Part 1 Sep-April 2024

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SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Robots ps Are you intereste¢ robots? Yes, I have a keen interest in robots. | find the advancements in robotics technology fascinating, especially how they are being applied in various fields such as healthcare and manufacturing Learning about robots is a hobby of mine, and | often read articles and watch documentaries to stay updated on the latest developments. Cé, ti rit quan tim dn robot. T6ithiy su tién b8 trong c6ng ngh robot rit thi vi, de bgt la cach ching doe ép dung trong nbigu finh vie nhr chim séc site khie va sin xult. Vige tim higu ‘vé robot ld mét s6 thich cila ti, va t6i thurdng doe cdc bai vidt vii xem cde b6 phim tai ligu dé cp nhit théng tn vé cfc tén bd méi nbd 2 Have you ever learned anything about robots? Absolutely, I've actively pursued knowledge about robots. From basic programatinyyf0 the intricate mechanics behind them, I've delved into various aspects of robotics. befieye't's crucial to have a good understanding of this technology as it becomes increasingly integhated into our daily lives. ‘Tat nhién, t6i da tich cuc theo dudi kién thite vé robot. Tir lip trinh €o.baidén co cau co khi phire tap bén trong ching, t8i d3 khim pha nbigu khia canh cia Tinh yc robot hee. Toi tin ring vige hiéu biét t6t vé cong nghé nay rét quan trong, vi né ngay edng duge tich hop vio cude séng hing nngay caching ta 3. How would you feel traveling in a car driven By a robot? If were to travel in a car driven by a robot, Jd have.shixed feelings. On one hand, appreciate the potential safety benefits and reduced humamertor that autonomous vehicles can offer. However, I might also feel a bit uneasy tthe thought of entrusting my safety completely to a ‘machine, Nonetheless, as technology, improves and becomes more reliable, I think I would eventually adapt to the idea and, fee niord at ease [Néu t6i phi di trong mt chide-xe da fobot lai, i sé c6 nhiing cam xic Kin In. MOt mt, anh gid cao tiém ning vé a)toin VA vige gidm thigu sai s6t cua con ngudi ma cée phuong tign tye hnh c6 thé mang lai. Tuyythi6n,t6i eZing c6 thé cam thay hoi bat an trade ¥ nghia ring t6i dang giao phé sir an toa ciatniialrhoain ton cho mét may mée. Tuy nhién, Khi eng nghé cai tin va 116 nén dang tin e4y-hom, '6i nghi ring t6i sé din thich nghi vei ¥ tung va cdm thay thoai mai hon 4 Avast robots affect people’s li Without a doi, robots will have a profound impact on people's lives. They are already revOldtidnizing industries, automating tasks, and improving efficiency. In the future, we can expect Fobots to play even more significant roles in healthcare, education, and various other sectors. While there may be challenges and adjustments, overall, I believe robots will enhance our «quality of life and create new opportunites for us. Ligu robot c6 anh hudng dén cude sing ciia con ngudi khéng? Khéng con nghi ngé gi ntta, robot 8.6 tie déng su rng dén cude séng cia con ng. Ching di dang cich mang héa céc nginh céng nghiép, ty dong hoa cic nhigm vy va cai thign higu suat lim viée. Trong tuong lai, ching ta 6 thé mong dai robot déng vai to ngay cng quan trong hom trong finh vie chm sée sire khe, gido duc va nhiéu nginh khac. Mac di cé thé xuat hién nhitng thach thife va diéu chinh, nhung tng cdg, ti tn ring robot sé lim ting chit rong cue sing cia ching tava tao ra nhimng co hai msi IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Tea and coffee 1 Doyou prefer drinking tea to coffee? I don't necessarily have a strict preference for one over the other. It depends on the time of day and my mood. In the mornings, I tend to lean towards coffee for that caffeine boost, but in the evenings, I often enjoy a calming cup of tea. So, I say it varies based on the situation. ‘Toi khong nhat thiét phai c6 sur a thich c6 dinh gitra ca phé va tra, No phu thude vao théi sian trong ngay va tm trang cia ti. Vao budi sang, 161 thing cd xu husmg wa cd phé d8 cd Iugng caffeine gitip ti tinh tio, nhumg vio budi t6i,t6i thung thich thuéng thite mot ly tra dé thu gitin, Vi vay, t6i e6 thé ndi ring sé thich eta t6i thay 46i dura trén tinh huéng cu thé. 2 Do you ever go out to drink coffee or tea? Yes, Ido enjoy going out to cafés to savor a cup of coffee or tea, I's not just about the beverage but also the ambiance and social aspect of these places. Catchingaip.with friends or simply having some quiet time to work or read in a café is something I find quite enjoyable Cé, 161 thudmg