Karai Karai Karekare English Hausa Dictionary Compress

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†Malam Kariya Gambo, Umaru Manu Karofi, †Dauda
Mamu, AND Rifkatu I. Bumi
Edited by
Russell G. Schuh

Yobe Languages Research Project




Edited by

Yobe Languages Research Project

Copyright © 2009
Yobe Languages Research Project

Preparation and publication of this work was supported by a grant from the US
National Science Foundation (award BCS-05553222, Russell G. Schuh, Principal

Published by
Ajami Press, Box 343, Potiskum, Yobe State

This is the SECOND EDITION of the Karekare-English-Hausa1

dictionary. The FIRST EDITION was published in 2004 by the Yobe
Languages research project. This new edition has been expanded by
several hundred items, grammatical information and examples of use
have been added to entries, and many corrections, both typographical
and substantive, have been made.
A few short wordlists of Karekare were published in the 19th and
20 centuries, but prior to the 2004 FIRST EDITION, the only published
works on Karekare using modern linguistic analysis are
“Tschadohamitsiche Sprachproben aus Nordnigerien (Karekare- und
Bolanci-Texte)” by Johannes Lukas (Deutsches Institute für Afrika-
Forschung, 1966) and The Orthography of the Karai-Karai Language
by Adamu Hassan (Karai-karai Language Committee, 1988). There is
some dialectal variation in Karekare, but dialect distinctions are not as
sharp as, say, between the Gudi and Yaya dialects of Ngamo, nor do
dialect distinctions impede intelligibility across the Karekare
community. This dictionary has therefore not attempted to strictly
adhere to forms of words from a single dialect.
Despite the changes and expansions to the original Karekare
dictionary mentioned in the first paragraph, this SECOND EDITION
should still be viewed as a work in progress. There undoubtedly
remain numerous inaccuracies, typographical slip-ups, and of course,
many words that should be in a Karekare dictionary that remain to be
assembled. The editor welcomes comments, corrections, and
additions that might be incorporated in future editions.

The name of the language is actually pronounced Karai-Karai. The spelling
“Karekare” is the most familiar in published works on the language and is the
spelling that was used in the FIRST EDITION of the dictionary and has hence been
retained here.

iv Introduction


Karekare uses the same spelling system as Hausa for the most
part. However, Karekare has a few sounds not found in Hausa. They
are as follows:

Lateral fricatives: 2 tl, dl

tl (voiceless) dl (voiced)
tlaram ‘guinea corn leaves’ dlrbda ‘joking around’
àtlai ‘cotton’ gàdlai ‘granary’

Nasally released stops: hn

hnn ‘food’ (from /tin/-note “t” in tukàu ‘he ate’)
hnnau ‘me’ (from /dìnau/-note “d” in dìkau ‘you (masc)’)
hnn ‘climbing’ (from /in/-note “” in ku ‘he climbed’)

The combinations tin-, din-, and in- become nasally released

stops + n, spelled as “hn”. The spelling “hn” actually represents
three different pronunciations, but only a single spelling is used since
one can always know the source sound by knowing related forms of
the words where t, d, or  appear as such, as in the examples above.
Related to the nasal release of stops in the three cases above, nin- and
ndin- both become nn-, that is, a syllabic nasal followed by n, for
example, nn ‘seeing’ from /nin/ and nn ‘going’ from /ndin/.
Karekare poses problems for spelling in addition to these non-
Hausa and non-English sounds. Some of the main problems are the
p vs. f: Standard Hausa spelling does not use the letter “p”,
though in some cases, the sound written “f” in Hausa is pronounced as
[p], for example tsaf ‘full’ pronounced [tsap]. Adamu Hassan notes
that at the beginnings of words or between vowels p and f tend to be
freely substituted for each other, but in some cases (mainly when next
to a consonant in the middle of a word) only p is heard, as in àpti
Adamu Hassan recommends the spellings lh and lz respectively for the lateral
fricatives. In a way, these spellings are preferable to tl and dl, but we have chosen
the latter spellings because they have a long tradition in languages of northern
Nigeria such as Ngizim, Bura, and Margi.
Introduction v

‘flour’ or dìmpo ‘forehead’. Also, p seems to be be preferred or even

required at the beginning of some words, such as pir ‘whirring of
wings’. The dictionary uses both “p” and “f” depending on the
preferred pronunciation. Because of variation, the user of the
dictionary may have to look for a particular word under “p” if it is not
found under “f” or vice versa.
’w vs. w: Adamu Hassan points out a distinction between
glottalized ’w and plain w, giving pairs of words like íwak ‘goats’
vs. wai ‘one’. Not all speakers make this distinction, usually using
only plain w for such words. Words that were presented by speakers
who make this distinction are entered in the dictionary as such, with
’w alphabetized after w. A user of the dictionary may have to look
under both letters to find a desired entry.
’y vs. y: The sounds y and its glottalized counterpart ’y are
distinct sounds in Karekare, as in tìnyà ‘scabies’ vs. hníywi ‘late
morning’. Particularly at the beginning of a word, however,
pronunciation seems to vary freely between the two sounds, for
example, íywo = ywo ‘good’. Probably every word that begins in
one of these sounds could substitute the other. The dictionary,
however, includes only pronunciations that were used by speakers at
the time the words were entered. A user of the dictionary may have to
look under both letters to find a desired entry.
“r” sounds [] and []: Adamu Hassan is the first person to point
out that Karekare has two “r” sounds. These are a retroflex flap []
and a tap/trill [], for example [sh] ‘swinging’ but [wu] ‘a lie’.
This same distinction is found in Hausa and Ngizim. In order to be
scientifically correct, the dictionary should consistently mark the type
of “r” that a word contains. However, it is possible that not all
speakers make this distinction. Because the compilers did not take
note of this distinction from the beginning and because it is subtle and
difficult to hear, especially for non-native speakers of Karekare, this
edition of the dictionary, like the FIRST EDITION, uses the symbol “r”
for both sounds. Future editions of the dictionary, ideally, will mark
the distinction for all words containing an “r” sound.
o vs. au and e vs. ai at the end of a word: There is variation in
pronounciation when these sounds come at the end of a word. For
example, one can hear both cìrò and cìràu ‘thief’ and both lw and
vi Introduction

lwi ‘children’. This cannot really be called a dialectal difference

because even a single speaker may sometimes use one pronunciation,
sometimes the other. Moreover, it is not clear whether ALL cases of
final o may vary with au and ALL cases of final e may vary with ai.
The entries in this dictionary show the pronunciation that was used by
the speaker who produced the word at the time it was entered into the
dictionary. Some entries show that both variants exist, for example,
cìrò = cìràu ‘thief’, but many of the entries that show only final o or e
undoubtedly have variants with au or ai respectively and vice versa.
i vs. u in the middle of a word: In languages like Bole, one finds
pairs of words such as bìdò ‘monkey’ and bùto ‘ashes’ where the
vowels in the middle of the words are pronounced differently.
Karekare has no such pairs of words. For example, the Karekare
words corresponding to the two Bole words both actually have the
vowel [”], as in Kanuri b”là ‘town’. Ideally, one might like to adopt
the Kanuri convention and write the Karekare words as bd
‘monkey’ and bto ‘ashes’, but use of the letter “”” seems
unappealing to Karekare speakers. The dictionary entries thus use the
letters “i” or “u” for this vowel sound more or less as speakers feel it
is pronounced for a particular word. Sometimes both spellings are
included, such as bto = bto ‘ashes’. A user of the dictionary may
have to look under both “i” and “u” to find a desired entry.
The distinctions between long and short vowels and distinctions
between tones (whether a syllable is spoken with a higher or lower
voice pitch) are both important for correct pronunciation and for
distinguishing the meanings of words in Karkare. Native speakers of
Karekare, however, know the correct vowel lengths and tones of
words without having to see them written, and like publications in
Hausa, publications in Karekare generally do not mark vowel length
and tone. In order to make the dictionary more useful to those who
are not fluent speakers of Karekare, vowel length and tones are
marked in dictionary entries. All marking of vowel length and tone
consists of small diacritic marks above the the letters. Native
speakers of Karekare who do not need these markings to know the
Introduction vii

correct pronunciation of words may simply ignore them. Marking of

tones and vowel lengths are as follows:3

• LONG VOWELS have a macron above the vowel, short vowels have
no marking for length:
Long vowel: Short vowel:
r  ‘second weeding’ r ‘peeling’
d fu ‘leaves’ dfu ‘scar’

• LOW TONES have a grave accent ( ` ) over the vowel, HIGH TONES
have no accent marks, FALLING TONES have a circumflex accent ( ^
), and RISING TONES have a hachek (  ):
HIGH: gam ‘ram’ LOW: gàm ‘many’
LOW-LOW: nku ‘gums’ HIGH-LOW: inku ‘cooking’
HIGH-LOW: zinkò ‘peeping’ LOW-HIGH: zìnko ‘harvesting’
FALLING: f ‘close!’ RISING: fi ‘to close’

Vowel length at the ends of words: In most Chadic languages of

Yobe State, nearly all words end in short vowels. Karekare is unusual
in that many words end in long vowels. When a word is pronounced
alone, there is no clear difference between long and short vowels at
the ends of words, but when something follows, such as a possessive
phrase, the distinction is obvious. For example, in jb t ndagi
‘sky’ (“front of God”) the final vowel of jb is heard as long, but in
nz fa t K riy ‘friends of Kariya’, the final vowel of nz fa is heard
as short. When short o or e (or the alternate pronunciations au or ai
respectively) are in the middle of a phrase, they become [a], whereas
long ‰ and  retain their pronunciations: kma t  ‘leaf’ (“ear
/kùmo = kùmau/ of tree” but r‰ m  yyi ‘tree roots’ (“root /ar‰/
of trees”). Unfortunately, it was impossible to check every word in
the dictionary for final vowel length. There are therefore many cases

Adamu Hassan marks long vowels as doubled vowels, and he marks high tone
with an acute accent ( ´ ), leaving low tone unmarked. The marking system in this
dictionary, with macron marking a vowel as long and grave accent marking low
tone with high tone unmarked conforms to the system used in all the major
reference works and pedagogical grammars for Hausa and may thus be viewed as
viii Introduction

where final long vowels are not marked as such, and probably cases
where final short vowels are mistakenly marked as long.
Alphabetical order for Karekare entries is as follows: a, b, , c, d
(including dl), , e, f, g, h (including hn), i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s
(including sh), t (including tl), u, w, ’w, y, ’y, z (including zh).


The Karekare-English-Hausa entries minimally consist of a

Karekare headword, its grammatical category, an English definition,
and a Hausa definition. The Hausa definitions consist mainly of one-
word equivalents to the Karekare word. Hausa definitions are absent
from many entires because simple definitions were not readily
available. Future editions of the dictionary will, we hope, include
fuller entries for the Hausa.
Verbal entires: Verbs are entered in the form that they would
have in the completive, with a singular subject, with no extensions
(such as totality or ventive), and with the completive marker –kàu/-kò
removed. The grammatical category information for verbs includes
the verb classes, which are as follows: 4 A1 = verbs with two
consonants, a short root vowel, and final –u in the completive; A2
verbs all have final –u in the completive and have the following sub-
classes: A2a = verbs with two consonants and a long root vowel; A2b
= verbs with three consonants; A2c = verbs with more than three
consonants; B = verbs with two consonants, a short root vowel, and
final - in the completive; B2 (rare) = verbs with a long root vowel or
more than two consonants and final - in the completive; C = verbs
with one consonant and final -u in the completive; D = verbs with one
consonant and final - in the completive. Examples:

The classification system is adapted from the system developed for Bole by
Johannes Lukas in “Die Personalia und das primäre Verb im Bolanci
(Nordnigerien),” Africa und Übersee, 54:237-286, 55:114-139, 1970-172. Karekare
verbs fall into exactly the same classes.
Introduction ix

A1:5 ’yàsu ‘grind’ (’yàsu-kàu ‘she ground (it)’)

A2a: fu ‘follow’ (fu-ku ‘he followed’)
A2b: nku ‘cook’ (nku-ku ‘she cooked’)
A2c: bàzàrtu ‘slander’ (bàzàrtu-kàu ‘he slandered’)
B: ft ‘go out’ (ft-ku ‘he went out’)
B2: t ng ‘sit down’ (tng-ku ‘he sat down’)
C: ndu ‘go’ (ndu-ku ‘he went’)
D: w ‘get’ (w-ku ‘he got (it)’)

Each verbal entry also includes the verbal noun, noted as “v.n.”
Noun and adjective entries: Plural forms accompany some noun
and adjective entries. However, many nouns do not have a commonly
used plural form, and speakers vary as to whether they accept plurals
for particular nouns as well as in the form of plural that they use. The
dictionary has not attempted to list every acceptable plural for every
Karekare has remnants of grammatical gender. This is
particularly the case in choice of the possessive “linker” mà
(masculine) and tà (feminine), as in ryi m l? ‘whose bird?’ vs.
rjo t l? ‘whose girlfriend?’. For many words, speakers vary, for
example, baka ta a ~ baka ma a ‘branch of a tree’. For words that
were explicitly checked, or where a particular genitive-marked linker
is always used, dictionary entries are marked “n.m.” or “n.f.”
respectively, but most nouns simply list “n.” as the category, meaning
either that the gender was not checked at all or that it varies.
Other categories: There are numerous other categories, most of
which should be self explanatory. See below for category


The English-Karekare and Hausa-Karekare sections are meant

mainly as indexes to the Karekare-English-Hausa section. There has

Class A1 verbs generally drop the final –u before the completive marker, with the
completive marker then taking falling tone, for example, íyr-ku ‘he stopped’
rather than ?’yàru-kàu. The –u consistently shows up in other cases, for example,
with a noun direct object as in s tmci ‘he took a sheep’.
x Introduction

been no attempt to create comprehensive lists of English or Hausa

words with Karekare equivalents. The Hausa list, in particular, is
incomplete in that it does not include Hausa equivalents to many of
the words that appear in the Karekare-English-Hausa section.
In the English-Karekare section, certain classes of items are
grouped under a single entry rather than being listed alphabetically
among the other English words. The main such lists are the

trees: all tree names, including well-known ones, such as baobab

grasses: names for all grasses and grass-like weeds
plants: names for all wild plants that are not large enough to call
“trees” and that would not fit the “grasses” category
plants, cultivated: all cultivated plants other than gourds and grains
gourd: gourds of all functions other than calabash bowls and cups
calabash: calabash bowls and cups of all functions
millet: all varieties of millet
sorghum: all varieties of sorghum
fish: all species of fish
ideophones: all ideophonic words, along with a brief indication of the
type of action or quality that they collocate with
expressions: fixed and formulaic expressions such as greetings,
exclamations (dismay, anger, fear, sympathy, etc.), folktale
openings and closings, etc.
names: proper names for people and places
titles: traditional social and political titles (consult the Karekare-
English-Hausa section for comments on function)
ethnic groups: ethnic and regional affiliations, nationalities
pronouns: personal pronouns are grouped according to function; for
example, under “pronouns, independent” is the list of independent
pronouns for all persons and numbers
Introduction xi


The Karekare wordlist that formed the original basis from which
the authors worked was compiled in Potiskum in 1969-70 by Maxine
Schuh, working with several Karekare speakers. The Orthography of
the Karai-Karai Language by Adamu Hassan proved valuable both
for its description of Karekare and for wordlists that included many
items that may not have otherwise come to the attention of the
compilers of this dictionary. The late Malam Kariya Gambo, Umaru
Manu Karofi, the late Dauda Mamu, and Rifkatu I. Bumi worked
together with the editor from 2002-2004 to create the FIRST EDITION
of the dictionary with the support of a grant from the US National
Science Foundation (award #BCS-0111289, Russell G. Schuh,
Principal Investigator). Production of the FIRST EDITION was in part
made possible through generous donations from the Tikau Emirate
Council and from Hon. Adamu Usman Dazigau. This SECOND
EDITION has been compiled by the authors and editor with the support
of a grant from the US National Science Foundation (award #BCS-
05553222, Russell G. Schuh, Principal Investigator). Alhaji Maina
Gimba has been In-Country Director of both projects.
The authors and the editor would like to thank HRH, Mai Tikau,
Alhaji Muhammadu Abubakar ibn Grema and the Tikau Emirate
Council for their continued support of this project. Special thanks go
to Malam Madu Liman, Registrar of the College of Education Zuba,
Abuja, and to Halima Madu Liman and members of the Madu Liman
household, for indispensable logistic support without which the
project would have been difficult if not impossible. Thanks also to
Alhaji Ali Goni and to Malam Saleh Adamu for helping to create a
smooth working environment. For technical contributions, thanks go
to Jeffrey Heinz and Sarah Foxe of the UCLA Linguistics
Department. Roger Blench kindly provided a comprehensive list of
Hausa botanical names and modern genetic classification that is the
basis for the identifications in this dictionary.

Russell G. Schuh, Editor

Potiskum, February 2009
xii Introduction

Contact information:

Russell G. Schuh Alhaji Maina Gimba

Department of Linguistics Department of English
UCLA University of Maiduguri
Los Angeles CA 90095-1543 P.M.B. 1069
USA Maiduguri, Borno State
e-mail: schuh@humnet.ucla.edu gimbaa2002@gmail.com
Introduction xiii


Cultural differences make it impossible to find satisfactory

English equivalents for a number of common items found in Yobe
State cultures and African cultures in general. This is particularly
true of food terms, but also of certain items of material and political
culture. Rather that use English terms that would not convey
appropriate connotations, this dictionary uses Hausa words to express
a number of concepts that come up frequently in definitions. The
following terms will be found in English definitions:

Hausa word Explanation of meaning

tuwo staple food made from guinea corn or maize flour, rice,
or other starch base, cooked to a stiff consistency
miya a “sauce” or “stew”, usually with a vegetable base,
such as okra, sorrel, baobab, tomatoes, etc. and often
with meat or fish, served accompanying tuwo
kunu a “gruel” of finely ground flour, cooked to a relatively
thin consistency, usually with a flavoring such as
tamarind or lime juice
fura millet flour, cooked and formed into balls that are
broken up and mixed into a liquid, preferably cultured
milk, but sometimes water
faifai a round tray woven from grass, often with designs
woven in by using different colors of grass; multi-
functional, used as a pot or bowl cover, a mat on which
to place small object, a tool for separating bran from
flour, and, sometimes decorated with cowries or coins,
as decoration in room
zana a mat made from interwoven heavy grass, used as a
fence, granary liner, and other functions
xiv Introduction


adj. adjective
adj.participle participle usable as an adjective, e.g. “broken (pot)”
adv. adverb
adv.loc. locative adverb, such as “outside”, “there”)
adv.man. manner adverb, such as “with difficulty”, “thus”
adv.time time adverb, such as “today”, “last year”
aux. auxiliary particle indicating verb tense and the like
clitic a form added at the beginning or end of a word
conj. conjunction, such as “and”, “if”, “until”
det. determiner, including esp. articles and demonstratives
det.def. definite determiner, such as “the”
det.dem. demonstrative, such as “this”, “those”
det.indef. indefinite determiner, such as “a”, “some”
f. feminine
existential word meaning “there’s...”, “there’s no...”
gen.linker particle meaning “of”, as in “ear of a sheep”
id. ideophone-a large class of words that emphasize actions or
id.adj. ideophonic adjective-ideophone-like words than can modify
idiom an expression whose meaning is not predictable from its parts
interjection all types of exclamations, expressions, greetings, etc.
interr. interrogative word, such as “who?”, “how?”
interr.adv. interrogative adverb, such as “how?”, “when?”
interr.det. interrogative determiner, such as “which...?”
interr.pro. interrogative pronoun, such as “who?”
m. masculine
n. noun
n.mass mass noun, such as “water”, “millet”
num.card. cardinal number, such as “five”, “six”
num.ord. ordinal number, such as “fifth”, “sixth”
part. particle, added to reinforce meaning, such as Hausa dai, ma
pl. plural
plac. pluractional verb indicating multiple action, such as Hausa firfita
prep. preposition
Introduction xv

presentative word meaning “here’s...” when offering something

pro. pronoun
pro.1 pl. first person plural pronoun, “we, us”
pro.1 sg. first person singular pronoun, “I, me”
pro.2 pl. second person plural pronoun, “you”
pro.2 sg.f. second person feminine pronoun, “you” (to a female)
pro.2 sg.m. second person masculine pronoun, “you” (to a male)
pro.3 pl. third person plural pronoun, “they, them”
pro.3 sg.f. third person feminine pronoun, “she, her”
pro.3 sg.m. third person masculine noun, “he, him”
quant. quantifier, such as “all”, “a few”
quant.univ. universal quantifier, such a “everything”, “whoever”
stat. stative derive from verb, such as “seated”
v.A1 class A1 verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.A2a class A2a verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.A2b class A2b verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.A2c class A2c verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.B class B verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.B2 class B2 verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.C class C verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.D class D verb (see comments on “Verbal entries” above)
v.ext. verbal extension, showing action done this direction, etc.
v.irreg. irregular verb, verb not fitting one of the regular classes
xvi Introduction



Introduction iii
Acknowledgements xi
Special terms in English definitions xiii
Abbreviations xiv




dd n.m. (pl. dddi) machete |
Hausa adda

A dmo n.f. (pl. dim , dimi) snake

ex dmo t ribi. (He’s) a snake in
the chaff. (He’s quiet but dangerous.)
| Hausa maciji
 prep. 1. at, in, on (location) ex Daye dir n.f. any noise ex dir t s jki
kezi a sak tau. Leave the chicken the noise [made by] taking the bag |
in its feathers. 2. to, into (location) ex Hausa diri
Dik manzai ma pire, na ngatetu a dl dlb n. the tree Cordia africana |
íyali. No matter the distance of the Hausa alilliba
throw, it will fall to the earth. 3. at, f v.B (v.n. f ) 1. open, uncover. 2.
on (time) ex Dawaka fawun a fat ta dig | Hausa bue, tona
marka bai. One doesn’t scrape out a agji n.m. sword | Hausa takobi
(water) gourd on the day of a agayau n. the trees Crateva religiosa or
journey. 4. to, for (indirect object) ex Clerodendron capitatum | Hausa
Baranka sipa lo a zanjai. They have ingidido
given (the job of) distributing meat to agram n. caltrop, puncture vine
a hyena. | Hausa a, wa, zuwa (Tribulus terrestris) | Hausa tsidau
bb n.m. swelling due to an injury | guw n.m. left, left side, left hand ex
Hausa kumburi na duka sr m guw left hand | Hausa
abak n. gamba-grass (Andropogon hagu
gaayanus) | Hausa gamba gwgw n.m. duck | Hausa agwagwa
brf n.m. type of white sorghum | gwm n.m. king, mai, paramount
Hausa fara-fara chief ex Agwam ngata ka bai doku,
abs n.m. incense for driving off spirits malumai na salati. (Ishe ngatako,
or sorcerers | Hausa turaren wuta diyai na kuno.) Riddle: The king fell
btu v.A2b (v.n. abtu) feed ex n from the back of the horse, the
btuk gam I fed the ram | Hausa Malams are uttering benedictions.
osar da (Shit fell and the flies are happy.) |
bu v.A1 (v.n. b, b ) be full (after Hausa sarki
eating), be satisfied ex buk bai = agwd n.f. 1. woman who has left her
bk bai he is not sated | Hausa husband ex Wanc agwd So-and-so
oshi is a divorcee. 2. departure of an angry
ck n.m. bag, suitcase | Hausa jaka wife ex Wanc wltak agwd So-
d n.m. (pl. dandiy˘) dog | Hausa and-so has left her husband’s house
kare in anger | Hausa (1) mace mai yaji (2)
d n.m. custom, tradition, culture | yaji
Hausa alíada aiÖ aiÖ conj. and ex Ai gunja ai
d m ysi n.m. sparks | Hausa gunja sai simeri pati bik! (War o.)

2 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

Riddle: Here’s a termite mount, lw n.f. name given to a female born
there’s a termite mound, then a hare after the father's death | Hausa Audi
pops out bik! (A fart.) | Hausa da layyho n. spinach (Amaranthus
ik n.m. 1. grains, kernels; coins. 2. hybridus) | Hausa alayyaho
blade of axe, hoe, etc. ex ik m lbas n.m. onion (Allium cepa) |
gyaku axe blade | Hausa tsaba, Hausa albasa
tsabar kui; ruwan gatari lbasr m znjai n. a type of inedible
aikwl n.m. a pure white sheep, wild onion (Urginea spp.) | Hausa
including feet | Hausa albasar kura
is n.f. female name, short for lw n.m. locally made candy | Hausa
Aishatu | Hausa sunan mace alewa
is n.m. sand | Hausa yashi lfidr n. mule | Hausa alfadari
ajab = ajb n. amazement | Hausa lgrif n. a plant something like
alajabi cloves | Hausa bishiya (iri)
ajagwly n.m. roots of a tree dug up lhr n.m. good fortune, beneficience |
for firewood | Hausa itacen wuta Hausa alheri
wanda ake tonowa daga asa l fr n.m. needle; injection | Hausa
ajam n.m. rattles on legs of dancers | allura
Hausa Alj n.m. a male name | Hausa sunan
jan n.m. desert date (Balanites namiji
aegyptiaca) | Hausa aduwa ljimm = ljumm n.m. Friday |
kto, kt conj. because of, for the Hausa Jummaía
sake of, in order that ex Akata wa a ljin n. devil, jinn | Hausa aljanu
ma aci se bira aka gabi. For the lkalmi n. pen | Hausa alalami
sake of tomorrow’s meal does one lkl n.m. judge | Hausa alali
wash pots. | Hausa saboda, domin alkam n.m. wheat (Triticum aestivum)
kk n. refugees | Hausa masu gudun | Hausa alkama
hijira lk n.m. people, the populace | Hausa
ko = kau n.f. 1. stomach. belly. 2. jamaía
pregnancy ex nn ta ko pregnant All-wadare! interjection To hell with
woman. 3. inside ex Sai ada it! | Hausa Alla wadai
cakesuka tonu ti aka mensu a ll‰ n.m. writing board, slate | Hausa
akai. Then the dog dug them a hole allo
for them to lie down in (it).; walu ka lpw n.m. a belt made of leather |
retika aka ta nza go and enter inside Hausa alfon.wa
the thatch grass | Hausa ciki lb n. epidemic, disaster | Hausa
aljf n.m. abandoning a child to be anoba, balaíi
left to his own resources | Hausa m = m (q.v.) det.dem. that, those
almbazm n.m. male spirit who ex see amu see amu | Hausa
guards the entrance of a house | wancan, waccan, waancan
Hausa sasari m presentative there it is, there they
almp n.m. calabash fragment | Hausa are ex ms there he is; mt there
sakaina she is; msun there they are; m
lu n.m. (pl. lwin, lucn) (f. m there’s water (there) | Hausa ga
luco) sorcerer, wizard | Hausa (shi/su) can
maye m conj. but | Hausa amma
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 3

m n.m. best friend of a bride | Hausa ma badine those associated with the
awar amarya husband of the girl; imitu anka
msnji n. colostrum | Hausa daashi Baba ka Mama tausu ba! Wait until
mb n.m. lungfish, mudfish Dand and Mom and the others come
(Protopterus annectens) | Hausa back! | Hausa su Wane
gaiwa ankl n. common sense, intelligence |
am a presentative here it is, here they Hausa hankali
are, there it is, there they are (referred nky n.m. large gourd ladle used for
to) | Hausa ga (shi/su) nan beer | Hausa ludayi
m m det.dem. that one, that one over nkuni = nkun adv. today | Hausa
there | Hausa wancan yau
am  det.dem. the one in question, that nks n.m. yellow earth used in
one | Hausa wannan calabash decoration | Hausa rawaya
am u presentative there it is | Hausa ga nkwr n.m. grey hair | Hausa furfura
shi nan any interjection 1. OK, well then…
m det.dem. that, that one ex ami (often used when taking one’s leave)
yawo! that’s good! | Hausa wannan ex Anya! Na waka mizi ma ba
min = mun n. (pl. mnni) year | zimbilim hnno, ma la walatim ka
Hausa shekara hnni. That's it! I have found a man,
msh n. an alcoholic drink made from possessor of my heart, and he and I
sweet potatoes | Hausa giyar dankali are going away. 2. (with question)
m n.m. water ex amu ma yasi hot expresses doubt or unexpected
water | Hausa ruwa realization | Hausa shikenan
m m clm = am clm n.m. water níyr = hníyr adj. black and white,
in which grain has been soaked | red and white ex tmci am níyr
Hausa ruwan sirki the sheep is black and white | Hausa
m m ndagi = m ndagi n.m. rain wake-wake
| Hausa ruwan sama níywi = hníywi n. late morning ex
an am det.dem. those over there, ka aníyawi sai Bukar rai hnni ya i
those ex an am nk l? who are in late morning Bukar got upset (his
those people? | Hausa waancan life spoiled), | Hausa hantsi
an  det.dem. those in question | pti n.f. flour ex pti t wa flour for
Hausa waannan tuwo | Hausa gari
nku n. (pl. nkwi) pestle | Hausa ar = har conj. until, even | Hausa har
taarya r n.m. sorrel, roselle (Hibiscus
anym det.dem. these, these nearby ex sabdariffa) | Hausa yakuwa
anyam my? what are these? | arj˘ n.m. tax | Hausa haraji
Hausa waannan arncni n.m. chameleon (Chamaeleo
nce adv. now ex nca-nc right now africanus) | Hausa hawainiya
| Hausa yanzu ro = hrau n.f. palm fronds ex
nd‰ adv.time not long ago | Hausa hra t dkw b c fronds for
azun nan weaving a mat | Hausa kaba
n adv. then | Hausa saíannan r n. bean cakes | Hausa osai
anjlm n.m. newborn baby | Hausa Ar n. a male name | Hausa sunan
jariri namiji
nk pro. those associated with…, and r‰ n.m. root ex r‰ m yyi tree
others like…, & Co. ex anka mizi roots | Hausa saiwa
4 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

ru v.A1 (v.n. r ) dip out, scoop out | atti = attt = attr rm
Hausa iba interjection expression of surprise |
arzki n. wealth, riches | Hausa arziki Hausa ap
s k idiom praise | Hausa kirari, yabo atm tr n.m. tomato (Lycopersicon
su = s˘ n.m, adj. (pl. as wn) (f. esculentum) | Hausa tumatir
swo) old; old person | Hausa tsoho tlai n. cotton (Gossypium spp.) |
swu v.A2c (v.n. sw) get old ex Hausa auduga
sutink he has grown old | Hausa uc n.m. river; ocean (characterized by
tsufa never drying up) | Hausa kogi
s conj. and then (next event in ur n.m. female donkey | Hausa jaka
narrative;subjunctive form of su) ex uri n.m. (pl. aurri) black kite
Wayatan cacasum, ase lauke (Milvus migrans) | Hausa shirwa
walahnni a kwaro. When they had uy = huy num. twenty (used to
finished their talk, then everyone form numbers 30-100), a score ex
went back home.; sai ndala bire ka uy k mba thirty; uy blu
ndala wao sai ase bire ma nza eni forty; uy b 100 | Hausa ashirin
then the drummers and the singers uy b = huy b num. one
took up praising the ostrich | Hausa hundred | Hausa ari
sai uyk n.m. (pl. uykwcin) ground
sh n.f. a nickname for the female squirrel (Xerus erythropus) | Hausa
name Aishatu | Hausa sunan mace kurege
sh n n.m. matches ex Ayya! Bido uyk n. castrated goat | Hausa taure
menta ashana bai. Good grief! The uy‰ n.f. (pl. uyiyi) jujube
monkey doesn't know anything about (Ziziphus mauritiana or Z.
matches. | Hausa ashana abyssinica) | Hausa magarya
asm = asm = asn n.m. plan, uy‰ t znjai n.f. buffalo thorn
knowledge, wit | Hausa dabara, sani (Ziziphus mucronata) | Hausa
asir n.f. secret, personal information ex magaryar kura
Da iba waa ka ka ta kwar daika wi n. (pl. wicin) cat | Hausa mage,
asir ta njonai bai. They say that kyanwa
handing food over the top of a ya interjection hey! (cry of alarm) ex
compound wall does not allow the ya! ya! daíy no, ku íyi bai! hey!
secrets of a twin to remain hidden. | hey! stop it! don’t do that! | Hausa
Hausa asiri ayya
sk n.f. (pl. skwkwi) market | yb n. banana (Musa sapientum) |
Hausa kasuwa Hausa ayaba
su v.A1 (v.n. s ) pick up, take | ayam det.dem. this, this one; (as adj.)
Hausa auka this…, these… ex /yli + ayam/
asuwni n. a type of tree | Hausa [yl yam] this country; /kwr/
bishiya (iri) [kwryam] this house; /sm/
asw nm n. pickpocket | Hausa an [sm yam] this name | Hausa
sane wannan
at interjection oh! (interjection of ay miw  n. older maternal aunt ex
sudden realization) | Hausa af Ay miw ftr br zato.
atan n. hedgehog (Atelerix (Zngco.) Riddle: My senior aunt
albiventris) | Hausa bushiya has spread out her incense about.
(Stars.) | Hausa iya babba
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 5

ay interr.adv.loc. where? ex n y? b n.m. (pl. ndl ) (f. nnta) 1. one
where is he?; ka z k y? where who has…, owner of… ex baíato ba
did you put it? | Hausa ina? meni her father was a rich man;
aye presentative here it is, here they are Gagegire ba wula manzai Gagegire
ex ay s here he is; ayet here she the one with the long neck. 2. one
is; ayemun here we are; aye m who does…, doer of… ex ba cawa
here’s water | Hausa ga (shi/su) nan uwan ka sara wa i someone who
yy interr.adv. where?, where is it? | catches an elephant with one hand;
Hausa ina ne Dar ta ba kuto zabu sakiti tai ishe.
ayndin n. black grain storing ants | Lack of anyone to give advice causes
Hausa tururuwa a vulture to eat shit. | Hausa mai
az n.m. time spent with a prospective b, bí, b í n.m. (possessed form: b
husband before marriage ex Ba ta with 1st sing. and 3rd masc. sing.
kwar timu na la aza ye se pronouns, b í before nouns, bí
kwankwaru ka ta nantau. (Lawa elsewhere; citation form bbu;
ma kuci.) Riddle: The girl of our address form bba) father ex b tin
house when she was going to spend my father; bb his father; bík
the night with her husband, she gave your (m.s.) father; b í m Kriy
her mother a knock on the head. Kariya’s father | Hausa uba
(Baobab fruit.) | Hausa bba n.m. (address form; citation form
az n.m. intestines, guts | Hausa hanji bbu; possessed forms b, bí, b í)
zintr n. heavy fog, light rain, mist | father, dad, daddy (term of reference
Hausa asunsumi or address for one's father) | Hausa
azrfa n. silver | Hausa azurfa baba
b b n. indigo (Indigofera sp.) ex zb
 b b dying cloth | Hausa baba

B bb  n., adj. dirt, dirty, filthy |

Hausa daua
b br n.m. (pl. ndl br) hunter |
Hausa mafarauci
b part. emphasizer for imperative ex b brm n.m. (pl. ndl brm) (f.
ndala kwaro, kalana ba! people of nnta brm) knock-kneed person |
the house, listen to me!; Ndirama Hausa gwame
íyai sorim a ka hnni ba! Let the b bs n.m. (pl. ndl bas) (f. nnta
herbalist make medicine for himself! bas) hunter, one who shoots | Hausa
| Hausa mana maharbi
b n.f. 1. daughter ex bno my bbtu v.A2c (v.n. bbt) deceive,
daughter; by his daughter; b t trick | Hausa yaudara
Kriy Kariya’s daughter. 2. small bb l n. bastard | Hausa shege
ex B ta kw inu car na cf. (B˘ bbn grainheads with pollen on the
k t.) Riddle: My small calabash outside | Hausa bununu
is full car with potash. (A mouth and bbu n.m. (pl. bbcin) (citation form;
teeth.) | Hausa íya; íyar possessed form b, bí, b í ; address
b v.D (v.n. bun) implant; pound in a form bba) father | Hausa baba
nail ex n bn rr m yn  b brakkm n. African catfish
kwm I implanated a poste to tie up (Clarius lazera and other C. spp. and
the cow | Hausa kafa
6 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

probably Heterobanchus spp.) | bgwj n. (pl. bgwjanjyin) chin,

Hausa tarwaa beard | Hausa gemu, haa
bc n.m. large stomach, pot belly | bhn see bdin | Hausa
Hausa tumbi bai neg. not (general negative marker,
bc lu = bciblu num. seven | following negated word or clause) ex
Hausa bakwai Dawaka fawun a fat ta marka bai.
bc‰  num. six | Hausa shida One doesn't scrape out a gourd (for
bd v.B (v.n. bad) kick ex bdnk‰ water) on the day of a journey.; Bai
k sy he kicked me with his foot | dibero gi binka bai. Behind a peanut
Hausa shura plant is not a hiding place. | Hausa
b ddk dmi n. blacksmith (“beater baÖba
of an anvil”) | Hausa maeri bai n. 1. back ex bino my back =
bd n. bustard (Otididae spp.) | Hausa behind me. 2. behind. 3. after ex ka
tuje gutuka ayam ye ka bai se ka íyai
bdin [bhnn] n. (pl. l m mend) ayam jan when you finish this one,
girl | Hausa yarinya afterward then do that one | Hausa
b  v.B (v.n. b , b ) for the baya, bayan
dawn to come, dawn ex jgo bi, bi  n. bark (of tree) | Hausa
b tak the dawn has come | awo
Hausa waye bai ml n. world | Hausa duniya
b  v.B (v.n. b ) separate, untie | bje n. sorghum that one makes beer
Hausa ware, kunce with (swells when put in water) |
b  m jgau n. morning star | Hausa Hausa soko
b bt n.m. (pl. ndl bt) (f. bka n.m. or f. (pl. bkki) 1. full
nnta bt) seller | Hausa mai arm, upper arm; foreleg of animal. 2.
sayarwa wing ex baka ma ndire wings for
b  num. five | Hausa biyar flying. 3. branch of a tree ex baka ta
bgd n. dancing of a bride, groom, a or baka ma a branch of a tree |
and their friends | Hausa rawar aure Hausa hannu, fiffike, afa ta gaba
bgai n. the shrub Cadaba farinosa | b kl  n.m. (pl. ndl kl ) (f.
Hausa bagayi nnta kl ) greedy person | Hausa
bglu v.A2c (v.n. bgl) be mai handama
distraught, be flustered | Hausa Bkarkari n.m. (pl. karaikarai) (f.
bgdj n.m. (pl. bgdju) (f. Bkarkary) Karekare person |
bgdjy) foolish person | Hausa Hausa Bakarkare
wawa bktu v.A2c (v.n. bkt) winnow
bg n. type of bean | Hausa wake (iri) using a tray | Hausa bakace
bg = bgu n.f. 1. town wall ex bg bakt n. cloth of any kind | Hausa yadi,
t jgo wall of the town. 2. clan | atamfa
Hausa ganuwa bku v.A1 (v.n. bk) 1. find, seek out.
bgu v.A2a (v.n. bg) pull, drag ex n 2. poke | Hausa (1) nema; (2) caka
bgn lwyam ka kwr I drug b kl n.m. (pl. ndl kl) (f. nnta
the child out of the house | Hausa ja kl) barber | Hausa wanzami
b gwigwai n.m. (pl. ndl b krb n.m. (pl. ndl krb) (f.
gwigwai) (f. nnta gwigwai) mad nnta krb) rude person, person
person | Hausa mahaukaci who does not show proper respect ex
Dal b krb, br bain 
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 7

