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Icoould Ifke to expresa my special thans o

9gratitude to ny
teacher Vishal Sir al weu a our pr+ipal Hiro Sinha Ray ma'am
who gave me the golden opportunity
oppuortunity to do thç oondeal projet on
the topic Swot ANAIYSIS', Oh)ch aue helped me în doirg a dot
research andI ame to know about so
mang thinga
I am realy thanufollto thenm
SecondlyI wauld lihe to thanlu my paerta and fiends who helped
me a lot fn yiniching thç projet witün the sipulated time.
slno ToeTCS. Page-no

1. 1
|About 4 history of Irc Limited
Ounership 3

Capital Structure 4
4. 5
5. Poftability
Swor Analysig of Irc Lirrited (Detaled)
6. Suot Anagis q Trc litited (diagromic repreetahcn
1. Conclusion 10
ITC limitedi an Thd>an conglomerate company head quatered in
Kolu ata. Irc ha a divers+fed pre ence oro industie such u
hotels, sofuare,pocluaging- poperboardi,speiality popers and agribuicnej
Ihe company ha 13 buienessel în 55 segmenG.It expora in product
in q0coutYielIts product are available n 6 millicn retail 0utleb
On 9h Apri 2023, nmaruet cap crossed the mlettone d 3b00,000
crore (us$63 billion) far the yirgt time în company's histary »yallawed
T600, o00 (us416 bil lion) maru am a0Jaiy 2023
by crossing
and be coming Tndio's biggelt FHCg compony

Fstablished în 1910 au the Imperñal Tobaco Company 0F IndiaLimited,

the company wal named as the Tndian Tobacco Compary Limited m
1970 and later ts I.T.C LTmited n (414

Ircthat wau oigrally mamed "Jmpefial To baco Company 9 Indian

Limited succeded wo company ad a Brítish-In dian Company
Yegicte red în Koluott. Since the
company wa agricuture baued it
Ventured ito partrershipe wth the armers ther tre yat ogoml
ompany uw se up in 1913 in Bangokure.
Then began the construcion-for the Company's headquater the
Virginia Htbuce 'at
'at cuta Then ynther aa yrinting yactor
up t oreduce inypor t cost The company acquired the monuyacurer
buisness g Tobacco Nanuyodurer rdia) Limied and the compiemeiary
buîenest g Ainters Tndial Limited în 1963
lithagaphie printing

known a rdian mutinational congiomerali
Irclinited jormery
that hau an headquatere în koluata, Jet Bengal .TIc tu orm u
Trdan Tõbacco Company
IrcOoner -Saniv Auri üthe Chainman 4Managing Diretor )
Irc Limited, Ic Simited i a pubüc company and o oonerchip u
dístrubuted among i chareholders , the arget shareholden I7C
limited u Life Fsuarance oh)ch holds l6-3- a, campany ' share Hher
Shareholdert alo înclode other însituticnal învertuYS,
major single auner a the
ond indiidual shareholder, there ü no sngle
yund aghare u the ouner o the omparg
company eveyone whs u holding
The paidup Share Capital the compoany a on 4" fuquct,5012023
ZI246,49,39, 501 (Rs 1246.48 rore)divided into 124G,48,34,
yace vavawe
Shares a the yace Ruppee 1/-each
11,18, 19,5 ,980 Ordinary Sharel d] the Carmpony repreenting
89.46% 4 the company 's paid up capital, au on "Aqust, 2023 are
held în demateDqsed yarm
Total mumber ) Share holder on 4th Hugust, 2083, 3153104
meetinq decs come
The Board q dinectus g the company at the meeting
6-75 and spedal dividen d a 2.75 per
doon to Final Divedert a Rs 6.75
ordinary share a 21/- each

increaue îni consilated net prait at
Jtc td reported a 24 percentage increaue
Rs 4670 croret in the seond quater FY23, led by a strong peyane
acros seqmena Trcduding dggaral and agíaitureobuieneu crorel în
ts Revenue from Operation rase 26.36 percentage 0 Rs 19,608
the seand quater of te curtent fiscal compared to Rs I4,844.33 cr¡re
the yeor ago perîod.
Trc's tot ad expensel were at Rs 12,823.87 crore up 26 percent in Q2/
FY 2022-23 againat Rs 10,268.26 crore în the comeypondahe quater
ITC, which has brandJ îndwding Aashîrvaad, Sunfeaut ,Bingo, fiama, Vivel
and Clgggmal , said the sharp escalatim n înput COst wal migated
through strate gie cost management , premiumsation, supaty chain agly
judidoue pricing acions, fisoal încetives ,levorging digtal and optimising
channe ascartmentc

