Acido Urico - Snibe

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UA Uric acid Assay Kit (Uricase-PAP) Intended Use “Tho SnibeBiasoaye” UA reagent i intended for quartatvedeterinaion ‘of utc aid in human serum, Packas REF Cones “Suppoving arate 905030021 RIARCOmL RAAT mL 801200 ec2z00 ‘iol 2000, Biseays.c8 4905090028 RI: t#6OmL_RZ:1*15 mL Bin CXS 8.2450 AS-2450M 190 28 mL R227 Beene 40 80500002 Rt: 2e2emL AZ ZxTmL |g HRNIS MO Assay Principle The Sri Ure 326 Procedure is bases onthe axa of ure aid by stake to form allansin, carton eiase, and hyerogen peroxide, Hydrogen peroxide in the presence cf peroxidase causes the oxidative coupling of ‘amincantpyine AAP) and DHSS to fom a red chromogen. ‘The re ‘Suing change in absortance st 55 nm proportional tothe amount of uric ‘eid in the sare Reactive Ingredients Biossays® Clinical Chemistry c€ Specimen Collection end Storage Colect bood ssepicaly folowing the universal precautons for venipuncture with slandard sampling lubes, Separate serum as scons possible. + Domot use specimens wih bactera contamination er heat natvation. + Ensure compos ct formation na akan paca porto cantugnton. Some specimens, especialy tose fam palenle recshang anfooegusrt ot romboiyt therapy may eoiitineeased Sctng tne + For optmal resus, spocmans must be foe ofa, red bod ces or other particulate substance, + Avoid repeat feezethaw eyes. Tho epacmon can be feesn and tranod only one, Specimens must be med horus afer ing. + Specimens may be stored upto & days at 24°C and vp to 3 mors at 20°C or colder + Specimens wit concentations exceeding the upper rit of measuring range canbe ised wah saline Test Procedure 861200, 802200, Ben 000: Test procedure ‘Sample specimen, SABIaIOT oF 7 ona) lume (st) Ri volme (ul) 230. Mix toroughiy, Reubaled Yor SS min. And Wen read the abeorbance Ri OHS ing (ai st prnarlsscondary wavelength 605 nnv660 nm) Urcase 16000 Ut. RZ woiume (ul) Ed Re tAminoanteyring sina. Mix toreushly. Read The absorbance (2) at primansecondary oe soon _wavolangi (505 e860 rn) S min orale tha Abs change, ‘esses ate provided easy tose ‘Analysis Method 2 poten : - Rescfon Drecien Tnerease. Bat Not Provided Blossays 240 Ps, Blossays 240: EF 130800001 "Test procedure ‘sosse000 Sample (spoemen,calbaior or fee conto velume ut) ae REF 1308900008 RI vous (al) 7s ‘icase order stove accessories fom Shenghen New inauetse Bemedial Enginesing Co, Lis (SBE or cur aurerzes representatives + Putfed war, Sample cup * Gincal Cramisey Caltraton Serum Lavel 2 (REF CALZS50) of Rado Lepartores i ecormences to use ‘orcalraton, * Chemisty Corso! Premium Pus Level 2 (REF HNS90) and Coemiy CContl Premium Plus Level 3 (REF HE15S2) of Rando Laboraeres are ecammendes 6 use forqaly cont. Precautions + Forin vo agnosis use. ‘Before tang, pate road the sfoctve version of uoer mamual and make sure all procedures ae clear + Do not use the reagents beyend th expraton date, + Do not mocreagerts fom diferente number. * Avot ingasion and contact ul skin or mucaue membranes. Please ‘wear clean gloves wen operating wih a Yeagant Kz oF samples whion usta disposed ofina sate way. + [8s recommenced tnt ail human and anvmal sourced mates (c= brates, euasy conros and al specimens) shou be considera poten- ‘aly infocus ane handles in accordance uth the curent regulations ‘and guideines cf |ursdicional agency of laberatony 2 wall as ne cor- resporcing state eats. Reagent Storage and Stability ‘Uncoaned: trea st 28°C unt ine expiration date Opened trad at 28° fr 28 days (O-doare sabe fr days Do net eze esp auay tem setght 518 UAAIFU-on£U, V8.0, 2022-03, Mix terougiy, WEOESIEG Tar S aun Red tea read the SSNS (At t prmaryisecondary waveiengty (595 nmseo Ro volume (ly 38 Mix. torcughiy” Read the absorbance (AD) at prianisacondary ‘wavelength (505 911860 nr) Sn late. Cakulie the Abs change ‘Analysis Metros 2paint ena easton Deeeton Tnerosse Blossaye C8, Bisui XE eat proeadire ‘Samo (pacino rf conta) vlume Rt volume (1) Tae ‘ix thorough, cubated Yor 05 