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Marketing / Agencies

Top 50 Marketing KPIs

for Businesses and
Victoria Liaonenka May 17, 2021 23 min read

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are

metrics used to measure progress toward a
specific goal. For marketing agencies, this
could be something like improving Conversion
Rate by a certain percent, reducing Cost Per
Acquisition by a certain amount, or getting
into the top 10 SERP for target keywords.
Whatever the goal is — and it can be almost
anything, depending on the project you’re
working on, or the specific needs or goals of
your client — it needs to be something that
can be measured quantitatively and tracked
over time.

Marketing KPIs are often (though not always)

tied to specific campaigns. They act as an
objective indicator of whether that campaign
was successful. For example, if one social
media campaign had a KPI of increasing
Twitter impressions by 10%, the marketing
team executing the campaign would monitor
that KPI, and adjust their strategy as needed
to make sure they reach the finish line.

But remember: just because you’ve identified

your KPIs doesn’t mean you should forget
about all the other metrics. Make sure you’re
still actively monitoring related metrics as
your campaign progresses, just in case the
changes you’re making have a negative
impact. For example, if that social media
campaign successfully beat their Twitter
impressions KPI, but lost followers in the
process, that would still be a negative

Marketing KPIs vs. Marketing


So, are all of your marketing metrics KPIs?

The short answer: no. But they could be, in
the right circumstances.

A marketing metric is any measurable value

generated by one of your marketing
processes. In other words, can you measure
it? If so, it’s a metric. But that doesn’t mean
that metric is relevant to your goals right now,
and in order to become a KPI, it must be

A marketing metric becomes a KPI when it

directly aligns with a specific marketing goal
that you’re trying to achieve, and when you
define “success” for that metric as it relates
to your goal, and then use it to measure your
progress over time.

— For example, say, for Campaign A, your

team wants to increase your click-
through rate on a certain set of landing
pages. Your team decides that a
successful campaign will increase the
CTR by 10%, and then tracks their
progress by monitoring the CTR and
course-correcting as needed.

Overall, the pathway from marketing metric to

KPI looks like this:

!" Identify a goal you want to achieve with a

campaign or project.

$" Identify all of the metrics that could be

relevant to that goal.

%" Figure out which metrics are the most

important to focus on for that goal.

&" For the most important metrics, define,

specifically, what success “looks like” for
this project. These are your KPIs.

'" Identify other, related metrics to watch

that, while not connected to your goal,
could still be impacted by your activities.

(" Monitor those KPIs and related metrics

while executing your marketing campaign,
and use that data to inform your strategy.

Why Do I Need to Track KPIs for


Marketing KPIs can help you to clarify the

entire process of developing, executing and
analyzing your marketing campaigns. That’s
because, if you want to use KPIs, you’ll first
have to define:

What your actual goals are for this


How you’re going to measure success for

those goals

Specifically how you plan to achieve those


Which metrics are actually relevant when

analyzing this project

In other words, KPIs can act as an early gut-

check to make sure your campaign is fully
developed. Identifying your KPIs means you
know what success looks like for that project,
and can then make sure that your strategy is
tailored toward it.

Because KPIs are tied to the goals of a

campaign, they can also help your team align
and prioritize more effectively. Once you’re
executing the campaign, they can even help
you to self-evaluate, and if you face
unexpected challenges and need to update
your strategy accordingly, monitoring your
marketing KPIs will help you to identify that

KPIs are also an important part of your

marketing campaign’s post-mortem. Using
KPIs, you can identify which goals you
exceeded, met, and fell short on. Then you
can make recommendations on how you
could do better next time, and use those
findings going forward.

Another advantage KPIs can bring to your

marketing team: because they are
quantitative, they can help demonstrate your
team’s value to upper management and
clients in a more objective way.

All of that said, the most important takeaway

regarding KPIs for marketing agencies is
relevance. By identifying marketing metrics
closely related to your specific goals for each
project, you can target them as KPIs to
ensure that your team is working effectively
to support your client’s goals and your
organization as a whole.

Keep reading to learn about the key

marketing metrics and KPIs you should pay
attention to.

