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Research in Business & Social Science

IJRBS VOL 12 NO 1 (2023) ISSN: 2147-4478
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The impacts of store price image and brand image on repurchase

intention with customer satisfaction as mediation: A study on
Transmart Mx Mall Malang
Octhavian Sukmartha Lucky (a)* Siti Aisjah (b) Astrid Puspa Ningrum (c)
Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Brawijaya, Bunga Songgolangit street, Lowokwaru, Malang, 65141, Indonesia.


Article history: Transmart needs the right strategy to increase consumer desire to make repeat purchases at Transmart
MX Mall Malang during the post-pandemic recovery period. Repurchase intention can be formed from
Received 16 October 2022 a positive brand image and customer satisfaction. Consumer perception of price or price image
Received in rev. form 22 Dec. 2022 positively influences repurchase intention. This research was built using Consumer Behaviour Theory.
Accepted 19 January 2023 This study aimed to test and analyze store price and brand image's influence on repeat purchase
intention mediated by consumer satisfaction at Transmart MX Mall Malang. This research uses
Transmart MX Mall Malang as the research object. The results of this study indicate that there is an
Keywords: influence between store price image and consumer satisfaction. This study also shows an influence
between store price image and repurchase intention. In addition, this study shows an influence between
Store Price Image, Brand Image,
brand image and consumer satisfaction. There is an influence between brand image and repurchase
Repurchase Intention, Customer intention. This study's results indicate an influence between store price image and repurchase intention
Satisfaction, Retail through consumer satisfaction. Finally, this study's results indicate an influence between brand image
and repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction.
JEL Classification:
M3 © 2023 by the authors. Licensee SSBFNET, Istanbul, Turkey. This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

The retail industry is currently experiencing a post-crisis recovery period, where public optimism and recovery in purchasing power
are positive signs for the rise of the retail industry in the second quarter of 2022 (Herlinda, 2021). New optimism in the retail industry
is strongly influenced by progress in several retail sectors, such as food and beverage, imported goods, cooking ingredients, and
clothing. Some of these sectors will become critical in the retail industry growth forecast in 2022, where the growth rate is predicted
to be at 4%, with a growth value of IDR 37.32 trillion (Technavio, 2021).
Repeat purchases from consumers are the company's primary goal, where interest in repurchasing indicates that the company already
has loyal customers who will continue to repeat product purchases (Havellira & Twyford, 2021). The existence of high repurchase
intention among consumers will be beneficial for the retail industry, especially the retail industry that focuses on the FMCG (fast-
moving consumer goods) sector, because consumers who are the main target will continue to purchase available products (Bahram
et al., 2017). In the context of the retail industry, brand image is an integral part of brand equity which determines the value of the
entire brand itself as a company's competitive capital or competitive advantage (Pham, 2020).

A positive brand image greatly influences consumer loyalty and commitment to consuming products from brands or companies (Alic
& Cinjarevic, 2020). Specifically, a positive brand image will increase consumer satisfaction and lure consumers into repurchasing
the products they consume (Bahram et al., 2017). Creating a positive brand image is still significant homework for the retail industry.
The average retail industry is still focused on providing essential products to answer market needs. It assumes that consumers will
come by themselves, along with the available goods they need (Kremer & Viot, 2012).

* Corresponding author. ORCID ID: 000-0003-3890-8017

© 2023 by the authors. Hosting by SSBFNET. Peer review under responsibility of Center for Strategic Studies in Business and Finance.
Lucky et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(1) (2023), 22-30

A positive brand image will also create reasonable customer satisfaction. Consumers who feel that they are making purchases at a
company with a positive reputation will feel more easily satisfied and confident in their purchases (Hak-Jun et al., 2020). Consumer
perceptions can also be formed from their views on the products' prices. Product price images generally form consumer perceptions
based on comparing prices and the value they receive (Usly & Huseinyli, 2018).

The view of the price image of the store itself is a consumer response to the abundance of information and price comparisons
accessible to consumers (Hamilton & Chernev, 2013). The consumer's perception of the suitability of value and price is determined
by the value of the product, administrative costs, and the costs incurred to access the product itself (Hustic & Gregurec, 2015). The
challenge in forming a store price image is that most products sold by retail outlets are not products produced and sold directly by
companies (Koschmann & Isaac, 2018).

