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Nutritional Aspects and Safety of Modified Food Starches

Otto B. Wurzburg

The term “modified starches” covers a wide the extent to which the starch has been chemi-
variety of starch-derived products. A number of cally altered. Many such starches contain only
techniques, such as those involved in bleach- infinitesimal amounts of substituent groups
ing, enzymic digestion, dextrinizing, and hy- and might be considered 99.9 percent pure
drolysis, have either no effect on the starch or starch. The presence of the added chemical
are used to reduce the size of the starch mole- groups is not readily detected except by so-
cule. The latter process is similar to the diges- phisticated analytical methods or by physical
tive process, as well as such common food- characterization. Others contain sufficient
processing techniques as toasting or baking amounts of substituent chemical moietiesto be
bread. Starch modifications in these catego- easily detected.
ries are widely accepted as being similar to There are two major ways to modify starch
unmodified starches for use in foods. For this chemically: crosslinking, and introduction of
reason, no further attention will be given to this monosubstituent groups. Most of the modified
type of modification. food starches used in the food industry are
made either by crosslinking or by combining
Chemical Starch Modification crosslinking and introducing monosubstituent
This paper is devoted to those modified groups. Limited amounts of starches contain-
starches made by treating starch with agents ing only monosubstituent groups are used in
that introduce substituent chemical moieties foods.
into the starch granule through reaction with Unmodified or native starch occurs in the
hydroxyl groups in the starch molecule. These form of minute granules that are insoluble in
chemically modified starches have been used cold water. They owe their integrity to crystal-
as food ingredients for over 45 years. All are lites formed by hydrogen bonds between hy-
cleared for use in the US, Canada, and the UK, droxyls on adjacent molecules. When heated
and have been accepted by the Joint Expert in the presence of water, the hydrogen bonds
Committee on Food Additives of the FAO/ holding the granule together weaken, permit-
WHO. They impart to food systems valuable ting the granules to imbibe water, swell, and
functional properties that cannot be realized thicken to form colloidal dispersions. Such dis-
with unmodified starches. They provide tex- persions have limited value in most food sys-
ture, thicken, suspend solids, stabilize emul- tems because of the sensitivity of the hydrogen
sions, facilitate processing by protecting foods bonds responsible for the integrity of the swol-
during processing, or protect finished foods len granule to thermal and mechanical break-
during distribution and storage. down.
Within the broad category of chemically
modified starches there are wide variations in Crosslinking as a Chemical Modification
Crosslinking reinforces starch granules with
Mr Wurzburg is past Vice President of Natural Poly- intermolecular chemical bonds that keep the
mer Research at National Starch and Chemical swollen starch granules intact after the hydro-
Company, Bridgewater, NJ, USA. gen bonds have been ruptured. The technique
17534887, 1986, 2, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [02/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
imparts to the dispersions of starch resistance bility by pancreatin of corn or potato starch
to thermal, chemical, and mechanical break- crosslinked with 0.05 or 0.1 percent phospho-
down. rus oxychloride was similar to that of unmodi-
Two types of crosslinked starches are used fied starch.l”
in foods: distarch adipates, made by treating While in vitro studies indicate the suscepti-
starch with a mixed anhydride of adipic and bility of modified starches to digestion by spe-
acetic anhydride; and distarch phosphates, cific enzymes, the digestion and absorption of
made by treating starch with either phosphorus carbohydrates is an integrated rather than se-
oxychloride or sodium trimetaphosphate. quential process. As a result, in vivo studies
Since the granule contains a tremendously provide a better picture of the digestibility and
large number of anhydroglucose units in the nutritive value of modified food starches.
