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SX “a 430) The main disadWARagE of point system in A) Lack of Competition ©) No Financial Eval al Evaluation 31) Life Cyele Cost of the project is i B) Operating costs D) None of the previous 32) The ‘can know the, during : ) Jury Wdentification D) Tender submission C) Queries and answers 133) The ICOntraCtor‘eaH iraprOVe the cash flow diagram by all the follo B) Getting dowa. D) Subcontracting Increasing profit 34) If the PDmin of a project is 100 days,’ Contract Duration > Contract Duration 35) The project phase at which the D) 4" Phase A)1® phase B) 2" Phase A) Project Life Cycle JD) Project five phases 37) All the following may i i D) Vendors A) Manufacturer B) Consultant IBS) The Tender type that can reduc&the A) Open tender 39) An activity with! tender D) None 40) Estimating the is A) Quantity af work: 2 °C) Crew Productivity D) Activity Cost” C) Contractor selection D) Turn over fand quantities of all project items: Hoa, igs Og) Dpuwings C)TimeSehedule —D)None int’ (aquain work packages is done using: : A ©) WES: 1D) Histogram costs BRCEpE }) Workers’ wages ) Company overkead D) Excavator Cost f the project i 45) The party (Stakeholder) who prepare the time schedule o . A) The consultant B) The consultant and owner |C)Theeontractor D) The owner Giese, the following procedure is performed: 46) In order to 7 A) Cumulative Curve B) Resource Leading —_C) Resource Histog 47) The time period at which an activity can be (GelayedWvithOuRNaelaying! the Ecrly times of successive Aetivities is: AVES RIF © Time lag Dr 48) The most common resource to be SORstRainied/ Minite@lin the project is: A) Steel B) Wires C) Cement -p) Labor 49) The [Step in Tender procedure i A)Announcement —‘BYJury Identification, —_C) Te Information envelop D) General Page 3 of ¢ Rest wishes, De Yosser Elfin Scanned with CamScanner ane July 2020 ae Time: howe Construction Manapement 2 ©) Cost Fstimatios D) Caab few to aresoiuree idvue, that ts called: Final Exam a : A) Stretching B) Allocation ‘Dy Delaying 3) The eelationship pee 7 A) FS with lag, ! as sige ete previoas 4) ThelPRSdUSRORIRAEES Of aecivities are defined by: A) Consuftant ‘B) Owner jerce loading histogram 3) Th ¢ histogram of resource terelling is f B) Greater than D} Téon't kao 6 Girren the wo ie'stops HUE WCOVUND, the Cogtactor sted prepare: * B) Tuspection Request (aMation Order D) Daily Report 7) The project phase af which es A) 1* phase 1s) 2™ Phase 2, DDAVEMING the project into its main vik packs sda : a ye Cyesinn ‘A) Cricteat Path B)AGN z 9)--Estimating the! a Seen yity. D) Exportence io) All th (geste prtins: ‘ondifiens D) BOQ tp Wea & pons following is followed: aynoa iu igs ‘D) Speeificaitous P od used at caly slage is; D} Quality Survey i ‘D) Material 5, then REDD of this shh cual, O18 . B . The Quantity otfiasealy nents ot ote Costs 70UE! ‘ ne Liadyen ae ‘ven wane of i pitacs\s Sa sua ry EEL 5) 98 LEA0* £-cyeso berm’ * pron: oar A)S4 LE j [ The ont peice of Brick wallsiss | A102 os ne Brorcoras mein A) 120 LE/m? 1B) 409 LEA 4 : " : one of the previont 1» ra aaa ques py Roce of the ar S page bats ‘: Scanned with CamScanner fe ine wh i si) The cules that otgati compnunication Decoding [By Meeting our needs ve = c A) Engineering ele? od 38) The cost of the pole" ; ability © mrt effectively with a pf Concutren A) Concent Silly pe : Previous at The PipeusmiRates of ectvities are 41 A) Consuitant Ronee Yel The etfesive Ro Ona © a) Levesof Management C) Feasibity study » Construction Submittals A) Reduce Claini the Onaegs a) ‘sof The relationship between projeet pases or ac 4)” AYES with lag & “TneiAies under the oF resource level (© A) Critical Pat By AON Bf ‘Estimating the MBtviRyaratiOR depecds on ree “activity Cost f All the following are‘Part of the Praject Doeuntents cost Rstiation® . B) Meetiags aoe Scanned with