TheMarrowThievesProjectBundle3OptionsCompleteProjectBookletsBONUS 2

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The last five minutes of silent reading will be an opportunity to write a short

reader response to what you are reading in class. These are not meant to be
long responses but are to show that you are thinking about what you are
reading. You are expected to record responses from a variety of categories
each week. See the categories below:

Provide a general overview of the events of the story you

read today.
What are you confused about or interested in learning
What quote stood out to you? What is interesting or
significant about this quote? (Include quote and page #
with your response)
What emotion or idea did the story make you feel or think?
How are you (or someone you know) similar or different to a
character in the novel? Have you experienced anything like
the events in your book? Are there any connections
between your book and real life, either past or present?
Make a text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world connection.
What writing moves did you notice the author making? What
impact did this writing move have on the story? (e.g. Sensory
description, imagery, simile, metaphor, personification,
symbolism, humor, conveying emotion, etc.)

Student records Student records Student records Student records

minimal/incomplete few meaningful some meaningful, several meaningful,
responses, showing responses, showing insightful responses, insightful responses,
a lack of close a lack showing close showing close
reading and an of/inconsistent reading and an reading and a
incomplete close reading and adequate deep
understanding of a limited understanding of understanding of
novel. understanding of novel. novel.
We Are All Made of Molecules October 3rd, 2021
Response (Type: Feeling)
When Stewart is mistreated at school, I felt angry. His peers bullied him
because he is different, but Stewart didn’t do anything to deserve it. Reading
about how Stewart is treated makes me want to stand up for others in a similar
position. No one should be picked on for something they can’t help.

Response (Type:________________________)

Response (Type:________________________)

Response (Type:________________________)
Response (Type:________________________)

Response (Type:________________________)

Response (Type:________________________)

Response (Type:________________________)

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