Ndagi Dala is disrespectful, he banz n. worthlessness ex w n t

turns his back on Allah | Hausa mai banz useless work | Hausa banza
reni b r n.m. 1. hunting. 2. festival | Hausa
b ky n.m. (pl. ndl ky) (f. farauta; biki
nnta ky) poor person, pauper | bar n. begging | Hausa bara
Hausa matsiyaci br b˘ idiom seek reconciliation, ask
b kwrk n.m. (pl. ndl kwrk ) for understanding, plead for patience
(f. nnta kwrk ) farmer | Hausa ex n brn b I sought
manomi understanding from him | Hausa ba
b kwr n.m. (pl. ndl kwr) da hauri
householder, master of a household | barku m D gbi n. an annual
Hausa mai gida festival held in Degubi after the
blk adj. healthy, well ex lwi tkau harvest is in | Hausa
blk bi? are your children well? | brk n.m. 1. ribs; side ex brk
Hausa lafiya m l tai alongside her baby. 2.
blnno n.m. a chip-like confection alongside, beside | Hausa haarari, a
made of slightly fermented millet, gefen
sweetened with sugar, consumed esp. b r m Jlm n. an annual hunting
at marriage or finishing Koranic festival held in Jalam | Hausa
study | Hausa balambo brnku n. gift | Hausa kyauta
b l n. scar | Hausa tabo br sr ( w ga) idiom challenge by
bmb l n.m. flower of baobab before wrestlers, who touch hands before
it breaks open | Hausa beginning a wrestling match | Hausa
bmma n. net for carrying a bundle of brdzi id.adj. astringent taste, e.g.
guinea corn heads, animal fodder, skin of mango | Hausa bauri
etc. | Hausa brw n.m. (pl. br wcin) red-
bmo n. a type of grass | Hausa ciyawa fronted gazelle (Gazella rufifrons) |
(iri) Hausa barewa
bnd = mband conj. that, which brgi n. lily pad (Nymphaea lotus) |
(relative clause marker) | Hausa da Hausa bado
Bandm n. a male name | Hausa b rme n. lament for a fallen warrior |
sunan namiji Hausa
bangi n. baboon (Papio anubis) | brm n.m. weapon | Hausa makami
Hausa gwaggo brkti id. disorganized | Hausa amsa
bangazam id. indicates falling from amo
blow ex Sai dukwe zanjai gamak!, barmaj n. horsefly | Hausa udan
zanjai bangazam! And he struck the doki
hyena gamak! (leaving the) hyena brm n. knock-kneed | Hausa gwame
bangazam! | Hausa amsa amo bru n. domestic pigeon | Hausa
b ngz = b njz n.m. (pl. ndl tantabara
ngz) blacksmith | Hausa maeri bru v.A1 (v.n. br, bar ) 1. give ex
bango n. round mud wall of a hut on brhna wyum he gave me money.
which a thatched roof is placed | 2. head toward ex bare jaga ta
Hausa kago Abari he headed toward Abari’s
b njz = b ngz n.m. (pl. ndl town | Hausa (1) bayar; (2) dosa
njz) blacksmith | Hausa maeri bs v.B (v.n. bs, bs) shoot |
Hausa harba
8 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

bs n.f. loan ex bs t wyim loan of bazar n.m. hot season before rains ex
money | Hausa bashi bazar m darye this year’s hot
bs ru n. hemorrhoids, piles | Hausa season | Hausa bazara
basur bzrtu v.A2c (v.n. bzrt) gossip
b t mnd n.f. (pl. lm m ra j) about, slander ex n bzrtusko I
girl | Hausa yarinya slandered him | Hausa fallasa
btr n. spices | Hausa yaji bzn n. (pl. bzno) youth, young man
Bttt n. a female name | Hausa | Hausa saurayi
sunan mace b n. (pl. l wi) son ex bnau, bye =
bt wad quant. a little ex brhnn bíe my son, his son; am b l?
bt wad give me a little | Hausa whose son is this? | Hausa a
kaan b b n. mute (deaf or hard of hearing,
b tingno n.m. (pl. ndl tingno) (f. but can speak) | Hausa bebe
nnta tingno) neighbor | Hausa b b conj. according to ex Kriy d
mawabci b b ka nd c Kariya said that
b tlb n.m (pl. ndl tlb) (f. nnta you should come tomorrow | Hausa
tlb) crazy person, lunatic, madman wai
| Hausa mahaukaci b  n. night | Hausa dare
butu v.A2b (v.n. but) sell | Hausa bellm n. decorated calabash | Hausa
sayar warya zananniya
b wn n.m. (pl. ndl wn) (f. blu = lu num. two | Hausa biyu
nnta wn) worker | Hausa bn m k zin n. | Hausa akurki
maíaikaci bn n.m. (pl. bencin) hut, room ex
bwi n. (pl. bwwi) bush duiker bntno = bnno, bnko, bntn,
(Silvicapra grimmia) | Hausa gada my room, your room, his room |
bwu v.A1 (v.n. bw) get lost, Hausa aki
disappear; die | Hausa ata, rasu brsn n. knee | Hausa gwiwa
bwso n. a charm that makes one b z n. salt | Hausa gishiri
invisible | Hausa layar zana biÖ if a word beginning biÖ is not
bay conj. but; if that's not the case… | found here, see buÖ | Hausa
Hausa amma; im ba haka ba bi part. particle placed at the end of a
by n. wealth, riches ex babui ka yes/no question ex Maiwa ma farsi
wayim ka baya her father had ke lu e maiwa bi? Does a big
money and possessions | Hausa vagina (necessarily mean) the baby
dukiya will be big? | Hausa
by n. tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus) b n. place (see also bce, bt, bt) ex
| Hausa aya buzuru tauneka bi mbandi dayu
bayku n. a type of grass (perhaps mende hnni the billygoat came back
African myrrh) | Hausa dashi to the place where he had left his
bz n. hairy goat or sheep | Hausa wives | Hausa wuri
Bzm n. a male name, short for bb n. a type of rat that eats tigernuts |
Alambazam, a spirit who guards the Hausa era (iri)
door of a compound | Hausa sunan b burum n. darkness | Hausa duhu
namiji bc v.B (v.n. bc) explode, snap shut
bzn n.m. (pl. bzabzn) well (for ex kel yi bicakau the trap snapped
water) | Hausa rijiya closed | Hausa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 9

bcu n. a type of tree | Hausa bishiya blnkar n. a very fine type of kunu
(iri) given to babies who cannot nurse |
bce adv.loc. here | Hausa nan Hausa koko
bdi n. red horse with white spots | blbl id.adj. red and sharp pointed ex
Hausa doki bidi bilbil ka bo gidi bo ba ngadari your
bdi k‰ro n. a type of horned bush mouth is like the mouth of a liar |
animal | Hausa Hausa amsa amo
bd n. monkey, esp. patas monkey blim n. deception ex tmu blim s
(Erythrocebus patas) | Hausa biri w lahnn he deceived us and then
bd birum = birum m bd n.m. disappeared | Hausa zamba
baboon (Papio anubis) | Hausa bmba = mba num. ten | Hausa
gwaggon biri goma
bd ngr n.m. vervet monkey bindrk k n. rhinoceros (Diceros
(Cercopithecus aethiops) | Hausa bicornis longipes) | Hausa karkandam
ira bni n. (pl. bnni) grinding stone |
b n. bathing ex n íyuk b  I Hausa dutsen nia
took a bath | Hausa wanka bnj n. stink bug | Hausa waro mai
b n. strutting, swaggering ex wari
Kariya janka mto n b Kariya bnku = bnkwu v.A2b (v.n. bnk )
has bought a car and is strutting (intr.) hide, conceal onself | Hausa
about | Hausa yanga uya
b nkru v.A2c (v.n. b nkr ) roll Bint n. a female name | Hausa sunan
along | Hausa mirgine mace
b bndim n. mist | Hausa asunsumi bntu v.A2b (v.n. bnt ) pierce, be
b i n. culled grain heads | Hausa pierced ex n bnt k garw I
kuftiri pierced the kerosene can; garwai
b u v.A1 (v.n. b ) wash ex n b bntutak the kerosene can is
nzani I washed the gown; íy k pierced | Hausa huda, huje
b  she bathed | Hausa wanke br n. mist, haze | Hausa hazo
bgl n. harvest season, beginning of br u v.A2c (v.n. br ) wash
the dry season | Hausa kaka, farkon dishes, wash pots | Hausa wanke
rani tukwane
bjim n. false locust (Prosopis brnk u v.A2c (v.n. biranka a) roll
africana) | Hausa irya on the ground | Hausa birgima, gara
bkl n. two-colored horse | Hausa doki brz n.m. incense (used by sorcerers)
(iri) | Hausa turaren wuta
bikr n. sweat, perspiration | Hausa brza m   n. a plant with fragrant
gumi, zuffa leaves | Hausa
bil m n. ward head, village head | Birb = Burb n. a female name, after
Hausa mai anguwa, bulama a powerful spirit | Hausa sunan mace
bln adj., n.m. good, beautiful, brb i n. morning | Hausa safe
handsome; beauty ex Bilan ma zu birbr n. dust | Hausa ura
adimo. (That's) the beauty of a brbr zng n. a plant something like
snake's body. | Hausa mai kyau, da cloves | Hausa bishiya (iri)
kyau, kyakyawa brddko n. a rope used to make
Bln n. a male name | Hausa sunan decorations on raw pots | Hausa
10 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

brdku n. (pl. brdkwcin) stirring bsnu v.A2b (v.n. bsn) plant, sow |
stick (used to stir tuwo) | Hausa Hausa shuka
muciya bt adv.loc. there, that (distant) place
brdu v.A2b (v.n. brd) fall down ex ka bt from there | Hausa can
from a height (used mainly in bit n. the next world, the afterlife |
ventive) | Hausa suuto Hausa lahira
br u v.A2b (v.n. br ) become rich bti n. place, that place, there ex ka bti
ex br utink he became rich | Hausa thereupon | Hausa wuri, waje
wadata bt adv.loc. there, that place (away
bir n.m. drumming, playing any from the speaker) | Hausa nan, can
percussion or stringed instrument ex btl v.B (v.n. bitl ) open out, expand,
bir m gng/m‰l‰/g˘g playing a e.g. a flower | Hausa bue
drum/banjo/fiddle | Hausa kia bto = bto n. ashes | Hausa toka
bir n n. (pl. birnni) a thorny biy interr.adv.loc. where? | Hausa ina?
shrub, probably Dichrostachys by n. there, the place in question ex 
cinerea or Acacia ataxacantha | by bai not there | Hausa wurin
Hausa duhuwa, unu biyk n.m. piles, hemorrhoids | Hausa
biri = buri n.m. herd, flock ex biri m basur
waki herd of goats | Hausa garke byu v.A1 (v.n. biy) 1. dry, dry up ex
br n. wealth, riches | Hausa dukiya byi b ytak the place has dried up.
birim = burum adj. (pl. babirm) 2. blow | Hausa bushe, busa, hura
black ex brm sikit coal black; b˘ n. 1. mouth, opening ex b˘no, b˘n,
birum m ˘ci black goat; babir m b˘ tmci my mouth, his mouth,
waki black goats; biri-birum sheep’s mouth. 2. language. 3. edge,
blackish | Hausa bai border, boundary ex b˘ tar
birim m ko n.m. unhappiness | boundary of a farm. 4. time (as in
Hausa bain ciki ‘two times’) | Hausa baki, harshe,
brku v.A2b (v.n. brk) go around, iyaka
surround | Hausa zaga, kewaye b˘ uci n. river bank | Hausa bakin
bru v.A1 (v.n. bir ) beat (drum), play kogi
any percussion or stringed instrument b˘ b n n. (pl. b˘ bncin) doorway |
| Hausa yi kia Hausa ofa
brnk um = b nkran = b˘b n. edge | Hausa gefe
jrgyl n. a clay stand or a B˘b = Gwrb n. a female name |
depression made in the ground on Hausa sunan mace
which to set a pot to keep it upright | b˘b‰ n. turn by turn | Hausa kara-
Hausa kara
bry n. unripe millet heads for b‰l n. white horse | Hausa doki fari
roasting ex na fn bry I broke b‰n n. suffering, difficulty | Hausa
off new millet heads | Hausa tumu wahala
bryu v.A2b (v.n. bry) scrape seeds B˘ri n. a male name | Hausa sunan
from roasted millet head | Hausa namiji
tuma b‰ro n. ridgerow | Hausa kunya
bsn n.m. planting, sowing | Hausa b˘ssim n. a charm that makes one
shuka invisible | Hausa layar zana
bsku v.A2b (v.n. bsk) accept, receive b˘ trai n. moonlight | Hausa farin
| Hausa kara wata
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 11

buÖ if a word beginning buÖ is not bnkwu = bnku v.A2b (v.n. bunkw)
found here, see biÖ | Hausa (intr.) hide, conceal onself | Hausa
bc n.f. (pl. bciy) mat ex bc t uya
r o mat made of palm fronds | br n n. washing dishes, pots ex
Hausa tabarma Bw n jbira  jb t guco.
b nkru v.A2c (v.n. b nkr ) | (Br in.) Riddle: The duiker is
Hausa mirgine hopping on the stone. (Doing
b nkran = brnk um = laundry.) | Hausa wanke-wanke
jrgyl n. a clay stand or a burb n. Allah | Hausa Allah
depression made in the ground on brdnglu v.A2c (v.n. brdngl )
which to set a pot to keep it upright | become entangled | Hausa hare
Hausa brdk m ndagi n.m. unidentified
b -b  n. Senegal coucal type of insect | Hausa waro (iri)
(Centropus senegalensis) | Hausa brdngl id.adj. lying out flat | Hausa
ragon maza burum = birim adj. (pl. baburm)
b k id. indicates coming out with a black ex brm sikit coal black |
pop ex amarya zazzagu tuma Hausa bai
bu ok the bride uprooted the mortar brz zu v.A2c (v.n. bz z ) stir, mix |
with a pop | Hausa amsa amo Hausa gauraya
b u v.A2a (v.n. b ) glean | Hausa brzungulu n. large intestine | Hausa
yi kala hanji
b   n. a type of black bird with a but n. the afterlife | Hausa lahira
long tail (whydah bird?) | Hausa bt n. distress, troubles, woe ex Ai
tsuntsu (iri) btnau! Woe is me! | Hausa wahala
bf n. burbling of billygoat | Hausa bto = bto n. ashes | Hausa toka
barbara ta bunsuru bt n. cheapness, ease (of a task),
buk-buk-buk id. indicates sound of uselessness ex n w n wyim 
rhythmic slapping ex sai zayi tabi a bt I got money with no difficulty |
far ta baka hnni, sai dukwateti Hausa araha, banza, saui
buk-buk-buk-buk he had a faifai byim n. ratel, honey badger
under his arm, fanning with it buk- (Mellivora capensis) | Hausa dage,
buk-buk | Hausa amsa amo damageri
bkur n. (pl. bkurrai) billy goat | bzru n. billygoat | Hausa bunsuru
Hausa bunsuru bzz n. dung beetle | Hausa buzuzu
bulus id. easily, cheap | Hausa amsa
bmbyu v.A2c (v.n. bmby ) singe |
Hausa babbaka
bumbum n. mount of Venus, pudenda |
bun n. implanting, establishing (see  n.m. or f. (pl. yyi) tree ex 
b) | Hausa kafawa nz tak the tree fell; a ta dami
bnkwtu v.A2c (v.n. bnkwt ) (tr.) maiwa large tamarind tree (with ta);
hide ex n bnkwtk wyumn I but a ma cirfi deleb palm (with ma)
hid my money | Hausa oye | Hausa bishiya
ku v.A2c (v.n. k ) pare, peel |
Hausa are
12 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

 tlu v.A2c (v.n.  tl) hatch | m = m det.dem. that, those ex for
Hausa kíyankíyashe examples, see m for examples,
 it n. flea | Hausa tunkuyo see m | Hausa wancan, waccan,
c adj. brittle | Hausa gautsi waancan
di n. (pl. di) knife | Hausa wua m adj. naked ex gi karai ngatata-
gum n. jaw | Hausa mamui su ka zuni dayese zuni ami all his
agwalam n. jawbone, mandible | clothes fell from his body and left
Hausa muamui him with his body naked | Hausa
ktu v.A2c (v.n. kt) force open | tsirara
Hausa bue, alle mi adv.man. thus, in that way ex Ka
l v.B (v.n. al ) 1. throw, cast, cast bo farsi ti e ami, kola yaye zabto.
off, heave up or out ex n lk zla Rather than a vagina pass the night
I threw the stick. 2. cast one’s eyes; thus, let even a finger be put into it. |
break forth vocally (in song, crying) Hausa haka
ex tingi a bo baka ta a ale wa o m, m = m det.dem. that, those
daÖ she sat on the branch of a tree (demonstrative clitic) ex yli m =
and broke forth in song saying…; sai yli ím that country; kwacin˘ m
gwadagori ale zawa ma meto then those houses | Hausa wancan,
the tortoise broke forth with wailing waccan, waancan
over the dead; ndika jagai alu ida nn num. nine | Hausa tara
hnni ma sai nai ra jo bilan ka rmu v.A2b (v.n. arm) faint, pass
taman bai when he went to town, he out | Hausa suma
cast his eyes about and saw an ru v.A2a (v.n. r) fail to do, be
exceptionally beautiful girl. 3. put on unable ex rtak wni she was
an upper garment | Hausa jefa, saka unable to do the work | Hausa kasa
riga rzu v.A2b (v.n. rz) grind coarsely
l mri n. celebration with sacrifices ex rz  dibr˘ she ground
held at harvesting of new crops | groundnuts | Hausa arza
Hausa yu v.A2a (v.n. y, y) crack,
lli- lli n. heart palpitations | Hausa form a crack ex y t bn crack in
alli-alli a wall | Hausa tsage
l n.m. firing a pot ex íy k l m lwi n. (pl. llwi) dove
gby  she fired the pot | Hausa gasa (Streptopelia spp.) | Hausa kurciya
tukunya lim n.m. (pl. lmi) horn | Hausa
lu v.A1 (v.n. l) 1. drop, release ex afo
n l k mri I distributed new lu = blu num. two | Hausa biyu
millet. 2. divorce (wife) ex ng i ,  = ë det.def. the, the one in
l k mndye that man divorced question ex yli  ‘the country;
his wife; Do mendo tingeka a ka ta kwr  = kwr ë the house |
doku ta bo ben ya, da nda ala Hausa -n. -r
mizitau. If a woman sits on the  dem. that place, there | Hausa can
threshhold of a doorway, they say cam adv.loc. here, this place | Hausa
that she wants to divorce her nan
husband. 3. lay eggs | Hausa saka ka v.B (v.n. ik) appear, pop out ex
am n. tuwo without miya | Hausa k bcam he appeared here | Hausa
gayan tuwo ulla
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 13

il il n. side below the ribs | Hausa

lu v.A1 (v.n. l) appear suddenly,
come out from hidden place | Hausa
ulla c ~ c pro.2 sg.f. you (feminine
im irim id.adj. round in shape | singular direct object of verbs
Hausa without totality extension--
rdu v.A2b (v.n. rd) cut into pieces, completive/non-completive) | Hausa
cut up | Hausa datsa ki
r n.m. (pl. rri) small hole | c n.pl. peers, compatriots, friends ex
Hausa kafa cno my friends; cí his friends |
ru v.A1 (v.n. r) separate out, Hausa íyanuwa, tsararraki
remove from a group ex rka c v.D (v.n. cin) begin ex maiwasu
m am separate those out | Hausa cai caca da, ìKai! Loi tamu!î their
ware elder began speaking saying, “Wow!
t = tm adv.loc. there, that place | That meat was good!” | Hausa fara
Hausa can c tu v.A2c (v.n. c t) (tr.) soak,
ol l n. a game in which boys moisten, make wet ex c t gr
compete to get a small gourd or stalk she soaked the cassava | Hausa jia
from the water | Hausa wasan ruwa c u v.A2a (intr.) soak, be soaked, be
‰l n. jute (Corchorus tridens) | Hausa moist ex gr c tak the cassava is
lalo soaked | Hausa jiu
‰lo n. crying for help | Hausa c u v.A1 (v.n. c ) become sore
˘lum n. running off with someone from rubbing together, e.g. thighs
else’s wife, elope | Hausa cire from walking | Hausa mele
uk n.f. escape hole of squirrel or cc n.m. news, word, speech ex n l
other rodent ex bo uka ta casim a g cc m kwr I’m going to a
rat’s emergency exit | Hausa ramin discussion of marriage | Hausa labari,
kurege magana
ululu id.adj. very small opening or cca n. gambling ex b cca gambler |
hole ex ululu bo bazan ma Gana. Hausa caca
(Bazan ma elawi.) Riddle: Tiny cck n. dregs of beer after straining |
(like) the opening of the well of Hausa dusar giya
Gana. (Hole of a type of burrowing cc kumbi n. type of rat with
insect.) | Hausa hedgehog-like hair | Hausa era (iri)
um urum id.adj. naked ex b cca c k n.m. boundary, limit ex n
um urum z n k mm bai, tank wliku  c k m tr tmu I
zani hnn the gambler is naked, went to the edge of our farm | Hausa
there’s nothing on his body, they won iyaka
his gown | Hausa tsirara c i n.f. (pl. c  i) quarter,
ri n. small hole ex csim rn ka neighborhood ex dila ka tlina kwara
ri the rat entered through the small ma, sai ca ta bido when the jackal
opening | Hausa kafa reached home, he went straight to the
monkey's neighborhood | Hausa
cf n. potash | Hausa kanwa
14 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

cfu v.A1 (v.n. cf) 1. catch in the air. clum n. shade, shadow; soul ex
2. bathe parts of the body, such as the mndi cwk clum hnn the
arms and legs or shoulders up ex woman has possessed his soul; t t
Jimmai y n cf  b˘ sh ri t k clum hnn he calmed down |
lailai Jimmair bathed just her ams Hausa inuwa, ?ruhu, ( MHS)
and legs out of fear of the cold | cm n., adj. love, beloved | Hausa
Hausa cafke; kwaskware, yi soyayya, na so
kwaskwarima cmtu n. oath, swearing ex tu cmtu
cfu v.A2a (v.n. cf) thresh | Hausa he took an oath | Hausa
sussuka cmtu v.A2b (v.n. cmt) soil oneself,
cagdlau n. (pl. cagadladli) lion beshit oneself ex cmtu k zn he
(Panthera leo) | Hausa zaki beshat himself | Hausa kasaya
cagadl r n. the vine Cissus populnea | cmu v.A1 (v.n. cmi) pick beans ex n
Hausa dafara cm k dm I picked beans | Hausa
cagadl r n.m. sand fox (Vulpes rore
pallida) | Hausa yanyawa, tulu-tulu cmu v.A2a (v.n. cm) gather, collect
ci n. transplanting, seedling ex n íy | Hausa tara
ci m wtai  tara tnau I filled in cn n.m. (pl. cnkc) paternal uncle ex
gaps in the guinea corn by cnno my uncle; cníe his uncle;
translanting seedlings | Hausa dashe cam m Kriy Kariya’s uncle |
cak id. in a group | Hausa amsa amo Hausa kawu
ck v.B (v.n. cak ) dig, dig up | Hausa cn n. dispute, argument | Hausa musu
tona cnkc n. hangnail, cuticle | Hausa
ck n. weaving | Hausa saawa an uba
cakaram n. chattering | Hausa surutu cnc˘li n. (pl. canc˘lli) the gum
ck do n. an erect weed with soft yielding acacia Acacia sieberiana |
leaves (Waltheria indica), root mixed Hausa farar aya
with potash as toothache medicine; canc˘li n. a sore that emerges from the
root used by women for stomach nose or eye | Hausa ciwon ido
ache | Hausa hankufa cndw adj. beautiful | Hausa mai
ckck n.m. dregs from beer brewing kyau
| Hausa dusar giya cngy n. cornstalk hut built for
cku v.A2a (v.n. ck) weave | Hausa rituals during harvest | Hausa
saa tsangaya
ckum = ckumu n.f. twigs, cngwi n. coarse grain left after
kindling ex ckum t fnt ysi sifting | Hausa tsaki
kindling for starting a fire | Hausa cnkli id.adj. having protruding teeth
irare ex kai cankalai ka utu you snaggle-
cl n.m. root clump of any grain ex tooth! | Hausa
cl m mr au root clump of capkar n. comb | Hausa matsefi
milled | Hausa tushiya cptu v.A2b (v.n. cpt) collect, gather
clfti n. type of gecko thought to be | Hausa tara
poisonous | Hausa sarikutup cpu v.A1 (v.n. cp) cut off, intercept
clm n. water in which flour or a little ex an d˘k cpank ndl pash
kunu has been added for drinking | the police intercepted the bandits |
Hausa surki Hausa tare
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 15

car id. indicates fullness ex B ta twines around trees and kills them |
kw inu car na cf. (B˘ k t.) Hausa shirinya
Riddle: My small calabash is c pro.2 sg.f. see c | Hausa
completely filled with potash. (A cbdl n. a type of bird | Hausa
mouth and teeth.); njmtak car it is tsuntsu (iri)
completely full | Hausa amsa amo ckirk n. clitoris | Hausa an tsaka
crf n. (pl. crffi) fish | Hausa c w n. a type of bird | Hausa tsuntsu
kifi (iri)
crr n.m. small centipede | Hausa ci pro.2 sg.f. you (feminine singular
aimaka subject pronoun for verbs) | Hausa
cargm n. type of flying squirrel, kin
family Anomaluridae, perhaps ci, c pro.2 sg.f. you, to you, your
Beecroft’s flying squirrel (feminine singular general bound
(Anomalurus beecrofti) | Hausa suffix--genitive, direct object with
kuregen bisa totality extension, non-completive
cariy = cariíy n. weighing, indirect object) | Hausa ki, miki, nki,
measuring | Hausa awo rki
crk n. fodder | Hausa harawa ci pro.2 sg.f. (preceded by low tone)
crnn n. a type of grass | Hausa your (feminine singular linked
ciyawa (iri) genitive pronoun) | Hausa nki, rki
cru = cryu v.A1 (v.n. cr = cry) ci ~ ciki pro.2 sg.f. you (second
weigh, measure ex n cr k ww feminine singular intransitive copy
I measured out guinea corn | Hausa pronoun) | Hausa
auna c  v.B (v.n. c ) tie a knot ex ci i
csim n. (pl. casami) rat, mouse | zorayam ka amu tie this rope to
Hausa era that one | Hausa kulla
ctir n. (pl. catiri) tail | Hausa c u v.A1 (v.n. c ) place on | Hausa
wutsiya sa
cw n. shame, embarrassment, cc c interjection here's a scary thing! |
reticence, modesty ex kl cw he Hausa
felt shame/embarrassment | Hausa cdm n. (pl. cdacdm) seed | Hausa
kunya iri
cw v.B (v.n. cw ) 1. hold, seize, c i n. small cricket | Hausa tsanya
catch. 2. (with verb complement) c kind n. baby tooth which does not
start | Hausa rie, kama fall out when the adult tooth emerges
cwan adv.time a while ago ex k | Hausa
cwan lhaj wluk Alhaji went cki n. open space outside a compound
not long ago; cwan n nn | Hausa fili gaban gida
formerly I was going to go, I had ckr n. purse on a string hung around
planned to go | Hausa azu the neck | Hausa
cw sra idiom give condolences on a ckr n.m. thinning crops | Hausa raga
death, express sympathy | Hausa jaje cikn adj. new ex jnn  dibr t
cyi n. nettle tree (Celtis integrifolia) | cikn he bought new peanuts | Hausa
Hausa zuwo sabo
cyi n. the parasitic fig Ficus ckwnkwyu v.A2c (v.n.
iteophylla, has milky sap which ckwnkwy) rinse mouth ex n
16 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

ckwnkwyu b˘no I rinsed my cru v.A1 (v.n. cri, cr) steal ex

mouth | Hausa kurkure baki crk ˘c he stole the goat | Hausa
clnf  n. Sodom apple (Calotropis sata
procera) | Hausa tunfafiya cry n. brindled cat | Hausa
cll bzn n. dove milk (Euphorbia tsawarwara
convolvuloides, E. spp.), used as ctt n. ginger (Zingiber officinale) |
medicine by hunters | Hausa nonon Hausa citta mai yatsa
kurciya c wtu v.A2c (v.n. c wt ) teach, learn
cilis id. indicates a small amount | ex n c wt b˘ karaikarai ‘I
Hausa amsa amo learned Karekare | Hausa koyar, koya
cillibir n. a type of poisonous tree | col e n. large forked stick used to
Hausa kashe uda support pot when stirring | Hausa
cilw t  n.f. peak, apex, top of tree, matokari
rock, etc. | Hausa ololuwa c‰ro n. gap between the front teeth |
cm n. one who receives guest in a Hausa wushirya
court | Hausa mai karar bai cb n.m. room or hut where traditional
cin n. beginning, start, introduction medicines are kept | Hausa akin
(see c) | Hausa farawa magani
cn v.B (v.n. cn ) fear, be afraid ex ccaka n. (pl. cckyin) tapeworm |
cntink he is afraid | Hausa tsorata Hausa cukaka
cin n. beginning | Hausa farko, fari ckla n. (pl. cklali) the fig tree
cnm = cinu n. mistletoe Ficus thonningii | Hausa ceiya
(Loranthaceae spp. and
Tapinanthaceae spp.) | Hausa kauci
cin-cin n. a type of bird | Hausa tsuntsu
cprm n. compensation given to a
sorcerer to keep him from inflicting
some greater evil | Hausa d = dy conj. (introduces direct or
cr n. syphilis | Hausa tunjere indirect quote) that; saying that ex
cru = cr˘ n.m. (pl. crwn, Sai idihu tame da, ìAnce mu yaka
cr wne) (f. cruco) thief | Hausa kara?î Then the king said, “Now
arawo what will we do?!”; Idifu da, ìTo,
cri n. a place that is sloppy or muddy yanati ka e!î The king said, “OK,
| Hausa cakue come quickly!”; Do nga apko da
cr u v.A2b (v.n. cr ) spit in a min wadi na nzima ya, cama ndalo
stream | Hausa tsirta mensuyi. If a person says certain
cire id.adj. having a gap ex utu ma people are miserly, you know he
Kariya cire there’s a gap between wants their things.; sai menti da
Kariya’s teeth | Hausa wushirya ayeyi Bukar bai then she knew that
cirf n. deleb palm (Borassus this one was not Bukar; In nga da sa
aethiopum) | Hausa giginya ala dayaku ye, cauni gudi. If a
cri n. stealing, theft | Hausa sata person says he will swallow an axe,
crtu v.A2c (v.n. crt) arrange, hold the handle for him. | Hausa wai,
organize | Hausa tsara cewa
cirot id. indicates exiting quickly | d n. the tall, stiff grass Cymbopogon
Hausa amsa amo giganteus | Hausa tsaure
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 17

dbníyl n. a type of tree | Hausa dddr = dadiro n. 1. eczema. 1. be

bishiya (iri) patient | Hausa yazbi
dbar n. trick, plan, scheme | Hausa dddru v.A2c (v.n. dddr ) 1.
dabara eczema. 1. be patient | Hausa haura
dbtu v.A2c (tr.) disperse, scatter a ddif n.m. buried granary | Hausa
group ex dbtannask they were rahoniya
scattered (by some agent) | Hausa d dn n.m. spiny plum (Ximenia
watsar americana) | Hausa tsada
dby n. the trees Combretum d dn m km ci n. a type of plant |
glutinosum, C. lamprocarpum | Hausa bishiya (iri)
Hausa kantakara, tarauniya d dir n. painted decorations inside a
dab n. fracture, a break | Hausa karaya calabash | Hausa
dbi n.f. (pl. dbbi) black plum dadiro = dddr n. eczema | Hausa
(Vitex doniana) ex Dabi ta mbugum yazbi
neka a sara hnni. A blind person’s ddlr id. indicates falling with a bang
plum ripens in his hand. | Hausa ex ngatetu ka fal ta baini dadlar! a
inya yali he fell in the middle of his
dab˘ n. conjuring, trickery | Hausa compound dadlar! on the ground |
dabo Hausa amsa amo
Dabr n. a male name | Hausa sunan d  n. (pl. da ) chop, clear bush for
namiji new farm ex n d k tar tno I
dbu v.A1 (v.n. db) (tr., intr.) break cleared (space for)my farm | Hausa
(stick), break in two ex n db zl sara
I broke a stick; zl y dbtak the d u v.A1 (v.n. d ) chop, cut,
stick broke | Hausa karya harvest guinea corn ex n d k
dbu v.A1 1. (intr.) scatter, disperse ex sw tno I harvested my guinea
riyai dabtu ka jojo (the animals of) corn | Hausa sara
the bush scattered at a run. 2. (intr.) d f = d fu n. leaves, foliage | Hausa
act as a group ex db ne k k hnn ganye
they ganged up and attacked him | df = dfu n. scar | Hausa tabo
Hausa watse d fu v.A2a (v.n. d f ) continue, keep
d tlu v.A2c (v.n. d tl ) chop into doing ex d f‰m w n let’s continue
fine pieces | Hausa datse working | Hausa ci gaba
d ir = d ur n. (pl. d iri) large dg v.B (v.n. dg ) call ex Dar ta
basket | Hausa kwando daga zabu ada ma bebe gufe.
da tlu n. type of kunu made from Failure to be called causes the deaf
millet flour and tamarind | Hausa person's dog to get lost. | Hausa kira
kunun tsamiya dg u v.A2c (v.n. dg ) find,
d d n. mother | Hausa uwa come across, go to meet ex daga u
dd n. a type of wild tuber | Hausa tanka jagai a tuwa he found that the
bishiya (iri) town had been conquered in battle;
d dk n. smithing, forging, beating | dg ng am go meet that
Hausa ira, buga person | Hausa tarar, tara
d dku v.A2c (v.n. d dk ) beat, dgl n. a type of tree | Hausa lefo
thrash | Hausa doka dgar n. a celebration commemorating
dadyi n. stammering, stuttering | some event ex Menda madai ka fafa
Hausa iíina ma dagar. (Cirfi.) Riddle: A red
18 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

woman with a loincloth for a dli n. (pl. dlailiy) domestic knife

celebration. (A deleb palm.) | Hausa with a wooden handle | Hausa
dg˘r m n. creativeness ex lewi i, gwardo
dagorima a gi hnni mu that boy is dli m ftlu n. unstable person,
very creative | Hausa iriro loose cannon | Hausa
dgu v.A2a (v.n. dg) pull | Hausa ja dl l n. reason, purpose | Hausa dalili
dgu-dgu adj. of different kinds | dlm n.m. small axe with long thin
Hausa daban-daban blade (used particularly by sorcerers)
dgj n. worn out grindstone | Hausa | Hausa tsitaka
dgwl n.f. kunu ex dgwl t jan dl n.f. castration ex n y dl ta gam
kunu flavored with desert date fruits | hnno I am going to castrate my ram |
Hausa kunu Hausa fiiya
dagwal n. residue scraped from inside dlu v.A1 (v.n. dalu, dl) pluck out or
dye pits (used to plaster houses) | off | Hausa tsine
Hausa katsin rini d masr n. maize, corn (Zea mays) |
dgwar n. sorcery ex Rbi nnta Hausa masara
dgwar Rabi is a sorceress | Hausa dms n. finger millet (Eleusine
maita coracana), seeds used to flavor
dk  n.m. cooked beer that has not porridge | Hausa tamba
been strained | Hausa dmtu v.A2c annoy, worry ex
dk-daka adv.man. with difficulty ex dmt nnak he bothered me |
na gub uhnni na ruru, fatene Hausa dama
daka-daka hnni they were beating dmbzwr n. wild hunting dog
him and he was crying out, and he (Lycaon pictus) | Hausa kyarkeci
got out only with difficulty | Hausa Damb n. a male name, after a spirit
da kyar who carries messages to Ndagai |
dkand˘l = dkwandl n. type of Hausa sunan namiji
flying squirrel, family Anomaluridae, dmbu v.A2b (v.n. dmb) mix
perhaps Beecroft’s flying squirrel something thick, e.g. stir miya into
(Anomalurus beecrofti) | Hausa tuwo ex n l dmb w  I will
kuregen sama mix tuwo | Hausa tua
dak n. steer, castrated bull | Hausa dmfw n. hairy caterpillar | Hausa
dake gizaka
dkc n. chicken with permanently dmi n. (pl. dmmi) tamarind
ruffled feathers | Hausa kazar bingi (Tamarindus indica) | Hausa tsamiya
dk  n. a type of tuwo made with dmi n. anvil; hammering ex tin
the sorghum dsh | Hausa tuwo (iri) [hnn] dmi swearing (“eating
dk  gza n. grubworm | Hausa anvil”--the Karekares swear on an
gwazarma anvil because it is a place where
dakm n. (pl. dakm˘mi) guinea metal things are made) | Hausa
fowl (Numida meleagris) | Hausa maera
zabo, zabuwa dmi-dmi n. the thorny shrub
dkwandl = dkand˘l n. type of Chamaecrista mimosoides | Hausa
flying squirrel, family Anomaluridae, gabaruwar asa
perhaps Beecroft’s flying squirrel Dmj n. a female name | Hausa sunan
(Anomalurus beecrofti) | Hausa mace
kuregen bisa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 19

dams r n. ring around the top of a dnkar n. (pl. dnkcin) lizard

well-bucket | Hausa (Agama agama) | Hausa adangare
dmu v.A2a (v.n. dm) be worried, be dank˘tliy n. injury to toe or finger
bothered ex dmutink he is worried causing loss of a nail | Hausa gulando
| Hausa dama dan˘ n.f. sweet juice of locust bean
dan interr, adv.time when? ex ka flower balls ex dan˘ t mtc juice
ndn dan? when did you come? | of a locust bean | Hausa
Hausa yaushe? dr v.B (v.n. dr) sweep | Hausa
dn n. red-flowered silk-cotton tree shara
(Bombax buonopozense; B. drai n. a type of tree | Hausa bishiya
brevicuspe; B. costatum) (iri)
| Hausa gurjiya drnkwtl n. a weed from which
dnm interjection be careful! | Hausa makes a remedy for diarrhea | Hausa
kul! ciyawa (iri)
dany interr.adv. when?, when is it? | dar() t m n.f. drought | Hausa fari
Hausa yaushe ne daríe adv.time this year | Hausa bana
dnci n. (pl. dncco) shea nut dar n.f. lack, absence, failure ex Ba
(Vitellaria paradoxa) | Hausa dar ta jire, ko na amu na ina
kaanya bikuru. One who lacks truth, even if
dndf˘ m bzn n.m. abandoned he is in the water he will sweat. |
well | Hausa tsohon rijiya Hausa rashi
dndaksr n. fowlfoot grass dart˘ n.m. file (for sharpening tools) |
(Eleusine indica) | Hausa tuji Hausa darto
dandl n.m. meeting place, town dru v.A1 (v.n. dar) lack ex n
square | Hausa dandali dr ka wyum I lack money | Hausa
dnd = dd conj. before ex dnd rasa
mar nd t t‰m w y before dsh n. type of short sorghum
Umaru comes, let’s eat up the tuwo | (Sorghum bicolor) | Hausa dawa
Hausa kafin gajere
dnu v.A2b (v.n. dn‰, dan) sew d t n.m. tallness, height ex b  d t a
| Hausa inka tall person; d t m ng a tall
dang n. cornstalk fence | Hausa danga person; ng  k d t the person is
dng n. unidentified animal | Hausa tall | Hausa tsawo
dangun n. red flower balls of locust dur n. the tree Terminalia spp. |
bean | Hausa íyaíyan orawa Hausa baushe
dnjnj n.m. type of lizard said to be dauy n. cassava (Manihot esculenta)
poisonous ex na n n dnj nj m or yam (Dioscorea spp.) ex dauy
k t gnj I am the danjanja lizard s yam; dauy r‰g cassava |
on the rubbish heap (a cry of self Hausa rogo
praise used by wrestlers) | Hausa D v n. name give to the female
adangare (iri) member of male and female twins |
dank n. (pl. dankcin) hawk | Hausa Hausa sunan mace
shaho dw = dwu v.B (v.n. dwu) scrape
dnkay n. chronic injury, an injury out, e.g. pulp from inside a gourd ex
that does not heal | Hausa gyambo Dawaka fawun a fat ta marka bai.
dnkal n. sweet potato (Ipomoea One doesn't scrape out a gourd (for
batatas) | Hausa dankali
20 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

water) on the day of a journey. | dib r = dib r t Masr n.f. (pl.

