CamScanner ٠١-١٩-٢٠٢٣ ١٤.٢٧

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‘Alexandria University . Faculty ofEnginegring. + = CCl Engineering Department January 2022 Highway Engineering Cease Fourth Year Civil Engineering Time Allowed: 3 hours © Tables are allowed ‘* Assume any missing data Aayaea Hp] Has Abts cla Gul US ot yl Maus (4) Me FUE Mad yg Model Number: 1 2 a z 4 1. Road shoulders are used for A._Lateral of pavement, A. Emergency St B._Bike Use. 2. Passing sight distance considerations are limited to_ B._ Two-way hichways _C._AandB _D._ Malti lane road 3. Wile calculating ht distance, the heightof the object above the roed surface is assumed to be AA 122m B. Om c. 127m D_137m + 4. Spplig sight distance depends on A. Perception and B. Speed of vehicle C. fiction (D. ABandc reaction time ‘5.”Amotorst traveling at 100 kaw on an expressway intends to leave the expressway using an exit ramp with a maximum speed of 50 kav. At what point on the expressway should the motorist step on her brakes inorder to reduce her speed to the maximum allowable oa the ramp just before entering the ramp, if this section of the expressway has a downgrade) (0f3% and coefficient of friction = 0.307 AT c. 99.47 D. 92.30 6 ‘Tatas pare Ge nd. sl dg Tevels must be ‘the highest water level A below “B._above_ AaB, D. same levels, 1. Tramples for SOE PORU Of choosing road role gade ws, A. Bridges B._Existing roads C. AaodB D. None gree for curve #1 and 2% cross slope, if ‘8. For 3.75m lane width with 8° de the design speed is 80 km/h, thea’ Jevation (8) is B_ 070m c._075 D._008 m 9. “For the previous question, fa transition curve#ll(A™= AO) isto be used to implement a change in cross-section fom & normally crowned section to a fully superelevated section around the outer edge. What isthe suitable transition curve length? A 50m B__84m _C. 150m D. 20m 10.7Tke road is being redesigned to accommodate a 90 kan/r design speed. The existing degree of curve #2 is 6° and Z=70 superclevation. Ifthe existing curve radius is kept unchanged, what supérelevation is required forthe curve to ‘accommodate 290 kaw/h design speed (use f= 0.17) : A 3% B. 5% c. 8% D. 10% 1. The longitudinal profile of the road ‘at point PLL A B----- c=Z= OO 12, The longitudinal profile ofthe road between’point CS2 and ST2 is ct a= : @ => =: (Model 3) A Page tof & CamScanner + Wise agua! me souueosuieS) Sp 25) Alexandria University att tie Faculty of Engineering . Sa Os ine ee ‘Chal Engineering Department ee . Sarai oe January 2022 ws Highway Engineering CeAS4 CEST GF ase aula: Fourth Year Civil Engineering ee yite Time Allowed: 3 hours sas 13, The road cross sectialapoat C82, ihe rotation SW CEES, 4 3, 6 BY 14. The Station Ubit of the given rod profile equal to: A 10m B._ 100m -C._1000m_ Dom 15. The elevation off beginning of vertical curvel2 i A. Zero B._18.13 Cc. 807 D225 16,The elevation of point (PVE) For A. 8.07 B75 C. 7.0 D. 10 177The length of curver? : A. 50 BL 100 - C150 D. 200 . . 