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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6

Question Bank Multiple-choice questions NEW

Chapter 6 Nutrition in humans

Multiple-choice questions

* Directions: The following two questions refer to the diagram below, which
shows the structures in the human digestive system.

position X

position Y

When a bolus travels from position X to position Y,

A the amount of starch in the bolus decreases.
B the amount of starch in the bolus increases.
C the amount of protein in the bolus decreases.
D the amount of protein in the bolus increases.

* Physical digestion does not occur in
A structure P.
B structure Q.
C structure R.
D structure S.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
NEW Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

The diagram below shows a flowchart which summarizes the fates of amino
acids in digestive system.
Z urea
amino acids

remaining part carbohydrates

X or lipids

enter the bloodstream

Which of the following combinations correctly identifies processes X and Y and

substance Z?
A absorption deamination amino group
B absorption detoxification amino group
C assimilation detoxification carboxyl group
D assimilation deamination carboxyl group

The diagram below shows an X-ray photograph of the teeth of a person

Which of the following is incorrect about the dentition of the person?

A It is the dentition of an adult.
B One molar is missing in the set of teeth.

C The dental formula is .

D The teeth shown will not be replaced once they are lost.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions NEW

© Oxford University Press 6-3

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
NEW Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Directions: The following two questions refer to the diagram below, which
shows a set-up used to simulate digestion and absorption in humans.

dialysis tubing
a solution of pH 7, a solution of pH 7,
containing an enzyme, distilled water containing starch
starch and proteins at 30 °C and proteins

set-up X set-up Y

After one hour, maltose and amino acids are found in the water surrounding the
tubing in t set-up X but not set-up Y. What can we tell about the enzyme added
into the tubing?
(1) The enzyme is extracted from the pancreas.
(2) The optimum temperature of the enzyme is 30 °C.
(3) The optimum pH of the enzyme is pH 7.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

* Which of the following statements about set-up Y is correct?
(1) It acts as a control for the experiment.
(2) It is used to confirm that the substances found in the surrounding water
after an hour is caused by action of the enzyme.
(3) It must be identical to the experimental set-up except for the presence of
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
Question Bank Short questions NEW
Short questions

* The diagram below shows an epithelial cell of a villus.

a Explain how the small intestine is adapted to absorption of food molecules

with reference to structures X and Y. (3 marks)
b People suffering from coeliac disease do not grow as quickly as healthy
people. The diagram below shows an epithelial cell of a person with coeliac

Suggest how the coeliac disease may lead to growth problems. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a The large number of X increases the surface area for absorption. 1m
The large number of Y provides energy for the active transport of food molecules,
which increases the rate of absorption of food molecules. 1m
b The surface area for absorption of food molecules is reduced. 1m
Less food molecules are absorbed into the capillaries and lacteal in the villi of the
small intestine. 1m
Less food molecules are available for uptake by cells for metabolism. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
NEW Question Bank Short questions

* The pancreatic duct of people with cystic fibrosis is often blocked by thick
mucus. Enzymes from pancreas cannot be released to the small intestine through
these ducts. This has serious implications on the digestion of these patients.
a Give two examples of enzymes in pancreatic juice. (2 marks)
b Doctors may prescribe pancreatic enzymes to cystic fibrosis patients with
digestive problems. The enzymes are packaged into beads with acid-
resistant coating. Explain why. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a Pancreatic amylase / pancreatic lipase / proteases (any 2) 2m
b The enzymes must reach the small intestine without alteration in conformation.
The acid-resistant coating can prevent the enzymes from denaturing in the acidic
medium of the stomach. 1m
Also, this can prevent the enzymes from being digested by pepsin in the stomach.

