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Brokerage Events - Checklist for Success

This checklist highlights the most relevant measures to take for a successful Brokerage Event (BE). If you tick
(I.e. take care of) most of the listed bullet points, it is most likely that the event can be successfully organised. In
contrast, if you cannot tick most of the given bullet points you might reconsider carrying out this event.

Outcome and expected results of BE

At the BE After the BE Additional benefits

• # Participants • # Meetings after the event • Visibility of the EEN

• # Bilateral meetings • # Agreements reached • Client contacts

Overview - Timeline and most relevant activities

Main Stages Goal Things to consider

Timing / Sector/ Type of Event

□ Resources of organizers
□ Competing events (time, region)?
□ Event type (Conference, Fair, B2B only)
□ Positive feedback from Sector Group (SG)?
Concept & Clients
Development □ Critical mass of regional participants willing to go international?
Continue? □ Target group defined (business, technology, research...)?
12 months Identifying and selecting regional partners
lead time □ Involvement of committed & reliable regional stakeholders?
□ Type of promised resources (Mailings, phone calls, venue, etc.)?
Identifying and selecting foreign partners
□ Commitment of enough reliable foreign EEN Partners secured?
□ Other foreign stakeholders involved?
Go or No-go decision
□ Do most factors speak for the event?

Event To make the □ Set up a project plan (timeline, milestones, resources, etc.)
□ Prepare a professional website
preparation event visible
□ Prepare professional promotion package

Recruiting High number □ Identify and activate all relevant promotion channels
□ Identify and pre-register regional companies before EEN launch
participants of
□ Signposting btw registered participants and local/foreign EENs?
6 months participants □ Continuous checks of quality and content of profiles?

Matching Maximize □ 2-3 mailings to initiate the booking process

process high quality □ Direct contacts (phone calls)
3-4 weeks meetings □ Confirmation of participation (reduce no-shows)
□ Meeting suggestions for participants
Perfect □ Resources on-site
meetings? □ No-show handling
EEN □ Info desk promoting EEN services
services? □ On-site promising meeting determination
□ 2-step follow-up (2 different feedback questionnaires)
Follow-Up 1 & 3 weeks / 6 & 12 months
□ Direct contact

Concept and Development

Focus: Go or No-go decision?
Timeline: 12-8 months before the event
Tick "Radio buttons" for measure you are applying. Sum-up your marks
MANDATORY items must be taken into account by all EENs organising a BE.

Checklist for Success

3rd Party 1

EEN Partner


Concept & Development

Resources / Timing / Sector/ Event type

o Enough resources available to manage the event professionally? •
o o o Are there similar or competing events (same time and/or region)? •
o o Most appropriate event type? (Conference, Fair, B2B only) •
o Appropriate location? (major city, easily reachable,...) •
o Positive feedback from Sector Group (SG)? •

o o Critical mass of regional participants willing to go international? •
o o Appropriate target group defined (business, technology, research...)? •

Identification and selection of regional partners

Involvement of committed regional stakeholders?
o o o •
How much and what kind of resources are they willing to provide?

Identification and selection of foreign partners

Commitment of enough reliable foreign EEN Partners secured?
o o
How will they contribute? How much/ which resources will they

Other foreign stakeholders involved?
o o o How will they contribute? How much/ which resources will they •

o Go/No-go decision - Do most factors speak for the event? •

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6 4 11 Maximal achievable score

Enterprise Europe Network - Brokerage Events and Company Missions Working Group
Event preparation
Timeline: 10-6 months before the event *Ģ
Mark "Radio buttons" for measure you are applying. Sum-up your marks
MANDATORY items must be taken into account by all EENs organising a BE

Checklist for Success

EEN Partner

3rd Party 1


Event preparation

o o Identify and activate relevant promotion channels •

o Insert your event in the Events calendar. •
Fine-tune promotion activities with local/regional Stakeholders
o o •
Who addresses which clients with which activities?
Check other thematic related Brokerage Event website
o o •
What kind of innovative agenda topics, services, etc. are they offering?
Set-up of a professional website portal
o Mandatory above a certain size of BE •
Participants and/or profiles must be accessible online
Preparing a professional promotion package
o •
Promotion teaser, Mailing template, Flyer (PDF), etc.
Mailing and phone calls to ALL committed parties
o o o •
EEN, Sector Groups, local & foreign clusters, etc.

