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Any disorderly conduct that has the effect of teasing or insulting a student rudely, which
annoys or is likely to annoy, injure, or arouse fear in a junior so as to adversely damage the
junior's psyche, is referred to as ragging. Ragging is a worldwide phenomenon that goes
under a variety of names, including hazing, fagging, bapteme in French, doop in Dutch, and
mopokaste in Finnish. During the Greek Olympics in the eighth century BC, the first
occurrences of ragging were documented. The victims of ragging have repeatedly been linked
to a wide range of physical, behavioural, emotional, and social issues. It raises the risk of
suicide on its own. Some of the justifications stated by students for ragging include: their
seniors also ragged them, Introduction; and a superiority complex. Alcohol consumption in
hostels and a lack of effective anti-ragging initiatives by college administration are additional
variables that contribute to ragging. The presence of college "disciplinary committees" and
"cultural committees," strict punishments for those involved in ragging, actions by the
Medical Council of India (MCI) and University Grants Commission (UGC) against the
offending colleges, among other practical measures, must all be taken to control ragging.
Other practical measures include strict role of authorities, a ban on alcohol in college and
hostels, surprise night time raids in hostels, postings (with housing) of wardens in hostels,
separate hostels because ragging involves the exploitation of people on all levels that is
physical, mental, and social- it should be recognised as a public health issue1.


The proverb "means may not always justify the ends" is accurate. Ragging is a known
practise that tries to present as "welcoming" new college students. Senior students regularly
take advantage of their junior classmates by using them as simple targets for their own
bizarrely pleasurable sadistic pleasures and as an excuse to mistreat them. Those poor
students who become victims of ragging not only suffer terrible bodily pain but also suffer
from a lifelong fear psychosis or, even worse, drop out of college before they even begin.
Any student who works day and night to get accepted into a prestigious college may find that
their greatest dread is ragging. It would not be extravagant to assert that ragging has gained
major human importance.

To say that would not be excessive claim that ragging has become a significant human rights
violation in today's world. It is affecting even the most reputable and rigorous educational


Ragging is the act of intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring a

student by using criminal force against him or her, or by threatening to use such intimidation,
wrongful restraint, or force against him or her. This can happen either directly or by holding
out the threat of such intimidation, wrongful restraint, or force to the student. Ragging is a
bad conduct that is degrading, against the law, and punishable. It goes against the rules of an
educational institution and lowers the bar for further education. The Hon. Supreme Court of
India forbids racial discrimination in all educational institutions.

To stop the ragging problem in educational institutions, the court has imposed strict
regulations. If an applicant for admission is determined to have engaged in ragging in the past
or it is discovered after the fact that they have, admission may be denied or they will be
expelled from the school. Other kinds of punishment include fines with public apologies,
limited class suspensions, being barred from speaking at events, withholding results,
suspension or expulsion from the dorm or mess, and similar actions. Institutional
administrators may, without exception, submit a First Information Report (FIR) with police if
the Head of the Institution is not pleased with their plans for action. The Institute Authorities
hold the sole discretionary authority.
Ragging is any behaviour, whether through words or actions, whether spoken or written, that
has the effect of taunting, treating or handling rudely any other student, engaging in
boisterous or unruly activities that cause or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship, or
psychological harm, or that inspires fear or apprehension in a new or junior student, or asking
the students to perform any act or do something that they would not normally do and that has
the effect of intimidating or intimidating other students is prohibited.

Ragging means any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological
injury or mental pain or fear to a student or a member of the staff of an educational



While there are numerous definitions of ragging provided by various sources, the Hon'ble
Supreme Court of India has provided the following thorough definition: Ragging is defined
as "any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written, or by an act, that has the
effect of taunting, treating or handling with rudeness any student, engaging in rowdy or
unruly activities that cause or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship, or psychological harm,
or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student, and which has the
effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment.

It is an act of aggression committed by one person or group of people against another person
or group of people in which the person or people in the first group, by virtue of his/her/their
seniority to the person/people in the second group, somehow obtain the authority and
audacity to commit the act of aggression; and the latter, by virtue of their newness to the
institution, spontaneously become victims. Raging is any aggressive and asymmetrical (not
on an equal footing) engagement. Our literature has not been immune to the muck of ragging.
Who can forget the opening lines of Chetan Bhagat's novel Five Point Someone, which
describe ragging as involving a bottle of cold beverage and three nude freshmen.

