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Unit 1 Writing Assignment 1

Outline (Intermediate Level)

Name: 吳芷榕 Department: ⼤傳⼀b Student Number:412050246
You are going to write two body paragraphs on the following topic: (See p.19-24)
Think about an animal in this unit or another animal that is similar to humans in some
way. What is one way its behavior is similar to and different from human behavior?

Below are typical ways to organize body paragraphs for a comparison essay: (See p.20)
(*請選擇以下⼀種Body Paragraph結構,並將其以螢光⾊標註,例:
a similarity→ a difference)
Body paragraph 1 Body paragraph 2
a similarity → another similarity
a difference → another difference
a similarity → a difference

● Thesis Statement
While dogs and wolves are similar in some ways, the two are different
in terms of their relationships with humans and their social structures.
While ___________________ and ___________________ are similar/ different in some ways, the two are different /
similar in terms of their ___________________ and ___________________.
➔ 句型結構2:
___________________ and ___________________ are similar in some ways but different in others. They both
___________________, but they differ in terms of ___________________.
Elephants and humans are similar in some ways, but different in others.
They both form important social bonds with others, but they differ in
terms of social structures.

● Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: One way that dogs and wolves differ is in their
relationships with humans.
Supporting Ideas/Details: Dogs are generally friendly and helpful
around humans.For example, dogs helped early humans hunt.Wolves,
on the other hand, are shy and fearful of humans.One reason for this is
that wolves are generally afraid of anything that is unfamiliar.

● Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: Another way that wolves and dogs differ is in their
social structures.

Supporting Ideas/Details: Wolves in the wild live in social in social

groups called packs.A wolf pack is made up of male and female
alpha pair.While wolves need to live in packs, dogs do not.This is
because, unlike wolves, dogs do not need to hunt to survive.Dogs in
wild search for food scraps left by humans or other animals on their

Source: Pathways: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking 3, 2nd Ed

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