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DOI 10.

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 2, May, 2015 (Russian Original No. 2, March-April, 2015)



Bin Huang,1,2 Zhan-lin Cheng,1 Wei Zhang,1 UDC 624.131.414.3:624.131.524

Xu-dong Fu,2 Han Xu1
Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute; and,

College of Civil and Architecture Engineering,


Wuhan University, China.

The hydroscopic expansion of expansive soil always leads to engineering safety problems.
With mid-expansive soil at Nanyang, the relationship among the expansion ratio caused
by total wetting of expansive soil, eventual and initial ratio of water content, and overly-
ing loads was studied. By taking measures such as improving the controlling system of
water inlet and measuring the outer body changes, tri-axial stress state expansive tests
were realized, and the rules and relationships among volume expansion ratios caused by
total wetting, eventual and initial ratio of water content, and averaged primary stress
were studied. The experiments show that the volume expansion ratio under different stress
states and eventual ratio of water content both decrease with increase in overlying pres-
sure or averaged primary stress, which represents a relatively good linear relationship in
semilogarithmic coordinates. The relationship among expansion models at different stress
states and the unified expression for these models were established, on the basis of which
any expansion constitutive relation of expansive soil at any water-containing ratio could
be obtained. The expansion experiments are easily carried out with concise model expres-
sions and parameters with explicit physical meanings and can also be used in numerical
analysis and simplifying calculations.

1. Introduction
Expansive soil is distributed widely in many areas of China, and its hydroscopic expansion charac-
teristics always do great harm to buildings and structures on it, such as inclined cracks of buildings, insta-
bility of slopes, etc., which leads to large losses in the domestic economy. Thus carrying out researches on
expansive soil, especially on expansion models, is of significance in engineering construction.
The available approaches to the prediction of heave can be divided into methods based on the
actual stress path or total stress path. Methods that follow the actual stress path are based on matric suc-
tion measurements [1-9]. The primary difficulties associated with these methods are related to the accu-
racy of soil suction measurements. Methods that follow a total stress path make use of the results from
oedometer, swelling apparatus, triaxial apparatus, pressure cell equipment, constant volume, and
oedometer load-back swell pressure devices without soil suction measurements [10-16]. The use of
water content instead of suction allows the simplification of experimental procedures [17]. Total stress
path methods are commonly used because soil suction measurements are not required and water content
can be accurately measured.

Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 2, p. 7, March-April, 2015.

0038-0741/15/5202-0057 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York 57
Practical expansion model research, which is based on total stress path methods, includes main-
ly two types of models: one is the K0 stress state expansion model obtained through experiments on an
oedometer [15,18-22]; the other is the tri-axis expansion model obtained by a triaxial apparatus [23-25].
Relatively speaking, the equipments used in expansion ratio experiments under lateral confinement con-
ditions are common and the experimental operation is simple. The expansion ratio of different depths
can be reasonably determined by the K0 stress state expansion model, which can be applied to the lay-
erwise summation method to calculate swelling deformation of expansive soil foundation. However, the
water inlet amount is hard to control, the lateral stress is unclear, only one-dimensional expansive defor-
mation can be considered, and under some engineering conditions (such slope, foundation pit), the
expansive constitutive relationship of expansive soil under lateral confinement conditions can't reflect
the stress state of engineering soil. The K0 constitutive relationship must be found from the tri-axis
expansion constitutive relationship. The International Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering also
strongly recommends that the tri-axis experimental method be used to study the expansion constitutive
relationship of expansive soil [18].
The two models have unique applications. Broadly speaking, the K 0 stress state is a tri-axis
stress state with unconfined deformation, but its lateral stress will change due to the moisture
sorption process, so it is difficult to realize by triaxial tests. The tri-axis stress state is hard to
realize by the K 0 stress expansion test. Building the relationships and unifying the models favor
obtaining parameters of the expansion model by a simple test method, which will guide engineer-
ing practice.
In this paper, by taking measures such as improving the controlling system of water inlet to
samples, enhancing the testing accuracy, and controlling experimental environments, the K 0 stress
state expansion tests and tri-axial stress state expansion tests were realized, the rules and relation-
ships governing volume expansion ratios caused by total wetting and stress states were studied, and
a unified formula for different stress state expansion models was established. Considering the uni-
versality of the expansion model, the approximate conversion relation among expansion model
parameters at different stress states was established and experimentally verified, which provides a
theoretical reference for decreasing the engineering harm of expansive soil by controlling its expan-
sion characteristics.

