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Assessment of Corridors with Different

Types of Intersections
Environmental and Traffic Performance Analysis

Paulo Fernandes, Tânia Fontes, Mark Neves, Sérgio Ramos Pereira,

Jorge M. Bandeira, Nagui M. Rouphail, and Margarida C. Coelho

Recently, roundabouts in a series have been installed along corridors to lights to ensure good progression, so that vehicles can travel through
enhance road safety. However, the benefits of this traffic-calming tech- the arterial with a minimum number of stops (1). A series of round-
nique on traffic performance and pollutant emissions compared with abouts forces all vehicles to slow down at every roundabout, caus-
other forms of intersections, such as traffic lights and stop-controlled solu- ing several acceleration-deceleration cycles and, as a consequence,
tions, are not properly known. This study used a microscopic approach higher emissions and greater fuel consumption. This is particularly
to evaluate the effects of a corridor with four roundabouts on traffic true in downstream areas (3).
performance and emissions, in comparison with traffic lights and stop- Extensive research has dealt with how isolated roundabouts com-
controlled solutions. Average travel time and number of vehicle stops pare with all-way stop control, two-way stop control, and traffic
were used as measures of traffic performance; carbon dioxide, monox- lights in the field of energy and emissions, but the results are not in
ide carbon, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter were agreement about the benefits. Some studies have shown that round-
used to quantify emissions. The traffic and emissions performance of abouts have led to higher emissions and fuel consumption than two-
each solution was evaluated on three levels: (a) arterial, (b) intersection, way stop-controlled intersections (4) or traffic lights (5). In contrast,
and (c) morning peak versus evening peak periods. It was found that, other studies have suggested that the environmental and energy per-
regardless of the time period, traffic lights in corridors at the arterial formances of roundabouts are largely dependent on traffic flows,
level produced higher total emissions (> 6%), while stop-controlled inter- depending on the approaches and turning demands. Coelho et al.
sections produced lower emissions (≈12%) compared with roundabouts, (6) confirmed that fixed-cycle traffic lights caused more emissions
mainly because of unbalanced traffic flows between main and minor than a roundabout (considering a conflict flow of 750 vehicles per
roads. The results for traffic performance showed advantages in imple- hour, vph) for higher traffic flows. Vlahos et al. (7) explained that,
menting roundabouts when the main concern was the number of vehicle compared with a traffic signal, the roundabout performed environ-
stops. At the intersection level, an emissions improvement (between 2% mentally better with traffic flow compared with all the approaches
and 14%) was observed at traffic lights on four-leg intersections. at 2,300 vph. Rakha and Jackson (8) demonstrated that roundabouts
recorded less fuel consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
than all-way stop control, two-way stop control, and traffic lights when
The number of roundabouts constructed worldwide has grown in left-turn demands were below 30%. Rakha et al. (9) indicated that
the past years. As a result, some local authorities have recently both single-lane and two-lane roundabouts outperformed the one-
approved and constructed a series of roundabouts in corridors, rather way stop-controlled intersection in a three-way intersection in a
than the traditional solution of coordinated traffic lights. The renewed study of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and delay. However,
interest in the implementation of roundabouts can be attributed to the one-way stop-controlled intersections were associated with fewer
improved safety features of roundabouts that allow reducing vehicle hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and CO2 emissions.
speed (1). Anya et al. (10) investigated the benefits posed by the conversion of
Nevertheless, quantitative and qualitative information on the a signalized intersection to a two-lane roundabout. They concluded
environmental performance of a set of functionally interdependent that, at the intersection level, the reduction in emissions was only
roundabouts on corridors is lacking (2). A typical question concern- relevant in the right-turn movements from the minor to the main
ing the use of corridors with roundabouts is how traffic will perform. road. Gastaldi et al. (11) found that the environmental benefits of a
The main goal along a corridor with traffic lights is to coordinate the four-leg roundabout, compared with a fixed-time traffic signal, were
smaller than the roundabout’s operational performance.
Several researchers have investigated and developed algorithms
P. Fernandes, T. Fontes, M. Neves, S. R. Pereira, J. M. Bandeira, and M. C.
for signalized arterials to minimize emissions and fuel consumption
Coelho, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Mechanical Technology
and Automation, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810- along corridors (12, 13). The few studies carried out for corridors
193 Aveiro, Portugal. N. M. Rouphail, Institute for Transportation Research and with roundabouts raised some uncertainties about their effective-
Education, North Carolina State University, NCSU Campus Box 8601, Raleigh, ness. Hallmark et al. (14) recorded marginal benefits in improved
NC 27695-8601. Corresponding author: P. Fernandes, traffic flow of roundabouts in signalized corridors over stop- and
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
signal-controlled intersections. Hallmark et al. (15) studied on-road
No. 2503, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 39–50. emissions impacts of roundabouts with a stop intersection com-
DOI: 10.3141/2503-05 pared with roundabouts with signal-controlled intersections along

