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1)Which of the following is not a method of seed dispersal?

a) Wind
b) Water
c) Magnetism
d) Animals

2)What is the primary purpose of seed dispersal in plants?

a) To protect seeds from animals
b) To attract pollinators
c) To help seeds find suitable growing conditions
d) To reduce competition with neighboring plants

3)Which of the following seeds is typically dispersed by explosive mechanisms?

a) Acorns
b) Dandelion seeds
c) Maple seeds
d) Coconuts

4)What adaptation helps seeds adhere to animal fur for dispersal?

a) Edible flesh
b) Hooks or barbs
c) Wings
d) Floatation devices

5)In which way do seeds exploit gravity for dispersal?

a) Falling from heights
b) Rolling downhill
c) Aerial dispersal
d) Floating on water
6. What is the first visible sign of germination in most seeds?
 a) Shoot emergence
 b) Root emergence
 c) Leaf growth
 d) Flower development
7)Which environmental factor is not typically necessary for seed germination?
a) Light
b) Oxygen
c) Moisture
d) Warm temperature

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