CamScanner 221 Te py SRR it 2 party A) The comvultant a 33) Th Aj Project Daratinn ‘ho prepare the project er B) The consul C) Project cost 1 the project is always defined by Y)Noe othe, 9 BY) The consultant €)Thecoatractor DD) The law > 36) The document that AVSprcfeations By Spd Condos (Gy 37) The is applied at; B) Resource allocatian i 'D) Cast aw 7? ren the Consultant rejects an ftem in the project due ta its b3« He.tus aoe By MM o ner’) 40) Crane bp Irom the Contractor ily Be * 1f Constructo ; paren f The Project Managemen ‘ Be managenten topic is A) Seope Managemcat 8) fer the histogram of resource leveling is ‘det Resource loading histogram B) Greater than 2D) T don't know 2 C) Guarantee the Owner's right - A)Time X B) Resource r D) Communication 43) Performing th $4) To cstimate’ A) WRS "C)Mistogram 1D) None of the previous tivity is delayed by 3 days, the project will delay by: ©)3 days D)2days* ends on all the following BRGERE saver epericace. C) Crew Productivity GO)ARIMCaD struction project will be: . C) Contractor selection D) Turn over ionshi jecl phases or activities that 7 : 40Y Tt eclalnatp be Contract Duration 54) roject effectiv A) Project Lite Cyete 55) All the following may “Ay Manufacturer B) Consuttuct ‘56) The Tender type that can reduce the costs A) Open tender B) Setective te BEBSSN An activity with TE 5, FF= 0, if this tractar ‘selection Dy Tare over ‘of all project items: C) Time Schedule Page 4 of Dect wishes, Nr. Yasser Fifohham Scanned with CamScanner ge 4 5) The SSHRTERT envelop contains all of the following Looe = 1D) Past exp A) Contact 1uformatio: —_ 51) The FMAHEHAl envelop contains the follow . A) General Information G) Time schedule Contractor's CV DV BOG! Allof the following represent project d 2 A) Drawings B) Specifications C) Tender Evaluation D) BOQ 53) ThelGompany Ranking in a Contractor's Offer according to the Egyptian Union is: A) Seven Classes B) Four Classes C) Three Classes ‘D) Ten Classes 54) The document that Funetion, Material, Color, class, and Brand of items is A) BOQ ania ©) Special cea D) Drawings 35) The BURGESS! cule is applied at: 2 JAPResoarceleveling, 8) Resource allocation —_C) Cost Estimatl 56) The chart that provides the Mailjeonsumiptions of the cement is A)AON, B) Bar chart 57) The tm@ISEHEAMe of the project defines all the Fallgwia: A) Activity name B) Original Durations: 38) The following may be considered during A) Project Duration 59) TWiting COREFAGIOES to the Tender is dope at ‘A) Feasibility study phase B) Construction 60) The following are objectives of Gapd Proj A) Sattsty Project Seope D) Cash Gow D) Histogram tructlon sequence |D)Noné cs viehes. Dv. Yassur Elen Paced ard , Scanned with CamScanner WW AOS aw " ce onegt hath age NE Aajlenbeng whe taatete ANC rment Cat {W) Worrhens? ter 38) Py Esebetasitort bee prepand Tae IES vnentiant ated URE Avheasasshant 10 py entaes he ORTH Woktesonree tasading sai bs ea AL Camelative Curve dey Ph ares suitable neat ibe tp prepa AOS Hy Bee Cae say The bi wa} at avr) ret an a RE BETES Aye sy tr fy Tis nat ctnsinea reegiance vy gositantes! AY Steel WWI oe fy The chart that provides the daily ¢ciasis AYAON FA Bar charg al The f! sepdn Tender procedure 's 5 : nulestenvedon Th ieners tetas Dy sa Jem sifice hive Ay Anaronecient The Technica! hy chop npencest Veaoigctur’s Seat IN Pad sepereae D) Geoeral eis 631 The Finangial en - AD BOQ eV tens qacuamenty E8e oF eyienter t x a ’ crore OWT a cont 4} Uhre Mase se peri np) fonder 1 9) Craentad SF Atnensy tte PALIT SY sents Ay BOQ oS) A ahs bv Ay Aare Petitions ay The dee yinag a Ty a) Reserve bes clin pews oF greet BY LEED hy ERE ET set Peta StAD sassaabtn oS = “yy Sestamahle § spanning ace erica SF BH Ennqnation fr desta defines th ny Tech. Sp wanelied cf BY Resaniee atl Scanned with CamScanner sap lt “ay Satisfy Project Scnpe 3) Musics goin 36) Thee Time Sel