Several studies have shown a relationship between brand image, store price image, and repurchase intention. However, there are
several research groups (Khoo, Kim Leng, 2020; Mudiantono, M. and Andhike, D., 2019; Asri, A., 2021; Bhakuni, P. et al. 2021).
The researcher argues that brand and store price images do not affect repurchase intention. Therefore, to fill the gap caused by the
inconsistency of the results of previous research, this study used a mediating variable. The consumer satisfaction variable was chosen
as a mediating variable because it plays an essential role in shaping repurchase intention. After all, satisfaction itself will determine
consumer perceptions of the company (actors and Ashraf, 2016). This explanation is supported by research showing that consumer
satisfaction acts as a mediating variable that increases the influence of brand image and price image on repurchase intention (Porral
& Levy-Mangin, 2017).
Malang City is one of the areas with high economic growth projected to be high in the coming years. Based on Sutiaji's presentation
in CNBC Indonesia (2022), Malang City is projected to have an economic growth of 4.5%. This projection is born from optimism
from Malang City's track record in controlling the economic downturn during the crisis in 2020 and 2021. Growth in the small and
retail sector retail in Malang City continues to show an increasing trend, wherein in 2021, small and retail retailers show a growth
rate of 2.1% (Sudiongko, 2022).

Transmart MX Mall is one of the large retail outlets located in Malang City. Competition in retail companies is quite tight. One factor
that significantly influences the competitive advantage of the retail sector is the image of the company itself among the public. The
Top Brand Award here can be used as a reference to observe competition between retailers in Indonesia. The Top Brand Award was
awarded based on a survey conducted independently by the Frontier Group. The Top Brand survey involved more than 12,000
respondents and was carried out simultaneously in 15 major cities in Indonesia. Transmart Carrefour obtained a Top Brand Index
(TBI) of 39.30% in 2022, so it was able to maintain its award as the number one Top Brand in Indonesia. Under the Transmart
Carrefour, there is a Hypermart with a Top Brand Index of 26.70% in 2022. The third is Lotte Mart which has a Top Brand Index of
5.90% in 2022. Transmart MX Mall Malang is taken as an object because Transmart MX Mall Malang experienced a decrease in
visitors in mid-2021 since it first opened in 2019 (Malang Pos, 2021). The results of this explanation are inversely proportional to
the results of the Top Brand Award, which stated that Transmart was the leading retailer in the last four years.

The phenomena indicate that Transmart needs the right strategy to increase consumer desire to make repeat purchases at Transmart
MX Mall Malang during the post-pandemic recovery period. Repurchase intention can be formed from positive brand image and
consumer satisfaction (Garcia et al., 2020). A positive brand image will give the company a competitive advantage which is an
advantage of a brand in the minds of consumers compared to competing brands (Khoo, 2020). Consumer perceptions of price or
price image positively influence repurchase intention (Graciela et al., 2018). Furthermore, in research on repurchase intention,
consumer satisfaction acts as a mediation between the independent variable and the dependent variable repurchase intention itself
(Miao et al., 2020).

This study aims to test and analyze the influence of store price image and brand image on repeat purchase intention mediated by
consumer satisfaction at Transmart MX Mall Malang. This research uses Transmart MX Mall Malang as the research object. This
study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study are consumers from Transmart MX Malang. Sampling was carried
out by using the non-probability sampling method. In this study, the sample was determined, namely the research item, so the number
of respondents was 110. To get the desired result, as many as 110 respondents. Data collection techniques in this study were carried
out by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis techniques were carried out by SEM-PLS using software 3.0.

