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Sesión 13

A: What’s new?

B: Actually, i have some good news. My aunt just got married!

A: That's great. Congratulations!

B: Thanks.

A: So Tell me about her husband. What does he do?

B: Well, he Works at Andecorp. He’s a worker.

A: Oh great! What does she do?

B: well, she Works at home. she is a candy vendor.

A: Great! And Tell me, does your aunt have children?

B: Well on my aunt's side with her ex-husband she has 2 children.

A: Wow, really! And do you Actually have children with her husband?

B: Yes, Actually they have a son.

A: Wow fantastic, beautiful family. Congratulations!

B: Thanks a lot.

Yo: Hey, what’s up?

B: Actually, I have some good news. My brother just got into the college.

Yo: That’s great news. Congratulations!

B. Thanks! Yes, my family and I are proud of him.

Yo: So, What career did he choose?

B. Well, He will study engineering.

Yo: Great!I wish him luck.

Yo: Hey, what's new?

B: I have good news.

Yo: good.

B: Yes.

Yo: Tell me?

B: My cousin already has a boyfriend.

Yo: Tell me about your boyfriend. What does he do?

B: Works at Metro. he is an employee.

Yo: So interesting!
Yo: What does she do?

B: Study Architecture.

Yo: Great and Tell me, do you have children?

B: Well, he has no children.

Yo: I understand, do you plan to have children with your boyfriend?

B: Yes, she wants 2 children with her boyfriend.

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