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HUMAN: The World Within

1) How many neurons are in the brain?

2) We have millions of receptors in the retina. What are the names of the two types of receptors
found in our retina?

3) How do neurons communicate?

4) What is muscle memory?

5) What is neuroplasticity?

6) How do strong emotions affect memory?

7) Which part of the brain controls fear?

8) Explain what flight or fright means.

9) In what ways are the brain and spinal cord protected?

HUMAN: The World Within

10) Why is pain a good thing?

11) Where is the sciatic nerve located?

12) What is the funny bone?

13) What is happening when your foot “falls asleep?”

14) How can you prevent sciatic pain?

15) The documentary showed people who had lost a limb and they mentioned phantom pain, what
is phantom pain?

16) Describe what the Adaptive Neral System Lab is doing to help people with missing limbs.

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