The diagram below shows the structures of the oesophagus wall.


a Name the type of muscles in layers X and Y. (2 marks)

b Describe how the muscles in layers X and Y work together to push the food
towards the stomach. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a Layer X consists of longitudinal muscles. 1m
Layer Y consists of circular muscles. 1m
b Muscles in layer Y contract 1m
and muscles in layer X relax, 1m
causing the lumen to become smaller. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
Question Bank Structured questions NEW
Structured questions

The diagram below shows the digestion and absorption of lipids in the small
epithelial cell

digestive products
of lipids


a Name the substance that leads to the formation of lipid droplets shown in
the diagram above. (1 mark)
b Describe how the lipid droplets are digested and absorbed into the epithelial
cell of the small intestine. (2 marks)
c What happens to the digestive products of lipids in the epithelial cell before
they enter the lacteal? (1 mark)
d Describe two ways in which our body uses the absorbed lipids. State the fate
of excess lipids absorbed. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a Bile salts. 1m
b Lipid droplets are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by pancreatic lipases
in the pancreatic juice.
Fatty acids and glycerol then enter the epithelial cell by diffusion. 1m
c They recombine into fine lipid droplets. 1m
d Lipids are used by cells to make cell membranes and some hormones. 1m
Lipids act as an energy reserve to release energy for cellular activities when the
body is short of glycogen. 1m
Excess lipids are stored in the adipose tissue around the internal organs and
under the skin. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
NEW Question Bank Structured questions

* An experiment was carried out to compare the amount of lipids in three types of
milk (milk X, milk Y and skimmed milk). The following substances were added
to each of three test tubes:
 5 cm3 of a kind of milk
 1 cm3 of lipase solution
 7 cm3 of sodium carbonate solution
 a few drops of phenolphthalein
The time required for the reaction mixture in each tube to change from pink to
colourless is then measured. (Note: Phenolphthalein is pink at a pH
above 10 and is colourless at a pH below 8.4.)
The table below shows the results.
Milk X Milk Y Skimmed milk
Time required to change from
3 8 
pink to colourless (mins)
Note: ‘’ indicates that the solution remained pink after 30 minutes.
a State the independent and dependent variables of this experiment.
(2 marks)
b Explain the difference in the time required for the reaction mixture to
change from pink to colourless between
i the tubes with milk X and skimmed milk. (1 mark)
ii the tubes with milk X and milk Y. (4 marks)
c It is suggested that a small amount of bile salt solution can be added to the
reaction mixtures to speed up the reaction. Explain the biological principle
behind. (2 marks)
d Apart from adding bile salt solution, suggest one method which can speed
up the reaction. (1 mark)
-- answer --
a Independent variable: the type of milk 1m
Dependent variable: time required for the reaction mixture to change from pink to
colourless 1m
b i Milk X contains lipids, whereas skimmed milk contains no lipids. 1m
ii The amount of fatty acids needed to lower the pH of the reaction mixture to
8.4 is constant. 1m
Since milk X contains more lipids than milk Y, 1m
the rate of breakdown of lipids into fatty acids is higher. 1m
Less time is required for the reaction mixture to reach pH 8.4 such that

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
Question Bank Structured questions NEW
colour change can be observed.
c Bile salts emulsify lipids into small droplets 1m
and increase the surface area of lipids for lipase to act on. 1m
d Increase the temperature of the reaction mixture / increase the concentration of
the lipase solution. 1m

* The diagram below shows part of the alimentary canal.

a For people with obesity, part of structure Y may need to be removed through
surgery. Suggest how removing part of structure Y may help people lose
weight. (3 marks)
b For patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer, part of structure X may need
to be removed through surgery.
i Suggest the effect of the surgery on the faeces of the patients.
(2 marks)
ii After this kind of surgery, patients are advised to maintain a low-fibre
diet for around four weeks to avoid dehydration. Explain why.
(2 marks)
-- answer --
a Removing structure Y can reduce the digestion and absorption of food. 1m
The energy input is less than the energy output of the body. 1m
The body will break down food reserves like stored glycogen and fat to provide
energy. 1m
b i The faeces of the patients will become more watery 1m
because less water is absorbed / a large portion of water remains in the
faeces. 1m
ii Low-fibre diet will not stimulate the peristalsis of structure Y too much. 1m
Hence, more time is allowed for the absorption of water to compensate for

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Third Edition) Chapter 6
NEW Question Bank Structured questions

the loss of a part of structure Y. 1m


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