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F Alexandria University ‘2 Year Blestric Faculty of Engineering 24 Teem Elccirical Engineering Dep June 2021 Time: 2 bowrs Final Exam (60%) Real Te: 1 Hour ‘Relationship & 1) The Project Duration is: Jag A) 10 days by 28 days it | (©) 20 days D) None = | 2) The Early Start (ES) of activity E is be \ Az Hs Cc 1 ou 1D) None L S =s 3) The activity (s) on the longest path are: i A)B,CD DBE a Noor ous 4) The Total Float (TF) and Free Float CFP opagtiviry B A) Zero, 2 days B) 2,2 days C)2, Zero days No jo previous 5) Ifthe proj tarted on Saturday 2™ Juns Py Weekend is Friday i of the project A) 22™ of June 1B) 27" gf June ©) 28" of D) Me of the previous und tie total cost. fired for gepgrcll p s Fs month anf | adevic| Duration | Early | Total cost no payment (week) | start | LE “oy * Retention bond € z 0 12 7 Es 2 36 . c 6 5 24) D. 2 2 1s) E 3 ¢ 6) D) None of the previous (D) None of the previous t bs CB) 93,000 BE) ‘end of the project is: 000 LE. ‘CamScanner Lis Saas M { The following sabie represents the activities required for @ yall project and the total cost. sal 2 * Profit = 20%, payments are made each month ane ‘no payment delay. Barly | Total coat * Retention bond =10%, out of each payment ang a i oe + will be paid at project completion . 2 4 * Consider that 4 weeks *1 month 5 A = Advanced payment "20? 7 Ts! 4 15 18) The project complete time is: A) 16 woeks B) 12 weeks CONwees > Pie of the previous 19) Tas cumulative Cash out flow at 4 weeks is) == A) 54,000 LE B) 48,000 LE © 62900 LE 1D) None of the previous 20) The total money spent by canicactor on the project at tae 2° month A) 82,000 LE <——_B).93,000 LED O7 LE 21) The value of S ~ Curve at the end of the project is: A) 125,000 LE B) 75,000 LE ° OLE 22) The down payment is: Ye A) 12,600 LE C_B) 25200 L E 23) The Project price i A) 147,000 LE B) 104, 500 GE of the previous 24) The cumulative cash in at time 9 weel A) 126,000 LE, B) 108,500 LE D) None of the previons 25) aes net invoice at time 4 weel B) 25, ‘D) None of the previous ret me capital A) 75,400 LE ‘D) None of the previous The table shows thagcufttyatata and th required per day. re ‘Activity | Duration | Depends | No of mw __|_ (ay) on __| workers ne A 5 = 3 B 3 = 10 a 6 Ce 6 D 5 we E Sou ae : E 1 ais Se L — — ad 30) The value of nat time 4 is; fc Ay BIB” RS) 31) The maximum value of the histogram is: 7 A) 23 B) 18 32) The minimum value of the histogram is: Np etl nin oon ‘CamScanner Lis Saas! Alexandria Universi of Engineeri Engineering Dep inal Exam =! Project Man; Bement __ » Information Finaneial envelop contains the following B) Time schedule © Contractor's CV c the following project documenteexees BOQ nis se D) Ten Clas, we Pegg ass, and near Tigi B) Specifications Contractor B) Four Classes © the IRESOUFSEIPFDAIE; t A) Cumulative Curve ling 1B) Tech. Speciieatigns 5 Ti 4) BOQ Dibravihes © Toe ~ S A) Resource leveling ) Resource allocatiog, ih py ) The time period at which an activitys D is: A) ES B) TF 8) : | amy aCe orga 9) The | Tender proced tag hiss A) Anaouscement Toaye tighiaton 9 FPycrvicd| Gop 0) Genera Information 10) The RCCHBIERI enve Masi A) Contact Ign st Sa Contufctor’s Staff D) Past experience 1) A) R Burgess rule D) Fast Tracking Pest Using Ariat thOuestions below: Rail Depend | OD 1 Pies | days | a) o)s3 A I 5 | (258i 15 [auc AB | 20 | D B 12] A) One ©) Three Bo i1ep-1 | D) Four : \ a3 B 25_| 14) J c DF 8 A) Two dummi B) Three Dummies C) Four dumimies D) One dummy 15) y Dis A) 15 035 D) None of the previous 6) ) vity Dis: B) Zero ©) 13 days D) None of the previous 1 (ES) of activity E is: B) 40 ©)27 D) None of the previous (CamScanner id Spat 35) The Project Duration i A) 10 days B) 28 days ©) 20 days D) None 36) The Ear tivity E is A)2 Bs ou D) None t path are BBE F) and Free Float B) 2,2 days 24 Ju B) 27" of June sure all the following lexeept: B) Less energy uses, hich the Suteaetst B) 2™ Phase ate > the Tender jg done at y study phase 3B) C cnrwag ohn) 43) Planning and controll A) Project Life Cycle 14) The foll an A) Satisfy 45) The Time \\B) Original Durstipns Dy None hepsi eS f Se Dypess tehnspgrtation f © Desig 7 N Nee: ad “Ope > 1) Project five phases nageithnERREDR> f the projgd dgtines wi e.g SE C) Cosgtruction sequence \) Activity mage following Mag pO tofisidered during te of contractor's offerleXC=ptt t Du 3) Contractor’s team S.C) Construction Method | D) Project cost) 47) Jonsigée may belSHAREBOLMRAn the project EXEEBE A) Man@taggtrer B) Consultant @y ©) Labor D) Vendors The Teagé: sype that can red 48) B)Seledtive tender 4) Open be - the costs 6f tendering is C) Negotiated tender D) None ») The matt disaavantaiof point systém in bidder's evaluation is ‘ B) Jury opinions inanciphiyaluation coniggruction cost ©) Queries and answers 52) The task th 4) Quan B) Resource Loading ntity ofwork —_B) Estimat -o interact effectively with emplo: Page 3 of 4 D) No Technical Evaluation B) Operating costs 1D) None of the previous ‘now the conditions of the contract during: B) Jury identification p) Tender submission jn resource distribution is C) Cost Estimation "DYNoweetthepre nating the Activity RHGRIElepends on al the following Eee perience _C) Crew Productivity ‘D) Activity Cost yyees and motivate them is: ‘Best wishes, Dr. Yasser Efe CamScanner We sau “Tor the shown table, lable, given thie (he noMRC DURES ; Activity ~on~ Arrow se ae | answer the following walng 15) The total Aloat of the peoject is ‘Activity | Ospends on | Pre” A) Zeeo ly sa > = 2) $ days y D)None ofthe previous c aaa 2 ones ‘of Critical Paths in the network is: 3 a 2) Two Tr ero : ane 3 (7) The network has: a dasumiies D) Pive dusmuies 18) The Late Start (LS) uf activity Bis: \ Ay23 nia zen 19) The Early Finish (EF) of activity D is: ei ayi7 gy 28 20) The Eavly Start (E: Ay 15 6) 10 21) Lf the project start date is Wednesday 1" J 2, weekend is Fri date is: (consider 30 days in Surg 2022) LS ) 1 Joly ©) 30.Sune S =o The table shaws tee wctivity luge ts hunber of wakkers Requifed per day. Acti ration | Depends | Noof (day on workers 4 (gan) | waters TS i 3 [10 S See 6 6 D $ AB | 7 je 3 Wee: F 10. hans fi G 2 g \, 26) The maxi S A) 23. 27) The miniat A)S = ‘The total umber AVAL 29) The total number of worket: ‘CamScanner Lis taal

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