Nila J-2221020-English

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NIM : 2221020


Importance of Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene gives us freedom from diseases and infections. When we keep ourselves
clean there is no chance of bacteria, germs or virus multiplying in our bodies.When we go out to
meet persons for any purpose (whether it be work or pleasure) they may transmit their diseases
through saliva, nasal discharges etc., which would otherwise get transmitted to us if we are not
careful about our personal hygiene. It is therefore, the duty of every individual to maintain good
personal hygiene for his own sake as well as that of other people.

Maintaining good personal hygiene is a very simple task but it needs regularity and
perseverance. The body has natural means of cleansing itself in the form of skin, nails, mouth,
teeth and bowels. These must be given proper attention in order that they may remain healthy
and work properly.

The overall objective of hygiene is to make the conditions conducive for leading a
healthy and fruitful life. The ultimate goal of personal hygiene is to ensure search and destroy the
harmful microorganisms present on our body surfaces to the maximum extent possible.The idea
of keeping oneself clean has become very fashionable now-a-days. The personal hygienic
products are available in the market are meant for every age group, whether it is a baby, an adult
or an old person. Even if some basic hygiene measures are taken regularly by all persons it will
lead to healthy living.
The reason go to nursing study program

The reason I study at STIKES is so that I can gain more health knowledge. And that I can
be useful to society in the health sector. So i can help people who need help in the health sector.
Apart from that, going to school at STIKES is my dream. I've wanted to go to school at
Stikes for a long time. Because of that I am very happy and proud to study at Stikes. I really
enjoyed every stage in STIKES.
STIKES is also a leading university. There are very reliable and competent teachers
there.The quality of education is also very good. And the campus environment is clean and
comfortable, making students feel at home studying there.

1. I suffer from insomnia.

2. My friend has Psoriasis due to Autoimmune.
3. I had Covid-19 and had to self isolate at home for 14 days.
4. My neighbor had Debridement of his right legs because of his Diabetes.
5. My girl friend has nausea and vomiting.

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