40 Transportation Research Record 2503

two corridors. The findings suggested that, under uncongested con- Data Collection
ditions, roundabouts did not perform better than four-way or signal-
controlled intersections in the same corridor. However, each studied An urban corridor with four single-lane roundabouts, exhibiting high
corridor only contained one roundabout throughout its length (series traffic flows, was sought for this research. The free-flow speed was
of roundabouts were not considered) (14, 15). Krogscheepers and fairly constant along this corridor and the spacing was approximately
Watters (16) assessed the average speeds, delays, and travel times equal between adjacent roundabouts (the coefficient of variability
of six roundabouts along a rural corridor in South Africa and com- of average spacing was .11). The corridor is approximately 1,466 m
pared the results with fixed-cycle traffic lights. The authors con- (4,810 ft) long and includes two roundabouts with four legs (RBT1
cluded that roundabouts offered operational advantages over traffic and RBT3) and two roundabouts with three legs (RBT2 and RBT4).
lights, but recognized that roundabouts became inefficient when The posted speeds on the approach legs are ≈30 km/h. Figure 2 and
the levels of demand increased. More recently, a study conducted Table 1 summarize the information on the site’s characteristics.
on 58 U.S. roundabout corridors developed a methodology for esti- During a typical weekday, traffic counts suggested that morning
mating travel speed and level of service (2). Although these studies and evening peak periods occur between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 4:00
developed very good traffic analysis, they did not include an analysis and 6:00 p.m., respectively. Thus, the following data were collected
of emissions impacts (2, 16). at the selected corridor for these time periods in April 2014:
Considering the foregoing discussion, the main motivation for
this study can be outlined in two main points. First, there is a need • Traffic flow of light-duty vehicles (LDV), transit buses, and
for a suitable methodology to estimate the emissions impacts from heavy-duty vehicles (HDV);
a series of roundabouts along corridors. Second, although there is • Time-dependent origin–destination (O-D) matrices;
extensive knowledge on traffic operations at isolated roundabouts • Gap acceptance data; and
rather than in sequence, there is a lack of studies comparing the emis- • Vehicle activity data (speed, acceleration and deceleration, and
sions benefits of corridors with different intersection types. There is grade).
a concern that under specific traffic conditions (which are associated
with the variability of traffic during the day and geometric features of Traffic and time-dependent O-D matrices were gathered from
the roundabouts); the operational and environmental benefits may be overhead videos installed at strategic points on the roundabouts.
lower than expected. The traffic data were recorded at morning and evening periods for six
The principal objective of this study was to compare the traf- days on typical weekdays (Wednesday and Thursday) during three
fic performance and emissions of a roundabout corridor with an weeks under dry weather conditions. Later, in the transportation
equivalent corridor where roundabouts were replaced by traffic laboratory, the traffic data for each vehicle class were compiled to
lights and stop-controlled intersections. The study used a micro- define the O-D tables based on trips along the whole corridor for
simulation approach to evaluate scenarios at different analysis lev- each vehicle class. Time-gap distribution data (gap-acceptance and
els (arterial and inter­section levels) and time periods (morning and gap-rejection) were also extracted from the videotapes.
evening peak periods). To analyze these impacts, the proposed For vehicle activity estimation, second-by-second vehicle dynam-
approach integrated the VISSIM microscopic traffic model and the ics data were recorded. An LDV and an HDV, equipped with a GPS
vehicle-specific power (VSP) and European Monitoring and Evalu- travel recorder, were used to perform several movements along the
ation Programme–European Environment Agency (EMEP-EEA) corridor. For each movement, 200 GPS travel runs were extracted
emissions method­ologies. A genetic algorithm (GA) was used to and identified (approximately 400 km of road coverage over the
optimize traffic signal timing at arterials on emissions. course of 8 h).
The novelty of this research, compared with other studies of round- As shown in Table 2, the corridor primarily serves through traf-
about corridors (2, 16) and corridors composed of a roundabout with fic (northbound and southbound). The average numbers of vehicles
other intersection forms (14, 15), is that the study compares traffic entering each roundabout were approximately 1,380 and 1,430 (vph)
performance and emissions among various corridor layouts. An inte- for the morning and evening peak hours, respectively. The corridor
grated methodology was used, based on a microscopic simulation is characterized by high demand of HDV, ranging from 9% to 14%.
approach from vehicle activity and traffic flow data simultaneously. It was perceived that the traffic data between adjacent roundabouts
The focus was on the following research questions: was relatively similar along the corridor during the morning and
evening peak periods. However, the corridor had spare capacity
• How do vehicular traffic performance and emissions vary during in both time periods. All roundabouts had a critical movement
morning and evening peak hours for corridors with roundabouts and volume-to-capacity ratio (v/c) of 0.85 or less.
other forms of intersections?
• How do the design features of a corridor affect the spatial
distribution of emissions? Scenarios

