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Experiences in Arts and Cultural Management

Priya Sandhu

MacEwan University

AGAD 100

Rebecca Cotter

October 11, 2023

Classification: Protected A

Experiences in Arts and Cultural Management

In this paper, I will delve into my involvement in arts and cultural management, drawing

inspiration from the "Standing By" podcast. This podcast features conversations with Canadian

theater professionals who share their experiences and viewpoints. I will offer a brief overview of

the podcast's content, highlight three key insights from these discussions, and consider how these

experiences link to the coursework in the field of arts and cultural management.

Summary of the Podcast Content

The "Standing By" podcast immerses itself in the Canadian theatrical realm, acting as a

space for theater professionals to divulge their insights, obstacles, and triumphs. Within its

episodes, it offers a peek into the intricate universe of the performing arts, encompassing areas

such as directing, production, acting, stage coordination, and more. The conversations delve into

the intricacies of overseeing and crafting theater productions, encompassing the hurdles tied to

financing, audience involvement, and the artistic process.

Key takeaways

The Power of Collaboration

A prominent recurring motif in the podcast revolves around the pivotal role of teamwork

within the theatrical realm. Theater professionals underscore that the triumph of a production

typically springs from a collaborative endeavor. This concurs with the course material's focus on

the multidisciplinary character of arts and cultural management. Successful cooperation

encompasses not solely artists but also executives, promoters, and organizers.

Adaptability and Resilience

Classification: Protected A

The theater realm, as explored in the podcast, brims with its inherent unpredictability.

Whether it's the impromptu alterations to the script or those unanticipated technical hiccups, those

in the field often grapple with unforeseen hurdles. This underlines the course's focal point on

flexibility and fortitude. Those overseeing the artistic and cultural domains need to be well-versed

in maneuvering through unforeseeable challenges and adjusting to shifting situations.

Audience Engagement and Community Building

The podcast often stresses the importance of audience engagement and community

building in theater. A production's success is closely tied to creating personal and emotional

connections with the audience. This aligns with the course's emphasis on audience development

and community outreach in arts and cultural management. Building a dedicated and engaged

audience is vital for cultural institutions' sustainability and vibrancy.

Reflection on Connections to Course Content

The insights from the "Standing By" podcast align with arts and cultural management's

core principles. These field experiences fortify course content and exemplify vital links.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The podcast underscores the need for diverse collaboration

in theater, reflecting arts and cultural management's interdisciplinary nature, where professionals

of various backgrounds unite for successful cultural endeavors.

Adaptability and Resilience: The theater industry's unpredictability underscores

adaptability and resilience in arts and cultural management. Audience Engagement and

Community Building: The podcast underscores audience connection and community building,

aligning with the course's emphasis on audience development and community outreach for cultural

institutions' sustainability.

Classification: Protected A


The podcast, "Standing By," has offered valuable insights into the realm of theater and its

intricate ties to the field of arts and cultural management. The key lessons extracted from the

conversations regarding cooperation, flexibility, and audience involvement underscore the

pragmatic applicability of the coursework. These encounters have fortified my grasp of the

fundamental principles and obstacles inherent to arts and cultural management, thus bolstering my

capability to positively impact cultural organizations in the times ahead.

Classification: Protected A


“Standing By”.

Classification: Protected A

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