6 Customer KPIs Marketing

Agencies Should Track

1. Customer Acquisition Cost


Customer Acquisition Cost [CAC\ is a

powerful metric that calculates the estimated
cost of acquiring a new customer. On a basic
level, you can calculate it by dividing the total
marketing spend by the number of new
customers acquired over the course of a

Customer Acquisition Cost

/CAC0 " Cost of Marketing /
New Customers Acquired

How to decrease: To decrease your CAC, try

focusing on:

Optimizing your conversion rate

Creating more powerful marketing


Optimizing your copy to draw more organic


Taking a closer look at your marketing

spend, and eliminate unnecessary costs

2. Sales Closing Ratio

Sales Closing Ratio measures the efficiency

of the sales process. You might choose to
calculate this by individual salespersons or
collectively. To calculate it, divide the number
of successful sales (closes) by the total
number of leads for that campaign. Then
multiply the result by 100. This is the ratio of
closes to leads expressed as a percentage.

Sales Closing Ratio " Closed

Deals / Total Sales Leads * 100

How to improve: Here are some ideas for

improving your sales closing ratio:

Examine your sales process to identify any

specific weak points

Asking for feedback to find out more about

why potential customers went in a different

Make sure your marketing materials are

clearly expressing the value of your

3. Customer LTV

Customer LTV refers to the average overall

value a customer brings throughout their
entire relationship with a business. In other
words, how much they spend on your

One simple way to calculate LTV is by

subtracting Lifetime Customer Costs from the
Lifetime Customer Revenue. In order to
calculate this effectively, you’ll need to make
sure you have a large enough sample size.

Customer Lifetime Value

/CLTV0 " Lifetime Customer
Revenue C Lifetime Customer

4. Churn Rate

Churn Rate refers to the number of customers

that left a product or service over a given
period. The simplest way to calculate this is
to divide the number of lost customers for a
given period by the total number of
customers at the start of that period.

Customer Churn Rate " Lost

Customers / Total Customers *

How to decrease: To reduce your churn rate,

focus on increasing customer retention. First,
do some research to find out the reasons
those customers might have left. Then
address those issues if possible, and try to
add value to your product to entice more
customers to stay.

5. Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate refers to the rate at which

people who interact with your advertising
follow through with a certain action. That
action could be something like contacting
your business, or a purchase. To calculate it,
divide the total number of conversions by the
total number of interactions.

Conversion Rate " Total

Conversions / Total Interactions *

How to improve: If you need to improve your

conversion rate, take a closer look at your
content, and make sure it closely aligns with
the products or services a customer could
expect if they click on your ad. Then make
sure your landing page is clear, consistent,
and accessible to users.

6. Upsell Rate

Upsell Rate is the number of customers who

purchased additional products or services
(i.e. an upsell) divided by the total number of

Upsell Rate " Total Upsells /

Total Customers * 100

How to improve: If you’d like to improve your

upsell rate, first make sure you’re offering
something customers are looking for. Then
revisit your sales process. Make sure those
opportunities are being communicated
effectively and are easily accessible by your

5 Financial KPIs For Marketing


1. Operating Cash Flow (OCF)

Operating Cash Flow [OCF\ is the amount of

money generated by your day-to-day
business operations. It’s a useful benchmark
for determining how stable and healthy your
business growth is. On a very basic level, this
is the total cash generated by sales minus
your operating costs.

Operating Cash Flow /OCF0 =

Total Revenue C Operating

How to improve: To improve your operating

cash flow, in addition to working to increase
sales, take a closer look at your operating
costs and see if you can reduce them.

2. Monthly Recurring Revenue

(MRR) / Monthly Recurring Profit

Monthly Recurring Revenue [MRR\ is the

amount of revenue generated over a given
month that is expected to continue. Some
examples include ongoing contracts or
monthly subscriptions. As a result, it’s pretty
simple to calculate. Simply take the cost of
the service or subscription and multiply it by
the number of subscribers that month.

Monthly Recurring Revenue

/MRR0 " Cost of the Service or
Subscription * Customers

If you find it more useful, you can also

calculate your Monthly Recurring Profit. All
you have to do is take your MRR and subtract
your expenses from that month.

Monthly Recurring Profit =

Monthly Recurring Revenue -
Expenses This Month

3. Net Profit / Net Margin

Net Profit is the amount left over after you

subtract your expenses and operating costs
from your total revenue. If this figure is lower
than you’d like it to be, it could be that you
incurred too many expenses, or that you need
to increase your sales. Closely examine both
of these issues to maximize your chances of

Net profit " Total Revenue -

Total Expenses

If you want an even clearer picture, try also

calculating your Net Margin, which is how
much profit is generated as a percent of total
revenue. All you have to do is divide your net
profit by your total revenue. To express it as a
percent, multiply the result by 100.