There are countless additional methods that "raggers" employ to feed their egos, as can be
shown by conducting an online search or consulting any encyclopaedia. However, if the level

of aggression has grown to the point where we are receiving shocking reports that a life has
been lost as a result of the ragging threat, it indicates that things are going beyond what is
acceptable, the water has risen above our heads, and we need to take immediate action to
control the situation. The nation's conscience was awakened by the passing of medical
student Aman Kachroo at the medical college in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. Every time
ragging is mentioned, one still gets shivers down their spine. As a professional in the field of
public health, I currently view ragging as a societal problem, with society being responsible
for both the issues and the solutions rather than just being a personal or person related issue.

Experts consider ragging to be a societal problem with issues and solutions both falling to the
society. It is not just a personal issue, one that is specific to one person. In the field of public
health, I consider ragging to be both a social problem and a personal one, with the society
being responsible for both the questions and the solutions.3


The Raghvan Committee, which was established by the Hon. Supreme Court, has among
other things mentioned the following forms of ragging:

Ragging has many facets, including psychological, social-political, economic, cultural, and
academic facets.

Any action that hinders, obstructs, or otherwise interferes with a student's regular academic
activity should be categorised as an academic-related aspect of ragging. In a similar vein,
using a junior student's services to complete academic tasks that should have been completed
by a senior or group of seniors is another example of an academic-related aspect of ragging
that is common in many institutions, especially in those that provide professional training in

For the purposes of ragging's economic dimensions, any act of financial extortion or coercive
expenditure burden imposed on a junior student by a senior student should be regarded as

Ragging with criminal overtones can be defined as any act of physical abuse, including all
variations of it, such as sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and
lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm, or any other danger to health or person.

Any verbal or written abuse, as well as public insults, should be taken into account when
analysing the psychological aspects of ragging. This aspect would also include receiving
perverted pleasure, vicarious thrill, or sadistic thrill from intentionally or unintentionally
upsetting others. The lack of preparation for "freshers" prior to their admission to higher
education and living in hostels can also be attributed as a psychological aspect of ragging;
parents can also teach their children coping mechanisms for interacting with seniors or
strangers. Any behaviour that compromises a student's mental well-being or sense of self-
worth can be categorised under the psychological definition of ragging.

Because ragging incidents are rare in institutions that support democratic student
representation and give students a voice in governance and decision-making within institute
bodies, it is clear that ragging has a political component.

According to the human rights perspective on ragging, the fundamental right to human
dignity is violated when seniors humiliate junior students, frequently leading to the extreme
measure of suicide on the part of the victims4.


Ragging can demolish a student - both mentally and physically

Ragging has a negative impact on students' health and can cause tension, worry, and even
despair. It is far from a fun or innocuous induction. Ragging can have a negative influence on
pupils' health, and is far from a fun and innocuous induction.

Acute stress can cause exhaustion, rage, difficulty thinking clearly, anxiety, and self-doubt.

Anxiety, which is characterised by a strong sense of stress, can cause heavy sweating,
giddiness, nausea, an increase in heart rate, a sense of panic, and trouble sleeping.

In a purported case of ragging, 150 first-year students at the Saifai Medical University in
Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, were reportedly made to shave their heads and parade in front of
seniors late last night, according to news agency ANI.

This is the second instance of this kind to surface since the start of the current academic year.
On August 18, around 10 a.m., junior students at the All India Institute of Medical Science in
Bhopal reported the incident to the University Grants Commission's anti-ragging helpline. In
the wake of the incident, AIIMS Bhopal suspended nine students.

In general, according to apex court justices R.C. Lahoti and Judge Brijesh, "ragging is any
disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written, or by an act, which has the effect of
taunting, treating, or handling with rudeness any other student, engaging in rowdy or
indisciplined activities that cause or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship, or psychological
harm, or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresh students or asking the students to do
any act or perform something that they would not normally do and that has the effect of
making them feel ashamed or embarrassed in order to negatively impact their physical or
mental health as a freshman or junior student, or asking the students to do any act or perform
something that they would not normally do and that has the effect of making them feel
ashamed or embarrassed.