2. Experiment for Expansion Ratio at K0 Stress State

2.1 Experimental instruments and soils
A DGY-ZH bearing single-lever oedometer was used in the experiments, and Nanyang mid-
expansive soil was taken as research object with sample size 61.8  20 mm. The physical properties of
the soil are: clay particle (<0.005 mm) − 39.4%, colloidal particle (< 0.002 mm) − 25.6 %, specific
gravity − 2.74, liquid limit − 57.6 %, plastic limit − 26.8 %, plasticity index − 30.8, free expansion ratio
− 73 %, from which it can be seen that the liquid limit of Nanyang mid-expansive soil is larger than
50%, which belongs to high liquid limit soil, and its free expansion ratio is between 65%-90%, which
belongs to mid-expansion soil.
2.2 Experimental methods
The method used for the expansion ratio experiment was in accordance with ASTM standard
D4546-14 [26]. Namely, the sample was first stably consolidated under overlying loads and then totally
wetted, and finally the expansion ratio was obtained from the ratio of the deformation difference before
and after wetting to consolidation stable height. One overlying load corresponded to one sample. The
final water content was measured when experiments were over.
Nayang mid-expansive soil disturbed samples were used to make remoulded samples with initial
water content 20.4%, degree of compaction 96%, and maximum dry density 1.58 g/cm3. Every group
included five samples, whose expansion ratio tests were carried out with 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 kPa
overlying loads.

a b
Expansion rate, % Final water content, %
8 30.0

6 29.6

4 29.2

2 28.8

0 28.4
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Load, kPa Load, kPa
Fig. 1. Results of K0 expansion test: a) the relationship curve between expansion ratio and load;
b) the relationship curve between final water content and load.

Expansion rate, %

1 10 100 1,000
Load (1 + σ/p0) (p0 = 1 kPa)

Fig. 2. The semilog relationship curve between expansion ratio and load of expansive soil.

2.3 Results analysis

Experimental results for the expansion ratios under different loads and final water contents are
shown in Fig. 1.
By analyzing the results, it can be shown that under the same initial water content and compact-
ness, the expansion ratio of the expansive soil decreases with increase in overlying compressive stress-
es. The expansion ratio changes greatly with variation of the loads when the overlying loads are rela-
tively small, and the result implies that relatively small overlying loads exert visible inhibitions on
hydroscopic expansion of expansive soil. However, these inhibitions weaken with increasing loads. The
final water content of expansive soil decreases with increase in overlying compressive stresses.
2.4 The establishment of formulas for expansion ratio
Holtz and Gibbs [19], and Huder and Amberg [20] carried out single-axial expansion strain tests
using a common oedometer and found that the axial expansion strain is linearly related to the logarithm
of the axial expansion compressive stress. Many researchers obtained coincident rules with that of Huder
and Amberg through expansion experiments.
The relationship between expansion ratios and loads is plotted in semilogarithmic coordinates, as
shown in Fig. 2.

Final water content, %




1 10 100 1,000
Load (1 + σ/p0) (p0 = 1 kPa)

Fig. 3. The semilog relationship curve between final water content and load of expansive soil.

