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President Report

Orange Walk Branch

February 2019- October 2019

Afternoon, members of the Orange Walk Branch. It gives me great pleasure to be here today to address
you. Let me start by thanking central Branch for unfreezing/holding back our dues due to unscrupulous
financial mismanagement. As newly elected executive it took us more than a year of negotiations with
central to come to a commitment. The executive inherited negative Values. With credit to K&N that
demanded payment also payment to the president at the time was owed to mention a few. Traveling,
stipends and union activities were extremely strenuous and projects we had in mind had to be
suspended. As a body of ten executive members we pursued to save the face of the union by executing
proper fiscal budgeting. Today I am proud to report we have come a long way out of this dark period.
The executive needs to meet with Central to finalize monies owed to the Orange Walk branch and take
proper action to recover any outstanding monies. As a competent executive we plan and evaluate our
actions. With the effort not to repeat the same mistakes. We learn from them.

After the release of our dues to continue coming to the branch we immediately implemented some cost
saving measures. The first was the change of venue from Gala to crystal palace. Secondly our own
printer and PA system. Traveling and stipend were held back.

With monies saved we venture into activating our youth arm, women’s committee, and education
committee. These group flourish under this executive and we have invested heavily in them. Boisterous
and energetic leaders were born to lead these groups. We at the executive are proud of them.

1. ICJ forum in Belmopan was well attended. We had buses from all over the district. Teachers
were eager to hear the unions position. The union position at the moment was to inform
teachers about the fact. And that was what was done.

2. Annual Teachers Convention Corozal

We held our national BNTU convention at Corozal where we participated both in sports and also in the
meetings. The Executive of the Orange Walk Branch was able to organize bus runs for both days. On the
first day, we joint other branches in the national president, national secretary and national treasure’s
report. We also discussed the new and edited laws that will be looked at. On the second day, we also
took part in the football competition. Both male and female were victorious. Male football team came in
first and the female football team came in second.

3. Teacher’s day at Progresso

In May Teacher’s Day 2019 was celebrated at branch level. The executive of the Orange Walk Branch
was able to organize a Teacher’s Day Planning Committee that was headed by Ms Doreth Pascacio, Ms
Sylvia Marin and Mrs Sharon Reynolds. The committee was able to gather prizes and organize a fun
filled day of activities. While the branch provided two buses to Progresso Village, several members and
non-members also drove to the village in their private vehicles. The guest speaker for the day was Mr
Francisco Tillett Sr. It was a day well spent as teachers from various schools were able to interact with
each other, play games, dance to the music of the Youth Connection Band and enjoy a relaxing BNTU
Orange Walk Branch Teacher’s Day.
4. Women’s Committee

I am proud to say that the women’s committee were very active for this term. Mrs. Shahira Lara proudly
represented us in the BNTU women’s committee. They attended two women workshop for the two
consecutive years with five active members that represented the branch. Both workshop were held for
women’s week and helped participating members to appreciate their power within them. The women’s
committee also had a representative in the Education International convention held in Thailand. Ms.
Maria Magana represent the BNTU. Overall, the group of women did an extraordinary representations
of BNTU females teachers throughout Belize!

5. Youth Arm Committee

The Youth Arm Committee is pleased to give thanks to all teachers who participated and supported us.
This term was of great joy to initiate the committee with teachers who gave their all at sports, meetings
and workshops. Members that participated in the workshops were of ages 35 and below. The
committee involved young teachers in workshops of Leadership. Mr. Eder, as the Youth Arm
representative, took part on a workshop at Belize Biltmore Plaza for Leadership and secondly Ms.
Shahira Lara was one of our very own to take advantage to travel to Jamaica to attend the second
workshop on Leadership. A report of the Jamaica workshop is yet to be presented at central office, our
representative is awaiting for her turn to share her information and skills obtained to the union.

On another note, members that participated in the sports were also members that were at the other
activities held by the committee. The Youth Arm Committee won a second place trophy in Volleyball
whereby males and females took part in the team. The second sport held by the committee was football
six a side. Again Orange Walk Branch did exceptionally well. Orange Walk Branch took out two teams,
males and females. Females won the second place and males won the first place. The executive
committee and the Youth Arm Committee would like to extend a gratitude to all members who gave
their all: Mrs. Lilia Lanza, Mrs. Carolina, Mrs. Anna Blanco, Mrs. Shahira Lara, Mrs. Norelie, Mrs. Sylvia,
Mr. Azain, Mr. Efren Briceño, Mr. Juan Baeza, Mr. Satish Chugani, Mr. Kenny Witzil, Mr. Joel Rodriguez,
Mr. Enrique, Mr. Cobb, Mr. Adel Caceres and Mr. Eder Ortega. Members of the Youth Arm Committee
were very eager to participate in activities held and are waiting anxiously to continue in it this term.

6. Branch

A heart full thank you goes out to all members that place there trust in the union. Especially with over
seventy cases with teachers, manager, and ministry that I addressed just this period with none over the
television. Five of them were so severe that we had to call on the wisdom of central office to assist. If
you noted we are one of the branches well informed. With no hidden agenda or ill intensions. The
branch is properly represented at the National Executive. Standards are high with a dynamics well
educated and robust executive. When there is friction, complications and difficulties the union has
always provided a confident and resilient way forward.

Finally, the union is alive and kicking. Engaging in the negotiations of contracts, licenses and better
working condition. I urge you to read and familiarize yourself with our “Hand book of policies and
procedures”. Know your rights. Do not let anyone take you for a joy ride. Just know that these rules
had been written long before this executive came to exist. But with your help, we are efficient and
dedicated to find solutions now since the rules will be reviewed for amendment. From the executive to
you members we thank you for your trust and believe you will give us another term to improve on the
mistakes committed. I pledge better service and to build on what has been accomplish-“Financial
stability and transparency” and “efficient service”.

Thanks you


Keith Augustine

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