Far from being harmless induction and fun, ragging can have a serious impact on the
students’ health.

Here are three significant ways how:


Ragging can seriously impair the health of the pupils, making it far from a pleasant and
entertaining induction.

Raging can cause the body to release the stress hormone cortisol. According to Dr. Ayush
Pandey, a physician, "Under normal circumstances, this hormone aids us in mobilising a
'fight or flight' reaction to an external stimulus." But excessive stress can result in a
breakdown, he continued.
Acute stress, also known as momentary stress brought on by the perception or anticipation of
extreme pressure, can cause feelings of exhaustion, rage, difficulty thinking clearly, self-
doubt, anxiety, and, in rare circumstances, a breakdown of both physical and mental
functions. Effects on the body can range from heartburn to back pain, irritable bowel,
breathlessness, and high blood pressure, among other things.

Anxiety: Anxiety is characterised by a strong sense of worry. It can cause excessive

sweating, giddiness, nausea, an increase in heart rate, a sense of panic, and trouble falling

Dr. Archana Nirula, a senior medical officer at, said that anxiety has a lot of
power. "It can be challenging for anxious students to focus. They experience a loss of self-
worth as a result of their inability to finish tasks. Their issues can become worse if they have
trouble sleeping or digesting. Mental health conditions like phobias, depression, suicidal
thoughts, and panic attacks may develop in these

Depression: A psychiatric disorder that lasts at least two weeks and is characterised by
intense sadness Depression has an impact on all facets of a person's life and is frequently
accompanied by feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and changes in sleep and
appetite.circumstances, she continued.

Freshmen entering medical schools experience a high level of stress and frustration,
according to Dr. Nirula. These students have already spent the previous few years studying
for exams, taking them, and worrying about admissions in a highly competitive environment.
Now, the added pressure of being teased and made fun of can break their spirit, she

Anxiety and hopelessness can alter a person's behaviour. Anxiety and depression increased
impulsivity and impaired cognitive flexibility, indicating that sad students frequently acted
without considering the consequences, according to a recent study with 477 students at a
Chinese university. The study's findings were presented in an article titled "Anxiety and
depression worsen impulsiveness: the mediating and moderating role of cognitive flexibility"
that appeared in the peer-reviewed journal Psychology, Health & Medicine in April 2019.


The reason of me choosing this topic in this project has been hearing from my friends and
many other people the various things which are mentioned below and that affects students in
a bad way.

From bodily harm caused by beating, hitting with objects, or being made to perform risky
duties to sexual abuse such as being made to strip off, masturbate, or engage in forced
unnatural intercourse, etc. The psychological impacts of declining academic performance and
feelings of insecurity brought on by financial exploitation include persistent worry, lack of
concentration, inferiority complex, and shame. Bullying in schools, the most prevalent form
of school violence, has been frequently linked to a wide range of behavioural, emotional, and
social issues.

Results of a Korean adolescent prospective study showed that bullying increased suicide risks
on its own. According to an analysis of a national representative sample of middle school and
high school students in the United States (US), 39% of the students engaged in bullying
behaviour themselves or others at least three times in the previous school year. In comparison
to their peers who are not involved in bullying or who have only rarely engaged in it, bullies,
victims, and those who are both are significantly more likely to suffer from self-inflicted,
accidental, and perpetrated injuries; abuse over-the-counter medications; indulge in
intentionally harming animals and people; use a weapon that could seriously hurt someone;
and be frequently absent from school.

Bullying has negative impacts that extend beyond just the victim. Ragging victims' tragedies
first appear to be limited to themselves and their families, but if we dig under the surface, we
find that there are significant negative consequences on the public's conscience. What about
the other pupils who were in Aman Kachroo's class, Since the Aman Kachroo incident,
parents who sent their children to a professional institution to pursue their dreams are
constantly worried about their children's safety. And this dread will undoubtedly hurt the
possibilities for the next generation and the future of our nation. To end this evil, some
corrective actions must be taken.


