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Mobile App Review Form

App Name

Which category does this app fall into? Name some of the competitor apps.
Category: Business where people can create supplies and sell them to people and other people can
buy their stuff as well.
Competitors: Amazon, Ebay

What is the purpose of this app? Which problems does it solve?

Esty is where you create a small business to sell your products that you have created (Jewellery,
Bags, clothing, home décor, toys, etc.) It helps people with small businesses to expand and for
other people to notice their work they have done.

Who is this app targeted towards?

It mainly people above 12+ but anyone can create a small business and for other people to buy
their stuff they have created.

How has this app been rated by others? Explain why you think this is based on the reviews.
Most people have rated it five stars because it did help a lot of people during lockdown, and you
get to see talented creators on there and help with their business.

Based on the UX and UI, how would you rate this app? Explain why.
For the UX I will give it 5 stars as going on the app is a really good experience and a lot of creators
do work hard to create the products they want, and it is hard being small business, but I think Etsy
is the perfect opportunity to grow. For the UI I would give it 4 stars I think because some people
products are digital and must send it to you on your emails.

How could the user interface of this app be improved?

I think it could have a few upgrades as sometimes it does glitch out and then the things I save are
now gone and are hard to find.
How could the user experience of this app be improved?
I think that it is annoying when the business does go on a break, and you must wait for them to
come back which you don’t know when. Also, the prices you need to pay for some clothing are a
lot of money sometimes.

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