18: The design level at station (27100) ist “ 4 aggregate sizes siove #4 < 50% No 200 is 40%, LL= 21 and PL= 15. The bebavior ofthis soil as a 40;Fora soil sample, the percentage passing subgrade is Fair B._Poor C. Excellent 41 (Compaction is defined as increasing the density of the soll by ‘As Reducing volume --B. Consolidationof -C._-Reaching zero air of water voids 43 Maximum Dry Density (Gd mas) of soil is reached at A. Maximum B, Minimum water C. Zero water content compaction content a STPIRNG Limit of sol sample le water cone hate tol Ganges Bo ‘A, Liquid state to B. Saturated stateto —C.-Dry state to wet plastic state submerged state state, 44, The moisture content (we) Fr sili the Wet eat 152 pf nd the wet ERGY 15 pots A 15% B._10% c. 1% D_13% 45. ‘Thetreltive compaction of soll has Yry in lb = 137 pef and Ywetin field = 130 pef with 12% moisture content is A 89% B._105% D. 95% 46. The main difference between the standard proctor and modified proctor tests is ‘A. Mold size C. Number of blows perlayer __D._All of the above 47. ep is suitable for compaction of soll eof BLAS C.Add-b 4iThe soles aie Fr compaction of aalSU soils A. Smooth steel oller___B._Sheep's foot roller D._Poeumatic roller 49. The compactive effort forthe Paeumiatic steel roller is A. Kneading B.. Static pressure C._ Vibration _D. Kneading & Static pressure Page 30f8 (Model 3) CamScanner + Wise agua! Alexandria University . nee Faculty of Engineering My - i Wil Engineering Department ee Agha Bag pub anwary 2022 vert 3 Highway Engineering C2056 ash Se Fourth Year Civil Engineering peed: Time Allowed: 3 hours dae clas Be + S0.1f the CBR value at0.1" penetration is bigger than the CDR value at 0.2" penetration, you should the test C._Use CBR at 0.2" D,_Use the average ‘Si-TFthe following data was taken for the sumple during a thea the CBR value for this sample is Load (1b) jo_| 150 [600 | 1030 | 1350 | 1500 Penetration iach) |_0.08_[ 0.1 02 | 03 [04 | os A. 15% B._19%, Cah D565 : x Te is A._Inches O_tovint _D. tb/in? err a B._ Flexible C._Alltypesof_+ _D._AandB ‘S4-For the same total wheel lo tires configuration cause, Tire configuration ‘A. Equal stresses E_ More stresses meg _D._ Different stresses ‘55-Slow moving vebicles cause than fast moving vebicles on the pavement . A. Equal stresses B._Less stresses © More stresses D._Different stresses ‘567A taller has 2 single axles carrying equal exle loads, When the trailer is empty the load ofeach axle is 12,000 Ib and ‘when it is fully loaded, the axle load for exch axle is 18,000 Ib. The total equivalent damage caused by this trailer in terms of ESALS whea itis fully loaded will increase by A 10 times B. times” D._15 times 7 5i-Dating oad cossirction, Be the A. Surface layer B._Base layer C._Subbase layer |,/58°The equipment used to Gung road construction is the A. Grader pactor D._ Milling Machine 59.The equipment used to Femove oucrete sutace layer isthe i" A Grider "8 Compactor C. Finisher £60"Taa pavement srucare, he players usually [ee Sewaiet Be pemetle —_ page on ‘oF hot asphalt concrete mix during constriction is “a 5c B.10C D. 190¢ $62 Tate apa concrete Basing plan, the DRAB aed for ‘A. Heating and Drying the Bitumen 8.5 Heating and Drying the aggregate | C._Mixing the bitumen with aggregate D. 1g and Drying the aggregate |_76shseepines testing for i a aigayen Bede. { ee