The baseline scenario is the validated model for the morning and
Methodology evening peak periods. To assess the traffic performance and emis-
sions of corridors with different series of intersection types, two
The main goal of the proposed methodology was to develop a micro- scenarios were established:
scopic simulation platform on traffic and emissions (Figure 1). This
platform enables the analysis of other impacts of capacity and Scenario 1 (S1). All roundabouts were replaced by traffic lights and
emissions for corridors with roundabouts, traffic lights, and stop- Scenario 2 (S2). RBT1 and RBT3 were replaced by two stop-
controlled intersections. Figure 1 depicts the basic structure of the controlled intersections (west and east approaches) and RBT2 and
GA-based traffic signal optimizer used in this research. The following RBT4 were replaced by one stop-controlled intersection (west and
sections present a detailed description of the methodological steps. east approaches).
Fernandes, Fontes, Neves, Pereira, Bandeira, Rouphail, and Coelho 41

Traffic counts,
O-D matrices,
Gap acceptance and gap rejection times,
Vehicle dynamics (speed, Data collection
acceleration—deceleration, road grade),
Road configuration.

Microscopic traffic Microscopic traffic

model model

Traffic volumes by link,
(SPSA genetic
Vehicle speeds by link. algorithm)

Traffic volumes and speeds by link,

Travel time,
VSP mode distribution,
Queue lengths.

Emission methodology

Emission methodology

Initialization and
(GA – based traffic signal timing optimization)


Binary tournament
selection, crossover, and

Elitism replacement

Stopping criteria
(Gen < max. gen)

Average travel time,

Number of vehicle stops, Data outputs
CO2, CO, NOx, HC, and PM emissions.

FIGURE 1   Summary of methodological steps (SPSA 5 simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation;
LDV 5 light-duty vehicle; HDV 5 heavy-duty vehicle; PM 5 particulate matter; O-D 5 origin–destination;
gen 5 number of generations; max. 5 maximum).

To model traffic lights, separated left and through lanes from the affected significantly, since the selected corridor has low left-turning
main approaches (north and south) were used. Similarly, a lead-lead rates from the main approaches. A yellow time of 3 s was assumed
left-turn phase sequence was considered, as shown in Figure 3. The in this study.
advantages of this phasing option were: (a) drivers react quickly The emissions and traffic performance of each traffic restriction
to the leading green arrow indication and (b) it reduces conflicts scenario were evaluated on three levels: (a) arterial, (b) intersection,
between left-turn and through movements on the same approach and (c) morning versus evening peak periods. For consistency with
(17). Furthermore, the safety between conflicting traffic was not Rodegerdts et al. (2), influence areas were defined to conduct the
42 Transportation Research Record 2503










(a) (b)

FIGURE 2   Aerial view of selected corridor and roundabouts: (a) study location, Mealhada,
Portugal; (b) aerial view of the corridor; (c) RBT1; (d) RBT2; (e) RBT3; and (f) RBT4.

TABLE 1   Key Characteristics of Selected Corridor

Entry Speed
Distance from
North–South South–North Central Island Circulating Upstream
ID [km/h (mph)] [km/h (mph)] Ratio [m (ft)] Width [m (ft)] Roundabout [m (ft)]

RBT1 29.4 (18.3) 24.7 (15.3) 25 (82) 7 (23) na

RBT2 21.3 (13.2) 30.2 (18.8) 24 (79) 8 (26) 318 (1,043)
RBT3 27.9 (17.3) 26.1 (16.2) 23 (75) 7 (23) 255 (836)
RBT4 27.5 (17.1) 26.8 (16.7) 28 (92) 7 (23) 335 (1,099)

Note: ID = identification; RBT = roundabout; na = not applicable.

Fernandes, Fontes, Neves, Pereira, Bandeira, Rouphail, and Coelho 43

TABLE 2   Average Volume Observations for LDVs and HDVs at Data Collection Corridor During Morning and Evening Peak Hours

Approach Volume (vph) HDV Arterial Volume Critical

(% total Adjacent Intersection
Period ID Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound traffic) Roundabouts (vpha) (v/c ratiob )

Morning RBT1 469 598 265 279 10.3 970 0.85

(8–9 a.m.) RBT2 505 712 120 na 12.5 1,103 0.84
RBT3 477 624 79 121 12.8 1,189 0.78
RBT4 497 669 na 91 13.6 na 0.77
Evening RBT1 501 590 275 261 9.5 998 0.83
(5–6 p.m.) RBT2 543 725 105 na 9.7 1,012 0.83
RBT3 544 632 90 105 9.4 1,269 0.75
RBT4 563 683 na 95 10.1 na 0.70

Note: Traffic demand in evening peak is approximately 3% higher than in morning peak period.
Arterial volume between actual roundabout and upstream roundabout (in south direction).
Based on preliminary traffic analysis.

