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Laboratory Exercise #1

Cellular Transport

Cell is separated from each other by a plasma membrane. The cell membrane, as we all
know, is bi-lipid. Proteins are found traversing or at the periphery of the bi-lipid layer. It is
selectively permeable to maintain homeostasis or steady state. Transporters and channels located
in the membranes selectively allow passage of substances in out of the cells.

In this experiment, we would like to demonstrate some functions of different transport

processes existing in the cell membrane.

1. Describe a plasma membrane.
2. Differentiate passive from active transport mechanisms.
3. Describe types of passive transport processes.
4. Enumerate factors that affect transport processes.
5. Characterize a carrier.
6. Correlate common diseases associated with transport processes.

Lancet / Pricker
Alcohol swab
Test tubes in a test tube rack
Plain Lactated Ringer’s Solution (PLRS)
5% Dextrose Lactated Ringer’s Solution (D5%LRS)
0.3% Sodium Chloride (0.3% NaCl)

1. Pour 1 ml of each solution in three (3) different test tubes. Place in a test tube rack.
2. Clean the second (ring) finger with alcohol swab.
3. Prick with a lancet / pricker just enough for blood to ooze from the finger.
4. Instill 2 to 3 drops of blood on each of the test tubes. Make sure blood directly drops on
the solution.
5. Mix by shaking in circles for 3 minutes.
6. Place 2 -3 drops of each solution in a slide. Look under the microscope.
7. Draw your observation for each solution.

1. Describe the cells placed in each solution. Discuss the most probable event/s that happened in
each solution.

2. Describe a plasma membrane.

3. What are carriers? Discuss the properties of carriers.

4. Tabulate the characteristics of passive and active transport processes.

5. Differentiate the forms of passive transport process.

6. Differentiate the forms of active transport process. Give examples of each form.

7. Discuss the factors that affect diffusion of substances. What is Fick’s law of diffusion?

8. What is osmotic pressure? Oncotic pressure? What is van’t Hoffs law?

10. Discuss regulatory volume increase (RVI) and regulatory volume decrease (RVD). When
does these occur?

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