A) Activity came 37) The fellviving ma: “AY or Darating My All the Sclterninaz may be A) Maanfactarer 2H) Vie Teter ype A} Open tender 46) The main disadvan of coin Aj Laik uf Competing 1 Finusckal Exatosdion fe Con nt te peed tis. _ ORF on preiedt WO be: @Cestracsr DBATR Sdsetee D) Tra ver, eters Scanned with CamScanner a “ Atexutnhla University Facully of Enyinecring: Hlectsicnd Engineering ep Final Exam (¢0%3) feu Tate Pier, ProjectsManayem 1 Ti py OT - prepare ths A)Taeemsnttant 20) The eansultant APU wr cee D) Theanece 2) Inordcr to BARBARS the resource pra he fullest A) Cumulative Cine 1) Resource Loadle: R 3) The time period success! aa he an astivity ean be AES pw *4) The mast common reso1 A)Ste ae = ‘The SBin Tender procedare is: AvAsnennccscel jer si enyel . ily eis att A) Feasibility windy ba AW of the following remy : Apwanvines p i pb) Roy. J jeter Recording to the Egyptian Union ‘ex ‘CyThresClases DT) Ten Geesey Color, lass, ond Bron wf items is C) Special Condidaas CUY Drawings ‘Dy Cash flow A)Actvlry name BY Orginal Dovatl 15) Fhe following may be considered during thetee A) Project Duration §—_B) Contractur’s team °C} te ‘Metod ii jement @XCeptS « eciay Br Prefect Scope C) Mect eiistdmer needs. D) Miotaum Tins 17) All the following ure direst costs . . ” Cemént cat By Workers’. wuzes| 1D) Excavator Con s8) Dividing the project into its main work stnarg panes . A) Critical Path B)AON 1D) Histgem 19) The project phase at which, the Contractor is sole: ee ae Page 1 0F4 py 4" Phase ‘Bea wishes, Br, Yasser EUShREM Scanned with CamScanner ~satdria University ze F aculty of Engineering Ai ‘Welwval Encincering Dep, le Fil Exam xe pent Co i ctr nstruetion D pe athe! ewer wry in Ae Ebates Far th ic "questions below, choose the best answers! For the shi the shown table, given tt c: DUO Acti van a ive bt the Contract ety cas wads 00 } PSRoy AF The toil tloat of the projec is (A) Zero BYE days on abe the previous FF The qunbor of Ceteal Paths ic the enw - E G AT one 8) Tx D)Zem The network has: A) Two dl ics dummies “1 A The Late Sst (8) a AY B) Ss ‘The Eady Fish (EF) oy Dis fai ff The Early ates PALS yy Ir the project grt date is: (consisting PS Jul a eof Columas in commoa Tres uit pis 1) £2000 La! yf Au the following sre A) Evtors fo esineation C1 1aCatiog, Ay A= OD CrOD'= AF-AS CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Project Management For the questions below, choose thé best answer and mark It clearly in the attached, ‘aswer shire 1) Distro competing activities is called: tice ‘A) Resource loading ©) Burgess ruie ) Fast Tracklog 2 employees within the company is the rYpgasiilty of A) Coatractor ©) Engineer ney 3) The task that requires: A) Quantity surveying B) Resource Loading C) Cost Esti ©) The work at an activity canlStBB for a period! A) Stretching B) Allocation ‘The given section shows a steel frame covering an are a Covgringtabeets ion rates’ of laber and equipment to’ éstiraate the - durations of sale activities ty is for one crew Tem Purlins & [Covering] Sled oa | Excavation i bravin; sheets grade Productivity) 2 footings 7 140 nf 7/270 m® 7/100 mm? 74 footings ofone crew | day | day days days days \iday 5) The duration of Excavation is: ai - A) 22 days ‘B)6 days i ¢ Osa ) . ‘D) 1 days 6) The footing duration is: —_ . “ A) 1 aay B)20days C)4days PF None of the previous 7) The duration of steel frame, purlins & braving, and covering sheets considering relation FS=0 is: A) 1 day B)itdays” ===" CFT days” D) None of the previous 8) Building the brick walls depends of: ne A) Purlins & bracing B) Footing -C) Steel frame D) Slab on gradé 9) The Slab on grade activity depends on: A) Steal frame B) backfill & compaction C)Purlins & bracing D) Windows 10) The windows activity depends on, Sovering sheets B) Brick walls ©) Mastering D) None of the previous: Page Vf? Scanned with CamScanner fo £29) The