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Journal of Food
Engineering 88 (2008) 499–506

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Grinding characteristics and batter quality of rice in different wet grinding


Pankaj Sharma a,b,1, A. Chakkaravarthi a, Vasudeva Singh c, R. Subramanian a,*

a Department of Food Engineering, Central Food Technological Research Institute,

Cheluvamba Mansion, Mysore, Karnataka 570 020, India

b Centre for Food Technology, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474 011,

c Department of Grain Science and Technology, Central Food Technological Research

Institute, Cheluvamba Mansion, Mysore, Karnataka 570 020, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Grinding characteristics

of raw and parboiled rice were evaluated in various wet grinding

Received 13 November 2007 namely, mixer grinder,

stone grinder and colloid mill. The duration of grinding had inverse
effect on

Received in revised form 29 February 2008 the particle size and

direct impact on the starch damage as well as energy consumption in batch grinders.

Accepted 10 March 2008

Stone grinder was the
least energy efficient and specific energy consumption for grinding raw

Available online 16 March 2008

(160.6 kJ/kg) was nearly

twice as that of mixer grinder (74.9 kJ/kg). Parboiled rice required longer dura-

tion of grinding compared

to raw rice, consequently specific energy consumption was higher (#220 kJ/


kg). All the three

classical laws of grinding (Kick’s, Rittinger’s and Bond’s) seemed to be applicable

Apparent viscosity

Rittinger’s law showed

better suitability than the other two followed by Bond’s law. Predominant com-

Average particle size

Bond’s work index pressive forces involved in

stone grinder reflected in higher starch damage in batter which was also evi-

Damaged starch dent in the micrographs.

Parboiled rice slurry exhibited much greater viscosity than raw rice but both

Kick’s constant displayed non-Newtonian

pseudoplastic behaviour.

Rice batter
# 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Rittinger’s constant

Scanning electron microscopy

Specific energy consumption

Wet grinding

1. Introduction
information in this area is confined to 1940–1960 and a few re-

search papers have been published in the last decade. However,

Wet grinding is a critical step in the preparation of batter based

excellent equipment for dry grinding are being designed and

traditional food products. It involves both physical and chemical

installed. It is difficult to determine the minimum energy required
changes while dry grinding is a mere size reduction operation. In
for a given size reduction process but with the help of theories such

wet grinding of cereals, the protein matrix holding the starch gran-
as Kick’s, Rittinger’s, and Bond’s laws, it has become possible to

ules is destroyed, releasing the starch granules from the protein

understand the grinding characteristics. But, unfortunately there

network (Kent and Evers, 1994). Desikachar et al. (1960) reported

is no single law, which predicts the performance of various mate-

that the flour presoaking method could be an alternative, however,

rials during grinding (Chakkaravarthi et al., 1993). While some

wet grinding still remains as the practical method of batter prepa-

attempts have been made to improve the understanding on dry

ration for snack foods such as idli and dosa.

grinding, practically no such effort has been made towards wet

Solanki (2003) has reviewed the developments that had taken

grinding of food materials.

place in the wet grinding implements in the country. There were

Cereal batter industry could be developed as successfully as

significant attempts made at improving the existing types of wet

that of wheat flour mills considering its vast potential. In a recent

grinders and development of new types suitable for the domestic

study from this laboratory, it was shown that the colloid mill has a

kitchen. However, much effort is needed towards developing sys-

potential for industrial adoption for batter production after com-

tems for large scale operation owing to the steady increase in mar-
parative evaluation of its performance with domestic wet grinding

ket demand for ready-to-use batter.

systems (Solanki et al., 2005). Attempts were also made to under-

Grinding is an energy intensive process and therefore, there is a

stand the higher energy requirement in the case of wet grinding of

need to look for avenues to save energy. Most of the published

parboiled rice which revealed that slurry viscosity could be a major

factor (Jagtap et al., 2008 ).

In the present study, three different wet grinding systems,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 821 251 3910; fax: +91 821 251 7233.

namely, mixer grinder, stone grinder and colloid mill were evalu-
E-mail address: (R. Subramanian).