Ragging: Causative and Encouraging Factors

Numerous contributing factors and their supportive counterparts culminate in such terrible
acts. There could be just one causal agent. Such awful crimes are the result of numerous
contributing causes and their enabling equivalents.

Inequality in Society:

Although inequality has always been a problem for society, its impacts are more obvious in
some settings, such as educational institutions where students from different social
backgrounds enrol in academic programmes. Discrimination based on caste, location,
language, class, etc. is encouraged in such an environment. The majority of small cities and
towns operate under this scenario. Conflicts result from animosity or dislike for a particular
group of people, in which those with higher social status get off "Scot Free."

Human Tendency to Dominate:

Numerous kings and leaders have attempted to rule the world throughout history, including
Hitler. Such leaders have provided insight into the dominance-inclining nature of the human
psyche. Children desire to demonstrate their prowess by having the "Power of Control," but
this is when they cross the line. Sports competitions are another instance, when athletes
compete against one another to determine who is the best. Even though it's just a game, the
urge to be better than others underlies these activities. When players are engaged in
competition, especially in football, aggressive displays and taunts are readily apparent.

Improper Regulations:

Lack of effective rules is one of the most significant factors, perhaps the single key cause.
Since this situation was not serious until it began to manifest its ugly face, institutes failed to
develop appropriate rules. Although ragging was common, it wasn't strictly regulated. In the
beginning, the situation wasn't unusual, so there weren't any rules for dealing with the
impending evil. Even when the regulations were developed or put into effect, they lacked
sufficient detail or expert input. The regulations had many holes and didn't cover the full
scope of the issue.

Ineffective Measures:
Wherever ragging occurs or has occurred, it is evidence that effective interventions were
either absent or ineffective. When handling such circumstances, a certain amount of
casualness or carelessness is there. As they have not dealt with such incidents in an
appropriate manner, it demonstrates the authority's attitude as being irresponsible. Ragging
persists despite being classified as a criminal offense.

Right to Rag:

Seniors believe that ragging is a legitimate right. They view it as a customary procedure.
They think they have the right to rag their juniors since they were ripped in the first place. In
their thoughts, their freshmen must also put up with ragging. The students think it's the only
way seniors and newcomers can engage. The idea that seniors who rag them would support
them later because they have become friends post-ragging is ingrained in students.

Young minds have a tendency to act however they like, regardless of the results. This is a
result of their youth and immaturity. The saying "Rules are supposed to be Broken" is
misunderstood. The phrase inspires people to engage in constructive work that goes beyond
common wisdom, yet immature minds assume it applies to all fields of endeavour. The adage
"Laws are meant to be broken" is no longer true in the modern era; it was true when the law
served as a tool for exploitation.

The Notion of Acceptability: Because the students view ragging as a socially acceptable rite,
it persists in educational settings. They view ragging as a necessary element of maturing and
acquiring experience rather than as a social vice. For them, ragging serves as a training
ground to develop their strength and bravery. They view ragging as advantageous because it
prepares them for upcoming challenges that lie outside the boundaries of the educational
institution, where conditions are more difficult. The only platform that will allow juniors to
interact and form friendships with seniors, in the opinion of juniors, is ragging. As a result,
when they are seniors, they engage in it themselves because they see it as acceptable,
perpetuating the ragging tradition. This viewpoint is also strengthened by the public's lax

Sexual RepressionIn India, especially in the countryside, sex is still frowned upon. Most
Indians are sexually repressed and constrained. Because of the way society is structured, such
problems are rarely addressed; instead, they are usually contained. Youth are compelled by
religion and traditions to view "Sex as a Sin," which results in sexual frustration and a lack of
outlet. Abuseful ragging frequently targets the genital region and takes on sexual forms. This
suggests that ragging is a symptom of pervasive sexual suppression in our culture.

Covering the Act of Ragging : Ragging is frequently denied by institutions in an effort to

protect their reputation. In certain cases, the guilty party comes from a wealthy family, and
they exert influence over the authorities to have the incident covered up. The wealthy and
those in positions of authority both detest unwanted media attention. Additionally, the
possibility of senior strikes and hooliganism exists, which would be extremely expensive for
the government. Due to sympathy for the senior caused by the severe punishment, the case is
compromised and suppressed.

