modified
capacity and free-flow speed if pedestrian inundation is modeled) to account for the pedestrian capacity on a link and represent pedes-
updated at each simulation time interval according to the pedes- trian flow characteristics, as proposed by Meschini and Gentile (17).
trian simulation results. However, intersection traffic control may Without a change in the current network configuration (a unidirec-
change during an emergency, and that change can also be modeled by tional node–link network), the link pedestrian capacity was first set
applying a time-varying intersection capacity setting to the vehicle for each direction of a road based on the right-hand-drive convention,
simulation. and a directional capacity was defined by considering the longitudinal
At the end of pedestrian and vehicle simulations, pedestrian and space required by a pedestrian (22). Bidirectional pedestrian flows
vehicle evacuation times are obtained along with other performance (pedestrians moving in two directions on the same link) were mod-
measures. The transit simulation is conducted last to estimate transit eled with an iterative procedure to balance the capacity distribution
volume and transit evacuation time with a schedule-based, capacity- with the demand, as proposed in the literature (17).
constrained assignment method in VISUM (21). Transit evacuation
time would be affected both by the considerable slowdown of on-
Vehicle and Pedestrian Interactions
street transit operations by pedestrian and vehicle traffic and by the
mismatch of available transit capacity with demand. For the former, Different types of pedestrian–vehicle interactions were modeled
the bus delay can be estimated on the basis of the vehicle travel time via Python scripts to update the vehicle simulation settings after
experienced along bus routes from the vehicle simulation. For the the pedestrian simulation. First, time-varying vehicle turn capaci-
latter, since the maximum evacuation demand in the Center City ties were calculated based on the conflicting pedestrian volume at
case occurs during a trough in transit service between the a.m. and crosswalks and traffic control settings. In the case of normal signal
p.m. peak periods, this transit demand–capacity mismatch greatly operations, the through capacity of vehicle traffic is not affected by
increases evacuation times, as will be seen later. pedestrian movements, but the right-turn and left-turn capacities
are affected. This pedestrian impact was calculated by following the
Vehicle and Pedestrian Simulations Highway Capacity Manual (23) methods for capacity adjustment at
signalized intersections in two situations: (a) the pedestrian adjust-
The Center City model employs the dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) ment for right-turn lane groups and (b) the pedestrian adjustment for
model implemented in VISUM to simulate network flow dynamics left-turn lane groups from a one-way street. To represent the flow
during evacuations. Given time-dependent origin–destination tables, dynamics in a relatively high resolution, pedestrian flows and their
which represent the loading pattern of vehicles and pedestrians impacts on vehicle flows were evaluated at the 15-min interval and,
during an evacuation operation, the DUE model evaluates the accordingly, vehicle capacities were updated at the 15-min interval
time-varying characteristics of links based on the Lighthill– during the vehicle simulation.
Whitham–Richards traffic flow model, and balances the path flows In case of signal failure, vehicle capacities will be adjusted for all
based on the experienced travel time. Since the underlying equilib- movements. In this case, signalized intersections may function like
rium assumption is unlikely to be met in evacuation situations, the all-way stop control, whereas pedestrians are likely to cross with
DUE model was not intended to reach or converge to equilibrium a higher priority regardless of vehicles. In this study, a simple but
conditions but was used mainly for evaluating the evolution of net- intuitive method was applied to evaluate the impact of signal failure,
work performance under changing demand or network conditions by using the following equation:
(roadway capacity and traffic control). A desirable feature of the
DUE model is that it can take time-varying variables (e.g., free-flow  1 − Vped 
Cveh = k × Cveh
× 
speed and capacity) as inputs.  Cped 
Yuan and Puchalsky 95

