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18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330
September 23,2023
Tracy Wilkinson
LosAngeles time
Sylmar California 91342

Dear Tracy Wilkinson ,

I have noticed that throughout the world there are many issues that are life threatening and that
can hurt many people in different ways . These problems seem to be getting worse as time
keeps going . Before I read your article “Central American migrants are on a word-of-mouth
exodus to the U.S.” by Tracy Wilkinson , I did know that the immigrants were facing problems
migrating but never this much . This article really made me think and worry about all of these
migrants and all the pain they go through just to migrate to supposedly “live a better life”. THos
article really made me think of how hard it was for my family to migrate just for her and myself to
have a better future.

As soon as I started to read this article it surprised me that you informed us on how you stated
that “Some minors go it alone”. When i read this part of the article I was a little confused
because if the kids would go alone how much would they have to pay for the coyote and what
would happen if the kid stays behind because he is dehydrated or tiered would the coyote wait
for him or would the coyote be paid for a specific time or days or how would the kids travel
alone. I also noticed that you stated that most of these kids “at least a protector — often the paid
coyote” would this mean that since you stated that at least they often paid a coyote some did
not pay a coyote and went by himself if so how would they know what way to go or where to go
and where to hide inorder to cross the border.

Toward the ending part of the article i found it really informative on how once they passed one
part of the border they would still have to get onto trains because I assumed that once they
crossed the border they would be okay but theft would still have to go to another part to be able
to be free .What caught my attention and i did not really comprehend was on how, “ they have
been beaten, forced to pay for food and tortured.” The reason I do not understand this is
because if they are migrating and leaving their state it was for a reason for a better life but they
would sometimes be beaten and forced to pay for food and if they didn't pay for the food they
would get beaten .

At the end of this article I understood that many of these people suffered while migrating and
lived hard times .At the ending of the article people stated that “Sometimes I’m sad to see the
train go and never know the fate of those aboard,” which i understand that although it was the
hard times that they would go through and get beaten while on the train they are sad to see it
go .

Sincerely ,
Aylin Flores

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