Constitution and Bylaws of CAS LC

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Constitution and By-laws of

Wesleyan University – Philippines

College of Arts and Sciences Local Council


We, the students of College of Arts and Sciences, cognizant of the statutes of Wesleyan University-
Philippines and the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to
establish a self-governing, efficient, honest and transparent student council that shall embody our ideals
and aspirations, promote our general welfare, protect our rights and preserve our interests, do hereby
ordain and promulgate this constitution.

Name, Seal, and Domicile

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the College of Arts and Sciences Local Council and may be
also referred to as CAS-LC.

Section 2. The council shall have its own official seal.

Section 3. The domicile and principal office of the council shall be located at Wesleyan University-
Philippines, Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija 3100.

Declaration of Principles and Objectives

Section 1. The council shall be autonomous, democratic and representative. Sovereignty resides in its
members and all authority emanates from them.

Section 2. The council shall defend and promote the rights, dignity, welfare and security of its members.

Section 3. The council shall serve as an active forum for student ideas and sentiments.

Section 4. The council shall organize and facilitate activities that aim to promote academic excellence,
academic freedom, socio-cultural development, and active participation in matters of relevance and
importance to the academic community.

Section 5. The administration of the council shall be a reflection of the collective effort and collaboration
of its members.

Section 6. The decision of the majority shall always prevail.

Membership, Rights, and Duties

Section 1. Every student of the College of Arts and Sciences shall, upon enrollment, automatically be a
member of the council and shall, by reason thereof, enjoy all the rights and privileges appurtenant
thereto and correspondingly discharge his or her duties and obligations enumerated herein.

Section 2. Every student of the College of Arts and Sciences shall have the following rights:
a) To have freedom of expression;
b) To vote and, if qualified, run for any elective position in the council;
c) To have their grievances heard and speedily redressed;
d) To have the right to public information directly concerning his or her welfare;
e) To be free from exploitation, involuntary servitude and cruel or unjust punishments; and
f) To be accorded due process of law.

Section 3. It is the duty of every student to:

a) Support and participate in the activities and projects of the council, cast his vote in
plebiscites, referenda and elections initiated by the council;
b) Exercise his rights responsibly;
c) Pay necessary dues or fees;
d) Abide by all the provisions of this constitution.

Council Advisers

Section 1. The council shall have (2) Council Advisers who will be appointed by the Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences upon consultation of CAS-LC.

Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall be the implementing body of policies, programs and services of the

Section 2. The Executive Board shall be composed of the Governor, Vice Governor, Secretary, Treasurer,
Auditor, (2) Public Information Officers, (2) Business Managers, and (4) Year Representatives voted at
large by all bona fide students of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Section 3. The CAS Representative of the House of the Representatives of the Supreme Student Council
shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board and shall be referred to as the CAS-SSC
Section 4. The Executive Board shall have the following powers, functions and duties:
a) To uphold and implement the provisions of this constitution;
b) To prepare annual calendar of university-wide activities, programs and projects;
c) Coordinate the programs of the council;
d) To create departments and ad hoc committees as it may deemed necessary in order to
effectively carry out its programs and activities.

Section 4. The Governor of the council shall:

a) Be the chief executive officer of the council;
b) Sign all resolutions, communications and papers of the council;
c) Call and preside over all meetings of the Executive Board.
d) Coordinate all activities of the council.
e) Represent the Council in his official capacity as the Governor on occasions and events where
the organization needs the representation;
f) Have the power to create and dissolve standing ad hoc committees; and
g) Have the power to appoint committee heads.

Section 5. The Vice Governor shall:

a) Be the next in command to the Governor;
b) Take over the function of the Chairperson whenever his/her office is vacant by the reason of
his death, resignation, removal, suspension, illness, absence, or physical or mental
incapacity or his failure to qualify for office; and
c) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 6. The Secretary shall:

a) Record the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board;
b) Properly inform all the council officers of the dates of and the agenda for all its meetings;
c) Call the roll in every meeting of the council;
d) Keep all the records of the Executive Board and receive all correspondences addressed to
the council or any of its officers; and
e) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 7. The Treasurer shall:

a) Keep in trust and confidence all the funds and properties of the council;
b) Collect and receive all dues required by the council and the receivables from other sources
and issue official receipts as acknowledgement thereof;
c) Keep accounts of the income and expenses of the council;
d) Furnish the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Council Advisers a financial report
at the end of every semester and post a copy thereof on the council’s bulletin board; and
e) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 8. The Auditor shall:

a) Receive and audit all financial reports after each council activity.
b) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 9. The Public Information Officer shall:

a) Publicize and disseminate information regarding the activities and achievements of the
b) Answer inquiries about the council;
c) Be in charge of the council’s bulletin board; and
d) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 10. The Business Manager shall:

a) Assist the Treasurer in budget preparation;
b) Supervise all business and fund-raising activities of the council; and
c) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 11. The Year Representatives shall:

a) Be the official delegate of their respective year level;
b) Represent their co-members to confer in relation to matters concerning that of, which
include but is not limited to, disputes, disciplinary actions, grievances, health, and safety;
c) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Section 12. The CAS-SSC Representative shall:

a) Be the official delegate of the College of Arts and Sciences in the House of the
b) Perform such other functions as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.