Ragging is an Initiation: Ragging is an ice-breaker for freshmen, according to the majority

of seniors. The purpose of ragging is to acquaint and introduce newbies to seniors. According
to them, ragging is a form of "Harmless Fun" that is accomplished by assigning newcomers
to varied jobs. They see it as amusing for both of them. Some mental models view it as an
initiation that will foster the Oneness and togetherness of everyone who has experienced the
process. However, the majority of people don't feel comfortable with such behaviours or
duties. Resistance from the newcomers is viewed as inappropriate, and a positive connection
becomes unpleasant. Many times, the "Mob Attitude" brought on by the adrenaline rush and
excitement in the group also transforms ragging into something very different from a fun

Public's casual attitude: Ragging is typically seen by the public as just another media-
glorified event. Without a doubt, the media occasionally exaggerates such incidents, but the
fact remains the truth. People who identify as "Old School" have a false perception of them as
simple jokers who like singing, dancing, and other forms of entertainment. Ragging may not
exist for some people since they have never heard of it or are completely ignorant of its
existence. Even if people just happen to run into each other, they view that as an exception.
Even those who engaged in it while they were studying defend it morally.

Peer Pressure: Even though not all seniors desire to rag, their peers often coerce or
encourage them into doing so. Cowardice is viewed as an act of disobeying what they
command. Because ragging has been established by the seniors as a test of courage, they are
taunted and subtly pressured to engage in it. Then there are those who rag even though they
don't agree with the practise because they want to fit in or be seen as tough.
Lack of Alternative Means

The communication between the seniors and juniors is generally lacking. Even when students
desire to engage, there remains an unseen barrier between seniority and juniority that
prevents a friendly atmosphere where students may get along without friction. Such harsh
introductions cannot be stopped by formal introduction or familiarisation procedures because
neither exist.

Media's Negative Role: Though in a more indirect way, the media is also accountable for the
propagation of ragging. Many films have portrayed "ragging" as a typical occurrence in a
student's life. In spite of the fact that reality is quickly changing, this gives the impression
that ragging is a common occurrence. Numerous Hollywood teen films likewise present these
incidents as typical aspects of growing up. They also offer numerous suggestions for how to
organise ragging. The rising generation, which is motivated by these, is also fed violence and
massacre. Then there are "Reality Shows" with a similar theme to "Roadies" and its
equivalents, which indirectly promote ragging. The TRP ratings and "Being There in the First
Place" are more important to the news station. There is no "Follow-Up" after the news has
become outdated. In this way, the media's perception of ragging changes.6


Legislations on Ragging

India's several states each have their unique anti-ragging laws. Some States do not have their
own anti-ragging laws, hence those States' anti-ragging laws are in line with the national anti-
ragging regulations.

Central Legislations

The central legislations, which keep check on the practice of ragging in India, are:

1. Indian Penal Code

2. UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational
Institutions, 2009
3. Other institute specific regulations

Punishments under Indian Penal Code against acts of Ragging

The institution is required to file a FIR for each and every instance of ragging or aiding in
ragging. The IPC has provisions that a student may use to file a FIR at the closest police
station. These clauses are:

294 Obscene acts and songs

323 – punishment for voluntarily causing hurt

324 – voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon or means

325 – punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt

326 – voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapon

339 – Wrongful Restraint

340 – Wrongful Confinement

341 – Punishment for Wrongful Restraint

342 – Punishment for Wrongful Confinement

506 – Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder

UGC Regulations on Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational

Institutions, 2009

Scope of these Guidelines

The University Grants Commission passed these rules in 2009 to combat the problem of
ragging in Indian universities. The best thing about these rules is that they will be applicable
to all institutions, including:

I According to the Central, Provincial, and State Act

(ii) A university recognised by the UGC Act of 1956

(iii) All other institutions of higher learning

The rules apply to all locations, whether they are on or off campus, and to all modes of
transportation, public or private. The goal of these rules is to ensure that ragging is entirely
eradicated and outlawed.

Important Regulations

Publishing ragging is banned : Institutions are required to make public the fact that ragging
is completely outlawed on campus and that violators will face just punishment.