intersection-level analysis. For this study, the same influence area The simulation model was run for 90 min (7:30 to 9:00 a.m.
among scenarios was considered. Average travel time and number and 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.), with the first 30 min used for a warm-up
of stops were used as measures of traffic performance; CO2, CO, NOx, period. Data were extracted only for the remaining 60 min (8:00 to
HC, and particulate matter (PM) emissions were used as emissions 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.). Since transit buses represented
measures. less than 0.2% of the traffic composition, they were excluded from
the analysis. Two O-D matrices for LDV and HDV were gener-
ated per 15 min for periods between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. and 4:30
Modeling Platform
and 6:00 p.m.
Road Traffic Modeling The treatment of the yield areas used the Priority Rules tool of
the VISSIM model (18). For the analysis, the same minimum gap
The VISSIM microsimulation model (18) is extensively recognized time and headway distance in each of the yield areas was consid-
as a powerful tool for operational analysis of corridors with dif- ered. Model consistency of the corridor with the roundabouts was
ferent types of intersections (14). VISSIM can be calibrated to set focused on two main steps: calibration and validation. Calibration
faithful representations of the traffic, especially at capacity (19), was made by modifying the driver behavior parameters of the traf-
and faithful assessments of emissions in urban areas (20). VISSIM fic model and examining their effect on traffic volumes and speed
allows exporting trajectory files that can be used by external emissions for each link. The main driver behavior parameters were divided
models. into car-following parameters (average standstill distance and the

100 m

100 m 100 m

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3   Layout of intersections with traffic lights (including phasing) and stop-controlled:
(a) four legs and (b) three legs.
44 Transportation Research Record 2503

additive and multiple parts of safety distance), lane change param- (25–27), diesel passenger vehicles <1.61 (27, 28), and light diesel
eters, gap acceptance parameters (minimum gap time and headway duty trucks <2.51 (28). VSP has been shown to be a useful explana-
distance), and simulation resolution (18). tory variable for estimating variability in emissions, especially for
A procedure based on the simultaneous perturbation stochastic CO, CO2, and NOx (29, 30). The EMEP-EEA methodology was
approximation genetic algorithm was used to optimize the afore- used for HDV emissions and PM emissions from all vehicles types
mentioned model parameters. The objective function was based on (31). This methodology is based on average values of speed, slope,
minimization of the normalized root mean square (NRMS) (Equa- and load factor. Different emissions factors are available depending
tion 1). NRMS is defined as the sum over the two calibration periods on the age and engine capacity of each vehicle class and fuel type.
of the average of the sum over all links of the root square of the For both methodologies, the following distribution fleet com-
normalized differences between observed and estimated parameters position was considered for LDV (27): 44.7% gasoline passenger
(21). The normalization enables the consideration of several per- vehicles, 34.3% diesel passenger vehicles, and 21.0% light diesel
formance measures simultaneously, in this case, link volumes and duty trucks. Since the study corridor was located on relatively flat
vehicle speed. The calibration procedure is posed as follows: grades (<1%), the effect of that parameter was ignored.

T  2
 vi − ν (θ)i 
min NRMS = × ∑ W × ∑  
N t =1  i =1 vi Traffic Signal Timing Optimization

The GA-based traffic signal optimizer was applied to optimize vehic-

 si − s (θ)i  
I 2

+ (1 − W ) × ∑
i =1
 si 
 
 (1) ular emissions (CO2, CO, NOx, HC, and PM). The GA is a stochas-
tic search technique based on the mechanics of natural selection and
evolution (32). The Fast Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algo-
subject to rithm (NSGA-II) was adopted in this case (33) (Figure 1). The analy­
sis used the following traffic timing plan optimization variables
lower bound ≤ θ ≤ upper bound (according to the corridor characteristics) with the corresponding
where: range values:
I = last analyzed link, • Cycle. 40 to 120 s,
vi = observed link volumes for link i, • Offset between adjacent intersections. 8 to 24 s, and
ν∼(θ)i = estimated link volumes for link i, • Green time at minor streets. minimum of 10 s.
si = observed speeds for link i,
s~(θ)i = estimated speeds for link i,
The optimization of the traffic signal timing was performed sepa-
N = total number of links in the coded network,
rately for the two peak periods. NSGA-II code includes binary and
T = total number of time periods t, and
real number encodings (33). Thus, a binary encoding technique
W = weight to assign more or less value to volumes or speeds.
was employed for the NSGA-II coding scheme. Further, NSGA-II
For the calibration criteria, the widely accepted practice is to rely interprets individual chromosomes represented in binary strings of
on the Geoffrey E. Havers (GEH) statistic for assessing goodness of 0 and 1, as optimization variables. For cycle length, green times, and
fit. The difference between the observed and estimated link volumes offsets, a fraction-based decoding scheme was applied, as in Kwak
should be less than 5% for at least 85% of the coded links (22). et al. (34). Before performing the GA operations, the potential traf-
Lastly, queue lengths at entry roundabouts were compared with the fic signal timing plans were evaluated by running the road traffic
default and calibrated values. and emissions.
The model validation was focused on the comparison between esti- NSGA-II uses a tournament selection approach, which has shown
mated and observed volumes, speeds, travel times, and VSP mode dis- good performance in traffic signal timing plan optimization (33).
tributions for a preliminary number of simulation runs [between 10 In this step, better traffic signal plans have higher chances of being
and 20, as suggested by Hale (23)]. Validation criteria for volumes, selected. Then, a crossover operation based on a procedure to com-
speeds, and travel times were undertaken with the GEH statistic pose a mating pool and create a new population for the next gen-
(22) and root mean square percentage error (24). To examine the eration is performed. After that, a uniform crossover is applied for
discrepancy between the estimated and observed VSP mode distri- each pair of chromosomes from the tournament selection in which
butions, the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K-S test) for a individual bits are compared between two chosen chromosomes,
95% confidence level was employed. More information about this and the compared bits are replaced with a .5 probability. A mutation
validation procedure can be found in Fontes et al. (20). About 80% operator changes single bits of chromosomes when each bit satisfies
of the data collected were used for calibration; the remaining data the mutation probability of .03. These probabilities are recognized
were used for validation. to be effective for traffic signal timing plan optimization (34).

