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Workplace Newsletter

August 16, 2023, Felix Pina

Conflict Resolution Necessary Customer Service Skills

Resolving conflict in a workspace environment Being able to correctly communicate to a business
comes down to a few simple things to take into customer directly is a task that requires you to have
consideration. a set of skills to do correctly. This task if done
 Address the issue immediately. correctly could help build more trust with the
 Setting clear expectations customer. If done incorrectly though you could end
 Apply active listening skills. or lower the trust of the customer.
 Respect Personal Differences

How to use Problem – Solving skills in the

Safety in the Workplace workspace
Any business no matter big or small should make Problems are one of the most common things one is
sure their main priority is Safety in the workspace. going to run into in a workplace environment. That
The goal of prioritizing safety in the workplace is to is why it is important you have a variety of
prevent unfortunate incidents such as injuries, problem-solving skills for the variety of problems
illnesses, and deaths. Safety in a workplace you will run into at a workplace. Listed below are
environment is also to prevent the families of those some of the skills or steps you should follow if you
injured having to go through hardships because of are ever in one of these situations.
the incident.
1. Thoroughly understand the problem
2. Define the situation.
Dressing Professionally 3. Strategize a solution.
Dressing Professionally in a business setting is one 4. Find alternate Solutions.
of the most important things one can do to succeed 5. Evaluate solutions and document
in their work field. Dressing professionally is a key Everything.
factor when meeting someone and making a good 6. Choose a Solution
first impression. The fist impressions someone 7. Implement your choice.
makes about you could influence what they think of
you in the long run. Not dressing like a slob and
being dressed appropriately could result in you
being more confident and outgoing in the

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