thich ra ngoai dén cdc quan café dé thuréng thite ca phé hoe ra. Digu nay khong chi lién quan dén dd uéng ma con dén khong gian va khiacanbxA\hoi cia nhig noi nay. Trd chuyén cling ban bé hoae chi don gin tc thai gian yen tInlrdé Lim vige hode doe sich tai mdt quan café li diéu t6i thay thé vi 3° When was the last time you drank tea or coffee? T actually had a cup of coffee this morning before startingmy day. I find it helps me wake up and focus. However, [also had a cup of herbalifea lastnight to relax before bedtime. So, I enjoy both beverages regularly, depending onthe time. ‘Thue ra, ti da udng mot ly cd phé vao budi Shng’nay trude khi bit dau ngay lam vige eta minh, Téi thay ring né gidp ti tinh 14 va fp trung. Tuy nhién, t6i qua, t6i cing da uéng mat ly tr thao mc trude khi di ngi 46 th gin. Vi vay, ti thuéng xuyén thurémg thite chai Toai do uéng nay, phy thudc vad-thi Bian trong ngay. 4 Which do you prepare for your guest at home? Tea or coffee? ‘When Ihave guests over at my home, I usually offer them a choice between tea and coffee. I believe its essefitial to"eater to their preferences, as some might prefer the boldness of coffee, while others nay enjoy the variety of teas available. So, I like to have both options readily available to make'them feel comfortable and welcome. Khi o6 Khgch-t6i nha, ti hung dé nghi ho Iya chon gita tri va ci phé. Toi tin ring viée phiie ytuthed s6 thich cia ho rat quan trong, vi mét sé ngudi c6 thé ua thich ca phé dim da, trong kiti ngudi khdc c6 thé thich sur da dang cita céc logi tri e6 sin. Vi vay, t6i thich 6 sin i hai lua chon 4é lam cho ho eam thay thoai mai va duge chao don, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Gift 1 Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others? Yes, I have occasionally sent handmade gifts to others. I believe that handmade gifts carry a personal touch and show the effort and thought put into creating something special for the recipient. Whether it's a handcrafied card, a knitted scarf, or homemade baked goods, these gifts can be meaningful and memorable. C6, t6i di khi da tig giri nhimg mén qua tu lam cho ngudi khéc, Toi tin ring nhimg mén qua ty Lim mang dén mét chiit ca nhan héa va thé hin su né luc va suy nghi dé tao ra diéu de igt cho ngudi nbn, Cho dit dé li mot chigethigp thi eBng, ce khan len ty lim, hode 6 nung tu ché, nig mén qua nay c6 thé mang gid tri nghia va ghi nhé Lau dai, 2 Howto choose a gift? Choosing the perfect gift involves considering the recipient's preferences, jnferests,)and needs. I's essential to listen and observe to get clues about what they might like: Additionally, taking into account the occasion and the relationship yot'sharé with the person helps in making a thoughtful selection. Ultimately, a well-chosen giffteflects your understanding and appreciation of the individual ‘Vige Ia chon mén qua hoan hao doi héi vige xem xét s6 thigh, quan diém va nhu cau eta ngudi nhan, Quan trong la phai ling nghe va quan sat d&thuthap goi ¥ vé nhimg gi ho c6 thé thich. Ny xem xét dip va moi quan hé ban €hia s@vi ngudi do gitip ban tao ra ‘mot Iv chon théu suy. Cuéi cing, mét mén qua die chon cn than thé hign su hiéu biét va {rn trong ciia ban ddi v6i ngudi dé. 3 Doyou give expensive gifts? ‘The value of the gift I give depends of the géeasion and the person I am giving it to. I don't necessarily equate a meaningful gift withits price tag. Sometimes, a small, thoughtful gift can be just as appreciated as aufior® expensive one. I's more about the sentiment and the connection between the giver and the receiver rather than the cost. id tri cla mén qua t6i tg phy thude vao dip va ngudi t6i ting. Toi khong nha thiét pha lin két mot mon qua QQwAIg Vi gid tricia nd, Ddi khi, mOt mén qua nhé nbn nhung duge suy nghi edn than €6 {h€ 8uc dnh gid cao khong kém so véi mot mén qua dit tién hon. ‘Dieu quan trong heat latinh cém va moi két noi gitta nguéi ting va nguoi nhan chit khong phai la gid tri, 4 Whatkinds of gifts are popular in your country? In fay Counity, the popularity of gifts varies depending on the occasion, However, traditional sifts Tike flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards are universally well-received. Additionally, personalized gifts such as custom-made jewelry or engraved items have gained popularity in recent years. It's also common to give gifts related to cultural festivals and celebrations that are unique to our region, que t6i, sur phd bién cia mén qua thay déi ty theo dip. Tuy nhién, mén qua truyén thong nnhur