It can be seen that the expansion ratio is linearly related to the logarithm of the load. Thus the
expansion ratios at the K0 stress state can be uniformly expressed as

δ ep = a + b ln(1 + ), (1)

where δep is the expansion ratio of the expansive soil (%), σ is the load (kPa), p0 = 1 kPa, a and b are
parameters related to the initial and final water content. The parameters are a = 11.5 and b = −2.46 for
Nanyang mid-expansive soil with 96% compactness.
2.5 Establishment of linear expansion parameter formula
Figure 3 shows the curve of final water content versus load in semilogarithmic coordinates.
According to the expansion ratio model, the final water content model considering the overlying loads
can be established as

wult = c + d ln(1 + ), (2)

where wult is the final water content (%) of the totally wetted expansive soil, and c and d are parameters
related to the initial water content and compactness, whose values are equal to 30.6 and −0.419, respec-
tively, for Nanyang mid-expansive soil with 20.4% water content and 96% compactness.
The linear expansion parameter of expansive soil refers to the change in the expansion ratio
caused by the change in unit water content of the expansive soil. The expansion characteristics were
determined by both internal and external factors [27]. The change in water content is the main external
factor causing volume expansion and contraction. The larger the change in water content, the larger the
expansion and contraction deformation, which is a qualitative conclusion and can't characterize the vol-
ume change caused by change in unit water content of different expansive soils. On the contrary, the lin-
ear expansion parameter can quantitatively determine the relation between the change in expansion and
contraction deformation and the change in water content. This is the internal factor, which is the effect
of the special material elements and structural characteristics of the expansive soil on its expansion
characteristics [28]. Chen [29] stated that the amount of volume change increases in direct proportion to
the degree of saturation at the end of the test. The linear expansion parameter is always constant.

From the definition, it can be shown that the linear expansion parameter can be obtained when
the final water content, expansion ratio, and initial water content are known. Taking Nanyang mid-
expansive soil as an example, its linear expansion parameter can be expressed as

δ ep ⎧⎪ σ ⎫⎪ ⎧ σ ⎫
α= = ⎨a + b ln(1 + )⎬ / ⎨c + d ln(1 + ) − w o⎬ , (3)
wult − wo
⎩⎪ p 0 ⎪⎭ ⎩ p0 ⎭

where α is the linear expansion parameter; a, b, c, and d represent parameters related to the initial water
content under a certain compactness. The model parameter values of K0 linear expansion parameters
with 20.4% initial water content and 96% compactness are: a = 11.5, b = −2.46, c = 30.6, d = −0.419.

3. Tri-axial Stress State Expansion Ratio Experiments

3.1 Experimental instruments and soils
GDS stress route tri-axial equipment was used in the experiment with sample size 61.8  125
mm. GDS advanced digital stress/volume controlling apparatus was used to control water inlet, impos-
ing 1-2 kPa water pressure on the sample bottom to allow capillaries to automatically adsorb water.
Assuming that water is an incompressible fluid, by measuring the change in the water amount in the
pressure room by another stress/volume controlling apparatus, the volume expansion strain due to sam-
ple wetting can be obtained (external volume change). The stress measuring range and volume measur-
ing range of the stress/volume controlling apparatus are 1,700 kPa and 200 ml, respectively, whose
accuracies are both 0.1%. An air dissipating tube was set on top of the samples to dissipate the air in
the sample pores and thus ensure homogeneous wetting.
The soil used in the experiment was the same as in the K0 stress state expansion ratio experiment,
both of which were Nanyang mid-expansive soil, and the physical properties of the soil are also the same.
3.2 Experimental methods
Samples were prepared with a certain water content and compactness. In order to avoid the
hydroscopic expansion of the sample before the start of experiments, or the porous discs and filter paper
absorbing water from the soil, the porous discs and filter paper were buried beforehand in the expansive
soil with the experimental water content for 2 days, which made the porous discs and filter paper have
the same water content as the soil sample. Vertical filter paper strips were stuck on the sample sur-
roundings to increase water adsorbing paths. After installation of the samples, air-free water was slowly
injected into the pressure chamber, and the air evacuation valve at the top of the pressure chamber was
open until water completely filled the pressure chamber and it was free of air bubbles. The surrounding
pressure systems were opened and the load was increased stepwise to the designated pressure. Main-
taining the surrounding pressure unchanged, the water inlet system was opened when the compressive
stress on the samples became stable. The samples were allowed to absorb water automatically through
capillary suction forces, and the air evacuation valve was opened. The water inlet amount, external body
change, and surrounding pressure were written down. The final water content of samples was measured
when the expansion became stable.
Disturbed samples of Nayang mid-expansive soil were used to make remoulded samples. The
sample preparation conditions were the same as those in K0 expansion experiments with initial water
content 20.4% and degree of compaction 96%. Every group includes five samples, whose expansion
ratio tests were carried out with 30, 60, 100, 130 and 150 kPa surrounding pressures.
3.3 Analysis of result
The results for the volume expansion ratio and final water content tests under different sur-
rounding pressures are shown in Fig. 4.
The rules obtained in the tri-axial expansion experiments were basically coincident with those
obtained in K0 expansion experiments. Under the same initial water content and compactness rate, the

