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The role and responsibility of the state and society in ensuring social justice
and welfare in Pakistan.





Role of the State:

· Policy Formulation and Implementation: The state's primary responsibility is to formulate and
implement policies that promote social justice and welfare. This involves strategic planning and
budget allocation to address the specific needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations.

· Legal Framework: The legal framework ensures that all citizens are equal under the law and are
protected from discrimination. The state must enforce anti-discrimination laws, labor rights, and
property rights.

· Education: Access to quality education is a fundamental right. The state's investment in

education should be aimed at reducing educational disparities, especially in rural and
marginalized communities. Scholarships, infrastructure development, and teacher training are
key components.

· Healthcare: Accessible and affordable healthcare services are critical for the welfare of the
population. The state must provide healthcare infrastructure, support public health initiatives,
and ensure that healthcare is within reach for all citizens.

· Economic Opportunities: Economic policies should be aimed at creating an environment where

job opportunities and entrepreneurship are accessible to all. This involves labor market reforms,
investment in infrastructure, and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises

· Social Safety Nets: Social safety net programs, such as cash transfer schemes and food
assistance, provide a cushion for those in need. The state is responsible for managing and
expanding these programs to cover a broader range of vulnerable populations.

· Poverty Alleviation: Specific poverty reduction programs, including land reforms, microfinance
initiatives, and vocational training, should be designed and executed to help individuals and
families rise out of poverty.

· Gender Equality: Legal reforms, education, and economic empowerment programs must be
established to promote gender equality and women's empowerment.

· Rural Development: Investment in rural areas, including infrastructure development, healthcare

facilities, and educational opportunities, is necessary to reduce urban-rural disparities.

· Justice and Rule of Law: The state must ensure a fair, accessible, and impartial justice system.
Corruption should be addressed, and the legal framework should protect the rights of all
citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Role of Society:

· Civil Society Activism: Civil society organizations, NGOs, and community groups are vital in
advocating for social justice and welfare. They serve as watchdogs, raising awareness, providing
support, and holding the government accountable.

· Education and Awareness: Society plays a crucial role in raising awareness about social justice
issues, educating the public on discrimination, and promoting the importance of inclusive

· Volunteerism: Individuals can volunteer their time and skills to support social justice initiatives,
helping to bridge the gap in service provision, especially in underserved areas.

· Community Support: Building a sense of community and support networks is essential to assist
those in need, fostering solidarity and mutual aid.
· Promoting Inclusion: Promoting inclusion and acceptance of marginalized groups ensures that
no one is left behind.

· Advocating for Policy Change: Advocacy efforts by society can influence policy changes and
demand accountability from the government.

· Supporting Vulnerable Groups: Advocacy and support networks must recognize the unique
needs of vulnerable populations and advocate for their rights and well-being.

· Consumer Responsibility: Society can encourage responsible consumption and support

businesses and products that adhere to ethical and socially responsible practices.

· Promoting Non-violence and Tolerance: Society's role in advocating for non-violence and
tolerance in resolving conflicts and disputes promotes a culture of peace
· Nordic Welfare Model (Sweden, Denmark, Norway): The Nordic countries are known for their
strong social welfare systems. They provide universal healthcare, education, and social safety
nets, ensuring that citizens have access to quality services regardless of their socioeconomic
status. High taxes support these systems, but they contribute to low levels of poverty, income
inequality, and excellent living standards.

· Bhutan's Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index: Bhutan has gained international recognition for
prioritizing well-being and happiness over economic growth. The country measures its success
through the GNH index, which focuses on equitable socioeconomic development, conservation
of the environment, and preservation of culture and traditions.

· Finland's Education System: Finland's education system is renowned for its commitment to equal
opportunities and social justice. It provides free education, promotes student well-being, and
emphasizes highly trained teachers. As a result, Finland consistently ranks among the top
performers in global education assessments.

· South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission: After the end of apartheid, South Africa
established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address past injustices and human rights
abuses. It allowed victims and perpetrators to come forward, acknowledge their actions, and
seek reconciliation. This process aimed to heal the nation's wounds and promote social justice.

· Portugal's Drug Decriminalization Policy: Portugal decriminalized the possession and use of all
drugs in 2001. Instead of punishment, individuals found with small quantities of drugs receive
counseling and treatment. This approach has been effective in reducing drug-related deaths,
addiction rates, and social stigma.

· Brazil's Bolsa Família Program: Brazil's Bolsa Família is a conditional cash transfer program that
provides financial support to low-income families. It has helped reduce poverty and inequality
while incentivizing families to keep their children in school and attend healthcare check-ups.

· Rwanda's Gender Quotas: After the 1994 genocide, Rwanda implemented gender quotas,
reserving a significant number of parliamentary seats for women. This initiative has significantly
increased women's representation in government and decision-making roles, promoting gender
equality and social justice.

· Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund: Norway manages the world's largest sovereign wealth fund,
largely funded by revenue from its oil industry. The fund is intended to benefit future
generations and fund welfare programs, ensuring that the country's oil wealth benefits all

· Australia's Indigenous Land Rights: Australia has made efforts to address historical injustices and
support the welfare of its indigenous populations. Initiatives include land rights recognition,
improved access to healthcare and education, and reconciliation efforts.

· Kenya's Mobile Banking (M-Pesa): The M-Pesa mobile banking platform in Kenya has increased
financial inclusion and provided financial services to people who were previously excluded from
the traditional banking system, contributing to their social and economic welfare.


Pakistan, a country brimming with potential and promise, over 50 million people live below
the poverty line, while the top 1% holds over 30% of the nation's wealth.This staggering inequality paints
a vivid backdrop to the urgent conversation about the roles and responsibilities of the state and society
in driving social justice and welfare. Furthermore,social justice refers to Equity and fairness for all in
society.Moreover, social welfare allude Programs to improve people's well-being.The state's role in
ensuring social justice and welfare includes policy formulation, legal enforcement, and investments in
education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and social safety nets to reduce poverty and promote
gender equality, rural development, and the rule of law.On the other hand,Society plays a vital role in
promoting social justice and welfare by engaging in civil society activism, raising awareness, and
advocating for policy changes. Additionally, volunteerism, community support, and promoting inclusion
are essential in supporting vulnerable groups, encouraging responsible consumption, and fostering a
culture of non-violence and tolerance in society. For instance, the Nordic Welfare Model prioritizes
universal access to quality services, Bhutan's GNH Index emphasizes holistic well-being, and Finland's
education system focuses on equal opportunities.The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) in Pakistan
provides cash transfers to the country's poorest, with a focus on women, to alleviate poverty and
enhance social welfare.In the face of staggering income inequality and pervasive poverty, Pakistan stands
at a critical juncture where the state and society must unite to drive policies and initiatives that promote
social justice and welfare, aiming to bridge the disparities and fulfill the country's potential for a more
equitable and prosperous future.

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