Hausa fafe dib rri) peanuts, groundnuts
dwad adv.time one day, another day (Arachis hypogaea) | Hausa gyaa
ex Sai dawadi. Until another day. dib r t jgo n.f. Bambara groundnuts
(standard leave-taking); Ti a ka indi (Vigna subterranea) | Hausa gujiya
dane waike bai, dawadi ko a íyali dib r t Masr = dib r n.f. peanuts,
se ti e. One doesn't spend every groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) |
night in a bed, some days even on the Hausa gyaa
ground must one pass the night. | dbn = dbn = dingns n. a
Hausa wata rana reinforcement around the inside of a
dawi n. grazing, feeding; tending thatched roof | Hausa giniya
animals ex n w luk dawi I went dibin n. date palm (Phoenix
to tend (animals) | Hausa kiwo dactylifera); dates | Hausa dabino
d wn n.m. adulterer, someone who dibs n., adj. thickness ex littafi ayam
seeks others' wives | Hausa kwarto ka dibis ‘this book is thick | Hausa
dw no n. bow-legged ex b dw no kauri
bow-legged person | Hausa cassa dcc num. ten | Hausa goma
dwu = dw v.A1 (v.n. dw) scrape dci pro.2 sg.f. you (feminine singular
out gourd | Hausa rarake independent pronoun) | Hausa ke
dwun bai n. a ritual of circling a hut ddm n. a traditional type of loincloth
where a birth has taken place during for women | Hausa fafa
the naming ceremony | Hausa ddr n. leather apron worn by male
dy n. (from Blench) buffalo weaver dancers | Hausa baza
(Bubalornis albirostris); [Bargery ddr n. funeral dirge | Hausa waar
and Newman defined H. taíaziyya
cakwaikwaiwa as ‘purple glossy d  n. vein, tendon | Hausa jijiya
starling’] | Hausa cakwaikwaiwa di  b˘ n. ritual chanting | Hausa
d yk n. (pl. dykwkwi) axe | d v.A1 (v.n. d ) (usually in d
Hausa gatari b˘) beg, beseech | Hausa roa
dyi n. thistle (Centaurea perrottetti; dfi n. seventeen year locust | Hausa
C. praecox) | Hausa dayi fara
dyi n. a type of tree | Hausa bishiya dig n. paved road ex b˘ dig edge of
(iri) the highway | Hausa kwalta
dy = d conj. quote (see d) | Hausa Dgr n. a female name | Hausa sunan
wai, cewa mace
dyu v.A1 (v.n. dy) 1. leave thing dgn n.m. wooden food bowl ex dgn
behind, leave alone ex Daye kezi a m w  bowl for food | Hausa
sak tau. Leave the chicken in its akushi
feathers. 2. allow, let, permit ex ma dgo adv. first, in the first place ex
la daya lewayam yawi bai we will amma ta ndala digo lamta zore
not let this boy grow up | Hausa bari gam mban na yan a wakai but first
dzo a small bee that lives in the she wanted them to braid a lot a
ground | Hausa rakuwa ropes for her (of the type) that they
d d = dnd conj. before ex d d tie up goats with | Hausa tukuna
ndt before they come | Hausa dik quant. all, the totality, both
kafin (referring to two) ex na dukaka babi
dibmbro n. kidney | Hausa oda ka nani dik a meto kurus! he will
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 21

kill both his father and his mother to dndmar n. bran | Hausa dusa
death kurus! | Hausa duk, duka dindno n., interj. (pl. dind n-
dk n.f. (pl. dki) (f. of dshi) dind n) folktale, riddle; opening
grandmother; granddaughter ex formula for folktale ex Dindno! -
dkn my Mrz! Here’s a tale! - Let’s hear it!
grandmother/grandaughter; dkí | Hausa tatsuniya
his grandmother/grandaughter | dnd n. (pl. dndiyk) toad | Hausa
Hausa kaka (tamata); jika (tamata) kwao
dkir prayer | Hausa adduía dingl n. drumstick of chicken leg |
dko pro.2 sg.m. you (masculine Hausa
singular independent pronoun) | dingn n.pl. small children | Hausa
Hausa kai yara
dku pro.2 pl. you (plural independent dingns = dbn = dbn n. a
pronoun) | Hausa ku reinforcement around the inside of a
dl v.B (v.n. dil) scoop out dry thatched roof | Hausa giniya
substance; clean a well ex d dl n dnk = dnku n. gums | Hausa
bzn Idi cleaned out the well | dasashi
Hausa yasa dntu = dmtu v.A2b (v.n. dntu,
dil n. jackal (Canis aureus) | Hausa dnt) warm up, heat up | Hausa
dila umama
dlk n. false sesame leaves dnu v.A1 become warm, become
(Ceratotheca sesamoides), used as a heated ex w i dntak the tuwo is
potherb | Hausa karkashi warm | Hausa umama
dimbl n. stocks for restraining mad dr v.B (v.n. dir) for water in a well
person | Hausa turu to dry up ex bzn y drtak the
dmbru n. a type of tree | Hausa well is dry | Hausa afe
bishiya (iri) dirdr n. sawdust; residue of grain in a
dmdim n. probably the shrub Gisekia granary | Hausa dudduga
pharnacioides | Hausa dandami drs id.adj. shady, having shade |
d mn adv.time formerly, previously, in Hausa
earlier times | Hausa daa dr n. sowing seeds broadcast ex íy
dmpo n. forehead | Hausa goshi dr  tar hnn he sowed seeds
dmpu v.A2b (v.n. dimp) butt with the broadcast on his farm | Hausa shuka
head | Hausa tunkwiya drn n. a game like draughts played by
dmtu = dntu v.A2b (v.n. dmtu) women | Hausa dara irin na mata
warm up, heat up ex dmtu wa dirk n. Achilles tendon | Hausa agara
heat up the tuwo! | Hausa imama drmsu v.A2c (v.n. drms) rub with
dmu pro.1 pl. we, us (independent hand, rub between hands | Hausa
pronoun) | Hausa mu murtsuka
dmu v.A1 (v.n. dm) plug up, stop up drmi n.f. the fig tree Ficus polita |
| Hausa toshe Hausa durumi
Dmz n. name given to a male or drmi t Gwna n.f. a type of tree |
female who is born feet first | Hausa Hausa bishiya (iri)
sunan namiji ko mace dirt (t b) adv.time, n.f. midnight,
dn v.B (v.n. dn ) tan leather | Hausa middle of the the night | Hausa tsakar
jema fata dare
dnr n. gold | Hausa zinariya
22 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

dru v.A2a (v.n. dr) pound grain | dlikm n. camel | Hausa raumi
Hausa daka dlmba-dlmbu n. a type of insect that
drkl a boil without pus | Hausa attacks okra | Hausa waro (iri)
kumburi wanda ba ruwa dlr n. fighting | Hausa faa
dry n. a type of bird | Hausa tsuntsu d˘ conj. 1. if; nothing but, just ex Do
(iri) ka kala ìdayu, dayu!î bai ye, ka
ds n.m. (f. dskcau) evil, ugly, bad kale ìpopo!î If you don't hear “quit
ex ds m ng ugly or evil person | doing that!”, you will hear “sorry!”;
Hausa mugu, mummuna lawayam, do yawaka ya, na yina
ds ltink  my? n. a type of disa this child, when he grows up, he
beetle that feigns death when touched will become evil. 2. just ex mn k
(name means “why has an ugly one d˘! just do it | Hausa idan
touched me?”) | Hausa ngurgm d˘ , d˘ m adv.time on that day ex
dshi n.m. (pl. dki) (f. dk) Ka na asawo na wa o a asku ye, ca
grandparent, grandchild ex dsh n do i bai. If you see an old woman
my grandson/grandfather; dsh í his dancing in the market, (you know)
grandfather; dsh t M sa Musa’s she didn't begin on that day. | Hausa
grandfather | Hausa kaka ran nan
dsu pro.3 pl. they, them (independent d˘ku n.m. (pl. d˘kn) horse | Hausa
pronoun) | Hausa su doki
dsu v.A2a (v.n. ds) become filled, fill d˘ku m m n.m. hippopotamus
up; heal over | Hausa cika (Hippopotamus amphibius) | Hausa
dto pro.3 sg.f. she, her (independent dorina
pronoun) | Hausa ita d˘ku m ndagi n.m. praying mantis |
dya t d˘ku n.f. horsefly | Hausa Hausa oi-oi
udan doki d˘n n. blood | Hausa jini
dyo n.f. (pl. diyi) fly (insect) | Hausa d˘nu prep., n.m. in front of, ahead ex
uda n d˘nno/dnko they are ahead of
Diy˘ n. a male name | Hausa sunan me/of you | Hausa gaban
namiji dbn = dbn = dingns n. a
dlb c id.adj. huge ex kwam yi reinforcement around the inside of a
maiwa dlb c the cow is very thatched roof | Hausa giniya
huge | Hausa ato dugrum = kurt n. deaf mute (can
dlbru v.A2c (v.n. dlbr) become neither hear nor speak) ex ngyam
confused ex n dlbrhnnak I got dugrum m ng that person is a
confused | Hausa rue deaf mute | Hausa kurma
dl dlr id.adj. physically weak and dgwar n. a scar that leaves a welt |
loose ex dl dlr gdi yi t kut˘ Hausa tabo
loose like a calabash for draining dugzhr n. bastard | Hausa shege
water from ashes | Hausa dj n. frankincense tree (Boswellia
dlrbd n. joking, not taking things dalzielii; B.odorata; Commiphora
seriously ex M s r b dlrbd, kerstingii) | Hausa ararrai, hanu
ccyam j r kwa? Musa is not dkw cc idiom resolve a dispute,
serious, is this talk true? | Hausa lay a matter to rest | Hausa kashe
wasa-wasa magana
dlt n. a type of bird | Hausa tsuntsu dkwa d‰ t gno idiom flavoring a
(iri) food by adding particular ingredients,
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 23

e.g. adding peanut flavoring to sorrel on (my) boyfriend’s body (a love

sauce | Hausa epithet said by girls) | Hausa anshi,
dkwu v.A1 (v.n. dkw) 1. thrash, wari
beat, hit; kill ex n dksku I beat f-t-Ndag n. religion | Hausa
him. 2. weave with palm leaves ex addini
dkw bc weaving a mat | Hausa fo = fan n.m. odor (good or bad)
doka, buga, kashe; saa tabarma ex fai tm bai the odor is not good
dl n. unidentified type of insect | | Hausa anshi, wari
Hausa waro (iri) fu v.A1 (v.n. f) speak, tell |
dmbyu v.A2c (v.n. dmby) Hausa faa, gaya
submerge, go under water, dive | fu v.A2a (v.n. f) follow ex ka
Hausa nitse f mn bai don’t pay any
dniy n. world | Hausa duniya attention to him | Hausa bi
drr id.adj. expansive, spacious ex gtu v.A2c (v.n. gt) coax,
kwar hnni dururu his house is persuade, e.g. an animal with food |
expansive | Hausa Hausa lallashe
durus quant. all | Hausa duka gu v.A2a (v.n. g) tie tightly |
dshi n. | Hausa diddige Hausa ame
dtli n. heel | Hausa diddige gwitu ( gwit) exercise | Hausa
dtu n. message informing of a death | yi motsin jiki
Hausa labarin mutuwa aku n. storm | Hausa hadiri
dwl n. strap to which a stirrup is kem n.m. tweezers | Hausa matsefata
attached | Hausa igiyar fangamin ku v.A1 (v.n. k, k) build
doki (from mud or cement); mould pot |
duwl n. calf (of leg) | Hausa sha raa Hausa gina
dw‰ n. an enclosure made of stalks at kwr n.f. marriage | Hausa aure
a doorway ex bo duwo doorway of a kwru v.A2c (v.n. kwr) marry
hut | Hausa danga, kewayar ofa ex kwrntak he married her’;
dzh n. owl (Ptilopsis leucotis) | kwrnnink she married him |
Hausa mujiya Hausa aura
lu v.A1 (v.n. l) swallow | Hausa
mi n. a type of bitter weed (Polygala
arenaria) | Hausa sa hankaki dako
mu v.A2a (v.n. m) tie tightly |
Hausa ame
 v.D (v.n. in [ínn]) mount, climb angy n. coarse flour separated from
| Hausa hau fine flour after pounding | Hausa
c n. tomorrow | Hausa gobe tsaki
dl n. convex curvature of the back arai id. indicates fullness ex
ex b dl someone with a convex tlansuku, lame bakwar ta idifu
back | Hausa gantsariya namtako arai when they arrived,
ffi n. announcement, information | they found the entranceway of the
Hausa sanarwa king completely filled | Hausa amsa
fan = fo n.f. odor (good or bad) ex amo
apan t wrdi, N z yro. (I s n.m. or f. (pl. sasyin) slacker,
smell) the fragrance of perfume, It’s lazy person | Hausa rago
24 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

tlw n. bile | Hausa maata il il id.adj. tiny, very small ex kezi

tu v.A2a (v.n. t) carry baby on alu insa b t il il the hen laid a
back ex Bara atu a bai akau. very small egg | Hausa
(That’s) giving a child to be carried li n.m. ebony (Diospyros
on the stomach (instead of the back). mespiliformis) | Hausa kanya
| Hausa goya m n. waiting ex n m I am
wu v.A1 (v.n. w) become, be waiting | Hausa jira
established, be correct ex m uka mtu v.A2c (v.n. mt) wait for |
kut that’s how things turned out | Hausa jira
Hausa zama, zauna mtu = ntu v.A2b straighten, stretch
yi n.f. (pl. yn, cin) calabash | | Hausa miar
Hausa warya mu v.A1 (v.n. m) wait ex imitu
yu v.A2a (v.n. y) slit, strip off anka Baba ka Mama tausu ba! wait
palm leaves from stem | Hausa aye until mother and father come back! |
btu v.A2c (v.n. bt) sell | Hausa Hausa jira
sayar mu v.A1 (v.n. m) go straight, be
b n.pl. children, offspring ex har straight ex mtink he went straight
lawanka ibisu fe u ka dito and he | Hausa mie
and she even bore four children | in n. climbing, mounting (see ) |
Hausa íyaíya Hausa hawa
b n. lower back, waist ex b hnno nksu v.A2c (v.n. nksu) limp ex
n mngwai my lower back hurts | íyu nksu he limped | Hausa yi
Hausa kukumi ingishi
b n.f., adv.loc. east ex b t jg nku v.A2b (v.n. nk, inku)
east of the town | Hausa gabas cook, boil ex nk  m she boiled
bu v.A1 (v.n. b) hand over, water | Hausa dafa
extend, straighten something flexible ntu = mtu v.A2b straighten | Hausa
| Hausa mia, miar miar
ci n. tanned leather | Hausa fata nyu = mtu v.A2b (v.n. ny)
jemammiya wait | Hausa jira
g v.B (v.n. ig) peek over the top iri iri id.adj. very thin (long thing,
of something (wall, etc.) ex cru like rope) ex z˘ri iri iri the rope is
gn k t kwru the thief very thin | Hausa siriri
peered over the wall of the house | w n. a type of tree | Hausa bishiya
Hausa lee (iri)
gdu ( gd) stack, pile things one ˘ru v.A2a (v.n. ‰r) shout, yell, call
on top of the other | Hausa ora from afar | Hausa kira, ihu
 id. indicates movement of crowd ex  n.m. rutting, copulation by animals
min kase kasu ii, rayi na timusu ex  m gam copulation by a ram |
ndaru ar riyai the people pushed off Hausa barbara
(poured themselves) dii, the bird was mb n. cat's whiskers
showing them the road all the way (Gynandropsis pentaphylla), used as
into the bush | Hausa amsa amo a potherb | Hausa gasaya
ku v.A1 (v.n. k˘) submerge, dive tu v.A2a copulate with (humans or
under water | Hausa nitsa animals), have sexual intercourse
with ex titk he had sex with her
| Hausa ika, yi barbara
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 25

flt n. open space, open area as a

courtyard in a house | Hausa fili,

F tsakar gida
fltu v.A2b (v.n. flt ) exchange |
Hausa musaya
fnd n. furrow, space between
f v.D (v.n. fun [f”n ]) close | Hausa ridgerows on farm | Hausa kwarin
rufe kunya
fc n.m. coarsely ground flour; a dish fans n. retaliation | Hausa ramuwa
made with coarsely ground millet ex far prep., n.f. 1. under, under part, base
fc m mr au millet gumba | ex spd n far t ndi the shoe is
Hausa tsaki; gumba under the bed. 2. private parts,
f di n. bed made of planks | Hausa genitals ex ngozo zabu farhnni ma,
gadon katako sai kiyto when the lizard inserted his
fa n.m. pain, ache ex sr hnn n penis, it broke off | Hausa arashi,
fa his hand hurts; fa m k gindi
headache | Hausa ciwo farat id. clearly in view; quickly ex n
f   n. discrimination ex ndattijo i may‰ parat I see it clearly | Hausa
fa a u a gi hnni, in mihnni bai ye amsa amo
ndalo nga bai that old man is f ri n. melon (Citrullus lanatus), has
discriminatory, if not of his clan, he bitter taste | Hausa guna
likes no one | Hausa nuna ba farn-farn n. dub grass (Cynodon
f u v.A1 (v.n. f ) take out, remove; dactylon), planted to prevent erosion |
remove (article of clothing), undress Hausa iri-iri
ex n f ka shk  ayam I’ll take frsi = prsi n. vulva, vagina | Hausa
off this shirt; Kezi na Sawana ye, na duri, gindin mace
rakase sai siyo hnni fa ese. If a hen far t bka n.f. armpit | Hausa hamata
sees Spider, she chases him and his fsku n. (pl. faskwi) arrow | Hausa
feet save him (“remove him”). | kibiya
Hausa fitar, tue fs n. flowing ex amu na faso the
fafa n.m. traditional type of women’s water is flowing | Hausa tafiyar ruwa
loincloth ex Menda madai ka fafa ft v.B (v.n. fat ) go out, exit | Hausa
ma dagar. (Cirfi.) Riddle: A red fita
woman with a loincloth for a fta adv.time (in fta wad) one day,
celebration. (A deleb palm.) | Hausa on that day ex Sai fata wadi lewi
f fmu v.A2c (v.n. f fm) shake | waliko a rakin a jaga ta mbandi
Hausa kae lawansako. The one day the boy
fak = pak id. indicates distance | Hausa went traveling to the town where he
amsa amo had been born. | Hausa wata rana
fakwat id. indicates running off ex fata adv.time last year | Hausa bara
zanjai fatise ka jojo fakwat the ft n.m. skin, hide | Hausa fata
hyena went off at a run fakwat | ftaft n. rash | Hausa uraje
Hausa amsa amo fatak n. two shillings | Hausa dala
f l n.f. (pl. f lli) lake, pond | Hausa ft m b˘ n. lip | Hausa fatar baki,
rafi, tabki lee
fall n. side ex fall wa i to one side | f t ri n. women's pants | Hausa fatari
Hausa waje
26 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

ftru v.A2c (v.n. ftr) put out fl n. place ex n fl wa i they are
laundry to dry, spread thing out ex together | Hausa wuri, tare
ftr k wanky he put the laundry | Hausa
out to dry | Hausa shanya Filt n.m. or f. (pl. Filtn) Fulani
fti n.f. 1. sun, daylight ex k fti bai person | Hausa Bafilatani
there’s no sun. 2. the day of, a day ex fl wa i idiom together ex n fl
Dawaka fawun a fat ta marka bai. wa i they are together | Hausa wuri,
One doesn’t scape out a water gourd tare
on the day of a trip.; fat ta Subdu filfl = f fl n. wind, air ex fati wa i
Saturday | Hausa rana Sawana fata meni a sina filfila ka
fti db k rnktu idiom mid zambayi one day Sawana (the
afternoon (“the sun has broken its trickster) went out and was having a
bow”) | Hausa azahar stroll in the late afternoon | Hausa
fti wike quant.univ., adv.time iska
always, anytime, whenever | Hausa f l pain in fingers (whitlow?) | Hausa
kullum, koyaushe kakkare
ftlu n.m. courtyard in a compound ex flm-filim n. nausea, hunger in the
ftlu m kwr courtyard of a morning | Hausa kumallo
house | Hausa tsakar gida flu v.A1 (v.n. fil) boil, come to a boil
fau id. indicates sourness, acidity, heat ex fltaku it has come to a boil; n
ex dm fau the tamarind is sour; ft filu it is boiling | Hausa tafasa
fau the sun is hot. | Hausa amsa amo fntu v.A2b (v.n. fnt) blow, start fire
fwun n. gourd plant (Lagenaria ex fnt íysi she started the fire |
siceraria); unprocessed gourd | Hausa fura, tura
Hausa duma fníyau n. whistling | Hausa fito
f dlr id.adj. whitish ex f dlr k fir id. indicates great distance ex
k white-headed | Hausa rtink  ry fir he entered deep
f u num. four | Hausa huu into the bush | Hausa amsa amo
f u v.A2a (v.n. f , f ) roll up fr v.B (v.n. fr ) throw, hurl | Hausa
(mat, etc.); coil up (snake, millipede, jefa
etc.) | Hausa nae frd n.m. winged termites | Hausa
f lzm id.adj. rolling eyes exposing zuzu
only the whites ex ida hnni felazum fre n. tobacco blossom | Hausa fure
his eyes are rolled back; felazum ma fri n.f. peak, top | Hausa ololuwa
ido rolled back eyes | Hausa harari fr n. a type of bird that lives in wells |
garke Hausa tsuntsu (iri)
fn n. flame | Hausa harshen wuta frfr n. francolin (Francolinus
fs  n. for free ex w mn  fs  bicalcaratus) | Hausa makwarwa
he got his thing for free | Hausa a fri t k n.f. crown of the head | Hausa
banza, a kyauta tsakar ka
fi ok id.adj. sour ex bono íyutako fs n. the weed Borreria stachydea |
fi ok my mouth tastes sour | Hausa Hausa alkamar tururuwa
tsami ftu v.A1 (v.n. fitc) dodge, duck ex ka
f f u num. eight | Hausa takwas n pr y, pit if you see something
f fl = filfl n. (pl. f flli) wind, air | being thrown, duck | Hausa baue
Hausa iska fyu = fíyu v.A1 (v.n. fy) | Hausa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 27

fíyu = fyu v.A1 (v.n. fíy) pinch ex gab t gabi = g km n. medium-
lwi pyinko the child pinched me | sized storage pot (rests on a larger
Hausa muntsina gùrf in a stack of pots) | Hausa randa
f˘lo n.m. turban | Hausa rawani g tl n. sacrifice on the death of an
fntrm n. (in bba fntrm) a large old person | Hausa
mythical animal, “Saskwatch” | g u v.A1 (v.n. g ) sip ex n g
Hausa m nà gà àm | Hausa kura
f l n. butter | Hausa man shanu gd n. nosebleed | Hausa hao
flu v.A2a (v.n. f l) abuse | Hausa gd s id.adj. big, fat, and strong ex
zaga gd s gdi r um m m big
fun n. closing (see f) | Hausa rufewa and strong like a hippo | Hausa
fnto = fntau n.f. thigh | Hausa cinya gdgir n.m. broom made of twigs |
fr n. the tall coarse grasses Hausa
Pennisetum polystachyon, P. gdgzr n. first weeding of a farm |
pedicellatum, P. subangustum | Hausa noman fari
Hausa ansuwa gdn adv.time next year | Hausa bai
fru v.A2a (v.n. fr) spray | Hausa gad n. made up stories, fiction | Hausa
fesa age
f t n. limit, extent ex sai kali me gdgam n. door panel of a city wall |
tamu ka futu bai he tasted Hausa yauren garu
something pleasant without limit | gdr = gdr n. excrement, feces |
Hausa iyaka Hausa kashi
gdlai n.m. granary woven like a zana
mat | Hausa rumbu

G gdlrwai n. the weed Ludwigia

octovalvis or Jussiaea suffruticosa |
Hausa shashatau
gdu n. warthog (Phacochoerus
g v.D (v.n. gin [g”n]) slaughter, cut aethiopicus) | Hausa mugun dawa
ex n gk wci I slaughtered a goat g  v.B (v.n. g ) pass, pass by |
| Hausa yanka Hausa wuce
gbga n. white cotton cloth | Hausa g  n.m. (pl. g cin) very large
fari calabash ex g  m dgwl
gabi n.m. or f. middle; center ex gabi calabash for kunu | Hausa masaki
m bn middle of the room; gabai g aknka n. the creepers
ta min ka men ma riya among men Aristolochia albida; A. bracteolata,
and wild animals | Hausa tsakiya has bitter taste and used as a remedy
gabk t sw n.f. unidentified type for stomach | Hausa gaakuka
of insect | Hausa waro (iri) g tu v.A2b (v.n. g t) increase,
Gabko n. name for a male born after a benefit ex men ta Malam Kariya
string of girls | Hausa Tanko lawuko, kwarai wanka ga te
gb n. (pl. gbiy) cooking pot | Malam Kariya’s wife has given birth,
Hausa tukunya the house has received a benefit |
Gb‰ n. name given to a male or Hausa aru
female born after twins | Hausa g u v.A1 (v.n. g ) help ex n g
Gambo nzfan I helped my friend | Hausa
28 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

gfau n.m. ring ex gfau m k˘la ring glu adj. raw ex tmtry glu the
for the finger | Hausa zobe tomato is unripe | Hausa anye
g g ng s n. dark bird with a long tail gluglau id.adj. sliminess,
| Hausa tsuntsu (iri) slipperiness ex gluglau m
g grgdu n. type of sorghum with crf slippery fish | Hausa yaui
bent over heads (Sorghum bicolor) | glu v.A1 (v.n. gli) spend the day |
Hausa dawa mai lanwasah kai Hausa wuni
ggru v.A2c be impossible, resist, gm quant. many, much, a lot of ex
defy ex har ankuni bai gwadagori kwamai gam, sawa gam, tamakin
takcane gagartako dan o that was gam, wakai gam kwamai gam sawa
it such that the tortoise’s back is gam tamakin gam wakai gam | Hausa
broken up and defies repair (sewing) | da yawa
Hausa gagara gam n. (pl. ggmi) ram | Hausa rago
g gíyu v.A2c (v.n. g gíy ) shake, gm b idiom intercept, go to meet ex
shake to remove dirt, etc. | Hausa Na la gama bo Bukar, su gami a
kae ya i. He was going to intercept
gitu v.A2b (v.n. git ) burn | Hausa Bukar so they could meet in battle. |
one Hausa tarba
gaiw = gauíy n. testicles | Hausa gmk id. indicates striking with force
gwaiwa ex Sai dukwe zanjai gamak! And he
gj n. (pl. gjanjiy) rooster, cock | struck the hyena gamak! | Hausa
Hausa zakara amsa amo
gjagj m Ndaga = gj m gmrm n. tree in the center of town
ndagi n.m. Senegal hoopoe (Upupa which is revered | Hausa
epops) | Hausa kafufu = alhudahuda g mshta n. cobra | Hausa ganshea
G j n. youngest sibling (male or g m t b˘ idiom joining forces,
female) | Hausa auta collaboration | Hausa haa gwiwa
g jram n. harvesting hoe | Hausa g m t k idiom causing a fight |
magirbi Hausa haa faa
g jirwai n. the creeping plant g mtu v.A2c (v.n. g mt) join, bring
(Oxystelma bornouense) | Hausa together, combine | Hausa haa
hanjin rago gambr n. black and white striped
gl v.B (v.n. gl) for water to collect cloth | Hausa
ex amu galtako, ka ga e bai, ka gmbram n. okra (Abelmoschus
rina bai water has collected and esculentus) | Hausa kuewa
there’s no way in or out | Hausa taru gampw n. an axe with a broad blade
(ruwa) used in battle | Hausa mauni
gl fi n. small axe (for chopping up g mu v.A2a (v.n. g m, g m) 1.
grass etc.) | Hausa gatari arami meet. 2. wipe on, rub on ex n l
g la-g lau adj. green ex g la-g l gm mr  zno I will wipe oil on
tlirit bright green; m g la-g lau my body | Hausa hau; shafa
green water; gl-gl m tmtr gndr n. (pl. gndriyo) very large
green tomato | Hausa kore pot | Hausa randa
glak = glk n. enclosed area for gandara n. misfortune, evil deed |
storing bundles of grain heads before Hausa masifa
threshing | Hausa shingen hatsi gand n. (pl. gand r ) unmarried man,
bachelor | Hausa gwauro
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 29

gandu n. outperform and taunt other guzhi m bd n.m. old monkey |
people cultivating a farm by hoeing Hausa tsohon biri
ridges while leaving unhoed ridges gw n. fruit bat ex Ciwatako rishi a
equal in number to the others, to be leu ta gawa bai. One doesn't teach
hoed by them | Hausa swinging to the child of a fruit bat. |
gangl n. erect penis | Hausa bura a Hausa jemage
tsaye gwur n. drawing water using the feet |
Gnjgi n. a male name | Hausa sunan Hausa jan ruwa da afa
namiji gwz n. a type of tree | Hausa
ganju n. flood | Hausa ambaliya bishiya (iri)
ganjisk n. rope ladder, used to enter a gay n.m. galloping ex gay m d˘ku
well | Hausa horse race | Hausa sukuwa
gntmo n. old cassava plant | Hausa gyku n. winter thorn (Faidherbia
tsohuwar bishiyar rogo albida) | Hausa gawo
gny n. communal labor | Hausa gyym n. woman who ululates for a
gayya Mai | Hausa mai gua
gpk n. wettest part of rainy season | gyzngn n. a type of false sesame
Hausa marka used to cure sores Ceratotheca
gr = gr = wr v.B (v.n. gr) sesamoides | Hausa karkashi (iri)
exceed, surpass, be better ex lyim gyu v.A1 (v.n. gay) burn | Hausa
ayam grak jka ayam  blm one
this umbrella is nicer than this bag | gz n., adv.loc. north | Hausa arewa
Hausa fi gazal id. indicates popping out ex eli
gra conj. it would be better that ex ca takau, sai fate hnni gazal when
gra ka nduk it’s best that you go | the earth had softened enough, he
Hausa gara popped out gazal | Hausa amsa amo
gry n. jaw | Hausa muamui gzk n. balsam apple (Momordica
gr n. man’s gown | Hausa babbar riga balsamina) | Hausa garafuni
gr n. cassava flour | Hausa garin rogo gg n. side-whiskers | Hausa saje
gr v.A2a (v.n. gr ) thresh ex gr gl n.m. loud laughter by women |
m swa threshing guinea corn | Hausa shewa
Hausa shea g l n. jumping, leaping ex íy  g l
grw n. bull | Hausa bijimi ngthnn  bz he jumped and fell
gaswr n. large calabash for carrying into the well | Hausa tsalle
water | Hausa warya ta aukan ruwa gen n., adv.loc. west | Hausa yamma
gshk n. a type of tree | Hausa g n.f. 1. place; place of ex  g  bai not
bishiya (iri) there; Bai dibero gi binka bai.
gsi n. door panel made of bamboo Behind a peanut plant is no place to
poles | Hausa yaure hide.; Sai Abari na marko baru gi
Gsik n. a male name | Hausa sunan Bukar, Bukar ke na marko na nna
namiji barne gi Abari. So Abari was
gtantanw n.m. snail shell | Hausa travelling heading for Bukar, Bukar
gatantanwa too was travelling he was coming and
gttu v.A2b (v.n. gtt) increase | headed for Abari.; Turku kaleka
Hausa ara kuto ka gi ba babo. An orphan hears
gauíy = gaiw n. testicles | Hausa admonitions via some who has a
gwaiwa father.; gi ta tuwa battle field; mu
30 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

nanka gi ta tina-tina bai we don’t ggtu v.A2c (v.n. ggt) thrash, beat
see a place for eating. 2. part of with a stick | Hausa doka
something, e.g. parts of a butchered gjr adj. yellow; yellow earth used in
animal | Hausa wuri; angare making dyes | Hausa rawaya
gid  adv. thus, like this | Hausa haka gimtl n. blinking ex da hnn n
gidi conj., prep., n.m. 1. as, like ex gidi gimtl his eyes are blinking | Hausa
mr o like millet; Biyi sai birbir yiftawa
fasi gidi bazara. The place, dust gin n. slaughtering, cutting (see g) |
covered it as if it were the windy Hausa yanka
season. 2. way, manner | Hausa gngíyu v.A2c (v.n. gngíy ) gnaw |
kamar Hausa gwigwiya, gurgura
gdb n. shelter | Hausa rumfa gr = gr v.B (v.n. gr) exceed,
gidib interjection amazing! | Hausa surpass, be better | Hausa fi
abin mamaki! grw n. early morning, pre-dawn |
gdir n. activity during the night, such Hausa asuba
as games or arguments, that prevent gr  = gr u v.B2 (v.n. gr ) start,
one from sleeping ex t an k gdir jump up with a start, be startled;
they spent the night in celebration | wake up ex gr ku k b  he
Hausa firmitsi woke up scared in the night | Hausa
gdru v.A2c (v.n. gdr ) 1. thrash, razana; farka
beat. 2. do to excess. 3. be drunk ex gr tu v.A2c scare, startle, terrify |
z fan, gdri if! my friend, have Hausa razanar
some drinks!; gdr n f he is gr u = gr  v.A2b (v.n. gr ) wake
drunk’ | Hausa doka, buga; bugu up, start, be startled | Hausa farka,
gdl v.B (v.n. gdl) scold ex gdli razana
kt lewyi scold those children | gir n. direction, side ex n gir mu
Hausa tsawata ‘it’s over there | Hausa waje
gi quant. all ex kos gi mngwai Grm n. a male name | Hausa sunan
their stomachs are all aching | Hausa namiji
duka girgi  n. cattle tick | Hausa kaskar
g  v.B (v.n. g ) prevent, prohibit, giwa
withhold ex mina i idim ma riya grn, grigrn n.m. or f. thunder,
gi esuka rina a gabai ta kine ma scolding ex grn m ndagi thunder
men ma riya those individuals, the | Hausa tsawa
king of the bush forbade them from grjgrj id.adj. serrated ex bo adi
entering among the other wild grjgrj the knife blade has a rough
animals | Hausa hana place | Hausa
gi k kut conj. nonetheless ex gi ka girjiwuli id.adj. fat-headed ex
kuti, Jilwaye daruka mizi ma Walitikau girjiwuli ka ka gidi
akwaro nonetheless, Jilwaye dami! Get out of here you fathead
lacked a husband for marriage | with a head like an anvil! | Hausa
Hausa duk da haka grnu v.A2b (v.n. grn) scold | Hausa
ggm n.m. meeting point, rendezvous tsawata
ex bcayam ggm m yin w n t grz n. child who stays with a new
y kr this is the meeting point for wife to help her | Hausa sa aka
doing hard work | Hausa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 31

G shw n. a name given to the male g ku n. uvula | Hausa beli

of male and female twins | Hausa g m n.m. pile of branches, stalks,
sunan namiji etc. ex g m m ckumo pile of
gzhn n.m. old (of animals or birds) ex twigs | Hausa tarin rassa
gzhn m znjai an old hyena | gfu v.A1 (v.n. gf) get lost ex n
Hausa tsoho (dabbobi) gptinaku I’m lost; Dar ta daga
gzhgzh id.adj. indicates great zabu ada ma bebe gufe. Failure to
numbers of people, animals | Hausa be called causes the deaf person’s
gizn n. grass, weeds | Hausa ciyawa dog to get lost. | Hausa ata
gzo n. spider | Hausa gizo guj n. good quality grain heads |
gco n. (pl. g˘cn) mountain, rock | Hausa
Hausa dutse glam id.adj. brackish, have the taste
g˘du v.A2a (v.n. g˘diy) thank ex n of potash ex Am ma Pataskamo
g˘duk thank you | Hausa gode gulam! Potiskum’s water is brackish!
g‰gr‰ n. fruit bat | Hausa jemage | Hausa zartsi
g‰r n. bamboo, cane (Oxytenanthera gul o n. kunu not flavored with
abyssinica) | Hausa gora tamarind | Hausa kunu maras tsamiya
g‰r n.m. mocking, making fun of ex gl n. weaver bird, probably little
Bido da nga na íyato gori ma atu weaver (Ploceus luteolus) | Hausa
bai. The monkey said that a human gado, jira
can't make fun of how she carries a gl tu v.A2c (v.n. gl t) rub to
baby. | Hausa gori make smooth | Hausa goge
g˘rif n. dum palm (Hyphaene gl l n. weight on a spindle | Hausa
thebaica) | Hausa goruba gululu
g‰r˘ n. kola nut | Hausa goro gm b˘ idiom oral prayer, praying out
g‰ro n. only child of a woman | Hausa loud | Hausa adduía na bue baki
g˘y n.m. mountain, hill | Hausa tsauni gmk n. roan antelope (Hippotragus
gb u v.A2b (v.n. gb ) beat, whip | equinus) | Hausa gwamki
Hausa doka gmwu n. a type of Acacia sieberiana
gbi n. type of unidentified tree | Hausa with red bark | Hausa farar aya
bishiya (iri) gmpit n. a type of fungus that turns
gb n.m. (pl. gbanbiy) corpse ex grain black | Hausa burtuntuna
gb m ng human corpse | Hausa gmu n. naming ceremony ex nkun
gawa íyan gmu  kwr t dokt today
gbs n. warthog (Phacochoerus one has performed a naming
aethiopicus) | Hausa mugun dawa ceremony at Dokta’s house | Hausa
gdi n.f. (pl. gudi) 1. wooden handle bikin suna
of a tool ex gd t d yku axe gmu v.A1 (v.n. gm) open the
handle. 2. boomerang | Hausa ota; mouth, speak aloud, esp. in rituals ex
kere gm b˘ praying out loud | Hausa
gdlam n. poor quality peanuts culled bue baki
from the good ones | Hausa gmzi n. musk shrew (Crocidura
g km = gab t gabi n. medium- spp.) | Hausa jaa
sized storage pot (rests on a larger gunduwa n. large drum played for
gùrf in a stack of pots) | Hausa randa wrestlers | Hausa gunduwa
gu m m n. the weed Crotalaria gnj n. termite mound | Hausa suri
mucronata | Hausa birana
32 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

gno = gnau n.f. miya ex gn t kci, gwb n. large round gourd | Hausa
gn t tgalu baobab flavored gora
miya; g n t kt miya flavored gw la n. round gourd with a large
with cornstalk ashes | Hausa miya opening | Hausa gora mai babban
g nu n. plant with sweet leaves used to baki
flavor kunu | Hausa bishiya (iri) gwadag‰r n. tortoise | Hausa kunkuru
gnm n. a type of tree with sweet- gwdl n. fever | Hausa zazzai
tasting leaves | Hausa bishiya (iri) gwdl n. depression behind collar
gptu v.A2b (v.n. gpt) lose | Hausa bone ex smpusku  gwdl hnn
oya he stabbed him behind the collar
gr n. Bambara groundnuts (Vigna bone | Hausa
subterranea) | Hausa gujiya gwd n. blanket | Hausa gwado
grbn n.m. mourning period gw i-gw i n. a twining shrub with
immediately following a death | tough stems (Hippocratea
Hausa zaman makoki guineensis) | Hausa gwaayi
grdis n. eczema on animals | Hausa gwgu n. quinine tree (Gardenia
azwar dabba erubescens) | Hausa gaue
grdli n.f. cucumber (Cucumis melo) | gwgwa n. millet with short heads |
Hausa gurji Hausa gero (iri)
grdl t bd n. a type of plant | gwgwa  n. batter, flour mixed into
Hausa bishiya (iri) boiling water to begin making of
grfu n. large pot used for storage | tuwo | Hausa talge
Hausa randa gwgw u v.A2c (v.n. gwgwa )
gurgwadlo n. throat | Hausa bubble, for a thick liquid to come to a
maogwaro boil | Hausa ararraka
grs n. shallow hole in the ground for gwgwi n. finding someone who has
pot stand; place where hen lays eggs | been lost ex mu wane gwagw hnni
Hausa gurbi ka rya we managed to find him lost
grmi n.m. empty eye socket | Hausa in the bush | Hausa cigiya
oon ido gwaib n. guava (Psidium guajava) |
grm m do n.m. having deep-set Hausa gwaiba
eyes ex b grm m do person gwigwai n. spirit, demon | Hausa iska,
having deep-set eyes | Hausa kwarmi aljani
grmp n. straw hat | Hausa malamfa gwlntu v.A2c (v.n. gwlnt)
grzu v.A2b (v.n. gurz) dig out of the persuade, coax | Hausa lallasa
ground, hoe up ex n gurz m gwmo n.f. thigh | Hausa cinya
dibr t mr I am hoeing up gwamper n. door panel | Hausa yaure
peanuts | Hausa fara na gora
gtu v.A1 (v.n. gt) finish | Hausa gwmpi n. fortune-telling | Hausa duba
gama Gwnd n. a female name | Hausa
gy v.B (v.n. j‰j‰, gy) run | Hausa sunan mace
gudu gwndg n. giant rat (Cricetomys
gy v.B (v.n. gy) pierce a hoe gambianus) | Hausa gafiya
handle ex n gyka g t dyku gwndil n. log laid across a well
I pierced the handle of the hoe | against which well bucket rope is
Hausa huda ota pulled | Hausa jakin rijiya
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 33

gwng˘l n. a type of bird | Hausa hníywi = níywi n. late morning |

tsuntsu (iri) Hausa hantsi
gwangli n. experienced sorcerer | hníyu v.A2b (v.n. hníyau) peel
Hausa gogan maye (peanuts, etc.), remove shells | Hausa
gwangwala n. raffia (Raphia sudanica) are
| Hausa gwangwala har = ar conj. until, even | Hausa har
gwnj-gwanj n. type of small cricket hr au = r o n.f. palm fronds ex
which makes noise at the beginning hr a t dkw b c fronds for
of the rainy season | Hausa tsanya weaving a mat | Hausa kaba
(iri) Hasn n. name for the first born of
gwnkwal n. forked stick put around male twins | Hausa Hasan
the neck of slave or animal to control Hasn n. name for the first born of
| Hausa female twins | Hausa Hasana
gwnt r id.adj. excessive shortness huy = uy num. twenty (used to
(of women's clothes) ex n ftr to form numbers 30-10), a score ex see
b gwnt r look at her dress so auya for examples | Hausa ashirin
short | Hausa huy b  = uy b  num. one
gwr n. a large type of locust | Hausa hundred | Hausa ari
fara (iri) hyo n. clitoris | Hausa an tsaka
gwram n. 1. idolatry, fetish practices. hr interjection exclamation of concern
2. law | Hausa tsafi; doka ex hr kwa, Wn?! is there a
gwrb n. a type of ring worn by kings, problem, So-and-So?! | Hausa
priests, etc. | Hausa zobe na sarakuna lafiya?!
Gwrb = Bob n. a female name | hn tu = yn tu = shn tu v.A2c
Hausa (v.n. hn t = yn t = shn t)
gwarzo n. hero, strong man | Hausa raise, lift | Hausa aga, tayar
gwarzo hn u = yn u = shn u v.A2b (v.n.
gwyi n. grain from which the bran has hn ) stand up, arise, get up | Hausa
not been removed | Hausa gara tashi
gwz n. cocoyam (Colocasia hnn n. eating (see t ) | Hausa ci
esculenta) | Hausa gwaza hnn dmi idiom swear to, take an oath
gwazbi n. cane rat, grasscutter, cutting | Hausa rantse
grass (Thryonomys swinderianus) | hnnau/hnnakau pro.1 sg. me (first
Hausa gyazbi singular intransitive copy pronoun) |
gwazam n. volunteer plants | Hausa Hausa
gyauro hnn /dn/ pro.2 sg.m. he, him
(independent pronoun) | Hausa shi
hnn /tn/ pro.3 sg.m. his (linked

H genitive pronoun) | Hausa nsa, rsa

hnni/tinki pro.3 sg.m. him (third
masculine intransitive copy pronoun)
| Hausa
h u v.A1 (v.n. h ) chew, eat | hnno /dno/ pro.1 sg. I, me
Hausa tauna, ci (independent pronoun) | Hausa ni
hkm n. yawning | Hausa hamma hnno /tno/ pro.1 sg. my (linked
hankl interjection be careful! | Hausa genitive pronoun) | Hausa na, ta
34 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

htu v.A2a (v.n. h t ) rest ex h t lmo n.f. fat ex lma t gm fat from a
tmu resting is pleasant | Hausa huta ram | Hausa kitse
m n. pride, arrogance ex k m m
my? what makes you so arrogant? |

