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Rene Magallanes Barboza Answers:

Answer 1:

There were several events that made me flee my homeland Venezuela through years of repression,
torture and death threats: The first time I was attacked was on December 23, 2010 when there was
a mega protest at national level in an attempt by Hugo Chavez to end the university autonomy and
from that moment I started to go out to the streets and I began to feel in my own flesh the repression
of the state security organs, that day the National Guard repressed us with pellets and tear gas
bombs until they dispersed the march, every time I marched for the homeland I ran the risk of
imminent death by the organs of the state, but I still continued marching for years despite the
terrible human rights violations perpetrated by Nicolas Maduro's dictatorship since 2013 and until
2017, at that moment I reflected and I knew that I had to preserve my life for my only son, so I
dedicated myself to my work as a security agent for the private airline Aserca Airlines, but when
this company like many more in Venezuela went bankrupt due to the bad policies of the
government and especially against the private sector at the end of 2018, I was indirectly fired from
my job and this pushed me to continue in the streets fighting for freedom and against the
dictatorship, and in January 2019 a new hope arises again, when Juan Guaido is proclaimed Interim
President of Venezuela and promised to free us from the dictatorship and who was also supported
by the international community in a large number of countries including the USA and with that
hope I went to the streets to fight, I got rid of my fear and when the USA sent humanitarian aid to
Venezuela, a good part of which would enter through the municipality of Rosario de Perija and for
this reason I went to that place on February 11, 2019 with several comrades in struggle to help this
aid, which consisted of food, to enter, medicines and medical supplies and immediately, Omar
Prieto, who was the Governor of the Dictatorship at the time, sent us the National Guard under the
command of Captain Diego Armando Perche Parraga (who is currently a Major in the same
military component) to attack us and obviously once again I was repressed by the dictatorship and
this officer tried to assassinate me with a long gun that he tried to use against me, but several
colleagues helped me and we were able to flee from the place, and from that moment on, they

I Carlos Castaneda, certify that I translated the attached document from Spanish to English and that this translation is an accurate
and faithful translation of the document attached entitled: Rene Magallanes, Answers, I certify that I am proficient in translating both
Spanish and English and that I hold the capacity to render and certify the validity of such a translation.


Date: October/29/2023
began to look for us in our homes, both military and irregular armed groups came looking for us
without arrest warrants or search warrants, and we, the opponents, were no longer labeled as
squalid, but now for the government we were traitors to the homeland for supporting, what in their
opinion, is a U.S. military intervention, and Omar Prieto said that “if the gringos put a boot on
Venezuelan territory they would have to look for us and kill us because you were traitors”. In this
way, I had to live in hiding and in fear because I saw several comrades in struggle go to prison and
to this day they are still imprisoned. So many months went by and the pandemic came and I was
able to be sheltered during that time and I thought that I would not be attacked anymore because
in December 2021, Manuel Rosales, the president of my opposition political party, Un Nuevo
Tiempo and current governor of Zulia, won, but even so, my life did not stop running risks because
in the municipality of San Francisco, where I lived, Chavism is still entrenched and this time I was
detected by Councilwoman Dayana Lopez of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, which is the
party of the Dictatorship, and just on September 12, 2022 in the morning hours, sent the collectives
(groups of armed civilians who act violently against the opposition) and the SEBIN headed by
Diego Chavez to my house, who entered my house and beat me to the ground, they expressed their
excitement at having found me and tried to shoot me in the head, but my son and my mother started
to scream and many neighbors of the area came to help us and I was able to save my life because
the people came with the only weapons the town has, only stones and sticks and the forces of
shouting and thanks to this, the henchmen withdrew but they swore to come back for me and kill
me because I was a damned traitor to the homeland, so that same day I decided to leave, leaving
my family behind, I left through the Colombian-Venezuelan border, crossing the Darien jungle,
where I saw scenes of terror such as dead or people dying, lost children and many other things that
marked my life, nevertheless, after getting out of that hell and then, I crossed Central America until
I arrived in Mexico on October 6, 2022, specifically in Tapachula, where I was extorted by the
Mexican police and they took all the little money I had on me and after that during my advance to
the border of Mexico with the USA, I was kidnapped by some drug cartel in Ciudad Juarez and
had to do forced labor for almost three months and daily they threatened to kill me, but on January
15, 2023 I was able to escape from them and hide in a Christian shelter and was able to request an
I Carlos Castaneda, certify that I translated the attached document from Spanish to English and that this translation is an accurate
and faithful translation of the document attached entitled: Rene Magallanes, Answers, I certify that I am proficient in translating both
Spanish and English and that I hold the capacity to render and certify the validity of such a translation.


Date: October/29/2023
appointment through the CBP One program, and definitely that appointment was confirmed on
January 17, 2023, entering with authorization to the United States of America through El Paso,
Texas and in this way I was able to safeguard my life from the terrible dictatorship of Venezuela
and the human and drug trafficking cartels of Mexico.

Answer 2:

Yes, the conditions in my country have not changed, the Maduro dictatorship is still in place, the
repression of the security organs of the dictatorship such as the Bolivarian National Guard is still
in place, the Bolivarian Intelligence Service of the Regime and the collectives who, receiving
orders from the dictatorial government, attack those of us who have opposed the dictatorial
government of Venezuela for years and every time I tried to hide I was always found by these
tentacles of the regime and its politicians or the militants of the regime's party, the United Socialist
Party of Venezuela and its members that wherever I go throughout the national territory because
just as the political conditions in Venezuela have not changed, neither has my political conviction
changed and to return would be like going back to living persecution and torture because I will be
an opponent of the communist regime in Venezuela until they leave power or I die.

Answer 3:

Yes, since 2010 I became a militant of the political party Un Nuevo Tiempo, where I remain in my
constant struggle for the freedom of Venezuela, through everything I could do because of that goal
that was in my hands and until I had to flee my country in September 2022.

Answer 4:

Yes, if I return to Venezuela my fate would not be different, my life would be persecuted and I
would be attacked and tortured physically and psychologically by the dictatorial regime of Nicolas
Maduro and all its tentacles that attack anyone who opposes them and specifically in my case by
members of the National Guard, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the Bolivarian
Intelligence Service and the Collectives of the Maduro Regime.

I Carlos Castaneda, certify that I translated the attached document from Spanish to English and that this translation is an accurate
and faithful translation of the document attached entitled: Rene Magallanes, Answers, I certify that I am proficient in translating both
Spanish and English and that I hold the capacity to render and certify the validity of such a translation.


Date: October/29/2023
Likewise, if I am returned to any Central American country and especially to Mexico my life would
be exterminated by the human and drug trafficking cartels supported by the government of that
country, and if I were returned to any other southern country my fate would be the same since all
those countries are dominated by communist regimes that are equal to my ideals of freedom and

I Carlos Castaneda, certify that I translated the attached document from Spanish to English and that this translation is an accurate
and faithful translation of the document attached entitled: Rene Magallanes, Answers, I certify that I am proficient in translating both
Spanish and English and that I hold the capacity to render and certify the validity of such a translation.


Date: October/29/2023

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