hoa, socola va thigp chio dén déu duge chao dén rng rai, Ngoai ra, mén qua cé nhian nhur trang site ty ché hoac cdc vat phim khic chit da tré:nén phé bién trong nhamg nim gin day. Cing thudmg xuyén tng nhimg mén qua lién quan dén cdc 1é hoi vin héa va cde dip ky nigm dic trung cia khu vue ching t6i IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Fish 1 Doyou like eating fish? Yes, I do enjoy eating fish. Fish is not only delicious but also a healthy source of protein and essential nutrients. I appreciate the variety of flavors and cooking methods that can be used with different types of fish, making it a versatile and enjoyable food choice 6,1 {in c4, C4 khong chi ngon ma cn li nguén protein va dung chat quan trong cho site khée. Toi danh gid cao sut da dang vé huomg vi va céch néu dn ma c thé ap dung cho céc Toai cé kha nhaw, tao nén st Linh hoat va sit lia chon tha vi trong viée chon dé an. 2 Where would you go to find fish? To find fresh fish, I would typically visita seafood market or a grocery store withya seasod section. Additionally, some people prefer to purchase fish directly from local fisher or fishmongers, ensuring the freshest catch. For those who enjoy a more interactive experience, fishing at lakes, rivers, or the ocean can also be a way to find fish. Dé tim cé tuoi ngon, t6i thuéng ghé thm cho hai sin hod siéu thi c6Rhtl Bén hai sin, Ngoai ra, mot sé ngudi thich mua ca truc tigp tir gu dn dia phuomg hoaé Hedi ban c4, dim bao sit tuoi ngon cia cd. Dai véi nhing ngwai thich trai nghiém nhiéu hon, yiee cau ca tai hd, song, hod bién ciing c6 thé la céch aé tim ea. 3 Ifyou do eat fish, what is your favorite? Among the various types of fish, my favorite would! havé.f0 be salmon, I love its rich and slightly fatty texture, which is not only delicioySbutalso nutritious. Grilled or baked salmon ‘with a lemon butter sauce is a go-to dish forthe}and I appreciate its versatility in various cuisines. Trong sé céc loai cd khic nhau, mén gf toldhich nhit chic chin phai la e4 hdi, Téi yéu vi gon clia né ciing véi cfu trie mérho? Virgiau duéng chit, khéng chi ngon ma cin bé duéng ‘Ca hoi nudmg hode ca hoi hapv%6j Sof'bo chanh 14 mén toi thug chon, va t6i danh gid cao tinh da dang ciia né trong cfc mOn\8N cua nhieu nén van héa. 4 Why do people g6 fishing? People go fishing for a\Variety of reasons, Some do it as a recreational activity, finding relaxation and enjoyment in being out in nature, Others fish to provide food for their families, and in many €ultures, fishing has deep-rooted traditions and rituals. Additionally, fishing can be a way to coiinéct with the environment and appreciate the serenity of being near the water. Negudi ta'edu 84 voi nhieu ly do khéc nhau Mot sé ngudi lim digu nay nhur mot oat dong sia tri'tim thay sur thu gidn va niém vui khi 6 ngoai thién nhién, Nguoi khic cfu cd dé cung cap die &n cho gia dinh, va trong nhigu nén vin héa, edu cd cé nhimg truyén théng va Ié nghi sin séc. Ngoai ra, ciu cd cling c6 thé la céch dé két n6i v6i moi trang va tri nghiém su yén binh khi 6 gin nurée. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Public Transport 1 Do you use public transportation much? Yes, I rely on public transportation quite frequently. It's a convenient and eco-friendly way to get around, especially for daily commuting and when I need to navigate through the busy city traffic C6, 164 dua vao phuong tién cong céng kha thug xuyén. Bo la cach tign loi va than thign ‘voi méi truémg dé di chuyén, dc biét la cho vige di lai hing ngay va khi t6i cd vurgt qua aziao théng dong die trong thanh phd 2 What kind of public transportation do you usually take? [primarily use buses and the subway system for my daily commute, They are themost accessible and reliable modes of public transportation in my city. However, Lo€easiohally use trams or trains, depending on the destination, Toi chi yéu sir dung xe bust va hé théng tau dién ngim cho vige di lai hang ngay. Ching 1a phuong tién céng cong dé tiép cn va ding tin cy nhit trong thanfiphé bua t6i, Tuy nhign, d6i khi t6i cing sit dung xe dign ngim hode tau hoa, phu thyoe-vad diém dén cu thé, 3 Is there sufficient public transportation in your city? In my opinion, the public transportation system in my city fs reasonably sufficient, but there's always room for improvement, The network is extensfe ar'Govers most areas, but there are still some underserved neighborhoods and routes with limited frequency, which can be inconvenient for residents. Theo quan diém cia t6i, hé théng phuong