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In the sacred realm of God's majestic garden, there was a void that needed to be filled. Casting His gaze
upon the Earth, He saw the weariness etched upon your face. With tender care, He enfolded you in His
loving embrace, lifting you to eternal rest. Assisted by His celestial angels, they carried you on gentle
wings to your heavenly abode.

Oh, how splendid must God's garden be, for He always selects the very best. He witnessed your silent
struggles, aware of the pain you endured. Recognizing the rough path and formidable hills that lay ahead,
He closed your weary eyes and whispered, "Peace be yours." It shattered our hearts to bid you farewell,
but know that you did not embark on that journey alone. A part of us ventured alongside you on that
fateful day when God beckoned.

Ophelia, every passing day, we keep your memory alive in our thoughts. How can it be that all of this is
true? We still struggle to comprehend that you have truly departed from us. The suddenness of your
absence left us bereft, devoid of the chance to bid you a final goodbye. We are engulfed by sadness and
haunted by the trauma, yet we persist, knowing that your surviving siblings will preserve your legacy. We
mourn the prospect of never beholding your radiant presence again, of never hearing the sweetness of
your voice. It appears that in life, there are moments that surpass mere injustice, when our hearts yearn for
answers that elude us. Such is the nature of your passing.

Afia Mensah, how we wish this gathering today were a celebration of your life, rather than a solemn
occasion of mourning. Sister, the void you left behind in our lives is immense and will be arduous to fill.
The pain in our hearts cannot be easily erased by the passage of time.

Mrs. Ophelia Ofori, the Almighty God knows the purpose behind your sudden departure. You held
steadfast to your faith, fighting the noble fight until the end.

Afia, may you find peace in the great beyond.

Afia, your spirit shall forever grace our souls.
Dear Ataa Maame, may you rest in perfect peace. Amen.

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