Board of Majors

Section 1. The Board of Majors shall be composed of the Presidents of each Recognized Student
Organizations from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Section 2. The Board of Majors shall elect from among themselves, a Speaker, who shall call and preside
over all its meetings and prepare the agenda for the same.

Section 3. The Board of Majors shall be the sole interpreter of this Constitution. A two-thirds vote of all
its members shall be required to declare an act as unconstitutional.

Section 4. The Board of Majors shall sit as the Impeachment Tribunal. All issues pertaining to the status
of any member of the Council may be appealed to and shall be settled by the Board of Majors. However,
no member from the Board of Majors can initiate any impeachment proceeding.
Section 5. The Board of Majors shall preside over impeachment proceedings, formulate impeachment
procedures and decide on it with a two-thirds vote, wherein the decision shall be final.


Section 1. The quorum for any meeting shall consist of the simply majority of all members concerned.

Section 2. The order for business for any meeting shall be as follows:
a) Call to order.
b) Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting Perform such other functions
as may be officially assigned to them by the Governor.
c) Reading of reports.
d) Discussion of the agenda.
e) Discussion of other businesses.
f) Adjournment of the meeting.

Section 3. The decision and any meeting shall be valid upon the approval by the simple majority vote of
all its members concerned and present, unless otherwise provided for by this Constitution.

Section 4. A special meeting may be called by the presiding officer upon the request of at least one-
thirds of all the members concerned. However, no such meeting may be held without due notice.

Section 5. Any Council officer who has incurred three consecutive or five non-consecutive absences in
regular meetings shall be subject to disciplinary action by the body concerned after due notice and

Section 6. Any Council officer may be ejected from a meeting by the Presiding Officer through a majority
vote of all the members present for contempt or disorderly conduct.

Qualification of Officers

Section 1. The members of the Executive Board:

a) Must be a bona fide student of the College of Arts and Sciences.
b) Must have a minimum weighted average of 2.5 prior to his or her election
c) Must maintain such average during his or her stay in office.
d) Must not have incurred any failing grade a semester immediately preceding the elections
e) Must have good moral character as certified by the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences and the University’s Office of Student Affairs.
f) Must have a minimum load of fifteen (15) academic units.
g) Must not hold any executive position in any major school organization in the university.
h) Must not hold the chief executive position of any recognized student organization in the
College of Arts and Sciences.

Section 2. All Council officers shall discharge their corresponding duties and functions after they shall
have been duly sworn into office, which shall not be later than one week after the election.

Section 3. The term of office of all council officers shall commence at the time of their election and shall
terminate after their successor shall have been duly sworn into office.

Section 4. No one shall hold more than one elective position in the council at any time during the
Academic Year.

Section 5. Any council officer may resign from office by submitting a letter of resignation, stating his or
her reasons, to the Executive Board, copy furnished to the Dean’s office.

Section 6. Any council officer impeached or removed from office shall thereafter be permanently
disqualified from holding any position in the Executive Board.


Section 1. Any student of the Faculty of Arts and Letters may initiate impeachment through the Board of
Majors, unless otherwise prohibited by this Constitution.

Section 2: Any officer of the Executive Board may be impeached on any of the following grounds:
a) Willful or culpable violation of any provision of this Constitution.
b) Gross negligence of duties.
c) Abusive use of power.
d) Failure in any academic subject during his or her term.
e) Any unbecoming conduct or behavior.
f) Malversation of the funds or properties of the organization.

Section 3. Any accused council officer shall be given prior notice, of at least one week, of the charge/s
against him or her and shall be given the opportunity to speak to the Impeachment Tribunal to defend
himself or herself in a meeting called for the purpose.

Section 4. The CAS Commissioner from the Commission on Student Election (COMSELEC) shall be a
member of the tribunal to serve as a tie-breaker in the event of a tie-vote between the Board of Majors.

Section 4. Any council officer facing impeachment shall be suspended from office and shall not be
allowed to resign therefrom for the duration of the Impeachment procedures.

Section 1. Any permanent vacancy in the office of the Governor shall be filled by the Vice Governor that
if the permanent vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice Governor for any cause or by reason of their
assumption to the office as Governor, the council shall elect among the Year Representatives a new Vice

Section 2. If the permanent vacancy occurs in the office of a Year Representative for any cause, the
candidate who obtained the next highest number of votes in the last general election of the student
council shall take their place.

Section 3. Any other permanent vacancy shall be filled temporarily until a special election is held.

Section 4. When the vacancy is temporary, the council may choose a replacement that shall discharge
the duties of the member until he returns.

Amendments and Revisions

Section 1. Amendments and revisions to this constitution may be proposed by any officer of the council
to be approved by the majority 50%+1 of votes from all the members in a meeting called for the

Section 2. Any amendment to or revision of, this constitution and by-laws shall be deemed effective
upon approval of the Executive Board officers including the members of the Board of Majors.

Section 3. Amendment/revision will take effect after an affirmative vote of 50%+1 of the total number of
votes cast by the members of the CAS-LC during a plebiscite to be held for this purpose.


Section 1. This constitution shall take effect upon ratification in a plebiscite called for this purpose by a
majority of 50%+1 of the total number of votes cast by the members of the CAS-LC.

Section 2. This constitution, if ratified, shall supersede all previous codes of the CAS-LC.

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