17051806ASmith - Pdhpe Lessons

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Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games,

s, one page for each one)

Name of the Game Transport Freeze

Stage Early Stage 1

Explanation Teacher asks students to move around an indicated space (approx. 10m square) imitating a particular form of transport ( train, car, bus, boat, plane etc.) being careful not to bump (crash) into anyone else until the whistle is blown by the teacher when they must freeze on the spot, then the teacher calls out a new form of transport and the students must imitate the new form of transport until the whistle is blown again (This is repeated 5 or 6 times)

Why is this game important for this stage? It gets students moving around the space while being aware of the other students around them. It involves their thinking skills, where they have to think about how a certain type of transport operates and then to imitate that with their body. It is a fun way for the students to get up and moving around, with the transport aspect being a fun twist on the regular game of freeze.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? COES1.1 Expresses feelings needs and wants in appropriate ways. How? As students must listen to instructions and then listen out for and respond to the different forms of transport as they are called out. MOES1.4 Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movements skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences. How? Students must decide how they can move their bodies to imitate the forms of transport DMES1.2 Identifies some options available when making decisions. How? Students need to use decision making skills when thinking about how they will move their bodies to imitate the various forms of transport. Equipment and Teaching cues Whistle Have a list of appropriate transport prepared so you are not put on the spot (Car, Train, Plane, Helicopter, Bike, Bus, Boat etc.) Cones (to mark out space for students to move within).

Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Colour Swap

Stage: Stage 1

Explanation Teacher places 4 different coloured cones in 4 corners of a marked out square (approx. 10m square) Each student is then given a coloured token in one of the 4 colours. Teacher then advises students to move around the space with their token and when they hear 1 whistle blow they must swap their token with another student who has a different colour, when they hear the teacher blow the whistle twice they must move the corner for the coloured token they now possess as quickly as possible. Why is this game important for this stage? It gets students moving around and interacting with one another. Students need to be aware of what colour token they have so they are using their memory and recognition skills as well. Encourages students to share and swap their coloured tokens. What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? DMS1.2 Recalls past experiences in making decisions. How? Students must recognise and decide the best way to get to their particular coloured cone. INS1.3 Develops positive relationships with peers and other people. How? Students must interact when swapping tokens MOS1.4 Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations. How? Students must move around the space and then eventually to the appropriate coloured cone. Equipment and Teaching cues Whistle Coloured cones Tokens (anything can be used so long as there are about 7 of Each colour. Bean bags, cardboard circles etc). The teacher can make it more challenging by making the students swap numerous times before they return the their coloured corner and by blowing the signals fast one after the other. Teacher can also get students to use different movements to move around the room (Skip, hop, jump, walk, leap etc.)

Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game Underwater Catch

Stage Stage 2

Explanation Teacher asks for 8 volunteers to be coral they stand facing each other and hold hands up in the air making a bridge shape, 2 more students are nominated to be the sharks the rest of the class are fish. The object of the game is for all students to run around and the sharks try to catch (tag) as many fish as they can. The fish can hide in the coral and are safe from the sharks, only one fish can hide in a particular coral at a time. If another fish comes to hide in the coral the original fish must move on. If a fish is caught by the sharks they switch places with a coral. Why is this game important for this stage? This game encourages the students to act honestly when they are tagged and to swap positions with the students who are coral. Encourages students to cooperate and share the safe zones (coral) Encourages decision making to find the safest route to coral. What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? DMS2.2 Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member. How? Students must decide where to run and the best way to get away from/catch the shark/fishes. INS2.3 Make positive contributions in group activities. How? Students must cooperate when entering/leaving the coral . MOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations. How? Students must move around to get away from/to catch the sharks/fishes. PSS2.5 Uses a range of problem solving strategies. How? Students must use their decision making abilities to decide the best way to approach the next coral safely. Equipment and Teaching cues Teacher needs to keep an eye on the game and ensure fishes who are tagged swap with the coral and everyone gets a turn at running around.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 4 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game Remote Control

Stage Stage 3

Explanation Students pair up and one student has the remote control and the other students needs to follow the controls PLAY walk around, STOP freeze on the spot, REWIND walk backwards FAST FORWARD run PAUSE slow motion. Then after 5 or so minutes the students swap over and the other student then controls the movements of the other. NOTE: The remote control is imaginary they do not have a physical remote control they can just call out their directions

