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50 Excel Shortcut Keys CAEATE DY UA EY Sig Action eis Action Ctrl +B Bold text Alt +H, B, B Add bottom double border Ctrl +1 Italicize text Alt+H, B, L Add left border Ctrl+U Underline text Alt +H, B, R Add right border Ctrl + Shift + # Apply the Date format Alt +H, B,S Add outside borders Ctrl + Shift + @ Apply the Time format Alt+H, 8, M Open more borders option Ctrl + Shift + U [Expand or collapse the formula bar) Alt+A Go to the Data tab Ctrl + Shift +$ Apply the Currency format Alt+F Open the File tab menu Ctrl + Shift +%| Apply the Percentage format Alt+H Go to the Home tab Alt +H, B, C Change cell color Ctrl + Shift+~| Apply the General number format, Ctrl+Shift+!| Apply the Comma format Ctrl+Tab | Switch between open workbooks Ctrl + Shift+ &| Apply the Outline border Alt +M Go to the Formulas tab Ctrl+Shift+_| Remove the outline border Alt +N Open the Insert tab Ctrl + Shift ++ Insert a new row or column Alt+P Go to the Page Layout tab Ctrl +- Delete a row or column Alt+Q. Go to the Search Bar Ctrl +Shift+F| Open the Font dialog box Alt +R Go to the Review tab Alt+H,M,C Merge & Center Cells Alt+W Go to the View tab Alt+H,0,R Rename Sheet Alt+X Go to the Add-ins tab Alt +H, 0, W Column width Alt+¥ Go to the Help tab Alt+H,0,H Column Height Fl Open the Help pane Alt+H,E,A Clear all Shift +9 Calculate active worksheets Alt +H, B, A Add all borders Shift + F3 Insert a function Ctrl + Shift +4 |Apply the Scientific number format] alt+F1_| Create an embedded bar chart based on selected data Alt +H, B, N Remove Border Alt + F8 Create, run, edit, or delete a macro Alt +H, B, P Add top border Alt + F11. Open the Microsoft VBA Editor Alt+H, B, T Thick outside border Ctrl + Fl Show or hide the ribbon 50 MS Excel Shortcuts — Part 2 Ctrl+F2 Ctrl+F9 Fa 7 Fad F12 Ctrl+F Ctrl+N Ctri+O. Ctrl+s, Ctrl+ew Ctrl+y Enter Delete Tab Shift+Tab Ctrl4T FS Home Alt+H+T Shift+Space Ctrl+Space Ctrl+End F2 Ctrl+2 Switch to Print Preview Minimize the workbook window Repeat the last action. Check the spelling Create a bar chart based on selected data Open the Save As dialog box Search in a spreadsheet, or use Find and Replace Create a new workbook Open a workbook saved on your ‘computer or an online source Save the currently open workbook Close the workbook Redo an action Complete an entry Remove the contents Go to the next cell Go to the previous cell Create a table Go to box Go to the leftmost cell in the current row Format as table Select the entire row Select the entire column Go to the most bottom right used cell Edit a cell Bold Ctrl+z shift+F2 Ctrlex CtrleAltey Ctrl Alt+H+D+C Ctrle Ctrl Esc Ctrl+3, Ctrl} Ctrl+0 CtrleS Ctrl? Alt+Enter Ctrl+9 Ctrl4#D CtrleR Ctrl+Home AltHHeL Alt+= Ctrl Ctrl+shifte Space CtrleshifteL AlteH+W, Action Undo an action Add or edit a cell comment Cut Open the Paste Special dialog box Toggle the display of the outline symbols Delete column Toggle between hiding or displaying the objects in the worksheet Open the Format Cells dialog box cancel an entry in a cell or the formula bar Italic Underline Hide the selected columns Apply Strikethrough Show or hide the Standard toolbar Insert a new line in a cell Hide the selected rows Fill down selected cells right selected cells Move to the beginning of a worksheet Open Conditional Formatting AutoSum selected cells Insert hyperlink Select the entire worksheet Toggle filter Wrap Text Excel Shortcut Keys Chart CREATE BY - ATUL KUMAR (LINKEDIN) EINOTES GALLERY Formulas and Function Key Auditing Functions Shortcuts Functions Equal’=" sign To Start Formula Fl Excel Help Menu SHIFT + F3 Display “Insert Function” box F2 Edit cells ALT + “= Insert AutoSum formula 53 Paste Name CTRL +‘ (apostrophe) _| Copy formula from above cell Fa Repeat or anchor cells SHIFT + CTRL +“ (quote) | Copy value from above cell FS “Goto” CTRL +~ Show formulas/values F6 Zoom, task, sheet, split Fo Recalculate all workbooks F7 Spell check, ‘Auditing formulas... Fs ‘Anchor to highlight ALT+M+P Trace immediate precedents Fo Recalculate workbooks ALT+M+D Trace immediate dependents F10 Activate menu bar ALT+M+A+A Remove tracing arrows Fil New chart ALT+M4+V Evaluate formula Fiz Save as ALT+#R4+G Track changes SHIFT + F2. Insert a comment ALT +W+G Zoom to selection SHIFT + F3 “insert Function” Box CTRL + [Goto precedent cells SHIFT + Fa Find Next CTRL +] Goto dependent cells SHIFT + FS: Find SHIFT + CTRL+ { Trace all precedents (indirect) | | SHIFT +F6 Zoom, task, sheet SHIFT +CTRL+} Trace all dependents (indirect) | | SHIFT +F8 Add to selection FS + Enter Go back to original cell SHIFT + F9) Calculate active sheet SHIFT + F10 Display shortcut menu SHIFT + F11. New worksheet CTRL + F1 Min / Restore Ribbon CTRL + F3 Name a cell CTRL + Fa Close window CTRL+F9 Minimize workbook CTRL+F10 Maximize window CTRL + F12 Open File Windows Flag +D Minimize program Windows Flag + Windows explorer

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