Emissions Modeling Results and Discussion

The methodology used to estimate emissions was based on VSP Model Evaluation
(25, 26), which is based on regression models and allows character-
izing the vehicle activity data on a second-by-second basis. The VSP Figure 4 exhibits the observed and estimated traffic volumes and
values are categorized in 14 modes of engine regime and an emission vehicle speeds before (with VISSIM default values) and after the
factor for each mode is used to estimate CO2, CO, NOx, and HC calibration of the traffic model for the morning and evening periods.
emissions from gasoline passenger vehicles with engine size <1.21 The results confirm larger improvements for vehicle speeds, while
Fernandes, Fontes, Neves, Pereira, Bandeira, Rouphail, and Coelho 45

60 1,000

Estimated Volumes

Estimated Speed
600 R 2 = .93


30 R 2 = .87
10 200

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Observed Speed (km/h) Observed Volumes (vph)
(a) (b)

60 1,000

Estimated Volumes
Estimated Speed

R 2 = .92 R 2 = .94

10 200

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Observed Speed (km/h) Observed Volumes (vph)
(c) (d)

60 1,000
Estimated Volumes

Estimated Speed

40 R 2 = .82 600 R 2 = .91


10 200

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Observed Speed (km/h) Observed Volumes (vph)
(e) (f)

60 1,000
Estimated Volumes

Estimated Speed

40 R 2 = .92 R 2 = .94


10 200

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Observed Speed (km/h) Observed Volumes (vph)
(g) (h)

FIGURE 4   Observed versus estimated speed and traffic volumes: default parameters for
(a) morning peak speed and (b) morning peak volume; calibrated model for (c) morning peak speed
and (d) morning peak volume; default parameters for (e) evening peak speed and (f) evening peak
volume; and calibrated model for (g) evening peak speed and (h) evening peak volume.

traffic volumes were only slightly modified. After the calibration, modes distribution. The lane-change parameters and simulation res-
the speeds improved for 61% (n = 41) and 62% (n = 42) of the links olution are unaffected by the calibration. In the first case, all coded
in the morning and evening peak periods, respectively, while the links have one lane. In the second case, a value of 10 time steps per
remaining values were similar to the initial values. Moreover, R2 simulated second was used to fit the time resolution of the traffic and
values greater than .90 for the estimated parameters, versus observed emissions models (a second-by-second basis). It was demonstrated
parameters, were recorded for the calibration procedure. that the calibrated model parameters improved the GEH statistic, that
Table 3 summarizes the traffic calibration and validation results is, all the links achieved a GEH statistic less than 5, thereby satisfy-
obtained for the NRMS and GEH statistics, queue length, and VSP ing the calibration criteria. The NRMS went from 0.47 to 0.29 in the
46 Transportation Research Record 2503

