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Institución Educativa JEC

Nuestra Señora Del Carmen

El Carmen
I love my district!

Hello! My name is Lesly! I live in the fabulous district of El

Carmen. El Carmen is one of eleven districts of the province
Chincha and is located in the department of Ica to the South of
Peru. El Carmen was created as a district on August 28, 1916,
during the government of President José Pardo y Barreda. It
has a population of 12,777 inhabitants. Our community is eminently agricultural.

AGRICULTURE is its main activity, especially the cultivation of cotton, beans,

chickpeas, pallares, yellow corn, and sweet potatoes.. Grapes are very precious
because they are the basis of the wine industry,
where it originates the Pisco, a Peruvian liquor. This
region exports asparagus, pecans, table grapes,
tangelo, tangerine, artichoke, onion, avocado, and
paprika; besides birds like turkeys, chickens, eggs,
etc. The people of my district are very hardworking
and dedicated to raising
A person collecting cotton at El Carmen pigs, cattle, and sheep,
producing dairy products derived from the milk of these
animals. I am proud of my community.

MINING. Thanks to “Camisea gas”, Ica is currently an

area with a high energy level, and on the coasts of Pisco
and Chincha, seismic explorations are being carried out to
determine more accurately the presence of traps in the subsoil where oil is found.

FISHING. The Tambo de Mora Port is an artisanal fishing port. On its beaches is
processed fishmeal. It is the only one in the province of Chincha that is strategically
located with great development expectations.

TOURISM. El Carmen is the only district in the province of

Chincha where the Afro-Peruvian ethnic group predominates
(from which I am part) with several cultural manifestations.
It is the center of folklore of the province, we are a happy,
bustling town located in a large Chinchano valley. It is the
cradle of the black genre since the first settlers were
descendants of slaves from Angola and Mandingas. Its patron saint is the Virgin of El
Carmen. As you can see, El Carmen is the most marvelous land in Peru and the world!

1. Where is El Carmen? ____________________________________________


2. When was El Carmen created? _____________________________________


3. What products cultivate El Carmen? _________________________________


4. What products are exported from El Carmen? _________________________


5. What is the only port of Chincha? What produces? ______________________


6. Why "El Carmen" is the cradle of the black genre? ______________________


7. What are the most important economic activities in El Carmen? _____________



1. Grapes are the basis of the wine industry. T --- F

2. El Carmen has a population of 12,767 inhabitants T --- F
3. Ica is the center of folklore of the province. T --- F
4. Lesly is an afro Peruvian descendant. T --- F
5. Ica is an area with a low energy level. T --- F


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