I Hausa gadara
imk id. indicates hiding ex Sai ndai
zabe ka hnni a toni imak ar wula
hnni gupto gi ka bita a toni. Then
dídm n. kidney | Hausa oda he went and put his head in the hole
dm n.m. cowpeas, beans (Vigna imak to where his neck disappeared
sinensis) | Hausa wake completely from the place into the
dam m br wa n.m. one of the wild hole. | Hausa amsa amo
beans Vigna pubigera; V. reticulata; mpu v.A2b (v.n. mp ) suck | Hausa
V. vexillata | Hausa waken barewa tsotsa
da t syo n. ankle | Hausa idon afa indr n. shelf in a house for
dfu n.m. (pl. dipcn) (becomes dm displaying pots, etc. | Hausa
mÖ when used with linker) king, ndi n.f. bed ex ndi t k‰r cornstalk
chief | Hausa sarki bed | Hausa gado
dm mÖ n.m. (form of dfu when indim n.f. the herb Raphionacme
used with linker) king of…, chief brownii, with milky juice and edible
of… ex dim m Jl the chief of tubers | Hausa lojiya, lujiya, rujiya
Jalam | Hausa sarkin. indim t mbzam n.f. the plant
do = dau n. eye; face | Hausa ido; Xysmalobium heudelotianum | Hausa
fuska lojiyar maharba
f n.m. 1. alcohol, beer. 2. a festival for indn = íyandn n. urine ex n l indn
which beer is brewed ex f m I’m going to urinate | Hausa fitsari
Jlm the Jalam (hunting) festival | ins n.m. egg | Hausa wai
Hausa giya ns nu v.A2c (v.n. nsn ) smell, sniff |
iky = yiky = iky conj. and then Hausa sansana
(< yik y ‘it was done so’) ex ir id. indicates redness ex d˘n m 
Mendai kezi yikaye wala riya ir bright red blood | Hausa amsa amo
mbato íyetu kwaraku. His wife, the iriri = yararai n. ululating | Hausa
hen, well then she was going alone to gua
do farming. | Hausa sai sh n.m. faeces, excrement, shit |
l v.B (v.n. l ) carry, transport ex Hausa kashi
lskau he took it; na l he is ish-ish n. diarrhea | Hausa zawayi
taking it; ls he should take it | ish m wnti n. mucous, dried
Hausa kai mucous, phlegm | Hausa majina,
l = l = wl v.B (v.n. l ) carry, tasono
transport ex lskau he took it; na ish ni n.m. honey; bee | Hausa zuma,
l he is taking it; ls he should take udan zuma
it | Hausa kai ish ri n.f. fear ex Lauke na yunu ta
il n. penis | Hausa bura men mbandi zimbilim hnni ndalo,
ilm t jadawi n. the plant Merremia na isheri ta nga bai. Each was doing
tridentata, with narrow leaves and what he pleased (what his heart
yellow flowers | Hausa yamururu wanted), he didn't fear anyone. |
Hausa tsoro
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 35

shrtu v.A2c (v.n. shrt) fear ex n jgl adj. clean, neat | Hausa mai
shrthnnak I got scared | Hausa tsabta
tsorata Jgl adj. woman's name | Hausa mai
w v.B (v.n. w) remove from a liquid tsabta
| Hausa tsame jgo n.f. 1. home, place of one's origin
y = y n. etching, tracing, designs | ex jga tm our home. 2. town ex
Hausa zane sai afi ka jago ta gaja madai and
he passed by way of the town of the
red rooster. 3. environment ex Dik

J manzai ma be i, jago na ba e. No
matter how long the night, the dawn
will come.; da dita kalaka jagai fau
she said that she felt the weather to
jb n.m. or f. 1. chest, front ex donu be be hot | Hausa gida, gari
paca-paca a jaba ta cagadlau blood jgu v.A2a (v.n. jg) intercept, head
was (splattered) paca-paca on the off ex M sa, wl ka jghnnau k
front of the lion. 2. cough ex Idifu, t waki Musa, go and intercept my
anya ayam na yatiko sorim ma goats for me | Hausa tare
jaba ka ribiyi yam Oh king, here jjfu v.A2c (v.n. jjf) hit with a
this will serve you as medicine for sharp blow to remove dust, etc. |
coughing at this cold time. 3. breadth Hausa kae
| Hausa tari, kirje; fai Jjai n. name give to a female born
jb t ndagi n.f. the sky, the after a string of males | Hausa sunan
firmament ex Sai rayan ndirtu pir mace
ka jaba ta ndagai, Then the birds jajak = jijik id. indicates being
flew up pir from the sky. | Hausa terrified or startled ex Sai rayi
sama nasaka ma, sai gir i jajak! When
jb n.f. cooked whole beans | Hausa the bird saw him, she was terrified
ja id. just, merely, only ex To, ka jajak! | Hausa amsa amo
ndala ya, ga a eti ja ! OK, if you Jj n. a male name given to someone
want to, just come in! | Hausa amsa named Jibrilu | Hausa sunan namiji
amo jajm n. appointed time; established
j ir n. jumping, hopping ex lwi n rule | Hausa aíida
j ir the children are jumping | jjim n.m. grumbling, complaining ex
Hausa tsalle k jjim m my? what are you
j u v.A1 (v.n. j , j ) make holes grumbling about? | Hausa gunaguni
in ground for planting | Hausa yi jkw n. cap, hat | Hausa hula
kaftu, yi saran asa jllm n.pl. the 12 tribes of Jalam |
jdwi n. widow | Hausa mai takaba Hausa
Jd˘ n. a male name | Hausa sunan jalle n. swaying by dancers; jumping
namiji with joy | Hausa rangwaa, tsalle
jgdlr n. cactus (Euphorbia jm n. the populace ex Jm, kln
unispina) | Hausa tinya b! Oh people, listen to me!’ | Hausa
jgafau n. 1. hot weather, heat. 2. jamaía
sweat | Hausa gumi Jm n. a nickname for a man named
jgli n. cheek | Hausa kunci Muhammadu | Hausa sunan namiji
jmli n. high rank | Hausa daraja
36 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

jmbe n. front of abdomen below the medication for the scalp disease
navel | Hausa mara ngsin) | Hausa kashin kaza
jm dlai n. sand fox (Vulpes pallida) jngwzm id.adj. tall and skinny but
| Hausa tulu-tulu, yanyawa energetic ex jngwzm gdi
jm  = jm  n. hemp plant, kenaf dligmau s m sn  m d au
(Hibiscus cannabinus) | Hausa rama tall, skinny, but strong like a camel
jm lm n. bundle of guinea corn that has taken a heavy load | Hausa
heads | Hausa damin hatsi jnj n.m. rust | Hausa tsatsa
jm  = jm  n. hemp plant, kenaf jnjmi n. metal rattles worn on the
(Hibiscus cannabinus) | Hausa rama legs of dancerts | Hausa caccakai
jmi n.m. type of drum played for jnjmiy n. water bag made of a
wrestlers | Hausa gunduwa animal hide | Hausa salka
jmtu v.A2b fill ex jmtank dandli janjank n. drum played for hunters ex
they filled the square; jmtk tali dukwanka janjanku ma la bara
k m she filled the jug with water | aci the drum has been beaten and
Hausa cika we are going hunting tomorrow |
jan conj. then, should ex dka jan ka Hausa gangar maharba
ndyi  g hnn you should go to him janja id. indicates swelling tightly ex
| Hausa sai t k sirk aka hnn janja he ate
jn v.B (v.n. jn) buy | Hausa saya poison and his stomach became
jn n. a yellow cow | Hausa saniya swollen tightly | Hausa amsa amo
(iri) jnj n.m. African rosewood
jangwi n.f. millipede (Pterocarpus erinaceus) | Hausa
(Archispirostreptus gigas) | Hausa madobiya
adandoniya jnj blan n. a type of edible turtle |
jangwi t fltn n.f. unidentified type Hausa kunkuru (iri)
of arthropod | Hausa waro (iri) jnk  n. comb fringe grass
Jng n. a male name | Hausa sunan (Dactyloctenium aegyptiaca), a type
namiji of grass with two fuzzy appendages
jnglongl n. squatting, e.g. to that can be opened and closed |
defecate | Hausa tsuguna Hausa gue-gue
jangm n. 1. goods of all kinds ex jnka  n. the fodder plant
mota íyilenetimu jangum a jago the Peristrophe bicalyculata | Hausa
vehicle brought us all kinds of goods tubanin dawaki
to town. 2. twins ex mendiíe law jnklk n. miya made of various
jangum his wife bore twin | Hausa greens mixed together | Hausa miyar
(1) kaya; (2) tagwaye taushe
jngrm id.adj. harsh sound ex jnkwl˘ i = jngwl˘ i n. soft
janguram ka wulau ayam wulau ta chicken excrement (used as
nammu kice bai that rough voice, medication for the scalp disease
the voice of our mother is not like ngsin) | Hausa kashin kaza
that | Hausa jnkwar = jnkar n. louse | Hausa
jngwli n. grumbling | Hausa kwarkwata
gunaguni jrgyl = brnk um =
jngwl˘ i = jnkwl˘ i n. soft b nkran n. a clay stand or a
chicken excrement (used as depression made in the ground on
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 37

which to set a pot to keep it upright | jdbn m ndagi n. the tree Bauhinia
Hausa rufescens | Hausa matsattsagi, kargon
jrnn id.adj. in a line ex Jarnana Allah
elim ma jana. (Taka ma kwaro.) jdbi n. the fig trees Ficus
Riddle: Lined up (like) the horns of a gnaphalocarpa, F. sycomorus |
yellow cow. (Posts of a house wall.) | Hausa aure
Hausa jg n. jigger | Hausa jiga
jar n. watering animals ex n yan jgrnm n. malnutrition ex kíy
jar m kwami I watered the cattle lew t ka b˘ y i amma jgrnim
| Hausa bayi cw nnink she weaned her child
jaur n. trading ex b jaur tngka but malnutrition overcame him |
bai a trader doesn’t sit in one place | Hausa rashin abinci
Hausa kasuwanci jgna n. complaining | Hausa mita
jut prep. like, nothing but ex Nga jgum n.m. gourd for storing oil ex
birim jauta ishe. A human being is jgum m mr gourd for oil |
nothing more than excrement. | Hausa butar mai
Hausa kamar jgwi n. small mound formed by
jl n. potsherd | Hausa tsingaro hoeing in which grain is planted |
jle n. going to and fro ex ankun na Hausa jinga
ndika aska na galneka a jele today I jj n. rubbish heap ex ng miw k t
went the market and spent the day jj an important person must be
going here and there | Hausa kai da long-suffering/must put up with a lot
kawowa | Hausa juji
jni n.f. (pl. jni) ladle ex jni t Jj n. a male name | Hausa sunan
gno ladle for miya | Hausa ludayi namiji
jr n. 1. clap net (for fishing). 2. jj n. the grass Cyperus articulatus,
trough for feeding animals | Hausa used as incense | Hausa kajiji
koma (ta su); komi jijik = jajak id. indicates being
jr n. old age, growing old ex mtu terrified or startled | Hausa amsa amo
ba y jro mnzai if itÆs not death, jl v.B (v.n. jl) 1. belch. 2. become
old age is (still) a long way off | fermented, become sour | Hausa (1)
Hausa tsufa yi gyatsa; (2) yi tsami
jru v.A2a (v.n. jr˘) grow old ex jld n. a type of shrub with attractive
jrtink he has grown old | Hausa flowers | Hausa bishiya (iri)
tsufa jl n.m. belch | Hausa gyatsa
jwi n.f. (pl. jwi) gourd water bottle | jl n.m. chip, a piece broken off ex jl
Hausa buta m g‰r a piece of kola | Hausa
jib-jib id. indicates short size ex Sai algace
da, ìCirfi talatalau, cirfi jibjib.î jil n. a bird that makes nests in caves |
She said, “Tall palm tree, short palm Hausa kwaliya
tree.” | Hausa amsa amo jmfrm n. a type of bird | Hausa
jb n. a beating, a thrashing ex íy tsuntsu (iri)
jb he did a beating | Hausa duka jmjm n. heads of grain that have been
jd v.B (v.n. jd) choose | Hausa zaa threshed | Hausa
jdbn n.m. the trees Piliostigma jimjm n. envy ex Dal n jimjm 
reticulatum, P. thonningii, whose Sar Dala is envious of Sari | Hausa
bark is used as rope | Hausa kargo hassada
38 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

jmt n. groaning, moaning | Hausa each other. (A white chicken and a

nishi cattle egret.). 3. (as existential) there
Jingr n. a male name | Hausa sunan is… ex k m b? - k m bai is
namiji there any water? - there isn’t any
jinjli n. the tree Cassia singueana | water | Hausa da; akwai
Hausa runhu ka prep. from ex In íyasi karu nga ye,
jpc n. taxes | Hausa haraji na bitau ma, guye ka hnni. If fire
jr v.B (v.n. jir ) split, slit ex jrk burns a person, if he sees ashes, he
zana m kt f he slit up the will run from them. | Hausa daga
mattress cover (out of anger) | Hausa ka pro.2 sg.m. you (masculine singular
tsaga subject pronoun for verbs) | Hausa ka
jrb u v.A2c (v.n. jrb ) 1. plug an k/k pro.2 sg.m. you (masculine
opening with earth. 2. scrub | Hausa singular direct object of verbs
toshe without totality extension--
j r n. truth | Hausa gaskiya completive/non-completive) | Hausa
jirkn n. impudence, rascality ex b ka
jirkn an impudent person | Hausa k n.f. (pl. kcin) 1. head ex k tno,
shegantaka ktn, k t tmci my head, his
j˘b = j˘bi n. small pot for cooking head, sheep’s head. 2. top of, on,
miya | Hausa tukunya arama protrusion (in various compounds) ex
j‰j‰ n. running | Hausa gudu Nga ku u mbila ma, na tinge ka
jor n. any of the trees Afrormosia mbila. Whether or not one dislikes a
laxiflora, Dalbergia hostilis, Burkea rear end, one sits on a rear end.; Aye
africana | Hausa karya gatari, elawi na ta uto a ka ta indito,
matsagi ngozo na mayato. There was the
jg n.m. pile of grain heads, pile of dove sitting on her bed, and the lizard
wood, etc. ex jg m swa pile of was looking at her. 3. about,
guinea corn heads; jg m r r pile concerning ex Sai lewi zitesune ka
of wood | Hausa baga men mbandi wasunako. And the
jr n. brown horse | Hausa doki boy commiserated concerning the
ruwan asa thing that had befallen them. 4. at (a
time); upon, on (with action) ex fati
wa i Sawana fata meni a sina

K filfila ka zambayi one day Sawana

(the trickster) went out and was
having a stroll in the late afternoon;
ada, ka kale caca yam, sai da,. the
k prep. 1. with ex Fina bo bazan ka dog, on hearking that talk, then said.
sara. (That’s like trying) to cover a 5. “in number” (used in counting
well with your hand.; Ndagai animates) ex Yan min wadi kasu
gamatuka ido ka ta u. God has belu, ngai wa i sun hnni Bukar,
joined the eye with sleep.; Kwa la There were certain men two in
gama ka hnni you and he will meet number, one of the men, his name
up (you-pl, will meet with him). 2. was Bukar, | Hausa (1) kai; (3) kan
and (joining nouns) ex Men ka men k v.D (v.n. kin) transplant; erect, set
íyan kama. (Kezi mafe ka rarino.) up, establish ex n k c m tmtr
Riddle: A thing and a thing resemble I transplanted tomatoes; n kk
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 39

rni  b˘ kwr I implanted a “quit doing that!”, you will hear

spear at the doorway (as a protection) “sorry!”. 2. smell; taste ex sai kali
| Hausa dasa, kafa me tamu ka futu bai, then he tasted
kbn n. buffalo (Syncerus caffer) | something of unlimited good taste. 3.
Hausa auna feel ex n kl tmu I felt good |
kb n. days, extent of one’s life | Hausa ji
Hausa kwanaki kl n. (pl. kliy˘) hoe for cultivating |
k i n. aardvark (Orycteropus afer) | Hausa fartanya
Hausa dabgi kali n. small clay bowl | Hausa kasko
kacakaca id. indicates being shattered, klng n. door closure made of palm
scattered | Hausa amsa amo ribs | Hausa yaure
kc = kc n. gravel, small stone(s) | kalangu n. moss or algae in water |
Hausa tsakuwa Hausa gansakuka
kcgaigai n. button grass (Mitracarpus klu small drum played in
hirtus) | Hausa goga masu accompaniment to a large drum |
ka, ka-ka adv. fast, quickly ex Hausa kanzagi
somi marko kae-kae, sai kl n. greed | Hausa kwaayi
walanani they began moving fast klu = klíyu = kylu v.A2b (v.n.
and they escaped from him | Hausa klu) chew, chew cud | Hausa
sauri, da sauri tauna tia
ku v.A2a (v.n. k˘) be silent, be kl b idiom troublesomeness | Hausa
quiet | Hausa yi shiru rikici
kfn conj. before ex kfn hnn nd t kltu v.A2b (v.n. klt) press against,
íy‰msi before he comes let’s do it | press down on | Hausa danna
Hausa kafin kndi n. patience | Hausa hauri
kfubr n. the weed Indigofera kncli id. running and jumping ex
astragalina | Hausa aiayi koma lewi na ndirai kancalai-kancalai
kan masheiya the boy is jumping hurdles | Hausa
kglmo n. garlic (Allium sativum) | amsa amo
Hausa tafarnuwa knc id.adj. coarse in consistency ex
kjn dib n. a type of grass with small íyasu yi kanca the grinding has left
nodules | Hausa ciyawa (iri) the flour coarse | Hausa
kka n. 1. brother, clansman (as a kncu v.A2b (v.n. kancu) become
vocative). 2. grandparent (vocative) | overripe on the vine, e.g. okra,
Hausa anuwa peppers ex gambaram yi kancitako
kki existential (form w.o. expressed this okra has become overripe |
object; k with object) there is some, Hausa osa, ria
it exists ex kki bai there isn’t any | knd r n. metal scepter of king or
Hausa akwai sorcercer | Hausa sandan sarauta
kktu v.A2c (v.n. kkt, kkt) kn interjection, conj. well,
cool off ex na yu kwazo ma zunai unexpectedly, “and what do you
kakattaka ye I will convalesce when know…?” ex Ngoyi ke, kane ka ako
my body cools off | Hausa sanyaya, dita ke, the favored (wife), well she
warke was pregnant she too | Hausa ashe
kl v.B (v.n. kl ) 1. hear; understand kangir n. sour smell; a sour smelling
ex Do ka kala ìdayu, dayu!î bai ye, type of butter made by Shuwa Arabs
ka kale ìpopo!î If you don't hear using animal urine | Hausa arni
40 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

kanju n. arge hourglass drum held gabaita da karmis-karmis she was

between legs to vary pitch | Hausa moving her pelvis karmis-karmis |
kanjau Hausa amsa amo
kanjum id.adj. emaciated ex rctink karm n. death | Hausa mutuwa
kanjum he has become very krsh -krsh id. indicates muving
emaciated | Hausa amsa amo slowing and clumsily ex doku na jo
Knkd n. a male name | Hausa sunan bai, karsha -karsha a zu yali the
namiji horse (a monitor) wasn’t running, it
knkl n.m. jute stalk with the bark was moving clumsily along the
stripped off | Hausa ground | Hausa amsa amo
knkrc n. puff adder (Bitis arietans) kru v.A2a (v.n. kru, kr) roast,
| Hausa kasa burn ex na l kr l‰ I will roast the
knta n. woman's head scarf | Hausa meat’; l‰ m kru roasted meat |
an kwali Hausa gasa, one
kap quant. all, completely ex dik men krw n. cries of praise, ritual speech
ma hnna ka amu ma idihusu bo by sorcerers ex ka nana ma
wa i kap all the things to eat and the Ndagaya kuwa, na rina a kwar ta
water was for their king completely | idihu, sai ditai cai karuwa upon the
Hausa duka arrival of the Ndagaya indeed, she
kar interr.adv.man. how? ex Kar was entering the king's house when
kwr? - Kwr lfiy. How’s the she began chanting | Hausa kirari na
household? - The household is fine. bori
(standfard greeting exchange); Ance ks b rsn idiom kneel ex n kr
mu yaka kara? Now what will we b rsnnau  dn m g I knelt
do?! | Hausa yaya? befoe Oga | Hausa gurfana
kari n.m. load, implement, goods, ksgark n. a type of bird | Hausa
stuff | Hausa kaya tsuntsu (iri)
Karaikarai n.pl. Karekare people ex ks k idiom belittle oneself | Hausa
b˘ karaikarai Karekare language | asantar da kai
Hausa Karekare ksal n. idleness ex gam ma mendai
krm n. crocodile (Crocodylus ndala kasala most women like to be
niloticus) | Hausa kada idle | Hausa sharholiya
karap id. unexpectedly ex Karap kshinmt n. probably the ordeal tree
wa i, sai gwadagori tame a rayan (Crossopteryx febrifuga) | Hausa
daÖ All at once, the tortoise said to kashin awaki
the birds… | Hausa amsa amo kshin Ywo n. bristly starbur
kru n. roasted meat | Hausa gashi (Acanthospermum hispidum) | Hausa
krcni id.adj. having a rough surface kashin Yawo
ex kwaltayi karcanai na dukwa ksh n. cashew (Anacardium
taya the road is rough, it is pounding occidentale) | Hausa yazawa, fisa
the tires | Hausa kaskawaki n. Senegal coucal
kr n. (pl. kriy, krri) corn stalks (Centropus senegalensis) | Hausa
| Hausa kara ragon maza
Kriy n. a male name | Hausa sunan ksu v.A1 (v.n. ks) 1. pour. 2.
namiji descend upon ex Rayn b 
karmis-karmis id. indicates pelvic ksank  gnj. (K˘lcin b 
movements in dancing ex na yunuto ksank  lb (= hnna w a).)
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 41

Riddle: Five birds descended upon a kz n. (pl. kzin) hen, chicken |
termite mound. (Five fingers descend Hausa kaza
on the food bowl.). 3. (as reflexive) kic = kut adv. thus | Hausa haka
go in large numbers, move as a ki ak-ki ak id. carefully, stealthily,
crowd ex min kase kasu ii the furtively | Hausa amsa amo
people went out in a crowd (poured ki -ki id. indicates sound of laughter
themselves) dii. 4. put on clothes ex ex Sai idihu ngati ka baini ka ziro
kumtu karai ma ado, karai ma ki -ki . The the king fell on his
dinari ka azirfa, kase a zuni he back with laughter hee-hee. | Hausa
gathered up fine clothes, and gold amsa amo
and silver jewelery, and he put it on kkinjr n.m. camel | Hausa raumi
his body. 5. (with do as object) stare kld n. guile, evil | Hausa hila,
in silence | Hausa zuba mugunta
k t bka n. shoulder | Hausa kafaa kl-kl n. zorilla, Saharan striped
k t b n n. roof | Hausa kan aki polecat (Ictonyx libyca) | Hausa
k t cru n. the weed rattlebox bodari
(Leonotis spp.) | Hausa kan arawo kltrm n. catarrh in animals, esp.
ktff n. butterfly | Hausa malam horses or donkeys | Hausa
bue littafi mashasshara
k t gdlai n. top for a granary | kl n. white horse | Hausa farin doki
Hausa kan rumbu klklu v.A2c (v.n. klkl) warn or
katark n. wooden bridge | Hausa gada threaten by pointing with the
ta katako forefinger ex bba hnno
ktlm n. greed | Hausa kwaayi klkl nkau k k˘la father warned
kw n.m. playing, game | Hausa wasa me by shaking his finger at me |
ky v.B (v.n. ky) 1. precede. 2. pass Hausa
by | Hausa riga; wuce kimb n. guinea pepper (Xylopia
k pro.2 sg.m. see k | Hausa aethiopica) | Hausa kimba
ke part. too, as for, indeed ex Abari ke kin n. transplanting, erecting (see k) |
na akata bai mala ka gen As for Hausa kafawa, dasawa
Abari he was in the world toward the kn v.B (v.n. kin ) remain, be left, be
west; Bukar ke nene gen ma, sai left over | Hausa saura
nai birbir a gen na yin e When kin n. seedling, something
Bukar looked west, then he saw dust transplanted | Hausa dashe
in the west rising | Hausa ma, dai kin n. (pl. kinni) calf (young of a
k k n. bicycle | Hausa keke cow) | Hausa marai
kl n. small reservoir to store water | knm n. greedy person, glutton |
Hausa Hausa handamau
km n. a type of duiker | Hausa gada knmi n. leather belt for sharpening a
(iri) razor | Hausa
krw n. a type of striped rat | Hausa kincr = kingr n. giraffe (Giraffa
era (iri) camelopardalis) | Hausa raumin
ket n., adv.man. (in k ket) with dawa
difficulty, barely, hardly ex sai kin n.m. remainder, the rest ex mina i
zanjai wali ka ket! and the hyena idim ma riya gi esuka rina a gabai
barely managed to get away! | Hausa ta kine ma men ma riya those
da kyar individuals, the king of the bush
42 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

forbade them from entering among k‰li n. locking legs together around
the rest of the wild animals | Hausa something, e.g. wrestler around
saura opponent, donkey rider around
kingr = kincr n. giraffe (Giraffa donkey ex íy k k‰li  k‰ri he
camelopardalis) | Hausa raumin locked his legs around the donkey |
dawa Hausa
kntif n. duck | Hausa agwagwa kl‰k n. a type of wild lizard | Hausa
kird n. pagan | Hausa arna k˘ri n. dirty person ex mn t Sar
kiri id. indicates a large amount or k˘ri Sari’s wife is dirty | Hausa
variety ex eyi wa ato ma sari kiri azami
she made her tuwo [and other food k‰r‰ n.m. (pl. k˘rcin) donkey | Hausa
and drink] kirib | Hausa amsa amo jaki
krnu v.A2b (v.n. krn ) become great k‰r‰ m rya n. bush donkey
(said of a celebration) | Hausa (reference to a type of wild animal?) |
bunasa Hausa jakin daji
kríyu v.A2b (v.n. kríy) strangle, k˘sh r id.adj. having a body like a
choke someone | Hausa shae lizard | Hausa
kit adv.loc. far away, over there ex ku pro.2 pl. you (plural subject
w l kit go over there | Hausa can pronoun for verbs) | Hausa kun
ky = kíy n. circumcision | Hausa ku, k pro.2 pl. you, to you, your
kaciya (second plural general bound suffix--
kyr n. black horse | Hausa doki bai genitive, direct object with totality
kyu = kíyu v.A1 (v.n. ky) cut, snap extension, non-completive indirect
off, cut off, separate in two | Hausa object) | Hausa ku, muku, nku, rku
tsinke, yanka kci n.m. (pl. kcci) baobab tree
ko, k pro.2 sg.m. you, to you, your (Adansonia digitata) | Hausa kuka
(masculine singular general bound kucup id. indicates falling suddenly
suffix--genitive, direct object with upon, suddenly discovering ex
totality extension, non-completive kucup! lewi dai akwaruko nani a
indirect object) | Hausa ka, maka, dar ta mentatu kucup the boy
nka, rka indeed married his mother out of
k‰ conj. or ex k l sin mya, Fant ignorance | Hausa amsa amo
k‰ Coke? what will you drink, Fanta kd n.m. (pl. kdandyin) (f.
or Coke? | Hausa ko kdkco) lame person | Hausa gurgu
k‰c n.m. fingernail | Hausa farce kudr n. misfortune | Hausa masifa
k˘c n. pounded potsherd mixed with k dl id.adj. big fat stomach ex
clay to make new pots | Hausa k dl k kau gdi tmci t bje
dakakken tsingaro big and fat in the belly like a sheep
k˘  n. chieftainship | Hausa sarauta that has eaten baje sorghum | Hausa
k˘ u v.A2a (v.n. k˘ ) | Hausa era k dlur n. false sesame leaves
k˘ktm n. hardness | Hausa tauri (Ceratotheca sesamoides), used as a
k˘k˘ji n. red-billed hornbill (Tockus potherb | Hausa karkashi
erythrorhynchus) | Hausa cilakowa k f n. small ants | Hausa kiyashi
mai jan baki k nc n. sty in the eye | Hausa
k˘l n. (pl. k˘lcin) finger | Hausa hazbiya, kumbuluga
yatsa k inkiy n. (pl. k ngy yi) gourd
drinking cup | Hausa moa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 43

k u v.A1 (v.n. k ) refuse, dislike | kulm n. guinea fowl chicks | Hausa

Hausa ii íyan tsakin zabuwa
k u v.A2a (v.n. k ) sharpen a kulum adv. always | Hausa kullum
blade | Hausa wasa klmbi n. undecorated calabash (used
k m adj. warm ex bni  k im the to wash corpse) | Hausa warya
room is warm | Hausa umi maras zane
kfn n. a large type of locust | Hausa kmallo n. nausea; faintness from
fara (iri) hunger | Hausa kumallo
kfu v.A2a (v.n. kf) boil meat, cook kma t a n.f. leaf | Hausa ganye
(meat) partially before putting into kma t k‰ro n. a plant, perhaps
sauce | Hausa dafa, sulala Stylochiton lancifolius | Hausa
kujm n. thirst | Hausa ishirwa kunnen jaki, guzami
kujr n. chair, stool | Hausa kujera kumb n. small gourd | Hausa kurtu
K k n. a male name | Hausa sunan km ci n. Bosc’s or savannah
namiji monitor (Varanus exanthematicus) |
kl v.B (v.n. kl) shave ex klk Hausa damo
k hnn he shaved his head | Hausa km i n. hedgehog | Hausa bushiya
aske km as n. an irritating disease of feet
kula id. indicates snapping loose (of a or hands in the wet season | Hausa
rope, etc.) ex sai til i dokuhnni ka ushaushi
ka ta sabun kula then he kmo n.f. (pl. kumi) ear ex kma t
unfastened his horse from the grass a leaf of a tree | Hausa kunne
stalks kulab | Hausa amsa amo kmu v.A1 (v.n. km) dip out (a thick
kul i n. (pl. kul  i) human baby, substance), remove a mass of
baby chick ex In kula i na la yawe something, gather up a group of
ya, ko yan aurairai gam, sai things ex k hnno na kum t
Ndagai zabe kula i yawi. If a chick kwr I am dizzy (my head is
is going to grow up, even if many collecting the hut, since huts are
kites are encountered, God will cause round); ka biti sai rai a jago, kumtu
the chick to grow up. | Hausa jariri, karai ma ado, karai ma dinari ka
an tsako azirfa thereupon he entered the town
klsk n. Italian senna (Senna italica) and collected up adornments, and
| Hausa filasko things of gold and silver | Hausa
kul  n. foetus, prematurely born iba, kwashe
animal ex B t ˘ci lw kul . kun/kun pro.2 pl. you (plural direct
(Jngwl˘ i.) Riddle: The daughter object of verbs without totality
of the goat has given birth extension--completive/non-
prematurely. (Chicken manure.) | completive) | Hausa ku
Hausa an tayi kunc = kuncu n.f. young corn |
kulrm n. a spirit that brings Hausa yabanya
misfortune | Hausa kncu v.A2b (v.n. kunc) scratch with
kl n. casting lots or flipping a coin to claws or nails ex wi kncisk the
determine a winner ex  g z  cat scratched him | Hausa warzana
Kriy mu íyan kl in order to kun pro.2 pl. see kun | Hausa
vote for Kariya we cast lots | Hausa kunink n. becoming pregnant before
kl -kl interjection a cry to attract weaning previous child ex mendai
people to a communal job | Hausa íyuka kuninka the woman has
44 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

become pregnant again (before her krikri (t Ndagi) n. bright red
previous child was weaned) | Hausa velvet spider seen during the rainy
kunika season | Hausa karamiski
knka n. (pl. knkcin) insect | Hausa kurm si n. biting ants | Hausa cirnaka
waro kurn n. Christ's thorn (Ziziphus spina-
knksu n. charcoal | Hausa gawayi christi) | Hausa kurna
kuno n. happiness | Hausa murna, farin kurt = dugrum n. (pl. kurtntyin)
ciki deaf mute (can neither hear nor
kntu v.A2b (v.n. knt) pinch small speak) | Hausa kurma
piece off, bite off small piece of ex krttu v.A2c (v.n. krtt) become
lwi knttank z mangwru deaf | Hausa kurmanta
the children bit off small pieces of krt tn n. deafness | Hausa
mango | Hausa incine krtu n. small round gourd | Hausa
kntunkuru n. mallet for pounding aramar gora
dyed cloth | Hausa krm-kurum n. rummaging through
k n num. three | Hausa uku kitchen for food in the absence of the
kuníy r n. a tree will broad leaves and owner | Hausa
thorns | Hausa bishiya (iri) kurus id. indicates completeness of
kupirm n. loincloth, worn as death ex m ttink kurus he is stone
underwear by women and by dead | Hausa amsa amo
wrestlers | Hausa bante kurya n. small drum played for barbers
kpsr n.f. gizzard | Hausa undu | Hausa kurya
kr n. burned crust of tuwo inside pot kshktm = ktkshm n. fowl lice
| Hausa anzo | Hausa urdumus
kr v.B (v.n. kr ) 1. trip, cause to kt n. warmed up tuwo | Hausa
loose footing ex Tngl i t imamme
Lngw kr b dt. ( l kut-kut adj. having the taste of ashes
w a.) Riddle: The slipperiness of | Hausa toka-toka
Langawa tripped up the tall man. ktau n. a type of miya flavored with
(Swallowing food.). 2. cut grass with ashes | Hausa miyar lami
sickle | Hausa kwashe; yanka ciyawa ktau n. bellows | Hausa zugazugi
krb n. rudeness, disparagement, kut = kic adv. thus ex gi k kut
contempt, scorn ex kotn k krb nonetheless; kt kut because of
he is rude in his behavior | Hausa reni that, for that reason | Hausa haka
krbu v.A2b (v.n. krb) 1. ktkshm = kshktm n. fowl lice
accompany. 2. scorn, despise, belittle | Hausa urdumus
| Hausa raka kut n.f. ashes of burned cornstalks,
kr tu v.A2c (v.n. kr t) work used to flavor kutu | Hausa toka
hard at a task ex na kur atuto kto n. admonition, advice ex Turku
kwarakuto she was hard at her kaleka kuto ka gi ba babo. An
cultivating | Hausa labta orphan hears admonitions via some
kr  n. broth, soup made with meat | who has a father. | Hausa gargai
Hausa farfesu ktu v.A1 (v.n. kt) finish | Hausa
kurf n. (pl. kurffi) well-bucket | arasa
Hausa guga kutufi n. chisel used to cut iron or a
kri n. red earth, used in making dyes | horse’s hoof | Hausa
Hausa koya kwa part. indeed | Hausa kuwa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 45

ky n. poverty, being poor | Hausa kwlíymu v.A2c (v.n. kwlíym)

talauci gawk, gape, stare wide-eyed | Hausa
kyang n.f. bride | Hausa amarya gwale
kuíyr n. a type of bird that lives in kwm n.m. (pl. kwami) cow | Hausa
hollows | Hausa tsuntsu (iri) sa, saniya
kuzm n. hunger ex min t kzm kwanca n. claws, e.g. of leopard, of
famine; kuzm dmnnak I am hawk | Hausa akaifa
hungry | Hausa yunwa kwncr n. (pl. kwncriy) locust,
kuzrku n. tick | Hausa kaska grasshopper | Hausa fara
kwab n.f. 1. cloud ex kwab t kwan k = kwan k n. the tree
ndagi cloud (used to distinguish it Strychnos spp., with large, yellow
from ‘gypsum’). 2. gypsum | Hausa hard-shelled edible fruits | Hausa
(1) gajimare; (2) aljibus oiya
kwb-kwab n. fleecy clouds, kwnkwni n. a type of tree | Hausa
raincloud | Hausa gajimare bishiya (iri)
kwac adv.loc. close, near ex kwr kwnkwru v.A2c (v.n. kwnkwri)
hnn kwac k mno his house is rap knuckles on the head ex Ba ta
near mine | Hausa kusa kwar timu na la aza ye se
kwa ank˘li n.f. kangaroo rat | Hausa kwankwaru ka ta nantau. (Lawa
kw i n.m. small calabash for drinking ma kuci.) Riddle: The girl of our
or measuring | Hausa oo house when she was going to spend
kwaf n. Bataleur eagle (Terathoipus the night with her husband, she gave
ecaudatus) | Hausa gaggafa her mother a knock on the head. (The
kwaikwd n. type of white bead | fruit of a baobab.) | Hausa
Hausa dutsen jigida kwankyl n. large pot for cooking tuwo
kwkw n. tree with seed pods like | Hausa tukunya
locust bean | Hausa bishiya (iri) kwnt n. bohor reedbuck (Redunca
kwkw n. coconut (Cocos nucifera) | redunca) | Hausa aji, kwanta rafi
Hausa kwakwa kwntal n. small bundle of grass |
kwkwriyk n. crowing of a rooster Hausa gwalgwali, damin ciyawa
| Hausa cara kwntl n. calf of leg | Hausa sha raa
kwkwyu-kwkwy id. indicates kwpcr n.m. measles | Hausa yanda
activity raising dust ex zanjai kwrk n. farming ex kwrk
wenetakau kwakuyu-kwakuyu the mdi first weeding | Hausa noma
hyena grabbed her raising dust | kwra-kwr adj. circular ex bnko
Hausa amsa amo kwrakwr make your hut round |
kwalak id. indicates whiteness ex Hausa daíira
sh k mf kwalak snow-white kwrc n. self-praise of wrestlers, etc. |
shirts | Hausa amsa amo Hausa koa kai, barazana
kwlku n. a type of shrub | Hausa kwrc n. a type of tree | Hausa karya
bishiya (iri--ramiya?) rubutu
kwalalai n. joint of a corstalk | Hausa kwr si n. noise made by something
gaar kara | Hausa diri
kwlm n. greed, gluttony | Hausa kwri n. the plant Lannea microcarpa
kwaayi and other Lannea spp. | Hausa faru
kwliy n. a type of bird | Hausa
tsuntsu (iri)
46 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

kwrk‰d n. type of insect that digs a kylkyl n. hard bare ground, plain ex
small pit in the sand to catch prey | n k t kylkyl  he is on that
Hausa kurkudu plain over there | Hausa euwa, fao
kwarkwaro n.m. spindle ex
kwarkwaro m cka spindle for
weaving | Hausa kwarkwaro
kwrnn n. black-crowned tschagra
(Tchagra senegala) (called “Senegal
bush shrike” in Hausa dictionaries) |
Hausa suda l interr.pro. who? ex g kka na l?
kwr = kwru n.f. (pl. kwrri, = l g kkau? who helped you?;
kwarcin˘) 1. compound, house, ka g l? who did you help? |
home ex kwr hnn his house; bo Hausa wa
kwaro entrance to a compound. 2. lbi n. food bowl made of a calabash |
times (in multiplication) ex mba Hausa waryar cin tuwo
kwr mba ten times ten | Hausa lci ˘ n.m. flower balls of locust bean
gida tree which are putting out beans |
kwr t f n.f. bar (for drinking), club | Hausa
Hausa kulob Ld n. Sunday | Hausa Lahadi
kwtfar n. cockroach | Hausa la u n. cocoon formed by grain eating
kyankyaso insect | Hausa
kwatak‰r n. hero | Hausa gogan naka lfy n. sandal, slipper | Hausa takalmi
kwtnkwami n. tsetse fly | Hausa lfiy n. health, good health ex Q:
udan tsando Kar l wi? - A: L wi lfiys. Q:
kwtankwar n.m. old lizard | Hausa How are the children? - A: The
tsohon adangare children are fine. (standard greeting) |
kwtl n. loofah gourd (Luffa spp.), Hausa lafiya
sponge | Hausa soso lf n. Semegal hartebeest (Damaliscus
kwatlnkn n. shells of peanuts, korrigum) | Hausa dari
eggs, etc. | Hausa wanso, kwafsa lg-lg id.adj. loose, loose-fitting ex
kwazmbt n. boil (abscess) | Hausa íy iko yankn lg-lg his
maruru pants are always loose | Hausa
kwz n.m. or f. convalescence, lailai adj. cool | Hausa sanyi
nursing, becoming well ex n kwaza lkk n. large calabash | Hausa masaki
t lu hnno I am caring for my son; lak‰d n.f. whip, cane switch ex
dila ndai yayi kwazo ma zuni the lak‰d() t mlm the teacher’s
jackal went and did care of his body | switch | Hausa tsumangiya
Hausa jinya llla! interjection count me out!, I'm
kw t n.m. egg plant, garden egg. bitter not involved! | Hausa
tomato (Solanum incanum) | Hausa lli = l˘li n. a type of tree | Hausa
gauta bishiya (iri)
kyl u = kl u = klíyu = v.A2b (v.n. llintr n. purse, handbag | Hausa jaka
kyl u) chew, chew cud ex km yan lall n. henna (Lawsonia inermis) |
kyl ka miya? what is that cow Hausa lalle
chewing? | Hausa tauna tia lm u = lm u v.A2c (v.n.
lm ) grind wet substance | Hausa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 47