Why is this game important for this stage? Helps students to work well in pairs. Gets students moving around in a different way. Helps with students following instructions What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? COS3.1 Communicates confidently in a variety of situations How? Students must communicate the commands with their partner. DMS3.2 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences. How? Students must make decisions about what commands they will give their partner that are fair and appropriate (eg. not letting their partner stand still on STOP for the whole time) INS3.3 Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations How? As above, students must be fair to their partner. MOS3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations. How? Students move in accordance with the command they are given from the holder of their remote control. Equipment and Teaching cues Teacher should have a universal remote so that if any students are being silly or unfair with their directions the teachers can jump in. Teacher should have a list of the commands/movements for students to refer to on a cardboard where all students can see it (taped to a wall or something)

Part B - INVASION GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part B proforma for each of the 2 invasion game, one page/game, 1 game S 2 + 1 game S 3

Name of the Invasion Game Netball Skills

Stage Stage 2

Explanation Mark out one half of courts and split class into 2 teams. One team is given bibs to identify themselves. The object of the game is to try and pass the ball to other members of your team while the opposing team tries to intercept the ball. Each team has to try and keep the ball for at least 30 seconds, if they do this successfully they earn 1 point, then the ball is passed over to the other team. After a few attempts by each team introduce new rules (eg. You can only hold the ball for 5 secs or it is passed over to the other team etc. see below) If the ball goes out of the designated space the opposing team can throw it back in from the spot it went out. Why is this game important for this stage? Encourages stop/start running around the space Introduces shooting the ball into the hoop Allows students to work on their throwing/passing What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? DMS2.2 Makes decisions as an individual and as a member of a group. How? Students need to make decisions about who to pass the ball onto from their team without the other team intercepting. INS2.3 Makes positive contribution in group activities. How? Students need to move around the space to ensure they are in a helpful position for the ball to be passed to them without the other team intercepting. MOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of challenging situations. How? Students must move around the space to ensure they are in the best position. PSS2.5 Uses a range of problem-solving strategies. How? Students must use problem-solving skills to decide where to pass the ball.

Equipment and Teaching cues Netball courts Netball Rules that can be introduced to game as it progresses 1. You can only hold the ball for 5 secs or it is passed over to the other team 2. You cannot move while you have the ball 3. If a member of your team can shoot the ball through the hoop you earn 1 bonus point

Part B - INVASION GAMES PROFORMA PDHPE (students are to use one part B proforma for each of the 2 invasion game, one page/game, 1 game S 2 + 1 game S 3

Name of the Invasion Game Soccer Skills

Stage Stage 3

Explanation Mark a large square with a goal on each of the 4 sides. Students are split into 2 teams and given coloured bibs to identify teams. 1 team is nominated as the attacking team, whose objective is to try and kick the ball through any of the 4 goals as many times as possible, while the defensive team try to stop them. The defensive team cannot score goals. After 5 minutes of play the teams swap .The only way students can move the ball around is by dribbling the ball or taking a shot at goal. If the ball goes out of the area the opposing team can kick it back in from the ground where it went out. Why is this game important for this stage? Promotes teamwork Allows students to practice kicking skills, in particular dribbling and shooting. Encourages trapping for the defensive team. What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? DMS3.2 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibilities for consequences. How? Students must make decisions where and how to pass the ball to benefit their team. MOS3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations. How? Students use various forms of movement, including running, dribbling and kicking in order to score/stop a goal. PSS3.5 Suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives when resolving problems. How? Students must identify and solve problems relating to the game to ensure their team scores the most points.

Equipment and Teaching cues Soccer ball Cones to mark out field Larger cones to indicate goals Teacher will need to keep score of the goals scored by each team.

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Personal Identity STAGE: Early Stage 1 Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): GDES1.9 Identifies how people grow and change. COES1.1 Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways. VAES1.1 Makes simple pictures and other kinds of artworks about things and experiences. Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Identify differences with peers Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Teacher gets students to group together to indicate differences in appearance, experiences and abilites (eg. Hair colour, sex, overseas travel, who can/cannot whistle, etc.) Resources Teacher should make a list of examples of cues to call out to ensure the games flows smoothly.

Introduction 15mins


Identify own qualities

20 mins

Students are asked to draw a detailed picture of themselves doing/using/playing with their favourite thing (toy, activity, etc.) using coloured pencils/crayons to identify hair, eye, skin colour. (Teacher should draw one as well to use as an example to the class.)

-A4 sheets of blank paper -coloured pencils/crayons


Recognition of difference in peers

Students go around the classroom and show their portrait and explain the favourite thing they are doing in the picture.

Teacher should show their picture first to encourage the kids.


Lesson Evaluation Do I feel the lesson was successful? Did the students appear to get what I intended them too out of the lesson? What do I feel needs to be changed/improved?