1 Present address: M/s Hindustan Unilever Research Centre, 64, Main

Road, ated in terms of particle size, starch damage, apparent

Whitefield, Bangalore 560 066, India.

specific energy consumption and applicability of grinding laws

0260-8774/$ - see front matter # 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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500 P. Sharma et al. / Journal of

Food Engineering 88 (2008) 499–506


CV coefficient of variation
K constant

d particle size dimension (m)

Kk Kick’s constant (kJ/kg)

d1 initial particle dimension (m)

KR Rittinger’s constant (kJ/kg m)

d2 final particle dimension (m)

n constant

E specific energy consumption (kJ/kg)

Wi Bond’s work index (kJ/kg)

while achieving a reference particle size. The study would be useful

2.3.3. Mixer grinder

in the design of wet grinding systems for cereal batter production

A pre-determined quantity of water was added intermittently

in terms of quality of batter and utilization of energy.

(for smooth operation of the grinder) by stopping the grinder.

The corresponding final temperatures of the batter were 32–

2. Materials and methods

33 #C and 34–35 #C for raw and parboiled rice, respectively.
2.1. Materials
2.3.4. Colloid mill

A pre-determined quantity of water was continuously added

Paddy (IR-64 belonging to indica variety) was procured from

during grinding. Required particle size was obtained by adjusting

the Agriculture Produce Marketing Corporation, Mysore, India

the gap between the rotor and stationary member in the grinding

and stored at room temperature. Paddy was parboiled by soaking

zone. In the case of raw rice attempts were also made using ice as a

in hot water (78–80 #C) overnight, decanting the excess water

partial replacement of water that also served as a coolant.

and steaming the soaked grains at atmospheric pressure for

20 min in an autoclave and drying at 25–30 #C for 48 h under shade

2.4. Grinding energy

(Bhattacharya and Swamy, 1967). Raw and parboiled rice were ob-

tained by shelling and polishing of the raw and parboiled paddy

Size reduction is quantified by comparing the new surface area

using a rice miller (M/s McGill mill, Houston, USA). Degree of pol-
generated to the energy consumed for generating that area. Math-

ishing was maintained between 6% and 8%.

ematically, it is expressed as

Laboratory grade high-viscosity carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC)

oE n

was purchased from M/s Loba Chemie Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, India.
od ¼ K ðdÞ ð1Þ

where oE is the differential energy required to produce a change, od,

2.2. Wet grinding systems

in a particle of typical size dimension, d, and K and n are constants

(Earle, 1996). Kick, Rittinger and Bond assumed the value of n as #1,

The following three wet grinding systems were used in the

#2, and #3/2, respectively, and derived the following expressions:

study: (1) a mixer grinder – slimline model, 0.5 L capacity,

500 W, 18,000 RPM; M/s Chhaya Industries, India; (2) a stone grin-

E ¼ K k ln ð2Þ

der – tabletop model fitted with three cylindrical roller stones, 2 L


capacity, 500 W, 960 RPM; M/s Gandhimathi Appliances Ltd., Kan-

E ¼ KR # 1 # 1 # ð3Þ

cheepuram, India; (3) a colloid mill (pilot scale unit) – vertical type
d1 d2


s sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

fitted with a pair of corundum stones of 150 mm diameter, model

" #100 # #100 ##

MMS/O-Eco, 3750 W, 2800 RPM; M/s Fryma, Rheinfelden,

E ¼ Wi # ð4Þ

d2 d1


These laws of grinding were analyzed for their applicability to

2.3. Grinding techniques

batch wet grinders.