rechnigh A) Gantt ha 20) Project management Ap Yanni Dd) Nowe ot he pn, D) None a BFNone of the Previcns D) None of the previous 1D) None of the previous Dy None of the previous, D) None of the previous D) None dithe previo’ Qikew ree pF alts pauls Scanned with CamScanner 4" Year Blevtrical Alexandria University” Fi {Engineering 2" Tem scully of Engineer t Electrical Engineering Dep. April 2022. © Mid terai:Exam Vime: | hour 9 Betivity is calculated as BLFeopers OLF~ts D) EF. rerests that exist between projéctstakaRBWais betwevas A) Owner aad Coasattanc id spp Tink Contracts arid suppliers ©) Conteaitie and Consultant Fst i opi * 3) Amgig the Piojedt Management is B) AON _ Owns TF Project i at which helEORRRARE, ecriomlc,amiBealogc Susign are perfOred is: fruction 8) Design © Prsearement ake Activity dato Yoxirabviays need all the fll + B) Qaigatiey OP {bel wishes, De. Yaser EYahitone Scanned with CamScanner (5) Ifthe PDpun of a project is 60 days) FOMMORE of the nctivities on longest path j tii Dc. = Contract Duration Deptt! sctvitis ape 5 days, "Poy > Contract Duration EE Biot < Contras Soe “ The following arelWAlid bout AOA network EXCEPT: Fe hoses caphave sae and ets, B. Activites may sar fy The network has one start & one end. D. Durati : 3. Ia preparing project calendar, thettimellag of all relations is considered. . Pe etapa i B. Non = Working days (C. Working end Non — Working da D. Note of the previous 4. Which of the following ‘s NOT considered to be a characteristic of, A. Anestablished objective B. Aclear Bes C. . Sometimes naver been done before. . sane 3. The pat whe, the project time schedule is, 6. All the following are project’ z A, Consultant Engineer B. Users %.. isan ecronym for: 2 C. Working Baseline Structure . 8. ‘Thelsontractiduration of the project is: A. Defined by the contractor ae C. Calculated from the network 9. All the following are'right about proj A. Itis continuous C. Wtdefines PDmin, : D. Needs budget 14. The paying is right ot B. Temporary work to create product e + D. [represents the middle Management 15. Program management is: : ‘A. A collection of non-related projects A group of tated projects” C. Temporazy work to create product ents the top management 16. All the following are characteristics of a — - in A. Leis temporary, B. [thas a des end> * C. Ithas interrelated activites _Drticpatsindien rena! 17. What is the duration of a Husain activity?. A. shorter thea the duration of the longest activity, B. shorter than the activity it cepresents oo ~D. phe same length as the activity it represents, activity is calculated as: B. LF-0D-~1s D. EF-Es Cc. LF-is Scanned with CamScanner “The network Has one Stat yne Lypdapeenaing project ealendo UGG Ing of I rlaions is considered C) Working aml non ~ working days 12) Which of the following Is|NOTROnSMINFEL co be a GRAPHeLrTEEEE of u jyriyest. \ A) An established abjective By A\ clear begs C) Sometimes never been dene before 113) The following are exaniples wf project A) Money U) Labor 14) The chart that provides the GAilgleenslinplagld on the ere A)AON D) Barca €) Cumufative curve Shown Pavan suitable method used to prepare a tine “Bos I cee NGA A) Bar Chart 16) ThelSite OVEHERE of the projes A) Toral Cost 17) The parry (SHRENGIGED who ‘prepare tin A) The consultant and owner B)T “The LOB method is better thay iis A) Project Duration For tie taste below, given tt made every 15 days, Indirect cost 20%. Answer questions 19 10 23. ie 19) Cash out iow at the 1" 1S days ts: 4) 92,300 1 €) 355,000 20) The total money spent by con] A) 125,009 pgsents the €) Direct Co & conn the pro By2 15,000, Dj one oF Jue of S~ S ‘Pal ance %) ss000 yon oft pois 7 i stl we 2) The 1g i . ‘a 338300 C) 42,600 D) Nore 7 iets: - Zi 23) bias Projegprrict CS 500 ©1)26,000 D) None of the previ 1 Fpesabte Tos the quaniesdeent mnie’ Rein TOD Tel es for each