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THE MACHINE GUN VOLUME Hi, PART VU A BUREAU OF ORDNANCE PUBLICATION » E THE MACHINE GUN History, Evolution, and Development of Manual, Automatic, and Airborne Repeating Weapons Compiled by George M. Chinn, Lieutenant Colonel, USMCR VOLUME II, PART VII Prepared for the Bureau of Ordnance Department of the Navy 1952 PREFACE The series of books entitled “The Machine Gun” was begun with the belief that the next best thing to actual knowledge is knowing where to find it, The research summarized within the covers of these volumes has been compiled by the Bureau of Ordnance, Department of the Navy, in order to place in the hands of those rightfully interested in the art of automatic weapon design, the world’s recorded progress in this field of endeavor. Part VII of Volume II is devoted to developments in the Soviet Union and her satellites. A. study of each progressive step was made in order to ascertain why certain principles were aban- doned and the circumstances that influenced any radical change in design. Inventors and the automatic firing mechanisms they originated are presented in the sequence their devices were adopted by the High Command of the Soviet Regime. Weapons related in operating principles are considered together. ‘The potentialities and limitations of all hasic operating systems uf automatic weapons are so well known, that once the all important factor of establishing a trend is accomplished, the most trivial bit of information furnishes a yard stick to measure progress. While nothing is claimed for this volume except that itis the result of tedious and laborious research, it is believed that in some manner it will help to point the way to a better understanding of past development. Quotations from actual writings of the inventors, manufacurers, and professional critics, are given wherever possible, as well as excerpts from reports and instruction manuals pertaining to specific weapons. Great stress has been laid upon the inclusion of actual photographs of the guns discussed, thus corroborating the old Chinese proverb to the effect that a picture is worth a thousand words and, in addition, giving the reader an opportunity to view the weapon from the camera's eye and drawing whatever conclusions are pertinent to his interests in examining this volume. CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The help and encouragement received from many sources in the prepa can never be fully acknowledged. ‘The following persons are listed in at nition of the many contributions to this project. Rear Adm, M. F. Schoeffel, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, Department of the Navy. Capt. M. R. Kelley, Assistant Chief of the Bureau for Research and Development, Bureau of Ordnance. Capt. E. M. Block, Planning Officer for Avi and Development Division, Bureau of Ordnance. Gapt, J. M. Elliott, Commander V. P. de Poix, ) Hinman, II], Commander I. G. Peters, Mr. F. R. Marquardt, Mr. John J. 8 Warner, of Aviation Ordnance Branch, Research and Development Di Ordnance. Mr. Henry E. Marschalk, Mr. G. H. Grover, Mrs. I. A. Garvey, Mrs. M. A. Pflaging, Publications Branch; Miss Madileen Small and Mrs, Ruth P, Schaller, Administration Division, Bureau of Ordnance. Mr. Leo X. Abernethy, Armament Branch, Bureau of Aeronautics, U. S. Navy. Capt. €. L. Gilbert, Lt. Col, Charles N. Bndweiss, USMG, Lt. Comdr. H. B. Hunter, and ‘omdr. D. B. Cochran, Office of Naval Intelligence Capt. M. P. Bagdanovich, Commanding Officer, Comdr. P. V Mr. N. D. Marden, Technical Planning Director, Naval A\ incoteague, Va. Capt. ¥ NAOTS, Chincoteagu