TABLE 3   Summary of Calibration and Validation Results for Traffic Model


Model Parameter Value NRMS GEH Queue Length VSP Modes

Default Average standstill distance (m) 2.0 0.469 <5 for 98% of ≈17% higher 50% and 90% of the links not
Additive part of safety distance 2.0 the cases than field data statistically significant at a 95%
Multiple part of safety distance 3.0 and 99% CI
Minimal gap time (s) 3.0
Minimal headway (m) 7.5
Calibrated Average standstill distance (m) 0.8 0.285 <5 for 100% of ≈7% higher than 72% and 100% of the links not
Additive part of safety distance 1.3 the cases field data statistically significant at a 95%
Multiple part of safety distance 1.5 and 99% CI
Minimal gap time (s) 2.7
Minimal headway (m) 4.5
Validated Average standstill distance (m) 0.8 0.401 <5 for 87% of ≈8% higher than 70% and 100% of the links not
Additive part of safety distance 1.3 the cases field data statistically significant at a 95%
Multiple part of safety distance 1.5 and 99% CI
Minimal gap time (s) 2.7
Minimal headway (m) 4.5
Default Average standstill distance (m) 2.0 0.451 <5 for 96% of ≈20% higher 46% and 91% of the links not
Additive part of safety distance 2.0 the cases than field data statistically significant at a 95%
Multiple part of safety distance 3.0 and 99% CI
Minimal gap time (s) 3.0
Minimal headway (m) 7.5
Calibrated Average standstill distance (m) 0.8 0.281 <5 for 100% of ≈8% higher than 70% and 100% of the links not
Additive part of safety distance 1.3 the cases field data statistically significant at a 95%
Multiple part of safety distance 1.5 and 99% CI
Minimal gap time (s) 2.7
Minimal headway (m) 4.5
Validated Average standstill distance (m) 0.8 0.393 <5 for 90% of ≈9% higher than 67% and 100% of the links not
Additive part of safety distance 1.3 the cases field data statistically significant at a 95%
Multiple part of safety distance 1.5 and 99% CI
Minimal gap time (s) 2.7
Minimal headway (m) 4.5

Note: Weight factor was set to 0.7; model was validated with 15 random seed runs. CI = confidence interval.

morning peak and from 0.45 to 0.28 in the evening peak. It was also cases (21, 23). The resulting validation settings were subsequently
found that default values underestimated speed values and yielded applied to all scenarios.
larger queues at entry areas (>15% compared with observed data).
This finding means that initially some of the traffic model behav-
ior parameters did not properly represent the specific site traffic Traffic Performance Measures
operations, and possibly some of the values were relatively high. and Emissions Rates
This was particularly true in the case of stand-still and headway
distance, for which the decrease was 60% and 40%, respectively, This section compares the emissions and traffic performance param-
in relation to the default values. The difference between observed eters of the two scenarios with the baseline scenario. The average
and estimated values of queue lengths (>6% with calibrated values) values of the optimizing parameters became stable after 50 gen-
confirmed the correctness of the above calibrated driver behavior erations, indicating that NSGA-II converges. Thus, the follow-
parameters. Similarly, the calibrated minimal gap time was close to ing parameters were used in the corridor with traffic lights in the
those obtained from the field measurements (3.0 s), which reflects morning and evening peak periods, respectively: cycle: 45 and 41 s;
Portuguese driving habits (35). offset: 19 and 12 s; and green time at minor streets: 12 and 10 s.
For the validation results, the comparison of observed and esti- The emissions and traffic performance impact results are presented
mated flows and travel times was conducted with a different data in Table 4 by analysis level and scenarios for the morning, eve-
sample from the calibration and an additional 15 random seed ning, and aggregate time periods. Key observations from the data in
runs (22). The runs showed that more than 85% of the coded links Table 4 are as follows:
recorded GEH values below 5 and root mean square percentage
error below 20%. The analysis of the VSP modes distribution indi- • Considering the overall corridor and morning peak hour, sig-
cated that 67% (n = 45) and 100% (n = 64) of the coded links did nificant differences between S1 and the baseline were observed
not show significant differences at 95% and 99% confidence lev- (vehicles produce an average amount of additional emissions of 7%
els, respectively, considering the evening peak conditions. These in S1); S2 gave lower emissions in the arterial-level analysis, mainly
validation results suggest a very good degree of consistency for all for CO2 and HC, with reductions of 12% to 13%, respectively, but
Fernandes, Fontes, Neves, Pereira, Bandeira, Rouphail, and Coelho 47

TABLE 4   Variation in Emissions and Traffic Performance Parameters by Location in Relation to Baseline Scenario,
During Morning Peak Hour (8:00–9:00 a.m.), Evening Peak Hour (5:00–6:00 p.m.) and Two Time Periods

Traffic Performance
Period Emissions
and Traffic Travel Time Total
Area Scenario CO2 (kg) CO (g) NOx (g) HC (g) PM (g) Flows (s/veh) Stops