where Center City in the morning, whereas residents of Center City will
evacuate to the nearest exit outside Center City from their current
Cveh = new vehicle turn capacity (vehicles/h, or vph),
locations. The second scenario is a regional blackout scenario,
C veh = initial vehicle turn capacity (vph),
which also involves moving a large amount of population. In this
Vped = pedestrian flow rate (passengers/h, or pph),
case, since the subway and regional rail systems are out of service,
Cped = pedestrian capacity (pph), and
non­residents will drive, walk, or take buses home or to designated
k = base reduction factor.
transit centers in order to access transit service back to their homes
The base reduction factor (k) represents the additional delay across the region. Furthermore, two potential strategies were evalu-
incurred as traffic control type changed from signalized to all-way- ated for prioritizing intersection control and enhancing system resil-
stop operations. Without empirical data for validation, the proposed iency in the blackout scenario. Simulating these scenarios provides
method is not intended for providing a rigid estimation of new insight on how Center City evacuation functions and answers to a
intersection capacity and delay in the signal failure condition but number of critical planning questions posted by the Office of Man-
rather as a viable tool for evaluating the potential delay on evacu- agement with respect to evacuation timeline, transit dependence,
ation times. The proposed method may be sufficient for evaluating emergency vehicle routing, critical infrastructure protection, and
the relative effectiveness of different traffic management strategies emergency supply distribution. Because of the sensitive nature of
(e.g., different plans to allocate police officers to direct traffic at some results, only selected results are reported here, and the discus-
intersections) under the same capacity assumption. sion is focused on analysis methods and making recommendations
Furthermore, pedestrian inundation was modeled. Inundation in for evacuation planning in general.
this context is defined as the overflow of pedestrians from a side-
walk to a driveway due to the high pedestrian density on the side-
walk. In this situation, an assumption was made that pedestrians Evacuation Time
will occupy one vehicle lane if the sidewalk is overcrowded. This
theory was implemented by checking for the critical density on side- Evacuation time is the most commonly used measure of effective-
walks after the pedestrian simulation was performed and the vehicle ness for evacuation planning. The time required to evacuate 100%
capacity and free-flow speed on the inundated links were updated of the population (i.e., network clearance time) is seldom attainable
for the sequential vehicle simulation. in reality; the time required to evacuate 95% of the total population
is a more practical and meaningful measure to represent the overall
evacuation timeline. Further, the evacuation process by transporta-
Scenario Modeling tion mode (i.e., walk, car, bus, subway, light rail, and heavy rail) can
be described by evacuation curves, which represent the cumulative
After the model calibration (with regard to demand, simulated vol- percentage of evacuees cleared from the evacuation area as a func-
ume, and travel time), two hypothetical emergency evacuation sce- tion of time (24). Figure 4 represents the evacuation curves associ-
narios were modeled. The first one is a generic scenario not tied ated with each transportation mode used for evacuation in the first
to a specific emergency type. In this case, assuming no damage of scenario. For example, the “Walk” evacuation curve represents the
transportation infrastructure, a multimodal evacuation of the entire time required for those who were assumed to evacuate by walking
Center City at the peak of daytime population was simulated. The out of Center City, and the “Bus” evacuation curve includes the time
simulation started with assumptions that nonresidents of Center required for evacuees walking to a bus stop, waiting for a bus, and
City will evacuate by the same mode and direction as they entered riding out of Center City.



Cumulative Percentage




20 Bus
10 PATCO Speedline
Regional rail
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240
Time (min)

FIGURE 4   Evacuation curves by mode if no damage occurs on transportation system

(PATCO 5 Port Authority Transit Corporation).
96 Transportation Research Record 2532

