Spiritual Formation

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January 11, 2019

The same way we grow naturally is the way we are expected to grow
spiritually. No one is born as a spiritual giant. 1 Peter2:2-3 you are not
expected to remain a child spiritually, we need to grow. Galatians4:1 there can
be no inheritance to a child, until he becomes an adult.

Ephesians 4:11-15 we are to grow into perfection in Christ and into Christ’s full
stature, children gets tossed by every wind of doctrine. The church hasn’t
taught us to grow; rather they give dos and don’ts. Let people know who they
are, they will live by it, you wont need to be policing them. Don’t point to
people’s error; remind them who they really are. Change peoples mindset and
their action will change. Jeremiah 3:15 Leaders are meant to feed you with
Gods word, not to entertain you.


1. The new birth: to be born again. Luke 19:10, 1Timothy 1:13-15, 2 Peter3:9,
1 Timothy2:1-2: pray for those in authority because the policies they make
affects you. God wants all men saved. We are the light of the world
Matthew 5:14, John 9:5 Jesus was the light when he was here. 1 John2:2
Jesus died for all men, and if Jesus died for them, he deserves them.
Nobody deserves to go to hell hence it’s our duty to reach out to them.
Your first assignment on heart is to be a soul winner.
2. The Baptism of the HS: God wants all men to be baptised in the HS Acts 1:4-
8. The HS empowers us with power from on high. We are not to go after
the lost in our power. Acts 8:14-17, 10:44-47, 19:1-7. Baptism in the name
of the Lord refers to water baptism.
3. Growing Spiritually: God wants everybody to grow up spiritually. 1
Peter2:1-3, 2 Peter3:18-grow in grace and in the knowledge of God and
In growing up, we must understand that man is a triune being.

a. Some say man is flesh-just the body. Physical death is not the end of a
man. Everlasting life doesn’t refer to longevity, but the quality, that’s ZOE
the God kind of life.
b. Some say man is body and soul.
c. Some say body, soul and spirit but Man is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a
body. 1 Thes 5:23, 2 Cor 5:17, Luke16:19-21, Hebrews 4:12, Romans 12:1-2,
James 1:21, James 2:26

Your body gives you authority here on earth. You have more authority here
than God does, because you are licenced to be here.

Put your body under subjection to your Spirit. Gal 5:16-25, 1 Cor 9:27.


1. Spiritual growth happens automatically once you are born again. As a child
in the physical has to be fed to grow, likewise spiritual growth doesn’t
happen automatically. Desire the sincere milk of the word so that ye may
grow thereby.
2. Spiritual growth is mystical and only attainable by a select few. 1 Tim4:6-8.
You have to be delibrate about your growth. Exercise yourself.
3. Spiritual maturity is measured by what you know. Its good to have the
knowledge of the word, but its deosnt automatically translate to growth.
John 8:32 the truth you know and act upon shall set you free, John 13:35.
Spiritual maturity is more of your behavior than what you know.
4. Spiritual maturity is measured by the gift of the spirit operating in your life.
1Cor1:4, 3:1-3 spiritual gifts don’t translate to spiritual growth. Gifts are
different from fruits. Fruit is the sign of maturity not gift.
5. Spiritual growth is a personal and private matter. Where you fellowship has
a lot to do with your growth. Where you fellowship determines how far you
grow. The food you feed us matters most. Your habitat has a way of
affecting your growth. Example; a shark in an aquarium and the sea.
6. Spiritual growth can happen instantly if I can just find the right key.

Spiritual growth is the process of becoming more like Christ by understanding,

developing and growing in everything God has already put in you in the new
creation in Christ. Phil3:10-15. Growth is a process and its as we grow that we
get more revelation.

Spiritual Growth;

- Is a process
- Of becoming more like Christ
- By understanding, developing and growing
- In everything God has already put in you in the new creation in Christ.


Looking at the process of spiritual growth, lets dicuss the stages;

1. SPIRITUAL BABY/BABYHOOD STAGE: every believer began as a spiritual

baby but we are not expected to remain babies but unfortunately, most
people remain here. Its also called the babyhood stage.


A. Innocence: full of trust for everyone and anything. Individuals here are
teachable and vulnerable to listen to anyone and everyone.
B. Ignorance: they don’t know the difference between the good and the bad.
C. They are highly irritable, takes offence easily. They desire and require lots
of attention. They creates lots of messy situations
D. Talkatives: be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath.
E. Fleshly ruled: They take the message of grace and bause it. There is a
difference between being childish and child like. God wants us to be child-
like but not childish. Every child needs to grow into sonship. How do you
know a son? He starts to act like the father. Galatians 4:1-6.
2. YOUNG ADULTS/TEENAGERS: 1 John 2:13-14- these have gone through
a. they have more spiritual strenght
b. they have greater revelation of Jesus’s victory
c. they undertsand their inheritance

a. They are unsteady. They cannot be relied upon

b. They are curious, always want to know what is happening, they like gossip.
c. They believe they know more than others. They have the ‘I know it all’
attitude. In this kingdom, we are student of the word of God for life.
d. They are short time thinkers.
e. They also believe they invisible therefore ready to take a lot of risks. They
don’t think of the consequence of their actions.
f. They don’t think of how their actions affect others.

