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In addition to introducing the topic under
discussion, you demonstrate your style to the reader
in this part. Be as clear as possible with terms and
do not exaggerate with creativity.
The literature review presents works that are
integral to your research paper. Here you will state
the importance of other's findings and how they've
influenced your own research. Importantly, be sure
to mention any research gaps you'll be looking into.
There are plenty of methods you can use to
investigate a research problem. The methodology
used is crucial for any branch of science because a
reliable method produces credible results and creates
a good image of the writer in the readers' eyes.
This is, indeed, what you are writing your research
for. Your own findings are more valuable than the
analysis of previous findings, their contradictions,
and sO On.

Include scholars who have written on your topic a lot
and whom you trust. Their ideas could be a
background for your work.
If you are able to write a perfectly detailed outline
of your social science research paper, this is a
valuable talent. Try to summarize your thoughts in
an intelligent and clear way.
In most cases, this issue concerns using the APA
style for citing references.
You use them only if there is a need, or there are
requirements from the professor.

Depending on what you are writing will depend highly on the type of writing thot you use. For exomple, when writing
an essay, you might write ina persuasive tone but when writing a story you would likely use narrative writing. The four
main different types of writing are as follows:
" Persuaasive
" Descriptive


This type writing is used when telling a story, it As its name may suggest. persuasive writing is used os
doesn't matter whether the story is fictionol or based a way of convincing the audience of something. this
on fact, narrative writing will still be used. It is thought could be an idea, an opinion or anything else. This type
that this type of writing is one of the hardest to master of writing will include the author's personal opinion on
but when done corectly, makes for very easy reading. the topic ond will be used to sway the audience
Narrative writing requires the author to be able to get towards that. When writing in this style, the author
the audience to enter the story through the use of shoukd have a good knowledge oTthe opposing opinion
words. in order to build a case agginst it You might see this
Narrative writing usually has a series of charocters and type of writing in an essay or a cover letter.
is often written in first person naration which is where
the story is narrated from the point of view of one
"I am sending youa copy of my CV in order to apply
for the managerial position which you advertised in
person, although it can be done with more. The
the local newspaper. You will find that I have
narrative text will aiso always feature o beginning.
middle, ond end.
exceptional abilities when it comes to this type of
role and my past xperience will further
"Silhouetted against a golden moon, which grew demonstrate this.
larger each moment, was a big, oddly lop-sided In my previous post, I sucessfully managed a teom
reature, which was coming in Harry's direction. He of twenty people whose etforts under my guidance,
stood very still and watched it sink lower. For a brought the company into new financial heights.
moment, he hesitated with his hand on the latch of Iam capable and willing to expand my knowledge
the window, deciding whether he should slam it through training and appied learning. Ithink you
shut, but the strange creature soared over a will find that there is no-one more qualified for this
streetlight of Privet Drive, and then Harry, who had position than me."
realised what it was, jumped aside.
(A cover letter handed to a prospective
(Harry Potter and the prisoner of employer
Azkaban -)K Rowling)


This is a style of writing which is used for explaining Descriptive writing is a style which atlows the author to
something to the reader. Expository writing is quite describe something, this could be a person, a place, on
often found in textbooks and is always based around object, or o situation. The language in a descriptive
facts and information. The personal opinions or piece of writing will appeal to the senses with the
feelings of the author should not be referenced in this writer detoiling how things look, smell, sound, etc.
style of writing. You might also see this type of writing You will often find this type of writing in a story but it
in recipe books, newspaper articles, or editorial work. con also be seen in things such os poetry or journal
"As Boris Johnson returns to his post next week in
Downing Street he is going to have to make o
"H was a grey and cold day at the end of November.
series of ditficult decisions that are set to define his The weather seemed to have changed overnight,
premiership as well as the future of the nation. with a bacing wind which brought a sky like
t has been less than three weeks since he left granite and a miserty rain too. Although it was only
intensive care at ST Thomas' hospital and the Prime just after two in the afternoon, it seemed that the
Minister will need to decide how and when to ease pallor a the winter evening hod already closed upon
the restrictions of lockdown that were imposed by the hills, covering them in mist."
him over a month ago."
(Daphne Du Marier's Jamaica Inn)
(A British newspoper)

Alternatives for 25 overused

words in writing
1. Interesting- note wothy: thought-provoking: fascinating; attracting:
appealing. attention-grabbing. captivating. gripping: invigorating; engrossing:
engaging: electrifying.
2. Beautiful- striking. stunning: magnificent, lovely; charming: gorgeous; radiant:
3. Good- acceptable., wonderful., exceptional. positive, brilliant, first-rate, notable:
stellar; favorable; superb; marvellous. prime.
4. Bad- awful, lousy:. poor: unacceptable: crummy; readful, rough; inferior.
substandard, atrocious, applling: dreadful, defective.
5. Look- glance; fixate; observe; stare: gaze, peer, scan; watch; study: browse,
eye; glimpse, review, inspect.
6. Nice- lovely; superior, pleasant satisfying; delightful; likeable, agreeable;
correct, adequate; swell, fair, okay: approved.
7. Very- extremely: exceedingly: exceptionally: immensely: tremendously:
abundantly, particularly: remarkably.
8. Fine- satisfactory; worthy; respectable, exquisite, suitable, well;,imposing.
decent, admirable: praise-worthy: decent
9. Happy- cheerful; delighted;, pleased: content; amused; thrilled: elated; thrilled;
ecstatic:; on cloud 9

10. Really- genuinely, truly; honestly; actually: undoubtedly; certainly;

remarkably, incredibly: downright; unquestionably; extremely.
11. Sad- miserable: gloomy: devastated; down at heard, distraught, distressed
dispirited, sorrowful, downcast, feeling blue, desolate.
12. Big- massive, huge: giant, gigantic; enormous; large; colossal; immense,
bulky: tremendous; hefty; sizable; extensive: great; substantial.

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