activity, solve questions 24 10 27 24) The cement quantity consumed at dy. 7 only is A) 160 put cys {pps 25) The total cement quantity required for the project Is: tow 1 on 415 660 ; , ys ) Nore of the previous B35 B) Al ; 26) The total cement quantity required after day 13 is: yet Ay7s0 3) 235 27) The total cement quantity requised atthe peri sneeenepetie A) 165 Scanned with CamScanner Re = eS P. Alexandria University Pes Ti . December’ Haig Tim z Mid ten “ber 25g! 35) Time: 60 min Mist \ For the questions below, choose the best answer and ‘mar KU clearly tn the aia, x 1) Te and formulating ideas is: nn dn hee acon B) Human Skills ©) Decision Making D) Techaicay » 2) The ability tliat effectively with employees . “Stay A) Conceptual Skills B) Concurrent relation D) None of the 3) “ThelPyOdORIRATES of activities are defined by: Prtviogs A) Consultant B) Owner D) Suppliers 1 4) The effective amor A) Levels of Management S). D) Planoing 5) The following is right about POHESH! + AA collection of rs jeate product je Management 6) The project phase at which the ; A) I" phase D) 4* Phase 2D : D) Histogram 8) Estimating the A) Quantity of work D) Planner experience 9) Ifthe PD pis of @ project, s on longest path is 5 days, then: A) PD ete = ct Duration Daratoa Q t which an delayed without delaying the ee ©) Time lag st at is: Enfercing C) Human Skills PF Kone of them and relations between divisions is: vels of Management C) CPM network Dy Histogram 15) Agpong the Project Management KEGWIEGHS ERGs: "tng B) AON Owes D) TF 14) The Project phase at which the Pavigonmestal econotis/end geologic studi A) Construction B) Design ©) Procurement i eae te prev Forthe following table, the PD is 18, 8 Fred. [Relationship & Tag 13) The Project Duration is: x SF=a A) 10 days B) 18 days Ee 7: A FS=0 ©) 12 days D) None of the prev. B SF=12 16) The Early Start (BS) of activity C is: A)10 B)12 os . ‘D) None of the previous Page 1 of 2 Nest wishes, Dr, Yasser Eyahham Scanned with CamScanner cairsceenieet Lh or the questions below, choose the ASWwEF tid mary Helen; ue The things that keep employe during wor A) Traioing . ~ ig valled B)-Finaneiat Feasibitity C) Price the project scl tule, the ing isrequired: efine at Stosultint PF The contractor ofengineers DY Planning: Dy Society level D) Histogram Scanned with CamScanner (6) Model Exar, 01 AL Contracigr chose objective is to jet ito, ibe mata Work package is dowe usiny at exist between projéct'stakeholdeis is betwen, Bh Coniesctey anya go gf: ithe projects the: ser isa Fins, oft Bp fetid byt be EDT ey oa “PBETRON™ D,, Histogram Equipinent Scanned with CamScanner \ A) Conceptual Skills B) Concurrent retation me: BS i ISRBESEPBARS ina typical construction project will be SD Nang othe 'A) WBS ©) Contractor setec " ti $6) The HiiUAIBIEVEL of management is related to: "PT a ona, A) Project level “PrProgram eve © WBS tevet Bie 57 Sige te werk tse HOPEAUETSUSOMRETEME be expect to eceiye tone ” arNoticet Claim ) Inspection Request) Variation Order oe : a D) Daly Ree, 58).Gonstraction Submittals are used to provide better management to the project ang, ‘A) Reduce Claims B) Guarantee the Contractor's right ©) Guarantee the Owner's right . 59) The Contractor can i by all the follos B) Getting down C) Increasing profit D) Subcontractj 60) If the PDrain of @ project is 100 days, Total Float of the acti A) PDais = Contract Duration C PDaia> Contract Duration BBB the document that and quantiti [Ai teal 62) All the following ere diRGt costs/exCepti A) Cement Cost B) Workers’ w: 63) The party (Stakeholdety who prepare the A)The consultant B) The consultsh 64) In order to longest path is 5 days, then: tivities exist ‘8 65) A) Critical Path 66) The skills that ity for aS ww Riven. The project The Steel ee eer 7 = will start inday st § 2020. Weekends are | Activity (days) | standute |_ Geom) . Friday and Saturday, [a