lm n. oatgrass (Monocymbium lw v.B (v.n. lw) clear area for
ceresiiforme) | Hausa jan bauje farming | Hausa sassabe
lmu = lmu v.A2c (v.n. lw n.m. 1. birth; children. 2. fruit ex
lm) grind something wet ex lw m  fruit | Hausa haihuwa;
lm  sw she wet-ground guinea íyaíyan bishiya
corn | Hausa markae lwi n.f. abandoned place; site, location
Lm sw n. Thursday | Hausa ex l u t kwr abandoned house;
Alhamis l u t jg abandoned town; l u t
lm‰ = lmau n. plaiting hair, twisting sku abandoned marked | Hausa
a two-strand rope ex íyantak lm‰ kufai
her hair has been plaited; Ci ka saku lwu v.A2a (v.n. lw) give birth, bear
ma Wance bai, ci ndalaka lamo ta ex lw  lwi t mz she bore a son |
Wance. You don't have So-and-so's Hausa haihu, haifa
hair, (yet) you want So-and-so's layi n. cold | Hausa sanyi
hairdo. | Hausa kitso, tuka igiya ly interr.pro. who?, who is it? | Hausa
lmp n. valley, low area between wane ne
hills such as space between lyim n. umbrella | Hausa laima
ridgerows | Hausa kwari líyu v.A1 (v.n. laíy) vomit | Hausa
lmu v.A1 (v.n. lm) meet, overtake, harar
find, come across ex sai lame Bukar lbn n. a sticky substance used to trap
na tingena hnni she found Bukar birds | Hausa dano
sitting; sai lame batai ka dami bai lf n. copaiba balsam (Daniellia
she found that there were no oliveri) | Hausa kadaura, maje
tamarind fruits; sai lame a ta dami llk˘ n.m. a type of tuwo made of
maiwa they found a big tamarind ground beans, eaten with oil | Hausa
tree | Hausa tarad da ll w n. a type of tamarind with sweet
lmu v.A1 (v.n. lm‰ = lmau) 1. plait fruits (Tamarindus indica) | Hausa
hair. 2. make a rope by twisting two tsamiya mai zai
strands together | Hausa yi kitso; tuka lli n.f. razor | Hausa aska
lnt n.m. comb (of chicken) ex lnt lli-lli n. a type of water insect | Hausa
m gj rooster’s comb | Hausa askan ruwa
zanko lmm˘ n.f. bride ex mn tkau
lnu v.A1 (v.n. lan) wither ex kunci lmm˘ bai your wife is not a bride |
lntak kt dar t m the young Hausa amarya
corn has withered because of lack of ltu = ltu v.A2a (v.n. lt) touch, taste
rain | Hausa yanwane ex lt   b˘kau taste it! | Hausa taa,
Lrab n. Wednesday | Hausa Laraba danana
lard n. | Hausa karkara l w n. soaring ex s gw n l w the
lu n.f. see lwi | Hausa storks are soaring | Hausa shawagi
ludi n.m. (pl. laudi) sickle | Hausa lwai n. a type of bird | Hausa shirya ?
lauje lwi n.f. (pl. l wi) child; boy ex l w t
luke quant.univ. everyone, anyone, mnd girl; l w t mzi boy | Hausa
whoever | Hausa kowa yaro
lulau n.m. quickness, speed ex lulau lw t bni n.f. top grinding stone |
m kwrku speedy farming | Hausa Hausa an dutsen nin.a
sauri lw t kwm n.f. calf (of cow) | Hausa
lu t bzn n. collapsed well | Hausa marai
48 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

lb v.B (v.n. lb) be tired ex n linkir id.adj. tiny in size ex Kariya
lbhnnaku I’m tired | Hausa gaji njillehnno lo b t linkir Kariya cut
lbdi n. quilt armor for a horse | Hausa off a tiny piece of meat for me |
lifidi Hausa
lb n. tiredness, fatigue ex Kar lb? l pu n. pocket | Hausa aljihu
- K lb bai. How’s the tiredness? - ltnu v.A2c (v.n. ltn) rub, wipe |
There’s no tiredness. (standard Hausa shafa
greeting) | Hausa gajiya ltu = ltu v.A2a (v.n. lt) touch, taste |
li an id. indicates completely covering Hausa taa, danana
ex ca la asa gazuka ci libsi a zuci l‰ n.m. meat ex l‰ tno my meat; l‰ tn
har zu catirci li an! you will seek his meat; l‰ m tmci mutton (meat
out some twiners and put them all of sheep) | Hausa nama
over your body and even on your tail l‰kc n.f. time | Hausa lokaci
completely | Hausa amsa amo l˘li = lli n. a type of tree | Hausa
l u v.A1 (v.n. l ) stick on, place bishiya (iri)
someting sticky on | Hausa manna l‰ m ry n.m. wild animal | Hausa
lid = lidu n. bedbugs | Hausa kuin naman daji
cizo l‰ m z n.m. flesh | Hausa naman jiki
lfri n. pad on donkey's back for riding lon n. (pl. lln, l˘nni) chewstick
or placing load | Hausa akumari tree (Anogneissus leiocarpus) | Hausa
lfu v.A1 (v.n. lf) 1. pound to sharpen marke
a blade or to roughen grindstone ex l u v.A1 (v.n. l ) spread, smear ex
lf di he sharpened the knife; lf m l u t blnno we are putting
bni/lf kl/lf d roughening a the balambo food out to dry | Hausa
grindstone, sharpening a hole, yaa
sharpening a knife. 2. head toward ex l  n. (pl. l n yin) baby | Hausa
ngai lf  gen the person headed west jinjirii
| Hausa (1) koa; (2) nufa lugd n. (pl. lugdcin) ladle | Hausa
ljm n. bridle | Hausa linzami ludayi
liki id.adj. indicates fine texture of lku v.A1 (v.n. lk) leave behind,
flour, etc. ex íys sk liki she leave ex lk k yim hnn  bn
ground it finely | Hausa hn he left his money in his room |
lm n. saliva, spit | Hausa yawi, miyaw Hausa bari
lm = lm v.B (v.n. lm) duck, lm n. type of soft grass | Hausa
dodge | Hausa kauce, baue ciyawa (iri)
lm a t br wa n.f. antelope sesame lnkw u v.A2c (v.n. lunkw )
(Sesamum alatum) | Hausa riin taste, taste by dipping finger in |
barewa Hausa danana
lm o = ln o n.f. sesame (Sesamum l sn n.m. tongue | Hausa harshe
orientale) | Hausa nomi, rii l sn m kwm n.m. purslane
lmptu v.A2c (v.n. lmpt) lick | (Portulaca oleracea; P. quadrifida) |
Hausa lasa Hausa harshen saniya
ln o = lm o n. sesame (Sesamum lwt-lwt id.adj. easily bent, pliable
orientale) | Hausa nomi, rii | Hausa mai laushi, mai rauni
link n. the tree Grewia mollis | Hausa
dargaza, dargaji
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 49

m ru n.m. bicycle ex m ru m

M l? whose bicycle? | Hausa keke
m c n. sorrel seeds | Hausa gurguzu
mfe adj. (pl. mfamfyin) white;
m = ma conj. when (at the end of a light-colored ex mf kwalak snow
clause referring to a past event) ex white; mf m tmci, tmci mf
Wayatan cacasum, ase lauke white sheep | Hausa fari, haske
walahnni a kwaro. When they had mff n. cotton grass | Hausa ciyawa
finished their talk, then everyone (iri)
went back home. | Hausa da mf m ko n. happiness ex hnni na
m part. as for ex Hnnim sa yina yasu mafe ma ako he was happy | Hausa
ma wa ai na hnni. As for him he farin ciki
would do the grinding of the grain mfilnji n. a type of caterpillar that
himself. | Hausa ma attacks corn ex mfilnji t k
m gen.linker of, that of (masculine kunci the mafilanji ate the young
genitive linker between two nouns), corn | Hausa
cf. t ex mal m Kriy Kariya’s magni n. mirror | Hausa madubi
younger brother; l‰ m ry wild main n. neem tree (Azadirachta
animal (animal of bush) | Hausa na, indica) | Hausa maina, darbejiya
ta m iw adj. large, big, important ex
ma = m conj. when (at the end of a ndagi m iw the supreme God;
clause referring to a past event) ex kwam m iw big cow | Hausa babba
Bukar ke nene gen ma, sai nai Mjy Ndvu n. a female name, after a
birbir a gen na yin e. When Bukar powerful spirit | Hausa sunan mace
looked west, then he saw dust in the mktlu v.A2c (v.n. mktl) strike
west rising. | Hausa da hard | Hausa make
mb n. (pl. mbambyai) grave | mk n. week | Hausa mako
Hausa kabari mkum n.m. horn blown for hunting |
macwi n. anus | Hausa takashi, tsuliya Hausa ahon farauta
madbr n. a type of grass | Hausa Mkwai n. a male name, hero in war |
ciyawa (iri) Hausa sunan namiji
madbur n. moneywort (Alysicarpus mkw n. person with the powers to
vaginalis), used as fodder | Hausa forecast the type of harvest that one
gadagi will have | Hausa mai duba (iri)
mdi adj. (pl. mdandyin) red ex Mkw n. a male name; leader of
m  ir bright red; mdi m hunters | Hausa sunan namiji
tgiy, tgiy mdi red cap | Hausa ml n.m. field, open area, outside ex
ja ml m fli open area around a
Mdi n. a male name, short for pond where animals have tramped
Muhammadu | Hausa sunan namiji down the plants;  mla outside,
n. a type of harmless snake | Hausa external, out in the open | Hausa fili,
tandara waje
mdlr n. newly sprouted baobab mlgd n. a type of bird | Hausa
leaves, used for miya | Hausa ganyen tsuntsu (iri)
kuka ml u = mlíyu v.A2b (v.n. ml ,
mdlg n. castor bean (Ricinus ml ) 1. change into ex dodo sai
communis) | Hausa zirman mal ahnni manan the monster then
50 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

turned into a cobra; arncni belu.) Riddle: From here to the end
mlíytak ka burin  mf the of the earth, how many turns (do you
chameleon changed from black to make)? (Two turns, i.e. good or bad) |
white. 2. pour into. 3. turn around ex Hausa nawa
cagadlau na kuti, sai mal ise, sai mni n.pl. siblings, compatriots,
jojo when the lion saw that, he brethren ex mni hnn his siblings |
turned around and ran away | Hausa Hausa íyanuwa
riki, juya mn-mn adv. this and that ex mn
mlk n. angel | Hausa malaíika mn ke f hnn bai he didn’t
Mlk n. a female name | Hausa even say this or that to me | Hausa ga
sunan mace shi ga shi
mlkwm n. traditional spirit mnn n. spitting cobra (Naja
within a house to whom sacrifices are nigricollis) | Hausa kumurci
made | Hausa mndi rel. pro., conj. the one who; that
mlm n. (pl. no plural) Hausa person | which; that, which (relative clause
Hausa Bahaushe marker--see mbndi) | Hausa wanda
Ml‰ n. a name given to a male born man  n. type of insect that attacks
after the father's death | Hausa Audi beans | Hausa waro mai cin wake
mlu n.m. (pl. mni) (f. mla) youger mnp adj. sweet ex mem m sin
brother; younger sister ex m ln, mnef something nice to drink |
m ly, mal m Kriy Hausa zai
my/his/Kariya’s younger brother; mngwai = ngwai n.f., adj., conj. 1.
mlan, mlaí mla t Kriy difficulty; pain ex bn n mngwai
my/his/Kariya’s younger sister | his back hurts; Kiya riwo waraka
Hausa ane kiya ka adi a mangwai! The “cut”
mlu v.A2a (v.n. ml) take care of, of a lie is more painful than cutting
care for a child ex mlink he cared with a knife!; Dumare yi mangwai
for me | Hausa yi reno wanninki, na ruru na zawa. As for
mlm n. male sorcerer | Hausa boka Dumare, dificulty had overcome him,
namiji he was moaning and crying. 2.
Mlm n. a title for someone who hardly, barely ex mangwai na rina
deals in traditional medicines | Hausa ma dodo a ca i maÖ hardly had the
sarautu dodo entered the neighborhood … |
ml s n. African peach (Nauclea Hausa wuya, ciwo
diderrichii) | Hausa tafashiya mangwr n. mango (Mangifera
mma n. Mom (term of reference or indica) | Hausa mangwaro
address for one’s mother) | Hausa Iya mni n. thatching needle | Hausa bida
Mm n. a male name | Hausa sunan mni-mni n. whirlwind | Hausa
namiji guguwa
Mmn n. a male name, short for mn˘ pro.m. (f. mnce) So-and-So,
Muhammadu | Hausa sunan namiji some unnamed person ex fhnn
mmu pro.1 pl. ours (independent d mn˘ wl‰m bai sai wlahnn
genitive pronoun) | Hausa namu, he didn’t say So-and-So let’s go but
tamu just went off | Hausa Wane
man interr. num. how much?, how mntnu = mnu v.A2c (v.n.
many? ex Ka bice wala bo íyarina mntn) forget | Hausa manta
ta ndagai, kwana mana? (Kwana
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 51

mnu = mntnu v.A1 (v.n. mn) mrko = mrkau n.f. trip, journey,
forget | Hausa manta traveling, walking ex D niy mrka
mnzai = nzai adv., adj. far; tall, long; t kwarkwat, k dir bai, sai ka
deep ex jg mnzai a distant town; kl yad. The world is the
ba wula manzai someone with a movement of a louse: there’s no
long neck; Dik manzai ma pire, na noise, then you feel a bite. | Hausa
ngatetu a íyali. No matter how high tafiya mai nisa, bulaguro
something is thrown, it will fall back mrnw n. sarcasm ex ng  gwni
to earth.; Dik manzai ma be i, jago mrnw that person is an expert in
na ba e. No matter how long the sarcasm | Hausa gatse
night, the dawn will come.; bzn mr‰ n. promiscuous person | Hausa
mnzai deep well | Hausa nisa farka, daduro
mío n. affection ex ng  b mío mrtu v.A2b sprout | Hausa tofar
that person is affectionate | Hausa mru v.A1 (v.n. mran) sprout ex 
auna mrtaku the tree has sprouted (new
mraf n. tool for pounding a floor to leaves) | Hausa tohu
make hard | Hausa iccen dae mr n.m. oil ex mr m dibr
marguw n. the trees Cassia arereh; peanut oil | Hausa mai
C. sieberana | Hausa marga, gama masallci n. mosque | Hausa masallaci
faa mass n. the shrub Guiera
mrmp n. temporary well | Hausa senegalensis | Hausa sabara
roji Msk n. a female name, after a spirit
mran n. sprouts, new leaves | Hausa who makes men impotent | Hausa
tofo sunan mace
mry n. scimitar horned or white mtci n. (pl. mtcci) locust bean
oryx (Oryx dammah) | Hausa mariri tree or fruit (Parkia biglobosa) |
mrdl id.adj. largeness, esp. of penis Hausa dorawa
ex mardl k l large penissed | mtu v.A2a (v.n. mt) speak | Hausa
Hausa yi magana
mr o n. bulrush millet (Pennisetum mwi adv.man. on purpose,
glaucum) | Hausa gero deliberately ex ngyam r yka
mr u v.A2b (v.n. mr ) twist, rw mwi that person deliberately
wring | Hausa mure lies | Hausa da gangan
mr-mr competition | Hausa rige- myri n.f. fermented baobab seed
rige cakes used as flavoring | Hausa
marga  n. type of sorghum with daddawa
sweet pulp (Sorghum mellitum) | myu v.A2a (v.n. my‰) find, look for,
Hausa takana hunt, watch, see ex Bi mandi menta
mr prep. without ex Madai ma bo ka ta goro, a biti ne maya ka hnni
mari soko. A red mouth without dafau. Where one understands kola
sorcery. (Proverb meaning (“knows the head of kola”), there one
appearance of something doesn’t looks for leaves for it (to cover it and
make it the real thing--the belief is keep it from drying up).; gi sa
that sorcerers have a red mouth.) | mayatim fat ta Subdu nanta wale
Hausa babu he’s seeking all of us next Saturday |
mri n. new millet | Hausa sabon hatsi Hausa samu, nema, yi kallo, gani
52 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

mzgu v.A2c (v.n. mzg) moisten mbsu v.A2a (v.n. mb su) count ex
by sprinkling, dampen ex mzgu mbs yu he counted money |
amy ka ts moisten the plain tuwo Hausa irga
(with oil) a little and eat it | Hausa mbiÖ if a word beginning mbiÖ is
yayyafa not found here, see mbuÖ | Hausa
mba- + poss. pron. quant. alone, only mbn n. joining one’s resources,
ex hnn mban just him, him alone; cooperation | Hausa hain kai
dsu mbas only them | Hausa kaai, mbl v.A1 (v.n. mbl) snatch up, grab
kawai up ex sai Jilwaye mbili leutau wirgi
mbc n. a women’s game in which a baitau, sai cawe jojo ka yarna bai
they strike each other in dancing to then Jilwaye grabbed up her child,
show strength | Hausa put him her back, and set to running
mbac n. eating with four fingers while without stopping | Hausa sura
hooking the thumb over the rim of mbil n. buttocks | Hausa uwawu
the food bowl | Hausa mbl n. scrambling for something |
mbdlg n. a type of tree | Hausa Hausa wasoso
inuwar samari? mbln n gum Arabic | Hausa aro
mba = bmba num. ten ex mba k mblmu v.A2b (v.n. mblm, mblm )
blu twelve | Hausa goma bury | Hausa binne
mba kÖ num. … teen ex mba k mbrn n.m. 1. help, aid, salvation. 2.
blu twelve (10 and 2) | Hausa breaking up a fight ex Mbiran ma
(goma) sha. ngufanai. Breaking up a fight out of
mb jbo n. Jimson weed (Datura self-interest. (Pretending to be doing
stramonium) | Hausa zaami one thing when in fact doing
mbalwzi n. a type of tree used for another.) | Hausa ceta, taimaka, raba
medicinal purposes | Hausa bishiya faa
(iri) mbru v.A1 (v.n. mbr ) save ex
mbmb n. gluttony, greed | Hausa mbr nnak he saved me | Hausa
haama ceta
mbmu v.A1 (v.n. mbm, mbm ) mbtu v.A1 (v.n. mbt ) put out,
excrete (faeces) ex mbm extinguish, quench | Hausa kashe
she/mbmuk ish he shat | Hausa wuta, bice
yi (kashi) mbzam = mzam n. hunter | Hausa
mband = bnd = mnd rel.conj. maharbi, mafarauci
that, which (relative clause marker) | mbz n. a type of bee that forms its
Hausa da hive in the ground | Hausa rakuwa
mbrr n. a type of white lizard | (iri)
Hausa adangare (iri) mb˘ci id.adj. bulging-eyed | Hausa
mbaryo n. (pl. mbaryyi) the mbuÖ if a word beginning mbuÖ is
flowering shrub Catunaregam not found here, see mbiÖ | Hausa
nilotica | Hausa barbaji, wanarya mb n. communal labor ex mu
mbry n. type of tree whose leaves íym mb  tar m lhaj we
are used for arrow poison | Hausa did communal work on Alhaji’s farm
bishiya (iri) | Hausa gayya
mbno n. close friendship, clan feeling mbu v.A1 (v.n. mb ) knead, form
| Hausa zumunci into balls ex Gwarzo mb zn
ngtak  bzn. (Lmb.) Riddle:
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 53

The strong man formed his body into without outside influence ex Sai ada
a ball and fell into the well. (Steamed cakesuka tonu ti aka mensu a
cakes--made with dough boiled in a akai. Then the dog dug them a hole
wrapper of leaves.) | Hausa cura and they just lay down in it. | Hausa
mbgm = mgm n.m. (pl. abu
mbgwwn) (f. mbgmco) blind mnd = mndu n.f. (pl. mendi)
person | Hausa makaho (becomes mnd with 3rd m.
mbgmtn n. blindness | Hausa possessor, mn with other
makanta possessors) woman; wife ex Dindeno
mbgmtu v.A2c (v.n. mbgmt) ayi akata mendo ka batau. Let the
become blind | Hausa makance story take on the topic of a woman
Mb la n. God, Allah | Hausa Allah, and her daughter.; Men ta ku a a
Ubangiji ta ne mendau. A woman who
mblm n. grain head after threshing | protests (getting married), she
Hausa sille (becomes a real) wife.; mndye his
mbttu = mttu v.A2b (v.n. mbtt) wife | Hausa mace, mata
join things together, mix substances mntu v.A2b (v.n. mnt) know ex n
together | Hausa haa mntas I know; n mnta bai I
m n.m. (used with wad, optionally as don’t know; mu mentasi dai
~ m Ö in compounds, and before gwadagori nzafa ta lauke a bicam
pronouns beginning with a nasal; see we know that the tortoise is the friend
men for other contexts) thing ex m of everyone here | Hausa sani
wad something; m n, m n, mrk n.m. ulcer, sore ex Meraku
m m my/his/our thing | Hausa abu, ma ka ta ada. an ulcer on a dog's
abin head (something troublesome that
mecc n.m. herd, flock ex mecc m you can’t do anything about) | Hausa
waki a herd of goats | Hausa garke gyambo
m wi n. python, probably African mto n. death | Hausa mutuwa
rock python (Python sebae) | Hausa mtu v.A2a (v.n. mto) 1. die. 2.
mesa coagulate, freeze ex mri mttaku
m m gno n. ingredients for miya | the oil has coagulated | Hausa (1)
Hausa kayan miya mutu; (2) daskare
mem m gm b˘ n. gift brought by a miÖ if a word beginning miÖ is not
traveler | Hausa tsaraba found here, see muÖ | Hausa
mn n.f. (possessed form; see mnd) mci pro.2 sg.f. yours (feminine
wife ex mn hnno my wife; mn singular independent genitive
tko your wife; mn t M sa Musa’s pronoun) | Hausa naki, taki
wife | Hausa matar mcin quant. a little | Hausa kaan
men n.m. (m before pronouns m y n.m. millet (Pennisetum
beginning in a nasal) 1. thing (see glaucum) | Hausa maiwa
also m ) ex m n, menk, m n, mgnim n. owner, master ex Kola
ment, m m, mem m ˘ci ngusuka ya a ka ta miginimto. If a
my/your(m)/his/her/our/goat’s; Ki! finger rots, it is on (the hand of ) its
K men gm  skw ! Wow! There owner. (One suffers from the
are a lot of things in the market!. 2. misdeeds of one’s family members.) |
(as an anaphor with pronoun Hausa mamallaki
reflecting subject) on one’s own,
54 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

mk quant.univ. everything, anything, míy n. jealousy ex n nt míy a

whatever | Hausa kome jealous woman | Hausa kishi
mko pro.2 sg.m. yours (masculine míyir n. epilepsy | Hausa farfaiya
singular independent genitive mz n.m. (pl. mizn‰) husband, male ex
pronoun) | Hausa naka, taka mizi ma akwaro a suitable
min = mun n.pl. (pl. of ng; see also prospect for a husband | Hausa miji
mind) people ex Do nga apko da m˘ru v.A2a (v.n. m˘r) | Hausa cuta
min wadi na nzima ya, cama ndalo muÖ if a word beginning muÖ is not
mensuyi. If a person says certain found here, see miÖ | Hausa
people are miserly, you know he mu pro.1 pl. we (subject pronoun for
wants their things. | Hausa mutane verbs) | Hausa mun
min/min pro.1 pl. us (direct object of mu, m pro.1 pl. us, to us, our (general
verbs without totality extension-- bound suffix--genitive, direct object
completive/non-completive) | Hausa with totality extension, non-
mu completive indirect object) | Hausa
mna n. a red goat with black markings mu, mana, nmu, rmu
(butchers are said to fear slaughtering mu part. indeed | Hausa fa
it) | Hausa mck n.m., n.f. (pl.
mnce pro.f. (f. of mn˘) So-and-So, mckwankwyin) fool | Hausa
some unnamed female person | Hausa wawa
Wance mckwtna n. foolishness, behaving
mind n. Oh people! (see also min) | like a fool | Hausa wauta
Hausa jamaía m nglu v.A2c (v.n. m ngl)
mn  n.f. arrow poison ex mn  t knead into balls | Hausa mulmula
fsku arrow poison | Hausa dafin m ku n.m. (pl. mu kuni) castrated
kibiya goat | Hausa taure
min u = mn u v.A2b (v.n. mn ) mgm = mbgm n.m., n.f. (pl.
seal, plug, block, glue, patch | Hausa mgwwn) blind person | Hausa
lie maafi, maauniya
min pro.1 pl. see min | Hausa mgmtn n. blindness | Hausa
mn pro.3 sg.m. his (independent makanta
genitive pronoun) | Hausa nasa, tasa Mkti n. a nickname for a man named
mno pro.1 sg. mine (independent Mukhtar | Hausa sunan namiji
genitive pronoun) | Hausa nawa, tawa mku pro.2 pl. yours (plural
msen n. stink ants | Hausa gwano independent genitive pronoun) |
mto pro.3 sg.f. hers (independent Hausa naku, taku
genitive pronoun) | Hausa nata, tata mun = min n.pl. people | Hausa mutane
my interr.pro. what? ex my mn u = min u v.A2b (v.n. mn )
wkk? = wkka na my? what seal, plug, block, glue, patch ex n
is the matter with you?; ka jn mn k ri I plugged the hole |
my? what did you buy? | Hausa me Hausa lie
myau = míyau n. (pl. miy ) co-wife | m nn interjection a cry of anguish |
Hausa kishiya Hausa wayyo!
myy interr.pro. what?, what is it? | mrz interj. response to someone who
Hausa mene ne is about to tell a folktale (see
míyau = myau n. (pl. miíy ) co-wife dind no) | Hausa ta zo ta wuce!
| Hausa kishiya
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 55

m sh n. carrion, carcass | Hausa Nair n. Naira | Hausa Naira

mushe nakat conj. and then, following that
msu pro.3 pl. theirs (independent (conjunction introducing a clause
genitive pronoun) | Hausa nasu, tasu indicating connection to preceding
mttu = mbttu v.A2b (v.n. mtt) clause) ex sai nakat te adi daÖ and
join things together, mix substances then he asked again saying… | Hausa
together | Hausa haa har yanzu
mzam = mbzam n. | Hausa maharbi, nks n.m. breathing | Hausa numfashi
mafarauci nku v.A1 (v.n. nk ) pull out, pull off,
extract, uproot ex nakako ayayai
ka gocacin they uprooted trees and

N stones | Hausa cire

nku v.A2a (v.n. nku) spend a long
time | Hausa dae, jima
nn n.f. (pl. nni) (form with pronoun
n  n.f. (form with noun possessor; nn possessor; n  with noun possessor;
with pronoun possessor; nn nn citation form) mother ex nn
citation form) mother ex n  t hnn my mother; n nk your (m.s.)
Kriy Kariya’s mother | Hausa uwa mother; nn his mother | Hausa uwa
n pro.1 sg. I (subject pronoun for nna n.f. mother, mom (term of address
verbs) | Hausa na to mother) | Hausa Iya
na conj. if, when ex sai walahnni a n nt n.f. (f. of b) 1. one who has…,
bara hnni a riya na, tawe sai ka one ex baye ma belu nanta sim
be i then when he had gone for his Kuliri his second daughter by the
hunting in the bush, he came back name of Kuliri. 2. who does… ex
only at night | Hausa in, idan layya nanta nna yam that sacrifice
n/n pro.1 sg. me (direct object of that is coming | Hausa mai (tamata)
verbs without totality extension-- n n t bn n. gecko, possibly house
completive/non-completive) | Hausa gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) |
ni Hausa tsaka
n v.D (v.n. nn /nin/) see, inspect, nnt kwr n.f. senior wife | Hausa
look over ex Ance sai mu maitu ba uwargida
te o nemu lawa ayam. Now we n n t tf n. midwife (mother of
should seek out a seer to look over receiving) | Hausa ungozoma
this child for us.; Ba kwaro, na nn n.f. (pl. nni) (citation form;
nekadi tarai wam bai. Husband, I nn with pronoun possessor; n  with
have missed a menstrual period (“I noun possessor) mother | Hausa uwa
have not seen the month again”). | Ns r n. (pl. Nsrcin) European |
Hausa gani Hausa Bature
nad existential there is some, it exists naut n. cheating, doing bad deeds ex
(probably the additive form of n dka yam r ka y naut as for you,
‘see’) ex m nad as for water, you are a cheat | Hausa cuta, mugunta
there is some; nad bai there isn’t nd interr. adv.man. how, where ex
any; sai dila ruri da, ìYawai! Na nd di hnno? where’s my knife?;
nadi bai!î then the jackal cried out, nd kwr? how’s the household?
“Oh no! I am no more!” | Hausa (standard greeting) | Hausa ina
56 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

nd ri = ndl ri n. red-eyed pigeon ndr = ndlr n.m. African myrrh
(Columba guinea) | Hausa hazbiya (Balsamodendron africanum;
nd  n.f., adj. weight, heaviness; Commiphora africana) | Hausa dashi
heavy | Hausa nauyi ndr m m n. watercourse | Hausa
ndfu v.A1 (v.n. ndf) (tr.) destroy; kwari
(intr.) collapse ex beni ndaftako the ndr n.m. road, path ex h ndr
house collapsed | Hausa rushe, urme ayam follow this road; ndar ma
ndagi n. 1. sky, heaven, up ex karatu how to read, the path to
ayinno na piraka ndagai do reading | Hausa hanya
ngateneka íyali ye, ta eka bai. nd ruw m XÖ? idiom what does X
(Gabaga.) Riddle: My pot, if I throw care about…? (calque on Hausa) ex
it up and it falls to earth, it doesn't da ruwa ma kezi ka íyandin?
shatter. (Cotton cloth.); jaba ta What does a chicken care about
ndagai the sky, the firmament; amu urinating? | Hausa ina ruwan Ö?
ma ndagai rain. 2. Allah, God ex nd in n. mud, muddy water | Hausa
Ndagai gamatuka ido ka ta u. God tao
has joined the eye with sleep.; ndr n.m. Jerusalem cricket | Hausa
Ndagai ga tike! May God help you! gyare
(salutation to a superior); Ywi nd  cc idiom sow dissension, set
Ndagi! Woe is me! | Hausa Allah, one against another by spreading
sama rumors ex ngyam b nd  cc
ndgy n. (pl. ndgyacin) sorceress, that man is a rumor monger | Hausa
female sorcerer | Hausa boka mace gama kai
ndkwco n. a broken calash that has nd u v.A1 (v.n. nd ) tie together, tie
been sewn together | Hausa a knot | Hausa ulla
inkakkiyar warya ndigr n.m. pile, mound ex ka ndigir
ndl n.pl. (pl. of b, nnta) 1. ones ma mem ma sara he has a lot of
who have… ex ndala kwaro riches | Hausa tari, tuli
houseowners, gentlemen. 2. ones ndra v.B (v.n. ndr) exceed, surpass,
who do… ex ndala bara hunters | be better than | Hausa fi
Hausa masuÖ ndrm n. herbalist, dealer in
ndl k n.pl. followers, adherents | traditional medicine ex Ndirama íyai
Hausa sorim a ka hnni ba! Let the herbalist
ndli n. entanglement ex m íyanka make medicine for himself! | Hausa
ndli our ropes became entangled | boka
Hausa ndrntu v.A2c (v.n. ndrnt) be
ndlo n. like, love, want ex n ndla better than, surpass, exceed ex
ins I like eggs; ta waka mizi ma ndrntu nzfak be better than
mbandi zimbilimto ndalo she had your friend | Hausa fi
found the husband that her heart ndir n. 1. jumping, flying ex
would love; Nga ndalo ya i ye, na gwadagori ka baka ma ndire bai a
la dawai. If a person wants milk, he tortoise does not have wings for
will tend cows.; sa ndala baba hnni flying. 2. dancing ex m sun n
ndai te ehnni a akwaro he ndir there they are dancing | Hausa
wanted his father to go ask on his tsalle, tsallakawa
behalf for marriage | Hausa so ndru v.A1 (v.n. ndir) jump, fly ex n
ndrk na tsallake; Ka birba i
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 57

cawaka kwancara; fati íyutaka ye ngnn n. a tree found in marshy

sai ndirsu. It’s in the morning that places (Mitragyna inermis) | Hausa
one catches grasshoppers; if midday giyayya
comes, they fly away. | Hausa ngni n. a long time ex S ka ngni!
tsallaka, tashi (tsuntsu) Until later! (a standard leave-taking) |
ndl ri = nd ri n. red-eyed pigeon Hausa jumawa
(Columba guinea) | Hausa hazbiya ngntu v.A2b (v.n. ngant) delay,
ndlr = ndr n. African myrrh cause a delay ex ngntunkau he
(Balsamodendron africanum; delayed me | Hausa jinkirta
Commiphora africana) | Hausa dashi ngnu v.A1 (v.n. ngni) spend time ex
ndlrku = nzrku n. (pl. S ngnank! Until one has spent
ndlrkwkai) pied crow (Corvus time! = See you later! (a standard
albus) | Hausa hankaka leave taking) | Hausa jima, dae
ndlr kat = ndlrkat n. a type of ngrng ra n. palate, nasal passage,
red cricket | Hausa tsanya (iri) sinus passage | Hausa gana
ndlbn n. bird trap made with sticky ngarau id. indicates clear sound ex sai
substance that holds bird | Hausa kali ulai ngarauíi then they heard
tarkon tsuntsu the voice clearly sounding | Hausa
nd˘k v.B2 keep on doing (??used only amsa amo
in incompletive form) ex bazin na ngrg n. large stallion | Hausa
ndoka wala a kwar ta anka badine ingarma
the young man will keep going to the ngrj n.f. cave, hollow | Hausa kogo
house of the the girl’s family | Hausa ngrmi n. black scorpion, possibly
dinga, ria emperor scorpion (Pandinus
nd˘r‰ n. sowing dissension with emperator) | Hausa duwu
gossip, talking behind one’s back ex ngt v.B (v.n. ngat) fall ex Dik
br hm r nd˘rohn y tak gm manzai ma pire, na ngatetu a íyali.
Ibrahim’s dissension sowing is No matter how high something is
excessive | Hausa gulma thrown, it will fall back to earth.;
ndu v.C (v.n. nn /ndun/) go, come | tagiya tikau ngatatako your cap has
Hausa je, zo fallen off; fati ngatakau the sun has
nd laka n. brains | Hausa wawalwa set | Hausa fai
n pro.1 sg. see n | Hausa ngat n. girl's game where one girls
ng n. (pl. min = mun [m”n]) person falls backward and her friends catch
ex ng  someone, a certain person | her and toss her | Hausa wasan gaa
Hausa mutum ngtl n. large termites | Hausa zago
ng birim n. human being ex Nga ngj n.m. (pl. ngjji) harvesting
birim jauta ishe. A human being is hoe, hoe with blade verical to handle
nothing more than excrement. | | Hausa magirbi
Hausa mutum ngelngel interjection under no
ngadri n. liar, someone who makes up circumstances | Hausa walelenka
stories about others | Hausa ngrrm n. sitting or lying crosswise
maaryaci in a door or other passage ex
ngalk conj. it would be better that… b bakr y k ngrrm k t
ex ngalk wlontm() it’s best that ndr Abubakar is blocking the way
we go | Hausa gara by lying crosswise | Hausa ranga-
58 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

ngsin n. ringworm | Hausa makero ngl n.m. curved drumstick | Hausa

ngstu v.A2b (v.n. ngst, ngst) be gula
late | Hausa makara ngl v.B (v.n. ngul) glare at | Hausa
ngzi n. cakes made from Bambara harara
groundnuts or beans | Hausa waina ngumni n. support, taking one’s side |
(iri) Hausa goyon baya
nglu v.A2b (v.n. ngl) 1. fail to get ngmnu v.A2c (v.n. ngumni)
down from a high place ex na nene support, take one’s side ex m yn
nga a riya, ngilitinki a a I saw y k M s di nd tu ngmn s
someone in the bush, he’s stuck up in Musa and I had a disagreement and
a tree. 2. get stuck, become lodged ex Idi came along and took his side |
ws ngltak  wla hnno a Hausa yi goyon baya
bone became stuck in my throat | ngumri n.m. any celebration or fete ex
Hausa angare, maale ngumri m  kwr/dhu
nginif n. diligence, pluck, hard work | wedding cellbration/turbaning of a
Hausa wazo king | Hausa biki
ngr -ngr n. unhappiness, being ngn v.B (v.n. ngunn, ngn) bend
displeased ex n l mrkau ng down, stoop. squat ex n ngn ku I
wad y n ngr -ngr I was going squatted | Hausa sunkwiya, tsuguna
to travel and someone was unhappy ngntu v.A2c (v.n. ngnt) bend
with me; n y wun li nd t (wire, etc.), bend in a curve | Hausa
yno ngr -ngr I got something lanwashe, tankware
and Ali came and was unhappy with ngrk n. crowned crane (Balearica
me | Hausa bain ciki pavonina) | Hausa gauraka
ngr g ng n. showing off, putting on ngr ko n. grey heron (Ardea
airs | Hausa cinerea) or black-headed heron
ngzu = njzu v.A1 (v.n. ngz˘ = (Ardea melanocephala) | Hausa zale
ngzu) forge, smith ex ngz kl ngrfi n. digging stick | Hausa matoni
he forged a hoe | Hausa era ngsh n.m. quinine tree (Gardinia
ng‰ny‰ n. marula tree (Sclerocarya erubescens) | Hausa gaue
birrea), with plum like fruit, used to ngsh m znjai n. the shrub
make mortars | Hausa danya Gardenia ternifolia | Hausa gauen
ngrum n. snoring | Hausa minsharri kura
ng˘yi n. clean, neat ex mn t Dal ng s n.f. bad odor, stench ex ng s t
ng˘yi Dala’s wife is a fastidious ˘ci the smell of goats | Hausa wari
person | Hausa mai tsabta ngsu v.A2a (v.n. ng s) spoil, rot ex
ng˘z˘ n. red-headed male lizard Ngzmr ngsi a d . Let the
(Agama agama) | Hausa jan gwada carrion rot in the elephant grass. (Let
ngud n. lazy person, a good-for- sleeping dogs lie.) | Hausa rue
nothing | Hausa rago ngz v.B (v.n. ngz) change
ngu n. small type of biting insect | residence, move, migrate ex n l
Hausa waro (iri) ngzsu they are migrating | Hausa
ng fanai n. selfishness, self-interest ex aura
Mbiran ma ngufanai. Breaking up a ngzmr n. carrion, dead animal ex
fight out of self-interest. (pretending see example under ngsu | Hausa
to be doing one thing but with other mushe
intentions) | Hausa son kai
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 59

ngwbr n. gutta-percha tree (Ficus njrfu n.m. (pl. njrfcin) (f.