Net Margin " Net Profit / Total

Revenue * 100

4. Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment [ROI\ measures how

profitable or efficient your activities or
campaigns were for your business. To
calculate the ROI of a marketing campaign,
first, subtract the marketing costs and the
average organic sales growth from your total
sales growth. Then divide the result by your
marketing costs.

Return on Investment /ROI0 =

PTotal Revenue C Total Cost) /
Total Cost *100

5. How to improve: to improve this figure,

first, try and increase the efficiency of your
marketing spend. Track the number of hours
your team spent on a campaign, compared to
its ROI to see how efficient your team’s
activities were and find areas of improvement.
Also, take a closer look at sales-related KPIs
like the Sales Closing Ratio and Customer

The 32 Best KPIs for Digital

Marketing for Agencies

Top Lead Generation KPIs

Lead generation KPIs focus on how

effectively your marketing efforts have
attracted potential new customers. As any
marketing professional knows, a lot goes into
lead generation, depending on the type of
campaign you’re running and that user’s
specific journey to finding you. Here are a few
important lead generation KPIs to track:

1. Monthly new leads

By tracking the number of new leads

generated each month, you can get a bird’s
eye view of how effective your marketing
efforts are overall. If you see a sudden, sharp
decline, take a closer look at those
campaigns and how they could be more

2. Primary lead sources

In other words, how did your leads find out

about you? By keeping track of how many
leads are generated by each source (organic
search, digital ad campaigns, referral traffic,
social media, etc.) you can get an idea of
where your audience is and which channels
are most effective for you.

3. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

These leads have somehow indicated that
they are interested in your product or service
based on marketing efforts. Often, this means
they’ve volunteered their contact info, filled
out a form to download a white paper, opted
into a newsletter, etc. Tracking how many
MQLs you generate each month can be a
useful indicator of how effective your
campaigns are, and how much marketing has
contributed to the overall sales process.

4. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

When MQLs are passed on to the sales team,

the sales team then determines whether they
get to become a Sales Qualified Lead [SQL\.
The specific criteria may vary, but generally,
teams qualify leads by comparing MQLs to
their ideal customer profile (demographics,
industry, location, etc). If too few MQLs are
becoming SQLs, it may be useful to revisit
your marketing strategies to make sure you’re
attracting the type of customer you want.

5. Cost per lead (CPL)

Also a digital advertising pricing model, in the

context of digital marketing KPIs, cost per
lead refers to the amount of marketing spend
per lead generated. To calculate it, divide
your total marketing spend for a campaign by
the number of leads generated by this

Cost per Lead /CPL0 " Total

Amount Spent / Total Leads

How to improve: To improve your CPL, first,

try narrowing your target audience to make
sure that the people seeing your ad are
actually the ones you want. If that’s not the
right strategy for you, try segmenting your
audience so that you can target each
segment more accurately. Finally, take a close
look at your ad content and make sure it’s
both interesting and effective, with a clear
call to action.

6. Cost per conversion/ Cost per

acquisition (CPA)

Similar to cost per lead, cost per conversion

calculates how much it cost for a campaign to
acquire actual customers. To calculate it,
divide the total marketing spend for that
campaign by the number of conversions.

Cost per Acquisition " Total

Amount Spent / Total

7. Average time of conversion

This metric looks at how long, on average, it

takes a customer to convert and can measure
how efficient the conversion process is. To
calculate it, you first need the sum total of all
transaction time for the period or campaign
you are analyzing. Divide that sum by the
number of conversions.

Time of Conversion " Total

Transaction Time / Total

8. Customer Retention Rate (CRR)

This metric measures the rate at which

existing customers continue doing business
with you. It can show how satisfied and loyal
your customers are with you — and,
conversely, act as a red flag when there’s a
sudden decline. Calculate your CRR by
subtracting the number of new customers
from the total number of customers at the
end of the period you’re analyzing. Then
divide the result by the number of customers
you started with, and multiply the result by

Customer Retention Rate /CRR0

= PCustomers at the end of the
period C New customers) /
Customers at the beginning of
the period * 100

How to improve: To improve your CRR, the

first step is to take a closer look at the
customers you did lose and try to identify
why. Was there a recent change in your
product, service, or other activities — or have
you received any feedback from them? Some
other useful strategies include fostering a
robust customer feedback system to nip
potential issues in the bud, increasing your
customer education efforts, offering loyalty
incentives, and communicating more regularly
and directly with your customers.