a b
Expansion rate, % Final water content, %
8 35

6 32

0 Cell pressure σ3, kPa
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 20
Cell pressure σ3, kPa 0 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Fig. 4. Results of tri-axial expansion test: a) the relationship curve between expansion ratio and
cell pressure; b) the relationship curve between final water content and cell pressure.

Expansion rate, %
10 100 1,000
Average principal stress (1 + σm/p0) (p0 = 1 kPa)

Fig. 5. The semilog relationship curve between expansion ratio and averaged principal stress of
expansive soil.

expansion ratio decreases with increase in the surrounding pressures. The change in the expansion ratio
with change in the surrounding pressures is large when the surrounding pressures are relatively small,
However, these effects weaken with the increase in surrounding pressures. Usually, when the overburden
load is less than the swelling pressure, the specimen reflects moisture expansion; but when the overbur-
den load is larger than the swelling pressure, a negative expansion ratio occurs when the wetting defor-
mation is greater than the expansion of the specimen that causes the compression. The final water con-
tent of the expansive soil decreases with increase in the surrounding pressures.
3.4 The establishment of formulas for the expansion ratio
With regard to tri-axial expansive constitutive study, Einstein [30] and Wittke [31] proposed the
tri-axial expansive constitutive assumption on the basis of Huder-Amberg's [20] one-dimensional expan-
sion constitutive relation. "Expansion strain is due to the change in the first invariant of the stress. " Jun
Sun [23] and Qiang Yang et al. [25] verified the assumption of Einstein and Wittke according to the tri-
axial expansion experimental results of expansive rocks.
The curve of the experimentally obtained volume expansion ratio versus averaged principal stress
(equal to 1/3 of the first invariant) was plotted in the semilogarithmic coordinates shown in Fig. 5.
It can be seen that under the initial water content and compactness, the volume expansion ratio
caused by total wetting is linearly related to the logarithm of the averaged primary stress. The tri-axial
stress state expansion ratio can be uniformly expressed as

Final water content, %





10 100 1,000
Average principal stress (1 + σm/p0) (p0 = 1 kPa)
Fig. 6. The semilog relationship curve between final water content and averaged
principal stress of expansive soil.

ε v = a + b ln(1 + ),
p0 (4)

where εv is the volume expansion ratio (volume change) (%), σm is the averaged primary stress, p0 = 1
kPa, and a, b are parameters obtained by tri-axial hydroscopic expansion experiments relating to the ini-
tial water content and compactness, which are equal to 22.7 and −4.73, respectively, for Nanyang mid-
expansive soil with 20.4% initial water content and 96% compactness.
3.5 Establishment of the linear expansion parameters and formulas
Figure 6 shows the curve of the final water content versus load in semilogarithmic coordinates.
According to the established route of the expansion ratio model, the final water content model consid-
ering the overlying loads can be established as

wult = c + d ln(1 + ),
p0 (5)

where c = 47.9, and d = −4.44 for Nanyang mid-expansive soil with 20.4% water content and 96% com-
The linear expansion parameters can be expressed as