platyphylla) | Hausa gamji njarco) guest, stranger, visitor,
ngwai = mngwai n., adj. difficulty, foreigner | Hausa bao
pain; difficult, painful | Hausa wuya, njram n clavicle, collar bone | Hausa
ciwo zakaran wuya
ngwmngwa n. a type of harmless njrptna n. being a guest, guesthood
snake | Hausa tandara, sha nono | Hausa baunci
ngwíyu v.A1 (v.n. ngwíyi) grind njrum = njrm = njrin n.m., n.f.
coarsely | Hausa arza (pl. njarami) slave | Hausa bawa
n pro.3 sg.m. him, to him, his (general njw n.f. south ex njw t jgo
bound suffix--genitive, direct object south of the town | Hausa kudu
with totality extension, non- njwu v.A1 (v.n. njw) be able, can
completive indirect object) | Hausa ex njuk‰ in Karaikarai he can
shi, masa, nsa, rsa speak Karekare | Hausa iya
nj  n. worn out well rope | Hausa nj u v.A1 (v.n. nj ) peck | Hausa
tsohuwar igiyar rijiya caka
nja  n. pelvic thrusts ex Kawa ma njd˘ n.m. dampness, e.g., due to
nja i ma gwadagori bai. A game leakage or sweating of wall; wetness
involving pelvic thrusts is not one for caused by oil ex njd˘ m mru
a tortoise. | Hausa gwatso wetness from oil | Hausa naso
nj  n. ginger Zingiber officinale | nji id. indicates pouncing ex na sinu
Hausa citta mai yatsa ma amuta ma, ada ngata kato nji !
nj u v.A1 (v.n. nj ) massage, press she [a rabbit] was drinking her water
on, compress, step on, drive over, and the dog fell upon her njid | Hausa
push down ex Me nja an amsa amo
ku inkiya bai ye, takka amu bi? njli n. eye matter | Hausa wansa
Well, if one doesn't push the dipper njilki i id.adj. tiny ex lu e ba ta
down, will it draw water?; Men bai njili i a tiny little baby | Hausa
ma! Ada nja u kwabo. It's nothing! njlu v.A1 (v.n. njl, njl) break off a
The dog stepped on a kobo.; nj  piece from a whole, e.g. a bit of tuwo
srtino he massaged my hand | ex njl w  she broke a piece off
Hausa matsa, taka from the tuwo | Hausa gutsura
njkw u v.A2c (v.n. njkw ) njzu = ngzu v.A1 (v.n. njz˘) forge,
dabble in one's food | Hausa smith ex njz kl he forged a hoe |
jagwalgwale Hausa era
njalu n.f. unripe beans or peanuts ex nj˘ni n. (pl. nj‰ni) twin(s) | Hausa
njal t idm unripe beans | Hausa batauye, tagwaye
njmtu v.A2b (v.n. njmt) fill ex n njl n. occiput | Hausa eya
njtk y k pti I filled the nn n. seeing (see n) | Hausa gani
calabash with flour | Hausa cika nn n. arrival (see ndu) | Hausa zuwa,
njmu v.A1 (v.n. njm ) be full ex isa
njmtak car it is completely full | no, n pro.1 sg. me, to me, my (general
Hausa cika bound suffix--genitive, direct object
njr n. elephant's sugar-cane (Quassia with totality extension, non-
undulata and several other species), completive indirect object) | Hausa
with sweet stalks used for sugar | ni, mini, na, ta
Hausa takanar giwa
60 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

n v.C (v.n. nuk) ripen, become ripe ma aka bai don na nzaka azi ma
ex n tak it is ripe | Hausa nuna nzafato. Let the hen not be happy
nuk n. ripening (see n ) | Hausa nuna because one is pulling out the innards
nym n. gluttony, eating greedily ex of her compatriot. | Hausa zare
dkyam nyma tkau y tak gam! nzkwa-nzk n. swift, mosque
you there you are too gluttonous | swallow (Cecropis = Hirundo
Hausa ciye-ciye senegalensis) | Hausa alallaka
nym adv. three days after nzlu v.A1 (v.n. nzl) pour in thin
tomorrow | Hausa citta stream, pour through narrow opening
nynya n. disgust | Hausa yama ex nzale amu a jewi they poured
ny‰nyo n. mosquito | Hausa sauro water into gourd bottles (in
nz n. grass used for thatching | Hausa preparation for travelling) | Hausa
ciyawar jinka ura
nz v.D (v.n. nzin) pull, draw (water) nzna n. guinea worm | Hausa kurkunu
ex n nzn k‰r‰ I pulled the donkey nzani = zani n. gown | Hausa riga
this way; n nzn m I drew water | nzno adv. yesterday | Hausa jiya
Hausa ja nznt adv. day before yesterday ex
nza ni n. (pl. nza nni) ostrich nznt am two days before
(Struthio camelus) | Hausa jimina yesterday | Hausa shekaran jiya
nz tu v.A2c (v.n. nz t) throw nzr v.B (v.n. nzr) drip, leak out
down, knock over, fell (tree) | Hausa (air, water) ex tli bntitak, m n
kayar, ka da nzr the jug is pierced and water is
nz u v.A1 (v.n. nz ) fall from leaking out; filfil y nzrtaku the
standing position | Hausa fai air leaked out | Hausa yoye, yi yoyo,
nzfa n.f. (pl. nzfi) friend, sace
compatriot, peer; opponent ex nzrku = ndlrku n. pied crow
nzfan, nzfay, nzfa t Kriy (Corvus albus) | Hausa hankaka
my/his/Kariya’s friend; Kada kezi nzrtu v.A2c (v.n. nzrt) pour in
íyayi mafe ma aka bai don na drops ex n nzratka m I poured
nzaka azi ma nzafato. Let the hen out water drop by drop | Hausa yoyar
not be happy because one is pulling da
out the innards of her compatriot.; nzar n.m. milking (a cow, etc.) ex
Bukar ka Abari lauke ori a nzar m kwm milking a cow |
nzafaíe da, ìKa mentani bai!î Hausa tatsa
Bukar and Abari each rebuked his nzru v.A1 (v.n. nzr) drag, pull with
compatriot saying, “Don't you a rope, e.g. a goat | Hausa ja
forget!” | Hausa aboki, abokin gaba nzk  n. a type of wild yam | Hausa
nzfi = nzftna n.m. friendship | bishiya (iri)
Hausa abota nzhm n. sourness, acidity | Hausa
nzftna = nzfi n. friendship | tsami
Hausa abuta, abutaka nzhmu v.A2a (v.n. nzhm) ferment,
nzai = mnzai adv. far; tall, long; deep become sour ex sw nzhmtak the
ex jgai nzai the town is distant; grain has spoiled/gone sour | Hausa
jg nzai a distant town | Hausa nisa, nz  n. bottom | Hausa gindi
dogo, zurfi nzfir n. earthworm | Hausa tana
nzku v.A1 (v.n. nzk) pull out, draw nzm n. miserliness, stinginess ex Do
out, extract ex Kada kezi íyayi mafe nga apko da min wadi na nzima
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 61

ya, cama ndalo mensuyi. If a person will carry him far into a distant
says certain people are miserly, you wilderness | Hausa amsa amo
know he wants their things. | Hausa prsi = frsi n. vagina, vulva | Hausa
rowa duri, gindin mace
nzmy n. centipede | Hausa patl id. indicates striking a blow ex ka
shanshani la hnni a riyai patl dukka dakuma
nzm n.m. Ruppell's griffon (Gyps upon his arrival in the bush pow! he
rueppellii) ex nzm wrtink the killed a guinea fowl | Hausa amsa
griffon landed | Hausa miki, mikiya amo
nzin n. pulling, drawing water (see pincini id.adj. small but rambunctious
nz) | Hausa ja ex c pincini! hey you little rascal! |
nzu ku n. hot ashes | Hausa raushi Hausa
nzktu v.A2b (v.n. nzkt ) (tr.) move pir id. indicates whirring of wings ex
aside or away slightly | Hausa matsa, sai rayan ndirtu pir ka jaba ta
gusa ndagai then the birds flew up pir
nzku v.A1 (v.n. nzk, nzk) (intr.) from the sky | Hausa amsa amo
move aside or away slightly, budge, pz n. rainy season | Hausa damina
move next to ex nzktink he moved p˘lo n. turban ex Lewai ma baba
a little | Hausa matsa, gusa lauke ka hnni ka polo ka polo.
nzmi n. aerial yam (Dioscorea ( imbo.) Riddle: Children of the
bulbifera) | Hausa tuwon biri father each one, his head has a
turban. (a type of twining plant) |
Hausa rawani

O p‰p˘ interjection Sorry! ex Do ka kala

ìdayu, dayu!î bai ye, ka kale
ìpopo!î If you don’t hear “quit
doing that!”, you will hear “sorry!” |
ci = wci n. (pl. ‰ki = waki) goat | Hausa hoho
Hausa akwiya P sm n. a female name, after a
ntum = wntin = wntin n. nose; powerful spirit | Hausa sunan mace
mucous | Hausa hanci; majina
˘í‰ interjection yes | Hausa i, e

osu = wasu n. bone | Hausa ashi
yum = wyum n. metal, iron, money |
Hausa kui, arfe

r v.D (v.n. rin [r”n]) go in, enter |

P Hausa shiga
rababa n. itching; scratching to relieve
an itch ex z na n rababa my body
is itching; n rababa I am scratching
paca-paca id. splattered, messy ex | Hausa aiayi
donu paca-paca a jaba ta cagadlau rbbu v.A2c (v.n. rbb , rabab)
blood was (splattered) paca-paca on scratch to relieve an itch ex n
the front of the lion | Hausa amsa rabab t z nau I am scratching my
amo body | Hausa sosa
pak = fak id. great distance ex mu
ulanni pak a riya ma manzai we
62 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

r n.m. second weeding | Hausa rke n. sugar cane (Saccharum

maimai officinarum) | Hausa rake
r  u v.A2c (v.n. r  ) peel | rk n. rags | Hausa tsumma
Hausa fere r kin n. walking, traveling | Hausa
r jo = r jau n.f. (pl. ra ji) virgin, yawo
young woman | Hausa budurwa, rku v.A1 (v.n. rk) drive away,
yarinya chase ex rk t ryn chasing birds
r u v.A1 (v.n. r ) 1. peel. 2. touch | Hausa kora
someone lightly to get his attention | rak n. bowstring | Hausa tsirkiya
Hausa are; yakuta rkwtmbi id.adj. pot-bellied ex
r u v.A2a (v.n. r ) 1. fell (a tree), rkwtmbi k kau fat of stomach
knock down, throw down ex | Hausa tumbi
r nink he threw him down. 2. do rn i n.m. or f. (pl. ran i) spear;
second weeding ex n r k fetish consisting of a small spear
tar tno I did the second weeding on implanted at a householder's doorway
my farm | Hausa kayar, yi maimai | Hausa mashi
ra us id. indicates snapping into two ex rng n.f. complaining | Hausa
ka mentasi, kankal asa sai dabta gunaguni
men hnni ra us you know, hemp rann n. cheating, contumacy,
stalks are weak and they just snapped stubborn rebelliousness, complaining
| Hausa amsa amo | Hausa zamba
rdlm n.m. radio | Hausa rediyo rrn˘ n.m. cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)
r tu v.A2c (v.n. r t ) (tr.) cook ex trku t rrn˘ jukau b bt
thick liquid by boiling, boil for a long kwncr bai an orphaned cattle egret
period ex n r tuk gnau I cannot scare up locusts | Hausa
cooked the pumpkin | Hausa balbela
ararraka rriya n. any strainer or sieve | Hausa
ra au id. indicates being just right, just mataci, rariya
as one likes it ex ifita a har ka siga rawi adv.loc., n.m. downward ex n
ka shita ra au hnni her beer had rawi m tbr it’s under the table |
sugar ajd pepper just as one likes it | Hausa asa
Hausa amsa amo rwun n.m. (pl. rwni) fireplace,
r u v.A1 (v.n. r ) scrape out, tripod of stones on which a cooking
scrape ex n r ka t gb I pot is placed | Hausa murhu
scraped out the pot | Hausa kankare r yi n.m. (pl. ryn) bird | Hausa
r u v.A2a (v.n. r ) (intr.) bubble, tsuntsu
boil (thick substance), boil for a long r yu v.A2a (v.n. r yo = r yau) weave
time | Hausa ararraka a zana mat ex na r y k t ci I
rg u id.adj. having ears sticking wove the zana | Hausa saa zana
out ex rg u k kmau gdi r r n.m. (pl. rriy˘) wood | Hausa
kma t sim ri your ears stick out itace
like a rabbit’s | Hausa r w = rw n. lie, untruth | Hausa
rgi n.m. (pl. rgangyin) (f. arya
rgico) leper | Hausa kuturu rba-rba t wan n.f. a type of plant
rgay n. net for hanging calabashes | with wide leaves | Hausa bishiya (iri)
Hausa ragaya rib n.f. chaff ex rib t mr au millet
chaff | Hausa aiayi
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 63

rib = ribyi n.f. cold season ex anya One doesn’t teach swinging to the
ayam na yatiko sorim ma jaba ka child of a fruit bat. | Hausa lilo
ribiyi yam here this will serve you as Rtrn n. Monday | Hausa Littinin
medicine for coughing at this cold rw = rw n. lie, untruth ex Kiya
time | Hausa dari, sanyi riwo akata nga waraka kiya nga ka
rib-rib n. viper, night adder (Causus adi mangwai. “Cutting” a lie about
maculatus) | Hausa kububuwa a person is more painful than cutting
ribyi = rib n.m. cold season | Hausa a person with a knife. | Hausa arya
ari, sanyi ry n.m. the bush | Hausa jeji
rbo n. a carrier for a baby, made of riyn n. embers | Hausa garwashin
leather and worn over the shoulder | wuta
Hausa majeni na fata r part. indeed, as for ex hnna ro na
ri is-ri is id.adj. soft and edible (said ga e layya nanta nna yam bai me
of biscuit bone) ex íwsu ri is-ri is indeed I won‘t make it past the
she ground it finely | Hausa sacrifice that is coming up | Hausa
ri s n.m. liver | Hausa hanta dai
r so n. the plant tindora Coccinia r˘ i n. clay for making pots | Hausa
grandis | Hausa gwanduwa, gujin daji yumu
rc v.B (v.n. rci) become thin ex r˘ u v.A2a (v.n. r˘ o) beg, beseech,
Kwm m kwr tm n l dawi plead | Hausa roa
y, k rci, dtau ye n tw y, k ru s n. custard apple (Annona
ko. (Kurfi) Riddle: When the cow senegalensis) | Hausa gwandar daji
of our house goes to graze, there’s r n. batter, mixed of flour and
thinness, but when she comes back, water as starter for tuwo | Hausa talge
she’s pregnant. (Well-bucket.) | r ru n. shout, cry out ex kiye dila
Hausa rame mangwai ka adi, sai ruri da, Ö he
rdl v.B (v.n. rdl) melt | Hausa narke cut the jackal painfully with the
rgjm id.adj. fat-headed | Hausa knife, and he cried out, … | Hausa yi
r mi n. kapok tree, silk cotton tree ihu
(Ceiba pentandra) | Hausa rimi rt n. (pl. rtti) grass shelter for
rin entering (see r) | Hausa shiga donkey or horse | Hausa rumfar
rnni n. trembling ex sai zuto na dabbobi
rinanai sai tingato sirimm! her
body was trembling and she sat
stunned | Hausa karkarwa
rni n.f. 1. shade, shadow ex rin t 
shade of a tree. 2. one’s senses,
thinking clearly ex bai ganko
tauneka rinitam, sai nayi ka ankal s/s pro.3 sg.m. him (direct object of
after time had passed and she had verbs without totality extension--
recovered her senses (she returned to completive/non-completive) | Hausa
her shadow) | Hausa inuwa, rufu shi
rnk n.m. bow (for shooting) ex rnk s v.D (v.n. sin) 1. drink ex sai aye
m bs bow for shooting | Hausa zanjai na nna sina amu here came a
baka hyena to drink water. 2. experience,
r shi n. swinging, e.g. on a rope ex undergo ex Ba rabo ma sina jibo
Ciwatako rishi a leu ta gawa bai. kaleka caca bai, se sako. One whose
64 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

destiny is to experience beating won't sk n.m. hair; feather ex saku ma

listen to a warning until he has waci hair of a goat; saku ma baka
experienced it. | Hausa sha hnni feather from his wing | Hausa
Sban n. a male name | Hausa sunan gashi, gashin tsuntsu
namiji sku v.A1 (v.n. sk) swell | Hausa
s b r n. disused farm | Hausa saura kumbura
sbin n. broom | Hausa tsintsiya sakw i n. karaya gum tree (Sterculia
sbun n. the fodder grasses Eragrostis setigera) | Hausa kukuki
tremula; E.ciliaris; E. gangetica | skwr n.m. (pl. skwrc) (f.
Hausa burburwa, komayya skwrka) father-in-law; mother-in-
sb wa n. scorn | Hausa reni law ex skwrn my father-in-law;
sci n. beehive | Hausa amiya skwrí his father-in-law;
sda adj. expensive | Hausa tsada skwkan my mother-in-law;
su v.A2a (v.n. s) scrape out; skwrkaí his mother-in-law;
wipe out food bowl with forefinger | skwrc tno my in-laws | Hausa
Hausa sue suruki, suruka
sfu v.A2c (v.n. sf) pound to skwu = sk n. nest | Hausa shea
remove bran ex sf  sw she slbark interjection thank you! |
pounded the millet to remove bran | Hausa godiya
Hausa surfa s l n. the shrub Hymenocardia acida |
sfyu v.A2c (v.n. sfy ) exchange ex Hausa jan yaro
sfyn kz• k tmci she Sm n. a female name | Hausa sunan
exchanged a chicken for a sheep | mace
Hausa musaya smnto n. sugar ants | Hausa sha
sfíyu v.A2c (v.n. sfíy ) exchange zumami
ex n sfíy n sw hnno k d smppu v.A2c (v.n. smpp) stab
masr I exchanged my millet for repeatedly | Hausa sossoke
maize | Hausa musanya smpu v.A2b (v.n. smp) stab, pierce,
sai conj. 1. then (introducing a lance (boil, etc.) | Hausa soka, huda
succeeding event) ex ka tlinasu, sai sandara n.f. lower leg | Hausa sangali
ngoyi fatite ka jojo upon their sn n. load | Hausa kaya
arrival, the favored wife emerged at a snu v.A2b (v.n. sn) carry, take
run. 2. only, in no circumstances but from one place to another | Hausa
ex tawe sai ka bei he would return kai, auka
only at night, he wouldn’t return until snji n. pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) |
night. 3. (not) until | Hausa sai Hausa kabewa
skn n. gifts, such as chickens, taken sr n.m. arm, hand | Hausa hannu
to prospective mother-in-law to sru n. three-pronged pole on which
please her | Hausa fetish is kept | Hausa gwafa ta tsafi
sktu v.A2c (v.n. skt) lift, raise ex s r‰ n. Nile perch (Lates niloticus) |
sai lewi sakati ka hnni nai babi then Hausa arya
the boy raised his head and looked at sart n.f. time, appointed time for ex
his father | Hausa aga sart t wn time for work | Hausa
s kit n hooded vulture (Necrosyrtes lokaci
monachus) | Hausa ungulu suu v.A2b (v.n. su ) plow, bank
sk = skwu n.f. nest ex skw t up ex su  d‰y he banked up the
k z chicken‘s nest | Hausa shea cassava; n l in su m tar
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 65

hnno I am going to plow my farm | shi id. indicates stinging pain ex sai
Hausa hua íyandari kastau base shi ! then the
Suku n. end of year ritual blessing scorpion fell on her with a sting shid |
each member of the household to Hausa amsa amo
drive away evil | Hausa bikin cikon shl n.m. long flute made of an animal
shekara horn and gourd resonator | Hausa
sun = swna n. 1. spider. 2. aho irin na Ngizimawa
trickster in tales | Hausa tautau; gizo shm n. wetness, moisture | Hausa
sw n.m. medium-sized storage pot | damshi, laima
Hausa randa shmp u n. grain with bran removed |
sw n. guinea corn (generic term for Hausa
millet and sorghum) | Hausa hatsi shn tu = yn tu = hn tu v.A2c
swi n. leather apron worn as (v.n. shn t) raise, lift | Hausa
loincloth by men | Hausa warki aga, tayar
swn = sun n. 1. spider. 2. shn u = yn u = hn u v.A2b (v.n.
trickster in tales | Hausa tautau; gizo shn ) stand up, arise, get up |
sy n. beads, gemstone | Hausa dutsen Hausa tashi
wuya shing n. thorn fence | Hausa shinge
s pro.3 sg.m. see s | Hausa shnkf n. rice (Oryza glaberrima) |
sgwi n. Abdim's stork, rainbird Hausa shinkafa
(Ciconia abdimii) | Hausa shamuwa shshy n.m. sediment, dregs,
shbu v.A2a (v.n. shb) branch off granules, etc. left once liquid or main
from a road ex n l hnnau  sk substance has been extracted ex
n shb  g b dm I was on my shshy m mr au millet dregs
way to the market (but) I stopped off (left after washing) | Hausa tsaki
at the blacksmith’s | Hausa ratse sht n. red pepper (Capsicum annuum,
sh  v.B (v.n. sh ) reach, arrive | C. frutescens) | Hausa barkono
Hausa isa shy n.m. marrow ex shya m ka ta
sh u v.A1 (v.n. sh ) roll up ex n osu marrow in a bone | Hausa argo
sh k b ci I rolled up the mat | shyu v.A1 (v.n. shy) pierce, bore a
Hausa nae hole | Hausa huda
shfnu v.A2c (v.n. shfn) touch, shkw  = shkí n. shirt, robe,
rub against | Hausa taa, shafa gown | Hausa taguwa, riga
shfara n. a type of stiff grass used for Shw n. a male or female name |
arrow shafts, probably Saccharum Hausa sunan namiji ko mace
spontaneum | Hausa kyauro sb = sb n. resemblance, likeness ex
shgga n. wild animal, bush meat | sbsu wa i they are alike | Hausa
Hausa naman daji kama, kamanni
shru v.A1 (v.n. shr) grab, wrest Sibd n. Saturday | Hausa Asabar
away | Hausa wace sibli n. forked post | Hausa gwafa
shy n. tea | Hausa shayi sikit id. indicates blackness ex brm
shel n. stench, rotten odor ex kar sikit coal black | Hausa amsa amo
insyam n shel? why is it that this slly n. skink (Mabuya perottetii and
egg stinks? | Hausa arni other skink spp.) | Hausa kula
sh l n. proclamation, public sil i n. bald head, baldness | Hausa
announcement | Hausa yekuwa, mai sano
66 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

sil n. a plant with cucumber-like fruit srm adv. even, including ex mba
similar to gurji but bitter and inedible srm up to ten, even ten; Kriy
(Citrullus lanatus) | Hausa gunar srm even Kariya | Hausa har
shanu sird n. saddle | Hausa sirdi
slp u v.A2c (v.n. slp ) slip down, sirm n. root; basis, meaning ex men
slip away | Hausa suuta, sullue k sirm bai this matter makes no
sim n.m. name ex sin hnno my name; sense | Hausa saiwa, maíana
sin hnn his name; sim m bíto the sirk n. fetish, a charm or hex used to
name of her father | Hausa suna do evil to someone | Hausa tsafi
sm u v.A2b (v.n. sm ) come to sirkc n. ice, hail, snow | Hausa
(after fainting, etc.), become revived anara
ex sm utink he came to | Hausa sirr id. indicates listening carefully ex
farfao baí ma Dumare dukwe kumo sirrr
sim r n.f. (pl. simrri) Cape hare sai da, Ö Dumare's father perked up
(Lepus capensis), rabbit ex Simer ta his ears sirrr and said, … | Hausa
daríe, se ada ma daríe. This year’s amsa amo
hare requires this year’s dog. | Hausa sit-sit id. indicates sound of breathing |
zomo Hausa amsa amo
smmna n.m. discussion, stu v.A2a (v.n. st) choke, become
conversation, story ex Simmana ma choked ex na sthnnak I choked |
zimbilim, te i fiska. For news from Hausa shae
the heart, ask the face. | Hausa labari syo n.f. leg, foot | Hausa afa
smu v.A1 (v.n. sm) pay back , take s˘k‰ n. sorcery | Hausa maita
revenge, avenge oneself | Hausa rama s˘mu v.A2a (v.n. s˘m) begin | Hausa
sin/sin = sun/sun pro.3 pl. them soma
(direct object of verbs without s‰rm = s‰rm n.m. medicine, remedy
totality extension--completive/non- ex sorim ma jaba remedy for a
completive) | Hausa su cough | Hausa magani
sin n. drinking (see s) | Hausa sha su, s pro.3 pl. them, to them, their
sntu v.A2c lay, lay down, lay out | (general bound suffix--genitive,
Hausa kwantar direct object with totality extension,
sin pro.3 pl. see sin | Hausa non-completive indirect object) |
snsir n. dew | Hausa raa Hausa su, musu, nsu, rsu
snu v.A1 (v.n. sn) sneak up on, stalk | su/suku pro.3 pl. them (third plural
Hausa sana intransitive copy pronoun) | Hausa
spd n. shoe with covered top | Hausa sb n.f. abandoned eggs | Hausa bar a
kabashu gurbi
sp u v.A2b (v.n. sp ) comb, comb skc n. placenta | Hausa mahaifa
out | Hausa tsefe sun/sun = sin/sin pro.3 pl. them
spu v.A1 (v.n. sp) divide, distribute (direct object of verbs without
ex Baranka sipa lo a zanjai. They totality extension--completive/non-
have given (the job of) distributing completive) | Hausa su
meat to the hyena. (letting the fox sn n. dream | Hausa mafarki
guard the henhouse) | Hausa raba, sru v.A1 (v.n. sr) fry ex sr l‰ she
rarraba fried meat | Hausa soya
sr n. shredded meat | Hausa dambu ss n. sugar cane (Saccharum
officinarum) | Hausa rake
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 67

sti n.m. cobra | Hausa gamshea t  n.m. 1. sleeping. 2. day (24 hour
sw v.B (v.n. sw) dissolve, melt | period) | Hausa barci, kwana,
Hausa narke kwanciya
swn n. white-tailed mongoose t u v.A2a (v.n. t o) break, shatter ex
(Ichneumia albicauda) | Hausa tunku Sai bai gwadagori ta ato kacaca!
And the tortoise’s back shattered into
pieces!; ta a ida ta caca proverb |

T Hausa fashe, fasa

tfan = tfu adv.locative, n.f. inside ex
n tfan/tfu t kwr he is inside
the house | Hausa cikin
t gen.linker of, that of (feminine tf-tf n. butterfly | Hausa malam
genitive linker between two nouns), bue littafi
cf. m ex mla t Kriy Kariya’s tfu v.A2a (v.n. tf) clap hands |
younger sister; k t bka shoulder Hausa yi tafi
(head of arm) | Hausa na, ta tfu v.A1 (v.n. tf) 1. receive, accept;
t/t pro.3 sg.f. her (direct object of assist in the delivery of a baby ex
verbs without totality extension-- mnd yam y tf znt  kwr
completive/non-completive) | Hausa tmu that woman assisted in a birth
ta yesterday at our house. 2. suit, fit ex
tb n.m. chasing birds or monkeys shkw yam tfnink that gown
from a farm ex tb m bdandyin suits him | Hausa kara
chasing monkeys | Hausa korar tfu = tfan prep.? in(side) | Hausa
tsuntsaye ciki(n)
tb n. tobacco (Nicotiana rustica; N. tagalu = tagal n. baobab leaves used
tabacum), tobacco flowers, cigarette | for miya | Hausa ganyen kuka
Hausa taba tgiy n.m. hat, cap | Hausa hula
tbi n. (pl. tbiy) round woven tray tg˘g n. woodpecker (Mesopicos
used to cover pot and to winnow bran goertae) | Hausa mawawafi
from grain | Hausa faifai tk n.f., n.m. post, e.g. to attach fence,
t  n. miscarriage | Hausa ari pole, either vertical or horizontal to
t co n. (pl. t cci) zana mat | support a structure | Hausa tsarnu
Hausa zana tkci n. suffering | Hausa wahala
t sa n. sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia), takn  n.m. salt | Hausa gishiri
used as a potherb | Hausa tafasa tknu v.A2c (v.n. tkn) move
t u v.A1 (v.n. t , t ) 1. throw things from one place to another |
out, throw away, spill ex Amu ta ka Hausa jida
ya eko kuma bai. If water is spilled, tkíyu v.A2c (v.n. tkíy ) pound
it can’t be collected back. (The cat is something wet and soft ex tkíy
out of the bag.). 2. abort, have a tmtr/ln o she pounded
miscarriage. 3. (~ k zro) break out tomatoes/sesame | Hausa kire
laughing ex Sai min ta e ka ziro a tkcnu v.A2c (v.n. tkcn) splatter,
ka hnni. Then the people broke out shatter ex bd ish tcni I
laughing at him. | Hausa zubar, zube, stepped on the shit and it splattered;
bushe (da dariya), yi ari tkccn ka gils he shattered the
tongs | Hausa hantsaki glass | Hausa fasa
tk n. fertilizer, manure | Hausa taki
68 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

tku v.A1 (v.n. tk) 1. dip out (water) t msu v.A2c (v.n. t ms) pound a
ex Me nja an ku inkiya bai ye, second time after removing bran |
takka amu bi? Well, if one doesn't Hausa
push the dipper down, will it draw tambl n. kettle drum, beaten for
water?. 2. taste ex tk m taste the ceremonies involving the king |
water. 3. to have ever done, (in Hausa tambari
negative) never done ex na taku tmci n. (pl. tamci, tamkn) sheep |
wala Kano siya wa i tak I have Hausa tunkiya
gone to Kano before; n tk wl tmu adj., n.f. pleasant, nice, sweet,
Kan˘ bai I have never gone to Kano tasty; pleasantness ex Zimibilim ma
| Hausa iba, danana, taxa nga tam hnni. A person's heart it
t kurnkus = tnkunks interjection what gives him pleasure.; l w m
closing formula for folktales | Hausa i tmu the fruit is tasty; c c m
urunus kwri tmu the news of the
tkwa -tkwa id. indicates sound of marriage is nice | Hausa dai, zai
boiling ex Yeti ka kali men bandi ifi tmu v.A1 (v.n. tm) speak, say, tell
tamkau, ìCan budo takwa - ex Kurta na tamas a bebe. The deaf
takwa !î Come and hear the thing mute is speaking to the hard-of-
that the (bubbling) beer is saying, hearing. (Under difficult
“Uncle monkey is there bubble- circumstances, one finds a way to do
bubble!” | Hausa amsa amo things.); Baba tikau yimneka ye, ka
tkwli id.adj. bulging-eyed ex tamni na walhnnako. When Father
tlwli k dau having bulging eyes comes back, tell him that I have gone
| Hausa away. | Hausa faa, gaya
T l Birb n. Almighty God | Hausa tngl i id.adj. slipperiness ex
Allah Mawadaci Tngl i t Lngw kr b
Tlt n. Tuesday | Hausa Talata dt. (l w a.) Riddle: The
talau-talau id. indicates tall and erect slipperiness of Langawa tripped up
ex Sai da, ìCirfi talatalau, cirfi the tall man. (Swallowing food.) |
jibjib.î Then she said, “Tall palm Hausa santsi
tree, short palm tree.” | Hausa amsa tangw n. making a fire by twirling a
amo stalk next to cotton or other
tlfu v.A2b (v.n. tlf ) answer, respond flammable material ex na íy
| Hausa amsa tangw k ta na wai ysi I did
t l n. tulip tree (Stereospermum tangawi in order that I get a fire |
kunthianum) | Hausa sansami Hausa kyasfun samun wuta
tl‰-tlo n. turkey | Hausa talo-talo tni n. mahogany (Khaya senegalensis)
tlu v.A1 (v.n. tl) pluck fruit, knock | Hausa maaci
fruit down from tree ex n tal m t nu v.A2a (v.n. t n ) remember, think
kci I am knocking fruits off the about, consider | Hausa tuna
baobab | Hausa cire, tsinke tpkar n. francolin (Francolinus spp.)
tman n. limit ex sai nai rajo bilan | Hausa fakara
ka taman bai then he saw a girl who tar n.m. (pl. trri) farm | Hausa
was beautiful without limit | Hausa gona
iyaka trai n. (pl. trr) moon, month |
Hausa wata
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 69

tr m kr n. pile of stalks gathered tíik n. hiccough, hiccup | Hausa

on farm | Hausa bushiya sheowa
trn n. small termites | Hausa gara tikau/tikakau pro.2 sg.m. you (second
ttri, ttr k bai n. walking masculine singular intransitive copy
backward, moving backward | Hausa pronoun) | Hausa
tafiya da baya tkíyu v.A2c (v.n. tkíy) scatter, e.g.
ttru v.A2c (v.n. ttr) move slowly, seeds for birds | Hausa watsar, baje
move carefully, help walk | Hausa tkccnu v.A2c shatter, break into
tti n. right, right hand, right side ex pieces | Hausa farfashe
sr m tti right hand | Hausa dama tko pro.2 sg.m. your (masculine
t t t kwr n.f. a type of tree | Hausa singular linked genitive pronoun) |
bishiya (iri) Hausa nka, rka
tau/takau pro.3 sg.f. her (third tk-tk id., n.m. indicates shaking ex
feminine intransitive copy pronoun) | Girnanka ye, sai ka kali yali na
Hausa tiktik! girin yi ta Abari. When it
tutu v.A2b (v.n. tut) return, put thunders, then you feel the earth
back | Hausa mayar going tiktik, it’s the protests of Abari.
twt n. 1. early morning. 2. getting | Hausa amsa amo
an early start | Hausa asuba; tku pro.2 pl. your (plural linked
sammako genitive pronoun) | Hausa nku, rku
twu v.A1 (v.n. tw) return, go back | tiku/tikuku pro.2 pl. you (second
Hausa koma plural intransitive copy pronoun) |
t pro.3 sg.f. see t | Hausa Hausa
t  n. a question, inquiry ex b t  tku v.A2a (v.n. tk) reduce, decrease |
soothsayer | Hausa tambaya Hausa rage
t u v.A2a (v.n. t ) ask | Hausa tkra n. firefly | Hausa maesu
tambaya tlk n. grey hornbill (Tockus nasutus)
tfl n. scoop for tuwo made of | Hausa cilakowa
calabash fragment | Hausa mara tl u v.A2b (v.n. tl ) slip off, slip
tk adv. two days after tomorrow | loose | Hausa suale
Hausa gata tm v.B (v.n. tm) show, point |
tdr n. a type of bird | Hausa tsuntsu Hausa nuna
(iri) tmc n. cheating | Hausa zamba
t tu v.A2b (v.n. t t) lay out, lay tmbi n. navel | Hausa cibiya
down ex t t k clum hnn he tmu pro.1 pl. our (linked genitive
calmed down | Hausa kwantar pronoun) | Hausa nmu, rmu
t u v.A1 (v.n. t ) lie down, spend timu/tunku pro.1 pl. us (first plural
the night ex ka ti k lfiy? did you intransitive copy pronoun) | Hausa
sleep well? (standard greeting) | tin conj. since ex Tarai yi ga acako
Hausa kwanta, kwana tin dana? How long has it been since
tifn n. the trees Detarium your last menstrual period? | Hausa
microcarpum; D. senegalense | tun
Hausa taura tng v.B2 (v.n. tingno) sit, sit down,
tfu v.A1 (v.n. tf) spit | Hausa tofa stay; become ex mu tngantunk we
tgyu = tgíyu v.A2c (v.n. tgy = sat down; m tingnotmu we are
tgíy) scatter, disperse | Hausa seated; Sai tinga ta jagai har magu
70 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

belu. So she stayed in the town up to tlru v.A1 (v.n. tlr) wrest away, take
two weeks. | Hausa zauna, zama by force ex ama fa ngai wadi
ting no n.f. living, dwelling, staying | tlaruka riyai look there’s someone
Hausa zama who has taken over the bush | Hausa
tnkunks = t kurnkus interjection wace
closing formula for folktales ex tl tlni id.adj. bitter ex ki! g‰r yam
Tinkunkus, dindeno waltaka far ta tl tlni wow! this kola is bitter |
gunja a riya. That's it, the story has Hausa aci
gone to the base of a termite mound tl v.B (v.n. tl ) peel off, strip off |
in the bush. | Hausa urunus Hausa aye
tntir n. wood boring insect, auger tlkau n.m. quiver | Hausa kwari
beetle | Hausa kiciciya tlin reaching (see tl) | Hausa isa
tny n. scabies | Hausa azwa tlr v.B (v.n. tlr ) tear, tear off |
tru v.A2b (v.n. tr ) express pus Hausa yaga
from boil, crush by pressing ex mota tlirit id. indicates greenness ex g la-
tiruka luayi the car crushed the g l tlirit very green | Hausa amsa
child | Hausa danna, matsa amo
tiri n. a type of tree on which oaths tlkm n. fool | Hausa wawa
are taken | Hausa bishiya (iri) to, t pro.3 sg.f. her, to her (general
tirn n n. stingless bee that produces bound suffix--genitive, direct object
sweet nectar | Hausa rakuwa with totality extension, non-
t si n. savings | Hausa ajiya completive indirect object) | Hausa ta
t tku v.A2c (v.n. t tk ) sift, winnow mata, nta, rta
with tray | Hausa tankae to pro.3 sg.f. her (linked genitive
tl v.D (v.n. tlin ) reach, be enough ex pronoun) | Hausa nta, rta
leutai ar tlahnni marko, na jojo t˘li id.adj. small and round of head
hnni ayeke her son reached the ex to li k k gdi k t
walking stage, he was running gwng˘li a little round head like the
everywhere | Hausa isa head of a gwangoli bird | Hausa
tlb v.B (v.n. tlb ) kick forward, tdli n. burr grass (Cenchrus biflorus,
kick with foot | Hausa shura C. ciliaris) | Hausa arangiya
tl btu v.A2c (v.n. tl bt ) make mad, tokolok id.adj. small-headed ex
craze | Hausa haukata tokolok k k tiny-headed | Hausa
tl bu v.A2a (v.n. tl b ) be mad, crazy tn m wntin n.m. nostril | Hausa
ex tl btink he is mad | Hausa kafar hanci
haukace t˘n = t˘n n.m. (pl. tncin, t˘niy˘)
tl bu v.A2a (v.n. tl b) allow to pass, 1. hole, depression ex tn m kmo
pass through, trip | Hausa ratse, tae ear canal; Ba tom ma ido manzai
tl v.B reach, be enough, suffice ex ceka zawani kae. Someone with
badine har tlaata akwaro the deep set eyes should start his crying
girl had even reached (the age for) early. (One should get an early start
marriage | Hausa isa if one is at a disadvantage.). 2.
tl fu v.A2c (v.n. tl f ) break into granary buried in the ground as
pieces, split wood | Hausa faskare protection against fire, etc. | Hausa
tlaram n. leaves of guinea corn (fresh rami
or dry) | Hausa karmami t˘n m ish = tm m ish n.m. anus
| Hausa tsuliya
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 71

t˘ri n. ridgerow on farm (cf. fnd ) | tt n.m. (pl. ttiy) puppy ex tt m
Hausa kunya d puppy dog; Ada maiwa limpatu
t‰tai adj. (pl. t‰tcin) small, little ex bo tutu. The big dog is licking the
anka dankara totacin ma men dai mouth of the puppy (profiting from
things like a lizard and other small the work of a subordinate). | Hausa
animals | Hausa arami kwikwiyo
t‰zli n. antimony | Hausa tozali tw n. war, battle ex Daga u tanka
t v.C (v.n. hnn /tin /) 1. eat (esp. jagai a tuwa. He found that the town
tuwo) ex Hnna wano bai. Eating had been conquered in battle. | Hausa
isn’t working. (Just because someone yai
eats a lot doesn’t mean he’ll work
hard.). 2. conquer, win (in a contest
or battle) ex Daga u tanka jagai a
tuwa. He found that the town had
been conquered in battle. 3.
experience, undergo ex Ba ha u
simeri ye tu jojo. One who eats a ugg interjection expression of
hare has “eaten” running. (note that amazement or disbelief | Hausa capi
‘eat hare’ uses the root h u) | Hausa l = wl v.B (v.n. l ) bring, carry
ci (tuwo) hither ex l nsku he brought it; n
t ci n. witchweed (Striga senegalensis lt he will bring it; ls he should
or S. hermontheca), a parasitic plant bringit | Hausa kawo
in guinea corn | Hausa udiji, makasa lau = wlo n. neck, voice | Hausa
tf adv. day after tomorrow | Hausa wuya, murya
jibi mf n. mosque stalk (Caralluma
tglu v.A2c (v.n. tgl ) churn, stir dalzielii) | Hausa karan masallaci
something thin | Hausa kaa nono mp n. the plant Euphorbia
tgm n. stump, log | Hausa gungume lateriflora | Hausa bi-sartse
tukc l n.f. crop of bird ex tukc l t mpo n.m. groaning, moaning ex
kz chicken’s crop | Hausa kururu gwadalayi ngwai na umpo the pain
tuku -tuku id. indicates movement of is great and he is groaning | Hausa
a donkey | Hausa amsa amo nishi
t li n.f. (pl. tuli) large water pot | ntu v.A2b (v.n. nto) copulate with,
Hausa randa have sexual intercourse with ex
t m n. (pl. t miy, t mamiya) nt kat he is having sex with her |
mortar | Hausa turmi Hausa ika, ci
t m m ndgya n.m. grub, ru = wru v.A1 (v.n. r ) descend,
grubworm | Hausa tsutsa get down; arrive ex ase ai a ai,
tm-tm n. unidentified type of gagarhnni ure and he climbed the
biting insect | Hausa waro (iri) tree and was unable to get down |
tm n. laziness | Hausa yuya Hausa sauka
tnm n. a type of tree with sweet r n. short person, dwarf | Hausa
fruits, possibly dry-zone cedar wada
(Pseudocedrela kotschyii) | Hausa Usin n. name for the second born of
tunas female twins | Hausa Usaina
trku n.m., n.f. (pl. trkcin, sain n. name for the second born of
trkwcin) orphan | Hausa maraya male twins | Hausa Usaini
72 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

usako interjection Hello!, Greetings! | w  n.f. singing, song ex w t

Hausa Sannu! kwru marriage song; wa a ta
usk n.m. a spirit with power over the rayi song of a bird | Hausa waa
harvest ex usk m swa sacrifice w u v.A1 (v.n. w ) cook tuwo |
of a black goat for an improved Hausa dafa tuwo
harvest the next year | Hausa w g n. wrestling | Hausa kokawa
sku n. a male name, from a spirit wik quant.univ. every (one), any
who watches over the harvest | Hausa (one), whichever | Hausa kowane,
sunan namiji kowace
t n.m. tooth ex utu ma Kariya cire waki n.pl. (pl. of wci) goats | Hausa
there’s a gap between Kariya’s teeth | awaki
Hausa haori waket-waket-waket id. sound of
wan n. elephant | Hausa giwa crying ex lewi na zawa waket-
waket-waket, ka nani bai the child
was crying waket-waket-waket, he

