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Antepartum care is essential during pregnancy or especially to a new mother.

goal is to promote safe and healthy mothers and babies and their delivery to prevent
maternal death. As a level 2 nursing student, aims to study the case received about
patient Miranda who is a 16 years old mother admitted to the Mati Medical Center.
Patient Miranda is a victim of rape and sexual abuse which this result her from getting
pregnant. These are my insights and perspective during attending this case. This aims
to give a personal view, clinical view as a student and as a future healthcare worker.
To begin with my perspective or personal view on this case. Being victim of rape
tend to become depressive and increase anxiety, as well as lower their self esteem
especially being young and during pregnant this will hurt the infant. In my view, there is
no fault between the young mother and infant but delivering a baby coming from a
young mother with no experience will not only give the mother a hard time due to lack of
support and education but also towards the baby because of the environment condition.
Performing abortion is not a problem for me in cases like these.
In addition, as a nursing student, due to her decision it is the patient's right and
autonomy to decide whatever she would like to do. Since her decision is to keep the
baby, me, as a nursing student, will support and encourage her decision and provide
care to empower both the young mother and the baby such as maintaining balanced
nutrition, administering and maintaining right medication, and assisting counseling to
educate patients about becoming a mother and emotional-control.
Furthermore, as a future healthcare worker, this case will improve my skills in dealing
more future cases especially with similar cases. This will expand my knowledge, and to create
improving nursing care in the future.
In conclusion, it is very important as a nurse to not only focus on physical as well
as mental to promote wellness of mothers and babies to reach its optimal state.

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