tigi-Géng cong trong thanh phd cua t6i c6 da mite 6 tong di, nhumg vin cdn ché dé cai thignMang lu6i réng rai va phi séng hau hét cde hu vue, nhung vin con mot s6 khu.vife thiirdich vu va tuyén duréng c6 tin suat han ché, digu may c6 thé gay bat tién cho cundin, 4 How do you think public transport could be improved? To enhance public transportation, believe several measures can be taken. First, increasing, the frequency of buses and tins during peak hours would reduce overcrowding and waiting times. Additionally investing in cleaner and more energy-efficient vehicles would make public transport niore eco-friendly. Better integration of different modes of transport, such as buses, trams,(and'subways, with a unified payment system, would also make commuting ‘more seafiless and user-friendly. Finally, improvements in accessibility, like more bus stops and subway siations, would ensure that public transportation serves everyone in the coftiminity’ Dé wing cao hé théng phwong tién céng cng, ti tin ring cé thé thyc hién mét s6 bién phap. Dau tén, ting tha sudt cia xe buyt va tiu dién trong gid cao diém s€ gidm tinh trang qua tdi ‘va thdi gian chi dgi, Ngodi ra, du tr vao cde phurong tiga sach hon va tiét kiém ning lugng, sé lim cho phwwong tign céng céng than thign véi moi truémg hon. Viéc tich hop t6t hon céc phuong tign giao théng khac nau, nhu xe bust, xe dign ngim va tiu dién ngim, v6i hé thang thanh tof thong nhat, cing sé lam cho vige di Iai tro’ nén tron tru va dé str dung hon. Cudi cing, vige cai thign tinh kha dung, chiing han bing céch tao ra nhiéu bén xe buyt va tram tau dign ngim hon, sé dim bao ring phurong tign cng cng phue vu tit ca moi ngudi trong cong ding, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Vacation 1 What was the best vacation you ever had? ‘The best vacation I ever had was a trip to Bali, Indonesia. It was a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and relaxation. The pristine beaches, lush jungles, and the warm hospitality of the locals made it an unforgettable experience. Cue nghi tét nhit ma t6i timg 06 la chuyén du lich dén Bali, Indonesia, Dé la sy két hop hoan hao giita vé dep tur nhién, trai nghigm van hoa va sw thw gidn, Nhiing bai bién hoang so, ring nhit d6i xanh mut va su nhigt tinh cia nguéi dan dia phurong da tao nén mot tai nghiém khé quén. 2 What do you usually do during your vacation? During my vacations, I like to explore new places and immerse myself inthe Ideal Gite This involves visting historical sites, trying local cuisine, and engaging in edtdooe activities like hiking or snorkeling. However, I also make sure to have some dowmtime to-elax, read, or simply enjoy the scenic views. Trong ky nghi, ti thich khém pha nhmg dia diém mei va dim chifmirohe van hoa dia phrong. Diéu nay bao gdm viée thm céc dia diém lich sit, thit ce thon an dia phrong va tham gia vio céc hoat dong ngoai troi nh leo nii hoge lan bien Tuy nhign, t6i cing dam bio 6 thai gian ther gidn, doc sich hoc don gin li thuéng thife dung cinh dep te nhién, 3 Do you like to plan your vacations? Yes, I do enjoy planning my vacations. I find that plafning allows me to make the most of ‘my time and resources. It helps me create at itinerary that includes all the places and experiences | want to enjoy. However, | also leave room for flexibility to accommodate unexpected discoveries and experiences along the way ich Ip ké hoach cho ky nghetiaminh, Tai thay ring vige lip ké hoach giip t6i tin ida thoi gian va ngudp fai chink, No gitip t0i tao lich trinh bao gom tat ca cae dia diém va trai nghigm ma t6i man thang thire, Tuy nhign, ti cig dé lai st Linh hoat dé thich nghi véi nhiing phat hign va'trai nghiém khong mong doi trén dude di 4 What are the most important things to think about when planning a vacation? ‘When planning(a vatation, several key factors come to mind. Firstly, i's essential to set a budget and stick to ensure a financially stress-fiee trip. Secondly, choosing the right destination based'on your interests and the type of experience you desire is crucial, Additionally, Considering the weather, the local culture, and any visa or vaccination requirémenis is important, Lastly, booking accommodation and transportation well in advance can save you both time and money, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable vacation. Khi lap ké hogch cho ky nghi, ¢6 mot 6 yéu t6 quan trong en xem xét. Bau tign, vige thie nngan sch va tun thi ngin sich dng mot vai tr quan trong dé dim bio mot chuyén di hong gay cing thing vé tai chinh. Thi hai, vie chon diém dn phit hop dura tn s6 thich va loai tréi nghiém ban mong mudn la rét quan trong. Ngoai ra, vige xem xét thoi tit, van hia dia phuong va cae yéu cau vé visa hoac tigm ching cing quan trong. Cudi cling, vige dat chd 6 va phurong tign di chuyén tr trude e6 thé tiét kiém thdi gian va tién bac, dim bio mot ky nnghi tri chay va thit vi hon. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Helping others 1 Doyou usually help people around you? ‘Yes, I make an effort to help people around me whenever I can. I believe in the importance of community and supporting each other, so I'm always willing to lend a hand to friends, family, neighbors, or anyone who needs assistance. C6, t6i lun c6 ging gitip dé nhing ngudi xung quanh t6i bat cit khi nao t6i cé thé, Téi tin ‘vio tim quan trong cia céng dng va vige hé tro lan nhau, vi vay ti udn sin sing eitip do ban ba, gia dinh, hing x6m hoge bat ky ai can sy hd tro. 2 How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends? help people around me in various ways. For my family, it might involve déing hoasehold chores, running etrands, or providing emotional support when needed. With friends, I offer a listening ear, help with academic or work-related tasks, and sometimé® eVen provide a place to stay if they require it. For neighbors, I often assist with tasks liké mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, or helping with small repairs. ‘Toi gitip 46 nhing ngudi xung quanh ti bang nhiéu céch khéc Mhau, Ddi véi gia dinh, diéu nay c6 thé lién quan dén vige lam vige trong nha, di muahing hed cung cp su hd tro tink thin khi cin, Véi ban be, t6i cung ing nghé>eitip d6 trong vige hoc tp hoe céng vige va di khi thim chi cung cp noi & néugideaa\ i vai hing x6m, tai thuimg gidp di cic cng viée nhu cat c6, x6i tuyét hodc hytfe trong vige sira chita nho. mot ba vai 3 Do your parents teach you how‘to help others? ‘Yes, my parents have been a significant influence in teaching me the value of helping others. ‘They instilled in me the importance ofempathy, kindness, and community involvement from young age. Through their actign3 and words, they have shown me that lending a hand to those in need is a fundamental aspect of being a responsible and compassionate individual Cé, ba me cia 151 da.¢6 dh wong Ion trong vige day t6i gid tri cua vige gidp do ngudi khée Ho da truyén cho t6i)t4qy quan trong ciia su théng cam, long tir té va su tham gia trong céng ing tr khi 1 GSm.AhG: Qua hanh dong va li n6i cia ho, ho 48 cho thay cho t6i ring vie ip 49 nhinig ngudi cin su gidp 46 li m6t Khia canh eo ban cia vige tré thanh mot neu ¢6 tréch nhigm vaday long nhan di. 4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young? Absolutely, my parents provided me with a lot of support and guidance when I was young, ‘They helped me with my education, encouraged my interests and hobbies, and taught me essential life skill. Their support and care during my formative years have had a lasting impact on my development and my willingness to help others in return. ‘Chae chin, ba me cia tdi 43 cung cp cho t6i rat nhiéu sy hé tre va huéng din khi t6i con ‘ho. Ho da gitip t6i trong vige hoe tap, khuyén Khich s6 thich va sé thich ¢4 nhén cia t6i, va day cho t0i nhiing ky ning séng eo ban. Sy hd try va quan tém cua ho trong nhong nim iw cia ti da dé Iai ‘wrong liu dai d6i v6i su phat trién cla ti va su sin sing gitip dé ngudi khéc trong tuemg lai. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Geography 1 What do you think about geography? Geography, in my opinion, isa fascinating field of study. It allows us to understand the world around us better, including natural landscapes, cultures, and how they interact. I's much more than just memorizing place names; it's about gaining insights into the planet we inhabit. ja ly, theo quan diém cia t6i, la mat Tinh vuc hoe hap din, N6 gid ching ta higu r8 hom vé thé gidi xung quanh, bao gdm ea canh quan ty nhién, vin héa va cach ching twong tic. DS Kkhéng chi la vige hoc thuéc tén dia diém; dé 1a viée nhan duoc cai nhin séu réng vé hanh tinh, sma chiing ta sing 2 Have you ever studied geography at school? Yes, I did study geography in school, and I found it quite informative. It helped mei8amn about different countries, their climates, and unique features. It also broadened-my. perspective on global issues. C6, 161 di hoc mén dia ly 6 trug va t6i thay né rit bé ich. NO gi (i,Aimhiéu vé asia khac nhau, khi hau cia ho va ca de diém déc do. No ciing.m6'¥9n goc nhin cia toi ve