W had no mother | Hausa amsa amo

wl v.B (v.n. wl ) escape | Hausa
tsere, gudu
w li = w l adj. short ex w li m
w v.D (v.n. wun ) find, obtain, get, mnd short woman; w li m
receive ex n w wyum I got b zn short youth; w li m min
money | Hausa samu short people | Hausa gajere
wci = ci n. (pl. waki = ‰ki) goat | w litn n.m. shortness ex dka yam
Hausa akwiya wlitn tkau y tak gm you
wad det.indef. a, a certain one, some, there you are very short | Hausa
certain ones ex Nsr wad a gajerta
certain European; Ns rcin wad wlawyo n. red sorghum (Sorghum
certain Europeans; wadi metansuku, bicolor) | Hausa jar dawa
wadi dababansuku, na riyai kakasa w l n.m. arrival, coming ex sai ka
some had died, some had suffered wale ma awai then on the arrival of
fractures and were lying scattered the cat | Hausa zuwa
about in the bush | Hausa wani, wata, wl k n. someone who cries at the
wasu slightest provocation | Hausa
w  n.m. tuwo, food, staple food | wltu v.A2b (v.n. wlt ) save, rescue |
Hausa tuwo, abinci Hausa ceta
wa i num., det.indef. one; a, a certain w lu v.A2a (v.n. w l) go | Hausa tafi,
one, another one, a different one ex je
Sbun wa i y ka dr bai. One wlwl id.adj. neat-looking, shiny ex
stem of a broom doesn’t (suffice to) wlwl gdi ng˘í  bn m gen
sweep.; fulu ngai wa i da, Ö ngai looking bright like a favored wife in
wa i ta fulusakau da Ö she abused her husband’s room (a house is built
one of the men saying … another of to face west and the householder’s
the men she abused saying …; sai room always faces west) | Hausa
fata wa i mendiye tamni da Ö wam adv. again, moreover; how
then one day his wife said to him … | about…? ex n gt k w n hnno,
Hausa aya; wani dka wm? I’ve finished my work,
how about you? | Hausa kuma; faÖ?
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 73

wanang adv. maybe, perhaps | Hausa way-way n. purple glossy starling

wataila (Lamprocolius purpureus) | Hausa
wncr n. grey hair | Hausa furfura shaya
wand part. moreover | Hausa kuma wyum = yum = íwyim n. money,
wngu v.A2c (v.n. wng ) ransom, metal, iron | Hausa kui, arfe
redeem | Hausa fansa w z n. mare | Hausa goiya
w n = w nu n.f. work ex w n t w n. lightning, shining, flashing |
banz useless work | Hausa aiki Hausa waliya
wntin = ntin = wntin n. nose; wli n. prolapse of the vagina | Hausa
mucous | Hausa hanci; majina wlu v.A2a (v.n. wl ) flay, skin | Hausa
wr = gr v.B (v.n. wr‰) exceed, fea
surpass | Hausa fi w k n. mosquito larvae | Hausa an
wrdi n. perfume | Hausa turare randa
wr o n. fart | Hausa tusa wl = l n. (pl. wl ) load, burden |
wasu = osu n. bone | Hausa ashi Hausa kaya
wtai n. sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) ex wl = l v.B (v.n. wl ) bring, carry
wtai m f white sorghum | Hausa hither | Hausa kawo
dawa wlo = lau n.f. (pl. wlli) neck,
wat conj. well, well now; then, too | voice | Hausa wuya, murya
Hausa wato wlyo n. smoke | Hausa hayai
wattish n. sneeze, sneezing | Hausa wun n. (verbal noun of w) luck,
atishawa getting something (see w) | Hausa
wwi = mwi adv.man. recklessly, saía, samu
carelessly, intentionally, on purpose | wuncir n. bucking of donkey or horse |
Hausa gangan Hausa tutsu
w wsu v.A2c (v.n. w ws ) singe ex wntin = wntin n. nose; mucous ex
w wsik sim ri he singed the hare | ish m wntin dried mucous |
Hausa babbaka Hausa hanci; majina
w wo n. Acacia senegal or A. wnwun = wrwur n. soot | Hausa
dudgeoni, a source of gum Arabic | kunkunniya
Hausa akwara wnwun n. a type of tree | Hausa
w wur n. scrambling for something, bishiya (iri)
e.g. a group of children for coins | wup id. indicates lunging ex
Hausa warwaso gwadagori altu nda a hnni wup
wy v.B (v.n. wy) be finished, come the tortoise lunged (released his
to an end, be all gone ex Dindeno weight) wup | Hausa amsa amo
wayatako. My story is finished. | wrgu v.A2b (v.n. wrg ) fling
Hausa are against, strike with something thrown
w ym interr.pro. which one? | Hausa or swung ex sai Jilwaye mbili leutau
wanne, wacce wirgi a baitau then Jilwaye grabbed
w ytu v.A2c (v.n. w yt ) (tr.) finish up her child and flung him on her
ex Wayatan cacasum, ase lauke back | Hausa buga
walahnni a kwaro. When they had wurk = rku n. pus | Hausa iwa,
finished their talk, then everyone mugunya
went back home. | Hausa gama wru = ru v.A1 (v.n. wr ) descend,
get down; arrive | Hausa sauka
74 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

Wurw n. a female name | Hausa y u v.A2a (v.n. y ) (intr.) spoil, be

sunan mace broken, be broken down | Hausa aci,
wrw u v.A2c (v.n. wrw ) rue
sprinkle on | Hausa barbaa ydru v.A2c (v.n. ydr) pluck,
wrwur = wnwun n. soot | Hausa pluck off, snap off ex ydr kma
kunkunniya t r she plucked sorrel leaves |
wrwrtu v.A2c (v.n. wrwrt) roar, Hausa tsinke
growl ex cagadlau na wurwurta the ydu = íydu v.A1 (v.n. yad) bite |
lion is roaring | Hausa yi ruri Hausa ciza
wtlk u v.A2c (v.n. wtlk ) y i n.m. breast; milk | Hausa nono
search around in a container into y i-y i n. horned melon (Cucumis
which one cannot see ex n metuliferus), a plant with cucumber-
wtlKa n crbi k l f hnnau I like fruits covered with thorn-like
dug the rosary out of my pocket | knobs | Hausa nonon kura
Hausa wawala y i-y i t d n. a weed with small
edible pods, probably Cucumis
pustulatus | Hausa nonon kare

íW yg n.m. twigs, kindling ex yg m

fnt wsi kindling for starting a fire
| Hausa irare
ykand n.m. two-stringed lute with a
íwamparam n. shin | Hausa wauri large resonator, typically played for
íwyim = wyum = yum n. money, hunters | Hausa garaya
metal, iron | Hausa kui, arfe ykr = íykr n. strength, force ex
sai uwan fafami kumoto ka yakara
then the elephant shook her ears with
Y force | Hausa arfi
yku = íyku v.A1 (v.n. yk) pluck
out, pick out one by one ex n yk 
d br hnno I plucked out my peanuts
y = y conj. if, when ex Amu ta ka | Hausa tsine
ya eko kuma bai. If water has yali n. ground, earth, country, land |
spilled, it can’t be collected back up. | Hausa asa
Hausa idan ylo n. white eggplant (Solanum
y = y n. etching, tracing, designs ex incanum) | Hausa yalo
Kumbu ma iya ya ma Annabi. ymanc n. personal plot on part of a
(Dakumo.) Riddle: My mother's large communal farm | Hausa
calabash has the the etchings of the gayauna
prophet. (A guinea fowl with her ymu v.A1 (v.n. ymau) carve wood,
plummage.) | Hausa zane do carpentry ex ymu gdi he carved
y tu v.A2c (v.n. y t) (tr.) spoil, a handle | Hausa sassaa
ruin | Hausa ata, lalata yandri = íyandri n. scorpion | Hausa
y  m zmblm idiom anger | kunama
Hausa acin rai yn u v.A2b (v.n. yn ) tie ex
y  n. fighting, quarrel, combat ex Na yn k rr he tied up the wood;
la gama bo Bukar, su gami a ya i. yn k da hnn he frowned |
He was going to meet Bukar so they Hausa aure
could meet in combat. | Hausa faa
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 75

yng n. Nile monitor (Varanus yw = ywi interjection Alas! Help!

niloticus) | Hausa guza ex Yw mind, n nad bai! People
yank n. pants, trousers | Hausa wando help me, I am no more! | Hausa
yar = íyar n. thorn | Hausa aya ywo = íywo adj., adv. 1. good; well.
yararai = íyararai = iriri n. ululating | 2. that’s good | Hausa kyau; da kyau
Hausa gua yy n. (pl. yycin) elder brother,
yrtu = íyrtu v.A2c (v.n. yrt) elder sibling | Hausa wa
(tr.) stop, bring to a stop | Hausa yypu v.A2c (v.n. yyp) sprinkle
tsayar with water ex yayafa amu kafin ka
yrdu v.A2b agree ex yrditink he íyayi dara sprinkle some water
agreed | Hausa yarda before you sweep | Hausa yayyafa
yr n. heartburn, indigestion | Hausa y = y conj. when, if ex Nga ndalo
warnafi ya i ye, na la dawai. If a person
yari = íyar n. fatness ex barno hnna wants milk, he will tend (cows). |
gam na yai yari gam they should Hausa da, in
give me a lot of food so that I get ye conj. when, as for (topicalizing
very fat | Hausa iba particle) ex Ciwan ye ngarji ka am
yru = íyru v.A1 (v.n. yarn) (intr.) bai. In the past there was no water in
stop, come to a stop | Hausa tsaya the hollow. | Hausa dai
yru v.A1 (v.n. yr) push fuel into fire yk quant.univ., adv.loc. everywhere,
| Hausa iza wuta anywhere, wherever | Hausa koíina
ysi = íysi n.f. fire | Hausa wuta yi = i det.def. the, the one in question |
yt v.irreg. come back, return hither Hausa -n, -r
(singular imperative) ex aci ci y det. suffix on question words with a
fataka ya, yati ci bunkwaci a benno sense of “…is it?” (see ly, myy
tomorrow when you go out, come dany, yy) | Hausa
back and hide in my house | Hausa yi i i id.adj. finely granulated ex
dawo Yi i i yi iga. (Aisi. = Damasu.)
ytu v.A2a (v.n. y = y) trace Riddle: It feels all small and granular.
designs, etch | Hausa zana (Sand. or Finger millet.) | Hausa
Yug n. man’s name | Hausa sunan y ga id.adj. very tiny (see example
namiji at yi i i) | Hausa
yauyu n. button grass (Mitracarpus yikye = ikye conj. and then (from
hirtus) | Hausa goga masu yik ye ‘it was done so’) ex Mendai
yw = íyw v.B (v.n. yw) grow up kezi yikaye wala riya mbato íyetu
| Hausa girma kwaraku. His wife, the hen, well
yw n. small fish ex ka jan hnnau then she was going alone to do
yw ka sku buy me some small farming. | Hausa sai
fish from the market | Hausa kifi ymtu v.A2c (v.n. ymt) (tr.) return,
anana put back, take back | Hausa mayar
ywi = yw interjection woe is me!, ymu v.A1 (v.n. ym) (intr.) return, go
alas!, oh, my God! ex yawai Ndagai! back ex ymm tink he has come
God help me! | Hausa wayyo back | Hausa koma
ywlu = íywlu v.A2c (v.n. ywl) yin n. 1. doing; making (see y ). 2.
move, stir | Hausa motsa, burga stabbing (see y ) | Hausa yi; suka
ywntu v.A2c (v.n. ywnt) prepare,
arrange, repair | Hausa shirya, gyara
76 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

yntu = hntu = shntu v.A2c then they arose and betook

(v.n. yn t ) raise, lift | Hausa themselves far into the bush | Hausa
aga, tayar amsa amo
ynu = hnu = shnu v.A2b (v.n. íyandri = yandri n. scorpion | Hausa
yn) stand up, arise, get up | Hausa kunama
tashi íyandn = indn n. urine | Hausa fitsari
y wo n. friend, companion | Hausa íyangwalam n. elbow | Hausa gwiwar
aboki hannu
y = íy v.C (v.n. yin = íyin ) 1. (tr.) íyar = yar n. thorn | Hausa aya
do; make. 2. (intr.) happen, become íyrr n. rog roselle (Hibiscus asper)
ex cai yotau gidi asku the | Hausa yakuwar kwai
neighborhood became (crowded) like íyararai = yararai = iriri n. ululating
a market; Lewi na biti yawatinki ex Men ta kwar timu gwani
zangilan, har yutinki nga. The child íyararai. (Dami.) Riddle: The
was there and grew up strong and woman of our house is an expert at
healthy and even became an adult. | ululating. (An anvil.) | Hausa gua
Hausa yi íy rtu = y rtu v.A2c (v.n. íy rt )
y v.C (v.n. yin ) hurl (spear), spear by (tr.) stop, bring to a stop | Hausa
hurling ex n ys k k rni I hit tsayar
him with a spear | Hausa jefa, soka íyrw n. the twiner with sticky sap
called “tears” (Leptadenia hastata) |
Hausa yaiya

íY íyar = yari n. fatness | Hausa iba

íyarn n.f. 1. standing, being stationary
ex íyrno  k ta b gwdl caring
for a sick person. 2. limit, boundary |
íybrtu v.A2c (v.n. íybrt ) strain Hausa tsaiwa
(beer, etc.) | Hausa tace íyru = yru v.A1 (v.n. íyarn) (intr.)
íydu = ydu v.A1 (v.n. íyad) bite | stop, come to a stop | Hausa tsaya
Hausa ciza íysi = ysi n. fire ex íYas ta ribi. A
íy g n. a type of thorny plant | Hausa fire in the chaff. (His laughter signals
bishiya (iri) evil intentions.) | Hausa wuta
íy kr = y kr n. strength | Hausa íysu v.A1 (v.n. íys ) grind ex inj m
arfi íys grinding machine | Hausa nia
íyku = yku v.A1 (v.n. íyk) pluck íyw = yw v.B (v.n. íyw) grow
out, pick out one by one | Hausa tsine up | Hausa girma
íyltu v.A2b (v.n. íylt ) unhaft, íyawli n. movement ex Men na
remove blade from handle ex n íyawali a gizin ya, na patetu a
íyltk díyk I unhafted the axe mala. If something is moving about
| Hausa kwae in the grass, it will come out into the
íylu v.A1 (v.n. íyl) become unhafted open. (There's no use trying to keep
ex díyku ayam íyllka gam something secret that is being
this axe keeps coming unhafted | gossiped about.) | Hausa motsi
Hausa kwae íywlu = ywlu v.A2c (v.n. íyawli,
íyam dem. this | Hausa wannan íywl ) move, stir | Hausa motsa,
íyamak id. indicates great distance ex burga
sai yini zaka kasu a riya íyamak!
Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary 77

íywo = ywo adj., adv. good, nice; zkwlmb n. hornet | Hausa rina
well | Hausa kyau; da kyau zmbtu n. olive (Olea europea) |
íy˘íyi n. stone used to roughen Hausa zaitun
grinding stone | Hausa makoi zambyi = zambi n. late afternoon,
íyu = yu v.C (v.n. íyin = yin ) 1. (tr.) evening ex fati wa i Sawana fata
do, make ex n íy w no I did work. meni a sina filfila ka zambayi one
2. (intr.) happen, become | Hausa yi day Sawana (the trickster) went out
íyw = w v.B (v.n. íyw ) remove and was having a stroll in the late
from liquid | Hausa tsame afternoon | Hausa yamma, maraice
zn n. (pl. zzn) Kanuri person |
Hausa Babarbare

Z zani = nzani n. gown | Hausa riga

zngln id.adj. mature, grown up ex
Lewi na biti yawatinki zangilan,
har yutinki nga. The child was there
z v.D (v.n. zin ) 1. put away, put and grew up zangilan and even
down ex n zk bc I put down a became an adult. | Hausa
mat; z nn  b nu  ndi put it in znjai n. spotted hyena (Crocuta
the room on the bed; z s srs crocuta) | Hausa kura
distribute it to them. 2. send (a person znk co = znk cau n.m. star | Hausa
or message) ex Ka e-ka e zanko a tauraro
Ndagaya waletu. Quickly one sent zank‰ n. crest, comb (of fowl) | Hausa
to a sorcerer that he should come. | toliya, zanko
Hausa sa, ajiye zntli n. clitoris | Hausa an tsaka
zb  bba n. dying cloth | Hausa rini zrci n. a small type of ant | Hausa
zbu v.A1 (v.n. zb) 1. put on, put on kwarikwasa
clothes. 2. cause ex In kula i na la zriy n. the fodder grass Digitaria
yawe ya, ko yan aurairai gam, sai debilis; D. velutina | Hausa hariya
Ndagai zabe kula i yawi. If a chick zar-zar n. the trees Cassia arereh; C.
is going to grow up, even if one sieberana | Hausa marga, gama faa
makes many kites, God will cause the zrwni n. tears | Hausa hawaye
chick to grow up. | Hausa sa zw n.m. crying ex Lewi na zawa
zg v.B (v.n. zg ) rub (wood to waket-waket-waket, ka nani bai.
smooth it) | Hausa goge (itace) The child was crying waket-waket-
zkcar n.m. gossip, having one’s waket, he had no mother.; zawa ma
personal affairs be revealed ex meto wailing over a death | Hausa
yw i! zkcar whnnaku! oh my kuka
God! I have had my secrets revealed! zw v.B (v.n. zw ) cry, weep | Hausa
| Hausa fallasa koka
zakl id.adj. tall and skinny ex zwnu n. rainbow | Hausa bakan gizo
Menda madai zakele. (Shita; zwci n. long hooked stick used to
Jam e.) Riddle: A red woman, tall pull fruits down from a tree | Hausa
and skinny. (Peppers. or Hemp.) | makata
Hausa zy n.m. deposit, money put away |
zk˘j n. deleb palm shoots (Borassus Hausa ajiya
aethiopum), eaten as a vegetable | z z n. porcupine (Hystrix cristata) |
Hausa muruci Hausa beguwa
78 Karekare-English-Hausa Dictionary

z r r id.adj. tall and thin | Hausa harvested my farm/my grain | Hausa

zhtik n. blood clot, congealed phegm | girbe
Hausa ari znku v.A2b (v.n. zink = zinku) peek
zh m = zh mu n. smell of something at, peep at, peer from a distance ex
rotting or fementing | Hausa Men na ngarji ya, zinkaka bai. If
zhmu v.A2a (v.n. zh m) smell sour, something is in a cave, one doesn’t
smell fermented | Hausa yi tsami not peek in at it. | Hausa lea
zhrin n. headache | Hausa ciwon kai znzin n. mud-dauber wasp | Hausa
zhiyom n. cuspid, canine tooth | Hausa zanzaro
haori zir n.m. planting across ridgerows ex
zgau n. leopard (Panthera pardus) | zir m sw  bi dib r planting
Hausa damisa guinea corn across rows where
zgm n.m. long-handled planting hoe | peanuts are already growing | Hausa
Hausa sungumi zrnka n.m. spurs | Hausa aimi
zgrk id.adj. huge but not energetic | zrnka m dnkar n. a type of grass |
Hausa Hausa ciyawa (iri)
zl n. (pl. zlllyin) stick | Hausa zro n. laughing, laughter | Hausa
sanda dariya
zmblm n.m. heart; temper, zrzir = wili n. vaginal prolapse | Hausa
temperament ex zmblm mf ztu v.A1 (v.n. zt) greet; commiserate
happiness; íyutink  zmblm he on a death or other misfortune ex Sai
became angry; zmblm w i well- lewi zitesune ka men mbandi
intentioned | Hausa zuciya; fushi wasunako. And the boy
zmptm n. muzzle for animal | Hausa commiserated with them on the thing
takunkumi that had befallen them. | Hausa gayar
zin n.m. 1. errand, something sent. 2. zwr n. steamed meat or vegetables |
putting down (see z) | Hausa aike Hausa dambu
zin b c n. traditional sacrificial z‰gale n. horseradish tree (Moringa
festival | Hausa bikin bautan tsafi oleifera) | Hausa zogale
zin ndagi n. traditional sacrificial z˘ri n.f. (pl. z‰ri) rope | Hausa igiya
festival | Hausa bikin bautan tsafi z n., aux., pro. 1. body. 2. edge, side.
zin sim n. naming ceremony for a 3. each other ex mu nank zmu we
newborn | Hausa suna saw each other. 4. (as verbal
znci n. tethering post | Hausa tirke auxiliary) be in the process of doing |
znd n. type of tree | Hausa bishiya Hausa jiki, gefe, juna
(iri) zugmb li n. failure to do work as
zngin ni n. dozing | Hausa gyangyai assigned, purposely doing a job
zngn n. Abyssinian ground hornbill poorly | Hausa ganda
(Bucorvus abyssinicus) | Hausa bultu zngwrru v.A2c (v.n. zngwrr )
znk cau = znk co n.m. star(s) | shove repeatedly, prod repeatedly |
Hausa tauraro Hausa tutture
znkirawi n. mosquito larvae | Hausa
an randa
znku v.A2b (v.n. znko) harvest grain,
cut grain stalks for harvest ex n
znkuk tar tno/sw tno I
alone mba- + poss. pron.
alongside brk
A always fti wike, kulum
amazement ajab = ajb
and aiÖ aiÖ
a wad, wa i and (joining nouns) k
aardvark k i and then s , iky = yiky = iky,
abandoing a child aljf nakat
abandoned place lwi angel ml k
abdomen, lower jmbe
anger y  m zmblm
able, be njwu
animal, mythical fntrm
abort t u animal, wild l‰ m ry, shgga
about k ankle da t syo
absence dar announcement ffi, shl
abuse flu annoy dmtu
accept bsku, tfu
another wa i
accompany krbu
answer tlfu
according to b b antimony t‰zli
ache fa  ants ayndin black grain storing, k f
Achilles tendon dirk small red, kurmsi biting, msen
acidity nzh m stink, smnto sugar, zrci small
adder, night rib-rib
adherents ndl k
anus macwi, t˘n m ish = tm m
admonition kto ish
adulterer dwn anvil dmi
advicw kto any wik
affection mío anyone luke
afterlife bit, but
anything mk
afternoon, late zambyi = zambi
anytime fti wike
afternoon, mid fti db k rnktu anywhere yk
again wam apex cilw t 
agree yrdu appear ka
ahead d˘nu appear suddenly lu
aid mbrn
apron, leather d dr
air f fl = filfl
area flt
alcohol f argument cn
alcoholic drink from potatoes msh arise hn u = yn u = shn u
algae kalangu arm bka, sr
all dik, durus, gi , kap armpit far t bka
Allah Mb la, ndagi, Tl Birb,
arrange cr tu, ywntu
arrival nn, wl
allow dyu arrive wru = ru, sh 

80 English-Karekare Wordlist

arrogance m bastard bb l, dugzhr

arrow fsku bat g‰gr‰ fruit bat
as gidi bat, fruit gw
as for ke, r, ye, m bathe partially cfu
ashes bto = bto bathing b 
ashes of cornstalks kut batter gwgwa , r
ashes, hot nzu ku battle tw
ashes, taste of kut-kut beads kwaikwd, sy
ask t u bean cakes r
associates of nk beans in pods njalu
astringent taste brdzi beans, cooked jb
aunt ay miw bear (birth) lwu
avenge smu beard bgwj
axe dyk beat ddku, dkwu, gdru, gb u
axe used in battle gampw beat drum bru
axe, small glfi, dlm beat with a stick ggtu
beating ddk, jb
beautiful bln, cndw
B because (of) kto, kt
become wu, tng, y = íy
bed ndi
baboon bangi, bd birum = birum
bed made of planks fdi
m bd bedbugs lid = lidu
baby kul i, l  bee ishni
baby carrier rbo bee (type) dzo, mbz
baby, newborn anjlm
bee, stingless tirnn
bachelor gand
beehive sci
back bai
beer f
back, lower b beer, unstrained dk 
backwards ttri, ttr k bai beetle, auger tntir
bad ds beetle, type ds ltink  my?
bag ck
before dnd = dd, kfn
bald sil i
beg d
ball mb u
begging bar
bandicoot gwndg begin c, s˘mu
bank of river b˘ uci beginning cin, cin
bank up su u behind bai
baobab cakes myri
belch jl
baobab flower bmb l
belch(ing) jl
baobab leaves mdlr, tagalu =
belittle krbu
tagal bellows ktau
bar (for drinking) kwr t f belly ko = kau, bc
barber b kl beloved cm
barely ket, dk-daka
belt for shapening razor knmi
bark of tree bi, bi 
belt, leather lpw
base far
bend ngntu
basis sirm bend down ngn
basket d ir = d ur large
English-Karekare Wordlist 81

bend in curve ngntu bore hole shyu

beneficence lh r both dik
benefit gtu bothered, be dmu
beseech d , r˘ u bottom nz
beshit oneself cmtu boundary b˘, íyarn, ck
beside brk bow (for shooting) rnk
better that... gra, ngalk bow-legged dwno
better, be gr = gr = wr, ndra , bowl kali earthenware, dgn wooden,
ndrntu for food
bicycle kk , mru bowstring rak
big m iw boy lwi
bile tlw brackish taste glam
billy goat b kur braid lmu
billygoat bzru brains nd laka
bird ryi bran dndmar
bird (type) b  , cbdl, c w, branch from a road shbu
cin-cin, dry, dlt, fr , breadth jb
ggng s, gwng˘l, jil, break forth vocally l
jmfrm, ksgark, kuíyr, break in two dbu
kwliy, lwai, mlgd, t dr break into pieces tu, tkcnu,
birth lw tkccnu, tlfu
birth, give lwu break off njlu
bite ydu = íydu breaking up a fight mbrn
bite off kntu breast yi
bitter tltlni breathing nks
black birim = burum brethren mni
black and white níyr = hníyr bride kyang, lmm˘
blacksmith b ddk dmi, b ngz bride's friend m
= b njz bridge of wood katark
blade (of axe) ik bridle ljm
blanket gwd bring l = wl
blind mbgm = mgm brittle c
blind, go mbgmtu broken, be y u
blindness mbgmtn, mgmtn broom sbin, gdgir
blinking gimtl broth kr 
block mnu = minu brother kka
blood d˘n brother, older yy
blood clot zhtik brother, younger mlu
blow byu, fntu bubble gwgw u, ru
body z bucking wuncir
boil (abscess) kwazmbt budge nzku
boil (water, etc.) nku, flu, buffalo kbn
gwgw u, rtu, ru build ku
boil meat kfu bulging eyes mb˘ci, tkwli
boil without pus drkl bull grw
bone wasu = osu bundle of grain heads jm lm
boomerang gdi bundle of grass kwntal
82 English-Karekare Wordlist

burbling by billygoat b f carve ymu

burden wl = l cassava, old gntmo
buried granary ddif  cast (throw) l
burn gitu, gyu, kru castration dl
bury mblmu cat wi
bush ry cat, brindled cry
bustard bd catarrh in animals kltrm
but m, bay catch cw
butt with head dmpu catch in the air cfu
butter f l caterpillar dmf w
butterfly ktff, tf-tf cattle egret rrn˘
buttocks mbil cause zbu
buy jn cave ngrj
celebration dgar, ngumri
celebration, traditional barku m
C D gbi annual harvest festival, br
m Jlm annual hunting festival,
dwun bai circling birth hut, l
cage for fowls bn m kzin mri sacrifices at harvesting of new
cake, bean r
crops, zin b c sacrificial, zin
calabash (see also ‘gourd’) yi
ndagi sacrificial
general term, bellm decorated,
center gabi
g  large, gaswr large, for centipede nzmy
carrying water, klmbi centipede, small crr
undecorated, lbi for serving food, certain (ones), a certain one wad
lkk large, ndkwco cracked and
chaff rib
chair kuj r
calabash fragment almp
chameleon arncni
calabash, small kw i change residence ngz
calf (of cow) kin, l w t kwm chanting for rituals di  b˘
calf (of leg) duwl, kwntl charcoal knksu
call dg
charm for invisibility bwso, b˘ssim
call from afar ˘ru
chase rku
camel dlikm, kkinjr
chase birds tb
can njwu chattering cakaram
candy lw cheap b t
cane rat gwazbi cheat m˘ru
cane switch lak‰d
cheating rann, tmc, naut
cap jkw, tgiy
cheek jgli
carcass m sh
chest jb
care for a child mlu chew h u, kyl u = kl u = klíyu
careful movement ttru =
carelessly wwi = mwi chew cud kyl u = kl u = klíyu =
caress shfnu
chick kul i
carpentry, do ymu
chicken kz
carrion m sh, ngzmr
chicken manure jngwl˘ i =
carry sn u, l jnkwl˘ i
carry child on the back tu
English-Karekare Wordlist 83

chicken with ruffled feathers dkc collar bone gwdl, njram

chicks of guinea fowl kulm collect cmu, cptu
chief gwm, dfu collect (water) gl
chieftainship k˘ collect and remove kmu
child lwi colostrum msnji
children dingn, b , lw comb capkar
chin bgwj comb (of chicken) lnt
chip jl comb (of fowl) zank‰
chisel kutufi comb out spu
choke stu combat y
choke someone kríyu come ndu
choose jd come across dgu, lmu
chop d , du come back yt
chop up dtlu come to smu
churn tglu coming wl
circular kwra-kwr commiserate ztu
circumcision ky = kíy communal labor mb
cistern k l companion ywo
clan b g = b gu compatriot nzfa
clan feeling mbno compatriot(s) c, mni
clansman kka compensation to sorcerer c prm
clap tfu competition mr-m r
clavicle gwdl, njram complaining jjim, jgna, rng
claw kwanca completely kap
clay for pottery r˘i compound kwr = kwru
clean ng˘yi compress nju
clear land lw conceal oneself bnkwu = bnku
clear up kmu concerning k
climb  confused, be dlbru
clitoris ckirk, hyo, zntli conjuring dab˘
close f , kwac conquer t
clot (blood) zhtik consider tnu
cloth bakt, gbga console cw sra
cloth, black and white gamb r conspire nd cc
cloud kwab contempt krb
coagulate mtu continue dfu, nd˘k
coarse in consistency knc contumacy rann
coax gtu, gwlntu convalescence kwz
cobra gmshta, mnn, sti conversation smmna
cock gj cook nku, kfu, wu
cockroach kwtfar cooking tripod rwun
cocoon lau cool lailai
coins ik cool off kktu
cold layi cooperation mbn, gny
cold weather rib = ribyi copulate with tu, ntu
collaboration gm t b˘ copulation by animals 
collapse ndfu corn, young kunc = kuncu
84 English-Karekare Wordlist

cornstalk kr dampness njd˘

corpse gb dancing jalle, ndir
correct, be wu dancing for wedding bgd
coucal b -b , kaskawaki darkness b burum
cough jb daughter b
count mbsu dawn b 
country yali dawn, pre- g rw
courtyard flt, ftlu day fti
cow kwm day (24 hours) t 
cow, yellow jn day (one day) dwad
cowife myau = míyau day after tomorrow t f
crack yu day before yesterday nznt
crazy person b tlb day, on that d˘ , d˘ m
crazy, become tlbu day, spend the glu
crazy, drive tlbtu day, that fta
creativeness dg˘r m daylight fti
crest zank‰ days kb
cricket (type) gwnj-gwanj, deaf bb
ndlrkat = ndlrkat deaf mute kurt = dugrum,
cricket, Jerusalem ndr dugrum = kurt
cricket, small c i deaf, become krttu
crocodile krm deafness krttn
crop of bird tukcl death karm, mto
crow, pied ndlrku = nzrku death notification dtu
crowing kwkwriyk deceive m˘ru
crown of head fri t k deception blim
crowned crane ngrk decieve bbtu
crust, burned kr decorations painted in calabash ddir
cry zw decrease tku
cry out r ru deep nzai = mnzai
crying zw defecate mbmu
crying easily wl k defy ggru
crying for help ‰lo delay ngntu
cup k inkiy deliberately mwi
cure kktu demon gwigwai
custom d departure of angry wife agwd
cut g deposit (of money) zy
cut grass with sickle kr depression t˘n = t˘n
cut off cpu depression in ground grs
cut up rdu descend wru = ru
cuticle cnkc design y = y
despise krbu
destroy ndfu
D devil ljin
dew snsir
diarrhea ish-ish
dabble in food njkw u die bwu, mtu
dampen mzgu
English-Karekare Wordlist 85

difficulty b‰n, mngwai = ngwai dozing znginni

difficulty, with ket, dk-daka drag bgu
dig f, ck draw out nzku
dig up ck, grzu draw water nz
digging stick ngrfi drawing water using feet gwur
diligence nginif dream sn
dip out ru, kmu, tku dregs shshy, ckck
dip out of a liquid íyw = w dregs of beer cck
direction gir drink s
dirge ddr drip nzr
dirt bb  drive away rku
dirty bb  drive over nj u
dirty person k˘ri drop lu
disappear bwu drought dar() t m
disaster lb drum gunduwa for wrestlers, janjank
discrimination f   played for hunters, klu small, hung
discussion smmna around neck, kanju hourglass, held
disease of skin km as between legs, kurya played for
disgust nynya barbers, tambl kettle drum, played
dislike k u for Mai
disparagement krb drum (type) jmi
disperse dbtu, dbu, tgyu = drumming bir
tgíyu drumstick ngl
displeased ngr-ngr drunk, be gdru
dispute cn dry clothes ftru
disrespectful person b krb dry season bgl
dissension, causing nd˘r‰ dry up byu
dissolve sw dry up (well) dr
distant kit duck gwgw, kntif
distraught, be bglu duck down ftu, lm = lm
distress bt duiker bwi
distribute spu duiker, type km
dive ku, dmbyu dung beetle bzz
divide out spu dust birbr
divorce lu dwarf r
do y = íy dwelling tingno
do previously tku dying zb  bba
dodge ftu, lm = lm
doer b, n nt
dog d
dog, wild hunting dmbzwr
donkey k‰r‰, ur
donkey of the bush? k‰r‰ m rya each other z
eagle kwaf
door panel gsi, gwamper, klng
ear kmo
doorway b˘ bn
early start twt
dove lwi
downward rawi earth yali, nks
earth, red kri
86 English-Karekare Wordlist

earthworm nzfir everywhere yk

east b evil ds, kl d
easy b t evil deed gandara
eat hu, t ewe tmci
eating with four fingers mbac exceed gr = gr = wr , ndra ,
eczema ndrntu
eczema on animals g rdis excessively, do gdru
edge b˘b exchange fltu, sfyu, sfíyu
egg ins excrement gdr = gdr, sh
eggs, abandoned sb exercise gwitu
egret, cattle r r n˘ exists kki, nad
eight f fu exit ft
elbow íyangwalam expand btl
elephant wan expansive drr
eloping ˘lum expensive sda
emaciated kanjum experience s
embarrassment cw experience (undergo) t
embers riyn explode bc
emir dfu express from tru
enough, be tl , tl expression All-wadare! To hell with
entangled, become brdnglu it!, any OK, that's that, at oh! I just
entanglement ndli realized something!, atti = attt
enter r = attr rm expression of surprise,
entranceway dw‰ ya cry of alarm, cc c here's a scary
environment jgo thing!, dnm be careful!, gidib
envy jimjm how amazing!, hankl be careful!,
epidemic lb hr expression of concern, k n
epilepsy míyir really? (unexpected event), kl -
erect, to k kl  come and join the group!,
erection gangl l lla! count me out!, m nn
errand zin anguish, ngelngel under no
escape wl circumstances, p‰p˘ Sorry!,
establish k slbark Thank you!, tnkunks =
established, be wu tkurnkus folktale closing, ugg
estimation tman amazement, usako hello! greetings
etch ytu to you!, ywi = yw oh no!, woe
etching y = y is me!, alas!
ethnic group Ns r European, Filt extend bu
Fulani, mlm Hausa, zn Kanuri, extent f t
Karaikarai Karekare (pl), extinguish mbtu
Bkarkari Karekare (sg) extract nku, nzku
even ar = har, srm eye do = dau
evening zambyi = zambi eye matter njli
ever do tku eye socket grmi
every wik eyes, deep-set grm m do
everyone luke
everything mk
English-Karekare Wordlist 87

fight(ing) y 
F fighting dlr
fighting, cause gm t k
file dart˘
fable dindno
fill jmtu, njmtu
face do = dau
fill up/out dsu
faeces sh
filthy bb 
fail ru
find bku, dg u, lmu, myu, w
failure dar
finding lost person gwgwi
faint rmu
fine consistency liki
faintness from hunger kmallo
finely granulated yi i i
fall brdu, ngt, nz u
finger k˘l
far kit, nzai = mnzai
fingernail k‰c
farm tar
finish gtu, ktu, wytu
farm, disused sbr
finished, be wy
farm, personal ymanc
fire ysi = íysi
farmer b kwrk
fire, start qq tangw
farming gdgzr, kwrk
firefly t kra
fart wr o
fireplace rwun
fast (swiftly) ka , ka -ka 
firewood ajagwly
fat lmo
firing (pot) l
fat stomach kdl 
firmament jb t ndagi
fat-headed girjiwuli, rgjm
first dgo
father bba, bbu, b, bí, bí
fish crf, bbrakkm African
father-in-law skwr
catfish, mb Protopterus annectens
fatigue lb
(lungfish, mudfish), sr‰ Nile perch
fatness yari = íyar
fish, small yw
fear cn, shrtu
fit tfu
fear(ing) ishri
five b 
feather sk
fix k˘ u
feces gdr = gdr
flame fn
feed btu
flashing w 
feeding (by animals) dawi
flavor, add dkwa d‰ t gno
feel kl
flay wlu
fell r u
flea  it
fell (tree) nz tu
flesh l‰ m z
femented, becom jl
fling against wrgu
fence dang, shing
flock biri = buri, mecc
fence post tk
flood ganju
fennec cagadlr
flour pti, fc
ferment nzhmu
flour, cassava gr
fertilizer tk
flour, coarse cngwi, angy
festival br
flowing fs
fetish gwram, rn i, sirk
flustered bglu
fetish stand sr u
flute (made of horn) shl
fever gwdl
fly dyo, ndru
fiction gad
flying ndir
field ml
88 English-Karekare Wordlist

fodder crk furrow fnd

foetus kul 
fog zintr
foliage df = dfu
folktale dindno
folktale response mrz
follow fu galloping gay
gambling cca
followers ndl k
game kw, ngat girls catch and toss
food w 
food (type) blnno, jnklk miya
made of greens, llk˘ tuwo of beans game (type) drn a game like draughts
eaten with oil played by women, ol l
food, steamed zwr competition to get a small gourd or
stalk from the water, mbc women
food, warmed up kt
bang into each other
fool bgdj, mck, tlkm
gap in teeth c‰ro
foolishness mckwtna
foot syo gape kwlíymu
forehead dmpo gapped cire
foreigner njrfu gather cmu, cptu
gawk kwlíymu
foreleg bka
gazelle brw
forge njzu = ngzu, k˘ u
gecko n n t bn
forget mnu = mntnu
forging ddk gecko, poisonous clfti
formerly d mn gemstone sy
fortune teller ndgy genitals far
get w
fortune telling gwmpi
get down wru = ru
fortune-teller mkw
get up hn u = yn u = shn u
four f u
fox jm dlai, cagadlr giant rat gwndg
fracture dab gift brnku, skn
francolin frfr, tpkar gift from traveler mem m gm b˘
giraffe kincr = kingr
free fs 
girl b t mnd, bdin [bhnn]
freeze mtu
give bru
Friday ljimm = ljumm
friend nzfa, ywo give (name) z
friends c gizzard kpsr
friendship mbno, nzftna = nzfi glare at ngl
glean b u
from ka
glue for trap lbn
fronds r o = hr au
glutton knm, kwlm
front d˘nu, jb
fruit lw gluttony mbmb, nym
fruit bat gw gnaw gngíyu
fry sru go ndu, wlu
go around brku
fuel fire yru
go back twu, ymu
full, be njmu
go in r
full, be (from eating) bu
fungus that attacks grain gmpit go out ft
go to meet gm b
English-Karekare Wordlist 89

goat m ku, wci = ci grass), jj Cyperus articulatus,

goat, castrated uyk jnk  Dactyloctenium aegyptiaca
goat, hairy bz (comb fringe grass), zriy Digitaria
goat, male b kur debilis; D. velutina, dndaksr
goat, mature male bzru Eleusine indica (fowlfoot grass),
God Mb la, ndagi, Tl Birb sbun Eragrostis tremula; E.ciliaris;
going to and fro j le E. gangetica, yauyu Mitracarpus
gold dnr hirtus (button grass), lm 
gone, be all wy Monocymbium ceresiiforme
good bln, ywo = íywo (oatgrass), g‰r Oxytenanthera
good fortune lh r abyssinica (bamboo), fr
goods jangm, kari Pennisetum polystachyon and others,
gossip bzrtu, zkcar l sn m kwm Portulaca oleracea
gourd (see also ‘calabash’, ‘ladle’) (purslane), shfara Saccharum
fwun general name for gourd plant spontaneum, agram Tribulus
(Lagenaria siceraria), jwi bottle, terrestris (caltrop, puncture vine),
jgum for storing oil, gwb large nz thatch grass
round, gw la round with large grasses (unidentified type) bmo,
opening, kumb small, krtu small bayku, brza m  , crnn,
round kjn dib, lm, madbr, zrnka
gown gr, shkw  = shkí m dnkar
gown, man's nzani = zani grasses (unidentified) drnkwtl
grab shru grasshopper kwncr
grain heads, culled b i grave mb
grain heads, good guj gravel kc = kc
grain heads, threshed jmjm grazing dawi
grain residue dirdr great, become krnu
grain with bran removed shmp u greed kl , ktlm, mbmb,
grain(s) ik kwlm
grainhead mblm greedy person b kl , knm
grains, whole gwyi green gla-glau
granary gdlai greet ztu
granary top k t gdlai grey hair nkwr, wncr
grandfather = grandson dshi griffon nzm
grandmother = granddaughter dk grind rzu, íysu
grandparent kka grind coarsly ngwíyu
grandson = grandfather dshi grind wet substance lm u = lm u
grasscutter gwazbi grinding stone bni
grasses (see also ‘plants’, ‘trees’) gizn grinding stone (old) dgj
general term for grasses and weeds, grinding stone shaper íy˘íyi
mf f cotton grass (spp.?), kshin grinding stone, top lw t bni
Ywo Acanthospermum hispidum groaning jmt, mpo
(bristly starbur), abak Andropogon grope wtlk u
gayanus (gamba grass), tdl i ground yali
Cenchrus biflorus, C. ciliaris (burr grow old jru
grass), d Cymbopogon giganteus, grow up yw = íyw
farn-farn Cynodon dactylon (dub growing up zngln
90 English-Karekare Wordlist