9. Conversions

There are a few different types of conversions

you could track in digital marketing.
Calculating your visitors to leads conversion
rate can show you how effective your digital
ad campaigns and web copy are at attracting
potential customers. Calculating your leads to
opportunities conversion rate can show you
how targeted your campaigns are, and
whether they’re attracting the right types of

An important thing to remember when

tracking conversions: it’s more useful to look
at conversion in relation to specific data slices
(e.g. mobile conversion, by location, etc.).
This will result in more actionable data, which
you can use to improve.

Top Website and Traffic KPIs

Website and Traffic KPIs focus on how

effective your website is at attracting visitors,
keeping their attention, and providing the
information they’re looking for. In other words:
whether people are finding the site at all, and
how much time they spend interacting with
your content. Here are a few KPIs to consider:

10. Monthly website traffic

This refers to how many unique sessions

(visits) your website received over the past
month. This figure can be impacted by
organic SEO, marketing campaigns, and user
experience, just to name a few factors.

11. Returning vs. new visitors

Comparing the number of returning visitors

each month to the number of new visitors can
tell you two things: first, whether you’re
successfully attracting new visitors with your
content, and second, whether those visitors
connect with your content enough to want to
keep coming back.

If your returning visitors are too few, it might

be that your website is difficult to navigate, or
that they’re not finding the information they’re
looking for. If you are not attracting enough
new visitors, you might need to strengthen
your SEO.

12. Average time on page and session


Average time on the page refers to the

average amount of time a user spends on a
single page (i.e. reading your blog post),
whereas session duration tells you how long a
user spent on your website as a whole,
across all the pages they visited, excluding
entrance and exit pages.

If either of these metrics is too low, take a

closer look at your content. Think carefully
about the type of information a user might be
looking for when visiting that page, and make
sure that the content you have aligns with
those expectations and is substantive enough
to keep their interest.

13. Website conversion rate

To measure your website conversion rate,

simply divide the number of conversions for
the campaign or period you’re analyzing by
the total number of sessions. To express this
as a percent, multiply the result by 100. This
can be a useful metric to demonstrate the
value of your website as part of the sales

To improve your website conversion rate,

make sure that you’re providing convenient
opportunities for users not only to learn about
your products or services but also to get in
touch with you about it. Check that all the
most important information (including an easy
way to contact you) is present on every page
where it would be relevant.

14. Click-through rate (CTR)

At a basic level, CTR is the rate at which

people click on a link that takes them to
another page. As such, you can measure CTR
for organic search, digital ad campaigns, or
even internal links on your own website. To
calculate it, simply divide the number of clicks
by the number of impressions, and multiply
the result by 100 to express it as a percent.

Click-through rate /CTR0 =

Clicks / Impressions * 100

To improve your CTR, take a closer look at the

context surrounding those links. Are the links
visually clear and obvious to the user? Are
you providing enough detail, so that users
know what to expect when they click — and
does the landing page match those
expectations? Are the links relevant to that
page, and do they provide sufficient value to
the user?

15. Pages per visit

Often displayed as an average of all users,

this metric refers to the number of pages a
user typically visits on your website during a
single visit. You can calculate this by dividing
the number of page views by the number of
visits during a given period. Used in
conjunction with the average time on page
and session duration, it can help paint a more
comprehensive picture of how your visitors
interact with your website.


SEO KPIs examine how effective your website

is from an organic search perspective. In
other words, they help you to understand
how easily visitors can find you when
spontaneously searching on Google (or their
preferred search engine), excluding paid

16. Organic Search Traffic

This measures, specifically, the traffic your

website (or an individual landing page)
received over a given period that originated
with an organic search query. There are a
number of ways you could choose to look at
this data, including the number of sessions,
users, or new users that visited your site. A
tool like Organic Traffic Insights can help you
track and analyze this.

17. Leads and Conversions from

Organic Search

In other words, how much of your organic

traffic takes the next step by becoming a
lead. This could be through contact forms,
landing pages, etc. You can measure this in
Google Analytics by setting up your
Conversion Goals. Your goal conversion rate
is equal to the total number of goal
conversions (i.e. the specified activity, such
as completing a contact form or making a
purchase) divided by the total number of
organic sessions.

18. Backlinks

As one of Google’s top-ranking factors,

tracking your backlinks is a crucial part of any
SEO strategy. Key metrics include the total
number of backlinks leading to your domain,
the number of unique domains giving you
backlinks, the number of links lost and earned
each month, and toxic backlinks. Some useful
tools for tracking your Backlink KPIs include
our Backlink Analytics and Backlink Audit

19. Authority Score

This metric was developed by Semrush to

analyze a site’s overall quality and SEO
performance. A number of other metrics
contribute to this score, including traffic,
organic search, and the number, quality, and
nature of your backlinks, and is displayed as a
value of 100.