cée vin dé toan civ. 3 Are you good at reading maps? I would say 'm reasonably skilled at reading maps. Whil&Pmay not be an expert, I can navigate and interpret maps effectively, which comies in handy when traveling or planning routes, Toi nghi ring t6i c6 kha ning doe bin dd tuongdditdt. Mac di t6i c6 thé khéng pha ki mot chuyén gia, nhumg t0i c6 thé diéu hung\va gi thich eée bin dd mot céch higu qua, diéu niy hu ich khi di du lich hode lap ké hogéh tiyéi dude. 4 Doyou think geographiy. is useful? Absolutely, geography is undeniably useful. It equips us with knowledge about the world's physical and human aspects)enabling us to make informed decisions, understand diverse cultures, and address crfiéal blobal challenges like climate change and resource management. It plays a vital rolein OurWaily lives and society as a whole Chic chan, dia I-kh6ng thé ch6i cai la hitu ich. N6 trang bi cho ching ta kién thite vé cic hia canh{vat {vA nhiin van cia thé gigi, giip ching tara quyét dinh c6 can ct, hiéu 10 ve céc nén Vin héa da dang va gid quyét cdc thach thie toan cu quan trong nhur bién di khi hat va quan IY tai nguyén, No déng mot vai trd quan trong trong cude séng hang ngay va xa ho?Ong the. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Running ‘Well, I don't engage in running very frequently. Instead, I prefer various other physical activities to maintain my fitness level. For instance, I enjoy going for long walks in the park, participating in group fitness classes, or even cycling on weekends, ‘Thue ra, ti khéng thong xuyén tham gia chay b6. Thay vao dd, tdi thich thyc hién nhigu hhoat dng thé chit khic nhau dé duy tri stte khde. Vi du, t6i thich dgo choi dai trong cong vvign, tham gia cdc lép tp thé due nhém, hod thém chi la di xe dap vo cudi tui 2 How often do you go for a run? Regarding running, I'd say it's not a regular part of my exercise routine. I typically.go for a ‘tun maybe once every couple of weeks, especially when I want to challenge Mnyself with a different workout and take in some fresh air. It adds variety to my fitriésste¥imen ‘Vé viée chay bé, ti néi ring dé khéng phai la mét phan thudng xuyérciia lich tap thé duc cia t6i, Thong thurdng, t6i chay b6 6 IE chi mét hod hai lark mdi hai tuan, dc bigt khi t6i ‘muén thir théch ban than bing mét bai tp kha va hit the Rhoiig-khi trong lan, Diéu nay ip lim phong phii lich tinh tp luyén cia ti 3 Where do you usually go running? ‘When I decide to go for a nun, [often opt for Scenic routes like the beach or a picturesque trail in the nearby woods. Nature's beauty.adds riotivation and makes the experience more enjoyable Khi t6i quyét dinh di chay 69, thurimg tt-ehon céc dia diém c6 canh quan dep nh bai bién hode cée dueng mon dep mat srOng khw vue rimg gin d6. Vé dep cia thién nhién la nguén dong vin va Kim cho trai nghiém tré nén tha vj hon, 4 What do you think of running as a form of exercise? Running can be an’@xcelfent form of exercise for many people. It's a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and build endurance, However, I think i's essential to find an exercise routine that suits your preferences and needs, and for me, running is just one option among ‘many. Chy Ba cA thé 1a mot hinh thite tap thé duc tuyét vai cho nhiéu ngudi. BS la cach t6t dé cai thign sie khoe tim mach va xay ding site chiu dymng, Tuy nhién, ti nghi ring quan trong la tim kiém mot lich trinh tap thé due phi hop Véi 6 thich va nhu céu cua ban, va dbi véi ti, chay bd chi la mot trong nhigu tay chon IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW 1 Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?) | thoroughly enjoy listening to the piano the most. The piano’s versatility and ability to convey a wide range of emotions through its melodies captivate me. Its beautiful harmonies and rich tones make it my favorite instrument to listen to, Moreover, it can be both soothing and exhilarating, depending on the piece played. ‘Toi rat thich nghe piano nhat. Sy linh hoat cua piano va kha nang truyén dat mét loat cam xtc thng qua nhang giai digu cia né da kim t6i say mé. Nhing dm thanh hoa nhac tuyét dep va 4m thanh phong phi khién né tréthanh nhac cu yéu thich cua t6i dé King nghe. Hon nia, né 6 thé vita diu ding vita day s6i déng, phu thude vao ban nhac duge choi. 2 Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? Yes, I have leamed to play the guitar. I started taking guitar lessons a few years ayo, and it has been a rewarding experience. Learning to play an instrument has fot baly allowed