growl wrwrtu head toward bru, lfu

grub tm m ndgya headache zhrin
grubworm dk  gza heal kktu
gruel (type) blnkar, da tlu heal over dsu
gruel without tamarind gul o healing kwz
grumbling jjim, jngwli health lfiy
guest njrfu healthy blk
guest, be njrptna hear kl
guile kld heart zmblm
guinea corn (generic term for millet and heartburn yr
sorghum) sw heat jgafau
guinea fowl dakm heat up dmtu = dntu, dnu
guinea worm nzna heave l
gum Arabic mbln heaven bit, ndagi
gums dnk = dnku heavy nd 
guts az hedgehog atan , km i
gypsum kwab heel dtli, dshi
height dt
help g u
H help(ing) mbrn
hemarroids bs ru
hemorrhoids biyk
hail sirkc hen kz
hair sk herbalist Mlm, ndrm
hair, grey nkwr, wncr herd biri = buri, mecc
hammering dmi
here bce, cam
hand sr
here it is am a, aye
hand over bu
here they are am a, aye
handbag llintr hero gwarzo, kwatak‰r
handle of hoe or axe gdi heron ngr  ko
handsome bln hiccough, hiccup tíik
hangnail cnkc
hide bnkwtu, bnkwu = bnku
happen y = íy
hide (skin) ft
happiness kuno, mf m ko
hill g˘y
hard k˘ktm hippopotamus d˘ku m m
hard ground kylkyl hit dkwu
hare sim r hoe gjram, kl, zgm
harsh sound jngrm
hoe up grzu
hartebeest lf
hoe, harvesting ng j
harvest znku
hold cw
harvest season b gl hole r , t˘n = t˘n
hat jkw, tgiy hole of escape for rodent uk
hat, straw grmp hole, shallow grs
hatch  tlu
hole, small ri
hawk dank
hollow ngrj
haze br
home kwr = kwru
head k hometown jgo
head off jgu
English-Karekare Wordlist 91

honey ishni a group, car full, fill up with, cilis

honey badger byim small amount, cirot quick exit, arai
hooked stick zwci full to the brim,  movement of a
hookworms c caka crowd, fak = pak distant, fakwat
hoopoe gjagj m Ndaga = gj running away, farat clearly in view;
m ndagi quickly, fau sour, hot, fir distant,
horn lim gmk striking, gazal popping out,
horn (musical instrument) mkum imk hiding, ir red, ja just, merely,
hornbill, grey t lk only, jajak = jijik terrified,startled,
hornbill, ground zngn janja tightly swollen, jib-jib short
hornbill, red-billed k˘k˘ji size, kacakaca scattered, shattered,
hornet zkwlmb kncli running and jumping,
horse d˘ku karap at once, karmis-karmis
horse (type) bdi, kyr black, jr pelvic movements in dancing,
brown, b kl two-colored, kl white, krsh -krsh slow movement,
b‰l white kiak-kiak carefully, stealthily,
horsefly barmaj, dya t d˘ku furtively, ki-ki laughter, kiri
hot season bazar large amount or variety, kucup
hot weather jgafau falling suddenly, kula snapping
house kwr = kwru loose, kurus dead, kwkwyu-
householder b kwr kwkwy raising dust, kwalak
how kar, nd white, li an completely covering,
how about...? wam ngarau clear sound, nji pouncing,
how many/much man paca-paca messy, patl striking, pir
huge dlbc whir of wings, ra us snapping in
huge and lethargic zgrk two, raau just right, shi stinging
human being ng birim pain, sikit black, sit-sit breathing,
hunger kuzm tkwa-tkwa boiling, talau-talau
hunger in morning flm-filim tall, tk-tk shaking, tlirit green,
hunter b br, b bs, mzam = tuku -tuku movement of donkey,
mbzam waket-waket-waket crying, wup
hunting br lunging, íyamak distant
hurl fr, y idleness ksal
husband mz idolatry gwram
hut bn if bay, d˘, na, y = y
hut for animal rt implant b
hut made of cornstalks cngy implements kari
hyena znjai important m iw
important, become krnu
impossible, be ggru
I impudence jirkn
in order that kto, kt
incense abs, brz
ice sirkc
including srm
ideophone bangazam falling from a
increase gtu, gttu
blow, brkti disorganized, bk
indeed ke, kwa, mu, r, m
with a pop, buk-buk-buk rhythmic indeed (after imperative) b
slapping, bulus easily, cheap, cak in
92 English-Karekare Wordlist

indigestion yr
information ffi
inhabited area lard
injection l fr
kangaroo rat kwa ank˘li
injury dnka y
keep doing dfu
injury (to toe or finger) dank˘tliy
kernel(s) ik
inquiry t 
kick bd, tlb
insect knka
kidney dibmbro, dídm
insect (type) brdk m ndagi,
kill dkwu
dlmba-dlmbu, dl, gabk t
kindling ckum = ckumu, yg
sw, jangwi t fltn, kwrk‰d,
king gwm, dfu
man , t m-t m
kite uri
insect, biting ngu
knead mb u, m nglu
inside ko = kau, tfan = tfu
knee brsn
inspect n
kneel ks brsn
insult flu
knife di
intelligence ankl
knife, domestic dli
intentionally wwi = mwi
knock down nz tu
intercept cpu, gm b, jgu
knock-kneed brm
interior ko = kau
knock-kneed person b brm
intestine, large brzungulu
knot, tie nd u
intestines az
know mntu
knowledge asm = asm = asn
iron wyum = yum = íwyim
kola g‰r˘
itching rababa
kunu da tlu, dgwl

jackal dil
lack dru, dar
jaw gum, agwalam, gry
ladder, rope ganjisk
jealousy míy
ladle nky , jni, lugd
jigger jg
lake fl
jinn ljin
lame kd
join gmtu
lament brme
join together mttu = mbttu
land yali
joining forces gm t b˘
language b˘
joint of stalk kwalalai
large m iw
joking dlrbd
large penis mrdl
journey mrko = mrkau
late, be ngstu
judge lkl
laughter gl, zro
jump ndru
law gwram
jumping gl, j ir, ndir
lay t tu
jute stalk knkl
lay eggs lu
lay out sntu
lay out to dry ftru
English-Karekare Wordlist 93

laziness t m loan bs

lazy person s, ngud locking legs k‰li
leaf kma t a locust kwncr
leak out nzr locust (type) dfi, gwr, kfn
learn cwtu locust bean (flower ball) dangun
leather ci locust bean flower lci ˘
leave behind lku locust bean juice dan˘
leave behind/alone dyu log tgm
leaves df = dfu log across well gwndil
leaves of guinea corn tlaram loincloth kupirm, swi
leaves, new mran loincloth for women ddm
left (side) guw loincloth, women’s fafa
left over, be kn long nzai = mnzai
leg syo long ago dmn
leg of chicken dingl long and thin iri iri
leg, lower sandara look for myu
leopard zgau look over n
leper rgi loose lg-lg
let dyu lose gptu
liar ngadri lost, get bwu, gfu
lick lmptu lots of gm
lie (untruth) rw = r w lots, casting kl
lie down t u louse jnkwar = jnkar
lies gad louse, fowl kshktm = ktkshm
life extent kb love cm, ndlo
lift sktu, shn tu = yn tu = luck wun
hn tu lulutating íyararai = yararai = iriri
light-colored mfe lunatic b gwigwai, b tlb
lightning w  lute, large ykand
like (be fond of) ndlo lying crosswise ngr rm
like (similar to) gidi, jut lying out flat brdngl
likeness sb = sb
limit f t, tman, íyarn, c k
limp nksu
lined up jrnn
lion cagdlau
lip ft m b˘ machete dd
mad, drive tlbtu
little bt wad, mcin, t‰tai
mad, go tlbu
liver ri s
madman b tlb
living ting no
lizard dnkar mai gwm
lizard (type) kl‰k, mbrr , make y = íy
dnjnj male mz
mallet kntunkuru
lizard-like k˘sh r
malnutrition jgrnm
lizard, male ng˘z˘
man, young bzn
lizard, old kwtankwar
load kari, sn , wl = l manner gidi
manure tk
94 English-Karekare Wordlist

manure of chickens jngwl˘ i = mist zintr, b bndim, br

jnkwl˘ i mix dmbu, brzzu
many gm mix together mttu = mbttu
mare wz miya gno = gnau
market sk moaning jmt, mpo
marriage kwr mocking g‰r
marrow shy modesty cw
marry kwru moist, be c u
massage nj u moisten c tu, mzgu
master b kwr, mgnim moisture shm
mat b c palm leaf, t co zana mat Mom mma, nna
matches shn Monday Rtrn
maturity zngln money wyum = yum = íwyim
maybe wanang mongoose swn
meaning sirm monitor, grey km ci
measles kwpcr monitor, Nile yng
measure cru = cryu monkey bd
measuring cariy = cariíy monkey, old guzhi m bd
meat l‰, shgga, sr month trai
meat, roasted kru moon trai
medicine s‰rm = s‰rm moonlight b˘ trai
medicine room cb moreover wam, wand
meet dg u, gmu, lmu morning brb i, g rw
meeting place dandl morning star b  m jgau
meeting point g gm morning, early twt
melt rdl, sw morning, late hníywi = níywi
metal wyum = yum = íwyim mortar tm
metamorphose ml u = mlíyu mosque masallci
middle gabi mosquito ny‰nyo
midnight dirt (t b ) mosquito larvae w k, znkirawi
midwife n n t tf moss kalangu
migrate ngz mother dd, nna, nn , nn, n
milk y i mother-in-law skwr
milking (an animal) nzar mould pot ku
millet mr o general term (Pennisetum mound ndigr
glaucum, H. gero), m y general mound for planting jgwi
term (Pennisetum glaucum, H. mount 
maiwa), dms Eleusine coracana mount of Venus bumbum
(finger millet), mri new millet, mountain gco, g˘y
gwgwa short heads mourning period grbn
millet heads, newly ripe bry mouse csim
millipede jangwi mouth b˘
mirror magni move íywlu = ywlu
miscarriage t  move a little nzku
miscarry t u move aside nzktu
miserliness nzm move residence ngz
misfortune gandara, kudr move things tknu
English-Karekare Wordlist 95

movement íyawli nest sk = skwu

much gm net rgay
mucous ish m w nti, wntin = net for wrapping a bundle bmma
ntin = w ntin net, clap (fishing) jr
mud ndin new cikn
mud hole cri newborn anjlm
muddy water ndin news cc
mule lfidr next world bit
musk shrew g mzi next year gdn
muzzle zmptm nice ywo = íywo
night b
night, spend the tu
N nightime activity gdir
nine nn
noise dir, kwrsi
Naira Nair
nonetheless gi k kut
naked m, umurum north gz
name sim nose wntin = ntin = w ntin
names, female is, lw, sh, nosebleed gd
Btt t, Bint, Birb = Burb,
nostril tn m wntin
B˘b = Gwrb, Dmj , D v,
not bai
Dgr , Gwnd, Hasn , j gl ,
nothing but d˘
J gl , Jjai, Mjy Ndvu, now nce
Ml k, Msk , Psm, Sm , number of k
Usin , Wurw numerous gzhgzh
names, male Alj, Ar, Bandm,
nursing kwz
Bzm, Bln, B˘ri, Dabr,
Damb , Diy˘, Gabko, Gnjgi,
G sik, Gr m, G sh w, Hasn,
Jd˘, J j, Jm, Jng, Jj, Jingr, O
Knk d, Kriy, Kk , M di,
Mkwai, Mkw , Ml‰, M m, oath, take hnn dmi
Mmn, M kti, Sban, sain, obtain w
sku, Yug occiput njl
names, male or female Dmz, Gb‰, ocean uc
Gj, Sh w odor fo = fan, ngs
naming ceremony gmu, zin sim of m, t
nasal passage ngrng ra offspring b
nausea flm-filim, k mallo oil mr
navel tmbi old su = s˘
near kwac old (of animals) gzhn
neat ng˘yi old age jr
neat looking wlwl old person su = s˘
neck w lo = lau old, get swu
needle l fr on k
negation bai on purpose wwi = mwi, mwi
neighbor b  tingno one wai
neighborhood ci one day fta
96 English-Karekare Wordlist

only mba- + poss. pron., sai peck nj u

only child g‰ro peek znku
open f, ktu peek over g
open out btl peel  ku, hníyu, r  u, r u
open the mouth gmu peel off tl 
opponent nzfa peep znku
or k‰ peer nzfa, znku
organize cr tu peers c
orphan trku pelvic thrusts nja 
oryx mry pen (writing instrument) lkalmi
ostrich nza ni penis il
outperform in farming gandu penis, erect gangl
outside ml people lk, min = mun
overtake lmu perfume wrdi
ovveripe, become kncu perhaps wanang
owl dzh permit dyu
owner b, mgnim, n nt person ng
persperation bikr
persuade gtu, gwlntu
P pestle nku
phlegm ish m wnti
pick beans cmu
pad for animal's back lfri pick fruit tlu
pagan kird pick out íyku = yku
pain fa , mngwai = ngwai pick up su
palate ngrngra
pickpocket aswnm
palm fronds r o = hr au
piece broken off jl
palm shoots zk˘j
pied crow ndlrku = nzrku
palpitations of heart lli- lli pierce bntu, gy, smpu, shyu
pancake of groundnuts ngzi pierced, be bntu
panel of city gate gdgam pigeon, domestic bru
pants yank
pigeon, red-eyed ndl ri = nd ri
pants, women's ftri
pile ndigr
pare  ku, r  u
pile of branches g m
part of something g pile of grass tr m kr
pass ky pile of millet heads jg
pass by g  pile up gdu
pass through tlbu
piles biyk, bs ru
patch mn u = min u
pinch fíyu = fyu
path ndr
pinch off kntu
patience kndi place b, bti, fl, g
patience, seek br b˘ place in question by
patient, be dddru place on c u
pauper b ky
placenta skc
pay back smu
plain kylkyl
peak cilw t , fri
plait lmu
peanuts, culled gdlam plaiting hair lm‰ = lmau
peanuts, immature njalu
English-Karekare Wordlist 97

plan asm = asm = asn, dbar rattlebo íyrw Leptadenia hastata,

plant (sow) bsnu cnm = cinu Loranthaceae spp.
plant, make holes for seeds j u and Tapinanthaceae spp. (mistletoe),
planting bsn gdlrwai Ludwigia octovalvis or
planting crosswise zir Jussiaea suffruticosa, kw tl Luffa
plants (see also ‘trees’, ‘grasses’) spp. (loofah gourd), ilm t jadawi
madbur Alysicarpus vaginalis, Merremia tridentata, kcgaigai
ru s Annona senegalensis (custard Mitracarpus hirtus (button grass),
apple), gaknka Aristolochia gzk Momordica balsamina
albida; A. bracteolata, fs Borreria (balsam apple), brgi Nymphaea
stachydea, clnf Calotropis lotus (lily pad), gjirwai Oxystelma
procera (Sodom apple), mf bornouense, jnka Peristrophe
Caralluma dalzielii (mosque stalk), bicalyculata, mi Polygala
mbaryo Catunaregam nilotica, dyi arenaria, njr Quassia undulata
Centaurea perrottetti; C. praecox (elephant’s sugar cane), indim
(thistle), dlk Ceratotheca Raphionacme brownii, mdlg
sesamoides (false sesame leaves), Ricinus communis (castor bean),
kdlur Ceratotheca sesamoides kl sk Senna italica (Italian senna),
(false sesame leaves), gy zngn t sa Senna obtusifolia (sicklepod),
Ceratotheca sesamoides (type of lma t br wa Sesamum alatum
false sesame leaves), dmi-dmi (antelope sesame), tci Striga
Chamaecrista mimosoides, senegalensis or S. hermontheca
cagadl r Cissus populnea, sil (witchweed), kma t k‰ro
Citrullus lanatus, r so Coccinia Stylochiton lancifolius, lbasr m
grandis tindora, gumm znjai Urginea spp. (wild onion),
Crotalaria mucronata, yi-yi dam m br wa Vigna spp. (beans,
Cucumis metuliferus (horned melon), wild), ck do Waltheria indica,
yi-yi t d Cucumis ddn Ximenia americana (spiny
pustulatus, mb jbo Datura plum), indim t mbzam
stramonium (Jimson weed), birn Xysmalobium heudelotianum, uy‰
Dichrostachys cinerea or Acacia t znjai Ziziphus mucronata
ataxacantha, nzmi Dioscorea (buffalo thorn)
bulbifera (aerial yam), c l l bzn plants (unidentified type) lgrif,
Euphorbia convolvuloides, E. spp. brbr zng , d d , ddn m
(dove milk), mp Euphorbia km ci, g nu, grdl t bd,
lateriflora, jgdlr Euphorbia jld, kwlku, nzk, rba-rba
unispina (cactus), ngsh m znjai t wan, íyg
Gardenia ternifolia, mass Guiera plants, cultivated (see also ‘gourd’,
senegalensis, mb Gynandropsis ‘guinea corn’, ‘maize’, ‘millet’,
pentaphylla (cat’s whiskers), íyrr ‘rice’, ‘sorghum’) bg beans (type),
Hibiscus asper (frog roselle), gwi- gmbram Abelmoschus esculentus
gwi Hippocratea guineensis, s l (okra), lbas Allium cepa (onion),
Hymenocardia acida, kfubr kglmo Allium sativum (garlic),
Indigofera astragalina, b b layyho Amaranthus hybridus,
Indigofera sp. (indigo), kw ri ksh Anacardium occidentale
Lannea spp., lall Lawsonia inermis (cashew), dibr = dibr t Masr
(henna), k t cru Leonotis spp. Arachis hypogaea (peanuts,
98 English-Karekare Wordlist

groundnuts), sht Capsicum pluck out, off dlu

annuum, C. frutescens (red pepper), plug mn u = min u
fri Citrullus lanatus melon, gwz plug an opening jrb u
Colocasia esculenta (cocoyam), ‰l plug up dmu
Corchorus tridens (jute), grdli pocket lpu
Cucumis melo (cucumber), snji point tm
Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin), by poison for arrow mn 
Cyperus esculentus (tiger nuts), tlai poke bku
Gossypium spp. (cotton), jm  = pole tk
jm  Hibiscus cannabinus (hemp polecat, striped kl-kl
plant, kenaf), r Hibiscus sabdariffa pollen on grain heads bbn
(sorrel, roselle), dnkal Ipomoea pond fl
batatas (sweet potato), atmtr poor person b ky
Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), poor, being ky
mangwr Mangifera indica pop out ka
(mango), dauy Manihot esculenta populace lk, jm, mind
(cassava) or Dioscorea spp. (yam), porcupine zz
z‰gale Moringa oleifera (horseradish post (for fence) tk
tree), yb Musa sapientum post, forked sibli
(banana), tb Nicotiana rustica; N. pot gb cooking, gab t gabi =
tabacum (tobacco), zmbtu Olea g km medium-sized for storage,
europea (olive), shnkf Oryza gndr large, g km = gab t
glaberrima (rice), gwaib Psidium gabi medium-sized for storage,
guajava (guava), rke Saccharum grfu large, used for storage, j˘b =
officinarum (sugar cane), s s j˘bi small for miya, kwankyl for
Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane), cooking tuwo, sw medium-sized
ln o = lm o Sesamum orientale for storage, tli large, for water
(sesame), kwt Solanum incanum pot support col e
(egg plant, garden egg), ylo pot-bellied rkwtmbi
Solanum incanum(small eggplant), potash cf
alkam Triticum aestivum (wheat), potsherd jl
dm Vigna sinensis (cowpeas, potsherd, ground k˘c
beans), dib r t jgo Vigna pound (wet substance) tkíyu
subterranea (Bambara groundnuts), pound for second time tmsu
gr Vigna subterranea (Bambara pound grain dru
groundnuts), kimb Xylopia pound nail b
aethiopica (guinea pepper), d pound to remove bran sf u
masr Zea mays (maize, corn), ctt pounding tool mraf
Zingiber officinale (ginger), nj  pour ksu
Zingiber officinale (ginger) pour in drops nzrtu
playing kw pour into ml u = mlíyu
plead with r˘ u pour through opening nzlu
pleasant tmu poverty ky
pliable lwt-lwt praise s k
plot nd  cc praise cries krw
plow su u praise crying by wrestlers kwrc
pluck nginif, tlu, ydru prayer dkir, gm b˘
English-Karekare Wordlist 99

praying mantis d˘ku m ndagi dku 2 pl., dto 3 f., hnn /dn/ 3 m.,
precede ky dsu 3 pl.
pregnancy ko = kau pronoun, independent genitive mno 1
pregnancy before weaning kunink m. or f., mmu 1 pl., mci 2 f., mko
premarriage meeting with husband az 2 m., mku 2 pl., mto 3 f., mn 3
prematurely born kul  m., msu 3 pl.
prepare ywntu pronoun, subject n 1 m. or f., mu 1
press down on kltu pl., ci 2 f., ka 2 m., ku 2 pl.
press on nj u protruding teeth cnkli
press out tr u pudenda bumbum
prevent g  puff adder knkrc
previously d mn pull dgu, nz, bgu
pride m pull off nku
proclamation shl pull out nku, nzku
procreate lwu pull with rope nzru
prod zngwrru puppy t t
professional ululator gyym purpose dl l
profit tman purposefully wwi = mwi
progessive marker z purse ckr, llintr
prohibit g  pus wurk = rku
prolapse of the vagina wli, zrzir = put away z
wili put back tutu, ymtu
promiscuous person mr‰ put down z
pronoun, [completive indirect object put on zbu
and intransitive copy]/[completive put on gown l
intransitive copy] hnnau/hnnakau 1 put out mbtu
m. or f., timu/tunku 1 pl., ci ~ ciki 2 python m wi
f., tikau/tikakau 2 m., tiku/tikuku 2
pl., tau/takau 3 f., hnni/tinki 3 m.,
su/suku 3 pl.
pronoun, direct object (completive/non-
completive) n/n 1 m. or f.,
quarrel y 
min/min 1 pl., c ~ c 2 f., k/k
quarter of town c i
2 m., kun/kun 2 pl., t/t 3 f.,
s/s 3 m., sin/sin = sun/sun 3 quench mbtu
pl. question (noun) t 
pronoun, general bound suffix question particle bi
quickly ka , ka -ka 
(genitive, direct object with totality
quickness lulau
extension, non-completive indirect
quiet, be k u
object) no, n 1 m. or f., mu, m 1
pl., ci, c 2 f., ko, k 2 m., ku, k 2 quilt armor for a horse lbdi
pl., to, t 3 f., n 3 m., su, s 3 pl. quiver tlkau
pronoun, genitive linked hnno /tno/ 1
m. or f., tmu 1 pl., ci 2 f., tko 2 m.,
tku 2 pl., to 3 f., hnn /tn/ 3 m. R
pronoun, independent hnno /dno/ 1 m.
or f., dmu 1 pl., dci 2 f., dko 2 m., rabbit simr
100 English-Karekare Wordlist

radio rdlm rescue wltu

rags rk resemblance sb = sb
rain m m ndagi = m ndagi reservoir kl
rainbird sgwi residue from dye pits dagwal
rainbow zwnu resist ggru
rainy season gpk, pz resolve dispute dkw cc
raise sktu, shn tu = yn tu = respond tlfu
hn tu rest htu, kin
ram gam restraint on animal or slave gwnkwal
rambunctious and small pincini retaliation fans
ransom wngu reticence cw
rascality jirkn return tutu, twu, ymtu, ymu
rash ftaft return hither yt
rat csim revenge, take smu
rat (type) bb, cc kumbi, krw rhinoceros bindrk k
ratel byim ribs brk
rattles worn on legs ajam rich, becom br u
rattles, metal jnjmi riches arzki, by, br
raw glu ridgerow b‰ro, t˘ri
razor lli ridgerow, space between fnd
reach tl, tl , sh  right (side) tti
reason dl l ring gfau
rebelliousness rann ring worn by royalty gwrb
receive bsku, tfu, w ringworm ngsin
receiver of guests in court c m rinse mouth ckwnkwyu
recently nd‰ ripen n
recklessly wwi = mwi ripening nuk
recover sm u ritual Suku end of year blessing
red mdi river uc
red and white níyr = hníyr road ndr
redeem wngu road, paved dig
reduce tku roan antelope gmk
refugees kk roar wrwrtu
refuse k u roast kru
region lard robe shkw  = shkí
release lu rock gco
religion f-t-Ndag roll b nkru
remain kn roll a disk brnk u
remainder kin roll along b nkru
remedy s‰rm = s‰rm roll on the ground brnk u
remember tnu roll up f u, sh u
remove f u rolling eyes back flzm
remove from a liquid íyw = w roof k t bn
remove from group ru roof, reinforcement in thatched roof
remove from liquid w dbn = dbn = dingns, dingns
rendezvous g gm = dbn = dbn
repair ywntu, k˘ u room bn
English-Karekare Wordlist 101

rooster gj say tmu

root r‰, sirm saying (+ quote) d = dy
root clump cl scabies tny
rope z˘ri scar b l , df = dfu, dgwar
rope for decorating pots brddko scare gr tu
rope, worn out nj  scarf knta
rot ngsu scatter dbtu, dbu, tgyu = tgíyu
rough surface krcni scatter about tkíyu
round im irim, kwra-kwr scepter kndr
rub ltnu scheme dbar
rub (wood) zg scold gdl, grnu
rub against sh fnu scolding grn, grigrn
rub on g mu scoop (utensil) tfl
rub to make smooth gl tu scoop out ru
rub together c u scoop out dry substance dl
rub with hand drmsu score s bwa
rubbish heap jj score (group of twenty) uy = huy
rude person b krb scorn krb, krbu
rudeness krb scorpion íyandri = yandri
ruin y tu scorpion, black ngrmi
rule jajm scrambling mbl, w wur
rummaging for food krm-kurum scrape r u
run gy scrape off millet seeds bryu
running j‰j‰ scrape out dw = dwu
rust jnj scratch kncu, rbbu
rutting  scratching rababa
scrub jrb u
seal mn u = min u
S search for wtlk u
secret asir
see m yu, n
sacrifice g tl
seed cdm
saddle sird
seedling ci, kin
sake of, for the k to, k t
seek out bku
saliva lm seize cw
salt bz , takn self-deprecation ks k
salvation mbrn self-interest ng fanai
sand is
selfishness ng fanai
sandal l fy
sell butu, btu
sarcasm mrnw
seller b bt
satisfied (from eating), be bu send (person) z
Saturday Sibd senses rni
sauce gno = gnau sent item zin
sauce flavored with ashes ktau
separate b 
sauce, ingredients m m gno
separate out ru
save mbru, wltu
serrated grjgrj
savings tsi servant for bride grz
sawdust dirdr
102 English-Karekare Wordlist

set up k singing w 
seven bc lu = bcib lu sip g u
sew dn u sister, older yy
sexual intercourse, have tu, ntu sister, younger mlu
shade, shadow clum, rni sit tng
shady dr s site lwi
shake ffmu, ggíyu six bc‰ 
shame cw skin ft
sharp pointed blbl skin (verb) wlu
sharpen lfu skin for water jnjmiy
sharpen a blad k u skink slly
shatter t u, tkcnu, tkccnu sky jb t ndagi, ndagi
shave kl slacker s
sheep tmci slander bzrtu
sheep, hairy bz slare kwlíymu
sheep, white aikwl slate ll‰
shelf for display indr slaughter g
shell of nut kwatlnkn slave njrum = njrm = njrin
shelter gdb sleeping t 
shillings, two fatak sliminess gluglau
shin íwamparam slip tl u
shining w  slip down or away slp u
shirt shkw  = shkí slipper lfy
shit sh slipperiness gluglau, tngl i
shoe lfy, spd slit yu, jr
shoot bs slow movement ttru
short wli = wl slut mr‰
short in excess gwnt r small b, t‰tai
short person r small head tokolok
shortness wlitn small opening ululu
shoulder k t bka small round head t˘ li
shout ˘ru, r ru smear l u
shove zngwrru smell kl
show tm smell at nsnu
shrike (see tchagra) kwrnn smell sour zhmu
sibling, older yy smith njzu = ngzu
siblings mni smithing ddk
sickle ludi smoke wlyo
side brk , fall, gir , z snail shell gtantanw
side (body) il il snake dmo
side-whisters gg snake (type) ngwmngwa
sieve rriya snake, harmless type
sift ttku snap shut bc
silent, be k u snatch up mbl
silver azrfa sneak up on snu
since tin sneeze wattish
singe wwsu, bmbyu sniff nsnu
English-Karekare Wordlist 103

snoring ngrum spices btr

So-and-So (feminine) mnce spider gzo, swn = sun
So-and-So (masculine) mn˘ spider (bright red) krikri (t
soak c tu, c u Ndagi)
soaked, be c u spill t u
soaring l w spindle kwarkwaro
soft and edible ri is-ri is spindle weight gl l
soil oneself cmtu spirit clum, gwigwai, mlkwm
some wad spirit (type) almbazm, kul rm,
sometime dwad usk
son b spit cr u, lm, tfu
song w  splatter tkcnu
soot wnwun = wrwur split jr
soothsayer mkw split wood tlf u
sorcerer lu, gwangli, mlm spoil ngsu, y tu, y u
sorcereress ndgy spray fru
sorcery dgwar, s˘k‰ spread l u
sore dnka y, mrk sprinkel with water yypu
sore in nose canc˘li sprinkle on wrw u
sorghum wtai general term (Sorghum sprout mrtu, mru
bicolor), ggrgdu bent over sprouts mran
heads, brf type of white spurs zrnka
sorghum, bje special for beer, square dandl
dsh short type, marga  Sorghum squat ngn
mellitum (type of sorghum with squatting jnglongl
sweet pulp), wlawyo red squirrel uyk
sorrel seeds m c squirrel, flying cargm, dkand˘l =
soul clum dkwandl
soup kr  stab smppu, smpu
sour fi ok stack gdu
sour odor zh m = zh mu stalk snu
sour smelling kangir stalk(s) kr
sour, become nzhmu stallion, large ngrg
sourness nzh m stammering dadyi
south njw stand for pot brnk um =
sow bsnu b nkran = jrgyl,
sow broadcast dr b nkran = brnk um =
sowing bsn jrgyl, jrgyl = brnk um =
spacious drr b nkran
sparks d m ysi stand up hn u = yn u = shn u
speak fu, mtu, tmu standing íyarn
spear rn i, y staple food fc, w 
speech cc staple food (type) dk 
speed lulau staple food without miya am
spend (long) time ngnu star znkcau = znkco
spend the night t u starling way-way
spend time nku start cin
104 English-Karekare Wordlist

start (begin) cw strutting b 

start fire fntu stuck, get ngl u
startle gr tu stuff kari
startled, be gr  = gr u stump tgm
stay tng stuttering dadyi
staying tingno sty in the eye k nc
steal cru submerge ku, dmbyu
stealing cri suck mpu
steer dak suffering b‰n, tkci
stench ng s, shel suffice tl, tl 
step on nj u suit tfu
stick zl suitcase ck
stick on l u sun fti
sticking out ears rg u Sunday Ld
stinginess nzm support ngmnu, ngumni
stink bug bnj surpass gr = gr = wr, ndra ,
stir tglu, íywlu = ywlu, ndrntu
brzzu surround brku
stirring stick brdku swaggering b 
stirrup strap dwl swallow lu
stocks dimbl swallow, mosque nzkwa-nzk
stomach ko = kau swayback dl
stomach, large bc swaying jalle
stone, small kc = kc swear to hnn dmi
stool kujr sweat bikr, jgafau
stoop ngn sweep dr
stop íyru = yru sweet mnp, tmu
stop (bring to a stop) íyrtu = yrtu swell sku
stop up dmu swelling from injury bb
storage glak = glk swift nzkwa-nzk
stork, Abdim's sgwi swinging r shi
storm aku sword agji
straight, go/be mu sympathy, express cw sra
straighten mtu = ntu syphillis c r
straighten something bu
strain íybrtu
strainer rriya
stranger njrfu
strangle kríyu
tail ctir
strap lpw
strength íykr = ykr take su, l
stretch mtu = ntu take back ymtu
strike hard mktlu take by force tlru
take from one place to another sn u
strike with thing thrown wrgu
take out f u
strip off yu, tl 
tale dindno
strong and big gd s
strong man gwarzo tall nzai = mnzai
tall and skinny jngwzm, zakl
English-Karekare Wordlist 105

tall and thin zrr thigh fnto = fntau, gwmo

tallness dt thin, become rc
tan leather dn thing men, m
taste kl, ltu = ltu, lnkw u, tku think about tnu
tasty tmu thinking clearly rni
tax arj˘ thinning crops ckr
taxes jpc  thirst kujm
tchagra kwrnn this (one) ayam, íyam
tea shy this and that mn-mn
teach cwtu this palce cam
tear tlr thorn íyar = yar
tears zrwni those an am, an , m, m =
teen mba kÖ m
tell fu, tmu thrash ddku, dkwu, gdru, ggtu
temper, temperament zmblm thrasing jb
ten bmba = mba , dcc threaten klklu
tending animals dawi three k n
termite mound gnj thresh cfu, gr
termite, large ngtl throat gurgwadlo
termite, small trn throw l, fr
termites, winged frd throw away t u
terrified, be gr  = gr u throw down nz tu
terrify gr tu throw out t u
testicles gaiw = gauíy thunder grn, grigrn
tethering post znci Thursday Lm sw
thank g˘du thus mi, gid , kut = kic
that (+ quote) d = dy tick kuzrku
that (one) m m, am , m, m, tick, cattle girgi 
m = m tie yn u
that (relative conjunction) mband = tie knot c 
bnd = mnd tie tightly gu, mu
that of m, t tie together/a knot nd u
that place , t = tm time b˘, l‰kc
thatching needle mni time (appointed time for) sart
the ,  = ë, yi = i time for an event jajm
the (one in question) am  times (multiplication) kwr = kwru
theft cri tiny il il, linkir, njilki i, y ga
then n , s , jan, sai, wat tired, be lb
there bt, bt, bti, by, , t = tiredness lb
tm titles Mlm, bilm village head
there is (one/some) kki, nad to 
there is... k toad dnd
there it is m, am a, am u tobacco blossom fre
there they are m, am a today nkuni = nkun
these anym, ayam, íyam together fl wa i
thickness dibs tomorrow c, nym three days
thief cru = cr˘ after, t k two days after
106 English-Karekare Wordlist

tongs Boswellia dalzielii; B.odorata

tongue l sn (frankincense tree), dl dlb Cordia
too ke, wat africana, agayau Crateva religiosa,
tooth c kind, t, zhiyom cuspid, Clerodendron capitatum,
canine kshinmt Crossopteryx febrifuga
top fri (?ordeal tree), lf Daniellia oliveric
tortoise gwadag‰r (opaiba balsam), tifn Detarium
tortoise (type) jnj blan microcarpum; D. senegalense, li
total dik Diospyros mespiliformis (ebony),
touch ltu = ltu, shfnu gyku Faidherbia albida (winter
touch lightly r u thorn), jdbi Ficus gnaphalocarpa,
town jgo F. sycomorus, cyi Ficus iteophylla
trace design ytu (fig, parasitic), ngwbr Ficus
tracing y = y platyphylla (gutta-percha tree), drmi
trading jaur Ficus polita, c kla Ficus thonningii
tradition d (fig), gwgu Gardenia erubescens
transplant k, kin (quinine tree), ngsh Gardinia
transplanting ci erubescens (quinine tree), dmdim
trap for birds ndlbn Gisekia pharnacioides, link Grewia
traveling mrko = mrkau, rkin mollis, g˘rif Hyphaene thebaica
tray, woven tbi (dum palm), tni Khaya senegalensis
tree  (mahogany), ngnn Mitragyna
tree in town square gmrm inermis, ml s Nauclea diderrichii
trees cyi, (see also ‘plants’, ‘grasses’) (African peach), mtci Parkia
wwo Acacia senegal, cnc˘li biglobosa (locust bean), dibin
Acacia sieberiana, gmwu Acacia Phoenix dactylifera (date palm),
sieberiana, kci Adansonia digitata jdbn Piliostigma reticulatum & P.
(baobab), jor Afrormosia laxiflora, thoningii, bjim Prosopis africana
Dalbergia hostilis, Burkea africana, (false locust), tnm Pseudocedrela
lon Anogneissus leiocarpus kotschyii (dry zone cedar), jnj
(chewstick tree), main Azadirachta Pterocarpus erinaceus (rosewood),
indica (neem), jan Balanites gwangwala Raphia sudanica (raffia),
aegyptiaca (desert date), ndlr = ng‰ny‰ Sclerocarya birrea
ndr Balsamodendron africanum; (marula), sakw i Sterculia setigera
Commiphora africana (African (karaya gum tree), tl
myrrh), jdbn m ndagi Bauhinia Stereospermum kunthianum (tulip
rufescens, dn Bombax tree), kwan k = kwan k
buonopozense (kapok), cirf Strychnos spp., ll w Tamarindus
Borassus aethiopum (deleb palm), indica (tamarind with sweet fruits),
bgai Cadaba farinosa, marguw dmi Tamarindus indica (tamarind),
Cassia arereh; C. sieberana, zar- dur Terminalia spp., dnci
zar Cassia arereh; C. sieberana, Vitellaria paradoxa (shea nut), dbi
jinjli Cassia singueana, r mi Ceiba Vitex doniana (black plum), uy‰
pentandra (kapok tree, silk cotton Ziziphus mauritiana (jujube), kurn
tree), kwkw Cocos nucifera Ziziphus spina-christi (Christ's thorn)
(coconut), dby Combretum spp., trees (unidentified type) asuwni,
dj Commiphora kerstingii; bcu, cillibir, dbníyl, dgl,
English-Karekare Wordlist 107

drai, dyi, dmbru, drmi t uncover f

Gwna, w, gshk, gwz, undependability zugmbli
gbi, gnm, kuníy r, kwkw, under far
kwnkwni, kwrc, lli = l˘li, l˘li undergo s
= lli, mbdlg, mbalwzi, understand kl
mbry, t t t kwr, tiri, understanding, seek br b˘
wnwun, znd undress fu
trembling rnni unhaft íyltu, íylu
trick dbar unhappiness birim m ko
trick someone bbtu unhappy ngr -ngr
trickster swn = sun unmarried person gand
trip mrko = mrkau unstable person dli m ftlu
trip (stumble) tlbu untie b
trip up kr until ar = har, sai
troubles b t up ndagi
troublesomeness kl b uproot nku
trough jr urine indn = íyandn
trousers yank useless b t
truth j r uvula gku
tsetse fly kwtnkwami
Tuesday Tlt
turban f˘lo, p˘lo
turkey tl‰-tlo
turn around mlu = mlíyu
turn by turn b˘b‰ vagina frsi = prsi
valley lmp
turn into mlu = mlíyu
various dgu-dgu
turtle (type) jnj blan
vein d
tuwo w
tuwo, plain am vervet monkey bd ngr
tweezers kem viper rib-rib
twenty uy = huy virgin r jo = r jau
visitor njrfu
twigs ckum = ckumu, yg
voice wlo = lau
twin nj˘ni
volunteer plant gwazam
twins jangm
twist mru vomit líyu
twist rope lmu vulture skit
twist two-strand rope lm‰ = lmau vulva frsi = prsi
two blu = lu

U waist b
ugly ds wait mu
ulcer mrk wait (for) nyu = mtu
umbrella lyim waiting m
wake up gr  = gr u
unable, be ru
walking rkin
uncle cn
108 English-Karekare Wordlist

wall of house bango wetness shm, njd˘

wall, town bg = bgu whack jjfu
want ndlo what my, myy
war tw whatever mk
ward of town c i when dany, ma = m, na, ye, y = y
warm k m when (question) dan
warm up dmtu = dntu, dnu whenever fti wike
warn klklu where ay, yy, biy, nd
warthog gdu, gbs wherever yk
wash b u which (relative) mband = bnd =
wash dishes br u mnd
washing dishes br n which one wym
wasp, mud-dauber znzin whichever wik
watch myu while ago cwan
water m whip lak‰d
water skin jnjmiy whip (strike w. whip) gb u
water with flour mixed in clm whirlwind mni-mni
water, grain soaked m m clm = whistling fníyau
am clm white mfe
waterbuck kwnt whitish fdlr
waterbug lli-lli whitlow f l
watercourse ndr m m who l, ly
watering animals jar whoever luke
way gidi widow jdwi
weak and loose dl dlr wife mnd = mndu, mn
wealth arzki, by, br wife who has left her husband agwd
weapon brm wife, senior nnt kwr
weave cku, dkwu, ryu wind f fl = filfl
weaver bird gl wing bka
weaver, buffalo dy winnow with a tray bktu
weaving ck winnow with tray ttku
Wednesday Lrab wipe ltnu
weeding r u wipe on gmu
weeding, second r  wipe out with finger s u
week mk wit asm = asm = asn
weep zw with k
weigh cru = cryu wither lnu
weighing cariy = cariíy withhold g 
well (for water) bzn without mr
well (good health) blk woman mnd = mndu
well bucket, ring around top damsr woman, young r jo = r jau
well now wat wood rr
well-bucked kurf woodpecker tg˘g
well, abandoned dndf˘ m bzn word cc
well, collapsed lu t bzn work wn = wnu
well, temporary mrmp work hard kr tu
west gen work poorly zugmbli
English-Karekare Wordlist 109

work, communal gny

worker b w n
world bai m l, dniy
worm nz fir
worried, be d mu
worry d mtu
worthlessness banz
wrest away tlru, shru
wrestling w g
wring mru
writing board ll‰

yard in front of house c ki
yawning hkm
year min = mun
year, last fata
year, next gdn
year, this daríe
yell ˘ru
yellow gjr
yes ˘í‰
yesterday nz no
youth b zn

zorilla kl-kl

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