Morning Peak
OC Baseline 1,648 51,333 9,317 756 455 2,168 58.8 851
S1 8% 8% 7% 6% 7% 0% 3% 50%
S2 −12% −12% −11% −13% −11% 0% −15% 7%
1 Baseline 429 13,123 2,377 195 117 1,650 25.1 537
S1 18% 19% 15% 16% 15% 0% 28% 31%
S2 −13% −12% −13% −14% −13% 0% −6% 6%
2 Baseline 383 11,987 2,175 179 106 1,320 22.2 84
S1 2% 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% 2% 120%
S2 −17% −18% −16% −19% −17% 0% −21% 16%
3 Baseline 307 9,589 1,726 138 85 1,291 25.4 102
S1 14% 16% 14% 15% 14% 0% −12% 57%
S2 −2% −1% −1% −1% −2% 0% −23% 27%
4 Baseline 449 14,095 2,564 204 125 1,249 27.2 31
S1 −9% −8% −10% −10% −10% 0% 1% 409%
S2 −24% −23% −22% −25% −22% 0% −17% 64%
Evening Peak
OC Baseline 1,778 54,819 9,847 794 501 2,223 61.8 692
S1 2% 3% 3% 2% 2% 0% −1% 54%
S2 −13% −12% −10% −12% −12% 0% −16% 13%
1 Baseline 498 14,821 2,593 235 148 1,687 23.4 382
S1 6% 9% 5% 6% 4% 0% 24% 35%
S2 −7% −5% −6% −7% −7% 0% −3% 16%
2 Baseline 410 12,052 2,281 197 127 1,443 22.4 107
S1 −5% −5% −2% −5% −4% 0% −6% 75%
S2 −18% −18% −15% −19% −16% 0% −23% 7%
3 Baseline 368 11,090 1,963 178 106 1,382 26.1 109
S1 2% 4% 5% 4% 3% 0% −14% 62%
S2 −11% −10% −7% −9% −10% 0% −27% 24%
4 Baseline 432 12,664 2,291 202 131 1,348 27.3 27
S1 −14% −13% −12% −13% −14% 0% −4% 294%
S2 −25% −25% −22% −24% −24% 0% −19% 49%
Two Time Periods
OC Baseline 3,426 106,152 19,164 1,550 956 4,391 60.2 1,543
S1 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 0% 1% 52%
S2 −12% −12% −11% −13% −12% 0% −16% 10%
1 Baseline 927 27,944 4,970 430 265 3,337 24.3 919
S1 17% 19% 15% 16% 15% 0% −2% 95%
S2 −10% −8% −10% −11% −12% 0% −22% 11%
2 Baseline 793 24,039 4,456 376 233 2,763 22.3 919
S1 −1% −2% −1% −3% −1% 0% −13% 60%
S2 −17% −18% −16% −19% −17% 0% −25% 25%
3 Baseline 675 20,679 3,689 316 191 2,673 25.8 211
S1 8% 10% 10% 9% 8% 0% −2% 355%
S2 7% −5% −4% −5% −6% 0% −18% 57%
4 Baseline 881 26,759 4,855 406 256 2,597 27.3 58
S1 −11% −11% −11% −11% −11% 0% −1% 54%
S2 −24% −23% −23% −24% −24% 0% −16% 13%

Note: Veh = vehicle; OC = overall corridor; 1 = Intersection 1 (RBT1/I1 area); 2 = Intersection 2 (RBT2/I2 area); 3 = Intersection 3 (RBT3/I3
area); 4 = Intersection 4 (RBT4/I4 area). Shaded area indicates maximum reduction allowed.
48 Transportation Research Record 2503