3. ADULTHOOD STAGE (FATHERS/ MOTHERS): Hebrews 5:14 discerning good

from evil, they are in touch with the HS, they know the bad that looks good
and vice versa.
a. They have more comprehensive understanding.
b. They have intimate knowledge of God the father, son and holyspirit.
c. They know better about God’s ways, character and promises.


a. They esteem earthly things lightly Hebrews 11:24. Have things but don’t let
things have you.
b. Dead to praises
c. Ability to recognise God at work. Heb5:14. Spiritual growth is a life long

Becoming more like Christ

Ephesians 4:13-15 we all need to come in the unity of the faith, and the
knowledge of the son of God. We are called to grow into the full stature of
Christ Romans 14:4


1 Cor2:2-I do not want to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and
Him crucified.
Philippians2:5 let (allow, permit) the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in you,
i.e the mind is seeking entrance. 1 Cor2:16 we have the mind of Christ, hence
allow this mind to dominate.

2 Cor11:3 the devil is always after this mind, because Christ comes with
simplicity. If the word says you can, then you can. John 14:12-greater works is
expected of us by our father.

Romans 8:29 nothing can stop me from becoming like Christ, because I’ve
been predstinated to be like him. The gospel brings comfort

John 14:10-12 Jesus spoke and the father did it so speaking of doing greater
works; it’s dependent on the father. I’m a believer and I speak, God is the doer

2 Cor 6:16 I am the temple of the living God. God dwells in me, his permanent
abode and he walks in me. Wherever you want God, you show up there.
Become like Christ, don’t look at the size of the mountain or your size, your
duty is to speak and let God do his part. John 11 – raising Lazarus, everytime
Jesus spoke, a prayer was made. Mal 3:16 everytime you speak, a book of
remembrance gets opened. God is not in you to be dormant. Whatever you
say is a seed, its growing, wait for the harvest.


By understanding, developing and growing

Colossians 1:9-15, 1 Cor 12:1. The will of God is revealed in his word. We
cannot be fruitful if we don’t know his will. We need to be aware of the gifts of
the Spirit and understand their operations. Don’t just have knowledge, but
understand it. Being filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and
spiritual understanding it is. Knowledge alone doesn’t do it, understanding
what you know does the job. Ephesians 1:16-24

Hebrews 5:14 understanding brings freedom. We grow and develop ourselves

in the things of God.
In everything God has already put in you in the new creation in Christ.

2 Cor5:14-17, Philemon 6 we need to have an understanding of what is

deposited in us. Two things to consider;

1. Where you were put Colossians 1:13

2. What was put in you: at the new birth, a few things were put in us;
a. Faith: Romans 12:3 at the new birth, you got all the measure of faith
needed to live a victorious life.
b. Love: Romans 5:5, 1Cor13:4-8 AMPC.
c. Power: 2Tim1:7, Eph1:19
d. Fruits of the Spirit Gal 5:22-23

As you grow and walk in these things, growth is produced. Philippians 3:10
AMP-determined purpose is to know him. A calling doesn’t equate growth.


Spiritual growth and physical growth are similar. Requirements for growth;

1. Food i.e the word of God 1 Peter 2:2, just as a baby needs the mother’s
milk to grow so do we need the word of God to grow. Reading the word of
God alone is not enough. 1 Tim 4:13-15 give attention to reading,
exhortation, and doctrine; vs 15-
meditate/ruminate/ponder/squeeze/chew/say it back to self. Meditation
produces profitting. Psalms 1:1-3 vs 3 the water (river) washes the tree,
Joshua1:8. James 1:22-25 KJV, GNB- exercise you on the word. Practice the
word so that light will come to you.
2. Fellowship with God through the HS. Spend time with God in
prayer/communication. John 15:5. It’s not enough to know the scripture, its
in knowing the one behind scripture.
3. Fellowship with believers (church) 1 John 1:1-4. We need fellowship to
grow. We need both the good and the bad to grow. The fruits of the spirit
get to develop from both the good and the bad people. Hebrews 10:24-25
4. Good spiritual leadership. Ephesians 4:11. We need to get good spiritual
leaders. You need to know if your spiritual leaders can help you grow. Find
a good church where you can be fed and grow there. All spiritual leaders
derive their authority from Jesus 1 Peter 5:1-4. Jesus himself is the great
sheperd and we are the under sheperd. It takes a good spiritual leader who
has the earth of the great sheperd to lead the people. Matt 9:35-38 without
a good pastor, the people will be weak and vulnerable. Their number one
responsibility of a pastor is to feed the people. John 21:15-17 when the
sheeps are well fed, they will be able to take care of themselves outside.

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