q_| Sag ee | 67) The project early finish date is: b B 3 8 April 40 A) 22 April B) 21 April cuts 9 April 80 ©)20 April D) None of the previous DY 6 TS Apri 30 68) The Steel quantity required at 10" of April is . A) 86 tons B) 30 tons ©) Zero D) None of the previous 69) The Steel quantity required after 16 of April is + A) 40 tons B)30 tons zero D) None of the previous 70) The minimum daily consumption of steel along the project duration is: A) Stons BY 12 tons, €)30 tons D) None of the previous Good Luck Page 4 of 4 Best wishes, Dr. Yasser Eijehhar Scanned with CamScanner A) The consultant B) The consultant and owe ae 18) The following are examples of project JF E6contercng Du \ A) Money TW) Labor tug one 19) The [1818p in Tender procedure is: PE aRtpmme avAmnouncement BYSUYERINERHGS Technet envelop pg 20) The Teehniealienvelop congains all the followingleReepe, ) General tatorma \ A) Contact Intrmaton af BroletCoMt Sy Geetactrs Sut oe, a 21) The Pinanetat-envetop contains the following: sat eaperiency B) Time schedule Contractor's CVD) Generat 22) All the following represent Tat Kotor matin, Ay Drawings pesto oefRender Bahasa 3) 209 23) The isan ti so Soe ut . fund of tems is \ AB D) Drawings 29 “ contractor pay it s C) It guarantees the obligation of the contractor towatgfs the tender D) It is 10% of the price The table shows the Early Start date, Duration, [Aaaigi] Duration te | Toulon and Total costs of activities for a project. monty (Sie offronth) |_(10 Ls Data; Down payment 20%, Retention 10; 2 an profit 25%, invoices are prepared monthly wiS¥-o ¢ 3 ebecary 48. | one-month delay, and all retentions willbe gid c= 1530] back at project completion. 25) The value of the advanced pay@féqt is: i A) 137500 LE B) AL D) None of the previous 26) The cumulative Cash Out fy at the S o A) 580000 LE 160000. LE D) None of the previous 21) The total price of ject i A) 600000 LE ©) 720000 LE. D) None of the previous 28) The Citas 2 . A) 160000 ©) 220000 LE D) None of the previous 29) The maxy ADL C) 137500 LE ‘D) None of the previous 30) If the in, the project Direct Cost will be: A) 500000 LE 1B) 478261 LE. ©) 467500 LE D) None of the previous 31) The cement quantity consumed et day 7 only [Activity | OD | Pred. | Cement per activity (ion) A [10 100. | A) 160 B) 105 B_ | iz 60 ©1120 Dyis cls 15 32) The total cement quantity required for the. D 8 60 project is: . . “a)235 B)41 ©) 2278 D) None of the previous 33) The total cement quantity required after day 15 is: | A750 B) 235 ©3758 D) None of the previous 34) The total cement quantity required at the period from day10 to day 13 is: . A) 165 B) 26.5 Cs D) None of the previous Page 2 of 3 Hest wishes, Dr. Yasser Elfahham Scanned with CamScanner 35) The Project Duration is: ay A) 10 days. B) 28 days wy ©) 20 days D) None Bb] 36) The Early Start (ES) of activity E is: c a2 Ds - on D) None D 5 37) The activity (s) on the longest pathare; __E_| Srey —| A)B,C,D B)B,E OAD D) None of the \ 38) The Total Float (TF) and Free Float (FF) of activity B is: Previouy - A) Zero, 2 days B)2,2 days C)2, Zero days lone of the previc ¥ 39) Ifthe project started on Saturday 2" June 2018, Weekend is Friday; MegfGich date of the i A) 22™ of June B)27* of June ©) 28" of K D) None of the eee 40) (Green buildings ensure all the following exept: Pi tow initial cost B) Less energy use Ou ter use ss transportation 41) The project phase at which the:Contractoris'selected BY A) 1 phase B)2™ Phase hase 42) Inviting Contractors to the Tender is done at: A) Feasibility study phase B) Construction Pl 43) A) Project Life Cycle D) Project five phases 44) The following are OBJEEtIVES of . A) Satisfy Project Scope fecycustomer needs D) Minimum Time except: (Construction sequence BY None of contractor's offer EXGSpE C) Construction Method DP Foject cost. D) Vendors ring is : efRegaited tender D) None A) Lack