Literature Review
Conceptual Background
Consumer Behaviour
The theory of consumer behaviour is a grand theory (leading theory) used in this study. Consumer behaviour is a scientific discipline
that studies how to process consumer habits. In line with the opinion of Reading and Leeuwen (2010), the presence of the discipline
of consumer behaviour for companies plays a role in predicting, explaining, and controlling consumer behaviour. Consumer
behaviour is a variety of things that underlie consumers to make purchasing decisions for products or services. Consumer behaviour
is the things that underlie consumers to make purchasing decisions. According to Simamora (2004), consumer behaviour is an action
that is directly involved in obtaining, consuming, and spending on products and services, including the decision processes that precede

Lucky et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(1) (2023), 22-30

and follow these actions. Schiffman and Kanuk (in Prasetijo and Halauw, 2005) state that consumer behaviour is the process a person
goes through in searching, buying, using, evaluating, and acting after consumption of products, services, or ideas that are expected
to meet their needs.

Brand Image

Brand image is an overall impression that consumers have of a brand, including what the brand has done in the past, the quality
offered in the present, and the promised projections in the future (Ferrell & Hartline, 2017). The brand image generally describes
beliefs and how consumers associate with a particular brand (Tjiptono, 2015). According to Bahram et al. (2017) and Garcia et al.
(2020), brand image indicators are Practical Functions, Positive Symbolic Meaning, and Associations with Positive Experiences.

Store Price Image

Price can be defined as a unit that is a medium of exchange between the product and the right to own the product, where this
transaction takes place between the company and the consumer and can be adjusted based on the context of creating the price
(Tjiptono, 2016). The price determines how consumers feel the added value of a product, and the perception of this added value will
shape consumer perceptions of price (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Perception of price is not only determined by the price itself but also
influenced by various other factors, such as consumers' overall experience in making purchases (Roth et al., 2017). Specifically, the
dimensions of the store's price image are price levels and price fairness perceived by consumers (Graciola et al., 2018).
Customer Satisfaction

Consumer satisfaction can be defined as pleasure or disappointment from comparing services or products consumed by consumers
(Kotler & Keller, 2016). In another explanation, the evaluation carried out by consumers is based on consumer expectations for the
product and starts from the initial stages of purchasing the product by the consumers themselves (Kotler & Armstrong, 2018).
Specifically, consumer experience related to products exceeds consumer expectations for related products, so the level of consumer
satisfaction will be higher (Kotler & Keller, 2017). Indicators of consumer satisfaction, according to Khoo (2020), are Satisfaction
with Product Purchase Decisions, Enjoyment of Consuming Products, and Satisfaction with Product Service Quality.

Repurchase Intention
Repurchase intention results from forming consumer thoughts to purchase products and brands that best fit the criteria (Kotler &
Armstrong, 2018). Consumers form a desire to repurchase after comparing their consumption experience of a product with their
expectations of that experience (Chio & Cho, 2019). Repurchase intention is very closely related to the consumers' motives in
consuming a product or service (Kotler, 2015). According to Chen and Chen (2017), indicators of repurchase intention are
Repurchase Desire and Repurchase Planning.
Conceptual Framework of the Research

This study investigates five main constructs consisting of three two independent variables, namely brand image and store price image,
and one dependent variable, namely repurchase intention. In addition, this study also adds a mediating variable (customer
satisfaction). For more details, see Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Research Framework and Hypothesis

The hypotheses of this study are:

H1: There is a significant influence between store price image on customer satisfaction Transmart MX Malang
H2: There is a significant influence between the brand image on customer satisfaction Transmart MX Malang
H3: There is a significant influence between the brand image on repurchase intention customer Transmart MX Malang
H4: There is a significant influence between store price image on repurchase intention customer Transmart MX Malang
H5: There is a significant influence between customer satisfaction on repurchase intention customer Transmart MX Malang
H6: Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between brand image and repurchase intention customer Transmart MX Malang
H7: Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between store price image and repurchase intention customer Transmart MX

Lucky et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(1) (2023), 22-30

Research and Methodology

Participants and Data Collection
The population in this study are consumers from Transmart MX Malang. Sampling was carried out by using the non-probability
sampling method. In this study, the sample was determined, namely the research item, 11 multiplied by 10 = 110, so the number of
respondents was 110. To get the desired results, as many as 110 respondents. The sample criteria specified in this study were over
17 years of age because they could make decisions independently and determine their preferences in research (Mothersbaugh, 2010).
Have purchased at least 1 (once) time at Transmart MX Malang
Data Analysis

This research uses Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis with Variance Based SEM approach or better known as Partial Least
Square (PLS) and the software used in data analysis to test the hypothesis in this study WarpPLS 3.0.