molecules, relatively few chemical crosslinks The caloric value of acetylated distarch adi-
are required to reinforce the granule and pro- pate, prepared by treating an acid hydrolyzed
duce a marked effect on the physical proper- waxy maize starch with a mixed anhydride
ties of the starch dispersion. In most cross- containing 0.2 percent adipic acid and 5.5 per-
linked food starches there is one substituent cent acetic anhydride in an adipic-acetic mixed
crosslinking group per 1,000 or more anhy- anhydride, was equal to that of control starch in
drogIucose units. 28-day feeding studies. Groups of ten weanl-
Since the substituent groups present in ing male albino rats were fed a basal diet con-
crosslinked food starches may be metabo- taining 1.5 or 3.0 g of modified or control
lized, and in view of the extremely low levels at starch, or 0.75 to 4.5 g of sucrose supple-
which they are present, the impact of cross- ment.ls2s4 In these studies, the level of adipic
linking on the nutritional value of starch and on acid treatment was 67 percent higher than that
physiologic behavior is minimal or undetect- permitted in making crosslinked distarch adi-
able. pate for food use.
Numerous in vitro studies indicate that low Studies of the caloric value of distarch phos-
levels of crosslinking have little effect on en- phates prepared by treating waxy maize starch
zyme digestibility. Thus, in vitro digestibility with 0.03 or 0.1 percent phosphorus oxychlo-
studies on distarch adipates containing low ride, as well as of distarch phosphate made by
levels of acetyl groups and on distarch phos- treating milo starch with trimetaphosphate,
phates indicate that starches crosslinked showed that distarch phosphates are compa-
within the limits set by regulation approach rable to unmodified control starches in caloric
native starches in digestibility. value. s2s5

In vitro amyloglucosidase digestibility of Since the level of crosslinking substituents is

acetylated distarch adipate, made by treating extremely low, it is questionable whether ca-
waxy maize starch with 0.15 percent adipic loric determinations reflect the presence of
acid in a 1:3 adipic-acetic mixed anhydride, substituents even if they are indigestible. To
was 98 percent of the digestibility of unmodi- determine the metabolic fate of the adipate
fied waxy maize starch.’I2 Under these condi- crosslink, young male adult rats were given by
tions; the level of adipic treatment was 20 per- stomach tube a suspension of acetylated di-
cent higher than the maximum approved for starch adipate prepared using 14C-labeledadi-
use in making modified food starch. pic acid. A physical mixture of 14C-labeledadi-
In vitro enzyme digestibility studies on di- pic acid and unmodified starch was
starch phosphate also show in vitro digestibili- administered as a control. After 25 hours, 99.3
ties approaching or comparable to those ob- percent of the activity of the free adipic acid
tained with unmodified starch. Thus, in vitro had been recovered in the respired air com-
amyloglucosidase digestibility of waxy maize pared to 70.5 percent of the activity of the
starch, crosslinked by reaction with 0.035, labeled starch. Most of the balance of the activ-
0.070 and 0.100 percent phosphorus oxychlo- ity had been recovered in the feces and the
ride, ranged from 98 to 96 percent that of un- rest in the urine.1,2,6
modified waxy maize starch.’I2 In vitro digesti- Other studies included investigations by An-
17534887, 1986, 2, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [02/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
derson et a17 in which 3-day-old Pitman-Moore duced in the production of modified food
miniature pigs were fed for 25 days formulated starches is relatively low. In the case of ace-
diets containing either acid hydrolyzed waxy tates, the maximum level of substitution by
maize starch as the control, or acid hydrolyzed regulation is 2.5 percent. This corresponds to
waxy maize starch crosslinked with 0.08 per- one acetate group for roughly every 10 to 11
cent phosphorus oxychloride as the test anhydroglucose units. The maximum level for
starch. Starch provided 24 percent of the calo- phosphates is 0.4 percent phosphorus which
ries in the diet. Body weight gains of the ani- corresponds to one phosphate group for
mals fed the distarch phosphate were similar to roughly 47 to 48 anhydroglucose units. The
those fed the control starch. There were no treatment level of propylene oxide permitted in
statistically significant differences in the organ making hydroxypropyl starches varies among
weights expressed as percentage of body regulatory agencies. However, the typical
weight. Serum cholesterol, triglyceride, cal- maximum level is 10 percent, corresponding to
cium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, urea a maximum of one hydroxypropyl substituent
nitrogen, total protein, albumin, and globulin for about every 5 anhydroglucose units. In the
levels were similar in both groups of animal^.^ case of octenyl succinate half esters, there is
Starches resistant to attack by digestive en- at most about one substituent group for every
zymes are subject to increased microbial activ- 50 anhydroglucose units.
