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CHAPTER 1: TRANSPORTATION AS A restrict vehicles movement to a specific

SYSTEM pattern, while air and sea allow flexibility.
b. Terminal- The terminal represents the
At the end of this chapter, the students shall be second important element of a transport
able to: mode giving access to the way for the
a. Define transportation and discuss the users or acting as an interchange between
importance of transportation (social, different types of ways. It is the farthest
economical, etc.) point to which the transport system
b. Define transportation Engineering and extends–literally the end of the line.
discuss the different modalities of Probably the simplest terminal is parking
transportation. for a private car, while the most complex
c. Discuss the different one is an airport. Terminals are also
components/elements of transportation considered as integrated transportation
system. points as they can act as interchanges
where travellers can transfer between
vehicles to modes.
Transportation- the movement of people and
goods from one point to another. c. Carrying Unit- The carrying unit is the
actual transportation media- the vehicle
Engineering- is the creative application of
which facilitates the movement. Each
science, mathematical methods, and empirical
‘way’ demands a distinctive form of
evidence to the innovation, design, construction,
carrying unit- aircraft for the sky, ships
and maintenance of structures, machines,
for the sea, motor vehicles for roads and
materials, devices, systems, processes, and
train or tram for railways.
Transportation Engineering- is the d. Motive Power- Motive power is perhaps
application of scientific and engineering the key element in transportation
principles to the planning, design, operation, development. The natural power of horse-
and management of transportation systems and drawn carriages and sailing vessels
facilities. provided the initial energy for
Traffic Engineering - is the branch of civil transportation. The exploration of steam
engineering that deals with the safe and efficient power provided the opportunity for the
movement of people and goods on roadways. introduction of steamships and railways,
Transportation System defined as a facility while the internal combustion engine
consisting of the means and equipment stimulated the development of road and
necessary for the movement of passengers or air transportation.
goods. Types of Transportation Services:
There are four basic elements of transportation The Transport system is broadly divided into
system namely: three major divisions as shown in the figure
a. Way- The way is the medium of travel below:
used by a transport mode. It may be Private Transport- Private Transport has
purely artificial, such as roads and flexible routes, spaces, timings. Road-based
railways; or natural, such as air or water. private transport can further be classified as
Roads, railways and inland waterways Fast, Slow. Fast is the mechanised mode that



includes car, 2 Wheeler, etc. Slow mode is

also called non-mechanised modes such as
cycles, animal-drawn private vehicles.

Public Transport- Public Transportation

includes all multiple-occupancy vehicle
services designed to transport customers on
local and regional routes. It is transportation
by van, bus, or rail or other conveyance, Different examples of vehicles per type
either privately or publicly owned, providing
to the public general or special service. The issuing procedure of driving license is
provided for under the Republic Act 4136. The
Vehicle Registration and Driving
LTO has the full responsibility for the issuance of
License in the Philippines: driving licenses.
In the Philippines, the Land Transportation
Office is the government agency with the
There are three types of driving license issued by
mandate to oversee the registration of the LTO namely:
vehicles. According to LTO, motor vehicles
are classified as follows:
a. Student Drivers’ permit- This is not a
a. Private Vehicles- refers to motor
driver’s license per se, but it does give one
vehicles owned by private individuals or proper authorization to drive a motor
companies and are not intended to be vehicle along the Philippine roads legally,
used for hire. with certain restrictions. It is a document
b. For Hire Vehicles- refers to motor issued by the LTO to first-time drivers. Its
vehicles authorized to be used as public issuance signifies that an individual has
vehicles by virtue of a franchise granted
legal authorization to drive motor vehicle,
by LTFRB. provided that they are under the guidance
c. Offical/Government Vehicles- refers of a licensed driver.
to motor vehicles owned by the
b. Nonprofessional Driver’s License-
Philippine government. is an official document issued by the Land
d. Diplomatic vehicles- refers to motor
Transportation Office (LTO) of the
vehicles owned by foreign government or
Philippines which authorizes the license
by their diplomatic officials in the holder to operate a private motor vehicle.
Philippines. This is the type of driver’s license most
people get since they just want to drive
their own motorcycles or lightweight cars
on the streets.

c. Professional Driver’s License- This

type of license allows the individual to
drive vehicles for a living or for a paid
purpose. This commonly applies to those
who have to drive large commercial
vehicles for a living.



accumulation of socioeconomic activities

TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: (production and consumption) jointly
defines demand and w here this demand
is taking place.
 Flows. The amount of traffic over a
network, which is composed of nodes and
linkages. This is jointly a function of the
demand and the capacity of the linkages
to support them.
 Infrastructures. The conveyances such
as roads and terminals expressing the
physical reality of a network and are
designed to handle demand with specific
volume and frequency characteristics.
Facilities enabling access to a network are
jointly characterized by their centrality
and the linkages that radiate from them.