Becki Compaction | _ ©. Gheshing puintion of eggepute component Bip Alor soove ~ 64. According to CBR flexible pavement désign method, a flexible pavement of total thickness 20” may resist a wheel load ‘of 20 Kips ifthe subgrade CBR is not less than. F. 1% G.U% H. 80% 7 6-Aecordiag othe following Uitmen peneUaloa values, the hardest Gade of binamea among the Following is - B. 40-50, C. 60-70 D. 80-100 7 86-Acéording to igure 12,30 5 “ A. Slow Curing B. Medium Curing D. Asphalt Emulsion, / ST Recording o the figures sbee, the figure that expresses the ductility testis “_A Figure 2 B. Figure 3 Figure 5 $B} Figure 6 F 88 Recon to ts Tigres wate Gps tal ope GSL sy AT A. Figure 1 -B) Figure 2 C. Figure 3 D. Figure 4 Page 4 of 6 {Model 3) CamScanner + Wise agua! Alegandeie Unversity eee . 7 ane tae Faculty of Engindering Fit ele ts Se Chit Engineering Department Se eae a January 2022 = SS ighway Engineering CEASa ec Fourth Year Civil Engineering eos Sedalia tae £99. Which figure expresses a test for using bitumen safely? B. Figure? C. Figure 3 D. Figure 4 / 10 Te figure hat expresses Ben stilation test A. Figure 2 B. Figure7 C. Figure 12 jb} Figure 16 ZT. Which figure expresses atest for time behavior scoring TE ees A. Fi 1 B._ Figure 2 Figure i A. Figure 13 B. Figure 14 D. All 7 BOae of the following joins ‘of rigid pavement. A. Expansion joi B. Contraction joint D. Al A. Giltonite C. Cut-Back Asphalts __D. Oxidized Asphalt 7 167The tax of Asphalt Cemeat under certain conditions results 18 xe A. SC _@) Mc _ c.RC DAE (fT) Flexible: ‘pavement is preferable rather than rigid pavement in all of the following items ‘A. Intl Cost G Mamesce ost {, __C_Locating infrastructures . Road Safety z p® 12.tfte expected constuction and matneaance cons fora cera road a ferent eabliy (R) levels were a sbowa is the table shown in figure 17, then the optimum R to use indesign is... A. 60% C. 95% D. 99.9% £°79.One of the following parameters represents the efor in both Waffle and performance of a flexible pavement . ‘A. Relibility C. Design Serviceability loss D. Resilient Modulus ~¥-80-Regarding to figure 9, if you know that: C1=120 psi, O3=20 psi, ¢ Recoverable =0.002, the Weviator stress — A120 B. 20 c. 140 By 81 Regarding to figure 9, if you know that: 01=120 psi, 1320 psi, ¢ Recoverable =0.002, the 3 pal ‘A. 40,000 B. 60,000 Cc. 70,000 . 10,000 (782. flexible pavement having a surface layer, total hickness= 20", CBRSubbase=15%, CBRSubgrade=5%,, then the pavement can resist Wheel load | . A 25 ki B. 36363 Ibs . 40,00 Ibs. D. 44,000 bs. px forthe Weblo Mustrated in figure 11 = A13 B.2 C. 0.045 D. 0.272" #4 Kleeb prcniavg a race iy, Sala 2, CBRSWDUT TIN, CHRSIDERET a We AIS" cus 85 For thenigidpavemeal sab shown in igus 8, (@=1.5, 02.5 Ud), hea BLT vn C.s6vm! D. 28 va! '6.Tf Be curent ESALS= 100,000 and the future ESALS™ 5,000,000, then the growth aero. B02 c. stot D. None ofthe choices 87.1f the annual rate of traffic increase=5%, and the pavement lifetime =20 years, then the growth factor A.10 B. 400 88 Fora flexible pavement siructre, if you Know tat Tas RST ea which you expect that pavement would resist 5 million ESALs =.. 