The store price image variable is measured using the Price Level and Price Fairness indicators developed by Graciola et al. (2018).
Brand image variables consist of indicators of Practical Functions, Positive Symbolic Meanings, and associations with Positive
Experiences which were developed by Bahram et al. (2017) and Garcia et al. (2020). Variable customer satisfaction consists of
Satisfaction with Product Purchase Decisions, Enjoyment of Consuming Products, and satisfaction with Product Service Quality
which was developed by Khoo (2020). Finally, the Repurchase Intention variable consists of repurchase desire and repurchase
planning which was developed by Chen and Chen (2017).

Result of The Research

Statistical tests were conducted to measure the validity and reliability of this study. Table 1 indicates that the scale, magnitude, and
statistical fit have been accepted. The average variance extracted (AVE) values of all latent variables show a score of 0.770 for the
store price image variable, 0.668 for the brand image variable, 0.610 for the consumer satisfaction variable, and 0.784 for the
repurchase intention variable. The Cronbach alpha value for the reliability criterion is relatively high; customer satisfaction has the
highest Cronbach alpha value. Sequentially, the Cronbach alpha coefficient values for the four variables used in this study range from
0.7 to 0.78, and they are acceptable.

Table 1: Composite Reliability, Cronbach Alpha, AVE

Variables Composite Reliability Cronbach Alpha AVE

Store Price Image 0,870 0,702 0,770

Brand Image 0,858 0,752 0,668

Customer Satisfaction 0,862 0,787 0,610

Repurchase Intention 0,879 0,724 0,784

Source: Primer Data, 2022

The composite reliability (CR) values were 0.879, 0.870, 0.862, and 0.858, respectively (above 0.80). It can be concluded that all
constructs are reliable, both according to composite reliability and Cronbach alpha. The R-square value of the Repurchase Intention
variable in this research model is 0.760. The goodness of Fit (GoF) in this study was calculated using the equation GoF = √(〖AR〗
^2 xAcom) =√(0.708x0.726) =0.716. The score of 0.926 on the Q-Square calculation shows that the model in this study can be said
to have immense goodness of fit.

Lucky et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(1) (2023), 22-30

Table 2: Results of Direct Effect Hypothesizes Testing

Hypothesis Relationship Between Path t-statistic p-values Result

Variables Coefficient
H1 Store Price Image - 0,288 2,754 0,006 Significant Accepted
Customer Satisfaction

H2 Brand Image - Customer 0,599 6,559 0,000 Significant Accepted

H3 Brand Image - 0,208 2,117 0,035 Significant Accepted
Repurchase Intention

H4 Store Price Image - 0,442 4,482 0,000 Significant Accepted

Repurchase Intention

H5 Kepuasan Konsumen- 0,303 2,781 0,006 Significant Accepted

Repurchase Intention

H6 Brand Image - Customer 0,182 2,440 0,015 Significant Accepted

Satisfaction - Repurchase
H7 Store Price Image - 0,087 2 0,046 Significant Accepted
Customer Satisfaction -
Repurchase Intention
Source: Primer Data, 2022
Based on the analysis results in the table, it is known that the magnitude of the direct influence of the store price image variable on
the consumer satisfaction variable is 0.288. As for the influence of store price image on consumer satisfaction, it has a t-statistic
value more significant than the t-table value (2.754 > 1.96). So, the store price image variable significantly affects consumer
satisfaction, so H1 is accepted. The magnitude of the direct effect of the store price image variable on the variable of repurchase
intention is 0.442. The effect of store price image on repurchase intention has a t-statistic value more significant than the t-table value
(4.482 > 1.96). It can be concluded that the store price image variable has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention, so H2
is accepted. The magnitude of brand image variables' direct influence on consumer satisfaction is 0.599. The effect of brand image
on consumer satisfaction has a t-statistic value more significant than the t-table value (6.559 > 1.96). So the brand image variable
significantly positively affects consumer satisfaction, so H3 is accepted.