Lt. Col. David B. TI Air Force. Gol, John J. Driscoll, Ghicf, Bomber Defense Branch; Lt. Col. Franklin S. Allen, Jr, y Chief, Tactical Combat Branch; Department of the Air Force. Emery, Far Basten Air Force; Maj. Victor H. Bilek, Air Technical enter; Headquarters, Department of the Air Force, Col. R. R Studler, Lt. Col. E. D. Billings, Mr. A. D. Lewis and Dr. F. H, Garten, Research and Development Division, Ordnance Corps. Department of the Army. Mr, Harold Hardin and Mr. H. G. Solberg, ‘Technical Intelligence Branch, Ordnance Corps. “Mr. Jeremiah J. Reen, Intelligence Division, General Staff, Department of the Amy. Dr. 8. G. Green and Mr. L. A. Carten, Industrial Division, Ordnance Corps. Col. G. B. Jarrett, Library and Museum Branch, Aberdeen Proving Ground. Mr. Edward W. Hopkins, Armament Branch, Springfield Armory. Gol. L ‘odd, American Ordnance Association; Maj. Gen, Julian S. Hatcher, National Rifle Associa ALY. Leech, Jr., U.S. Ordnance Go.; Mr, Herman P, Dean, Standard Publishing Co.; Lt. Col. Melvin M. Johnson, Jr., Winchester Repeating Arms Go.; Mr. H. P. White and Mr. B. D. Munhall, H. P. White & Co. For excellent cooperation and service, special thanks are extended to stafls of the many libraries, museums, and other activities which were contacted. ‘These institutions include the CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION vii ion Ordnance, Rockets, and Bombs, Research r. J. R. Norton, Commander Jack J. ber, Mr. C.F, jon, Bureau of It Jackson, Executive Officer, ion Ordnance Test Station, fomdr. Thomas Moorer, and Mas. Phyllis Stevens, Clerk-typist, omas, Directorate of Intelligence, Headquarters, Department of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION Naval Photographic Center, the Library of Congress, Army Library, Army War College Library, Main Navy Library, Burean of Acronantics Library, Burcau of Ordnance Technical Library, Bureau of Ships Library, Aberdeen Proving Ground Library and Museum, Naval Ordnance Laboratory Ordnance Technical Muscum, ‘The following persons served the project faithfully in various capacities: M. Sgt. John H. Moore, USMC, as research a nmone, USMC: Corp, C. Jane Meredith, USMC, and Mr. ia Samowich, in assisting with language problems; Miss Lillian Choquette, as typist; Mr. L. H. Anderson and Mr. W. L, Robey, Government Printing Office Departmental Service, in coordinating the mechanical preparation of the manuscript. It would be impossible to over-evaluate the high technical skill displayed by Mr. Daniel D. Musgrave in his over-all work on this project. He not only pexformed meticulous basic research but also supervised the illustrators and photographers so as to reveal the pertinent features desired, His extensive knowledge in the field of identification and markings contrib- uted greatly to the completeness of the publication, Lastly, the preparation of the material deserves special mention, ‘The manuscript was edited by Miss Marie Frauens. From a mass of technical data drawn from such widely diver- gent sources as captured material, foreign handbooks, and intelligence reports, she devised a presentation which facilitates comparing the various guns, Within this framework, she revised the text into readable and compact form, Q Jeon re. > C3 hewn Lieutenant Colonel, USMCR. viii CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CONTENTS PART VII—WEAPON DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOVIET UNION AND HER SATELLITES Chapter Page 1. Bacarounn op Soviet ARvS DEVELOPMENT 000002. c ec cece eeceee cee 3 Infantry Armament in the Nineteenth Century fetes 3 Introduction of Maxim’s Automatic Machine Gun. ...0.00 cece 8 Madsen Gun... es... feet ete ee cece nee 6 Mackine Guns Used from 1900 to 1914 6 Weapons Used in World War I....... : 7 Development of the National Armament Industey : 8 Shpitalny eee eee cece eee ee eee ete e ccs 13 Beresin 38 Wehrmacht Attack. 