20. Google PageRank

Google’s PageRank may not be publicly

available anymore, but it’s still a major factor
in your website’s organic performance — and
why a solid backlink strategy is so important.
As such, it’s important to make sure to collect
as many high-quality, relevant backlinks from
other authoritative sources as possible.

21. Keywords in the Top 10 SERP

Which and how many keywords your domain

ranks in the top 10 for is a huge indicator of
how successful your SEO strategy is. Our
Position Tracking tool can help you track and
analyze your performance overall and
compared to the competition.

22. Rank Increase of Target Keywords

Is your current SEO campaign trying to

increase your SERP rank for certain specific
keywords? If so, tracking your position for
those keywords over time is a crucial KPI for
that project.

23. Number of Unique Keywords

Driving Traffic

It’s important to know how many total

keywords are bringing visitors to your site, not
just the specific ones you’re targeting.
Organic Traffic Insights, together with Google
Search Console, can analyze how many
keywords you’re ranking for and the amount
of traffic they’re each bringing you.

Report essential marketing KPIs

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Top Paid Advertising KPIs

Paid Advertising KPIs measure the

effectiveness of your ad campaigns, including
paid search, display advertising, social media
advertising, and sponsored content. These
KPIs are especially useful, because they can
help analyze not just where leads and traffic
are coming from, but also how efficiently your
marketing dollars are being spent.

24. Leads and conversions from paid


This metric measures how effective your paid

ads are at generating leads or customers. You
can analyze your paid advertising conversions
with the Conversion Tracking tool in Google
Ads, or within your preferred advertising
platform. This metric is calculated by dividing
the number of conversions (filling out a form,
calling, completing a purchase) by the total
number of ad interactions.

25. Cost per Acquisition (CPA) and

Cost per Conversion (CPC)

Both Cost per Acquisition and Cost Per

Conversion refer to the amount of advertising
dollars spent for each attributed sale. CPA is
the more commonly used term due to the fact
that many paid advertising platforms use Cost
per Click (also CPC\ as a payment model. You
can calculate your CPA by dividing the total
amount spent on that paid advertising
campaign by the number of conversions
attributed to it.

26. Click-Through Rate (CTR) on PPC


Еracking your CTR is especially important in

PPC advertising because, in addition to
showing you how successful that ad is, in
many cases, it also directly impacts the
amount you pay for that ad. In Google Ads,
your CTR is calculated by dividing the total
number of clicks your ad received by the
number of times the ad was shown.

Top Social Media Marketing KPIs

Social Media Marketing KPIs measure the

impact your social media strategy has on your
overall sales and marketing performance and
help to demonstrate the overall value of an
investment in social media. Here are some of
the social media marketing metrics and KPIs
you should be tracking:

Social media KPIs for agencies

27. Traffic from social media

You can track the amount of traffic referred to

your website through social channels using
Google Analytics. All you have to do is select
the “Social” channel under “All Traffic.” You
can also analyze your competitors’ social
traffic using our Traffic Journey report in
Traffic Analytics.

28. Leads and Conversion Rates from

Social Media

An important measure of the effectiveness of

any social media campaign, you can track
your conversion rates from social media using
UTMs and Google Analytics by selecting
Acquisitions, then Social, then Conversions.
You can calculate your conversion rate by
dividing the total number of conversions by
the total number of clicks.

29. Audience Size and Growth Rate

Audience size basically refers to the number

of followers you have across your social
media channels. You can calculate your
audience growth rate by dividing your new
followers across a period by your total
follower count, and multiplying the result by
100. Calculating the growth rate can help you
to analyze your social media campaign
success and the overall health of your

30. Engagement Rate

This metric helps to illustrate whether the

content you post resonates with your
audience. Calculate the engagement rate of a
post by dividing the total number of actions
(replies, likes, etc.) by your follower count,
and multiply the result by 100.

31. Mentions

Mentions are an important indicator of both

engagement and brand awareness. You can
track your mentions on your preferred social
media management platforms, or by using our
Brand Monitoring tool.

32. Social Media ROI

Calculating ROI for social media can be

confusing because there are so many
different ways you could define “return,”
including everything from conversions
attributed to social media to an increased
follower count. However, the most basic way
to calculate ROI for social media is to subtract
the costs of your social media campaign from
the total monetary value of your social media
conversions, and then dividing the result by
that same monetary value.