The magnitude of the direct influence of the brand image variable on the variable of repurchase intention is 0.208. The effect of brand
image on repurchase intention has a t-statistic value more significant than the t-table value (2.117 > 1.96). So, it can be concluded
that the brand image variable significantly positively affects the repurchase intention variable, so H4 is accepted. The magnitude of
the direct influence of the consumer satisfaction variable on the variable of repurchase intention is 0.303. The effect of consumer
satisfaction on repurchasing intention has a t-statistic value more significant than the t-table value (2.781 > 1.96). So, the consumer
satisfaction variable significantly positively affects repurchase intention, so H5 is accepted.

The magnitude of the indirect effect of the brand image variable on the variable of repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction
is 0.182. The total effect of the brand image variable on the repurchase intention variable through the consumer satisfaction variable
is 0.389. This value is greater than the direct effect of brand image variable influence on repurchase intention, which is 0.182. The
effect of brand image on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction has a t-statistic value more significant than the t-table
value (2.440 > 1.96). It can be concluded that the brand image variable significantly positively affects repurchase intention through
consumer satisfaction, so H6 is accepted.
The magnitude of the indirect effect of the brand image variable on the variable of repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction
is 0.087. The total effect of the price image variable on the variable of repurchase intention through the consumer satisfaction variable
is 0.529. This value is greater than the direct effect of the price image variable on the repurchase intention of 0.288. The effect of
price image on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction has a t-statistic value more significant than the t-table value (2 >
1.96). It can be concluded that the price image variable has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention through customer
satisfaction, so H7 is accepted.

The Effect of Store Price Image on Customer Satisfaction

A good store price image will affect consumer satisfaction because consumer satisfaction with prices tends to be obtained when these
consumers get lower prices at a retail outlet than at other retail outlets. This will make consumers do positive WOM on their
experience when making transactions at a retail outlet. One study also explained that consumers tend to be satisfied when the price

Lucky et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(1) (2023), 22-30

they pay for a product is comparable to the product's value or even lower than the value of the product they get (Jin et al., 2016).
Store price image can affect consumer satisfaction (Prihatini & Gumilang, 2021). The analysis of the direct influence between store
price image and consumer satisfaction shows that store price image has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, so
the first hypothesis, namely, store price image has an effect on consumer satisfaction, is accepted.

The Effect of Store Price Image on Repurchase Intention

The analysis of the direct effect between store price image and repurchase intention shows that store price image has a positive and
significant effect on repurchase intention, so the second hypothesis, namely, store price image influences repurchase intention, is

According to the theory results, repeat purchases will occur when consumers get a good price perception of a particular product or
outlet compared to others. The explanation also supports that consumers will form a desire to repurchase after comparing their product
consumption experience with their expectations of that experience (Chio & Cho, 2019).

The Effect of Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction

Consumers here will say they are satisfied with an item if he has a good perception of a product. If the brand has given satisfaction,
consumers usually do positive WOM to people related to the brand in the product they have purchased. Many companies deliberately
provide a good image of the brand to increase profits or profits for the company. Therefore, forming a brand on a product is necessary
because it is a decision of attitude or behaviour among consumers. So a positive brand image will lead to customer satisfaction. The
explanation above supports that brand image affects consumer satisfaction (Graciola et al., 2018).

From the analysis of the direct influence between brand image and consumer satisfaction, it was found that brand image has a positive
and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, so the third hypothesis, namely, brand image's effect on consumer satisfaction, is
The Effect of Brand Image on Repurchase Intention

A good brand image will undoubtedly make consumers make optimistic assumptions about their experiences when purchasing that
brand. This explanation is also supported by the definition of repurchase intention, which can be described as a consumer's desire to
repeat his purchase after having a positive experience with a previous purchase (Garcia et al., 2020).

From the analysis of the direct influence between brand image and repurchase intention, it was found that brand image has a positive
and significant effect on repurchase intention, so the fourth hypothesis, namely, brand image affects repurchase intention, is accepted.