ity in the gut when fed to rats at high dietary There are two objectives in modifying starch
levels, resulting in flatulence and enlarged by introducing monosubstituent groups. One is
caeca. When waxy maize distarch phosphate to stabilize the starch so its sols will not thicken
containing levels of crosslink within the legal or gel on cooling (in the case of cereal
range was fed to rats at a dietary level of 16 starches), and to maintain hydrating ability,
percent there was no evidence that such levels syneresis and gelling ability when holding at
of crosslinking caused caecal enlargement.* In low temperatures or repeatedly freezing and
view of these and other studies, it appears thawing (waxy maize, tapioca, and potato
reasonable to conclude that crosslinking starches). This is accomplished by interrupting
starch within the limits allowed by regulation the linearity of the amylose component or of
provides a modified food starch comparable to the outer branches of the amylopectin, reduc-
unmodified starch in nutritive value and safety. ing the tendency for intermolecular association
via hydrogen b ~ n d i n gThe
. ~ other objective is
Substitution of Monosubstituent Groups to introduce new or added functions into the
The second major approach to chemical starch molecules. This is the primary objective
starch modification is through the introduction in making octenyl succinate half esters of
of monosubstituent groups of acetate, phos- starch. These substituents impart emulsion
phate, octenyl succinate half ester, and hy- stabilizing properties to starch.
droxypropyl groups. These may represent the Substituent groups introduced at significant
sole modification or, in the case of all but the levels will affect the in vitro enzymic digestibi-
octenyl succinate half ester, part of a dual lity of starch.l0S1lAn approximation of the influ-
modification involving introduction of adipate ence of the degree of substitution on the in
or phosphate crosslinks. Since crosslinks per vitro digestibility of cooked cereal starch with
se have no significant effect on nutrition and pancreatin or amyloglucosidase is illustrated in
safety, and since most of the commercial food Figure 1. The nature of the substituent group
applications for modified food starches con- and type of starch will vary this pattern.
taining monosubstituent groups also require a An in vitro study showed that acetate ester
crosslinking treatment, nutrition and safety linkages are cleaved by pancreatic juices6
studies on acetates, phosphates, and hydroxy- This finding was based on the isolation and
propyl derivatives have frequently been based detection of 14C-labeled acetic acid from the
on monosubstituent modifications that have pancreatic digest of acetylated distarch adi-
also been crosslinked. pate containing 14C-labeled acetate groups.
The level of monosubstitutent groups intro- The conditions for the in vitro study, however,
17534887, 1986, 2, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [02/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
looti were tentatively identified as hydroxypropyl
maltose, dihydroxypropyl maltotriose, and di-
hydroxypropyl malt~tetraose.’~ The digestibi-
lity of the series decreased with increasing
Rats fed substituted and substituted cross-
linked starches, depending upon the degree of
substitution and nature of substituent group,
and unlike those fed crosslinked starches
treated in accordance with regulations for
modified food starches, tended to develop en-
larged caeca at high feeding levels. Such en-
largements are an adaptive change involving
the proliferation within the large intestine of
0 005 01 015 02 microorganisms capable of degrading food
constituents not degraded by enzymes such
Figure 1. Percentage of in vitro enzymic digestibility
relative to that of unmodified cereal starch as func-
as amylases, glucosidases, maltases, etc,
tion of degree of substitution (D.S.). present higher up in the gastrointestinal tract.*
_ _ _ _ _ _ ~
They are associated with feeding slowly di-
