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English Conversation

Introduction To Economic Islam

Disusun Oleh :
1.Evan retmon (2111140111)
2.Intan ferbrianti (2111140111)
3.Selvi triayulia (2111140111)


TAHUN 2023
Daftar Isi

Kata pengantar............................................................. i

Daftar isi........................................................................ ii

Bab I. Pendahuluan...................................................... iii

1.1 Latar belakang............................................... 1.1

1.2 Pembukaan.................................................... 1.2

Bab 2. Isi

2.1 isi.................................................................... 2.1

Bab 3.Penutup

3.1 Penutup ......................................................... 3.1

Kata Pengantar

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

All praise be to Allah SWT, because of his help who
has given us health so that we can complete our
paper,Without his help, of course we would not have
been able to complete this thesis.We are very grateful
and grateful to Allah SWT for making it easy for us in
making this paper.
Our goal in making this paper is “To introduce how
important the realm of learning English is in the Islamic
This paper is still far from perfect, therefore if there
are things that interfere with this paper, we apologize
for the inconvenience,Maybe in this paper we have
errors, therefore we ask for criticism and suggestions
from time to time
Bab 1


1.1 Latar belakang

This paper is made to find out Introduction to Islamic
economics, covering ethics, principles, aspects
Business, in In the realm of learning English, this paper
was made by our group by taking material from the
internet, with this paper it is hoped that readers can
better understand the introduction Economics in the
realm of learning English,We hope that with this paper
that we have made, readers can find out and understand
the contents of the paper that we have made.

1.2 Pendahuluan
This paper is taken from several references found on
the internet,This paper is also intended to add value to
group work in English conversation 1 lessons,This
paper will discuss the introduction of Islamic
economics in the realm of learning English,

Bab II

2.1 isi

Bank is an institution that prioritizes financial services.

English as an international language has an important
connection with banking service activities,particularly
for foreign services.Customer service should know that
English can optimize foreign services,Western Union
Service, therefore this report attempts to provide an
explanation of what is (Western Union Service).what is
the use of English in foreign service,and what is the
relationship/relationship of English with foreign

By observing and obtaining other information, this

explanation is made. Foreign service (Western Union
Service) is the fastest way to send and receive money
throughout the world,English skills which consist of
speaking skills, reading skills, listening skills and
writing skills are the units that are really prioritized to
serve customers at PT.Bank Syariah Mandiri Jember in
improving and managing a professional work system
and always trying to provide the best service for
customers.The explanation above is included in
economic ethics in the realm of learning English.

In addition to economics and business, English

language skills are one of the special skills that Islamic
Economics students must possess. More precisely by
placing the needs of learners as a central issue in the
design of learning. Fulfillment of these learning needs
is a major consideration in determining the process and
direction of learning so that the achievement of
teaching objectives runs effectively and efficiently.
Therefore, researchers consider it important to develop
a model of strengthening the English language for
Islamic Economics Study Program students using the
English for Specific Purpose (ESP) approach

High English proficiency also correlates with ease of

doing business. The World Bank and International
Finance Corporation’s ease of doing business index
ranks the economic regulatory environment around the
world based on how conducive this environment is to
starting and running a business. This index consists of
10 sub-indices including ease of starting a trading
business. Cross-border, contract enforcement and
bankruptcy settlement,

Not only do they have to solidify their business, but an

entrepreneur also has to master English in order to
develop in this globalization era. Offering business to
the global scene is very easy these days. Especially
through internet technology and social media which are
growing every year.

For a businessman who understands English well, you

will appear more professional. Both when talking with
business partners, and when presenting business ideas
in front of a large audience. Not only can you get
business potential abroad, but you can also find out
about industry developments, to technology that is
suitable for the business you are running. This can
make your business grow and of course you can get
more income.



3.1 Penutup

From the paper we have made, we can probably

conclude that English is important in the world of
economics, with learning English in the world of
Islamic economics, especially for Islamic economics
students, it provides so many advantages, as an
economics student who may later become an
entrepreneur. learning English is very necessary,
because with learning English we can master
international languages so we can communicate with
other countries, that way we as entrepreneurs can offer
our goods to other countries, with that the benefits will
also be much better, not only in terms of buying and
selling, even today's technology uses a lot of English,
which is why English is very important we think that's
all we can conclude thank you

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