2.3.1. Optimization of rice to water ratio

2.5. Energy assessment

Rice samples were soaked for 4 h in tap water at room temper-

ature before grinding. The moisture content of raw and parboiled
The energy consumption during grinding in mixer and stone

rice increased from #10–11% to 37.4% and 62.9% (d.b.), respec-

grinders was measured with an energy meter. In the case of colloid

tively after soaking. Preliminary runs were conducted in all the

mill, it was measured using powerline supervisor instrument

three wet grinding systems to optimize the rice to water ratio to

(model SPVR–96, M/s Maharashtra Electric Corporation, Mumbai,

get the desired consistency and particle size. Accordingly, rice (as
India) driven by Powermaster software.

is basis) to water (addition including water absorbed during soak-

The energy consumed during wet grinding operation was ex-

ing) ratio was maintained as 1:1.10 and 1:1.75 (by weight), for raw
pressed as

and parboiled rice, respectively in all the systems. For every exper-

imental run, 500 g of rice was used in stone grinder and colloid
Input electrical energy ðkJÞ

E ¼ ð5Þ

mill, while 200 g of rice was used in mixer grinder.

Weight of rice ðkgÞ

2.3.2. Stone grinder

2.6. Particle size analysis

A pre-determined quantity of water based on preliminary runs

was added gradually during grinding. The water added transports

Particle size analysis of wet ground batter was carried out by

the solid particles through the grinding zone in the form of free
successive sieving (Solanki et al., 2005) starting from large to small

flowing slurry and facilitate smooth grinding. The temperature

sieves (18-24-44-60-80-100-150-240 B.S.S) with 850, 710, 355,

did not show any significant rise during the grinding operation of
250, 180, 150, 105 and 63 lm openings, respectively. The weight

both raw and parboiled rice and remained at #28 #C (room

fractions were obtained from the ratio of individual fractions to

the total sum of the fractions. The final average particle size was
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P. Sharma et al. / Journal

of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 499–506

determined graphically by plotting cumulative weight fractions

3. Results and discussion

versus sieve size and selecting a notional sieve size, which allows

80% of the ground material to pass through it (McCabe and Smith,

3.1. Size reduction


Average particle size (620 lm) of a market sample (ready-to-

2.7. Determination of starch damage

use idli/dosa batter) determined after successive sieve analysis

was taken as the reference particle size for assessing the perfor-

The damaged starch granules undergo amylase hydrolysis rap-

mance of various wet grinders.

idly compared to intact starch granules that resist the amylase

hydrolysis. Starch damage in raw and parboiled rice batter was

3.1.1. Stone grinder

estimated from their freeze dried samples generally according to

The duration of grinding had a direct influence on the size

AACC method 76-30A (AACC, 1999). This method is recommended

reduction during the batch operation in stone grinder; longer the

for milled products of wheat (flour and semolina), and was adopted
duration, finer was the particle size. Raw rice took 360 s to achieve

with slight modifications for determination of starch damage in

a particle size closer to the reference size while parboiled rice re-

rice samples (Solanki et al., 2005). Freeze dried samples were used
quired a longer duration of 480 s to achieve similar reduction

in the analyses after ascertaining that the differences in starch

(590 and 625 lm, respectively) (Fig. 1; Tables 1 and 2). Viscosity

damage values between the freeze dried and fresh samples were
of the slurry increased as the grinding progressed and this increase

within the acceptable range.

was much higher in parboiled rice compared to raw rice (Jagtap
et al., 2008). Flow of batter in the batch grinding systems affects

2.8. Microscopic structure of ground particles

the effective exposure of particles to the grinding zone and thereby

the duration of grinding. Longer grinding duration required for par-

Photomicrographs of the freeze dried wet ground samples were

boiled rice could be attributed to its greater slurry viscosity affect-

obtained using a scanning electron microscope (model: Leo 435 VP,

ing its flow in the grinding system.

M/s Leo Electron Microscopy, UK) for microscopic structure

3.1.2. Mixer grinder

Particle size reduction in mixer grinder showed a similar trend

2.9. Viscosity
as that of stone grinder. However, mixer grinder took much shorter

duration compared to the stone grinder, only 60 and 150 s to

Measurements were carried out at room temperature (#28 #C)

achieve similar reduction in raw and parboiled rice (610 and

using disc spindle measuring system in a synchro-electric viscom-

635 lm, respectively) closer to the reference particle size (Fig. 1;

eter (model DV-II+RV viscometer, series 21,723, M/s Brookfield

Tables 1 and 2). The differences in grinding time to achieve the ref-

Engineering Laboratories Inc., Stoughton, USA) within 2 h of grind-

erence particle size between the two different grinders could be

ing to avoid the influence of fermentation in batter samples. The

instrument measures torque and speed which are then converted

Table 1

in to viscosity based on the geometry of the measuring device

Grinding characteristics of raw rice in batch grinders

using the built-in software. Measurements were carried out

generally with spindle No. 3 and spindle No. 4 was used when
Description E d2 KK KR Wi

the viscosity exceeded the measurement range of spindle No. 3.