were such that some hydrolysis of the starch gested materials and formation of hyperosmot-
acetate possibly occurred during the study, so ically active substances in the caecum. They
that the observation may have been based on are not of toxicological significance. The cae-
an artifact due to hydrolysis rather than evi- cum returns to normal size when the slowly
dence of enzymatic removal. digestible material is removed from the diet.**
As noted p r e v i ~ u s l yinl ~the
~ ~discussion
~ on
starches crosslinked with adipate groups, in Long-term Toxicity Studies of Modified
vivo feeding studies of rats fed acetylated di- Starches
starch adipate made by treating with a mixed Long-term studies in rats fed various modi-
anhydride containing 0.2 percent adipic acid in fied starches14-15gave negative results in re-
5.5 percent acetic anhydride showed that the spect to carcinogenesis, but rats fed high di-
caloric value of the modified starch, which had etary levels of some substituted or crosslinked
an acetate degree of substitution of 0.07, was substituted modified starches exhibited an in-
comparable to that of unmodified starch. Thus, creased incidence of mineral deposits in the
even though this starch had an in vitro digesti- pelvic region of the kidney along with caecal
bility of about 80 percent that of the control, its enlargement. Concern over the etiology of
in vivo digestibility was essentially 100 percent these deposits by regulatory authorities led to
that of the control, indicating that in starch extensive studies by Feron et a1,16 Newberne
stabilized with ester groups there are digestive et aI,l7,l8 and Hodgkinson et aI.l9 The conclu-
mechanisms for removing stabilizing ester sions drawn from these studies and literature
groups, probably through hydrolysis. investigations were that:
The hydroxypropyl substituent groups in hy- 1) Rats are far more sensitive than mice to
droxypropylated starches, however, are not the development of pelvic nephrocalcinosis,
susceptible to hydrolysis as are ester groups. and the phenomenon has no apparent human
Leegwater studied the digestion of a hydroxy- counterpart;
(2-14C) propylated starch having a degree of 2) pelvic nephrocalcinosis is commonly seen
substitution of 0.12 in rats, and found that over in aging rats fed regular laboratory diets. Its
95 percent of the radioactivity administered to incidence is enhanced by incorporating a wide
the rats was detected in the feces.’* In subse- range of substances other than modified
quent studies using hydroxypropyl starches
with varying degrees of substitution ranging “FJC Roe, unpublished data.
from 0.025 to 0.106, the major components “DC Leegwater, unpublished data.


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starches in the diets. Lactose in the diet is far starches with significant levels of monosubsti-
more effective in enhancing the incidence of tuents, the amount rarely exceeds 5 to 6 per-
pelvic nephrocalcinosis than are modified cent in the food. In terms of daily intake it is well
starches; below 1 percent. In infant foods, modified
3) all carbohydrates increase calcium ab- starches, including simple crosslinked
sorption in rats, but some sugars, including starches, rarely account for more than 10 per-
lactose, increase it markedly.20The increased cent of the caloric intake.21 An unpublished
absorption of calcium leads to its increased survey in 1970 showed that the ratio of cross-
urinary excretion, and it is this increased uri- linked to esterified crosslinked, and to esteri-
nary excretion that predisposes the animals to fied crosslinked starches in baby foods was
pelvic nephrocalcinosis; 10:5:1. Since then, esterified crosslinked
4) the problem tends to be exacerbated in starches have been dropped from most infant
rats by including too much calcium and phos- foods. Thus, the level of modified food
phorus and too little magnesium in the diet. Of starches containing monosubstituents rarely
special importance, too, is a low Ca:P ratio; accounts for more than about 3.3 percent of
and the caloric intake in infant foods.