7 A. 90% _B. 95% C.99% D. 99.9% Page 5of2 (Model 3) CamScanner + Wis2 a>gusall Seq! Alexandria University = | aed A Faculty of Engineering . Civil Engineering Department : January 2022 ‘Highway Engineering CEaS¢ Fourth Year Chil Engineering Time Allowed:3 hours + 89.Fora flexible pavement structure, if you know that (SN3~5, MRSubgrade~Sksi, $0=0.45), then ata confidence level of. ‘99% itis expect that pavement would resist ESALs =...,.. million 7 Aes BT // 90 For the pavement cross section shown by figure 10, A. Prime Coat RC with rate of 1.5 ke/aa® G_ Prime Coat MCo with rate of 1.5 kala? D, Tack Coat MCy with rate of 0.5 kg/m? ‘91 Which figure shows an experiment to ‘of the asphalt? c. D. ‘of rigid paver _B._Two types__ C._Three types D._Four types oie ee ar may bormeanred wing he lowing as OO AL Time. B._Stoke C._Poise D_ mice 94. According to figure Oné of the following asphalt products is used for reinforced concrete foundation insulation .. x De Xs BX A_X 95-Resording Treasure the Mout Viscous Diine® A. 75-100, B,_ 100.200 C._ 250-500 _D._ 300-600 Best oF LUCK yun The Exam Committee yrvnnnninnnnnn Page 6 of 8 {Model 3) CamScanner + Lied a>suaall ppt Lae Alexandria University -_ . 1 ea As Faculty of Engineering * > ‘ es MM tg pt Civil Engineering Department Nett January 2022 CEASA SE asi Highway Engineering CE8S6 pe Badly Ha Fourth Year Civil Engineering Time Allowed: 3 hours ae Fel te Figure 10 skip skip single Single Figure 11 Tay ‘Cora tae Taree OR Figure 17 Page 7 of 8 (Model 3) CamScanner + Wis2 a>guaall ‘Alexandria Unversity . : Apt ay 7 Faculty of Englheering - tlie Sey Ral Chul Engineering Department ce t a til pak January 2022 tert Highway Engineering CRASS AEH GO ae Fourth Year Chil Engineering puted: Time Allowed: 3 hours ety sas canes macs cones Fs 12 “ . aa * ci ; | Ts a Staton (4425) Ph Lar 80 to Ueetteetannt ? unrainiond Figure (18) Road Plan (Two —lane) (Not to scale) » = = ¥ 5 Station PEPEPETTEPEET TET FinalDesontevt | ££ 25 # #8 Exsingtevtos | 8 8 § 3 8 8 § 5 5-2 # 8 § 8 F Fi oe Figure (19) Road Profile (Two lane) (Not to scale) tah: Useful Formulae: (By adogrete Figure (20) Road Intersections (Not to scale) 3 5 a pec a Leg = IS toe 5 3 5 23ST Go syn ue 6 RAH3 SS 4 Page 8 of 8 (Model 3) CamScanner + Lied asusall (I) Lateral Swept, f Frrement,.. A Emery-ency Step : Dikee UG. cceces ies oss (2) 2 Nane ®) (3) ot ~ ® (A) -Rercophin amd rechion hee -SPeed of Webrele - Fach. (5) Bos Ww) 6" 14-2} m ey CamScanner + Wis2 asusall GF) - Bridges — Existing road's... end By (8) Lane Wid: 6B. FS ome. 2 aNane . De Cpr. S-)epe N= Qa erm lhe R= SE 218-25 1m. @)~ ~ ILERUB WD C2) Curre-.® Ly. oF Ber CamScanner + Wise agua! Ve 454 oo o@ ea eet easter ee aan NRW... OWpet-ed FRu on. 1 oe tai a WES. Ga. (Lh a oe : / Re VW *« UB- a G48} b= - ui = Q0¢ as pe eR 3.45) Gurre @) vs) 6 Q.95 onesie Donn U6) 90r — 356 HE = Good). a ay) 3, oui) a e —— ; . aes ane oe. f ee) culdyqale t. X =25 e(uvie) = (4-74]m. (8) (14) £ C205) = Do jee = Ses Q > - 3] m ; Qa. (29) E C24 345) hoa PS in 2SS/ioo — 1S [ioe = (2.05 q (= He tse = Bosne) EC1+245) = 4.25.4 a * — 2-S«\o 44h x (as) = @3)— (A\ OS (a! \hs -Gisy] @) —_ 2G | (22) xXe= Se Gore @ _ 1s =. le . DT D95 ele = 3-14) Stebon dohijhem pot. Bi (QE Aoe) den HB. {he erence a a CB] @3) eros Cuvve G — (-(4t foo) © Temes = ERI Stehen . leaby —.... “Get + (ee %)- tevllesde- E (loo )= gop ree RIB Lal qurged = (24) | (e* as 46) he = ae ) hone . Cride a fara Tren + AB) D jamend . B Ditech Rah LA) Fipere (B) oy A and..B a None pny) QD. Ze (33 em Be (33). Fiswe. on o a Gy) Fipoet Fe nse nnn GS) wome ee G8) ele Sas, 25-4 LAY . D én oT Be: (33) Se - = * (a1 4 ze (4) Unify cll ee (4o) GL= : _ (4o— is) + 8 00S -¢e(-Yo—3S) e(—ey- eral (Yo Isae( ste eee =\\ \geed } @) av Reducing ybines. Lonaiyn cea} athe des, Condeact. o (4B) plsite. Spate b Semi bed Gy) Say = SS Gs) Coa eK) Roz rs ne =) C1 CamScanner + Wied &suaall ea is3) “bist: co ea : . (ley je (55) mare § Irealeo “| | (54) ve sassnses my E (Ze (Gere ane Dae es) KE Ea ean Geis) gan GES “Peay 2 = Seiad G ‘er milling ae a die ines _ (6)) most ex ‘B} ca (62) ws Q fens eS” eati iy and © 63) 4 Seek — ; he (6) as a Cher. (57) (iw) 169) ait” : (66) Rapid Corn | (64). Fig. (Co (69) Fie (6) Figure © (%) Fegure (6 () Few (4). e2) Frpwre. Gs) G). SS Haw) “corbin gmt. @) asphalt Emulsion CB) (36) MS a GB)... (a). marntenece. COF BD. at) 927. @) (24) veal. §fandard ‘= (Be) deviatr Saad . a ae = Le. =\.2.9 cee so @ aa (c). a) Chart din babe +h, deers (it) Gr) (35) Sublease. Hirer = Gye Fp x Sle Bal yen 8 he ee ee (33) ; on ODN pec ce (9D 8) nite, OQ) (qx) Tack ant Re. uth pede . Ea dene Ql) Figure O) nia Engineering 5 ji Cul engiering Deparment ‘ Frers vary 2021, Highway Engineering CE45 CEASA Gt Cae Fourth Ydar Civil Engineering ait tuk Time Allolved: 3 hours : : setae 3 cha te Tables are alowed Assume any missing data Aap A} bins ALAS cial a) Syl 499 (-K) Me HAA Mad JS Modelfumber:__ FSRSRUET ary 2 3. 4 \icusaleameacomet—* alternated urls some Bixee y jLocal streets and Freeways of the above” “ 2. Theclaligeaon ofthe flowing so seine be Clasifcatonis aeefue ee © Bs ets » AnH 5osM B. Uniformity coefficient <6 D._Percentage passing sieve #8 < 30% ‘missing sgaréeae sizes 6. Fora sll sample, the percentage passing sieve No 200 is 40% LL= 21 and PL 15. The Behavio ofthis sil ase et BL Poor Eocene FB) coe is fined x ierening he deny oft by ng volume of aster B._ Consolidation of solids of «sol sample isthe water content thatthe sol changes from uu. ual ae B._ Saturated ate to submerged st ‘DY Plastc stat to dy state Day state to wet state %. ba ae oy 2 ifthe a density is 118. area wet denty is Oe L0.The sles compaction ofl hs ey in ab = 130 pf ond I 0 pet with 15 Sete ne Fam? a aoe Ute ice Ss card ied str Wee Number of Llows per layer (2h he's ot le is suitable for comp: A. Any type of, BLAS let mos suitable for compaction of GWsoil is SB, Sheep's foot roll. CamScanner + Lis2 a>guaall randels University Faculty f Engineering EM Engineering Department January 2021 Highway Engineesng O&454 Fourth Year Cv Engineering Time Alowed: 3 hours 14,The compectiveeffor forthe. rallecig ‘A Kneading Vibration scan ani ee en BR veto" actin, push aa A. Rape Qeust C Uuconwas CD Ugtea hn he CBR fortis 16. 