Grinding time (s) (kJ/kg) (lm) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg m) (kJ/kg)

The measurement ranges of spindle 3 and 4 were 1000–10,000

Stone grinder

and 2000–20,000 cP, respectively for a corresponding speed range

240 107.3 660 72.8 91,855 16.7

360 160.6 590 101.3 119,137 22.5

of 10–100 RPM. Viscosity at different shear rates were obtained by

480 214.6 470 118.4 120,510 24.7

varying the spindle speed (10, 20, 50 and 100 RPM) while single
600 267.8 290 116.7 86,371 21.1

viscosity values reported were measured at 50 RPM. The measure-

CV of work indices 20.6 17.1 15.8

ments were carried out for whole batter of raw and parboiled rice
Mixer grinder

as well as for a finer fraction (through of 100 mesh fraction) of par-

60 74.9 610 48.2 57,951 10.8

boiled rice batter.

75 99.9 600 63.7 75,714 14.2

90 115.0 550 69.5 78,194 15.2

Rice slurries at various required concentrations from raw and

105 140.0 475 77.7 79,657 16.3

parboiled rice were prepared from their whole batter along with
CV of work indices 19.2 13.8 16.6

aqueous dispersion of CMC as a suspending medium. The concen-

tration of CMC was adjusted uniformly to 1% in all the samples ex-

cept for higher slurry concentrations (30% and 35%) of parboiled

rice samples which did not require the suspending medium. The
Table 2

slurry concentration was expressed in terms of percent dry solids

Grinding characteristics of parboiled rice in batch grinders

after taking in to account the moisture content of the batter. In

Description E d2 KK KR Wi

measurements with CMC, the influence of suspending medium is

Grinding time (s) (kJ/kg) (lm) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg m) (kJ/kg)
compensated as follows (Jagtap et al., 2008 ):
Stone grinder

Slurry viscosity ¼ Measured viscosity

360 165.6 710 118.3 156,046 27.7

480 221.0 625 144.7 176,440 32.7

# Viscosity of 1% CMC solutionð190 mPasÞ

600 275.8 525 162.0 177,049 34.9

720 331.2 490 187.0 195,560 39.5

CV of work indices 18.9 9.2 14.5

All the experimental runs were carried out in duplicate and the

Mixer grinder

values were within ±3%. The mean values are reported. In the case
120 155.0 900 133.2 202,883 33.3

of batch grinders, coefficient of variation (CV, standard deviation

135 194.9 645 130.3 162,023 29.7

expressed as a percentage of the mean) was determined for both

150 220.0 635 145.5 179,182 33.0

raw and parboiled rice to assess the applicability of different grind-

165 239.9 600 153.0 181,849 34.2

CV of work indices 7.6 9.2 6.0

ing laws.

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502 P. Sharma et al. / Journal of

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Reference particle (


( 600


20 m



c 400





10 S


0 120 240 360

480 600 720 840

Grinding time

Fig. 1. Influence of grinding time on average particle size and starch damage in
batch grinders. stone grinder – raw rice (particle size); mixer grinder –

raw rice (particle size); stone grinder – parboiled rice (particle size);
mixer grinder – parboiled rice (particle size); stone grinder – raw rice

(starch damage); mixer grinder – raw rice (starch damage); stone

grinder – parboiled rice (starch damage); mixer grinder – parboiled rice

(starch damage).

attributed to the actual grinding forces involved in the mixer grin- –

intermediate grinding (Fellows, 2000). In the present study, all

der (shearing and cutting) and stone grinder (predominantly com-

the three laws were in general found to be applicable to wet grind-

pression and less of shear) and probably the higher speed of the
ing. However, Rittinger’s law showed better suitability than the

mixer grinder and the loading ratio (actual load to the rated load)
other two, followed by Bond’s law. The variations among the coef-

employed during grinding.