me to appreciate music on a deeper level but also provided a creative outledfor self-expression, C6, t6i da hoc choi guitar. T6i bat dau hoc guitar vai nam trudge, Ya 4644 mot trai nghiém dang gid. Hoc choi mét nhac cu khéng chi gidp t6i hiéu am Mae saurhom ma con cung ed ‘mot phurong tién sang tao dé tu biéu dat 3 Doyou think children should learn to play-an instrument at school? Absolutely, I believe that children should have.the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument at school. Leaming music nokonlyerihances cognitive skills but also fosters discipline, creativity, and teamwork. I{cait bea lifelong source of joy and a means of self- expression. Offering music education it/schools can help students discover their passions and talents ‘Tit nhién,t6i tin ring tré em nh ec hoi hoc choi nhac cv tai trang. Hoc nhac khong chi nang cao ky ning kognitive ina cdn khuyén khich ky ludt, sng tao va lam vige nhom. Né © thé la ngudn niém vui Sudt dd va mot phuomg tien dé tu biéu dat. Cung cp gido duc am nhac trong tring hoc of ie Bhp hoc sinh khim pha dam mé va tai ning cia ho. 4 How easpwwould it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher Learning to play-dn instrument without a teacher can be challenging, but it's not impossible. With.the abundance of online resources, instructional videos, and sheet music available, one caticeitainly make progress, However, having a teacher offers structured guidance, feedback, and\personalized instruction, making the learning process more efficient and enjoyable. So, ‘while self-learning is an option, having a teacher can significantly expedite the learning curve and ensure proper technique and understanding of the instrument. Hoc choi nhac cu ma khéng c6 gido vién c6 thé kh6 khiin, nhung khong khé khan dén mite Khong thé, V6i sé luong lén tai ligu truc tuyén, video huéng dan va ban nhac sin ¢6, ban hoa toan c6 thé tién b9. Tuy nhién, c6 mét gido vin sé mang lai swe hug dn 66 cu tric, phan hdi va huréng dn cd nhan, fam cho qua trinh hoc tap tro nén higu qua va thé vi hon, Vi vy, mic di ty hoc la mot Iya chon, c6 mét gido vien c6 thé nhanh chéng gitip ban nim bit ign thite va ky thudt clin thiét va dim bao hiéu biét ding din vé nhac cu. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Cinema 1 Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a ki Well, during my childhood, I didn't frequently visit the cinema. Instead, my family would ‘occasionally take me to watch movies as a special treat. I remember those outings being quite exciting because it was a rare opportunity to see the latest films on the big screen. 6 théi tho 4u cita toi, t6i khong thudmg xuyén dén rap chiéu phim. Thay vao dé, gia dinh tdi 446i khi s& dua t6i di xem phim nhur mot mén qua dic bigt. TOi nhé abitng chu! rat tha vi vi dé 1 co hoi hiém c6 48 xem céc bé phim méi nhat trén man hinh Ién. 2 Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends? Yes, I do enjoy going to the cinema with my friends. I's a fantastic way to sper tiie together and share the experience of watching a film on a large screen. We gfien eivose movies that we all have an interest in, and afterward, we discuss our favorite\scefes or the plot over a meal or coffee, making it a memorable social activity Cé, 161 that sw thich di xem phim cing ban bé. BY la cach tuyét Yai We dinh thé gian cing nnhau va chia sé tri nghiém xem phim trén man hinh lon. Chinis46i thurdng chon nhitng 66 phim ma tit cd ching t6i quan tém, va sau 46, ching toithte Tae v8 cc cdnh yéu thich hofe cét truygn trong mét bita in hodc ca phé, tao nén mévfigataéifg x4 hoi dang nhé. 3. Do you still enjoy watching the movies you Toved as a child? Absolutely! I find it nostalgic and enjoyable to revisit the movies I adored as a child. Watching them again as an adult brings back fortd memories, and I often discover new layers of meaning or details that I didn't notiée back-then. It’s a great way to relive a piece of my childhood. Chic chin! Toi thy 46 la mogthirhnghiém diy ky niém va thé vi Khi quay lai xem nhimg b6 phim t6i yéu thich khi con nho..Xént lai ching khi d& truséng thanh dem lai nhting ky nigm dang nhé, va thuong xuyén Zoi phat hign ra cée lop § nghia méi hodc chi tiét ma ti khong dé ¥ trade diy. Dé li cach tupet voi dé tai trai nghigm mot phin tudi tho eta ti, 4 Doyougirefer watching movies at home or at the cinema? Personally, Ifhave.a Slight preference for watching movies at home. While the cinema offers a ‘unique anid iminefsive experience, I appreciate the convenience of