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Road Safety STAGE: Stage 1 Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): SLS1.13 Recognises that their safety depends on the environment and the behaviour of themselves and others. COS1.1 Communicates appropriately in a variety of ways. VAS1.1 Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things. Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Introducing the concept of wearing a seatbelt. Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Teacher poses the question What should be the first thing we do when we get into the car? (looking for students to identify their seatbelts) Teacher explains the activity they are about to do, using eggs as people in a car wearing their seatbelts. Students predict what will happen in certain situations (eg. Braking suddenly etc./will the egg Resources -Teacher should list predictions on board

Introduction 5 mins

break yes or no)

Body 30 mins

Understanding why we wear a seatbelt.

Students are to design a car to put their egg in to demonstrate road safety.(Students use small tissue boxes which they can cut the top off, and line with tissues to place their egg in and put a masking tape seat belt on.) Once students have made their cars they pair up and play with the cars and observe what happens when they encounter different dangerous situations on their cars. (braking suddenly, turning sharply etc.)

-tissue boxes (small) -eggs -tissues -masking tape -car mat


Consequences of not wearing a seatbelt

10 mins

Students should discuss what would happen to the eggs in various instances if they did not have their seatbelt on. Teacher may demonstrate with a spare car/egg not strapped in with masking tape (does the egg break) Compare to predictions for beginning.

Teacher should lead class in discussion.

Lesson Evaluation Do I feel the lesson was successful? Did the students appear to get what I intended them too out of the lesson? What do I feel needs to be changed/improved?

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Nutrition STAGE: Stage 2 (year 4) Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): PHS2.12 Discusses the factors influencing health choices. COS2.1 Uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups. INS2.3 Makes positive contributions in group activities. UTS1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task. CUS2.4 Describes different viewpoints, ways of living, languages and belief systems in a variety of communities. Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Recognising different cultures eat different foods. Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Teachers shows some images of people from different cultures eating traditional/unusual foods from their country and students discuss interesting meals they have come across in travels or at particular restaurants etc. Resources -projector -images of culturally significant foods.

Introduction 10mins

Body 30 mins

Researching foods from other cultures

Computer lesson students pair up and are given a country and one of their cultural foods, and the students must research a number of questions on a worksheet (eg. How is the food found? How is it grown/harvested? How is it eaten? Etc.)

-Access to computers for class -worksheet (See appendix 1) - List of different clutures/foods to give to each pair.

Conclusion 15mins

Share what they have discovered

Each pair reveals to the class the information they have discovered about the particular food.

Lesson Evaluation Do I feel the lesson was successful? Did the students appear to get what I intended them too out of the lesson? What do I feel needs to be changed/improved?

K-6 PDHPE BLANK LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Part C Assignment 1 (students are to use one part C proforma for each of the four lessons to be planned)

LESSON: Peer Relationships STAGE: Stage 3 Related lesson outcomes (PDHPE & other KLAs): IRS3.11 Describes roles and responsibilities in developing and maintaining positive relationships. PSS3.5 Suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives when resolving problems. INS3.3 Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations. COS3.1 Communicates confidently in a variety of situations. TS3.2 Interacts productively and with autonomy in pairs and groups of various sizes and composition, uses effective oral presentation skills and strategies and listens attentively. TS3.1 Communicates effectively for a range of purposes and with a variety of audiences to express well-developed, well-organised ideas dealing with more challenging topic Part & Timing Content (WHAT) Recognising instances of peer pressure/ influence Teaching & learning strategies (HOW) Teacher plays a short video clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIXib1Lz7oU to 2.40mins) and asks students to identify instances of peer pressure/influence and how positive peer influence and acting on concerns for others may have helped the situation Resources -projector -video clip (see references)

Introduction 15 mins


Role playing scenarios of peer pressure/influence, positive peer influence and acting on concerns for others

Students divided into small groups (of 3 or 4) and script and act out a short 3-4 min role play of positive peer influence and acting on concerns of others.

20 mins

Conclusion 20mins

Students recognise instances of positive peer influence

Students role paly their scenarios to the class

Lesson Evaluation Do I feel the lesson was successful? Did the students appear to get what I intended them too out of the lesson? What do I feel needs to be changed/improved?


Student Worksheet Appendix 1

Your Group: _________________________________________________________
Name the food/dish and the culture or group you have chosen to research.

Name a special cultural celebration or event the food is served at?

Who is usually responsible for making the food?

What are the key ingredients?

Where are they grown or made?

Interesting facts or comments:

Board of Studies New South Wales Personal Development, Health and Physical Educatrion K-6 Syllabus 2006 Warm up games for stage 2 & 3 adapted from: http://physicaleducationresources.com/warmups_small_games_physical_education_r esources.aspx Worksheet Adapted from: http://www.pbs.org/opb/meaningoffood/classroom/popstudent_worksheet.shtml You tube video for stage 3 Peer relations class: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ZIXib1Lz7oU

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