26.6660 ce ccna e eee eee eee cn cttti ee eeeeeeeeees 13 Lend-Lease... voces 14 Soviet Production in 1944. 4 Types of Soviet Aircraft Armament in World War IT : 4 Basic Data on Machine Guns and Cannon Used for Arming Aicplanes of the Air Force of the Red Army : 15 Soviet Armament after World War (1. 16 Summary. oo... 2... W 2. Maxim Tyrn Macinne Gun ann Feperoy “AyTowar”. . a 2 Weapons Included in This Chapter . a Maxim Type Machine Guns wees 2 Federov “Avtomat”.... cece cee 2 History and Background.......... coos ce 21 Federav “Avtomat”™ : ween 26 Suction 1. Maxim Type Machine Gan... 02000000005 : cos 26 General Data on Maxim Model 1910 . 6 » Description of the Maxim Action 26 Cycle of Operation 7 Disassembly by Groups. 0.606. ee cece cece wees 28 ‘To Strip the Gun 28 Assembly by Groups. ..... be ceeteeeece : wees 29 Detailed Disassembly and Assembly... 2» To Strip the Feed! Block............ bene : : 29 To Assemble the Feed Block. cece tite eee ee rc ees - 2» To Strip the Lock... sseeceeeee eres ree 9 To Mowat the Lock... ....e.cccceeeeecneeee cee 29 CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CONTENTS _ CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION Chapter Page 2. Maxum Tyre Mactune, Gun axp Feperov “Avromat” Continued Szerion 2. Federov “Avtomat™ : : ceeees 30 General Data. .... cect 30 Description of the Weapon. se - 30 Cycle of Operation 30 3. Droryarey axp Gorvtnov Maciine Gi 3M Weapons Included in This Chapter fet tteeeeettttteeeeeee BL Destyarey Machine Guns coe Goryunov Machine Gun.......000000.. foe HT History and Background... ceo a1 SO-43 eee eee ce eeeee eee we ere 34 Searion 1, Degtyarev Machine Guns M4 General Data... cee 4 Table of Characteristics of DP (Degtyarev Infantry) Production Version...... 36 Gencral Data on DS (Degtyarev Medium) 37 General Data on DK (Degtyarev Leavy) and DShK (Dextyarev Stain Hewvy). 37 Description of the Weapon sees cee DP (Degtyarev Infantry). DA (Degtyarey Aircrait). .. . DT Wegiyarey Tank). . DPM (Degtyarev Infantry Modified) DIM (Degtyarev Tank Modified)... “Company” (Degtyarey 1946 Infantry Gun) DS (Deatyarev Medium) . DK (Degtyarey Heavy) : DShK (Degtyarev-Shpagin Heavy) Interesting Features of the 7.62-mm Degtyarey Machine Guns Gyele of Operation for Drum-fed Models Gyele of Operation for the DS Gun... Cyele of Operation for the DShK Gun... ree Disassembly of the DP by Groups. Barrel. . Stock and Trigger Guard... sss. Gas Piston, Slide, and Bolt. Detailed Disassembly of the DP... 6.0. eec cece ccc cveeeecseenenenes : Barrel ce Stock and Trigger Guard. .60. eee cee cce cette eeee scene Gas Piston, Slide, and Bolt Receiver and Barrel Jacket Assembl : Snetiox 2, Goryuaov Machine Gun... General Data on SG-43 (Stankowaya Garyunoy 1943) Description of the Weapon. - Gyele of Operation Disassembly. «2.2... Field Stripping. Assembly. x CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CONTENTS, Chapter Page 4, Snikas 7.62 MacHine Gus ano Sivax Auromatic Guns. . nD Weapons Inchided in this Chapter . 72 Shkas Aircraft Machine Guns of the 426 Series... 72, Shvak Automatic Aircraft Guns (Shpitaloy- Vladimirov) 72 History and Background . : : 2 Shvale automatic guns woes . fetes 7B Sronion 1. Shkas 7.62-mm Machine Gun 8 eral Data on Later Models.....2..e0e0reveeceee . Description of the KM-33.. ® 80 Cycle of Operation...... fete lee eee eens cesses Disassembly by Groups.....