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X X X Maximal achievable score

Enterprise Europe Network - Brokerage Events and Company Missions Working Group
Recruiting participants & Matching
Focus: Maximize number of participants and quality of profiles
Timeline: 6 months before the event
Mark "Radio buttons" for measures you are applying. Sum-up your marks

MANDATORY items must be taken into account by all EENs organising a BE.

Checklist for Success

EEN Partner

3rd Party 1

Recruiting participants

o o o Forcing (phone) early registration of known regional companies •

o o o Initiating promotion campaign (mailings, phone calls, press, etc.) •
Disseminate a link list with recent similar Brokerage Events
o o o Partners should contact their local participants having joint these

Identify EEN partners having managed similar events
o o •
Ask for a promotion mailing to this clientele
o o o Direct phone calls to selected companies •
Signposting participants to relevant EENs?
o •
Are all participants allocated to corresponding EEN offices?
o o Continuous checks of quality and content of profiles? •
o o o 2nd promotion campaign (mailings, who has already registered?) •
o o On-going acquisitions of further third parties and EEN partners •
Are at least some "request" profiles inserted?
o o •
If not, contact companies and push submission of TRs & BRs
o o o Too few participants 3 weeks before the event? Cancelation? •

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X X X Maximum achievable points

o Mailings to initiate the booking process •
o 2-3 reminder mailings (to further push the booking process) •
o o Direct phone calls (Ask to book meetings, sometimes clients ignore) •
Confirmation of participation (To avoid no-shows, last 2 weeks)
o o Especially those participants having many meetings •

o Preliminary meeting schedule (@ one week before event) •

o Final meeting schedule (@ 2-3 days before event) •

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X X X Maximum achievable score

Enterprise Europe Network - Brokerage Events and Company Missions Working Group
At the Event & Feedback
Focus: Maximize number of participants and quality of profiles
Mark "Radio buttons" for measure you are applying. Sum-up your marks

MANDATORY items must be taken into account by all EENs organising a BE.

Checklist for Success

3rd Party 1




At the Event
At the event
o Briefing of all administrative staff (who is responsible for what?) •
o Meeting room prepared? (table numbers & table schedule fixed?) •
o Reception - Handing out of meeting schedule (incl. last minute •
o Identifying no-shows. Who hasn't checked in? Where are they? •
o Announcement of no-shows? (Flip-chart, auditorium,...) •
Presentation - The Brokerage Event (FAQ, remarks, ~ 10 min)
o •
Have all picked-up their schedule, location, start/end, Info desk...?

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X X X Maximum achievable points


o Are feedback questions adapted to the event? •
o 1st Event Feedback made? (1-2 weeks after the event)
Mandatory for all BE (see eligibility rules).

Insufficient interest / No further contact planned; Very informative;
Cooperation possible; Cooperation already agreed on.
o Reminder Event Feedback made? (3-4 weeks after the event)

Addressing those who haven't given any feedback yet
o 2nd Event Feedback made? (6 month after the event)
Focus on promising meetings (1st feedback responses)
Terminated (no gain in knowledge), Terminated (but knowledge •
gain), Contact still active, Negotiations started, Contract/Agreement
o Insert the BE's results in the MERLIN Events1 calendar
In Event1 description, or as soon as available, in event's feedback

module.achieved PAs (main organiser indicated as third party).
Report •

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X X X Maximum achievable points

Enterprise Europe Network - Brokerage Events and Company Missions Working Group

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