ficients of all the three laws of grinding were lower for mixer grin-

der compared to stone grinder indicating their better applicability

3.1.3. Colloid mill

for the mixer grinder for both raw as well as parboiled rice. Simi-

Particle size of the ground material in the colloid mill depends

larly, the analysis showed better applicability of these laws to par-

on the gap between the rotating and stationary members in the

boiled rice than raw rice in both the systems (Tables 1 and 2). The

grinding zone as well as the number of passes employed. Raw rice

equations for Rittinger’s and Bond’s law were originally developed

was susceptible to gelatinization because of the enormous heat

from the studies on dry grinding of hard materials such as coal and

generated in the grinding zone during grinding with narrow gap

limestone (Fellows, 2000). It can be inferred from the results that

setting while parboiled rice did not pose such a problem owing
there is a scope to develop a unified model for wet grinding of

to their higher gelatinization temperature (Ali and Bhattacharya,


1980). Accordingly, the gap in the grinding chamber was increased

Specific energy consumption for grinding raw rice in the stone

while grinding raw rice. The results revealed that raw rice could be
grinder (160.6 kJ/kg) was nearly double compared to the mixer

ground to a greater extent (495 lm) compared to parboiled rice

grinder (74.9 kJ/kg) for achieving the same extent of size reduction.

(730 lm). Besides, raw rice took lesser duration (21 s) compared
In the case of parboiled rice, there was not much difference in spe-

to parboiled rice (51 s) which could be attributed to their influence

cific energy consumption for achieving nearly the same extent of

on the flow within the system.

size reduction in the stone (221.0 kJ/kg) and mixer (220.0 kJ/kg)

In the subsequent run, an attempt was made to minimize the

grinders (Table 3). In the case of colloid mill, specific energy con-

gelatinization while grinding raw rice, by partially replacing the

sumption was sensitive to grinding medium besides the gap set-

water required for grinding with ice. There was not much differ-
ting in the grinding chamber having a consequential effect on the

ence in the extent of size reduction (495 and 520 lm, respectively)
size reduction. The specific energy consumption increased by

between water and ice-water as grinding medium. It was also no-

#1.57 fold with partial replacement of water with ice as a grinding

ticed that water addition assisted the flow in the system in a better
medium owing to the fact that the flow of batter within the system

manner resulting in reduced grinding duration (21 s) compared to

was not as easier as with water leading to longer duration to

ice-water addition (41 s). As expected ice addition dissipated the

localized heat generated in the grinding zone owing to its latent

heat. The batter temperature measured at the grinder outlet was

Table 3

only 18 #C while it was 30 #C with mere water addition. The results

Grinding characteristics of raw and parboiled rice in different wet grinding
systems at

indicated that the required fineness in batter could be achieved by

optimized grinding conditions

adjusting the gap in the grinding chamber and the temperature rise

Description Grinding E d2 KK KR Wi Starch

could be controlled by employing ice-water as the grinding med-

time (s) (kJ/kg) (lm) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kgm) (kJ/kg) damage (%)

ium, which might however increase the grinding duration owing

Raw rice

to the hindered flow of batter within the system.

Stone grinder 360 160.6 590 101.3 119,137 22.5 5.9

Mixer grinder 60 74.9 610 48.2 57,951 10.8 4.0

3.2. Energy assessment and suitability of grinding laws

Colloid mill 21 100.8 495 57.2 60,252 12.1 2.6

Parboiled rice

All the three classical laws proposed for dry grinding gave
Stone grinder 480 221.0 625 144.7 176,440 32.7 30.6

reasonably good results based on the type of grinding: Kick’s law

Mixer grinder 150 220.0 635 145.5 179,182 33.0 27.1

Colloid mill 51 223.2 730 162.6 218,259 38.4 22.6

– coarse grinding; Rittinger’s law – fine grinding; and Bond’s law

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achieve a similar extent of size reduction. Generally parboiled rice

mill are mainly shear imparting systems. Compression along with

required greater energy compared to raw rice (Jagtap et al., 2008 )

shear forces imparted greater damage as compared to shear forces

in all the three systems (Tables 1–3). The specific energy consump-
alone. Probably, the highest starch damage in raw as well as par-

tion for grinding parboiled rice increased by #1.38, 2.94 and 2.21
boiled rice obtained in the stone grinder could be the reason for

fold compared to raw rice in stone grinder, mixer grinder and col-
its preference for the preparation of idli and dosa.

loid mill, respectively.