1F he flowing data was taken fo he sample during a CBN te cease wey A+ sctats 3 iy iat D,_Kreatng & Sti ree ad (Ib) 30 [150 | 600 1050 1350, 5, | (7.7 ty of tema EE een —~ ‘AL looker (e wrinr’) 13. ‘Testis typically wed forte desitn of Pavement, 19, SIBW moving vehicles suse que sucsses en ae ‘ae a | ee B. Flexible IC Alliypes of -Byvis ——B. AsntB | i th fast moving vehiefaa ga the pavement Bo Less suesses D _Different dresses ' 20.For te sae tol whee! Load, res configuration cause ___haDull tre configuration AL Ena senses © Wor stresses 1D. Ditterent dvesses “a iF Jed ou single axle ina truck is 20,900 Ib, the Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) foritis__ | BoM C090 32.8 iullerhas 2 single axles canying equal aye loads. When the tale is eapty b. 08 the Ide ofeach axe is 10,000 Ib and en te aly leaded teal od fr each ales 16,00 I, The ttl equivalent damage cased by hse terns of ESALt when Its ily loaded ligarse by —__ AL 410% «B._160%. c._ 256% 2 GEOR CORBI, che SEGAL ee formed inthe ‘AL Surface layer B._ Bass layer “E_ subbase yer CB Sibaae 2-The super ENB costae de fone i B. Compactor D. Milling Machine AL Grader B. Compactor ¢._ Finisher 26. Inn pavement siucture tne foplayer is usually the weakest B._permeable + 25. Ths equipinent used tomemoveiold asphalt concrete surface layeris the ining eine 1A cece einem eee oc Are AL 250. iB. 70C,) 28. the aephat concrete batching plant, the DRG DAE suse for Heating and Ding the Bitumen ._Mixing ke bitumen with agarertte ih Minin 29. MBBEDIAE testing for the asp concrete mix layers include ‘AL Checking layer thiclness 2 gradation of rggregne ceamponent Page 2 0f8 B. Checking Com and Drying the agzregate CamScanner + Wis2 a>gusall {cy on CaatnintategDesrmant + aman aa fia Bmanrag CST rear Velreht enenesing eaten 10 the follow ng valu, he fae esa among the Following. (C6010) 1 + Acct he gues te is hl re sina. , Be Figses rine ~ sthathg wontons amb re that express SSID iso es PFigue C. Figure 3 a ses atest for . CB. Ry C. Fyre 3 24. id Bre cape nef song Samen scone aT ~- fe Figen rue he Fywesss Fee + 3SUCORRIAIAAnt Is ehown by AF Fee 10 36.10 of he ftloning joints prevents bt A Eranaonjoiot 8," Con ‘aie = see for producing... eCopt Appl ler caruin enndidgussets in 4.Fteibld pavement is prfeable caer Fgh peat I ta owing ve AREER so ‘| nti Cost Locating infisstructures whe Da jotenance cst for eran fod Jen eli Pole wera. a8 eas in to usin doign s. : ¢ JBM git ic paver LO te teget tte Gigere &, if you kurv that: oy 120 psi. 0,20 Ds, & pree-onie 2, Ue RSE RUE WA fone Be Te CamScanner + Wid a>gusall : 7 “ plea ty Alerangris Univesity CE Hu t tae . aye Facute of Cratneetag (aie Tae saya Gat ergmectng Depart ec . Teas Iona = ——-—- ce “Highway Engingering CEASS. . cease saftey: td Zourth Yea Chl Enneering ae ahaena Thre domed: 3 hou menue Ate bls pent having” ufc ye ol ebn207,CBRan 15% CBR tenfiebass iekrest 2. See Be cs cee fe Sri geome “etre re tie eet ; 50.1 suent ESAL* 100,000 and the future ESALS= $0000 : BL 027 c._s*10" 11.1 ual ote wre dhe pene tne 0 yeu en ep Axle preven aw, you oo (3 anya 048, mmm oc Rca rerssiectes jomsenin os te le: EG ine eeeeaet ee Bees: |88.Sero Mexibte pavement sructne, if you kaww that (She 5, Mist SKSl SaA-0.A5) ten ata coatidence Hye! of 