Top 4 Project KPIs For

Marketing Agencies

1. Lead Time Per Project

Lead Time Per Project is a straightforward

metric that measures the amount of time
between a project’s initiation and delivery. In
other words, how long will it take for a project
to be finished after it was requested? You can
typically track this using your preferred
project management software. However, it
might also be useful to calculate an average
lead time across multiple similar projects as a
simple benchmark.

2. Estimated vs. Actual Project


Estimated vs. Actual Project Time compares

the amount of time you expect a project to
take to its actual lead time, with a goal of
being as accurate as possible. An accurate
estimated project time can help you manage
your team’s workload effectively, ensuring the
team has enough time to deliver a quality
result while remaining efficient.

3. Estimated vs. Actual Project


Estimated vs. Actual Project Cost compares

the estimated cost of a project with the
actual amount of money spent to complete it.
Cost estimation is crucial for keeping your
project within budget constraints. This can be
a complex process, so in project
management, especially on larger projects
and programs, many project teams have
members that specialize in cost estimation. A
key component of accurate cost estimation is
a thorough understanding of what that
project will entail, and the expected cost of
each individual component.

4. Utilization Rate

Utilization Rate refers to the amount of time

an employee spends on billable tasks, i.e.
work directly related to the project in
question. Utilization rate helps to determine
how productive and efficient your team is,
identify potential issues, and price your work
accurately for clients. To calculate the
utilization rate, divide total billable hours by
total working hours, and multiply the result by

Best Marketing KPIs for Client


When reporting to clients, the specific KPIs

you need to include depend on a number of
factors, including the type of work you’re
doing, your specific goals for that project, the
type and frequency of reports.

Daily Marketing Reports are often used

internally by an agency to quickly identify
and resolve issues with an ongoing project.
This could include things like daily traffic,
social media performance, organic search
positions, etc.

Weekly Marketing Reports are a bigger

picture compared to daily reports and often
include a broader picture of traffic
dynamics, social media metrics, etc. They
focus on short and medium-term efforts
and are often scheduled at the beginning
of the workweek, so as to better plan for
the week ahead.

Monthly Marketing Reports provide a

higher-level view of long-term projects.
They are useful because they help you to
better see the impact of your marketing
activities over time. Information often
included in monthly reports includes
performance of traffic by channel, progress
or completion of goals, and ROI.

Monthly Competitor Analysis Reports are

useful in better understanding why you
faced certain challenges over the past
month, such as ranking changes or
increased cost per click.

SEO Reports are usually sent on a weekly

or monthly basis. They can help you or your
clients to understand how organic traffic is
changing over time, which keywords are
the most effective for their audience, and
SERP features.

Backlink Reports help clients to

understand their backlink profile and how it
could be impacting their SEO. They can
also help you to spot and resolve potential
issues before you get penalized. These
reports might include the number of
backlinks gained and lost, toxic backlinks
vs. healthy backlinks, the most used
anchor text, and the number and type of
links you’re receiving.

Technical SEO Reports focus specifically

on technical issues impacting the user
experience and problems impacting the
site’s ability to be indexed, such as
crawlability. Factors that could be included
in a Technical SEO Report include site
speed, errors, AMP, mobile usability,
security, and other issues.

Social Media Performance Reports give a

bird’s eye view of your social media
performance and how it has changed over
time. This includes factors like your
audience growth rate, engagement, your
level of activity over a certain period, and
social media conversions.

Brand Reputation Reports typically focus

on brand mentions and how they
contribute to the overall visibility and
perception of your brand. This could
include the number of mentions you
received across all channels, the amount of
traffic driven by those mentions, and

To learn more about building effective reports

for your clients and your own team and get 9
free report templates, check out our blog
post on marketing report templates and

Create Effective Marketing

Reports with Semrush

Creating effective, engaging, and

comprehensive reports for your clients is
easier than ever with our My Reports tool,
which empowers you to create and schedule
PDF reports, customized to the needs of your
clients or your team.

Using My Reports, you can:

Create reports using a broad range of data,

including Semrush, Google Analytics,
Google Search Console, and Google My

Save time using templates, or build a

custom report from scratch

Set your reports up once, and

automatically receive them on a daily,
weekly, or monthly schedule

Plus, the Agency Growth Kit allows you to

customize your reports even further, using
white labeling, branding, and design themes.

Report essential marketing KPIs

From 40= Semrush tools, Google Analytics, Google
Search Console, and more

Try it free →


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