of Competition ©) No Financial Evaluation D) No Technical Evaluation 50) LifelCyelelCost of the project is: A) Initial costs and construction costs B) Operating costs D) None of the previous 51) The contractor can know the SOnditions|of the contract during! B) Jury identification ] C) Queries and answers D) Tender submission ” priorities in resource distribution is 52) The task that requires setting] " ‘A) Quantity surveying B)Resouree Loading) Cost Estimation _BfNone of the previous 53) Estimating the Atstivityiduration depends on all the following &X6epE, , A) Quantity of work —_B) Estimator Experience _C) Crew Productivity 54) The Shilidvite interact effectively with employees and motivate them is: Page 3088 Best wishes, Dr. Yosser Elfahham age Sof Scanned with CamScanner \ Alexandria University Feeulty of Engineering 8 Year Be, Flectrical Engineering Dep. tune 2072.24 \ Final Exam Time: 2 hou, .°™ siete A Project Management ™ . 1) The Finanetabenveloptconteins the following: \ B) Time schedule ©) Contractor's CVD) Gener: 5 al Dy All the following represent project document ‘formation \ A) Drawings B) Specifications de00 \ 3» —— a Contractor's Offer according to the Egypt ion is: ‘B) Four Classes C) Three Classes ‘D) Ten Classes w~ 4) In order tolenhaneé the Resource Profile; the following procedure! a A) Cumulative Curve B) Resource Loading ©) Resguree gra » 5) TheMocument thatldefinies she Scope, Function, Materidl, Qhjor, class, ang Brand of items is: A) BOQ C) Sexist Conditions awings © The rule is applied at; B) Resource allocatio sh flow 7) The time period at which an activity can be cessor activities is: A)ES B)TF : 3 8) The most common resource to be 3 A) Steel B) Wires, _Zitaver 9) The lit*St2p in Tender proced A) Announcement fcalenvelop D) General Information 10) The! A) Contact Informatten’ oo D) Fast Tracking nn Depend oD Activity, ea days 27 B)40 os A > 15 1D) None of the previous B si 15 13) The number of critical path(s): < AB A) One B) Two © Three = ec D) Four F a | 3] 14) The network has: G DF 8 A)Two dummies _B) Three Dummies ©Four dummies D) One dummy 15) The Late Start (LS) of activity D is: : Ay1s B)23 3s : D) None of the previous 16) The Free Float (FF) of activity D is: A) 12 days B) Zero C) 13 days D) None of the previous 17) The Early Start (ES) of activity E is: A)35 By 40 O27 D) None of the previous Page 1 of 4 Best wishes, De, Yasser Elfahham Scanned with CamScanner Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering“ Final Exam em \ ine 24 Tn 2 ae Project Management - BUS x31 ‘ For the questions below, choose the best answer and Using activity - on — Arrow, solve the questions below: 1) The project complete time is: B)2L ©) 26 D) None of the previous 2) The project critical path(s): AAMG B)B,M,G OGEG D) A\M, Gand C,E,G 3) Thenetwork has: A)Twodummies B)ThreeDummles _€) Fag dum D) One duramy 4) The Late Start (LS) of activity B is: . A) Zero B)2 5) The Free Flost (FF) of activity B is: A) Zero BS a 1 of the previous ©) According to “4. in contracting is limited by all the follo “ A) Secrecy Issues titor D) Urgency isues 7 The for, class, and Brand of items is: 4)B0Q ‘Conditions D) Drawings 6 " Relation D) None of the previous er D) Suppliers tr during constructing the project and affects the cost is; offagterial —-C) Variations D) Resource loading B) Contractor C) Contractor and approved by Consultant 12) The Contractor can isiprowe tHe aShiflOW diagram by all the following @xéept B) Getting down payment C) Increasing profit D) Subcontracting the work. 13) The project SHIdiES are prepared during . .. of the project: . ‘B)2™ Phase . ©)3* Phase ‘D) 4 Phase 14) Dividing the project into its miaimiwork packages is done using: A) Critical Path B)AON D) Histogram 15) All the following are part of the: B) Meetings ) Special Conditions D) BOQ 16) All the following are @ifeot costs except