Brochures/Application Form/Enrollment Form These policies must be mentioned in full in

the college brochures. All Supreme Court, Central, and State Government orders would be
included in the prospectus, as appropriate. The parent or guardian must sign an undertaking
on the application/enrollment form for admission in both English and Hindi, ideally also in
another regional language. The student's conduct pattern should be reflected in the school-
leaving certificate.
Affidavit of Student : A student must submit an affidavit during the admissions process,
along with the signature of his parents or guardians, stating that he will not be directly or
indirectly robbing other students.

Anti-Ragging Committee : Every institution must form an anti-ragging committee that will
go by that name. To be proposed by the institution's head, to be chaired by him or her, to
include representatives of the civil and police administrations, local media, non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) that work with young people, faculty members, parents, students in
both the freshmen and senior classes, and non-teaching staff, and to have a balanced
membership in terms of levels and gender. The Anti-Ragging Committee is responsible for
ensuring that the Regulations and any applicable laws that are currently in effect regarding
ragging are followedThe Vice Chancellor of the University requests weekly updates from the
College on its anti-ragging efforts.7


A seven-person panel led by former CBI director Dr. R. K. Raghavan was established by the
Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) in response to a Supreme Court order
to recommend anti-ragging measures.

The Dr. R.K. Raghavan Committee delivered their report to the Honorable Supreme Court in
May 2007.

The aforementioned Report of the Dr. R. K. Raghavan Committee has a recommendation to

add ragging to the IPC as a special section.

The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India made it mandatory for academic institutions to file an
official F.I.R with the police in any instance of a ragging allegation based on the
recommendations of the Dr. R.K. Raghavan Committee, Interm Order of in 2007. By doing
this, it would be made sure that all cases were formally probed by the criminal court system
rather than by the academic institutions' own ad hoc organisations.

A significant boost to anti-ragging initiatives was provided by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India's decision in the case of the Vishwa Jagriti Mission.

The Hon'ble Apex Court offered many recommendations on ragging, including that the
institution in question file a FIR. I believe it is appropriate to adhere to the rules outlined in
the Supreme Court's landmark decision to stop ragging.

1. Vishwa Jagriti Mission Through President Versus Central Govt. Through Cabinet
Secy. &Ors.

The following guidelines were given by the Indian Supreme Court:

This Court is concerned about the rise in ragging episodes in educational institutions. Some
of the recorded occurrences went beyond what is acceptable, moral, and humane. Some
States have taken action by passing laws that classify ragging as an offence that is punished
by law. However, we believe that simply making ragging a criminal offence will not be
enough to stop it. Furthermore, we believe that the management of the institution should
exercise its institutional disciplinary authority over teachers and students in order to address
acts of indiscipline and misbehaviour committed by students inside the institution.

Police intervention shouldn't typically be used against students unless it is really necessary.
Students attending educational institutions shouldn't have to live in constant fear of being
arrested, detained, and brought before the courts. By emphasising the same, the responsibility
should be fixed and the trust in the teachers' ability to uphold discipline should be

2.Kashyap Champabai Patel VS Dean

The petitioner is a B.J. Medical College student in Ahmedabad. On August 6, 2012, he was
accepted into the first year of the M.B.B.S. programme at the aforementioned college.
Several racial events later occurred there, and the victims of the racial incidents sent an email
to the University Grants Commission, which then informed the respondent-college. The
respondent-college established a Special Anti Ragging Committee (The Committee) on
September 18, 2013, in accordance with the rules set forth by the Hon. Supreme Court in the
case of University of Kerala (3) v. Council of Principals of Colleges, Kerala, reported in
(2009) 16 SCC 441. The Committee then called the petitioner in accordance with that. Two
students had earlier acknowledged that ragging had occurred in room B-107. The petitioner
claims that this room was only given to him on October 1, 2013, and that he had not taken
part in the ragging. On October 25, 2013, when the Special Committee asked the petitioner to
provide an explanation, the petitioner denied being aware of any such ragging incident. The
petitioner was suspended for three years as a result of the impugned order, which was issued
on December 18, 2013, after the Committee conducted an investigation.

3.Sartak Sane Gupta Vs State of West Bengal and Ors.