Hevenueyrom Ircs hatel wa up 80-16 7. to Rs b60.37 erarel în compari

wau &31.04
sion to o lower bae 9 pandoemic corepondare grouth
Yore in

Irc'shous Score o 9.00.1he prayiabiity Score Yor

yor JTc
TTc mited
ü significarily higher than itk peer group

Suor ru/S15 OF LicLiriD
Suot Analyis üa straterge planing tol thad ielpa to idertify an argonisa
tion's strengths, weakness, opportyrnitie and threal.Heres aSwoT oralcic of
ITe Limted,a wed unouon Ihdian

1. Diverzed Auianes: Irc operalu in mitiple sector including FNcG, notels,
poperboard, agri- buisnecs
buisnesg and TË.

4. Strong Brand:ITc hai a strong brand preence n Thdia

varíous buisness , ohich contibute to custonmer loyalty ond recogrígot in
3. financial Stability : The company hu ayiranial sability yor operatn
and ínvetment în new venturel
4. Distibution Netuorl: Irc hau an extentive netoore
guing t a competie
od1antage in rechingn9 conUmer across
the Courhny
5. Sustan+bilits : Iic have been highly inolved in suistainable aliqns it
chonging consumer
Prgaere ad1reqularory
reguia hend.



I. Dependence an Tobaco:
Ihsturicaly , a signifcant portion qIrck reenue came yromio
tobacco buisness -Thu dependency on a CmYoveY+al and theavily regula"
ted Irdushy bebe a wEaunesS

2. yeographical Conentaticn:
Wnile iCU aprominent plaer în India, it still hauimited Interna
tional preence compared to some glabal competitors.

3. Complex Regulatnry buicIcse

he company operatel in various în dustrie each with t unique
Yegulatory challengei in India, which con add Camplexity to t

IExpansian in FNCG:
lc haue been învertin gîn i FHCG bieness which înclde popular
brand1 in cotagone) like pocuagedyod ,person al care preeting u
wth oppotunity t yurther erpansim
2.Toternational Horue
Irc can axplore erpanding ii preente în internaticnal marue

levorging hength inn varous

varioUC Sectur

3. Jnooicn:
There's an oppurtunity toto învet în research and developmen C,
driving innovatian în producl ond proceuel acrocr diverse buisner


|. Compedion:
Ircyocel compediticn yrom both domertic and înternational
players inn1itk varñouc buiknecs sectorn leading to pnan9 pressue
Corttinou înnovathon
and needyo

2. Regulatasy Change:
The reqatg eniroment în Inaia can impact Ircs operation
partiulary n the tobbaco sector

3. Econornîcfactor: Economie fluctvatioru, înfl ationu and change 7n consune

demand yr cert
certain ppdvct ile lobbace
Spending patern can îmact

Suot BrkYSTS
- Diversed Buisnecs
-Dependence on
Strong Brand Tobacco
Financial Stability -Geographical Concertration
- Distribution networu Complex requlatory buienest
Oppurtunitiea "Threats

-Expansion in FucG -com pedition

International Maruet Regulatry Change
Economic foctor
Tnnovation -Health and welneac lrend.
Suot Analyís helps youte idertify your argorizat+on chrengths,
Weaunecs, Threat, 1+ quidel yuuto build m what gou do eU, addreaç
what you are
loding ,sege ne) opputunilty ond minimge. ria
Irc tds diverse portfulio , shong byrand preence , and stong
díchibuin networe postjon t a amaruet leoder în maret sectun.
towever, weanecs such al heovy dependence an a tobbacs biSne
and imited Interhai en prwernce, warent atertin
Ihe SwoT Analysie uil help to shed lght on the company't curent
SBandíing 9routh potenãal ,and stratergic împication , allowing stae holde
Yg to qan valoable ínsigo into it prospect.

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