A) Cement Cost B) Workers’ wages ‘GASite overhead ‘D) Excavator Cost 17) The party (Stakeholder) who| prepare the time schedule of the project is: Page 063 Best wishes, Dr. Yasser Elfahham ene Covwtyac boy Scanned with CamScanner we as B) 10 eis 38) If the AS © 25, Data date = 30, Pet = 25%, Dn aa mie SORINIG hen the EF of this activin A)AF~As ©) Data Date~ As, — \ 36) The Actual Duration DYLAN FOP 3 ie Dyay eas \ ocean ‘The unit price of basa jem, including removing Misposed mate % A) 300 LE? ‘Lehn? O10 LEN ae ae 266-88) The unit price of BAGkfll (+!) item, imeladinig material, compact 7 a0" A) 450 LE/m? B)<40LE/m? ST LEN im om ene gore 09) Tae wit rice of BO foundation i about eetients A) 400 LE/m? B) < 400 LE/m? ©1100 LE/m* < 900 LE im? 2 8008 ia The unit price offRC item, is about: por 4500 LE/m? B) $2000 LE/m? ‘C) 2400 LE/m? ) None of the previous a 3oe, 41) The unit price of Ceram flooring item, is about: mS in A)30 LE/m® 3f200 LE/m™ Q i LE/m* > ‘D) 80 LE/m* yi : 5h sser"" A school Fence of 40-meter length. The fig, bel s one bay fence; ve or Bz @0P40) Brick wall thick. = 10 em 10°30) (0.0) FI (10097094 Orr va & [ : iG 0.70 y 2 Sec. ELEV in Fence Data: “The thickness of plain concrete is . All Columns are 30 x 30.¢m PC overhangs 15 om from each direction All Semelles are 20 x 50 em Brick walls thickness = 10 em r All RC Footings are 1.0 x 0.70 x 0.40 ‘Assume any missing data wat tity is: . 6 a ae cies! B)22.2 m* C) 60.75 m* D) None of the previous he Plain Concrete (PC) quantity of footings is: | “ pat ae a if 143m? C) 104m? ‘D) None of the previous 44) The Reinforced Concrete (RC) quantity of Footing is: Page 3 ofS Scanned with CamScanner 13) The Total Float (TF) of activity E is: J X A) Zero B) 8 days ©)4aays of the previous 14) The work at an activity/6BRiSOp fora period MTEBUME due to aresource issue, that ig cated + that is called; A) Stretching B) Allocation £5 Splitting D) Delays The PROQIEEOBIRAIES of activites ae defined by “ A) Consultant B) Owner PF Contractor D) Suppliers 16) The AeA Under thelhistogfaii of resource levelling is..... the Arewunder Resouree-londing hi AB taualto B) Greater than C) Less than D)T don't know A) Quantity of work Ivity D) Experience 19) TolBORIpHESS the project schedule, the following, A) Reduce produc 7B Additional Resources ce Price D) Resource levelling 20) The invitation to Tender should in@hi@eUal the fo A) Tender dates, B) project details OFroject dui é D) Technical Stills a is: 21) The ability for HHinKing and formulatin# igees) (A) Conceptual Skills B) Human Skills PO Decisi 22) The ability to interact effectively ‘A) Conceptual Skills B) Concurrent relation D) None of the previous 23) The effective ject is: : D) Planning A) Levels of Management 25) The skills that i fog mahgaten is: ugical SRI B)Ent gS yyy) Human Skills Prone ofthe 26) Amoi Sject Managemert is: . B) int owas DIF *n ag{nit the vironmental, economic, and geologic studies are performed -A) onstruction sign ©) Procurement : 28) Project management: A) Planning B) Duration estimation JV SekeaatiBs!) —_D) finding activity sequence 29) All the following are part of the ojsk ocuaets el B) Meetings special Conditions + D) BOQ 30) Whena| between project documents; the following is followed; A)B0Q ©) Drawings D) Specifications -31) The technique that provides approximate Cost estimation and iisedlatlearly stages is; 0 Facametrc Method B) Detailed Method _C) Bottom- Up D) Quantity Survey 32) The following are exam sles ; A) Workers, salaries eps Temporary Utilities ©)Subcontractor —_D) Material transportation 33) The Femaining duration of an activity that hasnt started yet (12 ¢! yl LU , a" A) OD (1+ pet) B) Actual Dari ©) AF-AS 4M Ifthe AS =9, Dota date = 15, Pet = 40%, RD =6, then, the OD af this acfivity equals: paerofs To Scanned with CamScanner

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