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Sesión 9

A: Good afternoon, excuse me, do you know how to get to the coffee?

B: Good afternoon, yes, it’s just around the corner on first avenue harper street. on 121st

A: really? I'm not from around here.

B: it's in front of the theater.

A: in front of the theater? really?, ok Thanks for everything, see you.

B: See you, too.

Conversation 2:

A: Good afternoon, excuse me, do you know how to get to the coffee?

B: Good afternoon, the cofee? do you know the adress?

A: I'm not from around here.

B: oh drive, it’s just around the corner on first 121 harper street avenue.

A: really?

B: yes, it's in front of the theater.

A: in front of the theater? , ok Thanks for everything, see you.

B: See you, too.

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