was ineffective in idling situations (increase of 7% in the number spatial distributions of speed and CO2 were highly symmetrical
of stops). along the selected corridor for all roundabouts. The spacing between
• S2 was the best environmental solution in the evening peak adjacent roundabouts and the geometric features were similar for
period. It had average emissions reductions of about 12% and all roundabout layouts. Higher deceleration and acceleration rates
yielded the smallest travel time of 16%. There were slight differ- were recorded upstream and downstream of the intersections in both
ences between the environmental performance of the baseline and directions. Accordingly, sharper variation of the CO2 curve between
S1 compared with the morning peak conditions. the exit and the yield or stop lanes was observed (the overall contri-
• For the intersection-level analysis and morning peak condi- bution of emissions was approximately 35%, 30%, and 34% for the
tions, the findings pointed out considerable differences, especially baseline, S1, and S2, respectively). When vehicles traveled toward
among scenarios during the morning peak period (all pollutants adjacent intersections, they generated higher CO2 levels after traffic
increased between 14% and 19% with S1, while the number of stops light implementation (more than 15%).
increased by more than 30%). However, the RBT4/I4 in S1 had bet-
ter environmental performance than the roundabouts (8% to 10%,
depending on the pollutant). There were decreases in emissions of Conclusions
about 25% for CO2, CO, and HC for the RBT4/I4 in S2.
• In the intersection-level analysis with evening peak conditions, This study explored the effect of an urban corridor with four round-
S2 provided a significant advantage in traffic operations on four-leg abouts on traffic performance and emissions generated from vehi-
intersections, compared with the alternative of a roundabout (6% cles. A microscopic traffic model was integrated in conjunction with
and 9% less emissions in RBT1/I1 and RBT3/I3, respectively). emissions models to assess the consequences of replacing a series of
S1 presented the highest number of vehicle stops and amounts roundabouts in arterials (baseline) by traffic lights (Scenario 1) and
of emissions at those intersections, but average emissions (5% to stop-controlled intersections (Scenario 2). The traffic performance and
14%, depending on the pollutant) and travel time (<6%) decreased emissions of each solution were compared at the arterial level, inter-
at the three-leg intersections, compared with the roundabouts. S2 section level, and morning and evening peak periods. The following
achieved significant reductions in emissions at the RBT4/I4 (its main findings were found at the corridor level:
implementation allowed CO2 and average travel time to be reduced
by 25% and 19%, respectively). • Roundabouts led to the lowest number of vehicle stops and
• Considering the aggregate contribution of the two time peri- were environmentally better than the traffic lights solution (4% to
ods, S2 also gave the best emissions scenario in the arterial-level 5%, depending on the pollutant).
analysis (−12% of CO2 compared with the baseline). S1 and the • Traffic lights were the worst solution for both time periods:
baseline emitted the highest amounts of CO2 at the four-leg and emissions increased about 7% and 2% compared with roundabout
three-leg intersections, respectively. layout in the morning and evening peak periods, respectively; the
number of stops increased more than 50%.
In summary, comparison of the layouts of the corridors revealed • Stop-controlled was the best solution in both time periods for
different results between roundabouts and traffic lights. In some situ- emissions and some mobility measures: 12% less vehicle emissions
ations, S1 and S2 achieved lower travel time and higher stop-and-go and nearly 16% less travel time.
situations, compared with roundabouts. This point was explained by
the high travel time on minor roads (caused by longer red times and The following findings were obtained at the intersection level:
the obligation to come to a complete stop at the intersection). Simi-
larly, travel time was compensated on the main roads, since most of • Roundabouts recorded the lowest number of vehicle stops and
the traffic goes through. In addition, vehicles made left turns from fewer total emissions than the traffic lights solution (8% to 19%,
the main roads to the minor roads, first stopping and waiting for a gap depending on the pollutant) at four-leg intersections.
in the opposite through movement. In roundabouts, vehicles do not • For traffic lights, the average total emissions decreased in the
always perform complete stops, since most of the conflicting traffic evening peak period (2% to 14%, depending on the pollutant) at
comes from minor roads. These traffic performance findings were three-leg intersections, and there was approximately 2% less travel
also found by Krogscheepers and Watters (16). time at three-leg intersections.
This research suggests that some segments of the corridor with • Stop-controlled led to a decrease in the average total emissions
roundabouts have a relevant impact on speeds and the spatial dis- compared with the roundabout solution (3% to 24%, depending
tribution of emissions. Consequently, it is important to understand on the intersection), and travel time was shortened by 6% to 23%
how design features of the corridor affect vehicle dynamics and (depending on the intersection).
emissions. This subject is addressed and discussed in the following
section. The unbalanced traffic flows between main roads (>500 vph)
and minor roads (<125 vph in most approaches) justified the
advantages of the implementation of the stop-controlled solution
Spatial Distribution of Emissions in the case study.
The findings of the study confirmed that the vehicles that traveled
To complete the analysis, speeds and CO2 emissions distributions along the mid-block areas toward adjacent traffic lights drove at higher
in each 10-m segment length were compared along the corridor, speeds compared with the adjacent roundabouts, and consequently
considering all intersections, which consisted of roundabouts (base- higher emissions were produced throughout the corridor.
line), traffic lights (S1), and stop-controlled (S2) (Figure 5). The This research highlights the importance of identifying the spe-
comparison was conducted for through movements (north–south cific characteristics of a corridor before implementing a specific
and south–north) and time periods. The analysis indicated that the type of intersection to enhance traffic performance and emissions
Fernandes, Fontes, Neves, Pereira, Bandeira, Rouphail, and Coelho 49

80 720

Speed (km/h)

CO2 (g/km)
60 540
40 360
20 180
0 0
0 330 660 990 1,320 0 330 660 990 1,320
Distance Traveled (m) Distance Traveled (m)
(a) (b)

80 720
Speed (km/h)

CO2 (g/km)
60 540
40 360
20 180
0 0
0 330 660 990 1,320 0 330 660 990 1,320
Distance Traveled (m) Distance Traveled (m)
(c) (d)

Speed (km/h)

CO2 (g/km)
60 540
40 360
20 180
0 0
0 330 660 990 1,320 0 330 660 990 1,320
Distance Traveled (m) Distance Traveled (m)
(e) (f)

80 720
Speed (km/h)

CO2 (g/km)

60 540
40 360
20 180
0 0
0 330 660 990 1,320 0 330 660 990 1,320
Distance Traveled (m) Distance Traveled (m)
(g) (h)
Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2

FIGURE 5   Speed and CO 2 distributions along the corridor, by scenario: (a) morning peak (north–
south) speed, (b) morning peak (north–south) CO 2, (c) morning peak (south–north) speed, (d) morning
peak (south–north) CO 2, (e) evening peak (north–south) speed, (f) evening peak (north–south) CO 2 ,
(g) evening peak (south–north) speed, and (h) evening peak (south–north) CO 2 .

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of FCT for scholarships.

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