Transportation System is a functional system in

the context of society as a whole because it
A transportation system is commonly
provides a service- the movement of goods and
conceptualized as the set of relationships
people from place to place.
between nodes, networks, and demand. These
relationships involve locations spatially
expressing this demand, flows between them,
and infrastructures designed to handle and link
these flows. The Philippines is a member of the Association
 Demand. A derived function for the of Southeast Asian Nations, composed of 7,641
mobility of people, freight, and islands which are broadly categorized in three
information for a variety of main geographical divisions from north to south:
socioeconomic activities. Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
 Nodes. Where movements are
originating, ending, and transiting It has a total land area of about 300,000
(intermediacy), entry or exit points in a stretching 1,850 kilometres from north to south.
transport system. They vary according to The Philippines is divided into 17 regions, 82
the geographical scale being considered provinces, 146 cities, 1,488 municipalities, and
ranging from local nodes (such as a 42,036 barangays (PSA, 2016). Regions other
subway station) to global nodes (such as than Bangsamoro are divided for administrative
port or airport terminals). convenience. Calabarzon was the region with the
 Networks. Composed of a set of linkages greatest population as of 2020, and the National
expressing the connectivity between Capital Region (NCR) was the most densely
places and the capacity to handle populated.
passenger or cargo volumes.
 Locations. Nodes where demand is As of May 1, 2020, the Philippines had a
population of 109,035,343. In the year 2020, 54
expressed as an origin, destination, or
point of transit. The level of spatial percent of the country's population is

concentrated on urban areas. Manila being its Being an archipelagic country, the Philippines
capital, and Quezon City (the country's most also utilizes waterborne modalities such as
populous city) are in Metro Manila. About 13.48 boats, ships etc. since most of the islands of the
million people (12 percent of the Philippines' country are not yet connected with bridges. The
population) live in Metro Manila, the country's Philippines has over 1,800 seaports; of these, the
most populous metropolitan area and the principal seaports of Manila (the country's chief,
world's fifth most populous. Between 1948 and and busiest, port), Batangas, Subic Bay, Cebu,
2010, the population of the Philippines Iloilo, Davao, Cagayan de Oro, General Santos,
increased almost fivefold from 19 million to 92 and Zamboanga are part of the ASEAN
million (CHP, 2020). Transport Network.

Transportation in the Philippines is by road, air,

rail and water. Roads are the dominant form of LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK IN
transport, carrying 98 percent of people and 58 PHILIPPINE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM:
percent of cargo. In December 2018, there were
210,528 kilometers (130,816 mi) of roads in the In this chapter, we will going to discuss the
country. The backbone of land-based different legislations or laws that makeup or
transportation in the country is the Pan- established the transportation system in the
Philippine Highway, which connects the islands Philippines.
of Luzon, Samar, Leyte, and Mindanao (Asian
Development Bank, 2012). Republic Act 4136- “An act to compile the laws
relative to land transportation and traffic rules, to
Despite the popularity of rail transportation in create a land transportation commission and for
other countries, the rail transportation in the other purposes”. Also known as the Land
Philippines is limited only to transporting Transportation and Traffic Code, it provides
passengers within Metro Manila and the protocols on motor vehicles registration,
provinces of Laguna and Quezon, with a short accessories of vehicles, and defines road traffic
track in the Bicol Region (PNR, 2020). The rules and regulations.
country had a railway footprint of only 79
kilometres as of 2019, which it planned to Commonwealth Act 146- otherwise known as
expand to about 250 kilometres. A revival of the “Public Service Act” which created a regulatory
freight rail is planned to reduce road congestion. body and given the enforcement power and
authority to apprehend and impound vehicles.
As of 2022, the Philippines has 90 national
government-owned airports, eight of which are Executive Order 125- Amending Executive
international airports. Ninoy Aquino Order no. 125, entitled "Reorganizing the Ministry
International Airport (NAIA), formerly known of Transportation and Communications. Defining
as Manila International Airport, has the greatest its powers and functions, and for other purposes."
number of passengers (Francisco, 2022). This law also established the Land Transportation
The 2017 air domestic market was dominated by Office as the sectoral agency responsible for
Philippine Airlines, the country's flag carrier and implementing and carrying out policies, rules, and
Asia's oldest commercial airline, and Cebu regulations governing the land transportation
Pacific (the country's leading low-cost carrier). system of the country.