3.4. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

3.3. Starch damage

Micrographs revealed that both physical as well as chemical

The starch damage in dry grinding is generally higher as in the

changes had taken place during wet grinding of raw and parboiled

case of raw rice and black gram; however, it was lower in the case
rice (Figs. 2 and 3). In the case of raw rice, the starch granules ap-

of parboiled rice compared to wet grinding (Solanki et al., 2005). In

peared as separate discrete bundles and semi-crystalline in nature

raw rice batter, the starch damage was lower in the range of 2.6–
at a lower resolution (Fig. 2) and the protein-starch matrices were

5.9% whereas it was much higher in the parboiled rice batter in

surrounded by the fibrous cellulose cell walls. However, in par-

the range of 22.6–30.6% (Table 3). These starch damage values ob-
boiled rice, the semi-crystalline nature of starch granules was lar-

tained with IR-64 variety were higher compared to MTU-1000

gely lost, appearing merely as small and big lumps (Fig. 2), owing

variety used in our earlier work (Solanki et al., 2005).

to gelatinization and retrogradation and probably the effects of

In the case of parboiled rice, starch damage measured could be

subsequent wet grinding operation.

an artifact since it may not be only due to grinding effect but also
The presence of fibrous material in all the samples examined at

due to parboiling. However, the extent of starch damage owing to

a higher resolution showed that they are not starch alone but

the hydrothermal treatment during parboiling would not be great-

whole batters containing starch, protein and other cellulosic cell

er than the minimum value (6.6%) reported for dry grinding of par-
wall materials (Fig. 3). The micrographs of batter prepared from

boiled rice (Solanki et al., 2005) and any further increase observed
different wet grinding systems indicated the effects of forces in-
could be reasonably attributed to the effect of wet grinding. Earlier,
volved (Fig. 3). In the case of stone ground batter, larger disruption

it was believed that the hardness of parboiled rice is responsible

in the protein matrix was observed signifying greater damage to

for the longer duration of wet grinding, eventually leading to its

protein-starch network (Fig. 3A) owing to the predominant com-

greater starch damage (Solanki et al., 2005). Subsequent studies

pressive forces involved in grinding, eventually resulting in higher

showed the probable role of slurry viscosity on the duration of

starch damage (Table 3 and Fig. 1). However, in shear imparting

grinding (Jagtap et al., 2008 ). The greater starch damage in par-

systems starch granules of raw rice were well separated from each

boiled rice during wet grinding could be attributed to its greater

other (Fig. 3B and C) owing to multiform disruption caused by

susceptibility to undergo damage owing to its softness (lower

shearing and cutting forces unlike compressive forces acting on a

hardness) after soaking as well as to the longer duration of grind-

single plane as in the case of stone grinder. Similar effect was not

ing due to its greater slurry viscosity.

clearly seen in parboiled rice as the starch granules were clumped

In batch grinders, starch damage and extent of size reduction

owing to the pretreatment received during parboiling.

were complementary to each other; greater the size reduction,

greater was the starch damage in both raw as well as parboiled rice
3.5. Viscosity