being able to watch films in the Gomford of my own space. Additionally, I can pause, rewind, or even have a movie nig6it vith, friends without worrying about noisy surroundings. However, I still occasionally visit the cinema for big blockbuster releases to enjoy the full cinematic experience. (Ca nan ti, t6i e6 mét suf ua thich nh6 cho viée xem phim 6 nha, Mac di rap chiéu phim ‘mang Iai trdi nghigm de déo va cuén hii, t6i dénh gi cao st tign Igi Khi cd thé xem phim trong khéng gian thodi mai cia riéng minh. Ngodi ra, ti e6 thé tam dim, tua Iai, hode thm chi t6 chite budi xem phim ciing ban bé ma kh6ng cin lo ling vé tiéng én xung quanh, Tuy nhién, ti vin d6i khi ghé thim rap chiéu phim dé thuéng thire nhtmg b6 phim bom tin va trai nghigm day da cia né. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Noises 1 What noises / sounds do you generally hear around where you live? In the vicinity of my residence, I typically encounter a myriad of sounds. These encompass the gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees, the distant hum of traffic from a nearby street, and the occasional chirping of birds during the day. In the evening, the neighborhood becomes quieter, with intermittent laughter and conversations from neighboring houses, all ‘merging into a soothing urban symphony. 2 Do you think the amount of noise in modern life is increasing? Without a doubt, the volume of noise in contemporary society appears to be on the risé'The relentless development of technology and urbanization has brought about a surge,in vatious sources of noise, such as increased traffic, construction activities, and bustling trbiin fe This proliferation of noise can often make finding moments of tranquility a challenging endeavor 3 Whatis the effect of noise in our cities? Noise in our cities exerts a multifaceted impact on our lives. On one hand, it can be a sign of vitality and economic activity, symbolizing the vibrancy of utban centers. However, excessive noise can also be detrimental, leading to stress, sleep disturbances, and reduced overall well-being for city dwellers. Moreover, it camfiave diverse effects on wildlife and disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems, 4 Doyou think loud noise affects our hearing? Undoubtedly, loud noise can have detrimentaheonsequences on our hearing. Prolonged exposure to high decibel levels can lead to\ifreversible hearing loss and other auditory health issues. It is imperative to take precantionsysuch as using ear protection in noisy environments, to safeguard our heatitg-and preserve this precious sense fora lifetime ‘Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of the impact of loud noise on our auditory health, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 THANG 9-12 NEW Volunteer 1 Have you ever done any voluntary work? Yes, I have had the opportunity to engage in voluntary work on several occasions. Over the years, I've volunteered at local shelters, participated in community clean-up initiatives, and even contributed my time to fundraising events for various charitable causes. Volunteering has been a fulfilling and enriching experience for me. 2 Would you like to work as a volunteer? Absolutely, I would be keen to work as a volunteer in the future. Volunteering allows individuals to make a meaningful difference in their communities and beyond. It's wonderful way to give back, learn new skills, and connect with like-minded people wit share a passion for making the world a better place 3 Why do you think people volunteer? People volunteer for a multitude of reasons. Some are driven by a geritiné desire to help others and contribute to the greater good. Others see volunteeringas an opportunity to acquire new skills, gain valuable experience, or expand their social ietworks. Additionally, some individuals find personal satisfaction and a sense of putpoSe in’ volunteering, which can be incredibly rewarding. 4 Is volunteering worth the time it takes?, In my opinion, volunteering is unquestionably «Wort the time it takes. While it may require a commitment of time and effort, the rewards.ate often immeasurable. The sense of fulfillment, personal growth, and the positive impaction the lives of those in need make it a valuable investment, Moreover, volunteering cn léadlto a deeper sense of community and a greater appreciation for the interconnectedne8sbFociety, making it time well spent. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694

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