rin. Ana Than read the wbaotance (a) a pawanyisecondary vavlangih (505 nm/se0 om) RZ vain it) L 3 ‘Mix thoroughly” Read the absorbance (AS) at prmanyeecerdany ‘wavelength (305 ne sm Smita ‘Analyse Metiod ‘Reaction Dection 5.2480, AS 2480NE Test procedure ‘Sample ahuton Sin ‘Same paciran, caller ar a conte) valume (at Ri wots (a) ca TUR TerOUGhY, POUERRED EES Th. A Wan ead The BOSONS [At ativan serdar nvelengh S05 8 om) Fez vole iL) 16 i ora Rand be ahobarce (Ea pieavisarsy wavelength (505 97858 nn) Sin llr. Calculate the Abs chong ve [ Snibe) Taalyae Watbod| Zpentena Reaction Drecion increase Calibration [A two-point inear calloration ls used for UA, Cafbraton is stable for 99= proximately 28 days. FRecalbcaton recommended at any time fone ofthe following events "the Lot cuter of reagent changes + Provertave maintenance is performed or a ertical component is re- Plaoes +The reeults of quolty cont fa cust acoopttle ranges and a new Val of conta doesnot recy the problem. Quality Control + 10s recommended tata east two levels of cust contol, normal and sbnomal Een dij. Gust conte shoud ssa bean atthe caclon cf ew calbvatin, new et of reagents, and ater preveriave maintenance i paemed or a citcalcomponetis laced. + The cont itevals and hms shoud be adipted to each lsborstr/’s Inada ‘+ Enc erat shou exabisn corectve measures tobe taken aes ‘al ousdeme sete ints + Fotow ne sppcabe government rages ad local guidelines for quay contr Results Snibe systems automaticaly calevate the analyte concentration of each ‘sane. rmelL°190 bolt, Precision Pression was detemined ae desarised in the CLS! PS-A2, The fotowing results were btsined. Biossays” Clinical Chemistry deviation at the sted concontatons: *Trayearide at 2000mg/8L + irupn at tora + Hemoglobin at 200m, References, {US Department of Heath and Hunsn Services Blsafety In Mobi ‘ological and Blomeaies Labarstares. HAS Publeston (COC). 4% ed ‘wathington, 0: US Goverment Pining Ose, ay 1299, 2. Hains M, Hel, Wiis Wi Storage of serum and whole blood samples? “Etec of time and temparatre on 22 serum analytes, Eur J Cin Chem Cin Biochem 1995; 30:291-8. 43, Dale JO, Prutt SK. Pibbotomy-a minimalist approach Mayo lin Proe 1009; 68 (9}-248-55, 4, Sorep Cunadar, Mehmet Koseoaiy, Ayeanur Atay, Ahmet Olean. The ‘fest of storage time and freeze-thaw ayelea on th sltity of eorum samples. Biochem Medica: éasopis Hrvatskoge Druitve Medicinsin Blakemizare 2012, 29 (1 707 Ginical and Laboratory Sandards Insitute (CLS), Procedures forthe handling and processing of blood speciners for common laboratory test: approves guldeine. Document H18-A4, Val 30 N10 2010, 5. Fauleer AM, Likes-Hal AM, White GW. Evaluation of tho Grenier plasma separator tees tube. Ann Cin Scchem 1990, 27:386-7 7.6181 Dating, Esiblehing, and Venting Reference Intervals i th Giinieal Laboratoy; Approved Guldeine-Third Eeton. CLSI document —~ EP2e-Ate. Wayea, PA: Cincsl and Laboratory Standards Inte, ‘Symbols Explanations wa Terparatr it (sow mt24-C) Ccaatooue eee oor Ri Rengertt R2 Renta Zo mem | ff mee CConterts ott emch cote Ci ee | mol Seer EC [REP] ewmecumesn” | CE ce matting Crna says? and Biol are tracemarks of Snibe. Al ane product names and ademarks are te property oft respecive owners eal ‘Shenanon Now indutvie Slomedieal Engineering Co, Le No.23,Jneu East Read, Pigshan Dstt, 518122 Sherznen, PR, China “Tel 106.755.21596601 Fax: +06-765-20202740 ‘Shanghai International Holding Corp. GribH (Eureps) Eltesvasse €0, 20537 Hamburg, Germany “Tel: ¥49-402513175_Faxe 140-40-255726, Une | wean | Winie-Ri | setweenun [Tor pmet_| @a0) [so [eve | so [ove | so | om Sena Seu | soar | 119 | 297 | o27 | ase | 122 | 268 ‘Serum ' ry Seren | aeaso | 0.28 | 21 | 128 | ous | 14 | 242 ‘Serum Sen | roses | 2029 | 275 | az | 1.06 | 2528] 207 Recovery ‘he recover Is inte range of 80-110. Interference ‘Ths folowing subctancas normaly present in corum producod within 10% 518 UAIFUen€U, vB.0, 202203 22

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