εv ⎧⎪ σ ⎫⎪ ⎧ σ ⎫
α= = ⎨a + b ln(1 + m )⎬ / ⎨c + d ln(1 + m ) − w o⎬ , (6)
wult − wo ⎪⎩ p 0 ⎪⎭ ⎩ p0 ⎭

where a = 22.7, b = −4.73, c = 47.9, and d = −4.44 represent the tri-axial linear expansion parameter model.

4. Establishment of Uniform Expansion Model

According to Eqs. (1) and (4), the expansion ratio of expansive soil caused by total wetting can
be uniformly expressed as
ε v = a + b ln(1 + ), (7)
and to Eqs. (2) and (5) as
wult = c + d ln(1 + ). (8)

According to Eqs. (3) and (6), the linear expansion parameters can be uniformly expressed as

⎪⎧ σ ⎪⎫ ⎧ σ ⎫
α = ⎨a + b ln(1 + )⎬ / ⎨c + d ln(1 + ) − w o ⎬. (9)
⎩⎪ p 0 ⎪⎭ ⎩ p0 ⎭

Thus the expansion ratio of expansive soil caused by inadequate wetting can be calculated
according to
εv w0 ≤ w ≤ wult
= α (w − w0 ), (10)

where σ is the load or averaged primary stress (kPa).

The parameters of the expansion model have explicit physical meanings: a and c reflect the
expansion extent and final water content under no load or zero averaged primary stress, respectively, and
b and d reflect the inhibition efficiencies of load or averaged primary stress on expansion and wetting,
Because the samples in K0 expansion ratio experiments stayed at the K0 stress state, namely there
is no lateral displacement, when the expansion ratio is zero under some load in the expansion experi-
ments with loads, its vertical and lateral sides both stay at states with no lateral displacements. The
stress state is homogeneous, and at this time the averaged primary stress on samples is equal to the ver-
tical load (namely expansive stress), which can be expressed as

σm = σ = p e . (11)

Inserting (11) into (1) and (4), then we obtain

⎧⎪ aK0 + bK0 ln(1 + pe ) = 0

⎨ . (12)
⎪⎩ atri -axial + btri -axial ln(1 + pe ) = 0

Thus parameters a and b in the K0 stress state expansion model and the tri-axial stress state
expansion model are related as follows:

ak 0 bk0
= . (13)
atri-axial btri-axial

Under the same initial water content and compactness, the values of parameters a, b, c, and d
in the K 0 stress state are 11.5, −2.46, 30.6, −0.419, respectively; and in tri-axial expansion test are
22.7, −4.73, 47.9, and −4.44, respectively; converted parameters a, b, c, and d, obtained in K 0 expan-
sion test are 23.0, −4.92, 44.8, −3.39, respectively.
Parameters a and b in K0 stress state and tri-axial stress state basically satisfy the proportional
relation shown in Eq. (13) and the parameter numeric values in tri-axial expansion ratio model are near-
ly two times those in K0 stress state. In addition, the author also carried out similar research on strong-
ly expansive soil in Handan and the obtained parameters in tri-axial expansion model were also basical-
ly two times those in K0 stress state expansion model.
In engineering practice, the research on the tri-axial expansion model requires special tri-axial
equipment and takes a long time, about 1-2 weeks per sample. Thus, with regard to practicality and
manipulation simplicity, the K0 expansion ratio experiments considering the compactness, initial water

content, and overlying loads are more easily to performed. Quantitative relations can be established
between parameters in the tri-axial expansion model and in the K0 expansion model.
The parameters of the expansion model atri-axial and btri-axial can be obtained by Eqs. (14) and (15).