Ragging is an act of disorderly behaviour carried out by older students to humiliate the
freshmen because they believe the latter lack respect for the former. Such heinous, inhumane
acts have an influence on freshmen not just physically but mentally as well, which could lead
to the freshmen taking disastrous actions. The All India Council of Technical Education
Regulation, which provides a complete mechanism to fight the war against ragging in the
various educational institutions across the nation, was created to counteract such inhumane
activities. The educational institutions are required to uphold a cordial and orderly
environment inside the building, and they should not be permitted to tolerate any such act
committed by the students. The authorities have given the petitioner some leeway by
excluding him from two semesters of exams but not expelling him or barring him from the
institution itself. The All India Council of Technical Education Regulation stipulates various
sanctions to be imposed on students found to have engaged in ragging of freshmen, including
cancellation of admission, suspension of class attendance, withholding and withdrawal of
scholarships/fellowships and other benefits, disqualification from tests or examinations,
withholding of results, disqualification from speaking on behalf of the institutions,
suspension and expulsion from hostels, and rustication. In University of Kerala v. Council of
Principles of Colleges in Kerala, reported in (2009) 15 SCC 301, the Apex Court defined
ragging as a violation of human rights that extends beyond physical abuse to include mental
harassment. Ragging cannot be accepted in a civilised culture and is typically done to
newcomers who have recently moved into a new environment.8


The educational institutions would have the major duty for reducing racial harassment. It is
necessary for the media and civic society to actively participate in regulating them. As the
Honorable Supreme Court correctly noted, making ragging a criminal offence will not stop
ragging because students attending educational institutions shouldn't have to live in constant
fear of the authorities. But these rules to stop the ragging issue were implemented in light of
its recent effects on the kids. The court has the additional obligation to see that these
situations are resolved quickly. Only the careful application of these principles will be able to
erase the recollections of the negative effects of ragging in the past. Ragging cannot be
effectively stopped until it is ingrained in pupils' thoughts. They can learn morals from
seminars, counselling sessions, and workshops as well. It is important to instil the execution
of harsh laws without regard to partiality. What people benefit from such illogical and
irrational practises is incomprehensible. Furthermore, rather than keeping such worries
hidden, one should voice them. You are implicitly promoting crime if you keep it hidden.
People need to understand that it is critical to speak out against such threats before they make
fun of the ethics and value system that Indian society has long been known for.


My various suggestions are:

1. Discuss a counselor

Students frequently don't feel at ease speaking with professors or mentors. Mentors can be
useful in such circumstances.

Mentors, then, are those who have the expertise to handle such circumstances without letting
them negatively impact a student's mental health.

2. Interaction with seniors

Interactions and discussions can aid in resolving the problems more quickly and calmly.

3. Punishments and penalties for the perpetrators

Students who engage in bad behaviour should face harsh punishment. Authorities who are
concerned shouldn't spare them. They have no right to infringe upon the dignity of others.


Additionally serving as a watchdog, the installation of CCTV cameras on college property

would stop students from engaging in any misconduct. However, because of their constrained
territorial capabilities, one cannot rely on these methods.

The aforementioned ideas are only a handful of the strategies that can reduce occurrences.

The child's mental health may be impacted.

Of course, ragging has the potential to negatively impact a student's mental capacity. Some
examples that have recently come to light have caused pupils to withdraw into their shells.
resulting in despair, loneliness, and worry.

Can parents and educators Assist.

Definitely, yes.

A significant part is played by parents and teachers. No matter how large their child is,
parents should always be ready with a stick in case he takes a bad turn. Additionally, they
should strongly discourage themselves from engaging in such behavior.
On the other hand, parents should not be hesitant to inform the appropriate authorities if they
believe their child is a victim of ragging.

They should provide their child with unwavering support.

Way ahead

Ragging cannot be effectively stopped until it is ingrained in pupils' thoughts. They can learn
morals from seminars, therapy sessions, and workshops as well.

It is important to instil the execution of harsh laws without regard to partiality.

What people benefit from such illogical and irrational practises is incomprehensible.
Furthermore, rather than keeping such worries hidden, one should voice them. You are
implicitly promoting crime if you keep it hidden.

People need to understand that it is critical to speak out against such threats before they make
fun of the ethics and value system that Indian society has long been known for.

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