Executive Order 202- “Creating the Land

Transportation Franchising and Regulatory TRANSPORTATION & TRAFFIC
Board”. This law created the LTFRB and defined its ENGINEERING PRACTICE
mandates as regulating and the Land Transport
Industry pursuant to the Public Service Act. Traffic Engineering- is that phase of transportation
engineering that deals with the planning, geometric
Republic Act 6975- “An act establishing the design, and traffic operations of roads, streets, and
Philippine National Police under a reorganized highways and their networks, terminals, abutting
Department of Interior and Local Government, and lands, and relationship with other modes of
for other purposes”. This law established the PNP transportation (Evans, 1950)
under which the Traffic Management Group has
been organized as the traffic enforcement arm of The title “traffic engineer” was first recognized in
PNP covering national roads. the United States in the year 1921 but it was only in
the 1990’s where traffic engineering as a profession
National Transport Policy (NTP)- To achieve was introduced in the Philippines.
the Transport Vision, the Government hereby
adopts the National Transport Policy which all The oldest organization for traffic engineers was
elements of the transport system and all sub- founded in 1930. It was called Institute of Traffic
sectors of transportation, including passengers, Engineers (ITE) and upon its establishment, the
shippers, service providers, investors, agencies and traffic engineering profession was likewise
instrumentalities of government and those established and defined. (Evans, 1950)
involved in the movement of people and goods and
in the provision of transport infrastructure, In 1977, The Traffic Engineering and Management
facilities and services, shall abide by and use as (TEAM) Project was first implemented in Metro
guidance in transport development, management, Manila, this was the first time that the Philippines
operations, and use. considered traffic studies to be one of the key
factors in the design of transportation networks.
The National Transport Policy (NTP) covers the During that time, the Traffic Control Center (TCC)
following policy focus areas: which was later renamed as the Traffic Engineering
(a) Resource Generation, Allocation and Cost Center (TEC).
(b) Program and Project Selection; Also in 1976, the Transport Training Center (TTC)
(c) Cost Recovery and Subsidies; was established in the University of the Philippines
(d) Regulation of Passenger Transport Services; with the assistance of Japan International
(e) Transportation Management in Urban and Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Regional Areas;
(f) Support to Other Economic Sectors; and, In 1993, the TTC was renamed as National Center
(g) Governance and Institutions. for Transportation Studies (NCTS) as it became a
regular unit of UP Diliman. The NCTS focused on
research and support to graduate programs in the
fields of Transportation Engineering and
Transportation planning as additional functions.



The entire process of transportation planning

CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION TO (either local, regional, or national level), is based
TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND on survey and data collection. This includes all
ENGINEERING types of literature and data available on
transportation, journey behaviour patterns,
Transportation Planning marks the initial nature and intensity of traffic, freight structure,
stage of development for an area’s mobility. It cost and benefits, i.e., income, employment
merges disciplines to determine how to design estimates, etc.
the most functional transportation network
based on current and anticipated transit The comprehensive knowledge of traffic flows
patterns. and patterns within a defined area is essential. In
addition to traffic data, planners also require
Transportation planning provides integrated land use and population data for their study
solutions by balancing policy, investments, area.
technology, and land use. These aim to support
long-term growth and strategic accessibility. The details-of existing transport network are an
important source of information. In some cases,
Successful transport planning analyzes a very detailed description of links and nodes in
community needs, travel patterns, and terms of vehicle speed, carriage-way width and
demographics before developing plans. This nodal type is collected. Travel times and network
involves examining the current infrastructure, characteristics of public transport networks are
anticipating transport needs, and providing simultaneously collected. Finally, data
recommendations for improvements. The processing should be done. When this has been
planning process should also include any completed, planners can begin their data
budgetary constraints. analysis.

Through the analysis of travel patterns and The second stage of the transportation planning
demographics, transportation planning enables process is to use the collected data to build up a
policymakers to define their goals for a region. transportation model. This model is the key to
They’re able to anticipate how characteristics predicting future travel demands and network
will change to define future policies. Spatial needs and is derived in four recognised stages,
planning designs and investments can then be i.e., trip generation, trip distribution, traffic
tailored to prepare for future needs and urban assignment and model split.
mobility requirements. (
The forecasting of future land use inputs is a
Transportation planning has four main stages precarious task, for two important reasons.
namely: Firstly, transport planners have to rely on the
a. Transportation survey, data collection judgment of to the types of planner for most of
and analysis; their land use forecasts. This information is
b. Use of transportation model; vitally important since it has a profound effect
c. Future land use forecasts and alternative upon travel forecasts. Secondly, long-term
policy strategies; and forecasting is beset with many statistical
d. Policy evaluation. problems. Transportation planners are usually
working on at least 10, and sometimes 25-years



The final stage of the transportation planning

process is one of evaluating the alternative
policies, which have been suggested. This stage
is composed of economic valuation of transport
proposals, and cost-benefit analysis.




Banks, James H. (2002) Introduction to

Transportation Engineering Second Edition

Sigua, Ricardo G. (2008) Fundamentals of

Traffic Engineering – Quezon City: The
University of the Philippines Press, c2008 346
p.; 23 cm

Mapa, Dennis S. (July 7, 2021). "2020 Census of

Population and Housing (2020 CPH)
Population Counts Declared Official by the
President" (Press release). Philippine Statistics
Authority. Archived from the original on July 7,

Mapa, Dennis S. (July 7, 2021). "2020 Census of

Population and Housing (2020 CPH)
Population Counts Declared Official by the
President" (Press release). Philippine Statistics
Authority. Archived from the original on July 7,

The Report: Philippines 2015 (Report). London:

Oxford Business Group. 2015. p. 152. ISBN 978-

Francisco, Kris A.; Lim, Valerie L. (December

2022). "Philippine Air Transport
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