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Recall and Interpret

What decision does Teruo make? What do you think was the motivation for his
action? Be sure to cite evidence from the text.
Teruo is a young man working at a flower shop owned by Mr. Sasaki, faces a dilemma
when he has to lie to a customer about the quality of the flowers in the shop, Teruo decides
to be honest with the customers about how the flowers in the front were old, and decides to
sell the costumers the fresh ones in the back, despite knowing that his actions might lead to
him being fired. His motivation appears to be his commitment to honesty, he doesn’t think
is right to lie, and he doesn’t want to let down the people who buy flowers with him. The
text supports this decision when Teruo says to the narrator, "I feel rotten, " he said to me.
"Those Flowers I sold to the people won't last longer than tomorrow. I feel lousy. I'm lousy.
The people'll get to know my word is no good pretty soon." “Forget it," I said. "Quit
worrying. What's the matter with you?" "I'm lousy," he said, and went back to the store."

2. Vocabulary
How does Teruo maintain his sense of integrity on the job?
Teruo maintains his sense of integrity on the job by sticking to his principles of honesty and
ethical conduct. Even though he needs the job and knows that he will get fired if he
continues selling fresh flowers, he refuses to compromise his values. By choosing honesty
over good business, he preserves his integrity despite the advices that the other workers
give him.

3. Analyze Structure: Plot

What do you think is the climax or turning point of the story? Support your answer
with evidence from the text.
The climax or turning point of the story occurs when Mr. Sasaki discovers that Teruo has
been selling fresh flowers all the time, he warns him about the consequences. This decision
represents the height of tension in the story, as it directly challenges the conflict between
Teruo's integrity and his loyalty to his employer. Teruo's choice to prioritize honesty over
job security. We see this in the text:
"You've been selling fresh flowers and letting the old ones go to waste. I can't afford that,
Teruo," Mr. Sasaki said. "Why don't you do as you're told? We all sell the flowers in the
front. I tell you they're not old in a flower shop. Why can't you sell them?" "I don't like it,
Mr. Sasaki," Teruo said. "When the people ask me if they're fresh I hate to answer. I feel
rotten after selling the old ones. "Look here Teruo, " Mr. Sasaki said, "I don't want to fire
you. You're a good worker, and I know you need a job, but you've got to be a good clerk
here or you're going out. Do you get me?"
4. Focus Strategy: Make Connections
Choose one of the connections you made throughout the story. Describe it and write
how your experience helped you understand the event.
One connection I have is with situations where I had to make a tough choice between
honesty and other values, such as loyalty or honesty. By reflecting on a similar experience,
I understand Teruo's internal struggle and the courage it takes to stand by one's principles,
even in the face of adversity. For example, in many exams during my high school years,
several of my classmates found ways to copy and pass the answers on the exams, and most
of the time, if not all of the time, no one discovered them and they got high grades, they
have offered me thousands of times if I want help or if I want the answers, but I firmly
believe in the integrity of my work, I like to be honest, it is part of what makes me me, my
identity, and I like to define myself that way and let others know that I am someone who
seeks justice, although many times it is hard to see how people who tried less than me get a
better grade for copying, I always take with me the satisfaction that I live and stick with my
principles that I believe in and maintain.

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