Mechanics Report 7 MAK

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School Of Mechanical & Manufacturing

Engineering, NUST
ME-115 Engineering Mechanics (Fall 2023)

Name: M. Muzamil Abbas Khakwani CMS: 411108

Section: ME 14-B Group: 2

Experiment 1: Investigate Fundamental Behavior of Flat Clutch

Plate using Flat Clutch Plate apparatus.


• Understanding kinetic friction

• Relating coefficients of friction with different materials and forces.
• Calculating friction from an inclined plane.


• Inclined Plane Apparatus

• Weights

• Weights hanger

• Brass, Aluminium, Stainless Steel and Nylon plates


The force that prevents objects from moving when two surfaces come into contact
is known as the force of friction, and it is essential to our comprehension of
fundamental physics ideas.

We set out to ascertain how this force behaves with respect to various materials,
surfaces, and weights to demonstrate the significance of this force. To investigate
this idea, an inclined plane with a variable angle is typically utilized.

We measure each material's coefficient of friction and apply the results to real-
world scenarios. The experiment focuses on the force of friction acting on various
materials at rest (static friction) and in motion (kinetic friction) placed on an
inclined plane (set at an angle).

By utilizing a variety of materials, we can see how they behave under various
conditions and identify which ones work best in systems where frictional forces are
an important factor.

The Following materials were identified and used in the experiment.

1. Brass: Brass was distinguished by its reddish-brown hue.

2. Aluminum: Aluminum displayed a shimmering silver-white sheen.

3. Stainless Steel: The steel material had the ability to exhibit either a silver
luster or a red-orange tint when affected by rust.

4. Nylon: Nylon was easily recognized by its off-white tone.


• Set up the digital weight balance and measure the weight of each of the 4
material blocks available.

• Convert the readings into Newton.

• Set the angle of the apparatus to be 10˚.

• Place your first material (nylon) on the plane, attach a string with the nylon
block and pass it over the pulley and suspend the weight hanger from the
other side of the string.

• Now gradually increase the weight in increments

• Keeps adding the weights until the plate starts to slide.

• Note the value of the weight required to slide the plate and note the weight
as P.

• Now use this formula to find coefficient of kinetic friction:

µk = tan 𝜃
𝑤 cos 𝜃

• Repeat the steps above for the remaining three materials.

• Change the angle on Apparatus to 20 and then to 30. Perform the above
steps for these angles too.
• Record the values of coefficient of friction of each material at the three
different angles in a table.

Readings and Calculations

Sample calculation for Nylon (10˚ angle):

µk = tan 𝜃
𝑤 cos 𝜃

µk = tan 10
0.627 cos 10

µk = 0.379

Results and Conclusions

• In We determined the various coefficients of kinetic friction for each of the

materials that were provided, also found ways that surface roughness and
material mass influenced each material's coefficient of friction.

• We understand how different materials can be employed in industrial

processes for certain reasons because we understand friction and how it
relates to other materials.

• The experiment's faults can be attributed to equipment malfunctions such as

uneven surfaces and bumps.

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