---- coe er at Assembly by Groups : : al cere 81 Detailed Disassembly Assembly of Components. 82, Seerioy 2, Shvak 20-mm Automatic Guns Shpitainy-Viadimizoy). : . 82 General Data for Sbvak 20emm Automatic Gun... : 82 Description of the Shvak 20mm Automatic Gua. c...eeeeee eee cers 82 Cycle of Operation. o cecee teens 90 Disassembly. 0.000 sceseeeeeeeeeeesteeeee 92 Assembly of Components 92 enton 3, Shvak 12.7-mm Machine Gun (Shpitalny-Vladimirov) 93 Secrios 4. Shvak 37-mm Automatic Gun 93 5. Braesin Aicrarr Macane. Gen anp VYa Aincrarr CANNon : : 94 ‘Weapons Inchided in this Chapter....00.00.00c00ceceeeeeeseeeeeereeeee 94 Beresin Aircraft Machine Gun. ........ 000000 cecceeeeeeeeeeesresereeee OF Va Aircraft Cannon fe nee tees : . 94 History and Background....60066ce0e0e0 00 94 VYa Aircraft Cannon....... fe eteeeetttttsierereeses 96 Secrion 1. Beresin Aircraft Machine Gunes... seo... 7 General Data. beeen cee ceeeeeseeeeeeeeteeeecees ve Description of the Weapon. ..... - cites 8 Cycle of Operation... pectetereeeeeeeeee 100 Disassembly of the BS by Groups 102 Assembly of the BS by Groups... ....s+6 102, Other Procedures... 102 Section 2, VYa... 104 General Data 104 Description of the Weapon. 104 Cycle of Operation 109 Disassembly by Groups 110 ‘To Remove Barrel and Assembly.......66000000000+ 110 Assembly by Groups. .. veoeeeeteeeeeee rrr 110 "To Replace Barrel and Assembly. bee 110 6. NS anp N Series of Avromaric Aircral eee eee i Models Included in this Chapter. . vovcntens ut History and Background..... 00.0.2 52 00222 cee ce eee e eres ut CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION xi CONTENTS CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION Chapter Page 6. NS np N Seems or Avrovatic Aimcrarr Caxwox—Continued General Data for the NS 37. . 113 General Data for the NS 23. : 113 Description of the NS Series : cee 113 Cycle of Operation for the NS Series. o 120 Summary . : 123 Advantages... bebe ete bees eeeeeeee eee cece e teens 128 Disadvantages . cece tseeeeeeees 123 7. Avromanic Weavons Deniven Frow Skona Destans. 0.0000. 139 Weapons Included in this Chapter... beter teeeteetetectereeeree 139 History and Background 139 Stenon 1, 30-tm FLAK Model A and Model B. fect eect tcteteteeese TE General Data on Model A and Model B 144 General Description of Model A and Model Bevo... 0 .c0cceeeeee see sereseeee LAR Detail Description of the Model A. — cece 148 Recoiling Parts... 06 0cccceeeceeeteeecneeeee : 142 Fixed Parts... cee 143 Barrels and Barrel Extensions... : cece eee e teense 148 Main Housing Recoil Buffer Housing. . ‘Trigger and Sear Assemblies, Recoil System Cocking Mechanism Loaders. Ejector and Leader Latch Assemblies Bolt . Cycle of Opcration of the Model A. Preparation for Firing. Automatic Firing Detail Description of the Model B. Recoiling Parts. . Fixed Parts... . Barrels and Barrel Extensions Main Housing. ....... Recoil Buffer Housing, ‘Trigger and Sear Assemblics..... 60 c0sc ee ceeeeeee Loaders and Winding Mechanism Ejector and Loader Laich Assembly feces Bolt, coe ves . 136 Recoil System... 136 Front Buller 156 Cycle of Operation of the Mode! B., 157 Preparation for Firing. . 137 Automatic Tiring. .. cee cece 187 Seervion 2, 50-mm PAK. ...... cee woe 158 General Data......... cee cee 158 General Description. ..... bitter trteseteeeeeseeeteecseeee 158 Detail Description of the Nenrecoiling Parts wees . 158 Gun Housings... ec ce eee 158 xi CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION Chapter 7, Automatic Wearons Derivep From Sxopa Destens—Continued Sxction 2. 80

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