The evacuation times for car and pedestrian (walking) were directly mass transit to commute to Center City on a daily basis. In case of
available from the simulation model. The sensitivity of these evacua- emergency evacuations, the conditions and effectiveness of mass
tion times was analyzed with respect to capacity assumptions, simula- transit operations may be the key of the entire evacuation process.
tion settings, and loading times. Overall, the results appeared to be From the planning perspective, it is critical to understand how par-
consistent in terms of the timeline to evacuate the majority of evacuees tial or complete shutdown of various modes of mass transit would
(comparatively, the network clearance time is more sensitive). affect evacuation time. Accordingly, emergency response plans may
In contrast, the transit evacuation time was estimated by first evaluat- be developed and prioritized to improve transit system resiliency.
ing evacuation demand versus transit supply (the service frequency To evaluate transit dependence, first a ballpark evaluation of transit
at noon, which is the peak of person accumulation in Center City and system importance can be made based on the estimated demand split
the onset of the evacuation in the first scenario). If there is no delay on individual transit systems versus supply from the first scenario.
in transit service (i.e., transit vehicles could arrive in Center City on Then scenario analysis can be conducted to evaluate how the partial
time, make turns, and drive out of Center City with normal run time), or complete shutdown of a specific transit system would affect evacu-
the transit supply may be sufficient to accommodate the evacuation ation time. The blackout scenario is a good (and realistic) example of
demand within 3 h. In Figure 4, the evacuation time for heavy rail all permutations. In the blackout scenario, although the subway and
(Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority regional rail regional rail systems are assumed to be out of service, bus service will
and Port Authority Transit Corporation Speedline) appears to be the continue with limited service due to congestion. Nonresidents who
longest, which in fact shows the mismatch of the off-peak transit commute by subway and regional rail now need to detour to desig-
capacity with the peak daytime population. The evacuation time could nated transfer centers outside Center City to access transit services
be significantly reduced if the operation of the heavy-rail system is back home across the rest of the region. Figure 6 shows the evacuation
able to adapt to a higher service frequency in response to the emer- curves in the blackout scenario.
gency conditions. As such, the bus evacuation time and delay may be In this scenario, the pedestrian evacuation time was least affected by
more of a concern. Based on the change of car travel time during the the blackout and, as expected, the vehicle evacuation time increased
simulation, the delay on bus run time was estimated and included in because of intersection delay when signals failed. In reality, the pedes-
the estimated bus evacuation time. trian and vehicle evacuation time may be even longer, since some
Figure 5 shows the estimated average bus delay outside Center City transit riders may walk, carpool, or wait to be picked up by families
by direction. The delay on a bus route was estimated by the differ- and friends instead of waiting for transit service. The mode shift may
ence between the car run time along the bus route and the scheduled increase the congestion level on the street network and consequently
bus run time. The longest bus delay appears along the eastbound increase the vehicle and pedestrian evacuation times. However, the
bus routes from Center City, Philadelphia, to New Jersey via the major challenge in this case is that the bus capacity is far below the
Benjamin Franklin Bridge. Therefore, potential mitigation strate- transit demand (because of a combination of a low midday transit
gies may consider improving traffic control along bus routes in that capacity and a large demand shift between subtransit modes); the
direction or detouring buses entering New Jersey to other bridges. result is an unacceptably long evacuation time.
The bus routing strategy may be designed by examining the network On the demand side, potential mode shift was considered in this sce-
congestion pattern. nario, by assuming that certain percentages of transit users will walk
home if it is possible. On the supply side, transit evacuation time was
estimated by considering only bus routes that provide direct service
Transit Dependence from Center City to the transfer centers. Although people may take
alternative buses that require transfers or walk to the transfer cen-
The mass transit system plays an important role in many dense ters, the transit supply is still significantly lower than the potential
urban areas. In Philadelphia, about 50% of nonresidents rely on evacuation demand. Furthermore, when the congestion along the bus


Bus Travel Time Delay (min)




5 Northbound
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180
Time (min)

FIGURE 5   Delay of bus travel time during evacuation.

Yuan and Puchalsky 97




Cumulative Percentage
60 Car (signals working)
Car (signals failure)
50 Transit




0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240
Time (min)

FIGURE 6   Evacuation curves by mode in blackout scenario.

routes is taken into consideration, the bus evacuation times would be riding signal operations designed for normal traffic conditions would
even longer. The simulation suggests that evacuee collection points be more practical and effective.
should be designed with a closer proximity to Center City to ease the There are two potential approaches to prioritize intersection con-
access and transport of people to their homes. trol. One approach is to focus on routes or route segments that carry
high vehicle traffic. All intersections along these routes or route seg-
ments may need to be controlled as early as possible. The concern
Intersection Control Priority is that traffic breakdown (queuing and spillback) at one inter­section
of a high-volume route may cause the breakdown of upstream inter­
In the event of mass traffic control system failure, intersection control sections and a gridlock condition. The other approach is to focus on
priority (i.e., which intersections should be prioritized for the initial critical high-volume intersections, which may be selected on the basis
deployment of police officers, given limited resources) is an impor- of a combination of factors including the total amount of evacuation
tant planning question. Even if signals remain functional, controlling traffic to pass through, the directional split of the vehicle volume
critical intersections could be advantageous to smooth evacuation (i.e., the conflicting level of vehicle movements), and the pedestrian
flow (overriding midday signal timings that are not in favor of evacu- volume. Figure 7 compares the effectiveness of these two approaches
ation operations) and ensure safety against conflicting movements in prioritizing intersection control.
of pedestrians and vehicles from minor approaches. In Center City, For intersections selected for initial police control, their capacities
Philadelphia, since all signalized intersections operate with pretimed were assumed to be restored to the original capacity. Police control
timing plans, implementing emergency intersection control by over- was established in an incremental manner (deployment sequence

Cumulative Percentage

20 Evacuated signal working
Evacuation blackout route control
Evacuation blackout node control
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (min)

FIGURE 7   Evacuation curves by traffic control scenario.

98 Transportation Research Record 2532

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