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Respect to Myself


Respect :menghormati

Includes :termasuk

Dignity :harga diri

Worship :memuja

Obey :mematuhi

Educate :mendidik

Strengthen :memperkuat

Regularly :secara teratur

Proper :sesuai

Hygine :kebersihan

Through :melalui

Behaviour :perilaku

Q and A

1. What does “respect to my self” mean?

Respect for myself includes caring for my soul, mind, body and dignity.

2. How do you care your soul?

I care for my soul by worshipping Allah, obeying his commands and abstaining

from sin.

3. How do you care your mind?

I care for my mind by educating it and strengthening it through deep thought.

4. How do you care your body?

I care for my body by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, getting proper

and maintaining personal hygiene.

5. What does dignity mean to you? A worthy to be respected and struggled.

He does everything with.

6. How do you care your dignity?

I care for my dignity through good behavior/behaviour.


1. Identify some gerunds used in the text! Make a list!

2. Analyze what are their each functions in the sentences!

3. Make some gerunds with the vocabulary you find in the text!

No Gerund functions example

1. being noun modifier He has created me a human being

2. behaving Object of preposition Allah commands me to respect myself by behaving respectfully

3. keeping Object of preposition Allah commands me to keeping my soul

4. abstaining Object of preposition Allah commands me to pure by abstaining from sin

5. caring Object of preposition Allah commands me to caring for my body

6. educating Object of preposition Allah commands me to educating my mind

7. developing Object of preposition Allah commands me to developing my talents

8. using Object of preposition Allah commands me to using my time

9. protecting Object of preposition Allah commands me to protecting myself from harm

10. worshipping Object of preposition I care for my soul by worshipping Allah

11. obeying Object of preposition I care for my soul by obeying Allah

12. abstaining Object of preposition I care for my soul Bay abstaining from sin

13. educating Object of preposition I care for my mind by educating it

14. strengthening Object of preposition I care for my mind by strengthening it through deep thought

15. eating Object of preposition I care for my body by eating healthy foods

16. exercising Object of preposition I care for my body by exercising regularly

17. getting Object of preposition I care for my body by getting proper rest

18. maintaining Object of preposition I care for my body by maintaining personal hygiene

Make Your Own Gerund Phrase!

No. Gerund Phrase Makna Head Object of Gerund

1. Reading enriches the mind. Membaca memperkaya reading enriches the mind.

2. Seeing is believing. Kalau sudah melihat baru seeing is believing


3. Smoking is a bad habit. Merokok adalah suatu smoking is a bad habit.

kebiasaan yang buruk.

4. They like smoking. Mereka suka merokok. smoking They like

5. Her hobby is reading. Kegemarannya adalah reading Her hobby is


6. He is always fond of talking. Dia selalu suka berbicara. talking He is always fond of
7. Swimming is good for our Berenang baik untuk swimming is good for our
Health. kesehatan kita. Health.

8. Swimming is a healthy sport. Berenang adalah gerak swimming is a healthy sport.

badan yang menyehatkan.

9. Reading is my hobby. Membaca adalah hobi saya. reading is my hobby.

10. Smoking is not good for health. Merokok tidak baik untuk smoking is not good for
kesehatan. health.

11. Resting is important for health. Istirahat adalah perlu untuk resting is important for
kesehatan. health

12. Sleeping is necessary to health. Tidur adalah perlu untuk sleeping is necessary to
kesehatan. health.

13. Gambling is a bad habit. Berjudi itu kebiasaan yang gambling is a bad habit.

14. Drinking affects the liver. Minum minuman keras drinking affects the liver.
merusak hati.

15. Swearing does not prove Menyumpahi tidak swearing does not prove
anything. membuktikan apapun. anything.

16. Smoking makes me happy. Merokok membuatku smoking makes me happy.


17. Teaching is a noble profession. Mengajar itu pekerjaan yang teaching is a noble
mulia. profession.

18. Dancing was very common in Berdansa sangat lazim di dancing was very common in
the royal courts. istana raja. the royal courts.

19. His singing charmed everyone. Nyanyiannya singing charmed everyone.

mempesonakan semua

20 Bringing up children is not an Mendidik anak-anak bukan bringing up children is not an

easy job. pekerjaan mudah. easy job.

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