5) the effects of excessive calcium absorp- In 25-day-long studies on miniature pigs fed
tion in rats are more severe in older than in modified food starches, including hydroxypro-
younger ones, because calcium retention as- pylated crosslinked starch, in formulas in
sociated with bone growth ceases after matur- which the modified and control starches were
ity is reached. about 25 percent of the diet, no significant
The picture that emerges is that when sub- treatment-relatedeffects were observed on the
stituted starches are fed at abnormally high growth, biochemical values of blood or serum,
dietary levels, the rate of digestion in the upper or on carcass or liver comp~sition.~
gastrointestinal tract is insufficient to handle all Ninety-day-long studies on rats, using hy-
the carbohydrate. Consequently, unabsorb- droxypropyl distarch phosphate and a control
able substituted di- and trisaccharides enter starch fed at dietary levels of 5, 10, and 25
the caecum where they accumulate pending percent, showed no deviations from the control
possible degradation by bacterial enzymes with respect to growth, gains in body weight,
and, in the meantime, increase the osmotic food intake, or efficient food utilization at the 5
pressure and cause caecal enlargement. or 10 percent
These changes in the gut are associated with Controlled human studies have been limited.
increased calcium absorption, and increased However, one by Pieters et al involving feeding
calcium levels in renal tissue and in the urine, 12 volunteers a 60-g diet containing starch
which lead to calcium deposition in the kidney. acetate with 1.98 percent acetyl (degree of
These effects are related to the type and level substitution of about 0.075) for 4 days, pro-
of substitution. Hydroxypropyl derivatives duced no gastrointestinal e f f e ~ t s . ~ ~ , ~ ~
show them to a greater extent than ester deriv-
atives and the effects correlate positively with Summary
the level of substitution. From these observations, it appears that
The effects observed in rats fed high dietary simple crosslinked starches are indistinguish-
levels of modified starches are of no relevance able from unmodified starches in their nutri-
to human beings, for two reasons. First, human tional characteristics because of the extremely
beings, unlike rats, are not sensitive to the low level of crossbonds in the starch. Modified
development of any form of nephrocalcinosis food starches containing monosubstituent
as a consequence of dietary mineral imbal- groups alone or in combination with crosslinks,
ance or excessive intake of lactose. Second, depending upon the level of substitution, may
the dietary levels of modified starches required show slightly slower rates of digestion at high
to enhance pelvic nephrocalcinosis in rats far feeding levels, but this is of no significance at
exceed those to which humans are exposed. the levels of daily intake found in the human
In those foods containing modified food diet. 0
17534887, 1986, 2, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [02/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1. Evaluation of the Health Aspects of Starch and 373-374, 1972
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3. GJ Janzen, Die Starke 9: 231-237, 1969 16 VJ Feron, HP Til, and HR Immel, ClVO Report
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6. K Morgareidge, No 79408, Food and Drug Re- Institute of Technology Study 79-2, 1980
search Laboratories Inc, New York, NY, 1959 19. A Hodginson, D Davis, J Fourman, WG Robert-
7. TA Anderson, LJ Filer, SJ Fornan, DW Ander- son, and FJC Roe, Fd Chem Toxic20: 371-382,
sen, RL Jensen, and RR Rogers, Food Cosmet 1982
T O X ~ C11
O: ~747-754, 1973 20. FJC Roe, Modified Starches and Nephrocalci-
8. R Walker and EA El Harith, Ann Nutr Alim 32: nosis in Rats: Implications for the AD1 Principle
671-679, 1978 for Food Ingredients. European Toxicology
9. OB Wurzburg, Handbook of Food Additives. Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, 1984
Second Edition. TE Furia, Editor. CRC Press, 21. LJ Filer, Jr, Nutrition Reviews 29: 55-59, 1971
Cleveland, OH, 1972 22. DE Bailey, GE Cox, and K Morgareidge, Sub-
10. M Wootton and MA Chaudhry, Die Starke 31: acute Feeding Studies in Rats with Hydroxypro-
224-228, 1979 pyl Distarch Phosphate. Food and Drug Re-
11. M Wootton and MA Chaudhry, Die Starke 33: search Laboratories Inc, New York, NY, 1973
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12. DC Leegwater, CIVO-TNO Report R3441,1971 kuis, Report No. R-3433, CIVO, 1971
13. DC Leegwater and Al Speek, Die Starke 24: 24. R Derache, Med et Nutri 19: 195-202, 1983


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