The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Reourchase Intention

The analysis of the direct influence between consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention shows that customer satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, so the fifth hypothesis, namely that consumer satisfaction has an effect on
repurchase intention, is accepted.
Consumers will make repeat purchases when they get a good experience with the brand. Consumer experience in assessing
satisfaction is very dependent on the characteristics of the consumer itself. At the same time, the decision to repurchase is generally
defined by the level of positive experience that is felt compared to competing products (Abdeldayem, 2010). From this explanation,
consumers will make repeat purchases if they get a good experience with the brand.

The Effect of Brand Image on Repurchase Intention is Mediated by Customer Satisfaction

The results of the study show that brand image has a significant effect on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction. The
mediating impact on consumer satisfaction is known to be partial mediation. Meanwhile, according to (Hair et al., 2014), if the
independent variable's direct effect on the dependent variable is significant, the indirect effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable through a significant mediating variable is assumed to be partial mediation. From this explanation, the brand
image variable significantly positively affects repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction. So, for a more significant effect,
Transmart MX Mall Malang should not only pay attention to brand image but also pay attention to consumer satisfaction.

Consumers will make repeat purchases when they get optimistic assumptions about their shopping experience or transactions at a
brand/brand. Optimistic assumptions here can also cause consumers to feel satisfied when buying and using the brand. The
explanation supports that consumer satisfaction is a mediator between brand image and repurchase intention (Bahram et al., 2017).

The Effect of Store Price Image on Repurchase Intention is Mediated by Customer Satisfaction
The results of the study show that price image has a significant effect on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction. The
mediating impact on consumer satisfaction is known to be partial mediation. Referring to the opinion (Hair et al., 2017), if the
independent variable's direct effect on the dependent variable is significant and the indirect effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable through a significant mediating variable is assumed to be partial mediation. Therefore, consumer satisfaction can
partially mediate the effect of store price image on repurchase intention. This shows the importance of the influence of consumer

Lucky et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(1) (2023), 22-30

satisfaction as a mediating variable. So, for a more significant effect, Transmart Mx Mall should not only pay attention to the image
of store prices but also pay attention to the extent to which the effect of consumer satisfaction is on its customers.
Price is a sensitive matter for consumers. The price image of a brand is significant. Prices more expensive than competitors will
reduce consumer interest in repurchasing a brand or be vulnerable to switching to another brand (Prihatini & Gumilang, 2021).
Consumer satisfaction will undoubtedly be obtained when they get a price that is comparable to the value obtained. In addition, lower
prices compared to other competitors will also make consumers loyal to that brand. The explanation also supports that store price
image affects consumer satisfaction (Watanabe et al., 2016; Prihatini & Gumilang, 2021). Furthermore, repurchase intention is
influenced by the image of store prices (Graciola et al., 2018; Bhakuni et al., 2021).

The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between store price image and consumer satisfaction. The results of this
study indicate that there is an influence between store price image and repurchase intention. Many companies deliberately provide a
good image of the brand in order to increase profits or profits for the company. The results of this study indicate that there is an
influence between brand image and consumer satisfaction. A good brand image will undoubtedly make consumers make optimistic
assumptions about their experiences when purchasing that brand. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between
brand image and repurchase intention. Consumers will make repeat purchases when they get a good experience with the brand. The
results of this study indicate that there is an influence between consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention.

This study's results indicate an influence between store price image and repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction.
Consumers will make repeat purchases when they get optimistic assumptions about their shopping experience or transactions at a
brand/brand. This study's results indicate an influence between brand image and repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction.

This research is still limited to Transmart MX Mall Malang as a research object. Further research is suggested to examine Transmart
in Indonesia. This research is still limited to the population of consumers who have shopped at Transmart MX Mall Malang.

Furthermore, the number of respondents in this study can still be increased to obtain better results. So that further research is suggested
to add to the research sample and expand the research population or choose another population that has a higher avoidance rate than
Transmart consumers in Malang. Researchers can also use variables such as product attributes or perceived value for more in-depth

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data Collection, Formal Analysis, Writing—Original Draft Preparation, Writing—Review
And Editing, by authors with equal participation. All authors have read and agreed to the published the final version of the manuscript.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Ethical review and approval were waived for this study, due to that the research does not deal with
vulnerable groups or sensitive issues.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly
available due to privacy.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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