(Fig. 1; Tables 1 and 2). In our earlier investigation, analysis of var-

ious size fractions obtained after sieving revealed that finer the
Viscosity of batter during wet grinding has an influence on the

particle size the greater was the starch damage both in dry and
power required for the movement/circulation of batter within the

wet grinding operations (Solanki et al., 2005). The starch damage

batch grinders (Jagtap et al., 2008 ). The viscosity of batter is likely

was higher in stone grinder followed by mixer grinder and colloid

to change at various levels of processing (Fellows, 2000) during

mill for both raw as well as parboiled rice under standardized con-
snack food preparation such as fermentation, mixing and spread-

ditions (Fig. 1 and Table 3). These results indicated the probable
ing as well as cooking. The apparent viscosity of wet ground raw
role of the type of forces involved in the individual wet grinding
and parboiled rice batter obtained from different wet grinding sys-

systems. In stone grinder, the grinding action is due to more of

tems under standardized conditions at various solids concentra-

compression and less of shearing while mixer grinder and colloid

tions are presented in Fig. 4. The viscosity of parboiled rice slurry

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of raw

and parboiled rice (mixer grinder).

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504 P. Sharma et al. / Journal

of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 499–506

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of raw and parboiled

rice obtained from different wet grinding systems.

was higher at all concentrations than raw rice and the difference in
ment with our earlier study carried out with raw and parboiled

their viscosity increased with increase in concentration irrespec-

rice batter (through of 140 mesh) obtained from the mixer grinder.

tive of the grinding system employed. These results are in agree-

The starch granules that had undergone gelatinization due to the

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Engineering 88 (2008) 499–506 505



P 600

c 400


0 5 10 15
20 25 30

Concentration (%)

Fig. 4. Apparent viscosity of raw and parboiled rice batter obtained

from different wet grinding systems under standardized conditions
(measurement speed 50 RPM).

stone grinder – raw rice; mixer grinder – raw rice; colloid mill –
raw rice; stone grinder – parboiled rice; mixer grinder –

parboiled rice; colloid mill – parboiled rice.

hydrothermal treatment of parboiling and retrogradation during pared in

the mixer grinder displayed shear thinning behaviour

subsequent drying contributed to the greater viscosity in parboiled

(decreasing viscosity with an increasing shear rate) at all concen-
rice slurry and also to its progressive increase at higher concentra- trations
measured between 10% and 30% (Fig. 5). This type of flow

tions (Jagtap et al., 2008 ). Although the average particle size was is also
known as non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behaviour. The par-

closer to the reference particle size in all the batters used in this ticle
size of flour strongly influenced the viscosity, probably the

study, the actual viscosity values varied with various wet grinding finer
flours, due to their greater surface area per unit weight,

systems (Fig. 4). This suggested the type of forces involved in a par- underwent
easier and greater swelling in water compared to coar-

ticular grinding system as well as the temperature rise experienced ser flours
and hence showed greater viscosity (Sandhya Rani and

by the batter during grinding could play a role in its viscosity.

Bhattacharya, 1989). Therefore, studies were also carried out with

However, a detailed study may be necessary for better a specific

size fraction of parboiled rice batter for appropriate char-

acterization. The minus 100 mesh fraction (#150 lm) of parboiled

Considering the importance of flow behaviour of batter, viscos- rice

showed a similar non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behaviour

ity measurements were made at various shear rates (10, 20, 50 and (Fig. 6)
as that of the whole batter. But the viscosity values were

100 RPM). The whole batter of raw as well as parboiled rice pre- much
higher than the corresponding whole batter of parboiled rice



P 1200


c 800


0 20 40 60
80 100

Spindle speed

Fig. 5. Pseudoplastic behaviour of raw and parboiled rice batter (mixer grinder).
raw rice – concentration 10%; raw rice – concentration 20%;

raw rice – concentration 30%; parboiled rice – concentration 10%; parboiled

rice – concentration 20%; parboiled rice – concentration 30%.

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506 P. Sharma et al. / Journal of

Food Engineering 88 (2008) 499–506



P 2000


0 20 40
60 80 100

speed (RPM)

Fig. 6. Pseudoplastic behaviour of parboiled rice batter (mixer grinder;

#100 mesh fraction). 5% dry solids; 10% dry solids; 15% dry

20% dry solids; 25% dry solids.

which could be attributed to the size difference; finer the particle


greater is the viscosity, owing to its greater swelling in water.

S.G. Jayaprakashan helped in conducting the experiments in

4. Conclusions
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graphs in SEM and B. Manohar helped in viscosity measurements.

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