999% iis expect dat pavement would ssi USALS = a rin nn A. Mize heady ge (BVA ‘A. Lateral supportof BL Emergency Stop = C._=Bike Use @)asead: pavement set : —- cmv “| fe > ; C10 D. os sehwhie ‘aleatng te ROR pi dice, ‘helhgight of the object sboye the road surface is assumed to be! A (22m 127m D. 37m 4 6:-Texe sv high sk on agate of $4 ona highway that a sudden obstacle becomes Visible to a drive e distance of 200.0 in Assume a peseeplon retin time ot 2.5 second anda ton factor of 8.38, What is he safe operating See ta avoid ty expected eae crash withthe cbsaste? \ AL Hk 90 kav W@ wwe) tt ene 4 G4.fF tie highway suns in wecert area, the MINI must be i A. below 8. above 102. For eluice of roullpROHIS vals “Page 4of2 CamScanner + Wied aguaall Aedes Volvertty Facuy ot Engineering Psy) pt ‘hal Engineering Denaramvent Pre Ange 2001 = 20 Highway engnearng CET eS Fourth Year Chil Eneingering ; ie Tie atowed: 3 hours eee _ lot foiaun Sh toconling 1 fy ), Fur3.75m tae width with 8° degree for curvé Wand 296 erss slop, Ifthe esiga speed is 80 kav Che TT, | Olt se. tas vag ieee rsprbaeraine Lt0)isiobe ucdia implies “Ache ins ase Semel seton fly spree aston aroun the oer ee. Whats we Ntindoncuveleg — Bin, ~Gye i me | i= 55.«.svumding to fg (16), The oad is bang redesigned to nesommonate a 90 ky ign speed. The exit degree of ‘arve a io and geo supeelevation, ie cris uve his ogc Sn Dyerelvaton ajeavared tiemhgcune wacconmolatea Saw detgnspesd (ims eee Ih wi sopee “ a em ne 98. asornting to yore (1), “Peleg le ofthe ro sown 8, Figure, 18 igure 19 Jp fe (16, To rgd ate ee AL Figo 2) 0”. Figure 22 Figure 23 ulege 9. Merton oC a eg eR 3 Mawes : D._ Figure 28 zs Str (16) THe ed os ron rough diner nih oud spd ne eater cre igure. 2 Ame 0. Feet 170. Figure (20, The sation of goin PVE) x Be 13495) c._13465) D._cans6o | "A Ascoring co Figure (30), The elevation ef pine (PER) iss» ——— | faa Bs yas Boies | 2 Asconling to Figu (30), The eleytion of poin (EVEN : a AIS ‘Geiraao css oD "cacecting tw Fire (0), Ith dein sped is emt =~ lt would be te iain HOF “a4acorting Fie (0) enh LVL= LV 1 pag of PE “| A (SH5) (6435) (3) _ Bou { *Saeepalg Figure GO, the Kngh LVL V3 120%, helen of PCI fy * | BL. _o 50 Coie | £98 According to Figure (20), Ifthe tgth LV = LV2" 120, nthe peace is “AL 18.05 816.68 D._ (2473) | According to Pigure (30), IC the length LVL m LV2~ (2) mn, thdgleaiotr on curve at station (BED) equal to | 4 1630 ‘icc 1674 fate al £18, Figase31(a) shows on example of | AL Atwrade Page Sof 8 CamScanner + Lis a: ‘ey, it Tuningeaky” “S Te fenginepring 8 ering Department 21 ingineering CEASa hr Cl Engineering fe: Shours (0 shows _ntereton Rotary B. Diamond C_Channeized GB) Fall lover af 311@ is P B. Semicirect (C3) tadizect D. Nove. (Brae es aren NR ipee re Paes By, . AandB D._None ‘B, The atance (w) fa Figure 316) is known as +B. Deceleron (@pweavigseaiow®’ 0, Amnac section i Jnteysections requires Only ne bridge? eee Se ©. AsndB D. Nove {*B.Fiese JTC shows an example of ond oterecn ia which vate movement in eT Sea B. Two direetigns C._Alldirections ———_“D.None Onteniente i fv (Celine tao

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