atri-axial = kak , (14)

btri-axial = kbk , (15)

where k is usually 2.
The parameter ctri-axial can be obtained approximately through the saturated water content under
the assumed three-dimensional zero loading conditions. At this state, the volume expansion ratio can be
obtained by Eq. (4), namely εv σ =0 = atri-axial (%). By combining with Eq. (14), the parameter ctri-axial is
calculated as the saturated water content of the sample when the expansion stabilizes, as shown by

100 + kak0 100

ctri-axial = − , (16)
ρd Gs

where ρd is the drying density of samples (g/cm3) and Gs is the density of soil particles.
Inserting Eq. (11) into Eqs. (2) and (5), we obtain

pe p
wult σ = pe = ctri-axial + dtri-axial ln(1 + ) = ck0 + dk0 ln(1 + e ). (17)
p0 p0

The calculating formula can be deduced from Eqs. (16) and (17):

1 ⎛ 100 + kak0 100 ⎞

dtri-axial =dk0 − ⎜ − − c k0 ⎟ . (18)
ln(1 + e ) ⎝ ⎠
p Gs

Eqs. (14)-(16) and (18) are the approximate conversion formulas among parameters of expansion
models at different stress states. The converted parameters obtained in the K0 expansion model and the
calculated parameter values of atri-axial, btri-axial, ctri-axial, and dtri-axial are 23.0, −4.92, 44.8, and −3.39, respec-
tively. Compared with the parameters obtained in tri-axial expansion experiments, the absolute values of
relative errors were all within 23.5%, and the error signs of c, d with slightly larger errors are opposite,
leading to some neutralization of errors. Thus the accuracy of converted parameters basically satisfies
the geotechnical engineering demands.
The experimental study of this paper is aimed at Nanyang mid-expansive soil and applies to the
expansion model, as shown in [32]. Different replacement thickness deformation, stability, and plastic
zone distribution of expansive soil slope were calculated by using the expansion model. Then the Han-
dan strong-expansive soil was also analyzed. The conclusion is in accordance with this paper and rele-
vant results can be found in [33].

Through indoor K0 and tri-axial stress state expansion ratio experiments, the expansive charac-
teristics of Nanyang mid-expansive soil were studied and conclusions were drawn as follows.
1. Under the same initial water content and degree of compactness, the expansion ratio of the
expansive soil decreases with increase in overlying compressive stresses or averaged primary pressures,

which represents a relatively good linear relationship in semilogarithmic coordinates. Relatively small
overlying loads show clear inhibitions on hydroscopic expansion of expansive soil. However, these inhi-
bitions weaken with increase in loads or averaged primary pressures.
2. The experimental results at the K0 stress state and tri-axial stress state were summarized. The
uniform relationship among the volume expansion ratio due to total wetting, final water content, linear
expansion parameters, and overlying loads or averaged primary pressure, namely expansive constitutive
model, was established.
3. By using linear expansion parameters, the expansion ratio expression at any water content
between the initial and final total wetting water content can be obtained. Namely, the relation between
the expansion ratio of the expansive soil and the water content at any state was considered. The expan-
sive soil in engineering practice doesn't necessarily absorb water up to a saturated state. The initial and
saturated water content has been fully considered in this model, and the method used makes it more
widely applicable.
4. Approximate converting relations were established between the parameters in the tri-axial
expansion model and in the K0 expansion model. The parameters of the tri-axial stress state expansion
model can be obtained through the easily manipulated K0 stress state expansion ratio experiments with
the accuracy, basically satisfying demands of geotechnical engineering and possessing the universality of
engineering applications.
The unified expansion model has several advantages such as simplicity of expression, and explic-
it physical meanings and requires simple tests to obtain model parameters. It can be used for numerical
analysis and simplified calculation of expansive soil foundation or slope, which is strongly practical.

This research is financially supported by Basic Research Funds for Scientific Research on Pub-
lic Causes of China (Grant No. CKSF2013035 and Grant No. CKSF2015051) and National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China (Grant No. 51309028 and Grant No. 51378403).

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